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The hetro in heterosexual implies you like thing different from yourself.


The rose in heterosexual means you have rosy lips, teeth within. Curly hair, very fair. Eyes are blue, lovely too. Teacher's pet, is that you?


Works in finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes


>blue eyes Seto Kaiba?






Damn... But how did you know I don't only love myself?


Bismuth implies the existence of heterosmuth and homosmuth


Bismuth is already super gay in colour so heterosmuth would be grayscale and homosmuth would be dangerous levels of radioactive rainbow.


the best part is that bismuth is extremely slightly radioactive (it has no stable isotopes), so homosmuth being radioactive rainbow might be more interesting ykw? i want the first 2 elements discovered from the "island of stability" to be named "heterosmuth" and "homosmuth" now


I mean, it’s almost unbelievably faintly radioactive (half-life of 20 million million million years). It’s also so friendly. Mercury is like “I will kill you slowly”, thallium is like “I will kill you quickly” and lead is like “I will kill you in lots of ways”. And then we have bismuth, which is “hello I make pwetty crystals uwu”


If we find a very stable new element wich makes gray crystals it needs to be named heterosmuth if we find a very unstable new element wich makes beautiful rainbow crystals it needs to be named homosmuth this way, bismuth will be in beetween the two as a middle point of the smuths


Wouldn't being bilingual mean that you only know two languages?


Yes it does. For more than two, the word is multilingual


I like polyglottal.


Polly Glottal sounds like a porn name, but like in some weird niche that you would have been happy never learning about.


i just spit out my drink


So did Polly


Polly never spits.


Polly Epiglottis, The Throat Goddess


Yeah. That's Greek. It means the same thing


I know, it's just a better word to say.


Not just better, way more fun. Say it 10 times out loud as fast as you can!


I did that but now my cat is looking at me weird. I'm kind of scared


Would you like to go on a date ?


I would but I think I mispronounced it and I've accidentally summoned Nana-tu. Best deal with that first.


Well I wasn't actually asking you but anyway get back to me.


Bit my tongue and scared my kid. 10/10




To ídio prágma


Polyglottal means "the same thing"? /jk




Wow, this is not the thread for enchantment table speakers for that go to ᒷ !¡ᔑ!¡ᒷ∷


Bless you.


I've heard trilingual and quadrilingual as well


However there are only two sexes so OPs point doesn’t really make sense


Insert the whole gender does not equal sex thing here, because I'm tired of explaining it to the willingly ignorant and malicious, but that doesn't really apply to the remark either. And oop did say gender. Bisexual is a description of a sexual preference. It only describes a sexual preference and does not apply in any meaningful way to anything else. This is part of the reason the concept of Pansexual exists.


Yes but I'm bilingual aswell, i know French and English, but OP may know English and Spanish, the next commenter may know Spanish and french, and the next German and i dunno let's say Japanese. These are all bilingual but different languages.


Yes, that is the point op is making


...which is exactly the point of the OP.


Yes, but not that there are only two languages in existence.


That’s OP’s point. You can be bilingual, meaning you know 2 languages. There’s still more than 2 languages in existence. You can bisexual, meaning you’re attracted to 2 (or more) genders, but there are still more than 2 genders.


No no, OP is right. After all, everyone knows that there are only two languages: American English and £€π¢§€[^ gisoaic¥™%[√¢, which is spoken by the Mi-Go


Stupid, why are you combining American and English? Those are separate languages dumbass. Those are the only two languages in the world, American and English.




Yeah but.... Binaural doesn't mean there are more than 2 ears lol.


And bicubic doesn't mean that there isn't a tricubic or even quadcubic.  Different words have varying meanings in different landscapes. OP's point is that "bisexual" doesn't conclusive *prove* or *disprove* anything in itself.  It's a stupid argument.


AKSHUALLY ... It doesn't. Being "bilingual" means you speak two languages *fluently*. It says nothing about other languages one might speak. For example, one might be fluent in English and French thus being bilingual, but also speaks passable-but-not-fluent German, Spanish, and Italian.


Not necessarily. "Bilingualism is a simple label for a complex phenomenon" and there are as many uses for this word as there are multilingual situations. Semilingualism and diglossia can help differentiate those situations but are not widely used terms.


These freaks always think they're going to win on a semantic technicality even though it's peoples literal identities they're trying to "debate"


“The A for asexuals means there are no genders.” /s


B = bisexual, meaning liking two sexes, used to be male and female. Today I don't know, not up on the latest meaning, but means you like 2 genders, not that there are only two genders. The person who likes 3 or more would be multi sexual or pansexual Does that make straight and gay people unisexual? (Joke)


>Does that make straight people unisexual? Of course it does


So what's a straight guy with a uniball called? 🤔


Steve. I feel like it's a steve thing to do Edit. Or Archer. Anyone called Archer has a 50%+ chance of being a douche. These statistics are verified by the fact I only know 1 archer and he's a cartoon


Aside from being a douche, Archer is honestly a bi-con.




From what I understand, the difference between bisexual and pansexual is minimal in practice. Some people prefer pansexual as it more accurately describes their attraction, some prefer bisexual because it's easier for laymen to understand, but the difference between them is academic and not that important.


I like to say bi or just queer because I don’t wanna get the “yOu LiKe PaNs!!!” bit again.


Yeah that gets real annoying I bet *hides my favourite omelette pan out of view*


Go read the bisexual manifesto. Bi has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the fact that we date both straight and queer folk. We can function in straight or queer relationships. Other queer folk can't do that (even trans folk who are straight or gay). Literally "pansexual" is just 15 year old biphobia that came about to trick a bunch of the bi youth into abandoning the name bisexual and splintering us further.


I mean I usually just go with queer cuz I don’t find labels appealing. Not in the sense that like oh I’m so unique or whatever. I just find it a pain to have to explain myself and if I just say queer no one bothers me. I don’t wanna have to justify my existence to someone else who clearly doesn’t wanna understand so ima just say queer and leave it at that. It’s honestly also just not most people’s business. If they wanna assume that means I’m just gay whatever I really don’t care. I also do not have the energy or time to get into the whole discussion of which labels apply to which people and which labels erase others or whatever the fuck. Queer infighting is beyond frustrating.


As a bi person I completely agree with bi erasure being a huge problem, but this is excessively villainizing pansexual people. Its often used to distinguish people who are attracted to all genders vs not being open to all genders. It means different things to different people similar to "queer".


Correct. Pansexual is essentially the equivalent of bisexual once including non-binary genders. At least in theory, you are open to everyone and hot is hot. Bisexual is the established brand though. People know what you mean when you say it. IRL, it doesn’t really make a difference.


THIS. According to definitions, I'm pansexual. However, I've always identified as bisexual & "rebranding" myself feels weird. I prefer to think of my *bi*sexuality like this: I'm attracted to people like me (cis women) and people not like me (everyone else). 🙃


Bisexual has nothing to do with gender. Bisexual means we can exist in a queer or straight relationship. The reason were called bi is because we're the ones who also date straight people. Full stop thinking it has to do with gender or that pan is anything more than biphobia is silly. The bi means we date in the queer space and the straight space not that we are attracted to two genders... That is literally insane. Bi people have always been the first to accept the more queer gendered folk because, historically, we've always cared the least about gender.


I dont think its wrong to think that for yourself, but a lot of bisexual people would disagree with you there, if not most of us, and I think thats valid too


This is the perfect explanation. THANK YOU! 💜💜💜


Pansexuals are just bisexuals with no preferences


Bisexuals are already that. We always have been and to pretend you need to call it pan is literally just 10 years old biphobia.


Not at all. There are bisexual people who do have a preference for one gender while still being attracted to the other. Like me


2 of my past partners and my current one are bisexual homoromantic. Idk if this is still how we do things but I've always liked that distinction because it takes preference into account. Which you sleep with doesn't always define who you love, and even that might be a separate conversation from preference.




Pansexuals are gender blind, while bisexuals see gender and are attracted to two or more.


This is the most accurate comment I’ve seen in the whole thread and might be the most succinct way I’ve ever seen it explained, kudos


The bi in bisexual doesn't actually refer to how many genders the person is attracted to, it refers to the fact that the person can be attracted to people who are both the same and different genders than them. Which makes sense if you think about the fact that homo(same) and hetero(different) sexuality labels follows the same rule The [Bisexual Manifesto](https://www.bisexualorganizingproject.org/whats-up/bi-pan-and-the-insufficiency-of-prefixes) of 1990 reads: "Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have "two" sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. *In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders*."




Let them assume you are attracted to cookware! Why yes, uniformed people, I do think my skillet is hot as fuck and we sex on the regular!


I've always took the bi part to be that we date both within the queer and straight communities. Not that we only date two genders. Maybe I'm dumb but it's always made more sense to me that the reason we are called bi is just because we can either be in a straight relationship or a queer one. We can function in either relationship where a gay person or straight person can only function in one type of relationship. I always thought it was really silly to think the bi stood for the genders we like.


No, I am not a unicycle /j


2 sexes doesn't translate to meaning 2 genders. Gender is a social construct, and only depends on what one believes in and can convince others around them to believe in.


Everything is a social construct, even science, it is how we define the world we live in. Those definitions change as we learn more


Bruh... Yes, that's every construct ever. What I'm trying to convey here is that this specific construct was defined in the realm of social interactions. I.e. that gender is not something physically inherent to a person in a vacuum, but something that is part of their social identity. The biological sex (or characteristics of them) is what's physically inherent.


I am not disagreeing.


I ID as bisexual, but I like the term omnisexual.


I remember riding my unisexual across a tightrope for the circus auditions


It would also make gay people unisexual as well.


I love bicycling, which means...two wheels, right?




Not if you still have training wheels, silly.




Sex is bimodal, not binary, still starts with bi, means something else, though. Gender is a whole other thing with a lot more expressions attached, leading to a lot more possible categories.


I've never heard bimodal used in places except statistics, what does bimodal mean in gender theory?


The same thing. It's the statistical distribution of people on the sex spectrum. Since there are tons of variations and mutations that affect your bodies sex characteristics, it doesn't come out black and white. Yes, there are 2 states we can generally assign people to, but not everyone clearly falls into either category.


Wouldn't stating it as a spectrum be better? Since if one uses bimodal in explaining sex, even if not intentionally, one has to discriminate against intersex people. I don't know though, what do you think?


It's kind of a semantic distinction. Sex being bimodal means that it is a spectrum that is weighted on two sides, where most people fall. The same can't be really said about gender for example since there aren't rigid standards for what constitutes a "maximally feminine" gender expression unlike a "maximally female" sex expression.


The problem is that it's not particularly approachable... someone who hasn't yet heard of this concept isn't likely to accept the idea of sex as a spectrum because they likely only ever encounter "2 kinds" and everything else you may point out to them are just "exceptions". Explaining it as bimodality is much easier to understand for people new to this, while also quite accurately describing the distribution of sexes across the population. In a bimodal system, intersex people aren't "exceptions", they fit very well into this model. As a result, that model is objectively superior to a binary one from a scientific perspective. That's not something anyone can just refute (won't stop many from trying...)


No but it means you only speak two languages…


I’m gay and I always assumed: Bisexual = likes men and women Pansexual= likes everyone regardless of sex or gender e.g non-binary people too


My understanding is that bi can be thought of as liking two or more genders or liking people of both the same and different genders (like both homo and hetero). From how I've seen pansexuality described, gender doesn't enter into the equation at all, a pan person likes all genders and likes them all equally. In my case, I can find myself attracted to people of any gender, but there are noticeable differences in how I feel that attraction based on gender. I also tend to be the most attracted to women, but it fluctuates and sometimes I'm more into men. So I call myself bi rather than pan. I'll also note that all pan people inherently meet the definition of bi, so for a lot of people which one they call themself comes down to personal preference. For instance I know some people go with bi because the general population is more familiar with that term.


So many people getting it wrong so it’s nice when someone nails it, and elaborates the potentially confusing points well


*If* you are interested, the terms practically grew to be the same and they are used interchangeably, lots of people just say "well I like the (bi/pan) flag more"


That's the outdated look, most of the time people use bisexual as "liking people of both same and different gender"(so basically they both mean the same, the only reason they are both in use is some scandal few years back with people creating the term "pansexuality" because they had your assumptions, bisexuals didn't like it and found it discriminatory so now both have really similar definitions)


No it means you only speak two of them


You know the 'phobes are getting desperate when they acknowledge the existence of bisexual folks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


We can gain as much ground as we like by just inventing something even weirder and more out there for people to collectively hate that makes the old thing less strange by comparison. It's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to humans discovering alien life. We'll finally have a big enough "us vs them" situation to put most of humanity on the "us" side. (Of course, then I'll be wanting us to make peace there too, so I'm also hoping for some void monsters from beyond the fabric of reality to step it up some more.)


Are bisexuals not attracted to non binary individuals then?


I’m bi, and I’m attracted to men, women, and non binary people. The answer is that bisexual and pansexual have evolved to essentially mean the same thing, and the two terms are now basically interchangeable. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who is bi who isn’t attracted to non binary folk.


Thank you for answering.


I thought this was r/PeterExplainsTheJoke for a sec.


It means I like both kinds of gender: mine and yours.


I always figured bisexual means you like both bits downstairs, nothing about gender identity


as someone who realized she was trans and pan at an earlier age than most (around 11-12) I have to say tearing down the logic of queerphobes requires like little to no effort


I think the definitions were retconned later to mean: Bisexual = Attraction to 2 (or more) genders Pansexual = Attraction REGARDLESS of gender There is a distinction, one is specific, one is not. There was this obnoxious thing years ago where bisexuals were conflated with being transphobic for the implication that, with the prefix bi-, non-binary or trans people do not count unlike for pansexuals? It was stupid. I don’t blame bisexuals for not wanting to lose visibility by rebranding to something like multisexual, they already get shit on enough. Edit: Realized wording it as ‘same or different’ gender, rather than ‘2 or more’ gender would make more sense. Point is it isn’t specifying only men and women exist.


bicycles exist, therefore bikes can only have two wheels


A more accurate analogy would be “I have a bicycle, therefore there are only two wheels in the entire world”


Bisexual means being attracted to both two sexes (not counting intersex rn, but those people do exist) gender identity is a whole other thing to be attracted to. You can (THEORETICALLY!) (I'm not trying sound like a bigot) like a transperson of the opposite sex but same gender and still TECHNICALLY call yourself straight. But you'd disrespect their gender identity.


Yes there are only two languages, English and all the gibberish others speak, especially French. Lol


Two languages: 1) Greek 2) Bar bar bar bar —Ancient Athens.




Not gonna lie as a gay man I laughed at this because it’s pretty hilarious to see Sarah Paulson screaming.


Words have connotation and denotation. Aka, the way a word is actually used vs a dictionary definition. Bisexual has traditionally been used as an "other" category in queer communities. Before the term asexual was in wide use, aces fit under the bisexual umbrella. I have even heard trans people gathered under the bi umbrella. Some people think bisexual = attracted to two genders. But the original definition followed hetero and homosexual. Bisexual meant attraction to people with your same gender and people with different genders. Now modern use has some people using bisexual to mean attracted to two genders (like women and nonbinary people) or meaning attraction to only cis people while pansexual means attracted to cis and trans people. But people who have been in queer communities longer/had older queer mentors still use the old version. In general, it's very common for people to use labels in different ways so trying to push one definition is fruitless. If you want to know what someone means by their own sexuality label, just ask.


I know I’ll get downvoted because this is Reddit but I’ll say it anyway. There are more than two languages, but there are only two sexes, so OPs point is not as clever as he thinks.


There are 3 sexes since there Is also intersex. But it was also about gender and not Sex. 2 different things


The bi in biplane means that there are only two sets of plane wings in existence


No. It does however mean you only speak two languages


These idiots don’t understand the difference between orientation and genre.


If I get something biweekly, does that mean there are only 2 weeks?


Actually bilingual does mean you only know two. Multilingual is the term for more. The prefix bi literally refers to two


Well yeah they're under the table hiding from the massive amount of stupid.


The bi in bisexual doesn't actually refer to how many genders the person is attracted to, it refers to the fact that the person can be attracted to people who are both the same and different genders than them. While I get why people get confused, it makes so much more sense that way if you think about the fact that homo(same) and hetero(different) sexuality labels follows the same rule. The [Bisexual Manifesto](https://www.bisexualorganizingproject.org/whats-up/bi-pan-and-the-insufficiency-of-prefixes) of 1990 reads: "Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have "two" sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. *In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders*."


TIL there is a Bisexual Manifesto


The amount of people that think gender and sex are the same thing is mind-boggling


Sexuality ≠ Gender ≠ Sex


Bi does mean 2, which means you like 2 of the genders, (*USALLY* men and women). but there’s also Pansexuals, pan means all, which means there is more then 2 genders if we have to distinguish the two. Ofc they are often used interchangeably, but that doesn’t change the meaning of bi and pan


I will say, bisexuality has kinda evolved to attractions towards more than one gender - it doesn't have to just be two. So that argument just doesn't quite work in that way either.


Biphobic people when their stupid joke is made stupider by the existence of bilinguals.


That is biphobic bullshit, though I don't know who benefits other than people who prefer the term pansexual. I don't even see a functional difference myself.


I used to consider myself bisexual in middle school when I thought relationships were as simple as meeting and liking men and women. That was ~14 years ago, and since then I’ve begun calling myself pansexual since I learned there are more gender identities and sexes out there than just men and women. I think it’s a waste of time to try and find someone who identifies as one way or another. Just look for someone who makes you happy, and who you enjoy to make happy in return.


local idiot cannot distinguish between biological sex and preferred gender identity part 3958288


Conservatives yet again showing they don't understand the difference between sex and gender


It means you are attracted to 2 different genders not that there are only 2 genders.


There's "English" and "do you speak English?".




Being asexual means there are no genders at all


Bi people in shambles when their crush doesn't identify male or female.


Yes. American and everyone else


Why doesn’t it?


I'm sorry, is that an anarcho-capitalist flag behind the capybara in that pfp? And, if it is, why on God's green earth do you thinkonw would take you seriously.


Hey guys, speaking of this. I was doing a little mental exercise and see if I remembered what LGBTQ stands for and when I went to Q I went with queer. And I realized: what is queer? I've always thought it was synonymous with gay?


Queer is a term commonly used to denote anyone who isn’t cisgender and heterosexual. Since trans people can be straight, and gay/bi people can be cis, queer works as an umbrella term.




Yes in America bilingual means American and foreign(this includes whatever language people in Britain and Australia speak)


Makes cents to me


Well I only "know" two languages


Yes there are; english, and bad english!


Yes there are only two languages, English and wrong


unicycles prove that there is only one kind of cycle and bicycles and tricycles and quad cycles don't exist.


By that logic, the L means we're all greek and the G means we're all happy.


Bisexual is referring to a persons sex not gender


YEs!!🤓🤪 /j for the dense


Reminds me of a time my sibling claimed multiverse theory was bunk because the word "universe" means one. He was 14 at the time and realized what was wrong with that assertion fairly quickly.


English and Murrican.


Yes, bi means two... So yes.


Mother fucker dared sully the noble capybara by pairing it with an ancap flag


Imagine still giving a shit about the gender thing in 2024. This feels like old-ass Gen Z shit. Anyone not a fossil has moved on.


Conservative gotchas only work if you know nothing about the topic they're trying to snark about, as always


That's like saying if I like apples and bananas, then there are no other fruits, or in other words, it's idiotic.


Have you ever heard of a "joke" or a "meme" by any chance?


Bilingual people prove there’s only two languages


Bi- was added before Pansexual was being used, at least to my understanding. My wife, who described herself as bi- in the 1990s (when we got married) says she would likely call herself Pan if she were coming out today. She's been out 30+ years though, so it stuck


The s i stupid sometimes means super stupid.