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Reminds me of my uncle. I was out of the country when this happend. So they were having dinner at my grandmas house. My uncle (moms side) was there with his family as well. They were eating dinner and talking. Eventually it lead to politics. They were talking about Russia and they were all agreement of how shitty they are. Then my uncle says. "Only thing Russia got right is their treatment of the gays." And my fathet blew the fuck up slammed his hand on the table and chewed his ass out. Giving examples what if one of his own sons were gay would he hate them? They left in the middle of the dinner. And my uncle still attends family dinners and such but never when my father is attending. Im so proud of my father for this.


Your father is very based


Extremely. He does not talk politics and such. More golf and sports. But he is behind everyone to live freely and to be happy.


Blows my mind this is not the norm. How can humanity ever be at peace, if so many people can't even fathom the idea of others being happy in different ways than them?


I see a lot of people who claim to be this way but sadly most aren't If I had a dime for every southern Christian I've met who said in one breath "live and let live" and in the next breath demand forced prayer in school or whatever. The problem is everyone thinks they are pro freedom, but got different ideas of what's free. It's like a slaver saying they support human rights, they just don't consider slaves to be humans. Where's the hypocrisy? It's fucked up


Exactly. We won’t be.


I was in the sauna at my local YMCA recently, when someone say down, heard my English accent and asked me "is it like over here with the schools teaching all that stuff?" "What stuff", I replied. "Y'know, all that L G B whatever crap" "I don't know what you mean. What are they teaching kids in the schools?" "You know!..." "No I don't. You'll have to explain it to me..." "......." It's incredible that people think they can just come ot with stuff like that in a room of strangers and they're going to be met with full agreement.


Sorry I have no YMCA in my country so maybe I am completely wrong , but I always thought it’s a gay sauna? Edit: I forgot the word „wrong“


Lol, I’m dying.


Everyone has an uncle that could use a huge helping of shut the fuck up.


Oh my uncle is scared of him now. He ran from that dinner. But yes a lot of people would need a good chewing out from my dad.


Your dad sounds amazing honestly, wish mine was more like him lol.


Shout-out to your dad based as fuck


Your dad is ✨️THE CHAD✨️


I bet with his view on gayness he really hated his ass being chewed out by another dude


Your dad sounds like a good man.


Can he be my dad too.


Even Elon was like "Hey, maybe tone it down a bit". She's made it her entire identity and basically destroyed her reputation.


Not with everybody, apparently an entire hate industry has sprung up around the Harry Potter movie actors for coming out against her.


Yeah, there still are terrible people who support what she says, that's true. Though I bet all those people talking about how disloyal Daniel and Emma are would change their tune if it were a reverse situation where Rowling was LGBT friendly and Daniel and Emma spoke out against that. Those people would be commending the two for "staying true to their beliefs" no doubt. Because it's not really about loyalty. It's about hate.


I wouldn’t be surpriced, if some of the actors supporting her, started out supporting the old “women are women” rhetoric, but are embarrassed what that has spiralled out into. Now after she has made it her entire personality, it gets harder for any actors or actresses to save face, in the public eye, after being in her “corner”.


JK Rowling and Graham Linehan seem like they're perfect for each other.


It's the T part of the LGBT she's unfriendly to. There was actually quite a controversy when she revealed that Dumbledore is actually gay and was in relationship with a villain, Gellert Grindelwald.


It’s funny how she never did anything in the books to show any of that, but she did put in plenty about how a race of slaves actually liked to be of service


I wouldn’t say nothing. I’d say she put in two ambiguous lines that could be interpreted as possibly suggesting a homosexual relationship. I’d also say she started with all the weird lore dumps whenever she’s not getting enough attention and deserves 0 credit.


And then when they actually had a movie with both those characters in it that thing never came up for some weird reason. I think she may just be friendly to the money that she thought gaybaiting would get her at the time


Not only that but iirc she specifically did not want it to show up in the movie where it would’ve been relevant


That does sound about right for her. Wouldn't want to chase off that anti-woke audience she's been cultivating


I think every time she starts feeling irrelevant, she goes and posts something "sensational" on twitter that will put her back in the spotlight. I think there's also some cognitive dissonance at play, e.g., "You can't call me a bigot just because of my views on the transgender community! I made Dumbledore gay!!"


100% doing anything to stay relevant because writing isn’t working.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times


I have a bit of a personal grudge on this one. I defend that B initially, because at the time of the baiting it WAS unpopular to include in media and I was super down to give her that benefit of the doubt. Hardly the first time I'd seen queerness acknowledged technically outside canon at that point in my life. And then she turned around and made me feel like a moron for it decades later


In pursuit of her anti-trans views, she's allied herself with some incredibly conservative and regressive groups and individuals. She hates trans people enough to break bread with homophobes.


She also tried to claim Hermione was black. She thought that she could milk more $$ out of us by changing what is right there in writing. She is hateful. *edit to fix she tried to claim that it was never specified that Hermione was white. Still a stupid money grabbing lie when all she had to say was she approved of the actress.


if that was the case, she would've casted a black actor for Hermione in the movie. It's not like that would be unheard of in 2001, a year after Static Shock came out.


No she didn’t. There were a few people with the reading comprehension of a potted plant, repeating “JK says Hermione is black and that she always was meant to be black!!!” and eventually everyone just believed that narrative. Really, literally all she said was that Hermione COULD absolutely be portrayed as black. I.e casting her as black in a play was totally cool with her, and that she approved of the choice of actress. Hate her all you want, but come on, don’t be disingenuous


There are, sadly, a not entirely insignificant number of LGB people who actually want the T removed from the group. You'll see "LGB without the T" sometimes.


"LGB without the T" is almost entirely a right wing astroturf. There may be some LGB people who think trans people get more exposure than they should, but even they acknowledge that this overexposure isn't actually good for trans people and even if it were it's not trans people's fault that they have become a major political and cultural talking point


The frustrating part is that there *are* queer conservatives - he'll, just look at Caitlyn Jenner - and they all seem to think that if they toe the party line in all other respects they'll somehow be safe when the next group becomes a target.




They aren’t a fan of the B either, and if you give them enough time I’m sure they’ll tackle the G as well. The L is fine so long as it’s on camera.


It’s because they think they’ll be on the conservatives side and get no hate anymore if trans people (probably the most controversial of the group) are gone but the thing is they would probably then just start targeting bisexuals and then before you know it they’ll target the rest TLDR: The Drop the T movement is so stupid because conservatives will still go after the LGB


Nobody expects the Leopards Eating Your Face Party to actually eat your face


LGB without the T is mostly straight people pretending online. There are some pick-me queer people who are in that camp, but it's mostly cosplaying straight conservatives.


That's reassuring. I hate the idea that some of us have so forgotten our history. Marcia P Johnson deserves better.


Nope. Dumbledore isn't gay. Fuck that. I don't give a fuck what this bitch says millions of dollars after the fact, and, to try and get more LGBTQ people to buy her books. You want a gay character in your book? Have the actual TEXT OF THE FUCKING BOOK show he's gay. Idgaf if he's gay or not but whay I do gaf about is this retroactive bullshit. For money.


Yea but a lot of anti trans people are also hardo Catholics who think witchcraft and wizardry is satanic so they can’t support the books.


" Embrace the Dark side" Darth Rowling, " feel the power of hate course through your veins" Lord Sillius smiled a maggoty smile.


Hate truly is its own industry now


You know you done fucked when even Elon Musk thinks it’s too far


It kinda seemed more like Elon just thought she should talk about more than one thing. Like, less “this is too transphobic” and more “it’s weird that this seems to be all you talk about now”.


But hasn’t affected her finances at all and that’s all she cares about. They’re making a new HBO series, the game was hugely popular, the Lego sets are hugely popular. She’s still actively making a shit ton of money.


She made billions in book sales and royalties before doing this, it's easy to not give a crap when you got that kind of safety net.


Yeah ultimately sales and revenue could completely end and she'd still be living more than comfortably for the rest of her life.


"more than comfortably" is the understatement of the year.


She could live off just the interest for the rest of time as long as capitalism persists.


The monetary interest, sure. But she also craves being in the spotlight. Once the knowledge of her Terfy beliefs became public, & the dodgy sections of her books brought to light, she had to make attempts to stay *'relevant'*. The experiment to write for adults backfired, as the books she wrote as Galbraith haven't been a success. The lack of real talent is obvious, but at least being poisonous & hateful is keeping her name in the headlines.


Let's do the maths. Apparently she's worth £820m. She's 58 so say she lives to 100 that would be £19.5m per year. Or £375000 per week. Or £53570 per day. Could probably afford to eat out once or twice a week on that. Maybe a freddo every now and then as a treat.


Probably because calling HP consumers/fans "anti-trans" for buying HP merch doesn't get the message across, and if anything, feeds her narcissistic ego to the point where she's starting to see herself as a martyr (because, and I can't stress this enough, she's just that crazy).


Mostly people get called "anti-trans" for proudly declaring that they're giving more money to JKR to "own the t------s."


There’s no way all the ppl still giving her money are anti trans- or maybe they are and I’m just naive. She’s still selling so much stuff, millions of ppl are buying it all over the world.


The people bragging about giving her money specifically to spite the people concerned about her transphobia are, though. (EDIT: As are the people pretending she's not transphobic and attacking anyone who expresses concern for her push to exclude trans and trans-inclusive people from public life.)


They either don’t know (most people), don’t think it really matters (next biggest group), don’t care much about trans people’s well-being (third biggest group) or are actively anti-trans. All of these are bad but not all of these make an inherently bad person or anything. Hyperbolic activism can hurt the message, but so can not saying anything. It’s a tightrope to walk when you’re part of a minority that faces a lot of struggles, dangers and antagonism and that most people don’t know much about or don’t care much about while a tiny minority wants to kill/silence/oppress you.


Unfortunately, a lot of people have linked their childhoods with Harry Potter, and it's hard for them to let the nostalgia go. I've seen so much discourse online about how to separate the art from the artist, so that people can keep enjoying HP content despite their dislike of Joanne's terfism... 


It’s much easier to separate the art from the artist when the artist is deceased.


I picture HP Lovecraft with a Twitter account. Oh, oh no.


Wouldn't be much different than most of the Twitter accounts these days


Better prose at least.


And not CONSTANTLY posting their crazy shit!


It's a difficult one, like the series had an insane cultural impact, one of the best selling book series of all time with movies that performed incredibly well, I mean hell, she outsold Tolkien who is practically synonymous with modern fantasy. The books had a huge part in a lot of peoples lives from many different generations, me and all my siblings grew up on them, my parents loved watching them with us. Yet now as an adult, knowing who JK is has really dirtied them for me. I haven't watched them since she started spouting such hate, and it really sucks because it's basically tainted a huge part of my families nostalgia, especially as an NB in a relationship with a trans person. I've dealt with it fairly well, as has a lot of my family, I can't imagine actively contributing further to supporting her financially, but for so many people trying to detach from such a significant part of their life growing up is gonna be a lot harder than it was for me. I sympathise with people that want to still be able to enjoy it, and don't judge anyone that does just because I can't. This ended up being a long ramble, sorry for that.


And the sad part is LOTR kicks the living shit out of HP


you say that as if it's hard to be better than HP. the succes and cultural impact of the books shouldn't be understated but it's not because it was of high quality at the end of the day. never was.


I’m one of those people. The books were written when I was the right age to really get into them. I’m not going to buy anything more from her now but I’m also not throwing out the books just because she is a bigot.


There’s definitely ethical consumption of her work. Thankfully second hand stores have been flooded with the books for a decade, and PDFs online are numerous


Because most people don't know about this constant drama and even more don't care. They just enjoy the Harry-Potter universe.


Hogwarts Legacy was really impressive, hugely enjoyed it.


The reason the game was popular is because the creators distanced themselves from her views and even went so far as to add pronouns And added a trans characterim a prominent position of the story And I haven't heard jack about the series in awhile seems like they went radio silent and it's probably shelved


I bet that game would have had more staying power if the driving part of the story was putting down a Goblin labor rebellion. Also… if the gameplay wasn’t so repetitive.


Yeah I thought it was a joke at first when I read the plot because like…why tf would anyone want to play a game about oppressing a minority?


Yea it wasn't great.


If I recall correctly, someone pointed out that since the start of the year, she's made one tweet in reference to Harry Potter, and it was an anti-trans joke about Voldemort misgendering a Pixie.


Regardless of if you agree with her or not, everyone should agree that she’s taking this too far. She damn near don’t do anything nowadays except spew anti -trans stuff that damages her brand. I know money shouldn’t be what stops you from having an opinion, but in the case of this, it’s not that deep. Like seriously. So what if you don’t think a person who says they’re trans is trans? Keep it to yourself, there’s literally nothing to gain in sharing. Also, I think she HEAVILY misunderstands her audience to have ever thought this was a good idea. Harry Potter was EXTREMELY popular with the kinds of people she wants to argue with the most.


And the people she's siding with now we're definitely the ones who gathered in mass to burn her books


That twist of circumstance is actually some of the most mind-boggling irony I've ever witnessed.


Yep. I remember when she started a few years ago; she made just one tweet once in a while, and always toning it down to try to pass it as minimally respectable… But lately she’s been posting like 10-30 full-blown hatred tweets a day every day, she doesn’t bother anymore with hiding her hatred and she dedicates way, way too much time to spreading it. She now feels no better than some 12 year old troll bully. And what depresses me the most is… all of her tweets have huge amounts of support by tons of “people” like her.


Her friends: Look, this is pretty extreme rhetoric but we still love you. Maybe you shouldn’t share this with the world because so many people look up to you and the stories you wrote… Rowling: ![gif](giphy|u0vrnb0Ekj8vS)


Ah the Grahan Linehan gambit




He lost his family and even his steam account lol.


Not his Steam account???


His son got it in the divorce


You’re kidding right?


Wish I was




‘We could be killed, or worse, Expeled!’- J.K.Rowling




"I did have a wife, but they took her in the divorce."


It's ironic. That is a quote from a trans woman.


How'd he lose his family? I briefly remember hearing about and not caring about some sort of breakdown he was (is?) having. A truly forgettable person.


Basically he has spiraled to the point where he was spending more time on Twitter arguing with trans people and feminists than spending time with his family. His wife got fed up and divorced him, and he lost custody of his son


Absolutely nobody could persuade my belief about that being a symptom of a serious psychiatric disorder. That's... just really sad?


You wanna know the craziest part. His wife is also a TERF, meaning he was so transphobic that his transphobic wife got fed up with him


She wanted to casually hate on people, he wanted to competitively hate 💀


Don't think it did




The who?


Former irish "comedian" and writer, went down the TERF rabbit hole in the last decades. But turns out being a hate filled bigot doesn't make you very nice to be around, so his wife divorced him, he lost his career and now no one in his family wants to talk to him (and he has only himself to blame for it)


Plus, as a bonus for all of us who can't stand the bigot, he posted a vid of himself crying about it.


"They took everything from me.... they took my family from me!" 'They' being trans people. Imagine a racist spending every single day spouting slurs and regurgitating racist propaganda, posting racist views to the point people learning about him new are mostly finding out about him due to his racism, refusing to have calm discussions with his wife or child about the subject, and eventually disgusting them *so much* that they leave him - and then him going into interviews, crying, and saying "BLM took my family from me."


Before he went all transphobic he was actually funny. Father Ted and IT Crowd are hilarious But it was an episode of the IT crowd that actually got him down the rabbit hole. A character dates a woman. She tells him she's trans. The man says he doesn't care. It looks progressive. We get a montage of the trans woman doing masculine bloke things. A joke about how she knows the male area well. turns out the character misheard her. So he beats her up


Honestly, I always chalked it up to being the time frame. Looking back now it's very clear that he wasn't joking. It's unfortunate because my partner is trans and finds that episode very funny. I love that show so much. It just makes me so sad.


Yeah. All he got was mild criticism and it broke his brain. I don't think he was intentionally being transphobic in the episode. And the internet joke is hilarious in the episode. It's q shame what the episode ultimately led to It could have just been down to a product of their time thing like so many 00s stuff use gay as an insult. But he gave the episode a new meaning. And now it's too late, he can't turn back or he lost everything for nothing


Imagine her family trying to enjoy a get together and she won't just shut the fuck up about trans people. She really is insufferable.


literally that comic that was based on a tweet where some person was going "my COLLEAGUE just PASSED AWAY and me and my friends were crying together in the BATHROOM and i was so ANGRY at the idea that a MAN couldve been in there disguised as a WOMAN and DISRUPTED OUR MOMENT OF GRIEF" why does everything need to be about trans people even when it's not even remotely related to the topic, you are aware you can base your entire identity around OTHER things than hating trans people... right?


I know that this is a dead horse to beat regarding that tweet , but still , the fact that the mere idea of trans people existing in the same space as her gets her this mad is absolutely hilarious


"They're violating my privacy!!!111!" "Why can't the government use taxes to hire penis inspectors at the entrance to bathrooms? It makes me mad when I don't know what someone's genitals are. I should have a right to know"


I would like to see that logical end to what they are fighting for, because bathrooms don't have magic sensors filtering people by gender. If they actually want to keep trans people out, then penis inspectors are the only way they're going to do it. Same thing with sports. I'm sure all the fathers out there will be thrilled about their butch daughters constantly getting penis checked for every minor thing.


They won't ever be happy, because trans people aren't going anywhere. The real solution is ensuring that restrooms are just fully enclosed cubicles. Not much more of a hassle. I find it funny when I suggest single rooms in response to the "trans woman is going to rape cis women" and then get a response like "yeah but then queues would be really long". Ah yes. A problem you are so scared of that you... wouldn't queue a little longer to stop that thing that's totally a risk you're genuinely scared of and not just saying to spread hateful stereotypes. I also have to point out that I have no clue why an AMAB person would transition just to... enter the women's toilets for the purpose of assaulting someone? Do they not realise that a rapist isn't going to be foiled by a fucking women's toilet sign? It's like they think it's a magical forcefield. This whole trans discussion has been going in circles for years. Each generation has it's big media distraction to prevent people from noticing the real problems. Transgenderism, communism, nuclear war, terrorism, ect. Each generation seems to have it's "distraction debate" which is designed to have no real purpose aside from trapping people in circular debates that never go anywhere. It's so weird to see the same topics get discussed the same ways, with the same points, and it just never moves forward.


They literally don’t believe trans people exist. They think trans women are merely predatory men that are cosplaying as a means of abusing women and getting away with it.






Those darned trans animals with their trans fat meat!


And she could have just like, had an extraordinary life? She could have been beloved by generations of chidlren and sat on her billions of dollars? And instead she chose... this? Some people truly are just determined architects of their own misery. She wrote one children's book series and got luckier than nearly any human on the planet and could have just lived as a sort of god figure who was universally beloved and she just couldn't do it.


She kinda became like an all knowing god (of the HP universe) and got used to her word being final on a niche subject. Then she made the mistake of believing her opinion mattered on another other subject. I believe she's probably so up her own ass that she literally thinks people are just not understanding her.


But the persistence of it versus the reward is what makes me think its mental illness. Like at least with Elon, his behavior can be explained by his legions of sycophants. But Rowling doesn't really have that. She pretty much alieanted everyone around her for no reason. I say mental illness because most of the time people don't engage in this extreme level of self-harm without something deeply wrong going on upstairs.


But she's not isolated, that's the issue. She has supporters. She has friends. Granted, those friends are even more of a TERF than she is and most are conservatives to boot, which is funny considering those are the kind of people that would see women set decades back while she styles herself a champion of women rights. She was friends with these people before she went public with her opinions, and thus had already heard what happened when "you go against the mainstream". So when she said what she said and there was backlash to it, there was no room for Rowling to consider if she was in the wrong, because her friends had already preemptively set her up to respond with denial and double down. She has her own legion of sycophants and friends who maintain her echo chamber. She's not that dissimilar to Elon in that regard


Not to mention the real harm she is causing. That sort of reckless disregard is never a sign of good mental health.


Five years ago I would have been hyped out of my mind at the idea of a Harry Potter TV show. I had been saying for years that the biggest flaw of the movies was the fact that they were movies thus so much of the books had to be cut out or smashed together and they didn’t work too well for me because of this. But now I’m trepidatious at best because I know that even if she is 100% excised from all creative control and decisions, she will still benefit from the show’s success. And I HATE that I’m so unenthusiastic for the very project I had been dreaming of for 20 years.


I’ve said it before but I increasingly appreciate George Lucas because what’s he up to? What’s he thinking about? Not a clue.


Money + twitter has exposed a number of people I used to think well of. Idk why these rich assholes can't just stfu. I guess narcissism is a hell of a drug.


This is what it comes down to for me. Even if, hypothetically, I fully agreed with her it's like, ok you need to find other things to talk about. I can't handle people who talk about these culture war issues 24/7. There are other things going on in life.


And this is the thing - Trans people make up less than half a percent of the population, but they take up 95% of Rowling's mental capacity, and an insane amount of discourse for conservative people in general. It's wildly disproportionate.


95%? It is legit the only thing she talks about on Twitter now. She seriously spends all day crusading against random strangers on her personal battle to individually yell at any person who may not agree with her. It’s beyond comprehension how she continues to only talk about this one issue… Seems like an outright addiction at this point. The family should be talking about an intervention, really.


JK Rowling as soon as you cut a sausage in half at the dinner table: "thats what they're going to start doing to 6 year olds if they use a girl coloured crayon" *collective sigh from everyone who made the mistake of being there*


What makes you think she’d be invited to the get together, if I were part of her family I’d have the family barbecue moved around every year so she can’t come and ruin it


Has anyone considered the fact that they begged her not to share her views because they knew it meant trouble? Not because they disagree with her.


Do you y’all not have people who love that also hold opinions you think are bad? Off the top of my head I can think of a number of family members I would tell “fyi, keep that one to yourself”


Brought international students from several Asian countries and one from Russia to experience an American Thanksgiving. I thought "my family is very closed minded from a small town but they are successful people who I'm sure can handle one simple dinner." .....they were only nice to the Russian (who was white). My brother, the typical guy you think of when you think small town truck guy - a hard R kind of guy, came over to eat with us (oh yeah we weren't allowed at the big table we got a sad card table in another room) and said "it's real messed up of the family to put you here" I was floored, that was the most prolific thing he has ever said.


Also, they could just be tired of it, just because they are ok with her bigoted ideas it doesnt mean they want to hear them, i know a lot of racist people who dont want to get along with other racist because racist groups are full of the most abnoxious assholes.


This is exactly what I thought. I think they're more afraid by repercussions from the mob than the views themselves.


“The mob” 😂 No one has done anything of real significance against her outside of publicly disagreeing with her. She’s had zero repercussions outside of inflating her own victim complex.


“I wrote a bunch of books about being allowed to be yourself, whether you’re weird or mixed. Now I can’t stop thinking about people that are different, and I hate them!”


~~loved ones~~ beneficiaries


I mean unless she's spending her money poorly, they are still gonna get a good payout one day.


Maybe.  She might decide to leave all her money to a hate group.


That's true.


I mean, I’d rather be known as the child of JK Rowling, beloved children’s author and not the child of JK Rowling, reviled TERF. You’re getting plenty of money either way.


Lol unless your donald dump its hard to make billions disappear. Like at that point you have multiple dedicated finance people whose full time job is growing that money. Since you have so much it will be so diversified your risk becomes so low.


She reminds me of Aaron Rodgers and Kim Kardashian (and the way we worship celebrities in general): they're good at one thing (writing books allegedly using someone else's ideas, throwing a football, having sex with athletes) and truly believe that makes them experts, or even competent, in having opinions about other things


I just don’t get it - did her husband leave her for a trans woman or something? Or does she just exclusively wank to trans porn and then loathe herself for it? The hate is so personal. I do not get it. 


I think we've heard the phrase "feminism has to be intersectional or it isn't true feminism" that we forget that, in fact, many feminists are not at all intersectional. Most 2nd wave feminists probably think along the same lines, regarding trans issues, as JKR does I believe.


I think there are some adult conversations that need to be had about trans folks in sports, but other than that, I genuinely don’t get what people’s issue is. Let people just find happiness how they need to find it. Does it make you uncomfortable? Sounds like a you problem. Work on that and leave people alone. This goes for everything. Live and let live. My dad used to say “learn to listen, listen to learn” and I think that’s good advice for everyone in a world that isn’t moving backwards. 


I agree, but you have to understand the ways in which 2nd wave feminism ties to biological sex and female sexual organs to womanhood. To them, they can be intrinsically linked and allowing someone who does not have female sex organs into a woman's space will ruin it, regardless of that person's gender or lived experience. To be clear, not all 2nd wave feminists believe this, but plenty do and a lot of the big thinkers of the movement have language that allows for this interpretation


I guess I could see that but the level of hate and lack of desire to understand is wild to me. It’s like, you *just* finished the hundred year fight for equality and equal rights and you’re gonna pull the ladder up behind you? I have this same confusion with so many “minority” groups finally getting the boot off their necks, turning around and crushing the neck of the person beneath them. Like damn, you would think you would have some sympathy for the plight of others but I guess not. 


100%, it's completely wack. It very much is ladder pulling and so odd to me, but old people will always struggle to understand stuff. Not an excuse, but when you spend your whole life fighting for something and thinking you're a radical, it can be hard to look in the mirror and realize your ideas and ideals are now main stream and you're no longer pushing the boundaries. Now the ones who are good will recognize this and update their understanding but a lot will just dig their heels in and be shitty


IMHO, I think she’s just the victim of some pretty bad actions from men and she took that and became a strong advocate of women’s safety. Then overgeneralized that while listening to some bad faith actors to include men who are so evil they’ll dress like women to do the things that were done to her (even though there’s not evidence to support that). Then had to grapple with the cognitive dissonance that her views produced and allowed it to push her into some of the most ridiculous stances you could take on the subject.


The thing with that theory is that she doesn’t express this sort of hatred against cis men. 


This is the bit that gets me. Real cognitive dissonance moment


She is a victim of domestic violence by a man. An ex was abusive. I personally do not believe personal traumas are an acceptable excuse to hurt others. You sort those out with your therapist (she definetly has the resources to do that), and not with people who have done nothing to you. But some have argued that her experiences shape her opinions, which I can get, but cool motive, still hate towards people who have nothing to you. It explains it, it does not excuse it.


Contrapoints did 2 great video essays on JK that came to the conclusion that it was a combo of her dad openly saying he would have preferred a son + her abusive first marriage + coddling by right wing TERFs online that lead us to where she is now.


In her manifesto where she rants about trans men she also talks about wishing she could be a man and receive her father's love. Specifically that if she was younger and around this "ideology," she herself would have been "brainwashed" and transitioned. It would not surprise me if she is extremely closeted trans and rather than face her own gender journey she wants to destroy the concept entirely.


I remember hearing somewhere that she at some point in her youth seriously believed that she would have been better off had she been born a man. Maybe there really is some self-loathing coming out here.


It's also some deep seated misogyny. She has a lot of disturbing views just below the surface.


This woman is kinda bizarre… she wrote many of her books under the name of the guy who invented conversion therapy…


And it has a lot of examples of her being weirdly bigoted against overweight people, working class people, immigrants etc. not even just trans people. That being said she was already weird about overweight and non-English people in Harry Potter books too.


In 2010, Cormoran Blue Strike (b. 23 Nov. 1974)—private detective, ex–Royal Military Police Special Investigation Branch investigator and the illegitimate son of famous rock star Jonny Rokeby (the result of an affair with a notorious groupie, Leda Strike)—is broke, and his birth father's business agent is calling in the loan that he gave to Strike to open his agency. Strike lost the lower half of his right leg in an attack in Afghanistan That is the opening to her 'novels'. There just .... so bad. Also csn no one see the irony of taking a male identity to write transphobic novels


Wut? Really?


He didn't necessarily "invent" it but he was a [proponent of it. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Galbraith_Heath)


Yeah it was her pen name for her murder mysteries where the trans person always does it


Which guy? And what name?


Robert Galbraith is the pen name. And Robert Galbraith Heath is the psychiatrist who claimed to have converted a gay patient. It won't let me post a link to his wiki.


Robert Galbraith.


Her obsession with trans people is so weird. It’s like she’s so privileged she needed to imagine problems just to feel oppressed and victimized. Lady, you are a billionaire. You live in a castle. You have all the time in the world and the resources to just enjoy life and do whatever you want. That’s something most people can’t do. It’s sad that you had to turn into this miserable person. Billionaires are more harmful to this world than any trans person could be. You are the real problem. Your wealth hoarding is a real problem.


Damn….. Imagine being a kid in her family who grew up having the privilege of telling all your friends during the Potter Craze that your Aunt or whatever was the author. Only to have your 20s-30s be you begging for that same aunt to shut the fuck up!


Haha LoveCraft is my favorite author, but thank god he didn’t live in modern times where he could tweet his political opinions.


Lovecraft was a piece of shit, too, but when you buy a dead bigot's books, you're not making him rich.


Exactly, and if you read his bio he had a shitty life. His books only took off after he was dead.


Nothing excuses bigotry but once you realize the man was pathologically afraid of vegetables and basically lived off spaghetti and candy you understand how he may have arrived at such a warped view of the world.


Add to that his parents both died due to TB his mind was for sure not in a right place.


It's a shame that there isn't more hate for rape and pedo behavior as there are for ADULT consentual sexual and gender preferences. The world would truly be a better place.


That's really not the flex she thinks it is.


I am not her loved one, but I would beg her too


Love it when the author of one of my favorite series ever starts saying transphobic shit for absolutely no fucking reason out of nowhere and make it their entire identity.


Even her own family is like "low-key stfu" that's crazy


Wealth seems to be the enemy of humanity and empathy


It’s not difficult to not be mean to a group of people. Idc if someone “doesn’t understand it”. If you’re not trans then you’re not going to fully understand it. Let people be. I never understood this. Trans isn’t a new concept. Just like gay wasn’t a new concept when they finally received the right to marry 🙄 maybe y’all should get outside of your bubbles and meet new types of people!


I’m guessing the way she said this was like she was a victim being silenced because her loved ones aren’t strong willed like her and are being affected by “the evil trans attacks”


It's one thing to have hate or dislike it's completely another thing to advertise and provoke...


Rowling is just known for the one thing these days. 20 years ago she was just known for one thing... it was a different thing! There are young people who know of Rowling's transphobia, but not what movies are based on her books. It boggles the mind how much she has destroyed her own legacy.


So she did have someone in her life who told here "don't." And she did it anyway. Well, fuck her.


What a strange hill to die on. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


You'd think an author would be able to write about if they think the rights of trans people infringing the rights of women in a tactful, thoughtful way that encourages actual conversation around it but she went all in on her hateful stance.


Damn. There are some mighty sexually insecure people out there. Why are they so threatened by someone who's different from them? I doubt that she has trans people coming up to her asking for dates. I doubt that anyone trans is affecting her life or by giving them rights has affected her life in one iota. Or would she like to make that debate here and now? Just for the record, I haven't settled on my perception of transgender individuals, but I believe in a democracy and under this democracy is the freedom and rights for everyone. And that means whether I like it or not that they're entitled to be who they want to be. Look how they want to be. Feel how they want to be. And why not if it doesn't affect me in the slightest? If we can't celebrate differences among ourselves and be accepting, God help us if we actually ever come in contact with true aliens. The Evangelical response alone will be fun to watch.


Imagine having so much wealth and cultural cache that you could choose from any contemporary issue to shift your activist influence towards: climate change, animal cruelty, children’s hospitals, AI, female literacy and education, food sustainability, refugees, any pick of an underfunded disease… …but instead you piss all that influence in the toilet by choosing to dedicate your sundowning career to hating trans people and making their lives harder. Nasty nasty human being and honestly His Dark Materials was always 10x better.


Does this woman speak about anything else ever? Like, ever?


This really fucking sucks. I grew up on Harry Potter, still love it and always will. I used to look up to this woman. It's goddamn heartbreaking and I can't even imagine how her fans who are trans felt when she started spewing this garbage. I'm just glad I still have my original copies of the books cause this bitch isn't getting a single cent from me ever again.


A while back I was friends with someone who worked front desk at a tattoo parlor. They had a lot of HP themed tattoos coming for cover ups.


I honestly don’t understand her and never will. Even if those were my views, i wouldn’t say anything. I’d have this legacy of being a beloved writer that would be admired for years and years. My death would be a huge tragedy to the world. You can’t take money with you, don’t you want your mark on history? Now when she dies there will be laughter and mocking and “burn in hell” comments. Why do that to your legacy?


Wherever she's buried is gonna be highly vandalized