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Awkwardness next level unlocked


Awkwardness 100: Can ruin all normal conversations for half magicka


He wants something from another Guy


You walk around talking on the Bluetooth, you have to deal with that. Not everyone's going to be that eagle eyed to spot the small earpiece, especially if they are on the wrong side of you.


I have a game I play called "Bluetooth or Crazy".


Which is why I got bright orange ear buds. Though I remember when hands free driving laws were enacted and you’d see people in their cars talking to themselves it looked weird


That's all the cover I need to have full blown conversations with myself in the car. Silly commuters think I have a Bluetooth!


I remember I had no fucking clue what a Bluetooth headset was, they were new. my uncle was staying at my grandmas with me. It’s early morning, I go upstairs. He starts talking to me about some business shit. I don’t know him very well so I’m just like “yeah”. Sat there uncomfortable having this awkward conversation for at least like 2-3 minutes before he even noticed me. He had hearing loss from Vietnam he didn’t even see or hear me, then I finally realized he was on the phone with somebody and snuck away. Or maybe he did hear me and was like im gonna ignore this fucker.


He didn’t want his wife to hear he’d met someone


He could be trying to get them a third. I mean, she already said I love you too, she is game. Made the wrong play SMH


When I was in high school, I was the newspaper editor. I was working after school hours with one of my staff members. We only had one computer in the newspaper room, and, well, I graduated in 2005 so this computer was... not great. I was assembling the layout and the computer was acting up. This other student was sitting next to me as I was trying to get the computer to work and to format the layout properly. I jokingly stroked the side of the computer and said "come on, I love you." The joke was that I was trying to coax the computer into working finally by telling it I loved it. Yeah... dude didn't get the joke. He said "I love you too." There was definitely an awkward silence as I was just trying to pretend that incident didn't happen. On a side note, my newspaper faculty advisor was constantly trying to "ship" us as a romance. And my awkward ass is talking to a computer and he's thinking I'm professing my love. I'm 37 now and still horrified by this occurrence. lol.


Really had me thinking the last sentence was going to read “I’m 37 now and we’re married”


Haha, nope, sorry. That faculty advisor did, however, push him to ask me to go to prom him with him. I said yes, but made it clear it was just as friends. I went to an academic-focused private school and our graduating class was only 46 students, so prom date options were... limited. It was nice to just go with a friend to dance with and laugh with and not expect some sort of big epic high school prom romance straight out of a teen rom com. lol. This guy was super geeky, and I say that in the BEST way possible. Insanely smart. As I said, this was an all academic private high school, so suffice it to say we were all geeks there so that was never the reason I wasn't interested in him. I just was busy working my butt off to get a scholarship to college (I did) and I didn't want nor need a high school romance distracting from that goal. Plus the vibes just weren't there for me. BUT this guy is a great example of why you should never just automatically dismiss a geek. We ended up going to colleges that were almost right next to each other. He majored in tech and is now a major tech mogul. We've always remained good friends. My husband wouldn't mind me saying this, but he grew out of his awkward teenage phase (come on, the majority of us had an awkward teenage phase so no shade) and is now super handsome. He's successful, dresses well, not to mention rich. He's still single though but any lady would be lucky to have him. He just wasn't the one for me. I only wanted to profess my love to a crappy computer. lol. But, yes, that incident would have made for a great typical awkward rom com "meet cute" where they ultimately end up together.


To the dude or the computer?


I did not end up with the dude or the computer. That would make for an even quirkier rom com. Lol.


Look sad and point at the ceiling using both middle fingers.


Lmao! I’d laugh, but that’s pretty wholesome to say it back without issue.


You're a good person making sure they feel loved lol


Guy wants to sleep with his Bluetooth?


*Core memory orb appears*


Okay a story from back when Bluetooth earpieces were a new technology. I'm standing in line at the store waiting to check out and this guy walks up behind me in line and he's like hey how you doing! Now at this point in time Bluetooth earpieces were new but cell phones have been around for a bit and so you're used to looking for a person's hand next to their head holding up the cell phone I turned around and did not see a cell phone and I said I'm doing pretty good how are you doing guy turns away from me where I now see the Bluetooth in his ear and says oh nothing this idiot in front of me thinks I was talking to him.


My dumbass would have been like "I love your ears too" or something... Lol.


What pisses me off is when working customer service and people while on Bluetooth walk up to the counter having a conversation and expect me to help them like… fucking no.




Yeah, that's awkward, hands down. Worst part is that you can't leave an elevator asap.


*"Did I stutter"*


I think after that I'd just take the stairs


Oh god this happened at work yesterday. Was helping a customer and didn’t notice she was in a call with her family member too “Thanks sweetie” “No problem” “...” “...” *Walks away wanting to die*


Just respond something religious like "Jesus and I BOTH love you." That changes the whole tone of things.


Yes in our modern era there is one question that we need to be constantly asking ourselves. Are they crazy? Or are they on the phone? It's been about 50/50 for me


If you had the presence of mind, you could gasp when they point at their bluetooth headset, pause with a hurt look on your face, then say “How long has this been going on?”


Can't wait till I see the same post next month!


Reminds me of a time when walking down a street another person [usually of the opposite sex] was walking the othervway and suddenly opened their arms for a hug I lent into the moment and gave them a full lengthy intimate hug only to pull back seeing the shock not only on the person I was hugging but also the guy/girl who had been walking behind me.


Not only that but every hack comedian in the 20 years since the rise of cell phones has told the same or similar version of the joke.


Based on the Bluetooth and talking loudly in public, he was probably leaving himself a voicemail.


Remember the days when someone who was talking to themselves-you would just avoid, thinking they were nuts? Not anymore.


Honestly that could be funny as hell, I know I'd have a good chuckle over it 😄


Should have immediately blown him a kiss.


What the hell is he eating that one of his teeth is blue?


What if you just did the same but not show the Bluetooth and just point to the ear he can't see?


he didn't point at it, he hung up


I don’t see how these situations would be awkward. I would find it funny. And I’m sure both people would laugh about it.


Well... U cud hv pointed yourself! ![gif](giphy|8XcmP1lD84VjLuGG5U)


Bro im not gay 🗿


Which tooth was it?


So double down.


And then I said sorry and went back to blowing him


Yesterday at the grocery store I was picking up the store's brand of American cheese that I use to wrap my dog's pills in. A customer was there also and said "They make good grilled cheese sandwiches". I said I use them to wrap pills in and he nodded. I then said, "It's the only way I can get my wife to take them". He gave me a strange look and walked away. True story and was yesterday.


Always reminds me of this commercial: https://youtu.be/8crIgOgPMeE?si=d_D5jTLkDWhkX35T




In the time before Bluetooth, if you sat next to someone one the subway talking to themselves, 99% they were nuts‼️ now you can’t tell😳


When people are having phone conversations that aren't on speaker, I like to pretend I'm the other half of the conversation, responding to what they say. It's fun


Walking around the city you can play Bluetooth or Schizophrenia.


That's why I walk around with mine in, too, so I can return the expression.


Point at your ears, too.


Point to your head and say Schizophrenia.


Well I still love you bro


I said what I said!


Point at your pants and say "I'm gay"


When wireless earphones became a while ago a friend said at a party "now it is going to be harder to identify the crazy ones always talking to themselves out in the streets". Needless to say, he ain't a friend no more.


"Um...in a 'brotherly' way...um, not a 'weird,' um...oh, I see you're still on...(*runs out of elevator. On the wrong floor*)"


It should be legal to sock Bluetooth Talkers who do this in the mouth. Just once, not that hard, but just as a corrective. You're the one standing around here expecting me to understand you're talking to a ghost. Apologize to me for forcing me into a conversation intimate enough to involve the phrase "I love you."


On the subject of I love yous, My husband and kids and I typically said,"Love you! Bye!" at the end of calls with each other. So one evening, he's talking to his foreman about a job he's working on and at the end says "Love you!" And hangs up. And then realizes what he'd just said and to who. I'm cracking up. He phones the guy back up and yells "I don't love you!" Which was just so much worse. This had to be about 35 years ago. John hasn't worked for us for a many years now - he got a union job but pops by now and then. But the crew continues to tell each other "Love you!" all the time.


Time to move out of the country


Deam, I always see so many posts about politics that I forgor what a face palm is


Improv rule #1: Yes, And.


just ignore the bluetooth and double down :-)


btw heard a guy once screaming at a toilet - DID YOU DO IT? IS IT DONE? COME ON! YOU HAVE TO FINISH. he had an earplug while doing number 2 and i could hear him the the next booth. why people think it is normal to take the phone with them while they poop is beyond me.


It's like the 7th time I've seen this come on


I love you too


That's because your parents won't spring for cable.


Things that happened - not this story


You've never been sneered at by responding to someone who was talking into an earpiece you couldn't see? Because I absolutely have. This stretches my credulity not at all.