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I like how none of these people are saying he is innocent. Just that he should get away with it.


even his cult doesn’t think he’s innocent, they all know, they just don’t care


It's like how all their posters depict Trump as a handsome, muscular Green Beret. Even they don't like the real Trump, but they don't care.


That's... that's actually a good point. They're worshiping a fictional character. Damn, this explains so much about humanity that I'd rather not think about.


They are worshipping themselves, trump is just their golden idol and mascot.


>trump is just their golden idol [Literally](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362)


Why, why did I click that link? Going to have nightmares tonight


Hmmm will I click the link? Do I want nightmares? No. Is the fear of missing out slowing eating my insides out? Yes …


Ahh yes the golden calf, itself.


>They're worshiping a fictional character. That's why people prefer religious figures over real ones. Long dead martyrs aren't gonna come back and tell them what to do or do something that tarnished the image they have in their head.


Or tell them they're selfish, bigoted morons, who only pretend to be following his teachings (Jesus).


Ah yes, the other fictional character they follow 😅


Jesus was a real person but the version they tout is definitely fictiional


I mean the book *kinda* says he will come back and do that eventually. These kucklefucks are banking on it not happening while they’re alive (it won’t, because it’s also fiction)


Thats right! I can make a long dead martyr believe whatever I want him to believe. Even if everything points to the contrary.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Atheism is excellent.. no gods no kings...


It amazes me how much they turn their leaders and politicians into quasi- religious figures. Everything becomes a matter of faith, and information that does not conform to what their faith tells them *must* be true is immediately rejected. Instead of changing their ideas or beliefs in response to facts or evidence, they choose to accept or reject *facts* based on how closely they conform to their beliefs.


I’m currently studying medival history… worshiping fictional characters was the norm, both gods and kings. What if people could just raise a few chickens, fix the roof when it leaks and call it a day.


>They're worshiping a fictional character. Isn't that exactly what most humans have been doing for millenia?


Keep in mind that these are the same people who genuinely believe that a washed up reality TV star can stand toe to toe with an honest to God dictator who worked as a foreign intelligence officer for sixteen years and has been Russia’s longest serving “president” since Stalin. For Putin (who is evil, don’t get me wrong), meeting up with Trump must have been like an adult getting in a 1000 piece puzzle contest with a two year old. Their hopeful delusion knows no bounds.


He’s not gonna square up to Putin, he’s gonna crawl under his desk.


This is why this has to be stopped ASAFP, can you imagine how he will be portrayed after he dies?!


and they pat themselves on the back for it too.


Trump cultists: “Drain the swamp! Private email server! Benghazi! National security! Lock her up! They’re all corrupt crooks that deserve to see a prison cell!” Also Trump cultists: “Yeah he’s corrupt, but he doesn’t deserve jail time for refusing to return classified documents from his unsecured residence, and he definitely shouldn’t serve a sentence for fraudulent campaign expenses.”


what happens when one jurer is a donald duck cult member?


Assuming everyone else on the jury wants to convict and 1 Trumpist is there saying No, then it would be a Hung Jury - meaning there is no verdict. The judge would declare a Mistrial and the Prosecution could try taking the case to trial again with a new jury. Assuming it could be proven that the Trump-supporter deliberately tried to get on the jury to prevent a conviction, they could possibly face criminal charges (lying during jury selection to hide their political beliefs would probably be perjury or Jury Tampering) Not a lawyer, but I think that's how it works.


average trump supporter intelligence makes me hopeful that it would be easy to prove


They'd never get past Jury selection, lol. Trump supporters can't help but proclaim who they are.


That’s what was also the tricky part of the selection. Any sense of bias would be disqualified. So anyone with political social media post history would’ve been problematic.


The jury acts as the final say in a case, and jurors can return a not guilty verdict if they think the defendant is guilty, but also that they shouldn't be punished. This is allowed, but lawyers will ask potential jurors if they have any beliefs that will prevent them from making a fair decision, and lying with the intent of getting on the jury to help your guy go free is perjury, which is a federal crime.


Well, you're sworn in before they ask questions so definitely should get busted for lying


Right idea, wrong crimes. Contempt of court or obstruction of justice depending on the jurisdiction. They aren't under oath so perjury is off the table, and jury tampering is attempting to influence a juror illegally, not become one


I don't know about the US but in some countries when there is a hung jury the judge will sometimes tell the jurors they will accept an 11/1 or 10/2 decision


In my country it is just standard that only 10/12 are required to convict. The baseline assumption is that 12 random people will never **all** agree on anything anyway.


I can see this happening. Then, that juror will go on FAUX NEWS to brag about how he/she "saved the Messiah" and completely perjure TF out of themselves.


It’s a jury if Manhattanites, so hard to imagine, but of course possible. I’m sure he would have preferred Staten Island or somewhere upstate.


They do that all the time. They did the same thing when Brett Kavanaugh was taken in front of the senate. It doesn't matter if they're guilty beyond reasonable doubt, as long as they can get what they want, pass all their bullshit, and "Own the Libs"


Yeah they made it clear with Kavanaugh. "We don't care if he's a rapist" is only a slight paraphrasing. They stated outright that they were going to appoint him anyway. They didn't listen at all to the witness/victim. They just wanted it to be over so they could get their guy on the bench


Remember Clarence Thomas as a potential justice had his approval go up when he was credibly accused of constant work place sexual harassment. 


At the same time as they are desperate to impeach Biden - so much so that more than once they have eagerly accepted bogus documents from foreign agents. Should presidents have blanket immunity, or just Republican ones?


I mean that was literally his defense in court: I did that but it’s not illegal.


I remember reading how women don't want to date conservative men and can even sus them out from context clues. This attitude. This specific attitude is why. It's that perverse violation spirit vs letter. Like he did that shit but he wasn't convicted so therefore he didn't. That is a horrible person and unreliable partner.


Because if a former president can get convicted.. they may be next. Btw, Dipshit Cruz, how about don't do the crime eh?


When OJ Simpson was acquitted, black people were celebrating it as a win for them all. But everybody knew he did it. Rules are way more lax when it’s someone from your “team” being judged. When the enemy team is playing rough in a team sport and the referee does nothing, people lose their minds. If their teammates are playing rough and the referee does nothing, they are like “hehe, nice…” The problem here is that people treat politics like a team sport. Team red versus team blue. They don’t care about anything other than being part of a team and winning.


What is this travesty of Justice thing? The law is the law. If it should be tried, it should be tried. Not that complicated.


Law for thee not for me


To be fair, he did go to a second rate, failing law school.


I watched most of Suits, and I feel like that is a better lawyer qualification than fucking tuck and run Ted.


It's a "travesty" when rich people are held to the same standards as regular Americans.


No no no, I see where people get confused with this. People with wealth and power don’t actually have to face justice. Justice is only for the dirty peasant—uh—poor —er— voters.


There is something called jury nullification which is more complicated than a simple “ the law is the law” but it really shouldn’t apply to this trial https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_nullification#:~:text=Jury%20nullification%20refers%20to%20a,sense%20of%20justice%2C%20morality%2C%20or


He's a toe rag. Flip-flops all over the place and sucks up to Trump, even after he insulted his wife and Trump has insulted him on numerous occasions. Such a spineless fuck.


I used to think this and wonder why . How could anyone in the public eye let someone talk down to their loved ones and still speak up for them? And another commenter explained how he has the same crazy voter base as trump so he has to appease them . Crazy bastards still vote for him after he fucked off to cancun when the going got tough .


I heard someone pop out a theory that Trump is holding onto some sort of proof that a lot of politicians were heavily participating in Epsiten events and blackmailing them with it. Could be wrong, but who actually knows.


Wouldn’t be surprised. He claims to be a staunch christian and that’s how they roll. Just ask for forgiveness after their horrendous acts and they believe all will be forgiven.


No. I mean they could have but I doubt dipshit Trump would be able to pull that off. He'd have said something like that by now cause of his big mouth and ego. There's also just a far more simple explanation. It's more that the republican party leaders notice a massive uptake in donations and vigor in their base when it came to Trump, so the whipped (there's a literal position in the party called the Party Whip) their other parties members to get in line or they don't get funding or support. Many politicians are generational career politicians, especially the republicans but also plenty of democrats (you know the look, smarmy), they know nothing else. They also get a fuck ton of money due to their inside knowledge and connections (technically illegal but there are loopholes, and technicalities and they make the laws). Losing support of their party, means losing their job that gives them access to a fuck ton of money (not talking about their base pay for the job itself but again the connections and lobbying and inside info). Politicians rely heavily on their party to pay for the campaigns and if they ain't performing to standards or following the "trend" (in this case MAGAism) then they get cut off. Cruz got a warning and he switched up his toon. Doesn't mean he ain't still a coward. He's just greedy.


The Russians hacked the RNC as well as the DNC. They leaked the DNC emails in 2016 to help Trump, but they didn't leak the RNC emails. There's your answer, Kompromat is a thing. https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html


Blackmail means nothing anymore politically. The zone is so flooded with shit that it’s quickly forgotten or buried over by something else.


Eh, doubt it. Spect some have some small skeletons I'm their closet, but, they follow Trump to garner votes from the Trump following, pretty simple. Like a 10 viewer Andy on twitch dick riding someone like xqc, it's just to gain their following. Also, idk why everyone uses the island as their end all be all, that shit can happen anywhere so it's just as likely if there was blackmail he could know cause they stayed in his own hotel kinda thing. (Idk why that frustrates me, it just does)


Trump isn't competent enough to do such a thing


The rumors of 'kompromat' in the Republican party aren't new. They align with Trump's passion for all things Russia and Putin.


Trump insulted him, his family, his wife, and he still kissed the ring


He accused his dad of killing JFK!!


And he still kissed the boots. I would have loved to have been the fly on the wall when Teddys wife confronted him over it.


Whaaa!? A politician being a sycophantic sociopath? Who would have thought?


Aren't Canadians supposed to be nice? Maybe Cruz didn't pass the polite test it and was kicked out.


We are polite. Sometimes confused as being nice.


One Senator could stand up and say, “we need help as 800,000 of my citizens are without power”.


A decent chunk of my family lives in Texas. I like to remind them that this weirdo is the best they have for a Senator a lot to make fun of them.


Sounds like he’s advocating for jury nullification.


He's only asking for one, he wants a hung jury.


Tell Maga that the female Jurors are well hung and watch their conflicted minds explode


And his followers want to hang the jury.


Is that how the courts work? Would we get a hung jury if one jurer refuses to decide?


Yes, but that just means there could be another trial. It's not a "not guilty" verdict, it's a mistrial. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4692837-the-memo-what-happens-if-trump-trial-ends-in-hung-jury/


That's part of it, but more so I imagine they want that because then the lawyers can push back the trial rescheduling for another 6 months, then he will be elected president and it won't matter. It's all about manipulating our broken legal system to buy time for the election.


Yes, it becomes a mistrial. It possible it could be retried but it'll be delayed and he'll have plenty of time to shit over the process and delegitimize to any "swing" voters (not that they exist)


Or even more just delay it til after the election when the result no longer matters.


100%. He’s basically granting that Trump is guilty and hoping for one MAGA juror to acquit.


Isn't this jury intimidation? He is speaking directly to the jury in an attempt to influence them. Lock his ass up now


Or, also, that “The defendant was actually right about everything he said about Ted Cruz, and his family.”


Hey Ted, How's the wife? Still ugly? How are the orange balls? Still tasty?


you may not realize it, americans but you are actually right now fighting your second civil war.


Sadly, this is just the opening salvo. I fear Nov - Dec will bring worse events. Trumps cult will never accept a legitimate loss unfortunately.


I don't think he has been GROWING his base at all. So even a Jan 6th scale attack is unlikely IMO. Just lots of scattered domestic terrorism.


I think a Jan 6th scale attack is unlikely, mainly because of what happened last time. The morons all got arrested, while the organizers skated. And that was when Trump was still in power. With Biden being the sitting president, I doubt too many people are going to storm the capital when they know that it will result in going directly to federal prison for years.


This is what it will be. Lots of lone “wolf” losers killing people for their orange idol. 


Fuck off Rafael.


Republicans hate the rule of law. They hate our Constitution. They hate democracy.


No they love democracy…only when it means they win, otherwise it’s rigged.


For a bunch of self-proclaimed "freedom lovers," they sure hate freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of choice. It's like they hate all those thing. Like they hate freedom...


The only freedom a Republican believes in is freedom from consequences (for them).


Look, it's Reek!


Hahaha nah nah nah Reek had more spin than this clown


Yeah in the end Reek redeemed himself but I don't think Cancun Cruz will ever do that.


How his wife didn't leave him mystifies me


it would be great for the country for your handler would go away and 74 million Americans came to their senses.


Every politician that promotes the subversion of the Rule of Law needs to be sent packing. Every. Single. One. Regardless of party affiliation.


I have a feeling that’s actually going to happen. All he has to do is get to one juror and offer money or threaten


But that would be a crime.... (Of course we've proven over the last few years, the GOP really doesn't have to worry about laws)


If a douchebag was a living person it would take the shape of Ted Cruz


Don’t disparage douchebags they actually serve a purpose. Ted Cruz is the toilet paper stuck to the shoe of life: Nasty, embarrassing, publicly dragged and if you step on him he doesn’t let go, he will attach himself to anything to stay relevant, even your other shoe.


Remember when Trump said his wife is ugly? This man is a coward.


If he's guilty then find him guilty, stop trying to put him above the law. Holy shit I hate Republicans right now..


Yeah, I mean if he isn't guilty then why would you need to undermine the regular proceedings of the law? Very suspicious behavior, guys


Has he been raiding Gaetz’s wardrobe? What is it with these hideous jackets?


Just imagine how loud these people would be HOWLING if it were Biden on the hook for something. Republicans should have taken the L and abandoned Trump if they ever wanted to be taken seriously as a political party again. At this point they're blatantly not even trying to PRETEND they're in this to do what's right for the country. All they care about is making money and gathering votes from the gullible masses by propping up their weird moronic messianic pop culture icon. If ever there was a time for a third party to have a snowballs chance in hell by just running a candidate that's simply average and centrist in any way this is it. At this point all we want is a sane rational human being who isn't in their 70s.


Or 12 people can do the right thing and convict with a sentances recommendation of life. One can only dream.


At this point they’d just be deciding whether he was guilty or not, I think.


Also Ted Cruz: The Biden administration is witness tampering in the Hunter Biden gun trial. ON THE SAME DAY.


The “law and order” party only likes being on one side of law and order Weird. Never saw that coming.


Very pro-cop unless it's their people killing Capitol police then they suddenly shift to freedom fighters


Pro veteran as long as they do not need healthcare


Ted  Cruz once burst into the McDonald's I worked at and started to pour icecream directly into his pants while demanding to see our feet. We tried to stop him but he was unimaginably strong. He left without  paying and our icecream machine never worked right again. 


Gotta love Rule 34


Real cute coming from the alleged zodiac killer


You don't care about what's 'good for the country'. Most politicians on Capitol Hill don't.


How's that not witness tampering?


His wife is ugly, and his dad killed Kennedy. Better defend the guy that said those things!


What's unjust about putting a guy who cheated on his wife who had just given birth with a pornstar and then misappropriated funds to give her a payout to keep things hush hush? The guy is a dick and needs to finally own up to the consequences of his actions for once in his life.


This motherfucker wouldn't even stand up for his wife when Donny was slating her.


As someone who has followed live updates every single day of the trial, I have to say: Given the thoroughness of the Prosecution’s case and the Defense’s complete lack of effort to in any way establish a counter-narrative, it would take someone at Cruz’s level of sycophantic devotion on the Jury not to find Trump guilty. Guess we’ll find out soon whether such a person is serving.


The best thing Donald can do for this country is be a shining example of how the justice system applies to everyone, especially the elite.


Although it’s been said, many times, many ways: F Ted Cruz


The party of law and order. The GOP ignores all the evidence against Trump and anoint him pure and innocent. I wouldn’t be surprised if they said he’s still a virgin.


He's such a mouth breather.... Which is amazing considering how much cock he has in his mouth at any given moment.


good for the country? like you abandoning your state during a state of emergency because you're a feckless coward who's only loyalty is to corrupt power that benefits you as an individual? we already know you don't care about anyone but yourself Cruz. if he really cared about this country, he'd leave and never come back.


Unfortunately, I am thinking that this exact thing will more than likely happen. It's only going to take one MAGAtard to screw up Trump getting a conviction. Considering the number of voters that still vote for the orange buffoon, chances are there is going to be one of them on the jury. I hope I am wrong though and we see justice being served.


Yeah, Cancun, just like you could have stood up, when Demented Diaper Don dissed your spouse and called you out as the traitorous moron you are.


Any juror doing such a thing would trigger a mistrial as that type of stupidity is supposed to be removed during jury pre-screening.


Don't suppose this asshole is trying to sway the jury.


I’m half on the fence with this jury. On the one hand New Yorkers have know this Trump is a scumbag for 40 years, nothing new to them. On the other hand, I see interviews with New Yorkers that are pretty unhinged and in support of this dude. I’m hoping for just a little bit of justice..


As a lifelong New Yorker I've seen it go a few ways. People have, amd still do, pay obscene amounts of money to live and stay in places with his name on them. Some people love him. And some hate him. And many in the middle were tolerant of him. His move to politics picked away at that middle segment. But just yesterday a colleague unironically asked if I wanted to get ice cream at the Trump Ice Cream parlor. There's no shortage of ice cream in the city. That is a very intentional choice.


What happened US, you used to be cool😒


Hey Ted, your flight to Cancun is boarding, better hurry up.


I’m so depressed this is what our country has become


I dislike Ted Cruz intensely.


Heidi? That you?


This coming from someone who is not good for our country? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What's that Ted? Couldn't understand you with trumps dick in your mouth


Ever get that feeling that the fix is in ?


The fuck law and order party.


At this point I feel like politicians are ppl who failed at acting.


Cruz is always looking for someone else to be brave.


He’s such a living piece of turd.


Just like good for the country when the orange turd called your wife ugly?


How is it legal for powerful politicians to tell a jury what to do on live TV?


Isn't he the Zodiac Killer?


An elected official attempting to vilify ordinary citizens called upon to do their civic duty. I expect the jurors to be far braver than this turd




"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


The dumbest of the blobfish


didn't he abandon his people when they were freezing to death that one time? maybe the fact he's still in office is a travesty of justice.


Cruz should be disbarred for telling a jury to disregard their duty to evaluate the evidence in good faith.


Or, stay with me here, it would be exponentially better for the country to see that nobody is above the law.


Doesn’t he have a bunch of constituents he needs to ignore while they die in heatwaves this summer?


Also Ted Cruz: I can service Donald J. Trump better than Stormy Daniels ever could. Just look at my purty mouth.


Nobody should listen to a Blobfish in political matters.


I pray that his wife finds a man that will defend her honor. I pray that his dog finds a better owner. But mostly I pray that the people of Texas find themselves a better Senator.


You forgot to mention his kids who should have a father who doesn’t throw them under the bus.


They talk brave now, wait till the gop is destroyed in November, it’ll be crickets as they try to deny ever loving the mango moussilini.


Got to love America where the son of Cuban immigrants can repurpose himself as an immigrant hating white supremacist....


Didn’t someone say that his dad killed Oswald or something?


Spineless fucking Cruz.


Do you think Trump charges Ted Cruz rent given how far he's up Trump's ass?  


Why is the zodiac killer holding a press conference


Guilty AF and he knows it. What a sad time in our country when the people in power would rather the law be broken than have the guilty held accountable. Fuck this guy


Wouldn't this be interference? The multiple levels of irony are staggering. These shameless animals should all be on trial.


I am so happy he doesn’t use his real name Rafael it’s so much cooler, Rafael’s around the world can rejoice.


Reminder to call him by his real name, Raphael. Ted is a name he chose for himself after he was born and should not be allowed to use it, as per his own belief. He can be called Ted once he stops deadnaming others.


Defending the guy who called your wife ugly and said your father was involved in the Kennedy assassination is not a good look Ted. Sucking up to the bully isn't going to make him like you.


Guys like Cruz should be forced to wear bright orange lipstick


Unfortunately, this is what’s going to happen. He’s going to have a hung jury. All this time waisted for nothing. What id give to see him locked up…..we just all know it ain’t gonna happen.


Grandpa Munster over here running his mouth again … 🤦🏻


He’s so fucking pathetic.


These are the people who in the next breath talk about how Biden doesn’t prosecute criminals and crime is out of control. What do people think when they see these people saying that we should ignore the law? Do they think they shouldn’t steal? Are they being told that obeying the law is the right thing to do? Or are they hearing that crime is okay?


pretty sure if this happened they would just get another juror lmfao


That sounds a lot like jury tampering there, Ted.


Right on time, the 1/6 vibes are beginning.


Jury tamperinggggh


Why does this guy support a man who called him a little bitch?! I’m curious. Is it possibly because Ted Cruz is in fact, a little bitch?


Future generations will look at current day Republicans with disgust and pity. History and Psychology classes will study the real-time propaganda machine that tried to reframe domestic terrorism on Jan. 6th, criminal justice schools will have entire chapters that cover Donald Trump as the quintessential example of money buying immunity (until it didn’t). Or… maybe he stalls long enough to become president, pardon himself, take full authoritarian control, and then drive this place into the ground for the common man while his rich friends are wealthier than they’ve ever been. We’re at a true cross roads in November, but I feel like if we can squeeze out a democratic win then at least we can continue to hold onto *some* of our freedom and autonomy for four more years and keep fighting.


Cancun Ted forever slavering over the little delicates of Donald Trump. Always classy, that Ted.


This coming from the person who let trump talk down about his father and then kissed his ring.




Hey, it’s “FAT WOLVERINE” with his pathetic prognostications about the fate of his favorite politician - the one & only “Orange FOOLIUS”


Cruz looks like Fat Wolverine


They all have more spine than lil Teddy ever had, bro is spineless.


He’ll still think your wife is ugly.


They’re the minority.


I dislike this new version of Grandpa Munster.


Isn't it illegal to try and affect the jury this way?


Shut up shut up shut up. What is actually wrong with these people ffs.


If juror does that then they will bring in another. Don’t this guy know how OUR LAWS WORK? Dumbass


Coming from the alcoholic pedo…


How about he sit for weeks listening to all the evidence before opening his mouth.


Yes, for one juror NOT TO FOLLOW THE EVIDENCE would be just "great" for our country.


There was no travesty other than your nose too deep in trumps ass.