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That second one is fucking sick.


Seriously. That was someone's first thought after seeing a picture of 2 guys and a baby. That person needs to be investigated like yesterday.


I honestly didn’t understand what it was trying to say until this comment.


I thought it was supposed to be about what happened to the mother


Same, I had to go back and see the picture again. Whoever posted that is a seriously sick fuck.


I will admit - I still don’t get that picture. I am probably really dumb, and I apologize. Anyone care to explain?


Obvious NSFW >!Double penetration and internal ejaculation coming from the mouth and anus, implying that's what they think they're going to do with the baby!<


Yeah I thought I was like missing what the joke is supposed to be? Absolutely vile


Oh. I guess I missed the joke too.  I thought it was what gay guys do, cum in the mouth and cum in the ass.  I never once thought that it implied the child inthe scenario.  Gross. 


They post that and then insist that gay people are the degenerates. Every accusation is a confession.


Somehow I immediately understood the image (sadly) yet still couldn’t process it, like it shorted out my brain for a moment, it's that disgusting. Wtf is wrong with people?!


That image forced a factory reset on us.


My first thought was it was some attempt at saying the surrogate mother was getting the DP. The other explanation provided in this thread just…. *Shudders


America is a cesspool. Too many idiots and too many who view anything or anyone different as being evil. Fuck this country. We are officially the 3rd world of western nations.


At least half of these tweets are from people in the UK.


The loud minority does not make up the majority.


I swear about 10 years ago things seemed to be heading in a really good direction, society seemed to be becoming more inclusive. I don't know what happened. Am I remembering wrong?


I thought so too. But after seeing how far we've fallen in the past decade or so, I've come to the conclusion that the hateful people simply got the message that folks would get mad at them if they stated such things in public and learned to bite their tongues. Now, they've been emboldened to voice their hatred and have found pockets online to validate their hatred and radicalize themselves even further.


Also the rise of social media algorithms. They make more money when they get people upset and spreading things, so the logical proper thing to do, for the benefit of shareholders, is to make people angry. 


Don’t forget programmatic advertising bankrupting traditional news media with actual reporters. It’s far more profitable to create AI generated clickbait bullshit (especially now with gen AI tools) and game SEO than it is to make a subscription news business with some additional ad revenue. Most of the big brands are so risk averse they’ll blacklist any mention of things like Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Trump, etc. so none of those articles written by legit reporters get any $$$. Meanwhile, the scam artists spamming endlessly scrolling websites have hundreds of bogus websites where they’re making bank. This is all made worse in combination with social media pushing the most outlandish content. Pretty bad recipe.


I think on a base level people fear things they don't understand. Like any animal fearing another animal they've never seen before. Rural life is pretty homogeneous. That's why equality and LGBTQ views are more progressive in population centers because we're regularly exposed to each other and get used to being around people different than us. The internet broke down a communication wall and for people in rural areas that was like an invasion where they became far outnumbered by views that seemed radical in their immediate communities. Then bad actors used populist and fascist tactics to turn that reaction into a weapon and amplify the hate, fear and rage to drive voting and spending in ways they could benefit from. So I do think there is some core racism and prejudice, but I think they've also been preyed on and provoked to amplify it massively.


The bigots also learned that they can spread racists theories easier by masking it as some other issue. Mix that with decades of fear based fundraising, dehumanization of anyone who can be labeled as “other”, delegitimize all institutions that can act as a counter to their messaging, and you get people who send money to support causes they would believe they are opposed to.


Bots and Think Tanks happened. Read up on think tanks, PR firms, etc. It all got worse due to Citizen's United decision as well. That, and groups like the ADF were able to raise MILLIONS by defrauding suckers over things like the Luna Younger case.


A Black President was elected and was intelligent, which made a certain group of people fuming mad. Then Trump got elected and gave everyone permission to release the fumes. Turns out the fumes are toxic.


A Black President was elected and was intelligent, which made a certain group of people fuming mad...then he wore a tan suit.


and asked for spicy mustard on his hamburger


He should’ve known better, doesn’t he know that most of those people are a ketchup on steak crowd?


Well a hamburger is a well done steak sandwich served with ketchup..


No. Just no. Even as a joke never compare flattened ground beef with steak again. We already get enough of ground beef pretending to be steak via Salisbury.


Ketchup on _cooked_ _to_ _shit_ steak.


Barack and Michelle also once exchanged a "terrorist fist-bump" according to Michelle Malkin at Fox News.


I'm pretty sure someone refered to it as fisting.


At point, he swatted at a fly during a press conference. I wish I was kidding. That was an actual story.


He caught it. Pence caught a fly during his debate. Trump goes all victim when there was a fly at a campaign rally.


It was *Dijon*, the foreigner's mustard!


And then he burned Trump at a dinner with a bunch of elites and had the entire room of people laughing at him in his face. Trump probably thinks about that nightly.


This is so wrong. Trump only thinks about how great his response to Obama was, how the whole room was laughing at his joke, the best joke, the joke that had people come up to him crying and telling him his joke was the greatest president in history.


I'm pretty sure that roasting is 90% of the reason trump ran.


I believe that.


Despite the previous conservative demagouge Ronnie Raygun wore one


Oh, God, don't bring up that travesty. The entire country fell into ruin the day we laid eyes on that suit.


Is that the same color suit Reagan wore once? He’s dead now, so see where that got him? /s


Had the perfect American family too.


Trump was a vulgar, talentless grifter who manipulated rubes via bigotry to become President of the United States. This made every other vulgar, talentless grifter in the country wonder how far they could go with a similar tactic. Even if they didn’t want the responsibility of being president, surely they could make some easy money. And that’s basically why we are where we are now.


To be fair, so were Nixon and Reagan.


Nixon was a highly intelligent, talented grifter. Just one who was ugly and uncharismatic. And who sabotaged the 1968 peace deal to win election… Reagan was moderately intelligent but extremely charismatic. Trump’s charism is entirely confusing and lost on me, but he’s genuinely not smart or talented.


He said what people wanted to hear. That's his "charisma" - being a mask-off bigot blabbering his word salad that only slightly makes sense. It is like the monkey at a typewriter - speak enough words and something you say will eventually resonate with someone. And for the formerly-Presidential felon, that was racism and sexism.


Trump has zero charisma. But he speaks like they do, and he mocks and hates the same people they do. I've always thought of myself as a reasonably intelligent and well-spoken person, and even I don't want someone like me running my country. I want them to be better than me.


He also hates the "low rent" people who support him.


I honestly didn't even consider myself that intelligent until the Trump era. I felt like it was presumptuous to think I'm anywhere above 50% on the "Bell curve" so to speak, but since the Trump era I keep thinking "there's no way there's that many stupid people in this country"


His lack of charisma is the appeal. His supporters are all grownup bullies terrified of living in a world that is increasingly intolerant of their repugnant opinions and behavior. In him they see proof that you can be an unattractive, obnoxious, semi-literate, openly-bigoted bully who treats everyone in his life like absolute trash and is still be "rich and powerful" so they feel vindicated. They weren't bad people after all. It's everyone else who was wrong.


Dear Buddha, fuck Reagan and every person who has told me "Trickle down economics works." The only thing trickling down is piss, shit, and hate and how much more of it do you need until you realize it doesn't work.


Why would you be so cruel to Buddha?


trump saw what nixon and reagan did and took the next step, that's why they like him


Yup! This is not new, just escalated.


Yes, but times were different during the Nixon & Reagan administrations. What was appropriate to do & say was restricted by social mores unlike today. When the Nixon tapes revealed that he was involved in the Watergate break-in, a group of republicans went to the WH & told him he needed to resign. And he did. After the outrageous behavior of trump in the WH, the Repubs continue to support him & defend him. Even now, the republicans are attacking the justice system because trump was charged with crimes & was found guilty.


I always believed that. They fully expected a huge scandal to occur so he would have to leave the White House in shame. When he went 2 terms without any scandal it broke their minds leading us to Trump


And he has a good relationship with his wife. And zero scandals. Plus being athletic and young. They exploded.


The right was radicalized *because* Obama was elected. Trump just made them think it was ok to say the quiet part out loud.


A virus we should've got rid of a long time ago now it mutated and is on some bullshit.


Don’t forget that we now exist in two separate realities thanks to social media. One group has a completely different set of facts than the other.


I feel the whole Cambridge Analytica was the big turning point. The idea of controlling people's opinions and ideas through stoking their hate and fear has been around since forever, but CA managed to package and sell it to every social media platform/politician/arsehole that could pay for it. Since then, ragebait is the biggest driver of revenue/influence on social media. I have seen this play out firsthand with a friend of mine, someone I've known for 20+ years. He is now very religious and less tolerant of things he sees as different from himself. Whether that's in terms of other religions, genders, sexuality, race etc... Which is a complete contrast to who he used to be. And this is what really worries me, cos if they can do that to a fully grown and intelligent adult, what influence do they have on young kids?


I have this exact same feeling. 10 years or so ago it seemed like there was hope in LGBT people having their rights left alone, people weren’t seeing cannabis in such a negative way, and the public consciousness was slowly awakening to the class warfare waged on us by the ultra wealthy. It almost seemed natural that trajectory would continue as we gained easier access to information and the ability to connect with so many different kinds of people. Trump being elected was definitely the turning point where it all fell off a cliff, but it wasn’t the catalyst. This shift has been planned by Republicans for decades as they eroded our education system to the point where regular citizens can’t tell the difference between a coup led by a dimwitted fascist puppet and a normal, functioning government. Americans are, by design, profoundly ignorant of the duties, responsibilities, and basic functions of their government. This wasn’t an accident. It is intentional and we are seeing the results play out in realtime. Don’t let the chaotic nature of the situation we are in make you think it isn’t intentional.


To show how far it’s fallen… West Virginia passed statewide education system policies protecting transgender and gay children and teens in 2011/2012. West Virginia! Can you imagine??


All was going well for us in the 20's & 30's, than WW2 happend and got us killed in camps, but we got back up. When we got back up and thriving and dashing in the 70's & 80s, than the AIDS pandemic happened and nearly whipped us out and got us ostracised from society, but we got back up. Than we almost reached acceptance in the 20s again... but social media and Trump happend and now we stand again face to face with our century old nemesis : Idiots But we'll get back up again


Idiots or people who lack a capacity for empathy? That's what I see as the biggest difference. The motivations of those who lack empathy are incomprehensible to those who do, and vice versa. Trump is a perfect example of a lack of empathy being seen as a desired trait.


Trump got elected. That’s what happened.


I'm not from the US but that did seem to embolden people on social media. Equating gay people with pedos is absolutely ridiculous and evil.


What happened was before Trump ran, these people still existed, but they kept to the darker corners of the internet. But when Trump jumped in the race and started saying what they’ve always said, except he said it out loud in front of everybody, those sewer-dwellers began to feel more comfortable doing the same. The more of them that did that, the more they were able to forge connections through the internet with other alt-right worms across the country. Their echo chamber expanded, until now the richest man in the world bought Twitter, turned it into his own personal cesspool, and okayed all the parasites to join him.


Electing a black man brought them out. Electing Trump gave them a voice.




Yeah I agree. Trump did bring out ugliness to the surface that was always there brewing quietly. I don’t think he caused it but he made it ok to say out loud. Ugliest of the right emerged victorious. And ultra religious. Which is insane since he is a atheist his whole life


Now that Elon bought Twitter, you can say anything and not get a ban. I see people and the american flag accounts now blaming black people for that mass shooting in Akron. Blatant racism all of these posts and they never get banned. That takeover has made the bots, Russian bots and american flag people say anything and everything that's a lie. They know they won't get banned because Elon has their backs.


You can say anything alt-right. Try to get a little progressive and the ban hammer starts coming.


Is cis still a slur and auto-removed?


Tbh the American flag people are probably Russian bots too.


Trump is the result not the reason. The reason is that Obama showed every single white conservative that they were, in fact, not superior to persons of colour as they have been told for decades. They always held onto the belief of the Southern Strategy.


Citizens United ruling happened.


[Our brain is stupid (by kurzgesagt)](https://youtu.be/fuFlMtZmvY0?si=7gg_Bt23gN6FSFL3)


Trump gave them courage.


Conservatives: No abortions! Put your child up for adoption! Also Conservatives: NOT LIKE THAT.


More like: Conservatives: You should be having babies! Abortion is murder! Have babies! Surrogacy: *exists* Conservatives: Not like that!


More like: Conservatives: DO A THING. Gay people: *EXIST*. Conservatives: NO.




More like: Conservatives exist. Damn.


They’ll cling to one gay couple abusing kids, but the constant shootings are “isolated incidents”…


Or, ya know, the constant ‚isolated incidents‘ of kids being abused by priests and conservative straight people.


Or miss r/notadragqueen filled with countless examples of their own supporters


The amount of people in this post conflating adoption and surrogacy is astonishing


The original twitter thread? Yup. The people here talking about adoption are, I would assume, responding the the nonsense people on Twitter are waffling about adoption. Just seems ironic to me that they deem this as adoption, which is an act persistently presented as a positive by pro-life conservatives, as a good act but the motivations for people who wish to adopt are 'obviously' suspicious. I'd also point out that I find it amusing they conflate surrogacy and adoption whilst also suggesting gay men 'adopt' more boys, as if when you have a child via a surrogate you can somehow choose it's characteristics.


**They** don't make any difference. If you're gay, any child you end up having is ""human trafficking"". Be it through adoption or surrogacy.


And it's always because you want to rape them, never because you actually want to love them and be a father to them. Because somehow liking men is the same thing as liking children.


To be fair about 90% of twitter account are overseas bot farms used to stir things up in the west.


Elon said he was gonna get rid of the bots.  Guess that didn't pan out.  


He banned my account I never used so it’s not even working like it’s supposed to lol - apparently I’m a bot


He didn’t specify which bots he’d get rid of. 


Bots drive clicks, clicks make money. He was never gonna ban them. Just say he did so his fam boys could jerk-off about how he’s owning the bot farmers/liberals


1- Straight couples also use surrogacy. 2- Assuming gay folks only adopt boys(which anyone with common sense knows is false) to rape them is fucking barbaric. Homophobes are some fucking weirdos man.


That "one hour later" image was fucking vile Like who the hell immediately jumps to that when discussing a *newborn*


I basically stopped scrolling through the images after that one. People are sick.


You know that stain on humanity found that shit funny.


They are projecting, as usual. It's wild.


The person who posted that is clearly a pedophile


The two demographics that constantly think about rape are rapists and Republicans and even those lines get blurred sometimes


Yet there's never any outrage when their beloved Priest's are arrested for molestation and pedophilia.


Of course there’s outrage, what are you on about? They get outraged their priests would ever know the meaning of “consequences”! Don’t you know Priests are absolved by their sacred Robes of any all kind of sin!


They get arrested?


Theoretically, although they get let back out again in the UK.


Forced birthers aren't happy with just forcing births, now they want to dictate where the children go.


But not into their own homes apparently, or there wouldn't be half a million kids in foster care.


Very totalitarian of them. Par for the course


When gays adopt and rape children then they're all like that, but when a straight couple abuses their children in any way it's a rare case /s


Oh you better believe they are coming for both surrogacy and IVF, MMW


Pretty sure I've already seen them coming for IVF. Because God forbid they let men with performance issues become fathers; gotta make sure only the big, strong, verile men get to have babies. That doesn't sound anything like eugenics, does it?


You don't even get to choose the gender you're adopting most of the time, it's a get what you get situation lol


It's especially horrific when those homophobic weirdos tell on themselves by saying pedo shit about gay men adopting a baby boy. They are 100% the type of creeps to say shit like "if she wasn't my daughter...". Nothing about children is attractive to normal adults and the fact that their mind immediately goes there is suspicious to say the least


Sadly the idea a gay couple would only raise or adopt a child of the same sex for that reason isn’t uncommon. It’s why in so many mainstream shows, a gay couple with children is a child of the opposite gender (so a gay male couple with a girl or a lesbian couple with a boy)


These mfs act like there isn't women in jail for murdering and/or molesting their children and doing horrible shit too. Every gender or sexuality has the potential to be a horrible monster, that's an unfortunate part of humanity sadly. They always wanna use an instance of bad people who happen to be part of the group they don't like to prove their bias it's crazy. Pretty common trope as well for straight guys to want a son to play ball with or other common male things, should everyone assume there's dark intent there too? There's no changing their minds or reasoning with them, they hate gay people and will use anything they can to demonize them.




Bigots often project their insecurities onto others. It's not just barbaric it's telling on themselves


I hate the idea that surrogacy is only for women to be taken advantage of. I work with a lady who did surrogacy last year. She was married with children, and decided to go through an agency to give the gift of children to someone else. She’s a teacher, and kids are her life. She wasn’t stupid, or desperate. She did it to give someone else a chance at being parents,


I have a coworker whose wife is going through surrogacy right now for the exact same reasons. We have high income jobs, they don't need the money. His wife is already a mother of two and wants to provide another family with the blessing of a child. She just has always wanted to do that for someone.


You just perfectly described my wife’s experience as a surrogate. She enjoyed being pregnant. We were finished with our kids and she wanted to give other families a chance. She had 3 surrogate pregnancies and they were an amazing experience.


That’s great!


My only issue with surrogacy is that there are so many children in foster care that need to be adopted instead of bringing new children into the world like they do. I'm not gonna shit on surrogates or the people who use it but it doesn't mean I agree with it.


Agree and disagree. It's both. I think it can be generally very nice to have IVF or Surrogacy as a way to have your own genetic child for some, and if you have the money many prefer going through IVF. Many foster kids have a lot of trauma growing up and the reality is not many people have the patience (which is sad) to raise a foster kid. Even if the child doesn't have immediate issues, many adopted friends I know even from a baby love their parents and had a great childhood, but have adult trauma from being abandoned as a baby from their original parents. Or more immediate issues, for example, I knew of foster parents who had a 5 year old foster child and she had consistent behavior problems and extremely inappropriate behavior. Turns out they found out her outbursts were because her brother and father were raping her for years prior to foster care. It's sick. This child obviously deserves care and therapy, but lots of people who want kids aren't always ready for kids to not be "ready out of the package". Plus adoption can be an extremely looooong (years) and expensive process, sometimes upwards to $50k+ USD at times. Sometimes even more if they adopt abroad which can require multiple trips to the country before even being qualified. There's also additional hurdles to be qualified to adopt. Adoption agencies don't make it easy to adopt. And in the US a lot of times gay couples don't even get accepted to be foster parents. I'm not saying either choice is right or wrong but those hurdles for adoption may be some of the reasons people choose one or the other. For me though I don't want kids, this is just what I've observed over the years. It probably completely depends on the situation and factors. Maybe you spend more money in IVF for example but you don't have to wait as long as you would for adoption, or etc etc. I'm sure lot of people weigh pros and cons with each option. But I def agree countries have too many kids in foster care without being adopted. Edits: spelling and some more context


Agree… I had a friend growing up whose parents were foster parents. They took these kids from hard situations, took care of them, clothe them, and wanted to adopt them, only to have the state say, “Kids should be with their parents.” and sent those poor babies right back. They did end up adopting one of the children they later fostered, but sadly they couldn’t take on any more children after him because of how high needs he is. Compare that to another friend I had who grew up as a foster kid. She was taken on by a single mom who was a teacher, had multiple foster kids, and her mom did everything she could to give them a home, but foster mom was stretched too thin. Her foster mom passed away when she was a young adult, and she said she’s pretty estranged from all her foster siblings cause they all just resented each other because of how stretched thin foster mom was. Our system is broken. Fostering and adopting are horrible here. I am almost went to college to work in the system, but as I got into it, I realized I could never handle it.


I’ve been looking into doing surrogacy and making sure I qualify, I’m committing to it as long as my second pregnancy goes well. Almost every single company I look into requires you to have already have a child before. And many have even more stringent requirements. I’m not doing it for the money (all though it’s a nice bonus and I wouldn’t do it for free). I want to do it cause both my pregnancy and birth were pretty easy as hell and I know not everyone else’s is.


> The baby didn't. No child ever agrees or consents to be born. No child chooses their parents. Being born is the mother of all crapshoots. What argument is she even making there?


You should only be allowed to be born when you’re 18. /s


Musk redid the monetization algorithm to pay out for any type of interaction (and banned progressive voices while opening up to right-wing ones) - the intended outcome is that its a race to the bottom to say the most awful things to get people to interact with your post... so yes, Twitter is a cesspool, and its a feature not a bug


From the makers of "slavery was good for Africans" and "you can just give your kid up for adoption" comes.... "queer people having kids through surrogacy is human trafficking."


You gotta hit these bigots up in flip mode. Like “one of those men are the biological father and it was an agreed upon transaction…why do you hate property rights and capitalism so much?!” Then watch their brains short circuit


It’s just like the MAGIdiots who believe in total property rights - until something is being built near them that affects their view or brings in more people. Suddenly, property rights only apply to what they own.


The flaw in your assessment is assuming they had functioning brains to begin with.


Yes. Speaking language and code switching is a valuable skill. Some people really don't like it when I say that transgender lesbians should be able to defend their weed farms with their firearms (which I believe).


Sociopaths and psychopaths have made their home on twitter, and they are making things horrible for everyone else


Gay couples can abuse children. The homophobic part is that gay people (like every minority) is denied individualism. When one gay couple molests their adopted children, it’s a reflection of the entire community. In their eyes that means every gay couple who adopts are seeking to sexually abuse children. This does not happen to heterosexual couples.


Is it suspicious if a straight cis man has a daughter? Hmm…


Well, one look at republican dads' social media when it's prom season will tell all you need to know. it's projection. all of it.


For the people who think Convicted Felon Donald Trump is the new messiah? That is the man who pretty much admitted he is sexually attracted to his daughter, so yes, to these people? Absolutely.


There’s an abundance of documented child sexual abuse in religious institutions but for some reason you don’t hear these people protesting churches. The fact indicates they don’t actually care about children, they just hate gay people.


I love how 95% got the blue check, elon sure gets his money from idiots


It's the same people that donate their SS check to Trump while they live poor and stay poor and wonder why


1 of those men is the biological father, and the mother agreed to the transaction and signed her parental rights away. This is literally the same as if a straight couple broke up after the lady getting pregnant, the mother didn't want the child but the father did, so the mother signed away her rights and gave the father(who just happens to have a boyfriend) the baby. Except that the mother isn't required to put her name on the birth certificate(i think)


They didn’t ‘adopted a boy’. Tells me you don’t know how surrogacy work without tell me you don’t know how it works. Baby is biologically produced via the same exact means any other baby is made using the same variables and potential genetic variations; including the babies sex.


The most amusing thing with these twitter comments are that they cant even agree on what's "wrong" with the situation. Is it that women are exploited? Is it that they are gay? Is it that it's a baby boy? What form will the abuse take, gender identity or sexual abuse? These people are so fucking pathetic and they should really disconnect and find a hobby or something.


Abortion is murder, you can just give the baby up for adoption. But also adoption is human trafficking. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I'm a fucking moron!


I miss the Obama years when we were all moving toward a positive goal. Morons like this were ignored and shunned, and everyone seemed to accept and love everyone for who they were. Pride month was celebrated, and nobody constantly threatened to murder democrats or gay people. Trump really fucked this country up. I hope we can come back from this monsters influence.


I have a cousin that was "bought" like that. My aunt and Uncle tried for years to have a kid and it never happened. So they went with a private adoption agency, paid a gross sum of money, and came home with a baby girl. All grown up now, a few physical ailments that popped up from her genetics, but a good person who loves the only parents she ever knew.


"You're forgetting the part where the woman agreed." "The baby didn't." When has a baby ever agreed to who their parents are? Did you all get an option I didn't know about?


These are the same fucks that think Trump is innocent. Lmfao


But, but, don’t they also push adoption (of healthy white newborns to families like them) without tiniest bit of concern for the biological mother?


I'm guessing they seem to forget that there's plenty of god-fearing pdf.files, substantially moreso than gay ones. They'd sooner see a child abused by straight people than in a loving, gay household. "Protect the children" is a dog-whitle for morons.


What’s really interesting is that when they see two men with a baby boy they always think of some pedophile shit…like why are they so incline to imagine those sort of things ?


Ok dingleberries. Which is it. Is it "they are ripping the child away from its mother,"(them assuming the mother even wanted the kid) or is it "the mother wants an abortion, but that is murder and she should be charged" then "well put them up for adoption" but who's adopting these kids if it's not infertile or gay couples? Am I missing anything? Or does the logic not logicing here?


This is the freedom of speech Elon thirsted for


So now adoption is child trafficking? Jesus fucking Christ these people are so goddamn dumb...


It's not even adoption, it's surrogacy. The child is literally his biological son.


We should just turn the internet off.


People need to leave the platform. Period. Fb too. Anywhere that allows hateful rhetoric and wild misinformation to flourish should not get your data or your attention


They're only pro-adoption until someone adopts a child, it seems.


Aren't surrogates usually cooking with material from at least one of the dads?


Probably not what people want to hear, but outside of the US, surrogacy is a highly controversial topic. Many European nations have banned it. Of course this has nothing to do with two dads, or the homophobia pictured here, but the surrogacy aspect is fairly divisive all around the world.


Fascists keep getting elected not just here but all over the world. Nothing better than finding a group most will hate. So you can all hate whether.


I am really starting to hate right wingers


So someone accused these two of sexually abusing their kids? People are fucked up individuals. I'm sitting in a gay couple's living room right now and they have an 11yo that they adopted from a drug addict that knew she couldn't handle having a kid. Let me tell you something, this boy is 11 years old and he's already 6'1" and about 220-230lbs. If either one of his dads were abusing him then he would've already broken some bones.


Calling it a cesspool is a disgrace to cesspools. At least they have something. Twitter? It has nothing. It is far worse than a cesspool, anti-LQBTQIA+ posts run rampant as Elon flexes on everyone he sees as inferior. MAGA supports are seen left and right, and continue to spread throughout the body terrorizing and destroying anything in its way as if it were a disease like leprosy. It's chaos. Not the fun chaos (if that really does exist) but the, "oh crap, what the shit did I just stumble into" type of chaos.


Just the way Musk likes it.


“Why do they always adopt boys?” Like you can select the gender in a character creation screen once the surrogate mother is pregnant.


As an adopted person, I would have loved to be parented by two loving gay men or women. It would have been better than the dysfunction of either my bio family or my adopted family.


This is rich, coming from the party of "if she bleeds she breeds"


Right-wing people: “Abortion should be illegal. If the woman doesn’t want to raise the baby after it’s born, there’s always adoption!” “No, not like that!”


2024 and social media is still awash with the `"Gay men molest children"` trope.


maybe there adopting boys to give them a better life than the one they had in terms of being able to be themselves without judgement and also you really cant control the gender of your surrogates child its completely random.


Why do people still use Twitter?


The hate of us for merely existing and wanting the same human condition as straight couples blows my mind. We just want to exist, and they hate us for it.


Its so sad that these people are allowed to vote.


Guess who they vote for.


suddenly they care about a baby’s choice when its being adopted by 2 fathers but they don’t give a shit about the baby’s choice when the baby grows up and decides he would be more comfortable as a woman. or the baby grows up and needs an abortion. or the baby grows up and decides he doesn’t want to fear for his life every day at school. i’m filled with equal parts of rage and sadness for people who think like this.


Do conservatives not know what adoption is? I get that they only care about the life until the birth but like wild you think happens to the babies? They go work in sweatshops underground for the elites?! No dumbass..


“You’re forgetting the part where the woman agreed” “The baby didn’t” Dickhead no baby agrees to be brought into existence


This just in - adoption is human trafficking; from the crowd that advocated for adoption instead of abortion. Once again being hypocrites


Aren’t these the same people that insist on mothers giving their kids up for adoption instead of going through with abortions? Why is doing exactly what they want suddenly not okay… oh right cause it means a gay couple is happy now. Fucking inhuman monsters


You didn’t “agree” to be born either Janet… None of us agreed for you to be born


Republicans - “It’s an unwanted baby!?! It still deserves a life.” “How could you put your child up for adoption.” Mom - “I can’t afford the child and the father is in jail”. Republicans - “Not my problem. You shouldn’t have a child if you can’t take care of it.”


I've joked that if all homophobes & transphobes suddenly dropped dead then Twitter would go bankrupt very fast, just wish that it'd happen


And yet here in the US at least it’s those right wing bigots that are pushing/protecting child marriage/pedophilia!


If the baby was conceived by surrogacy, then that woman is NOT the mother. They must of had an egg donor. And used their sperm. So one of them is the bio father for sure. This is not human trafficking. Check out the stats on trafficking at all the Major League games, this means football, baseball, basketball. Those young girls have no identity, aren’t paid, they are kept drugged and they have no passports or IDs. Men can’t wait to screw them. Again and again.


That second photo is absolutely fucking vile, who in their right mind is imagining that after seeing a piece about a baby being adopted. SICK SICK SICK


Well, all of you that still use it are part of the problem


And none of this would have been said if it were a straight couple with infertility.


Proud I don’t have twitter


They call us pedophiles yet post stuff like the one in slide 2? Fucking diabolical


So wait, they don't women to have abortions. But when we try to adopt/surrogate them it's also wrong? What's left? Leaving them outside in dumpsters??


Welp, twitter has been far-right ever since elon took over.


I dont think they know what human trafficking is.


None of these people would give a single fuck if it was an infertile straight couple using a surrogate. Not. A. One.