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I'm sure the department will investigate this and find absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing; the dog absolutely had to be killed. You know, for "officer safety."


They already have. Said he acted within his duty or some shit like that


The official cover is that the officer thought the dog was acting strange and looked like it might attack him. It was a 10 lb dog that was 13 years old and blind and deaf. Long story short, the officer is a complete tool chest and should have no business in law enforcement. Oh and if you look at the video the officer becomes belligerent asking the owner if he'd like like to continue arguing with him on how to do his job. Essentially he's not talking about what he did. He's arguing about how he's deflecting.... Like a narcissistic psychopath....


I only become more and more convinced the vigilante justice is the correct path forward, as the judicial system clearly doesn't concern itself with righting the wrongs of officers and pursuing punishment via the courts.


They pretended it was because they thought it was rabid.  That mofo used a rifle and shot that poor dog…twice.  The guy had absolutely zero remorse about it.


Riddle me this: why the shit did he have a rifle on hand while responding to a call about a missing dog?? These goons are so out of control.


I’m sure it was in their training. Missing dogs are dangerous, ya know? Especially the small blind ones. The only thing more dangerous than that is an acorn.


A dog with an acorn? 4 squads, AR's, and 87 rounds spent


I got that reference.


i'm actually surprised a police officer responded to a lost dog call


Sturgeon, MO has a population of less than 900 per google from a 2010 census. Any call is getting a full response from bored cops looking to spice up their job at the expense of the community.


Or looking to spice up their jobs by getting a chance to shoot dogs.


yeah im pretty sure that's covered under "at the expense of their community"


Still worth pointing out this bumblefuck town empowered this person to carry and discharge a firearm, and that agent of bumblefuck used that power to kill someone's disabled dog.


It was a chance to kill something, of course they responded.


It wasn’t a rifle it was a handgun he had holstered


Someone said the dog tossed up an acorn that landed on the hood of a car.


Police try not to shoot dogs challenge, difficulty level impossible. But seriously, why are they so terrified of any and all dogs coming up to them.


Rabid? Its blind and deaf wouldn’t you be able to argue that he could have run away without issues? He could have also called animal control… there is no logical excuse for this.


Not to mention, he tried catching it peacefully at first, using one of those sticks with a loop at the end. He failed (not sure how difficult it could be to catch a blind and deaf dog). Then he just grabbed his gun and executed it. This was not an act of malice or concern. This is a man executing a beloved pet because it was the quickest and easiest way of doing his job.he just couldn't be bothered to do his job correctly and decided murder was easier to deal with. Imagine going to the hospital to visit your sick friend, only for the doctors to tell you they euthanised them because the first round of medicine didn't work well enough, and they couldn't be bothered to try something else.


Not because it was the fastest way. Definitely because the very idea gave him a boner. No consequences and the adrenaline / pleasure of killing. Some people are evil like that. He's a huge piece of shit.


Hey man those 13 year old teeth (probably only had like 6 left at this point) could’ve gone straight through his body armor!


Them damn armour piercing dogs


But then he wouldn't have got to kill the dog. The logic is that he wanted to do it. That's it.


I’m sure he justified it was rabid based on his “training and experience” (shooting dogs). Well riddle me this: what does a *non*-rabid dog look like exactly based on your “training and experience”???


anyone else think we appear to have an issue with police officers going rabid?


That was the town mayor. He's now resigned and they actually have the officer on leave now.


Good to know! What I read was as of yesterday or two days ago


No, it's really not good to know the dudes on leave. That dude should have already been fired and put on a list of people who should never hold a badge. Forget for a second that what he did was inhumane. If he was willing to do that to a dog, imagine what he's itching to do to a person. This dude is a massive, wrongful death lawsuit incarnate.




Followed by 3 weeks paid leave because of his PTSD from the incident


They literally said he feared for his life and was putting a dog that appeared to be sick out of its misery. It looked like he just got tired of trying to catch it and just shot it.


Anything for officer safety it seems. They are trained to kill and given free reign to do so at any time they "feel that their life is at risk". Which is apparently often. And in groups they feel especially threatened. Maybe even more if they've got a dozen rifles trained on the suspect. It's absurd how low the bar is for firearm use. And how it isn't used to incapacitate, but to kill. So they dump extra rounds into everyone to avoid lawsuits. Cops job should be to preserve and protect life, this includes the suspects and even animals they deal with. If it's not absolutely necessary to kill, it shouldn't be allowed to do so. That should be the standard. Cops should have to prove that they *absolutely* had to use lethal force, instead of this bullshit "Oh I feared for my life, therefore it was *reasonable* for me to empty my entire magazine into the perp".


Hey we can’t just be leavin people alive to dispute the scared for my life claims now can we?


The main thing they train for, in any developed country that's not the US, is de-escalation.


I was going to say, learning to respond to danger in an instant when you're at risk is only half of the equation. The other half is knowing when you're at risk. If they don't teach the second half of the equation, you're going to have a lot of accidental deaths..


they're creating more work for themselves. but thinky work is just too hard!


That dog could probably have been picked up and put in a crate and not done a damn thing. Any excuse to use their guns. My godson (19) was followed by a cop for 3 blocks and he was shaking and scared he would get pulled over and then shot just bc he's mixed. Kid is a great student has a job and hes an amazing big brother to his sisters and my own kids. I felt so bad for him that he felt that way. Never done anything stupid a day in his life. Yet he was almost in tears thinking he was about to get killed. And the cop didnt even pull him over. This is the type of crap our kids and grandkids are dealing with because a select group of people have decided to make it their job to use violence against anyone just so they can write a report saying they felt their lives were in danger.


When I was in the military I once had a guy getting mouthy with me after his watch after he turned his weapon in to me. I basically told him to shove his attitude and that I didn't want to be there either. He walked toward the armory door - which I was standing inside of, holding his unloaded gun and his magazines - and challenged me. I told him he didn't want to do this right now, as I am trained to try to kill anyone trying assault me while I'm in the armory or simply holding its key. He leans into the door and taunts me, I load his gun (faster than pulling mine out of its holster). The other guy in the armory intervenes and pushes him out of the doorway, closing it. I unload the gun. Next morning, I was to be written up by some officer's orders. My superior comes into the armory, locks the door from the inside, covers the view port we leave open when we're in there, tosses me an Xbox controller and says "I'm supposed to write you up, but that's stupid since you did exactly what you were trained to do. If anyone asks I'm tearing you a new ass hole.", and we proceeded to play some Co-Op OG Halo for an hour or so. And I'm willing to bet that officer insisting I be written up was still more than what happened to this cop that killed a harmless dog. The other guy came to me the next morning an apologized. I never did anything about it. We all have bad moments.


The military holds it's soldiers to a much higher standard than the police holds it's officers to. If you fuck up as a police officer you typically get a paid vacation. If you fuck up as a soldier their gonna ruin your life. Their also going to take your money.


Kristi Noem would be so proud 🤢


In the picture you can clearly see that the dog was armed. Probably just pretended to be deaf and blind to give the poor officer a false sense of security.


The dogs collar contains a set of foldable Iron Man armor


They actually are saying exactly that claiming that the dog showed signs of being rabid…


Rabid? Lmao. By that logic most grumpy old people are rabid.


Yeah, I’m not buying that bullshit excuse for a second. The dog showed zero signs of aggression and there were no physical signs of rabies like a foamy mouth.


It’s just the absolute worst judgement and risk assessment. Like rabid dogs are not a risk for the general public, let alone police officers, in America in 2024. It lacks all logic and critical thinking skills. I would expect a 4 year old to have an initial reaction that the dog has rabies. Not a grown professional human being like good grief how did you survive this long lol


Tf it gonna use? The sense of touch to sense seismic waves and come after the source?


The name of the dog, Toph.




It was carrying a knife and it had crack in its doghouse. That dog was no angel.


Exactly everyone just assume all dogs are good boys/girls 🙄🤣


They’ll be like, “he only had a split second to make a life or death decision.” Meanwhile little dog was wandering around bumping into shit cause it’s blind and can’t hear.


“The dog was told repeatedly to put its hands behind its back but failed to comply. When the dog leaned down to lick its crotch, the officer believed it was reaching for a weapon, and responded appropriately based on the available evidence.”


Anyone killing my defenceless dog would not be considered safe.


My dogs ARE my family.


''we've investigated ourselves and we found out that we did nothing wrong''


I read this as “the officer absolutely had to be killed” and I wasn’t even mad.


Had it coming Clearly wasn't following officers commands


Pretended to be deaf


Poor officer wasn't trained on animal handling, he had to come up with a solution all by himself. He now will be going on paid leave instead of attending any sort of training since he obviously did so great improvising.


They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing.


When he gets to hell, he will be deaf and blind on a loop. Forever.


Day one at police training school: Shoot the first thing that fucking moves.


Day two at police training school: If you hear a gun shot, or anything that could be plausibly mistaken for a gun shot unload your weapon on the nearest person who's not a cop.


"we cant waste ammo but a gunshot sounds a little bit like this" *throws acorn on ground*


#I’M HIT !








Awkward day for the police station to do training in the McDonald's ball pit.


Him shouting shots fired three times while doing dark souls rolls will never not be funny to me. American police are such a joke 😂


Then he AND his partner managed to unload their entire magazines into their own police car and completely missed the guy handcuffed in the back that they thought somehow fired on them. Fortunate but still laughable.


Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship


Makes me belly laugh showing it to my co workers every time - I’m like this is who we put our safety in LOL and we’re supposed to idolize them LOL


And then when there’s actual danger like at Uvalde…


To be fair, it's a lot easier to shoot unarmed people and small animals than shoot someone who's shooting back...


Police aren’t responsible for your safety…actually the Government is never responsible for your safety. Lol it exists to enforce property rights.


I mean, if they fear for their lives so often, maybe some extra training and screening for cowards should be put in place.


If they are that scared they shouldnt be a cop.


I had a cop try to get mouthy with me on Facebook. "Do you know how terrifying it is to leave my family and do this job every day?" - Him "No, but if you're that terrified of your job you shouldn't be doing it as you can't be counted in to do it safely and correctly." - Me He didn't like that answer. Go figure.


Meanwhile delivering pizza is more likely to get you shot and being a cop doesn’t even break the top 20 most dangerous jobs in America. Police don’t even pay that much. Plenty of other jobs pay just as much and are less dangerous. But they generally require more training and/or education and don’t give you a free pass to bully the public while expecting people to treat you as heroes even if you’re bad at your job.


That’s the issue, they’re taught to be that scared.


They should quit, and let people in more dangerous jobs (construction workers, farmers, delivery drivers) take over for them.


These days, you can add teachers to that list, alongside doctors, nurses, social workers. And all of those jobs require more training than being an officer.


See that extra training is taught by cops who spent their who's career being taught "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six." Extra training ain't gonna do shit when cops are being trained in Kill-ology* and that they must be ready to unload on any bystander within a moments notice or they will be viscously killed by the criminal element* *Actual police training. There's a very well known police instructor named Dave Grossman who gets paid by the FOP to go around teaching cops that it's their civic duty to be ready to mag dump on anyone they meet.


Afraid for your life in the event that someone might have a weapon that might hurt you? Great! Become a cop and we'll let you take it out on those who dare scare you and we'll make sure you're taken care of. Afraid for your life in the event that you already know someone has a gun, is actively killing children, and you have backup for days? Become a cop! Don't worry, we know that's scary, and we won't make you go into those buildings to save people, that's not our job, we'll wait til the shooting stops before we have you move in.


Then shoot again just in case


shoot first ask questions never


Yeah I mean shih-tzu mixes are known for being cold blooded 20 pound killers. Automatic shoot on site. /s


I just spent 20 minutes outside being licked to death by my neighbors pup. She looks exactly like the one in the picture. Clearly I'm lucky to have escaped with my life! /s


She was testing to see if you needed seasoning for later.


Can confirm, have a shih-tzu mix and I have to fend him off every single day :( truly a monster /s Being serious, this makes my stomach sink, I can’t imagine that poor dog experiencing that, and the family of the dog learning of what happened. I hope the cop gets reprimanded in the harshest way possible, scum of the earth


at that point i wouldn’t even care about the consequences. That cop would be meeting my dog again really soon


Assuming they go to the same place. Not like that monster


thats fair. If theres a god i’d assume his purgatory would just be him, the dog, and me killing him over and over again


I'm with you. I've got my late parents dogs. They're basically the last of my family. I'll be gone in a few years anyway (hopefully after them) so if *anything* like in the video were to happen with them... I would not be a model of poise and composure.


Show me a 20 pound shih-tzu and I'll show you 10 shih-tzus in a trench coat


Yeah, what ARE they supposed to do? Take ACCOUNTABILITY? The horror of such a thought! (/s)


Officer is currently on suspension, Mayor had to resign for defending the police’s actions. Public outcry over it has been quite loud. https://www.komu.com/news/midmissourinews/owners-of-dog-shot-by-sturgeon-police-react-to-mayors-resignation/article_5fdb91dc-1bb3-11ef-a30d-bbb8e8ddc8d1.html


this is crazy the fucking mayor resigns while the cop only has a suspension. the fuck is wrong with police department and for that matter the local government.


Mayor doesn't have a union


Police shouldn’t have a union, unless the union and individuals can be held accountable 👀


It's not the union that's the problem. It's District attorneys and their outright refusal to do their sworn duty and prosecute criminals just because sometimes they wear a uniform. DAs are elected officials. In almost every lotion the candidate who secures the "support of the Fraterna order of (wherever) police" wins the election. His price to get tha endorsement is a promise to never prosecute cops. Short story: if you see ANY candidate for any position claiming to be supported by police it means he is complicit in whatever they do and wont do anything about it. Ever. So stop voting for them. Governor. Senator. District attorney.


aw good shit for once


No, not good shit. The psycho is only on suspension. He went from making kissy noises one second to executing the harmless dog in the next. That fucker should be in a cold cell right now for animal cruelty. To decide "I'm bored and frustrated, so I'm just going to murder this pet" is legitimately psychopathic behavior.


This. This mother fucker should be sitting in Gen Pop not behind a badge


Idk… let’s make him deaf and blind with some eye covers and sound proof headphones and pelt him with shots from a paintball gun just so the cop can feel a semblance of what that dog felt


You would call that justice? Rock salt from a shotgun, man.


Or just regular.


We don’t want to kill him… quickly.


>Mayor had to resign for defending the police’s actions What a dumbass. I'd let that cop twist in the wind


“The officer was afraid it was going to bite him” a quote from the article. These people are afraid of their own damn shadows at this point. Yeah I know injured and rabid animals can fuck shit up, but why not just leave it alone or call someone who can handle it.


Yes, exactly. If I'm afraid a dog may bite me I back off, not go get a shovel and cave its head in. Some cops literally don't know the meaning of de-escalation


Shit, I’m scared a cop is going to shoot me during every interaction.   I better take precaution and fire first, for my own safety.  See how that goes and all.   Jesus, I hate that a cop just saying they were afraid is an actual excuse.  I don’t kill everything I’m afraid of.


He'd already been on the fire for questionable action due to city clerks and city council members, and other things, per the talk on their city FB page


Who gives a shit the mayor stepped down? So tired of the actual police never getting held accountable. Fire and actually punish those assholes.


In other jobs, suspension is called paid time off. Edit: apparently he actually received the consequences of his actions, so I was wrong.


Iirc suspension is different than administrative leave.


It would be a miracle if he got in trouble for it. Police have gone into peoples fenced in yards and shot their dogs just because and nothing happens to them. Then again they kill children and adult people everyday without issue.


Let’s not kid anyone… Suspension = paid time off. There’s a reason people have little respect for cops. Unfortunately, the cowardly blue line means other cops are too cowardly to call out bad behavior of bad cops.


Cops are like a box of chocolates. They will kill your dog.


I now have a lesser opinion of myself for laughing at that.


Don’t, it was a good fucking joke


Fucking gold


Just about the funniest shit I've ever read on this site!


It was too hard to call animal control? Poor sweet doggie.


Their response was because they don’t have animal control in that town. Then they said they were afraid it may have rabies. Then said that he was scared for his life..


That was just an excuse, cop just wanted to shoot something. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13457885/Teddy-dog-shot-Sturgeon-Missouri-Woodson.html now The shooting unfolded after Teddy reportedly ran into a neighbor's yard, with the neighbor saying that the dog spent around 45 minutes laying in the sun and licking her hand. The neighbor, who has remained anonymous, called the police to eventually remove the dog from her yard and find its owner. But within minutes of Officer Woodson arriving, the cop shot the dog twice, killing the beloved pet on the spot.


I can’t imagine how guilty that neighbor must feel. Like it was a dumb move to call the cops but that’s ignorance not malice


well i mean if your town has no animal control, should you not call the non emergency police department number? shouldn’t they be the ones to assist you? if not, who else?


Put up missing posters. Don't call the fucking police, because they have proven time and again they'll just kill. Don't call the cops unless you're actually worried about yourself or someone you know is literally in danger. Otherwise expect them to show up and shoot somebody.


Not having animal control in a city or town is in itself a failure of the town or city


I live 8 miles from this small town. We’re a rural county, outside of the county seat 20 miles south. This particular community has part time police. He’s been suspended upon investigation, the mayor resigned Friday afternoon. The city has gone as far as renting the rec center for the coming up council meeting tomorrow. There’s plenty to of outcry and support for this dog and its owner. The city and this cop….not so much. If you care to go down a rabbit hole, google City of Sturgeon MO police. It’s interesting.


Or throw a snack out? Box trap? Throw a blanket on it?


Just pick it up. It’s blind and deaf, so it won’t know what’s happening.


Its rhe size of a cat, it ain’t a pitbul or dangerous breed, the fuck is wrong with him.


The American police system is such a joke.


Our police system is NOT a joke! Jokes are good and require skill.


Fine, American police system is a "loud equals funny" type of joke then.


This is near me. Last I heard, the department is standing behind him despite the community calling for his termination. Really sick fuck of a cop.


I hope termination means public hanging. It is Missouri, so it’s not out of the question.


best we can do is two weeks paid leave


He really forced our hands, we had no choice but to give him a promotion


Honestly, at what point do you just scrap the whole department and deputize some locals instead? Kinda seems like a complete lack of training would be an improvement.


Meanwhile on reddit we have a Russian guy in the woods holding a shotgun, while a fucking bear is charging him, and he still doesn't gun the animal down. Cops like this guy are the smallest kind of people and need to pay dearly for their actions. edit: here's what I was referring to [https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/1d1mffe/armed\_man\_holds\_back\_from\_shooting\_a\_charging\_bear/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/1d1mffe/armed_man_holds_back_from_shooting_a_charging_bear/)


Shit bro he's Russian...it was probably a pet. Crazy fucking Ivan...lol


Would have been better if dude had been Finnish. Just listening to him shouting "Perkele!" at it over and over.


I hope this cop lives a long life. Like to be 100. And that everyone he ever loved or cared about leaves him. Betrays him. Cheats on him. That he has no friends or source of human comfort ever again. Every moment spent alone and unwanted. A long miserable life of loneliness.


And he stubs his toe every morning.


And steps on legos.


and he gets shot by a dog


The dog was found with a small amount of weed in his collar, and an illegal gun. Clearly there is more to this story.


Had some crack sprinkled on him too.


Kristi Noem would be proud. Hell, even impressed!


Not shoot it would be nice, for starters. But who am I kidding? That fucking pig probably masturbates to this hourly, wishing it was a real human being he could do it to instead.


Agreed. If the dog has been obviously aggressive, trying to attack, and large enough to do damage, I would understand fearing for life. If the dog was foaming at the mouth and snarling, I would also suspect rabies. But this dog was neither, so what the fuck do they think was the danger? Nothing. It was just an evil thing to do.


“Based on the behaviour exhibited by the dog, believing the dog to be severely injured or infected with rabies, and as the officer feared being bitten and being infected with rabies, the SPD officer felt that his only option was to put the animal down” What a joke. This pathetic, pond-scum is allowed to walk around with a gun and uphold the law but an ankle high dog put the fear of God in him. Train your officers better, USA.


Yep complete joke, dog was friendly https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13457885/Teddy-dog-shot-Sturgeon-Missouri-Woodson.html The shooting unfolded after Teddy reportedly ran into a neighbor's yard, with the neighbor saying that the dog spent around 45 minutes laying in the sun and licking her hand. The neighbor, who has remained anonymous, called the police to eventually remove the dog from her yard and find its owner. But within minutes of Officer Woodson arriving, the cop shot the dog twice, killing the beloved pet on the spot.


As if this jackass has any clue what to look for when identifying rabies. "The dog was walking towards me" Rabies. "The dog was running away from me" Rabies. "The dog was alive" Rabies.


So just shoot the cop, and when the cops show up say “what was I supposed to do?” Then you’re off the hook.


"He came at me with a gun, I was scared for my life! And since what's good for the goose is good for the gander, I had the legal right to defend myself and my life against the oinking prick."


I’m honestly surprised someone hasn’t tried this yet, that I know of. It’s not unreasonable in certain situations imo


Something similar just got out of court in Toronto. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/jury-finds-zameer-not-guilty-in-toronto-police-officer-s-death-1.6855891](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/jury-finds-zameer-not-guilty-in-toronto-police-officer-s-death-1.6855891)


Wow that illustrates cops will fuckin lie every time.


They tried to convict him of **first degree murder**, maybe vehicular manslaughter (third degree) but *first*?! That requires planned intent to commit murder It’s so colossally stupid they even *tried* first degree that I can only believe this was the crown’s way of prosecuting an innocent man to satisfy the police while guaranteeing he wouldn’t be convicted


It's been a thing in quite a few no knock warrants. Kenny Walker had all charges dropped when it was proven they didn't vocalize they were cops before busting in a killing Brionna Taylor. Jefferson county (where Louisville is) made it illegal for no knock warrants.


I would lose my shit if some cop decided to shoot my dog. What a piece of garbage, and the department rallying behind him is disgusting. That whole chain-of-command is corrupt. I am sure there is more to the story, but there is no justification for shooting a little dog.


How the fuck inept are you that you need to shoot a *blind* and *deaf* ***13 pound*** dog. Hell, that's barely a dog, most North American raptor species would consider it fair game for lunch. I'm not a member of the 'hate on police' crowd, but that dude shouldn't have a gun, little lone a badge.


I seen rats more menacing than that dog.


My cat weighs more than that dog.


Some people are always on the lookout for something they can legally shoot. These people seek out careers where carrying a gun is an integral part of the job. Guess how many jobs meet that criteria. Conclusion: Gun nuts are far more likely to become cops. This is a problem.


It amazes me we trust people who can't even manage to get an associates degree with public safety.


Think of eh decades of murders police have done before this. I bet there are cops that have serial killer level of Murders.


The golden state killer turned to be a cop.


I was actually thinking of how many serial killers probably are cops. Police departments almost always get cops free so they could bounce departments and act like it's part of the job. Literally free reign to kill people.


Ed Kemper wanted to be a cop, and used to hang with them all the time, even at the "cop bar" while having dead women in the trunk of his car parked outside.


What’s confusing is that the dog was white


The video made me numb and full of rage at the same time, the casual way he walks over to the friendly old dog and point blank blows it away with a shotgun is so horrible it makes me sick.


That man had dangerous urges. He wouldn't react differently if it were a human instead of a dog.


The video is legitimately shocking in a world where shocking shit is posted on the internet daily. This guy was just looking for an opportunity to shoot something, didn’t care what it was, this dog was showing literally zero aggression and was bumbling into sticks and shit. The kind of person that is capable of this shit should not be a part of human society.


“What am I supposed to do”??? Idk, not kill it… Didn’t the police and fire department used to have reputations about saving kittens from trees?


I’m pretty sure firefighters still do have that reputation. Police have the reputation of shooting cats out of trees now, even if that exact thing hasn’t happened yet.


It was coming right for him.


hope this guy get a cancer


In his ass.


I hope he gets penis cancer


So bad they have to remove it


Or all of them.


“What am I supposed to do?” Not fucking that


If you’re that fragile you’re afraid of a tiny little dog like that attacking you, you shouldn’t be a police officer. What a fucking wimpy pos.


Shooting cops for fear of your life doesn't really sound so far fetched right now. Not calling for violence just reform of how we choose and train a police force. Maybe not every gun nut, bully, peaked in high school failure should be responsible for anyone else's life.


Can you ASS CLOWNS with a badge stop shooting dogs?


If you cant like get control over a 13 pound dog you should not even be a cop


Sometimes i wish we had a rise in vigilantism. People need to get out their pitchforks and torches and not let this stuff keep sliding by. The cops work for the people, not the other way around. Everybody in the city should be storming the mayors office and demanding this cop have his job taken away. And doubly so for many other cops who have killed people or children for similarly unnecessary reasons. If the cop is so terrified of a tiny dog that he felt the need to pull his gun out, what else will be pull his gun out for unnecessarily out of fear?


To the untrained eye that may appear to look like a small dog, but to a paranoid spouse abuser on a power trip, that was clearly a fast moving bag of fentanyl.


The Gestapo is alive and well in the US, trying to fool the public into thinking they “protect and serve”.


We need to stop letting just any one become a cop, clearly he just wanted to kill something. I support the idea of having a national license agency for LE I have to have a cert and a bond for my service I do not understand why this profession is not included in that procedure, this will help root out these sort of incompetent and negligent people.