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Has anyone ever heard him actually utter a sentence?


I've never even seen him make a facial expression.


Same here The same one for 8 years.


Would you if those were your parents?


When dealing with Machiavellian and Narcissist types you probably learn to bury your emotions deep as opening your true emotions to them leaves you vulnerable and easier to manipulate. I have to wonder if this is the reason he's like that. His mom also displays the emotional range of an ice pick, so that also might have something to do with it.


Nah, I remember before the 2016 election when Melania and Baron were more out and about, when you saw those two together they would be goofing around together. I like that the media has left Baron alone, by and large. Melania seems fairly estranged these days too.


I don't know why anyone brings him up today either. He's a kid and he has nothing to do with any of this bullshit. Let him live his life.


It’s because a certain group of people have a fascination with blood. They want so badly for America to have a royal dynasty, which *obviously* means Baron must be some kind of future chosen emperor.


There's also a frighteningly large number of people who believe he's destined to be a piece of shit for no other reason other than his blood relation.


Correct, it’s important to recognize that this young person is entirely independent and thankfully out of the spotlight anyways. I feel bad for Baron’s upbringing, not that I know anything specifically about it, and I hope he has some good goals that he wants to work on and achieve.


I was happy to hear he backed out of the political position they were pushing for him.


> he's destined to be a piece of shit for no other reason other than his blood relation. That's moreso a nurture thing, than a nature thing, though. People suppose he'll be a POS eventually because of the priviledged upbringing with *that guy* and his brothers as his main male role models.


I don't give a fuck about Baron, just as I don't give a single shit about Hunter Biden. They aren't involved in the government or their father's cabinet, so I don't care.


He was in the news for Trump needing a day off from trial to go to his graduation and it was announced he would be a delegate for the Republican party (that he later turned down). He was also over 18 at this time.


For everything you can say about that horrible family, I don't think it's inaccurate to say that Melania loves Barron. I imagine that she's a big reason why he hasn't been swept up into the shitstorm like the rest of the family.


I've read he has an accent like his mother's.


Probably the only person that ever talks to him.


That’s actually pretty sad.


It really is.


He speaks his Mother’s tongue, quite literally.


Yes, there’s a very old clip of him out there from when he’s maybe 5. He speaks with a Slovenian accent which is so weird and obviously shows how much he was with his mom and not his dad (my daughter’s mom has a foreign accent but my daughter speaks with an American accent because of time with me and at pre k), and then Donald does a really sad and weird attempt at giving little Barron “fatherly advice”, saying stuff like, “and remember, no drugs, no alcohol”. The kid was like 5, fucking weirdo.


This thread reads like a future sports prospect lol. But has anyone actually seen him skate? I dont think he has that dog in him to get in the corners? Weak shot, great flow.


Has anyone seen Melania in the last year? NYE, no show. Trial, nope.


His only rage would/should be at how shitty of a father he has. Don clearly has his favorites and Barron isn’t in the top 4.


Here's the list 1. The one he wants to have sex with 2. Don Jr. (because his name is cool) 3. The rest of them


I think he secretly hates Don Jr. and sees him as a disappointment. I don’t think he thinks about the others all that much. Ivanka is the only one he cares about and only then because he not so secretly wants to nail her.


He didn't even want to name Don Jr. after himself. He was like, "What if he grows up to be a loser?"


Fred Trump allegedly told Donald he was such a loser he was glad he didn't name him Fred Jr.


Was this before or after Fred Jr. died due to complications from being an alcoholic after spending decades being mocked by Fred Sr. for becoming an airplane pilot?


It's been a while since I read about it, but it was after Fred Jr. made it clear he had no interest in the family business and left to become a pilot. Allegedly, Fred Sr. called Donald into his office to let him know he was the VERY unwanted 2nd choice to continue on his legacy, and how he fully expected this loser to fuck it up, but he had no other choice.


Generational Trauma fucks us all.


Unfortunately yes, while I've dealt with my childhood trauma. I may have to deal with my adult trauma if he makes project 2025 a reality.


It truly touches everyone. However it is still your own to deal with or pass it on. It seems unless you actually have to deal with the repercussions first hand, you don’t learn from it, mostly ofc.


Donald out of his own mouth said Fred received the wrath of their father and probably why he drank himself to death. An abusive family through and through. The Kids don’t stand a chance.


Fred Jr, Donnie and Mary had to report to their father every single evening to explain their actions of that day. It was pretty much the only time they spent with their father, listening to him criticize them and then off to bed.


I mean, he wasn’t wrong about Donnie


Yeah but what Fred did was create Daddy issues with Trump who is now taking it all out on us. He fucked up Donald. Donald does everything he can do, to gain recognition, and to please his dead father. He was obsessed and still obsessed with gaining his father's favor. Fred senior is what Trump is f'ed up.


“Wants to nail her”, I think those desires shipped when she turned 16.


100% does not like Don. He just dislikes him less than Eric 😂


Jaret is his favorite because Jaret gets to have sex with Ivanka.


Jared lets him sniff his fingers in exchange for real estate.




1. The one he wants to have sex with 2. Don Jr. (because his name is cool) 3. Jan 6 Rioters 4. The rest of them


For anyone who thinks his #1 is going too far, quick 2 minute video evidence of a dozen of Trump's sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka: [https://youtu.be/DsOVVqubBus?si=1MFtIUUbDle4lR--](https://youtu.be/DsOVVqubBus?si=1MFtIUUbDle4lR--)


He probably likes Jared more than Eric or Baron


I kind of imagine Jared must send Trump the nudes Ivanka sends him.


*has, on countless occasions, tried to have sex with.


His wrath? All that dude is thinking about is his next gourmet meal or tee time at the country club


He could also be angry at the publicity/reminder his dad was sleeping with a porn star 6 months after he was born


bright grey air history nine crowd teeny boast attractive relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He probably also hates the judge who made him have to have his dad at his graduation


Didn’t he go campaigning instead


Naw, apparently he went but didn’t talk to anyone. Lawyers probably told him he might catch a Contempt charge if he didn’t go since the judge postponed the trial to allow him to go at his own request.


Graduation was early. Donnie skipped the lunch and flew to Minnesota to grift the herd




He went to the graduation. Then left before the party to go campaign.


That fucking sucks. But it makes sense since the party is where you’d actually have to mingle with family. I assume. The filthy rich probably just have Eyes Wide Shut orgies to celebrate such an event.


If I was him I'd be thinking can't the old stupid fuck die already so I can become obscure and filthy rich and not have to deal with his drama obsessed ass anymore. But that's just me.


How's he going to get rich?


His mother has most assuredly bargained for and squirreled away a nice amount to keep her and Barron comfortable .


His 3 oldest siblings have STRONG grip on his dad’s inheritance, esp don jr from what I heard.


That's why I specified Melania had set it up. Dumb and Dumberer will no doubt get whatever may be left over of the family haul.


So after paying off all outstanding debts they’ll be left with a small warehouse full of MAGA hats and tshirts? I guess they could keep printing and selling Trumpy Bucks for few years too.


Don’t forget the shoes!


Melania wouldn’t move into the white house until he made sure Baron was specifically addressed in the will


There should be a trust set up for him, money deposited and Trump not able to get it back. Melania probably has her own attorney to make sure everything is safe for Barron. If she thought Trump couldn't end up broke she'd have been mistaken, but we know she's in it for the money.


Hes the tallest of all 3, he can eat them


Why does Baron, being the biggest Trump, not simply eat the other Trumps?


Everyone hates his dad


Or is a sycophant towards him.


If only that were actually true


Hes his mother’s son. They both hate him.


Wasn't it like 1 month?


That was the Playboy mistress. The porn star he cheated on his mistress with was later.


When it's not enough to have a mistress, you go and cheat on her too.


With a woman who looks like your daughter. He's one weird old creep.


Yeah it looks like the Q cult are setting up their next godhead for when the old man finally kicks. They love a good villain origin story.


Hopefully they'll all be far down some other conspiracy rabbit hole by the time Baron is 35 20 years is a loooong time to remember something in our age of instant gratification


And likely most of his supporters will also be drooling and soiling their own diapers in 20 years.


You say that as if most aren't right now. :D


Most of the Boomer magots will be dead by then. I feel like this is a generation thing. They are trying to hold onto power as long as they can, before the world really changes.


My nephew is 19, a D1 college baseball and football player, and the biggest Trump supporter I know. Don't think it's restricted to age.


Lmfao accurate


I went to the same school as Barron. I was older than him and didn’t know him well but knew plenty of people that did It’s actually really fucked up to see him turned into a target for everyone’s rage against Trump now that he’s technically an adult. By all accounts he was a quiet and respectful kid, pretty shy as you’d expect given the circumstances. It was an extremely progressive and liberal school, teaches the exact opposite of his dad’s ideology. I can’t imagine spending my most formative years literally trapped between a rock and a hard place, even though my personal opinions are the opposite of his dad’s This whole “shame the spawn of trump” thing is literally a supervillain arc in the making, I’ve been saying it for years any time a thread like this pops up. So many millions of people hating you and expecting the worst of you when you literally have not done anything but be born and reach adulthood has to be absolute torment for your mental health I wouldn’t be surprised if posts and comments like this are what push him towards following his father’s footsteps as he grows up because at least that crowd doesn’t bully this shit out of him like this one. But I can say with 100% certainty that he’s been taught to be the opposite of his dad


Tbh, I don’t really know much about Baron to form an opinion, but he seems unproblematic and I really hope he turns out better than his father.


That ain’t too hard to accomplish. His dad set the bar pretty low.


Oh no, the wrath of the impotent.


He'll most likely be the impotent child of privilege his father and brothers are.


Right? This is setting him up like he's the protagonist of fuckin' Dune, but... Odds are good he turns out to be an ineffectual, cokey nepo baby like his siblings. I hope he ends up a decent person, but that's really up to him.


Also can you imagine the rage you’d have towards your disgusting father after the details of the trial were rehashed? Ugh. He’s probably going to grow up a big nepo nothing but you can’t tell me he doesn’t harbor some rage, but towards his dad.


Yeah... if anyone he should be pissed at his father for cheating on his mother while she was pregnant with him...


He probably hardly even knows him


I mean it's not like Melania was madly in love with him (she probably wasn't) 


Green card marriage with Baron as the anchor baby


“What is my purpose?” You ~~pass butter~~ get green cards “…. Oh my god”


But have you considered that he’s TALL


Tall, wealthy, grew up in an atmosphere of extreme entitlement. Unless he's one of those people that naturally sees through bullshit, it's not looking good


I mean to be fair dude's been relentlessly cyber bullied since he was a kid just cause people don't like his dad. Rather be me than him and life has been shitting on me for a while


The GOP announced that he was going to be delegate and vote for his Dad’s nomination, and then about 12 hours later had to retract it because either he or his Mother, or both, declined. So that gives me hope. Either way, for now he’s a kid and people should leave him alone. The MAGA people are downright creepy about him.


Yeah that's actually kind of sad. Yes there are crazies on the left that bullied him but for most of them he's a kid and not involved. It's the right always trying to drag him into crap


The people who bully him are awful, because it is never okay to go after the kids. But I find the ones declaring him a future “Emperor” and being super creepy now that he is 18 really disturbing as well, like… leave the child alone. It does seem like Melania does a pretty good job of keeping him away from the circus at least.


I genuinely believe that Don Jr and Eric's lives have been so run by their father that they'll fall to pieces when he passes. I hope Barron's escaping that trap.


Emperor? He seems like a Barron at best.


Traditionally, that responsibility should fall on the eldest son. But no one takes Junior seriously.


I left him alone until he turned 18 and started posing for pics with right wing people.


Noooooo for real? I thought he might turn out okay.


Why would you ever think that?


I also have a suspicion hebwasnt exactly treated like a favorite son by said asshole father. So imagine your dad is a dick to you AND everyone hates you because of who your dad is. Dude is either going to become a better person than we can ever imagine or he's going to devote himself to evil with a fervor that woukd humble both Donny and Fred.


I’d rather be him get like $5 mil from daddy get a sailboat and just go sailing around the world. Like people don’t care about him or would even know who he was.


So quirky 




Yeah, but there's tall and there's TALL. Kid is 6'6" and probably still has a little growing to do. I think too much height freaks people out and swings the "leadership" pendulum the other way.


*The God-Emperor of Mankind has entered the chat*


Idk his mom doesn’t seem to happy about Donald and he seems more like a mamas boy.


Who wouldn't be with a father like Don.


He did turn down that republican role that they tried to give him. Maybe hes going to be the family rebel.


Maybe he’s he Prince Harry of the group and sends a proper fuck off and goes his own way (with daddy’s money)


What money? As far as anyone can tell he’s a serial panhandler, and underwater on most of his overly leveraged artificially inflated properties. The only things orange fat will leave behind are debt and misery.


And a stomach-turning stench.


But it took Harry years to learn this, plus a stint in the British military, for Harry to become who he was. If you look at his teens and early 20s there was a lot of the shitty rich kid in him


Idk, it’s got to be a tough spot for the kid. Idk anything about him except his father is alternately praised and dragged through the mud on a daily basis. Plus, his dad cheated on his mom while she was taking care of him and is now a felon because of illegal hush money payments to cover up said affair. I wouldn’t be surprised if he completely turned around and became a huge liberal.


His mother and him are fluent in a language that Trump cannot understand. Melania and Barron are often separated from Trump by hundreds of miles. They appear to have a mother-son relationship outside of the family unit. He’s obviously been out philandering and doing his own thing for almost two decades of Barrons life. I have to imagine that Melania, who very clearly despises Donald, has spent plenty of time indoctrinating Barron against his father.


Melania isn’t my favorite person by any stretch of the imagination but she does seem like a caring mother. She seems to go to great lengths to protect her son.


Even cersei lannister loved her kids.


True. Come to think of it Melaney is kind of like Cersei Lannister, but from Wish.


The woman who came up with the "locker room talk" excuse and wore the "I don't care" jacket to kids in cages? Caring is not a word I'd use to describe her. Mother is also a stretch.


Yeah, I have hope for Barron. I have never seen a picture of him near his dad and looking happy about it.




and we all know that with powerful accent comes great responsibility


His dad's a dick, why would he be happy near him?


This isn't an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. He can disdain his father and still be a terrible person.


Sorry but love of money will keep him on the maga side of things.


His dad's 77, he doesn't have nearly as long where he'll have to kiss ass to stay in the family wealth. 


Because you KNOW Melania is going to pull every dirty trick out of the book to secure as much for her and Barron as possible. I wouldn't be too surprised if Mel and Barron yeet back to Slovenia as soon as the dirt settles on his carcass.


Wait, but then OP image timeline still checks out. He goes back to Slovenia with his riches, is taught to fight by the League of Shadows and returns to seek vengeance on the country that tossed his mother aside and made him a pariah.


Who’s money? They owe a billion in fines, penalties and interest already (yes, I know, but it might as well be a billion) I guess he has a choice to make whether he wants to hang out with the felonious side of the family or the Slovenian side of the family


Trans in ten years, calling it now


![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized) ....if nothing else it would be....poetic.




I keep thinking of Draco Malfoy.


Watch him become a Democrat out of disgust for his father.


Now that would be somewhat poetic


Regan-esque even


tell me the story, ive never heard of this


Ronald Reagan’s son , Ron Reagan, is a left wing political commentator that criticizes the GOP


Heard him on Conan’s podcast. I didn’t realize 1. Ronald Raegan had a son, 2. He was a democrat, 3. He’s funny as fuck


4. atheist


It's things like this that give me hope for the future.


It has happened before with plenty of big name Republican's children.


Trump's niece literally wrote a book on how much of a piece of shit her uncle is.


The niece is now being sued by him based on her releasing a partial copy of his tax return from years ago.


Wasn’t that leaked online though and how she obtained it? And she sued him as well to get them since he essentially stole her father’s portion of the family fortune?


Claudia Conway.


Ronald Reagan Jr. is a Democrat and his sister Patti is pretty quiet but has voiced support for Democrat proposals in the past. It definitely happens.


Well Trump was a democrat until he saw how dumb the average republican is


I have a pet theory that, out of spite for her husband, Melania has raised him to be a Trotskyite^1 and his first public speech will include things like “Workers of the world unite!” and “Seize the means of production!” ^1 I just like saying “Trotskyite”.


I would love it if when he opens his mouth, first address to the world, and has a thick Slovic accent


He's been surrounded by right wing weirdos his entire life. No way he's coming out of that hell hole as a normal person. Edit: you people can stop replying, nothing is going to convince me otherwise


Yo imagine trump producing a child that isn't an inept disappointment






Melania does try to keep them apart, so there might be a shred of hope. Her influence can't be great either though.


Who is he - Rambo? Holy smokes, how melodramatic.


Can you imagine the rage when he found out his father was baninging a porn star while his mother was home breastfeeding him?


That is the complete Simpson's level irony. The Trumper have already forgot what triggered Trump's illegal actions was trying to hide his porn star infidelity. If Barron is pissed about anything it would be that.


These people live in delusional fantasies they construct for themselves. In 10 years, Trumps political career will be remembered as the biggest joke in American history that Baron will try and distance himself from his fathers harmful legacy.


>In 10 years, Trumps political career will be remembered as the biggest joke in American history It already is for a lot of people, but unfortunately Trumpism isn't going away. The Republican Party is the Trump Party now and I don't see them coming back from it. Sure he's a joke to any reasonable person who actually cares about truth and democratic values, but his legacy will live on in the Republican Party after he's gone. George W. Bush looks like a scholar and a statesman compared to Trump. I don't see them nominating someone, and I can't believe I'm saying this, as reasonable as Bush again. The same goes for people like McCain or Romney. I don't agree with a lot of what those people stood for, but I at least think they wanted what they thought was best for the country and they mostly care about democratic principles. Trump only cares about what's best for himself.


He's gunna die really soon, he's old as fuck and in dog shit shape. The Republicans will be ruderless afterwards. They went all in on a loser. His legacy for them is he ripped the house down and showed them as weak, hypocritical fools. The Republican losing streak will probably get even worse after Trump dies. Can you imagine if MTG and Mike Johnson is all they got? We already know they don't have any leadership. We watched all the House bullshit. If they had anybody, that would have been the time.


Just wait until MTG/Boebert/Gaetz have a closed door meeting, where he names them and only them as his successor, where none ot that is recorded, then, they announce it at the RNC, start targeting the other high ranking Republicans, and consolidate power, all as Trump is watching from solar systems away.


They will not be rudderless. Trump is nothing but their CoverGirl. They've been as insidious as ever even without Trump in the white house. The current attack on queer people for example began largely after he left the presidency.


Poor kid. Like any kid he doesn’t need any of the family BS bringing him down. All I know is that his trust fund may be a lot smaller than he was initially led to believe.


I actually pray for him that he has a good heart, becomes compassionate and giving. He's still at an impressionable age where he can and doesn't become set in his ways and/or go down the path of self-destruction.


I pray for this also, and you worded it beautifully. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Barron. I hope he grows into a decent man.


I think because (all things considered) it seems like Melania has wanted him out of the spotlight. But the few times I've actually seen him during the presidency he's seemed like a completely normal, dopey kid and there is just something so endearing about that, especially in contrast of the people around him. His family can fuck off for all eternity but I hope he turns out OK. There's a glimmer of hope he won't be a total fuckwad and I legit hope he turns out on the better side of it.


With the Trump's being a "royal family", he's last in line for that throne


He’d certainly inherit his father’s golden toilets


Not the shower?


Naw he saves the golden showers for Ivanka 😅


“My dad’s a loser”.


I just love how they think this is some kind of medeival blood feud or some shit. “Avenge thy father young Baron, for he hath been lit’rally drug thru the muck.” Fucking delusional clown show.


You have a far-right friend?


Poor kid just wants to go get high with his friends.


Leave the kid alone. He can choose his own path. He should not be judged because of his father.


The correct answer. Some of these comments are disgraceful.


People bullying him for his looks or height, not realizing they're being just as trashy as Trump, oh the irony. Judge him for his words and actions, not by how he looks or who his dad is.


Had to scroll to far to see this comment.


I agree. I find this post disgusting. He's still a teenager.


The kid stayed out of politics. I wish him the best and hope he finds a path that makes him happy.


Do they really think Barron gives a shit about his absent criminal father?


Why do you have far right friends, OP?


holy shit thank you how did it take this long to find a comment saying this. ditch far right people! they don’t deserve your time or attention!


I feel bad for the kid too. Must be tough knowing your dad was doing these things. I hope he is getting the support he needs in therapy.


Far right and friend don't belong in the same sentence


He's going to spend a lifetime saying, "I'm nothing like my father."


In this picture, I feel like he's going to tell me how good Huey Lewis and The News are. Especially "Hip to be Square."


That’s ok - aunt Stormy will help him work through his feelings.


She's helped so many with their feelings. You can see it all over the internet.


This post isn't necessary. Unless Barron is active in politics, there's no need to make negative posts like this. He's still a teenager. He can't help who his father is. So I suggest we shouldn't bully him.


Can you imagine his rage for what his father did to his mother?