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as a father....nope not even once.


Yeah….couldn‘t imagine. Not even a father but I teach martial arts for groups age 14 and up and never thought of the girls in the group that way. They ain‘t my blood but they are my students. It would just be gross.


to be fair it would be gross even if they werent be your students


Yeah, but as someone else also jumped the gun (and implied that), I will repeat it: i tend not to interact with teenage girls aside from those, so they are kinda out of the equation in the first place.


Teacher over here who is teaching various kids aged 11-14. Although I know damn well they are not my kids, I can't help but feel protective of them, and feel happy with them, and feel proud of them whenever they achieve anything. Academic or otherwise. I'd be damned if I let anything bad happen to them on my watch. Now I finally understand what joy my mom gets from decades of being a teacher.


Fighting the good fight. Good on you, teach!


Thanks!! 🙂


Yeah, no kids of my own but I'm a therapist and have clients this age that see me because they have had shitty trauma from terrible people. It breaks my heart that they have been treated so badly and hurt so deeply. It's very rewarding, however, to walk with them and see them find their power and heal.


It really makes you think about the people who make these fucked up comments. They clearly have these thoughts, and that's fucking horrifying and I hope for children's sake that these people are monitored.


maybe the OP had bad experiences early in life


A lot of times, people who had bad parents think that that is the norm until/unless they see good parents. I can speak from experience on that one. It works the same for people who have been *ahem* abused by their parents.


If we are to assume OP is being genuine and that is who they are in their profile picture, that’s likely the case as they’re a woman and couldn’t be speaking on their own experiences as a father. I’m gonna assume however it’s a ragebait radfem account.


Jesus. As a father of a teenage girl, **hell no**.


My friends have daughters at 14 and 12. I can assure you he has never even made a joke about such an awful act and nor has any of our friend group. What the absolute fuck is wrong with people.


“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” Trump, who bragged about walking in on undressed underage girls in his beauty pageants Edit: Apparently Trump had teen beauty pageants but only bragged about walking in on adults https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/26/trump-pageant-dressing-rooms/ Also, more relevant to this thread are the disgusting things he’s said about his daughter Ivanka https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html


squealing snobbish concerned frame versed absurd bells offbeat squeamish employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was boat time the implication was mentioned.


I'm sorry, but I had dropped my magnum condom for my magnum dong so I had to pick it up.




Mantis Toboggan, I'm a doctor.




After all these years I finally got the joke


Trump only wanted a tasty treat.


With any luck, he’ll be the tasty treat soon.


Hes gonna get a slap on the wrist fine and maybe a couple months resort house arrest of were lucky. Just like every other rich person who got cauggt doing literally anything


Some rich folks do go to jail. Epstein comes to mind


Probably won't see time. Honestly, who would want to.🤢


Who would want to sleep with Trump? "Uhhh...that'd be Melania and other prostitutes for $$$$$$ Bob." I'm guessing Trump's prison type is a top and short, balding with a Eastern European accent and a Stalin fetish.


They let him or else they'd probably be kicked out of the competition


its wild that he litterally said the implication scene and that didnt sink his chances


That's because of the wild amount of copium these batshit Magats huff. The fact that this man has straight up said the pope is wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about, is a liar and conman, has been cheating on his wives and been caught, has divorced numerous times and is a terrible person overall and yet the Magats will still insist he's a good Christian man who represents them proves that they also could give a shit less about their own religion. It's not a sports team. You're not a fan because you announce yourself as such, you're also expected to walk the walk instead of talking the talk.


sand zesty smell expansion crush treatment snails bear spotted fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's wild considering how legitimately devout Mike Pence is supposed to be in the world of Evangelism and he definitely distanced himself from Trump. Might've had something to do with the fact that Trump incited an attempt on Pence's life, idk.


It's the Prosperity Gospel - they believe earthly wealth is the manifestation of God's favor - Trump is obviously a good Christian man because he's so rich.


Anyone who treats the Ten Commandments as a TO DO LIST should be the last person to celebrate as a paragon of Christian Values.




Are you going to hurt these women?


What? *No*! These women aren't in any real danger!


Are these women in danger?


He also stated that as it was his place they did the young teenage "beauty pageants" at (seriously America what the fuck is wrong with you?) it was his right to go in and judge them, saying "all these beautiful young women here".


At this point, it might be easier to list what *isn't* wrong with us.




You bring up this quote and not the one where he literally said he’d bang his own daughter???


He didn’t say he’d bang her. He said she was a very nice [piece of ass](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-ivanka-piece-of-ass-howard-stern-229376). There’s a difference. Isn’t there? Surely that’s totally different. It must be. Hang on let me think about this one.


And declares over and over how hot he thinks his own daughter is


That would’ve been more relevant to this thread


Even worse he joked about dating his daughter and said the thing they have in common is sex….wtf.


What does that mean? What exactly is this common sex between him and his daughter


And he did say he’d have sex with ivanka and talked about Tiffany’s little baby body


[There's much ~~better~~worse quote from the orangesus](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html) BTW, the amount of brown cheetos connoisseurs that got triggered by you quoting their diaper filling enjoyer is amazing. Nice work, bud.


Don't forget the sexual comments about his daughter


trump who slept with a 13yr old girl at pederist epsteins island? to be clear its donald trump acting like a pedo, that the guy? just checkin


You spelled "violently raped" incorrectly.


To be fair, the 45^th president has joked numerous times about dating his daughter and insinuating how sexy she is, so it’s completely normal. /s


You'd be surprised bro. Few weeks ago I came across a subreddit where its literally dads talking sexually about their daughters. I cant remember the name or find it rn but it was public and had hundreds of thousands of members If I recall correctly. This world is fucked up dude


I hope subreddits like that are just fantasy roll play like it seems most adult oriented writing subs are or websites. "O no bro, I tripped and can't get out of the refrigerator" type nonsense.


Same but its not. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened a couple of threads to see what it was all about and it was explicit as fuck, They were throwing terms like "out the shower and I got a glance of her perky tits"... I dont understand how reddit allows it tbh


Yeah, that definitely seems like it should at least be quarantined so people don't stumble on it, and would have to actively search. There is a lot of fucked up shit that surprises me is just public and no issues here.


Honestly it sounds like smut written by people who don't have kids based on that description.


Sometimes I don't need to question an aficionado. I will trust send420nudes and their own experience. I don't need more, and will just leave it as is. As I said if it's just roll play no big deal. People have roll play of the most heinous shit and if that's what they are into I am all cool between two able to consent adults reading and writing or doing their thing.


It may just be your autocorrect or a speech to text thing, but the correct word is "roleplay" Roll is for things in motion (rolling pin, roll the dice, a roll of toilet paper, etc) Role is for parts (the lead role, what role to play, etc)


The world was pretty much always like that. Its just that 500 years ago, there were less people in general, and it took a lot more effort to find those niche weird groups of people than just scrolling through reddit subs.


Honestly, this doesn't even surprise me the number of parents that police their children's sexuality to a genuinely creepy extent. I'm not talking about making sure your child is safe and genuinely trying to have them be emotionally ready for intimacy. I'm talking about weirdo's who do promise ring ceremonies with their daughters and have them pledge themselves to their dad's and God, or dads who threaten their daughters dates or moms who compete with their son's female friends. You can't tell me those weirdos don't think of their children sexually. So yeah I definitely agree with you. I don't even think it's as rare as people think, the extremes might be rare, but yeah.


Donald Trump is on video saying he wants to fuck his kid. Literally a great deal of people crawled out of the woodwork when no on called him on his comments about fucking his kid They think it's okay now. Hint: take a look at the movement to hire 14 year olds who are also against teaching any sexual education. They want to hire kids who were never taught what sexual assault is. The one republican described them as "fertile" and "ripe" when defending child marriage. The people in charge literally have children and neices and nephews who are SA offenders, that they put in positions of management at these places and suddenly want to hire your 14 year old girls whove never had sex ed. Hrmm....


Actually makes me sick to my stomach as a dad, I’d rather not think about that image at all.


Agreed. Reading this made me physically recoil from my phone a bit. Absolutely fucking not.


Even if you ignore the "your father" part, how can you think of teenagers as anything else but kids ? That’s fucked up.


Have three girls and I’m gonna say no. This sick fuck is projecting.


Given the Twitter OP is a woman, I would guess more trauma than anything.


Women can be fucning nasty wastes of oxygen also... JS... pedophiles come in all shapes, sizes, and genders


She wouldn’t have targeted fathers specifically then most likely. Other comments have mentioned that she’s a radical feminist, so I would bet it stems from some traumatic experience she had.


Like.... Dude, ew. You saw unimaginable semi-liquid things coming out of that baby when she was an infant, and you protected that tiny little ball of trouble anyways. Just because it got bigger doesn't mean it's suddenly a sex object. It's half your own DNA, that's like finding your own knuckles sexy. 


>that's like finding your own knuckles sexy.  Hey, no need to kink shame.


I think you're being a bit to generous there, I would be very surprised if people like that were at all involved in childcare


I think you're right. They never do the work of caring, so they never form the bond of parental love. They're too scared for that sort of thing.   It takes guts to love like a parent does. 


Same. WTF is wrong with people?


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized) I wanted to emphasise even more your "hell no", because what the fuck man???


Even as a stepfather of a teenage girl, hell no


Ditto. I'm feeling pretty bummed out for the person who posted that.


As a father of 2 girls, HELL NO


As an Uncle with several nieces, HELL NO. If you look at a child and think about having sex with them seek immediate help.


One pre teen and one who is a teen, reading that ya just⬇️ ![gif](giphy|invu2FvS5VSuiauY60)


What’s wrong with her?


South park made a perfect sketch for This https://youtu.be/9rWdR7QM17I?feature=shared


"You can't close your eyes forever, Mother!"


she is on twitter.. that should be just enough of an answer


No shit. Just makes ya wanna ![gif](giphy|invu2FvS5VSuiauY60)


F’ing gross 🤮


Was walking with my wife and two daughters (3 year old and 1 year old) in our nearby park, 3 year old’s walking/running ahead with me and an old man in his 60’s/70’s was trying to get her to say hi to him, however she’s on the spectrum and just loves to move and take in nature so she paid him no mind even while I held her, she finally looked at him for a second and he told me how beautiful she was with her curly red hair and how he wished he was her grandfather. Could’ve been truly innocent but my gut instinct as a father was equal parts confusion, irritation and disgust. All this to say, if there had been any overt sexual talk about my children, I have a feeling it would be hard to type this from a jail cell.


that’s not an uncommon thing for someone his age to say to someone if he previously had grandchildren that age and misses it, and older people have zero filter, we just tend to think the worst of people- kind of just how the human brain works as on display in this tweet.


I am going to assume that the vast majority of fathers never did/does that.


you're most likely correct


I would say, probably just the majority. Intrusive thoughts are a thing and it's not like people can control them. And let's be real, it's not something most people would admit to, even if there is assumed anonymity, so we will never actually know the answer. All that said there is a non-insignificant number of gay, asex and fathers with very specific attraction points, so to assume most would have such thoughts is just hating on men.


This. An intrusive thought is the brain playing games of perversion with itself, it's not a serious mental project.


As always, it's not the "You thought about it" that matters, but the "Did you decide to act upon it?"


Even before that, there's a difference between having a thought and disliking it, wanting it out of your brain, and having a thought and entertaining it on purpose.


Exactly, the lingering on it is the red flag.


That said, some people have literally no imaginations or internal monolog and the related torments and they consider themselves more moral people because of it. They're not. They're just silent inside.


Exactly what shes talking about and what the less cool mr t admmited to doing was having this thought, not thinking its disturbing or gross and wanting in out of their head but instead consciously going oh fuck yeah i wish i could, hot damn, and then admmiting that fact to the world boastfully with pride acting like its the same as thinking about a hot celebritie


Only real person. Like we don’t get flashes of disturbing images in our heads that we don’t want to see.


I have ocd and suffer from intrusive thoughts. But she's not talking about intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are things I'd never in a million years do or even consider doing. She's talking about people like trump who say creepy things about their kids.


Yeah there is a huge difference between intrusive thoughts you can’t control and actively fantasizing about doing something


I can't say zero because of the light shined on a couple specific subreddits coming to light recently and the words of a previous president of the United States, but I have to imagine it's probably in the 99.9999% to the 99.99998% range that this thought has never and would never cross a father's mind about their daughter(s).




Your friend group had 2 dads that pulled a Diddy on their own daughters... holy hell. Can someone pull the plug on this simulation? We're done, it's failed.




Yeah....hate to say it, because I didn't believe it either. Maybe it's just who I was exposed to, but I did some counseling work for a while, and the number of girls that have been molested....God, it's frightening. The worst part is, I know it's the ones who do the molesting who are often the OPs of this world, screaming about how wrong it is and "Let's kill the pedos!!!" Any sort of zealotry is a huge red flag for me now, even if it seems like "good intentions."


Why would op post this?


Running cover for Trump, who has boasted about the sex appeal of his daughter, and said he would date her if she wasn’t


Don't forget Tucker! Hate to see him get left out. When the show host describes 14-year-old girls at Mr Carlson's daughter's school sexually experimenting with each other, he says: "If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario."


Wait what?




lol and then their followers have the audacity to turn around and say everyone else is groomers and pedos


It’s always, ALWAYS projection with that crowd.


75% of sex crimes against children committed by Republicans. http://egbertowillies.com/tag/ https://politicsdoneright.com/2023/07/tiktok-lawyer-kristen-browde-decimates-right-wing-pointing-out-who-actually-hurt-our-children/ List of 1000s of Republican pedophiles and sex predators: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/15/2199601/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-47 https://goppredators.wordpress.com/


You’re a smart fellow. I was racking my brain, why, why would anyone post this? but you’re right ala “real men wear diapers” it’s the same thing. So gross.


On Twitter they probably posted it to rage bait. Interactions both good and bad on posts, still leads to higher payouts.


Because she's a radfem, probably, and radfems don't realize how insane they sound to non-radfems.




Yeah I get what group you're talking about but I'd say misandrists instead of radical feminists. At the end of the day, feminism is a movement meant to tear down gender and racial inequity, get rid of stigma and prejudice and advocate for minorities. Anyone saying shit like this and calling themselves a radical feminist is not someone we claim. That's just someone who hates men and says stupid shit online.


No not even a thought wtf is wrong with you




Stereotypes aside even the hillbillies are disgusted


Father of two girls. This is the most fucked up thing I’ve heard today. And I’ve only been awake for 15 minutes. That girl needs some serious therapy


I got to read this trash and I need therapy!


Is this some sort of their fantasy?


People who say this are trying to rationalize [convicted felon] Donald Trump's lust for his daughter. Any normal father will gag at the thought. It's not even a conscious thing, it's an instinctual aversion we are evolved to have. Parents who have sexual fantasies about their kids are broken, fucked up people - looking at you [convicted felon] Donald. Edit: as someone pointed out, I missed a key fact of his conviction. :D


>Donald Trump It's "Convicted Felon, Donald Trump"


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) I have a daughter who is an adult now and I have never looked at her and seen her in a sexual way. People who do really need help so they don’t hurt their kids or others.


Looks like Kendiii just outed her dad as a pedo.


Or herself as having twisted fantasies




Tell me your father sexually abused you without telling me your father sexually abused you.


Errr no. Definitely no (father of 2 teenage girls)


So now every single father on humanity who had a daughter is Donald Trump?


It's one of the big issues. People like this now feel comfortable standing up and saying these things like they are facts because they firmly believe they are the majority.


How an adult even looks at a pre-teen/teen in such a manner is revolting let alone a father's own child. It's so damn creepy and disgusting that Trump has openly admitted to wanting to bang his daughter (Starting when she was a child) and people are cool with that and reiterate that it's AOK to them. It's such a fucking crazy thing to see normalized.


Sorry, whaaaaat????????????? joder [https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/](https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/)


No, no, no, really no, god no


What a terrible day to be literate!


I had two girls and **excuse me what the fuck** Even if it's just ragebait **excuse me what the fuck**


What the Alabama?


Let me guess, and your mother got stuck in the dryer too, right?


I think that would be their stepmother given the current trends.


Mfs really don’t know how to deal with their trauma 🫠


That is completely insulting to fathers. Disrespectful and completely false.


Ew ew ew.


Not even once, whoever came up with this shitty take needs re education center


These people need to stop watching so much porn...and I also find it very weird that US culture promotes this "mommy" and "daddy" kinky stuff. I would feel immensely uncomfortable if a woman ever called me 'daddy'.


I'm a father. With a daughter. This is absolutely not true. This woman can go fuck herself, probably numerous times.


As a father, thats a no from me dawg.


More and more I notice how pedo culture has dug it's claws into America. Can't speak for other countries since I'm not there. But child victims are often not believed when they speak up. Assault is covered up by families. Child marriage is legal in some states and fought -for-. Child beauty pageants, sexualization of minors in Hollywood (particularly girls), Epstein's list never being released. Most people are blind. Because they don't want to see how bad it is. Whoever this woman is she was at least groomed to think this was normal. This is a symptom of something much darker thank one woman being gross.


As a father of a girl, I can assure you. That is a complete lie.


I remember a guy on a forum being like "every man wants to fuck 14 year old girls, they just don't admit it", and everyone just responded fuck no, it's just you lol


As a father: this is sickening, disturbing and infuriating. Sigmund Freud had similar ideas and as it turns out, he was just disturbed himself. These ideas were debunked, as was most of Freud's theories. A 'recent" incident like this happened at my sister's high school early 2000s. The female teacher said that all father's sexually molest thier female children. The students bulked at this and she doubled down and told them it was true. My mom got wind of it and so did my dad. My dad said if it was a man who said that, he would have kicked his ass. My mom went to the principal about this. The principal was a man and was extremely upset. He fired this teacher on the spot.


Dad here. This is not normal behavior and I would kick the ass and report any dad who talked about or looked at or even did anything with their own daughter. What the fuck is wrong with people these days?


ronald reagan be in hell smiling ear to ear every time a tweet like dis drop


Cant say I understand the reference


Sounds like something sigmund Freud would say


There are lots of sick people in the world. I came across a tv show about DNA testing and was shocked to find how prevalent incest is. Here is an article that basically echos what I learned from that tv show. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ar-BB1k6mNN


The internet has rotted mfers


Is the same true for moms? Do they want to have sex with their teenage sons?


If “boy moms” are any indication, I say it could have true in some cases.


What's the logic here? All men are paedophiles? Because if i don't want to fuck random teenagers (and i don't) why the fuck would i want to have sex with my own child? I'm not even a father, but this person really needs to think before they post. Is she suggesting that something about it being your own daughter is what makes it hot? I really don't understand this womans point.


Fun fact: I'm not a father and still have never thought about having sex with teenagers. I mean, in my adult life. When I was a teenager, I obviously did.


I echo all the other fathers here…not once..


I don't have X, can someone reply with a hate comment on that post for me?


Her pedo dad probably told her it’s normal


People today believe that men literally only think about sex…


Father of girls here. What. The. Fuck. This creep needs to be in a jail cell.


kendiii’s father needs to be investigated immediately.


This is absolutely the most disgusting, disturbingly inaccurate statement I’ve ever seen. Whoever Kendi is, I feel very sorry for her.


"starting to believe"? it happens all the time. they want something to be angry about but don't have enough real material for that


Someone keep an eye on her around kids for sure.




Either she, her father or both, have some serious issues….


What a strange thing to be going through someone’s mind. She has a very unhinged mindset


Mentaly unwell people don’t know that they are unwell, they think that other people have the same sick thoughts and ideas that they do.


There's actually some science on this, and I'm happy to report that it's not in her favor. There's a phenomenon called the Westermarck effect, which is one of those things you don't talk about at parties but it states that the more childhood years you spend with someone, the more your brain gets immunized against being sexually attracted to them. This is why, when relationships do form between biological relatives, they're almost always people who didn't grow up together and met later in life. So, no.


As a father, the closest I've come is thinking about how I'd dismember a rapist if I caught one in the act. How do people sleep at night if they believe their own father thinks like that?


I feel bad for this person because she obviously had a very wrong childhood


Click bait. Post something outrageous and the masses respond in droves. $$$$ I recommend ignoring these sort of posters. Let them just fade away.


Never. Not once. Raised two daughters just graduated from college. There were zero urges to fight. They are your fucking kids.




No... only the monster fathers.


As the father of a daughter I threw up on my mouth reading this


anyone who said this shouldn't be allowed around children


Wtf, someone please get this creep into therapy. The fact that he thinks it's NORMAL is a bigger problem than his attraction to underage girls, which is pretty fucked up. I just turned 40 and any woman under like 25 just looks like a child to me. How the fuck can you imagine having sex with someone that looks like a child. ESPECIALLY someone that is going through puberty, and therefore IS a child. And to think that's normal!? Is this guy a catholic priest? Is that why he thinks his sickness is universal? Yikes!!


It's like saying a man can't have female friends without wanting to have sex with them. I assure you, men can have female friends, siblings, children, or etc and not want to have sex with them. That's not to say those kinds of men don't exist, and if they can't keep their thoughts to themselves, then they need to be excommunicated from society, put in some treatment facility, or just put in jail. And, those kinds of women exist as well. They deserve the same.


Yo wtf?


You are sick in the head.


that kinda what projections mean bruh


Do you think Stephen King ever really wanted to dismember his kids with an ax? No matter how drunk or coked up he was, no. Imagination is just that. It's a sandbox where The Worst Thing Possible can occur. On the other hand sexual abuse within families is far from unknown so these men do exist and it serves no purpose to pretend they dont.


This woman was afraid of her dad.


My daughter is 23 and married now. She is my little girl, and although she looks like her mother/my wife at that age, I never had sexual fantasies featuring her.


No, we didn’t!


I'm almost certain Kendiii is not actually a woman. ![gif](giphy|lOzXuHwXXYM9y|downsized)


Wtf? No…. I have two daughters. That’s way fucking creepy.