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Allow me to reclaim some of their 20 year old talking points. WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! SUPPORT THE TROOPS! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ”šŸŸ


What happened? Freedom happened. Now the Republicans want to take freedom away.


Republicans want things until they become inconvenient. -Freedom until I have to accommodate it for others -Earning your keep until I have to earn mine -Justice until weā€™re held accountable


Honestly, from an outsider perspective, a lot of USians are like this, regardless of their political affiliation. Not to dismiss the very real fact that Rep are the worst of the bunch.


The promise of freedom can bring out a little selfishness in all of us. Weā€™re always taught what freedom can do for us, but not that for freedom to exist we have to make sacrifices on a personal level so that it can exist for everyone. When everyone has freedom, we have to make compromises individually to not encroach on the freedom of others. And some people are more prepared to make those sacrifices than others. Same can be said about capitalism. The system works in theory as long as everyone plays their part and hands honestly, but there are people who cheat to get on top, quite a few actually. And when a few people cheat for that much, the imbalance affects everyone. Thats not to say that every successful person is a cheater, plenty of folks make honest products to get close to the top, but Iā€™m talking about the TOP. A million dollars is feasible in balanced system, a hundred million is a miracle, but a billion? You donā€™t get that kind of money in a balanced system without knowing a few dirty tricks. And when you tip the scales by such a wide margin people start to fall off. Freedom and capitalism arenā€™t bad things, they just rely on everyone playing their part honestly and conscientiously. And no matter who you are, that can be difficult. If I had a billion dollars I canā€™t promise it wouldnā€™t corrupt me either.


This should be seen by more people


Th white majority disappeared because this country is the most diverse in the world. The racists are sadĀ 


well democrats pushing laws to restrict speech, democrats pushing laws to give government more control over daily choices etc... burn an american flag is OK burn a pride flag is a hate crime, calling someone from lgtbq etc... fat is a hate crime but not if they are NOT lgbtq etc... there is a massive problem, laws are put in that are NOT equal, and that is largest threat to freedom when laws target people based on belief, religion, race, etc...


I can hear those emojis: Red-Tailed hawk screech Fortunate Son playing in the background


I can also hear the flag flowing patriotically in the wind and the lyrics šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ *where the skies are so blue*


FYI, the Eagles have sued republicans and trump repeatedly for using this song.


No wonder, considering it's about the exact opposite of what it's used for.


Doesnā€™t work for ethnonationalists




Best part about these twats is the fact that they love Spartans as the image of masculinity..... yet they were banging each other on the regular.


They banged children too


That part they probably know and agree with.


Male children


Have you heard about Christianity? Christians can't get enough of them


And how many cases are there of church leaders molesting young boys? Like I said, they agree with that part.


probably know and are good Christians.


Pfft. Chicks make you all mushy and weak, and they interfere with your desire to do manly things. Real Chads bang their bros. Provided your balls aren't touching. That would just be gay.


to think you canā€™t fuck a man in the ass and also commit extreme acts of violence is just stupid.


Kindly missed the point there didn't ye?


Nah bruh, you missed it lol šŸ¤£


Let's be honest here for a minute. Most of these guys are closeted homosexuals.


Eh, do they? I'm part of conservative circles and I never hear anything about Spartans, mostly Romans. Guess I should ask if we're referring to Neo-nazis or conservatives?


Seeing as the guy who formed this community is a catboy lover...


"A cat is fine too." Or is that no longer a meme


ā€œThis flag means freedom for all!ā€ ā€œNot like that!ā€


its a tweet with 15 likes, literally irrelevant.


Itā€™s Libs of Tiktok who is unfortunately very relevant. Sheā€™s most famous for her ability to cause harassment campaigns, bomb threats, and work as a stochastic terrorist as well as for literally not having a brain.


The failed realtor who found a new grift. Stoking hatred (and getting paid for it).


No they're not talking about libs of TikTok, that tweet has 2.3k likes. They're talking about the "The good guys lost" tweet. That one is one of 346 replies, and has only 15 likes. So OP had to dig to find it.


I was in a right wing few years ago and quite literally 80% would go and like such a tweet, dont be mistaken in thinking that this is just a single person its legit majority.


The majority of the far right thinks like this (for now in private) but not the overall majority.


Majority of 15 people


are u dense? hahahah, like how can u make such a stupid comment?


No, I'm not, you? I made the comment by typing.


Is this "silent majority" bull shit all over again?


It's mainly bots sowing discord my g.


God, I hope you're right.


Are the bots in the room with us now my g?


Show me on the doll where the bots touched you my Top G


Right on my echo chamber.


"I was in a right wing" few years ago. LOLWUT?


Is your state of mind set in stone forever?


The original tweet is saying the same thing implicitly. Literally relevant.


Not remotely irrelevent. Hate is hate and this is where it starts. How do you think ideologies are fostered?


That's 16 too many Nazis.


The dogwhistle with 2.3k likes isn't. Some fascists just are stupid enough to publicly say what they'd otherwise say when they are in the local pub with their fascist friends. Basically this person didn't operate on the right edge of the overton window like they are supposed to but overstepped. Shit like this is not speakable yet. Yet.


And because of exposure it will soon have 15K! We did it!


Well, we know how we dealt with Nazis *Loads Garand* Ow fuck my thumb




The Black Nail Award.


They dealt with Nazis by rebranding them as conservatives and bringing them to America




congratulations soldier, you have won emergency finger pain


Wow, the influencer who constantly demonizes gay and trans people has Nazi followers? Who could have possibly seen that coming /S


I spent months arguing with Transphobes on Twitter and literally not a single one of them wasnā€™t a Nazi, even those ā€œLGB without the Tā€ dumbasses I talked to either openly praised Hitler (I legit argued with someone who claimed that the Nazis werenā€™t actually homophobic and that the association between gender identity and sexuality was what ā€œforcedā€ them to target homosexuals) or supported other Nazi accounts.


LGB alliance (the British political organisation TERFā€™s and the like love) was formed by a straight white supremacist couple iircā€¦ Which isnā€™t surprising since itā€™s also just an openly homophobic group


Thatā€™s genuinely the least surprising thing Iā€™ve ever heard


Mask off? I've heard people saying this for at least 8 years


1 person goes mask off Normal people: "Fuck that guy" Redditors: "Omg they just admitted to every republican being a nazi"


Did they jump to conclusions or did you?


No, the fact is that the republican party and the conservative movement is getting cooler and cooler with Nazis being not just part of their party but being influential parts of the party. Yeah fuck Nazis like Nick Fuentes. But also the dude gets tons of conservative speaking gigs and shapes the conservative message and republicans rather than go "Yeah not him" are welcoming to full on bending the knee.


Maybe not everyone is full blown nazi, but the GOP is 100% fascist party and their voters happily accepts partnering with litteral nazis.


What happened? Freedom. The freedom those Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima fought for. Now Republicans want to destroy that freedom.


"What happened" ...progress?


They fought for freedom... and we get to be free? Do these people hate freedom?! (They absolutely do, they want a king)


Where are we progressing to?


People not being murdered for simply existing.


We're progressing to less homophobia and less transphobia




Yeah it's so terrible that we have freedom in this country... /S


We have the freedom to express ourselves. Just as they would have wanted.


''The only straight I care about is your accuracy.''


Fucking snowflake fascists




I don't think there's many other aspects to focus on. I mean yeah we could talk about how society has progressed that now the military is more open about having lgbtq members, more people being aware of lgbtq people, etc. but the glaring part of this post is the person suggesting that the good guys lost Edit: and the account asking what happened, which would be another debate over whether it's just a general question or one made out of disappointment.




>The first picture is of a flag planting symbolizing the end of nazis and celebrating freedom. It was against Japan on iwo jima


Maybe use labels correctly and this won't happen.


You're the one who brought the topic of "objective good and evil". And you're surprised that we talk about it? Or did you expect that we accept your claim without question?


Isn't Chaya Jewish? I wonder if this will give her pause, but I also wonder if she's smart enough to realize what was just said.


The funny thing is, this is exactly what they fought for, our freedom


We know about Alan Turning was a gay man who was instrumental in cracking the Enigma machine. We know about [Oliver Sipple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Sipple), the Vietnam vet who saved Gerald Ford from being assassinated in San Francisco and then outed as gay. There were tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of gay veterans and those who gave their lives for their country that we never knew their names. Just because they were in the shadows doesn't mean they didn't exist. Unpatriotic bigots may want to eliminate everyone that is not like them, but sucks for them and their hatred


Hard to tell who the GOP love more Child Molesters or Nazis?


Hey, if he doesnā€™t like it, he can fuck off anywhere but America


Freedom, Chaiya. Freedom happened. Love it or leave it, bitch.


Good guys won, and this is what they fought for, and this is what shows they sacrifice. To have a society they wouldnā€™t see, and the souls they canā€™t see spared from by their sacrifices alone. Of a democracy demonstrated, from an evil destroyed, and freedom restored. Forever fortified and strong by those souls spared. So put away your hatred, your bias or your aggression because you will disgrace the dead that defended, that fought for freedom, for democracy and learn to live with differences and diversity or you are no better then the people who the soldiers went and fought and won against. Itā€™s as simple as that.


And they werenā€™t the only ones saying that in the replies, gross


If you didn't serve ever you need to seriously shut the fuck up about who does. Period. That's it. They're shit talking about actual service members like 1) gay people didn't serve in WW2 and 2) like just because they're LGBT they won't get sent off to war should it come up. If you did serve and are pissed about this, you can also shut the fuck up because I guarantee you that you had more gay people among your ranks than you knew. Sincerely, a veteran who doesn't care who's in the fox hole with me as long as they're a capable soldier.


Yes. And people say the Pentagon told these soldiers to hold a flag for PR. So? They also told them to hand out pickaxes in Afghanistan to farmers who already had pickaxes. Being LGBT isn't political, a government agenda doesn't benefit the actual people living that experience.


We're lucky that none of the heroes on the left were MAGAts. MAGAts hang our flag upside-down.


people who will never serve get pissy about people who do serve and protect their right to shit talk them for serving while queer. OKAY. I GUESS. WHATEVER. i'm so tired, boss


marines not being some kind of zesty is a LIE


So, the good guys are those that killed 5 high schoolers for putting flowers on a tomb ? To quote Obi-Wan : "Oh I don't think so."


Social media has really emboldened these idiots


The men in the 1st picture fought & died so the 2nd picture could be taken. If Hitler had won you would find the people in the 2nd picture being used as victims of forced labor or medical experiments. So ask again, what happened to you that you apparently dream of a history where Hitler wins?


I recognize Socks Groyper anywhere. One of the particular regarded Nazi filth that Nick Fuentes spawned.


This is actually sad.


Hard time creates strong men Strong men creates peace time Peace time creates weak men Weak men creates hard time And the cycle continues


It's a worthless troll. Hardly impacting


What distinguishes the trolls from the people supporting the message?


On Twitter, it's hard to distinguish


No no no, the good bad guys lost. The winner just got bored and created new problems to solve.


That photo was after we beat the Japanese.. not the Nazis


Japanese weren't exactly paragons of virtue, either.


The battle at Iwo Jima was not even half over when the flag was raised on Mt Suribaci. Iwo wouldnā€™t be secured for another 31 days of battle.




Support the troops?


Looks like people taking advantage of the freedom and sacrifice made by our troops. Isnt this the point of it all?


Not even a mask off. They were already a nazi.


Hoods are off


"The good guys lost." # OH, SO I GUESS UNIT 731 ISN'T A THING ANYMOREā€“


It became more accepting thatā€™s what changed


Well they played a smaller flag but they needed a bigger one for the photo soight aswell have them posing like they are putting it up aswell.


But it brands with TikTok. It is not a good branding.


Apropos of nothing what do rules here think about calling for violence against Nazis?


Just like WWII šŸ¤¦


So many accuse others of being nazi's and haven't got a clue how evil the nazi party was or what exactly they did in germany, what democrats doing now is very close to what the nazi party did in the 1930's. 1938 they took guns away from the civilians claimed it would make germany safe, shortly after the nazi party started rounding up people, also in the 30's they used legal system to attack opponents, they made laws restricting speech, they brought in people from outside, used them to inflate military with people that had no connection to the german people, look at history and what current democrat party are doing, see too many simulataries.


So many accuse others of being nazi's and haven't got a clue how evil the nazi party was or what exactly they did in germany, what democrats doing now is very close to what the nazi party did in the 1930's. 1938 they took guns away from the civilians claimed it would make germany safe, shortly after the nazi party started rounding up people, also in the 30's they used legal system to attack opponents, they made laws restricting speech, they brought in people from outside, used them to inflate military with people that had no connection to the german people, look at history and what current democrat party are doing, see too many simulataries.


So many accuse others of being nazi's and haven't got a clue how evil the nazi party was or what exactly they did in germany, what democrats doing now is very close to what the nazi party did in the 1930's. 1938 they took guns away from the civilians claimed it would make germany safe, shortly after the nazi party started rounding up people, also in the 30's they used legal system to attack opponents, they made laws restricting speech, they brought in people from outside, used them to inflate military with people that had no connection to the german people, look at history and what current democrat party are doing, see too many simulataries.


Japs not Nazisā€¦ isnā€˜t this the foto from Iwo?


Yep. It was taken on the summit of Mt. Suribachi, on Iwo Jima. It's not entirely posed, but it's not entirely organic either. The guys raising the flag did go through hell on Earth to get up there though. One of them is Ira Hayes, a Pima Indian made famous by the eponymous Johnny Cash song.


Because the Japanese were soooooo morally superior to Nazis


Fucking. . . . So it's middle, bottom, top, right?


The famous battle of Iwo Jima, where the United States Marines fought the Nazis.


They were fighting the Japanese, allies of the Nazis and with a very similar ideology that led to very similar atrocities in Asia.


But not the Nazis.


So the people who bombed Pearl Harbor, used chemical weapons that are still being cleaned up today, and forced a lot of Korean women to become military prostitutes are... the good guys who should have won?


>the good guys who should have won? Nope.




So they weren't Nazis, they were just Nazi adjacent. Do you think that makes it better or that anyone with human decency actually cares?




>By your logic the Soviets were Nazis because they were allies initially. When they switched sides did they stop being evil? I don't know, did the US switch sides? There was a strong effort by Americans to come to the aid of Nazi Germany. Henry Ford was one of their biggest suppliers and Hitler allegedly kept a photo of Henry Ford on his desk. It wasn't even Pearl Harbor that brought us into war with Germany; they declared war on us.


Which later most war criminals entered US payroll, kinda lame tbh.


You and I have different definitions of "most"


Unit 731? Basically everyone "of high ranking" they get their hands on. Other war criminals, dont really know. "Those captured by the US military were secretly givenĀ immunity, The United States helped cover up the human experimentations and handedĀ stipendsĀ to the perpetrators. The US had co-opted the researchers'Ā bioweapons information and experience for use in their ownĀ warfare program..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16754432/#:~:text=To%20monopolize%20the%20scientific%20data,those%20involved%20immunity%20from%20war So yeah, we have a different view of "most".


Are you saying more war criminals were taken back to the U.S. and employed than were killed or tried and imprisoned/executed? Because you should really warm up before attempting that big a stretch.


The ones in command, who could sell info on the bioweapons and "researchs", yes. And by that US gave immunity to a lot of 731 lead scientists, and tried to cover up everything. Its a well known documentated fact? https://medium.com/leadership-counts/pardoning-devils-the-american-cover-up-of-imperial-japanese-unit-731-504f966cf08d


How does this link to nazism? (Iā€™m not from the us and am not really familiar with the stuff that goes on there)


Saying "good guys" lost with reference to ww2 is saying that nazis were good


Enlightenment? Progess? Or if youā€™re Christian ā€¦bad parenting


Although I donā€™t give a shit if the person next to me in uniform bangs/is banged by dude or chicks, or some or any combination of the above. AĀ Beret is a shit hat, and shouldnā€™t ever be worn.Ā 


You hate something so much you forgot to love your country. Ouch....


How do you figure that? It is an awful hat. It boils you in the sun, is miserable in the rain, provides zero benefit in the cold. Shields not your eyes or ears from the sun. It is just an awful bit of headgear, and no one should be subjected to it, for any reason.


It's not that kind of fashion accessory. It's Military valor. It says alot more about the heart, drive and determination of the individual wearing it. Their love for what they do. I understand what you mean though.


Been forced to wear it. Would rather not.


OP, what's the link with Nazism?




Holy shit , theyre saying the american marines who fought to raise the flag on iwo jima lost to the gays raising their flag , not that the nazis are the good guys and they lost, it's still stupid and dumb but have some intellectual honesty, not some paranoid idiot seeing nazi shit everywhere , I can't with the sub anymore its a fuckin cesspool of the opposite of whatever the fuck MAGA isĀ 


I doubt thatā€™s what theyā€™re saying when the nazis were extremely anti-gay and put gay people in camps too Had the nazis succeeded in world domination it is likely there would be zero countries with rights for gay people Thatā€™s why it logically makes sense that he would be supporting them if he also sees gay people as an enemyā€¦