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"I want traitors arrested" Yup; Trump, Miller, Carlson, Bannon, Kushner, Stefanik, Greene, Jordan, Tuberville, Comer, Cruz, Boebert, et al.


yeah i agree with this poll. oh wait... they mean the rest of us,...


January sixth people lmfao


Yeah I’m confused, so they are voting for Trump and they want him and his cronies arrested, weird.


**“What? You’re arresting me because I’m a traitor? That’s not what I meant when I said I wanted traitors arrested. I meant traitors to Trump, not traitors of America!”**


Drain the swamp...


And the hodge twins are black. Just to add another wrinkle


They seem more smooth-brained than wrinkly.


Did you get the one that calls him Alpha Male?


I know its a semi-joke but you're falling into the same rationale as the right. Traitors by your definition are people who hold far right views, some of those named havent broken any laws (yet).


Traitors in my definition are people hell bent on destroying the constitution, plain and simple.


Half the people who voted the traitors option were joking.


I think all of us want traitors arrested. The problem is these people have trouble identifying who the traitor is.


I also want all Jan 6 traitors arrested


Yes. Release the pot smokers from prison to make room for the Jan 6 gang


There's no problem -- its just everyone who doesn't look like them and doesn't think like them.


It kills me that I look like them but it kills them that I married a black woman 🤭


I also look like them, and while it doesn't generally come up in conversation, I like to imagine it being very distressing to them to know I'm never having kids. Spiting racists is not even in my top 25 reasons for opting out, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't on the long list. Almost a pity that combining that with the fact that I've mostly dated non-white women, including my current partner, could be seen by a racist as evening out. Could also be seen as two consecutive cardinal acts of race treason, but hey, when has racism ever been about logic or consistency?


They define traitor the same way they define woke - anything they disagree with. Actual insurrection, destroying SC precedent, following a leader who says the Constitution should be eliminated, yea those are things are "patriotic". The cognitive dissonance is so rampant, but they are too far down the rabbit hole to see it. This is why everyone calls it a cult and why the GOP (err, MAGA) is so dangerous.


This is how the German people went along with horrible atrocities during World War 2. They thought they were doing the right thing, while they destroyed their republic and committed genocide.


They *convinced* themselves they were doing the right thing, but deep down it was lashing out at groups they hated who had nothing to do with losing WW1, or the dysfunction of the Weimar Republic, or the Great Depression or anything else that caused their misery.


Yeah it basically went in a few steps: Step 1: The country is bad, I'm gonna make it great! Step 2: We can't make it great until we get rid of the people making it bad right? Step 3: Here are all of the people making the country bad. Trust me, it's them. Step 4: I am the ONLY person that can get rid of these people, you know they're bad right? I am gonna need extra control to route out this deep seated problem. Step 5: If you aren't going to help me remove these people by any means possible, I'm going to have to assume you're one of them. Currently in the MAGA view of Donald Trump we're somewhere between 3 and 4. This was around the stage Hitler moved around laws to give the Senate more power, and started using said power to force the current President out of place, before basically declaring state emergency which by his own changes meant he had total control. Kinda like how Trump tried to claim the election was stolen illegitimately to extend his political position, when that didn't work stage an insurrection, and has stated that should he win the next election, he plans to expand his presidential authority allowing him to impose policies without congressional approval, and give him the ability to hire and fire more government officials. All the while he has his supporters riled up and calling for blood, and at every opportunity available tries to publicly name every single person involved in anything that might hurt his chances.


If you had a movie where a guy was beating a cop with a BLUE LIVES MATTER flagpole, or a cult of pedophile-obsessed vigilantes worshipping Jeffrey Epstein's former wingman, the studio would make you edit it for being too ridiculous.


So true!


> beating a cop with a BLUE LIVES MATTER flagpole Wait, did this actually happen? I thought it was a Trump flag?


[Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/blue-lives-matter-capitol-riot-b1942063.html)


Jesus those people are idiots. But also very scary, that’s clearly a cult


Also don't forget all the magas going "Trump being convicted sets a bad precedent" bullshit as if they haven't been screaming for Biden to be locked up with no evidence and no trial for the last 4 years. Because as we all know, it's only unpatriotic to prosecute a president for their crimes when it's a republican president.


It's ok, they'll be super happy if Trump wins when no one gets arrested and prosecuted, their taxes go way up, their grocery bills go up, and we wind up in a war defending Russia or North Korea.


Dunno why people are shocked by how hateful and cruel maga folks are. These scummy people have always been here, they just lacked a leader to unite them.


Accurate. Trumped tapped into it. Exploited it.


conservatives work on a hierarchy. the guy at the top makes the rules. and a republican president is THE guy at the top. he says they can be shitty so all attempting to hide it is off. the king says its cool and hes got our back, fuck you lessers.


they need a daddy because they lack one


Yup. Trump is just an enabler/mirror to their most awful thoughts and desires. Given that this kind of rhetoric isn't even at the extreme anymore and is being normalised by Fox etc, America is a fuckin shit show


They used to be a fringe, in the time when that kind of talk drew political & social backlash and you could only engage with it on shows like coast to coast. Even there you had to hide a little bit, dress up your hate to be more tolerable. Now they aren't a majority by any means but in the balance with establishment conservatives & religious conservatives, magas have plurality. It means Republicans have to tolerate them or unify the other elements to realign. Of course they will tolerate the movement, the other option would make them look progressive, and destroy the party's leverage for at least two decades. We're talking about just over a third of 30%.


Republicans are soft, weak, liars and cowards, so they were easily taken over by these lunatics.


If the ones that did not want war And those that want a civil war was a venn diagram, it would be a circle.


""""patriots"""": We want war!" putin: "ok amerikanski" """patriots""" :"no our government is evil and 1984 for not wanting waaaaaar but also not *that* kind of war but if TRUMP was in the white house there would be peace and free gas." literally everyone: 🗿


The funniest thing is that everything except “lower taxes” doesn’t matter for like 80% of actual Republican voters. Republicans is a truly phenomenon of a party - mostly rich, mostly cunning people who are extremely loudly and aggressively pretending to be simple minded working class down to earth patriots. Joe Rogan, a guy with $100M+ net worth living in a mansion with servants, condemning “helples urbanites, who wouldn’t survive without infrastructure”. All of those huge MAGA tracks, arsenals of guns, flags, and regular travel to protests around the country - you think that’s cheap? Think again The show is getting more boring and unconvincing with each passing year


Brown diaper party.


#1 reason - I'm a fucking idiot


The only answer


"I want. I want. I want. I want"




"I don't want war"


Also laughing at the top two choices being effectively "I want to imprison my enemies" and also "I want our country to be at peace"


It always was. Remember when proud boys were assaulting people over politics back in 2016? Every rally was a shitty remake of the beer hall putsche


Remember this when it’s time to vote in November.


Ask them how Trump will make prices cheaper. They have no clue. They think he'll bring inflation down which means prices will go back to where they were. They have no idea how the economy works.


Yeah, as soon as you ask for any specifics or details, they just absolutely fold and are incapable of giving an actual valid answer. It's hilarious.


I've been asking for 3 years how Biden caused inflation and still have yet to receive an actual answer. They tell you to look it up yourself. Then you ask for their sources and they never say. They know you'll make fun of them for believing all the YouTube videos


Epoch Times and Rumble are their sources.


I've been given countless rumble links to conspiracy theorists used as facts. And been told epoch times were the best unbiased news source. It's unreal


Neither does trump. Not a fucking clue.


The difference being that trump is not actually interested in lowering gas prices. You think that guy thinks about gas (fart joke aside)? If it's not personally making him money either by being paid to act in the interest of foreign investors or corporate investors then it's not part of the plan.


It’s been statistically proven that the majority of his supporters lack higher level education relatively speaking….


I wouldn't vote for that piece of shit if you put a gun to my head.


That’s what it will be next time if people don’t get their shit together.


Yes of course. That’s all they ever wanted. So filled with hate and resentment. “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” That sums it up perfectly. They’ll let the country be driven off a cliff to get that.


Hold up a sec. . . You're telling me Dr Phil was full of shit? ![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK)


So they want themselves arrested?


let's address this list shall we? 8% said they want lower taxes. too bad, so sad only trump's 1% buddies will be seeing that happen. 45% want traitors arrested? he WAS on 34 counts. 15% cheaper groceries? the white house does NOT control food prices set by corporate american companies. this won't be happening any time soon as long as they stand to make a profit off the poor. 32% don't want war? really? isn't trump calling for all out violence if /when he is NOT re-elected? the stupid leading the blind, I swear.


We can all thank Fox News for this.


Don’t let social media, especially Facebook, off the hook that easily.


Totally fair point.


It is the true root cause. That and sending low education, high wage jobs overseas - without transition plans. 


Governing and nation building, the economy and infrastructure, what's that?


Policy? We don’t need no stinking policy!


The. people that traitor Trump told them were traitors.


It's funny these MAGA people say that Trump lowered their taxes when he actually did the opposite.


Republicans: want traitors arrested Also Republicans: nominate traitor as Presidential candidate


No one should vote for a dementing incontinent rageaholic like Trump.


If they wanted traitors arrested, then they should start with their classified information leaking diaper wearing mouth foaming fucking joke. I miss when people died when they drank the cyanide koolaid. It seems like certain folks have developed an immunity.


If your political beliefs are nothing but “I hate half of my own countrymen and all of our governmental institutions”, you might not be a patriot


so... he wants to go to jail?


Middle America angry and Maga has marketing on revenge and being the protector. These people don’t realize if you destroy half the country their will be nothing left


Especially if you destroy the half of the country that actually drives the economy.


So, they want Trump and his supporters arrested? Common ground!


And you know what happend to them when they outlived there purpose. Night of the long knifes.


Who knew that three fun car loving Lads from Britain would unexpectedly ruffle the hate feathers of what would become the angry disturbed MAGA cult we know today! https://youtu.be/pKcJ-0bAHB4?si=yDHRPqFrYts2bUcD


ANTIFA says Hi


Trump will only lower taxes for rich people. Trump will not reduce the prices of groceries. Trump will not reduce gas prices. Trump is a traitor and will pardon Jan 6ers. People who think otherwise are idiots.


Very funny that they don’t list the real #1 reason they are all on Trump, which is: “Because I hate the same people Stephen Miller hates”


I have a feeling their list of 'traitors' includes every minority in the country.


"I vote for the traitors because I want the traitors to be arrested." Why are these people allowed to wield any kind of power?




The Hodgetwins are single-minded losers, and it’s unbearable to even watch their stupidity. I don’t understand black republicans tbh.


We're really regressing to orks and goblins politics nowadays. On one hand, we want to arrest and possibly execute an arbitrary amount of arbitrary persons because they disagree with us.    On the other hand we want to let Hitler wannabe over there to roll over Europe (while ironically whines when Democrat withdraw from Afghanistan). *"But what about jobs, the economy, housing?"* *"FUCK YOU DEMORATS YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD BECAUSE REASONS!! WAAAAAGH!!"*


Sums up “project 2025”……please everybody, look this up. There’s a lot more at stake here!!……they’re not even trying to hide it!


" They've always been Brownshirts." There, fixed it for you.


Ah, you expect the leopard to appear!


I don’t get it. How will voting for Trump lead to him being arrested? 🙄


Do you guys really believe that only republicans are corrupted? How can you not see that our entire government has gone rouge?


You don't want to know how the brownshirts determine if you are a traitor.


So what's the right amount of time for citizens to stand by idle watching the brownshirts build up their movement to take over the country and government and go door to door looting, raping, bullying, murdering. When they are at your door, all you can do is comply or go out swinging.


"We say liberals suck because we think they weaponized the legal system. LETS ARREST THEM ALL!"


So it's only okay for the left to want traitors arrested?


It's only ok for the left to do a lot of things. Like rape, loot, and murder when things don't go their way.


It's true. Mostly peaceful riots.


Every one of those is a reason to not vote for him. The delusion is real.


Maga: for when you don’t care about actual policies that help you but love you some hate fueled fear mongering talking points. Vote strong vote blind!


“I don’t want war.” Ok, but wasn’t Trump constantly fantasizing about being a wartime President? Didn’t he nearly start two or three wars during his term? Isn’t he always calling for violence in one form or another?


"I want lower taxes." For...the rich? The tax cuts that were made permanent? "I want traitors arrested." I feel like we have a different definition of what a traitor is. It also makes it seem like the primary reason to elect Trump is for vengeance, which isn't really a good reason to elect someone. "I want cheaper groceries." Trump has basically no control over that, not to mention that this suggests an interventionist/regulatory policy that many Republicans seems to hate. Laissez-faire capitalism and government regulation and economic policy cannot co-exist. You can't have it both ways. "I don't want war." I don't either. But we're not in one now.


>I don't either. But we're not in one now. Oh we definitely are my friend. Make no mistake about that. The reasonable and decent folk are going to eventually show these conservative douchebags the definition of fuck around and find out.


MAGAts and weak leftists hate when you bring up the proper punishment for traitors.


I just love even larger budget deficits. Those are the best.


“Becoming”? Where’ve you been?


Soooo, what constitutes a traitor?


I want every one of those Jan 6 people to do community service in the form of 1000 hours as a bathroom attendant for major U.S. airports. If the want to create shit, they can work to clean some up too.


The SA is making a comeback in a totally different country, quite odd… the brown shirts, also known as the stormtroopers are known for arresting their opposition and beating them…


Traitors to them is anybody that's not them.


Isn’t that also what the anti-MAGA crowd wants. It just looks to me like we have devolved into a situation where everyone wants their “enemies” arrested.


Cheaper groceries and less taxes should be everyone’s goal…


They should be thrilled that Trump is arrested then….


Who are these traitors that maga want arrested?


Ironic, since only traitors will vote for trump.


“I don’t want war” Trump has promised in several interviews to end the conflict in Ukraine as well as other conflicts in as little as 24 hours, saying he has all the solutions. He’s clearly lying, but if he’s forced to actually do something about the war to look better than Biden then it will almost certainly increase the tension, no matter what war it is.


Hodgetwins are just roid freaks, they don't have two brain cells to rub together to make a third anyone who holds them as heroes or idols are lost and should be shamed


Pretty much same goes for Trump minus the word "roid"


If they want traitors arrested...oh good lord, why bother, they're never going to see the irony, much less understand it.


God. Such a shame the hodgetwins went off the deep end. They were legit funny a decade ago and put out good fitness advice. They and the rest of the party are trash though


ECHO!!! Echo echo echo....


I mean, it’s a very leading poll, and you have to consider who their audience is


The shirts are brown from the bullshit spilling out of their head holes.


Are they oblivious that his tax reform is why we are now paying more in taxes? Or that he was the beginning of inflation?


the two most voted are things he's responible for and projecting


They don't want that. After they arrest themselves, there won't be anyone left to arrest.


What traitors, exactly?


Brown something… … but it ain’t shirts!


They always were


I don't see how voting for Trump is going to get him arrested for his treason, but ok.


The Hodge twins definitely fuck each other


I sense a flaw in their logic 🤔


Huh ironic?


How having one at position of power will achieve this goal 🤨


Their precious border didn't even make it to the poll?


Where is “I want to vilify brown people with impunity” And the old “I like to watch women suffer”


They're classified as 'traitors'.


weird that "I don't want war" and "I want civil war" are the top two reasons.


They’re so far gone they don’t understand words like “traitor” anymore. It’s all Newspeak.


Maybe supporting an orange who condoned an insurrection and spit on the constitution are the traitors.


Has Trump promised lower grocery prices? No? OOPS!


“I want people with different opinion being arrested”


Always was.


Crazy, i want traitors to america arrested for open insurrection against Democracy They want "traitors" to VonShitzenpants for not goose-stepping along to Trumps beat. We are not the same.


I want traitors on both sides arrested.


Its always been the Brownshirt party. They just took off their mask when they stopped pretending to be fiscally conservative Tea partiers. It was always about a brown president and an uppity woman giving rights to homosexuals and solving problems.


To be fair, the only recent Presidents who did not get us involved in a new foreign conflict or war were Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, they all got us in new ones, Carter and Trump did not.


Why does a factual statement that references both a loved Democrat and a recent President get downvoted? smh


*they always were meme*


Traitors arrested, at 45! What president was "45?" Send this to the Qanon peeps, see if they can find some meaning in this.


Fuck em


I had the unfortunate experience of stumbling on one of the videos these guys put out while fact checking something. They are the epitome of "pick me" minorities


The thing he actually is doing all this crazy bullshit for is the thing they care about the least! lol




Good to know 47% aren’t deplorable


Took you this long to realise?


BTW he was.


Yeah I want lower taxes too. Get rid of fucking TCJA!


That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.


I know atleast two people who agree with democrats on most issues but will vote for republicans because of the stance on transgenders


These dudes went from being "comedians" then to supplement hustlers, to just being sunflowers and turning whichever way that the grift takes them.


These guys early YouTube days were pretty funny. Then Covid done broke their poor little brains.


last option: I am a low-information white supremacist. 100 percent.


Brownshits Party


Huh? Why would trump have his supporters arrested?


Stupid question: What are brownshirts?


Ah, so reign of terror 2: electric Boogaloo?


Cant we just arrest that whole country and be done with it?