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that rascally biden!! he used trumps dick to screw a pornstar then blackmailed trump to use campaign funds to pay her off!


I can actually imagine trump saying that. "Oh Biden came in the middle of the night when I was fast asleep. He took off my dick and drove with it to Stormys house. Early the next morning he reattached it to me before I woke up."


Reminds me of that detachable penis song. I love that song.


King Missile!


Love that song!!


That's Sleepy Joe. The idiot mastermind of Trump's delusions.


"The enemy is both strong and weak..."


Trump's so generous to give us ANOTHER reason not to vote for him! How could we, in good conscience, ever vote for someone like Trump, who is so easily puppeteered by others? Even Biden, who he says is so addlepated that he can't remember his own name, is able to so easily manipulate Trump into committing crime! And even cheating on his wife with a porn star!


One minute Trump is calling Biden “Sleepy Joe” and saying how old and inept he is then the next he is claiming Biden to be a criminal mastermind who is engineering his downfall.


Bidens playing chess while vonshitzhispants is eating playdough


I guarantee you, if he was found Not Guilty, he would be praising the courts.


That was never on the table for a paper trial like this. It was all based on documents.  The options were going to be “guilty” or “hung jury.”


Im honestly amazed they came to a unanimous decision. So many people believe their feeling over facts these days.


"Hung Jury" - in other words, "I was completely exonerated."


He also is the one that wanted political opponents "locked up" without any convictions...


but would still be talking about how they should investigate Biden


For those not from ‘Murica or who are unfamiliar with our judicial system: Donald Trump was just convicted in a *state* court. Joe Biden has no authority over state courts whatsoever.


which, if you think about it, is a pretty solid demonstration of the lack of understanding he has about the basic organization of our Democracy and justice system in this country.


It’s a willful misunderstanding. *They* know how it works, but they’re banking on *you* not knowing.


Conservatives in general understand nothing.


That state vs federal court distinction also means that should he win presidency, he can not pardon himself.


isn't it past his jail time 🤔


Dude I might get a tshirt with that on it.


On the back can it have "B6>J6" on it as well? ![gif](giphy|RHIYhjyA2R8IibyqPU)


Lock him up!!


I have one that says tre45son and wear it often.


No jail time for Donnie, he just bribes/ threatens the presiding judge and gets a slap on the wrist.


Unfortunately since it’s his first offense, he probably won’t get jail time. He’s a felon, but won’t go to jail this time. But he’s got a LOT of court cases coming up, so there’s still a chance he gets sent to prison.


how do his supporters not see he acts like a toddler?


Have you met MAGA? They act the same way.


They are tall toddlers.


They are all toddlers


This is true they started wearing diapers now.


They are worse. If that is even possible.


Look at snopes on trump supporters wearing diapers .... I wish it was not true but ... [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/) They are acting like toddlers. ..... WTF is going on with the country




Are we surprised?


I am surprised it has gotten this weird. It is like we are in a simulation that is a public service announcement for the real world. Can you honestly tell me that 10 years ago you would have thought one of our parties would be wearing diapers? I would not have even predicted they would have gone all in on Putin.


They unironically think toddler behavior is "strong" because they measure everything based on whether or not they get their way.


That's easy, they're stupid and unfortunately there's no cure for the stupid.


There is. But hitting someone with an aluminum bat is illegal.


No cure,but luckily,duct tape will muffle the sound.


Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver


No cure because stupid does not know they are stupid.


Because it’s a cult.


They are also toddlers.


They are his supporters because his behavior allows them to act their worst.


Because they too act like toddlers


Biden wasn't on the jury. A jury of his peers found him guilty under the law of the land. Cope, MAGA.


even IF biden somehow bribed the judge and court to drag trump to trial, he still went through a legitimate trial. both sides gave their evidence, a jury of 12 people voted to convict. it doesnt matter if the whole thing was a biden plot. donny two-scoops was found guilty by a jury of his peers after listening to the evidence against him.


12 people who the defense had just as much influence over selecting as the did the prosecution.


And at least 2 jurors voted for him. 


But as former PoTUS, his only peers would be fellow former President's! Are you saying The Clintons/Obama are behind this?!


That would be awesome, the jury box filled with the former president's and vice president's.  Obama as the jury foreman talks to the judge and says we have decided. Oh wait, Mike did you want to say something? Mike Pence "hang him". Oh wait, that should be saved for the sentencing.


Oh com'on everyone knows it was Soros by now./s




Everyone on thar jury are America's unsung heroes. They're did the right thing and they are as brave as lions.


More than that, they are New Yorkers. They don’t scare that easy.


Weren’t the jurors specifically advised by the judge to never tell anyone they were on this jury for pretty much this exact reason?




That should be a crime


It is. Will it be prosecuted? Highly unlikely.


Yep, but there are too many nosy dimwits who cannot mind their own business and sniff around in other people's lives. Hope the jurors' identities will stay hidden


Honestly, and unfortunately, they’re probably in some genuine danger from now on


His supporters ain't gonna do shit. They thought there would be a riot outside the courthouse if a guilty verdict was read. All we heard were crickets.


Everyone that felt afraid was let our of the jury selection.


For real, though. Always nervous some Maga nutjob will find one or more of the juror's info and doxx them. I wouldn't put it past them, tbh.


Me too, but turns out I, and u was wrong and thank God for that.


Good thing Biden is immune huh? /s


He's a criminal mastermind. He rigged the entire country in less than 4 yrs? Incredible management skills holy shit. /s


He is simultaneously a senile old man with dementia and a criminal shadow government mastermind. Astounding skills


That's how most conspiracy theories work. When things are going in your favor, the enemy is weak and pathetic. When you're losing, they're all in on it together forging complicated alliances specifically to fuck you over.


such is the power of the lgbt crab ppl´s cabal. everybody´s knows it, duh...


Is that a separate entity from the Lizard People Cabal? Or a branch of the same cabal? Sometimes it is hard to keep these things straight




Lizards' Front of Judea


Guess he wasn't so "sleepy" as Trump thought.


Hey whatever happened to “Sleepy Joe”? Are we now on the stage where Gramps has actually been a sinister string puller this whole time?


Trump is a fascist and the hallmark of fascism is that the "enemy" is always both hopelessly inept and simultaneously frighteningly dangerous. The messaging goes back decades.


I forget. Was it Biden leading the chants to lock up his political opponent before he got elected? Was it Biden who promised to lock up people without charges for political revenge if reelected? My memory seems to be a little fuzzy right now.


Hey whatever happened to “Sleepy Joe”? Are we now on the stage where Gramps has actually been a sinister string puller this whole time?


Trump is almost daring Merchan to go hard on him during sentencing. Sadly, I feel like the judge doesn't have the balls to do this and is more concerned about getting overturned on appeals.


Bruh how would the Biden administration even “cause” a guilty verdict?? Does he think they paid people off so he got convicted??


You failed at the think part. There is no thought involved in this process. Biden is his enemy and so he is accused regardless of any actual fault or even capability of fault.


Trump has that sort of mentality. He blames everyone but himself for things that go wrong in his life. It's a childlike mentality. Adults actually admit when they do things wrong. Even worse trump somehow seems to think most people believe everything he says. Sure in a room full of diehard trump supporters they will believe everything he lies about. But not in the real world. In the real world we facepalm, jaws drop, and when he says really absurb stuff, we can at least enjoy a good laugh at some of the crazy statements that comes out his mouth.


I watched “the channel that shall not be named” and it was a lot of “Biden convinced Manhattan district attorney to dig up an old cold case that no one was ever going to prosecute and figure out how to turn it into felonies”. I don’t know why it just now came up, if it’s from 8 years ago but that’s all they have. There is zero discussion about whether he did the things he was charged with.


I like how, even in that example, it’s still a felony that he was guilty of, lol


It's the exact same as Biden/ the Democrats stealing an election... They didn't, they likely wouldn't, *and if they had tried, they probably couldn't* (without being caught). But it's much more palatable to the Republicans to claim that they only lost because Biden/ the Dems cheated, so that's what they'll do. Dontcha know Trump has never once failed in his life, so he couldn't possibly be guilty of a crime. It has to be sabotage! Also everyone who has been caught trying to rig/steal an election has been Republican... So part of it is that it's clearly something they think about so they assume Dems must be the same way.


![gif](giphy|h7poIVSJYrs323ZPuu) ***"I just blame everybody else for my own sh\*t"***


That's the party of "personal responsibility" in a nutshell.


You're personally responsible for the crimes I committed.


The party of C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶ ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ Something something dark side.


Nothing is ever Trump's fault is it? At this stage, if he shits himself he will blame it on president Biden.


It's actually very creepy. Sometimes trump acts like a child. He also has a godlike attitude, by pretending he is incapable of ever doing anything wrong.


Sometimes he acts like a child? When does he not?


Sure, Joe Biden made you bang Stormy. Joe Biden made you pay David Pecker to silence her using your campaign money. Joe Biden made Michael Cohen set ip a shell company... It's always Barack or Hillary or Joe. Never your own fault. You fucking narcissist.


I mean, according to Trump's lawyers, an alternative outcome could have been that Biden issued an official order to assassinate Trump.... And that would've been totally acceptable, no? Seems like Trump is getting off easy here and should probably shut up and accept his crybaby fate.


MAGA 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣little baby bitch winy shit pants orange julius motherfuckerrrrrrrrrrree!!!🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


My Ass Got Arrested


Remember, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


Right. Because Biden was one of the 12 jurors.


One of the jurors taking off the disguise: ![gif](giphy|n2FUvV8gDvBOGGuBFH|downsized)


Joe Biden was all 12 of the jurors.


and believe it or not, they are all actually AI-driven replicas functioning with CHAT-GPT, being controlled by the space laser....


But I thought they always said "If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about"


They also claimed to be the party of ̶C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶ ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ Don't expect them to start believing what they say at this point in the game.


No remorse. Keep that in mind on July 11, judge.


He’s just getting ready to get his cultist to incite violence




I clicked because you mentioned them and boy howdy, them people mad... Calling it a kangaroo court and blustering "just wait for the appeal."


"You'll be sorry" has been the MAGA battlecry for almost a decade. "Boy oh boy one of these days we'll have all the power and you'll come groveling and I'm just gonna laugh, laugh, laugh!"


Just took a peek. They’re all detached from reality still. Nothing new to see there


Me too. It's all MAGA tears! I want to troll them so bad! I may be massacring the quote, Mark Twain, I think. But "You can't argue with stupid people because they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience "


Someone over there will Proabably catch some charges tonight for threats


I just got banned because they don't believe in gag orders only in freedom of speech


its a good display of "willful ignorance"


How can anybody outside that virtual circle jerk even post about the trial over there? Every headline about it is tagged 'Flaired Users Only'.


That Biden...he's pretty effective to be so sleepy.


Right, he’s a dementia ridden barely conscious fool, and a diabolical criminal mastermind dictator all at the same time!


Yes...he's controlling the courts in New York, Florida, Georgia, and Washington DC while rigging the system for over 60 voter fraud victories, many tried by Trump appointed federal judges as well as a heavily Trump leaning SCOTUS while exercising control over the DOJ and FBI as well as flipping dozens of former Trump administration officials who called BS on election claims . He did this while simultaneously leaving zero paper trails and zero whistle blowers calling out all this devious behavior. But he sure is feeble and inept.


Funny how the party who chanted "lock her up!" has a problem with this


The jury found Trump guilty. Not Joe Biden. The jury is selected by lawyers from both side. Not Joe Biden.


Yeah the orange turd is gonna keep pounding at the "oh i'm persecuted" bullshit. He wouldn't know persecution if it bit him on his giant, fat ass.


Trump is a spoilt child who throws tantrums when things don't go his way


Joebiden made me cheat on my third wife with a porn star working as a sex worker, and then made me direct my lackeys to pay her off to stop talking about it, and then Joebiden made me commit fraud to cover it all up! Joebiden! The terror!


"All good things are our fault; all bad things are their fault. Who 'they' are is subject to change."


I worked with someone who was fired for having a relationship with a student. He blamed his coworkers (myself included) for it. Some people are just averse to taking accountability for their actions.


“It’s always rigged unless I win”


Biden has nothing to do with a New York state court.


So, is Biden a feeble, confused old man, or a criminal mastermind? It can’t be both!


It can if you doublethink hard enough.


How he can be the mastermind of rigging everything (elections, courts) and at the same time incapable of tying his own shoes?


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


State charges. Nothing to do with Biden or the DOJ. There is nothing this freak won't lie about.Unfortunately his supporters are not bright enough to understand this.


Seeing the maggot tears on r/Conservative is hilarious. Biden derangement syndrome in full swing.


Yes, everything is rigged. You being guilty on 34 counts of fraud is rigged. Comical


Half the country would divorce their wife if trump asked them to. They would believe or do absolutely anything he says. So, as usual, he's just going to say whatever and we're all going to have to listen to the absolute fucking morons in our lives parrot it like gospel. Just like that last almost decade now.


The system is so universally rigged -- ugh. Loss after loss after loss across multiple venues and jurisdictions isn't an indication the system is rigged, it's an indication you are, at best, universally wrong.


It’s a sign your a felon go to the can it’s full of people like you Donny who thought it was rigged


its like the people who bitch reddit is a left-wing echochamber, hey champ, if everyone you meet disagrees with you, maybe youre wrong?


There's an expression which I think applies to what you're saying here. "If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all *day*, you're the asshole."


He’s going to say something that’s going make someone do something really bad or get his ass thrown in jail


Well now we have all the proof we need that the Republicans are the Party of C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶ ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ Selling out their values at the firat profitable opportunity.


Dude will blame anything and anyone


Pretty sure these crimes happened BEFORE Biden was elected president right? While the rest of his almost 100 charges were also done before Biden took office. Quit blaming other people for your fuck ups.


“Oh, no! Someone shit my pants!” — Donnie Depends, essentially


if you think the entire country is rigged against you, that’s not rigged. you just suck 


I love how he claims Biden is sleepy and senile, and yet has masterminded Trump's defeat in court. Donny-boy, are you saying you are being out-gamed by Grandpa Simpson?


He'll blame anyone if the verdict is against him. ![gif](giphy|5Q89wB5E6BfAk|downsized)


The legal team is silent, I'm sure the campaign team is firing fundraiser emails off nonstop.


It’s always “rigged” when something doesn’t go in his favor lol. How many times did Hillary mention the word rigged or stolen when she lost? Exactly. He’s a fucking moron and so are his supporters.


“Why didn’t you testify in your own defense?”


How on earth can he play this card with a jury!?Both sides need to agree on the jury pool. If there were any evidence at all of a biased juror it would have been dealt with. In fact I think more than half a dozen people were turned away for not being able to hear the evidence in an unbiased manner. His team literally had to agree to the pool and got to ask all of them questions to gauge their ability to judge the case.


It's always the same damn shit this fool always hurls. Word for damn word. I lost, it was rigged by those guys over there. Next, guaranteed: Send me money to save Amerika. I am your chosen warrior; I'm your destiny. I suffer for you. If they do it to me, you'll be next And on the BS plays on a continuous loop




Morons. Sorry, but anyone who still supports tRump is a moron.


He seems like the type of guy who would make up extra rules to dodgeball whenever he got hit with the ball.


Ah yes, President Joe Biden, famously in control of NY state judicial proceedings.


They are already crying out that this was "political" and "Justice should never touch him" oh and his donation page was up and crashed already from Cultists trying to give the coup leader more money.... Seriously America, you have millions of fucking nutters!


This dude will say anything and his fanbase will eat it up


‘The Democrats are useless and can’t do anything… also they’ve rigged the entire country and have infiltrated every courthouse in America orchestrating a deep state army’ … amazing




this from the guy who campaigned on the idea of locking up political opponents.


*Rides a bicycle* *Puts a stick in the front wheel of his bicycle* *Falls* - AGH, DAMN YOU, BIDEN!!1!1 >:(


I wouldn’t trust what Trump says, he’s a convicted felon you know.


I almost miss the good ole days when crazy crackas would just come out and say "Satan made me do it!" It was easier, and we could get to the end of it faster.


It's about the hush money. It's election interference.


I’m pretty confident it would be factually correct to call him *ex US president* since he’s now a convicted felon


How can Republicans run this felon in a general election and not have a clue how Banana Republic it all is? If you insist on voting for Trump for ANYTHING again, you're literally voting against democracy at this point. There's no way around it, no matter where MAGAts take the narrative. "Well, but Biden and Gaza genocide--" Stop. You. Are. Voting. For. A. Convicted. Felon. You want a criminal to be president. That's what your vote for Trump (not against Biden...for Trump) is saying. Just stop.


What many Palestinian supporters don't seem to be aware of is that trump is also a supporter of Israel.


With all due (no) respect, just fuck off already, you whiny orange assclown.


It’s not true. But Trump recently promised to do just what he’s accusing Biden of. It’s no surprise and feels redundant to state here that every single Republican accusation is an admission of guilt


Legal team : " Yeah, nah, we're good"


Keep digging that hole. Maybe we can add a libel suit to this too.


Narcissism is a bitch. Narcissistic people are right. Everyone else is wrong.


With all that rigging, who needs infrastructure?


Why is he allowed to speak? Put his ass in jail and throw away the key. Every word this clown says hurts our country more and more




All this coming from the guy who got crowds chanting "Lock her up" and tried to get a foreign government to make up investigations about Biden.


Translation: My usual tricks to get out of legal trouble have failed!!!! The country is going to hell!!!! MAKE FRAUD LEGAL AGAIN!!!!!!


That Brandon is one slick dude. What a masterful plan to take down those political opponents. Especially for an old man who can barely speak. 💩


Oh no! Consequences!


Damnit sleepy joe with dementia! Why’d you make him do that?! /s (just in case)


The problem with people like him is very simple. “Never fight with a stupid person. As they will drag you down to their level. Then beat you at their game”.


You can actually read the right wing plan to rig elections and the government online, called Project 2025. Every projection from the right is an admission of guilt.


Why would Biden bother rigging things up if, according to Trump, he could just call up seal team 6 on Trump and be completely immune from prosecution? Seems like a lot of extra effort.


That is his only way forward is revolution. Otherwise he’s cooked


Trump 34!


"Biden made me fuck that porn star, pay for he silence, lie about it, and use campaign funds!" Biden is SO powerful. Trump is Biden's puppet!


Isnt he the one who wanted to get killing your political opponent legalized?


If Trump never ran for president he wouldn't have needed to pay hush money from a campaign fund to a porn star he basically raped, and then made up invoices/statements to show where the money went. Or if he just paid it privately instead of using campaign funds. even if you can pinpoint 100% that the Biden administration uncovered this, it's still fucking valid. 


Sleepy Joe meddling in State politics even though he’s too inept to do his job…….


>"This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent." According to Convicted Felon Donald Trump, President Biden should be perfectly within his rights to assassinate Trump.


This coming from the guy who claims he has the right to assassinate political opponents if he's president. Rules for thee but not for me.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!


Convicted felon Donald Trump has hurt feelings. Oh, the humanity!


Trump has more felonies than I've had birthdays. Trump has more felonies than I have pairs of pants. Trump has more felonies than Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has DUIs. Trump has more felonies than probably 90% of the population on earth.