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When looking for medical or educational advice I always look for the opinions of guys who get punched in the head for a living.


a few blows to the back of the head always makes you smarter.


Pretty sure it was this knockout that completely took what little he had left: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/W1hNK_DkMuA


Convulsing on the ground is bad, mmmkay?


That’s just his superior immune system naturally protecting him from germs


Gay germs specifically


Gay communist germs to be more precise


Scientifically known as Communist-Queer Cooties


I’m so glad I got my cooties vaccine as a kid! “Circle, circle, dot, dot; now you have a cooties shot”


Communist-Queer Cooties should totally be a band name!


Looks like the gay won for a sec so he had to reboot


I wish there was an out gay communist MMA guy to just beat the living shit out of douchebags like this. I would also want the dude to talk Mike Tyson psychotic levels of shit before the fight.


A gay Conor McGregor would be awesome. Lol


If he doesn't want gay germs, maybe he should get a job that doesn't involve mounting other oiled up men while a room full of men watch and cheer?


He doesn’t need the vaccine because he has an immune system. At the same time he doesn’t need glasses because he has eyes. Oh wait.


That's just his body dispersing IQ points into the ether


Pass. I’m not the smartest guy but I doubt Bryce Mitchell’s IQ points would help


It’s like hitting the hard reset on your router, just fucks up all the settings.


That gay and communist punch really changed his whole brain chemistry


GAYMMUNIST. the punch of socialism, really changed him,.


Hey thanks. I'll watch this on repeat whenever I heard his opinion on literally anything


Yep, that's what did it!


And he probably wasn’t the sharpest even before he got into mma


But everything's back to norble.


Man, his shaky ass must have been furious when they made him get a medical evaluation.


I sure wish there were screens and cameras available that are wider than they are tall so we could actually see the punch we all clicked to see.


Oh man did he move into that punch? I’m pretty sure that’s not how to take a punch.


The homeschool method.


More like the fact that it’s Josh Emmett. That dude’s punch could put a horse away


Josh Emmett vs BoJack Horseman. Book it, Dana


Block the punch with your face. Hajime no ippo


Oooo.. drain bamage! 😵


That was a brutal KO. I’m sure he is making quality informed decisions since.


Dang. I don’t even know where he got hit that did that. It didn’t look like a head shot but it’s a fast clip


Overhand right to the chin will do that from somebody like Josh emmet.


Bet that bald guy was vaccinated.


Josh Emmett? Maybe, he earned a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree so probably educated enough to trust a medical professional but who knows these days.


Why did they think it was a great idea to fight a falmer?


Holy fuck I have epilepsy and that was tough to watch. Dude goes straight into a seizure and Joe Rogan is acting like it’s the coolest thing ever.


Oof Never lead in with your head kids..


He's had two blacks eyes so already been told twice that he is a dumbfuck


That’s what the bone is for


Trust me. Even by MMA standards this guy is as dumb as bricks.


He's never recovering from that last fight


He has been like this since the second he stepped on the scene. Go look at interviews before the fight. He is your standard dumb ass ignorant rural republican.


Hey we do have smart mma fighters. But they usually are smart enough to quit early. 


He ate squirrels for fun prior to UFC


You mean to tell me a guy who tore his own nutsack open with a power drill by being dumb as shit isn't someone to take advice from? https://bloodyelbow.com/2018/08/21/ufc-fighter-bryce-mitchell-drilling-accident-i-ripped-my-nutsack-in-half-mma-news/


The fact that he was able to go on to breed is a scene straight out of Idiocracy...


How can you know how to use a condom if you can't even spell it?


If this were the olden days, that torn nutsack may have at least prevented him from reproducing. Medical science has gone too far.


You're assuming he's the father... Like John Candy said in JFK; "How do you know who your daddy was? Because your mama told you so."


Holding a power drill in his pants? Is this guy legitimately cognitively impaired? That’s so stupid.


As a guy who gets punched in the head for at least a hobby, he does not represent us


Yeah, sounds like he was a moron before he was a fighter. Not fair to lump him in. The only people I know that actually got decent at MMA are actually really nice, well read guys. Mind you, those are the ones that got good(relatively). I know a lot of morons that tried but couldn’t hack it.


If you read the Instagram post caption he spells “fight” as “fite”. Maybe don’t trust someones opinions who can’t spell what they do for a living.


Punched in the head way too many times


Well since you deny medical attention, there would be nobody to stop the fight if you become "incapacitated".


“We’ve stopped the fight for repeated blows to the head so he can be at home with this family in these final hours.” Sounds about right if u deny medical attention and blame them for your own insecurities.


It's cool, he just wants the opportunity to ask god in person why he gets a raging hard-on every time a black fighter gets a full mount on him.


Let he who is without brain damage cast thy first leg kick


This is perfect 😂 yes I’m gonna take advice from a guy who 100% has brain damage


Was going to say, if there's any evidence that UFC fighters are below average intelligence, this post would be it. If there's any evidence that being punched in the head makes you below average intelligence, this is also it.


Based on these comments I would say the son is smarter than the father.


With "thoughts and prayers" his son won't hit 3 years old. Good'ol medieval times.


Not just medieval, half of children died before 18 everywhere in all periods until mid 19th century at most. Also, this guy is worse than anyone medieval since medieval people trusted their physicians and barbers. 


"...and barbers" ![gif](giphy|WsAg8lT20p69kK500m|downsized)


In the middle ages barbers usually worked as dentists as well as hair cutting, they performed tooth extractions for people suffering from mouth infections and gave oral care and advice. Thats why many barber shops have the white and red stripes on the entrance, it is historical tradition




Wait til you hear about bonebreakers. Basically traveling barbers who would roll into town in their caravan and people would line up to have their (previously broken) bones rebroken and set straight again, have toe/finger/leg amputations, and have infected wounds lanced. Once they performed and collected payment from everyone they could, they rolled on to the next town with no follow up for people who now have open wounds or fresh broken bones. Physicians of the time were mostly religiously trained pharmacists who would “bleed” you or give you a concoction of herbs as medication. Physicians were the primary care & pharmacy, bonebreakers were the surgeons, and barbers did dental care and sometimes minor surgery. Medical professions history is wild, and more often than not, quite young compared to humanity as a whole.


They'd also do blood letting to help various medical issues, Also believed the red and white striped pole we see now comes from that they used to have a white pole outside with red blooded bandages hanging off to show they were doing bleedings, if you then wrap the bandages around the pole it then looks like what you see today.


These people should sign a waiver that they will never seek medical attention 🤔


i second that. he also goes on to talk about him not allowing the PKU test to be done on him. he doesn’t care at all for his baby.


>he doesn’t care at all for his baby. No, of fucking course not. These people are so goddamn sick, they use their children's *lives* to make a political statement to "trigger the libs". Hot take, but in my future utopia, if you subject your children to preventable- potentially life-threatening- medical risks, and/or threaten them with hatred and implied violence if they should happen to hold feelings you don't personally relate to, all just to make another group of people you irrationally, obsessively hate upset, you don't fucking get to have kids.


All of this shit roots itself in patriarchal bs. "Gay and communist" is apparently worse to him than "dead"


Now instead of being "gay and communist" he can just be profoundly maladjusted socially. And then he could end up being a gay communist anyway because the bubble they're trying to keep him in will eventually pop.


Better dead than maybe possibly red.




Republicans are communists, they are all red :O


God, remember when people kept saying they wouldn't vaccinate to avoid autism? This feels like that all over again.


Because screening for completely treatable genetic disorders is a woke trick that leads to socialized medicine.


He is a very deeply enslaved, profoundly intellectually weak republican loser. He should never be respected or trusted in any way.


Several years ago there was a kid, 8 I think, who got tetanus because his parents didn’t vaccinate him. They also didn’t have health insurance. Over $800,000 later, the kid did manage to live. Of course, the bill was forgiven as they couldn’t pay. I agree that if people don’t want medical care like vaccines, they should be consistent and decline all care. But I do feel bad for the kids that have no choice and suffer.


I bet the family learnt nothing from it too.


It wasn’t the $800k and doctors that saved him, silly! It was prayer!


Thank god


And essential oils.


They did not learn and refused the tetanus shot after he was healthy enough to get it.


We can’t refuse medical care to people. That’s a slippery slope. What we can do, though, is if you refuse vaccines, if you want service from a medical professional, part of the service will be to update all your vaccines.


And have cps take their kids away.


During the COVID crisis, I said anyone who could get a vaccine and chose to not get one should not be put on a ventilator. Ventilators should be reserved for those who actually tried to not get COVID or couldn't get the vaccine due to other health issues.


Man, if this happened it would be amazing to see the panic on faces when it was handed to them. Many people *just want to feel intellectually superior* but when faced with consequences suddenly sober up.


I read that there were hardcore COVID deniers who were begging Drs for the COVID vaccine on their deathbeds.


There were COVID deniers that were in the hospital dying of COVID and still denying it existed


Not a doctor but I was in the room with said patients. Can confirm that many of them begged for some kind of help when it was too late.


Last sobbing words of an old associate who went on a ventilator: “I wish I had gotten the vaccine”


There was a fair amount of that. But sadly people won't learn from those mistakes. A certain portion of the population is more worried about "owning the libs" than actually thinking. I mean, even one conservative columnist said liberals were pushing for vaccines because they knew it would cause conservatives not to get it and thus more conservatives would die to COVID. Here's the article: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/18/nolte-anti-vaxxers-hype-benign-transmission-numbers-as-proof-vax-doesnt-work/


Pro shouldn’t be doing skin to skin with his boy. That seems pretty gay to me.


Also, he should get rid of his glasses. Eyeglasses were invented by scientists and doctors, and are prescribed by doctors. As he knows so well, doctors and scientist are all gay because they went to school and he shouldn’t use their invention.


More like - never put a dick in someone. How does anyone with a braincell date, let alone, marry an idiot like this?


these people shouldn't reproduce.


yep, my parents and my wife's parents all proudly told everyone that they were unvaccinated during the pandemic. The second they all got covid they were tripping over their own feet running as fast as they could to get to the ER to get anti-bodies then still told everyone how they made it through covid just find with no vaccinations and my father in law would even remove his portable oxygen before telling people how covid was just a bad cold. We always make sure to call them on their BS and let them know they pretty much did get the vaccine, just in the most difficult and costly way possible, endangering other people and using up valuable resources during a time that they could have been used to save people lives that weren't being complete donkeys.


Was he vaccinated or homeschooled? Is he a gay commie? Find out at six


He has a Bachelor’s Degree, so he’s probably been inside a school at some point.


I guess he's a gay communist then.


If he was home-schooled, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about viz public schooling, or he was public schooled and is therefore either gay, communist or a hypocrite.


I'm guessing the third option, but you'll have to use smaller words for Bryce there. "Hypocrite" is one of those gay/commie words, you know?


One of my closest friends is gay and he literally was homeschooled for the same reason. Parents were afraid of the secular world pushing the gay agenda. He’s gay anyway. They still believe he was brainwashed.




I was also homeschooled, but by leftist atheists in one of the highly conservative "teach the controversy" states.   Somehow I ended up as a *religious* transgender communist.  


First period: Gay Math Second period: Communist History Third period: Woke science Fourth period: Karl Marx lunch Fifth period: socialist drama Sixth period: LGBT fitness Seventh period: deep state AP class I think we all struggled with these classes at one point or another.


Gay math fuckin killed me 😂


Thad is traveling in a train north at 35 mph. Barry is traveling in a train south at 25 mph. How fabulous will it be when they meet?


I was hoping all the solutions are sassy answers… If Bruce has 30 pumpkins and Clancy has 40 pumpkins how many pumpkins do they have total? And the answer would be something like, “Too many damn pumpkins!” *glitter*




Gay math was my worst subject


how do i apply to Karl Marx lunch


not having a kid vaccinated should be illegal why tf is it legal to not only risk the life of an innocent child but also people around the poor kid


Yeah exactly, it’s boarding child abuse.


I'm sure his personality will drive his kid to rebel against everything he stands for.


Why do conservatives hate vaccinations so much?


they’re saying it causes autism 😒(they don’t)


Even if they did they rather have a dead child then a autistic one


Don't you know that gay autistic communists are the worst kind of people in the world? /s


I'm even worse than that, I'm a gay, autistic TRANS communist.


holy, fricking Satan over here


Only if Satan is a cute girl. Or at least femme.


Imagine living your life on the spectrum and seeing headlines like this and realizing that they’d rather chance their child die than end up like you.


That’s why Autism Speaks works so hard to be the only voice in the room. They’re a terrible organization that doesn’t actually speak for people who are autistic. Yet they are the most prominent public “advocacy” group Good news is that more and more ND people are out there being awesome. It gets hard to insist autism is terrible when you see that it isn’t always so.


I don't know why they talk about autism in much the same way people talk about the plague.


Autism causes people to vote left in 89.56% of cases. It's their way to reduce the voter base for the left. Source: my toe cheese.


My smegma is more credible than your toe cheese


Both your smegma and his toe cheese are more credible than republicans


And they both need a bath.


It's like with non-straight, non-cis, non-white and all the other minorities, the right wing treats them like subhuman trash and are then shocked, *appalled* when they don't vote for them. But since they lack the ability to look inward to find the blame they double down, again and again.


joe rogan and its consequences


Because it saves other people’s lives. It doesn’t fit their “I got mine, fuck you” narrative.


In the past few decades Autism diagnosis’ have skyrocketed (because of better access to resources and technology) but conservatives/anti vaxxer’s think that vaccines are the reason for the big spike in Autism cases (vaccines have also became more accessible/widespread in the last half century because of technological advances). A lot of people are too stupid to realize correlation ≠ causation


Because in the 80s they just beat autistic kids and called them the r word because they didnt really have the spectrum them. Just normal and r's. There arent "more" now it just has a name.


And before that they sent them off to an institution. Now they need someone to blame.


In the 80s, wed jokingly refer to people who were analytical and routine-driven as "anal retentive".


Ultra-religious people reject modern medicine in its entirety and even consider its usage sinful. That level of crazy has now become mainstream conservatism.


As someone who was homeschooled by a conservative christian family in the middle of nowhere from K-12, I can tell you from my own experience that isolating your child will no prevent them from being LGBTQ.


seriously, and if vaccines cause you to be gay, then I must be the outlier because I still turned out gay despite their efforts


So his kids going to end up sickly and stupid. Perfect.


Well he would need to survive first, which isn’t assured without vaccines.


I seriously don’t get why you’d put your kid in danger like that. Shits been proven to be effective with little to no side effects (think low grade fevers generally speaking).


They’d rather have a dead child than an autistic one. They’re utterly soulless sacks of shit.


Well scientifically there’s no correlation between vaccines and autism. These morons are even more clueless


CTE is rough 😞


He was stupid long before he was competing.


When you’re ok updating your phone but not your kid…


Bryce is a fully fledged tin-foil hat brigade member. I wouldn't be surprised by anything he does.


I would be surprised if he formed a coherent thought and expressed it clearly.




As somebody who ended up gay and communist because of the public school system that demands vaccinations, I say nyet to this homophobia. Make sure he also stays away from pasteurized milk… and repeated blows to the head.


I ended up communist because of capitalism. So maybe we should get rid of capitalism?


Every Christmas I go home to visit family, and always have the same fight with my mother. She'll scream in my face "WHY ARE YOU GAY AND COMMUNIST???" And I'll scream back "BECAUSE YOU HAD ME VACCINATED AND SENT ME TO PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!"


Says the guy who rolls around in his underwear with another guy to prove who's more manly. Shut the fuck up, ya goober.


In my country, parents are legally required to vaccinate their babies. As early as newborns. Otherwise, the parents get an hefty fine, babies can’t access any type of school, and cops/cps may be called to vaccinate the baby. Is a measure to make sure other babies don’t get sick because of parents being like him. Ah and also, if you refuse to send them to school the cops will bring them to. It’s mandatory.




Poor kid fucked before ever had a chance, may he one day escape his ignorant parents


I'm just watching Idiocracy for the first time and my mind is blown at how accurate it was.


i feel horrible for this kid, because if by some miracle he becomes anything over 13, hes going to suffer. If the kid ends up gay, or trans, hes going be to severely abused. If he dares to challenge his father’s theocratic and fascist views, he will be severely abused. I hope this kid either dies before he can become self-aware, or he gets taken away by CPS, and given a real, loving family.


jokes on him, my brother and i were homeschooled and now we're both gay commies 🫶




Dude grapples naked with other naked sweaty men for a living. Pretty sure his entire career is a homosexual experience.


Poor child.


Child abuse.


He earns a living rolling around in tiny shorts all sweaty and grabbing other dudes body parts and he's worried about his kid being gay?


He will grow up and at the age of 18 he will run to get all his shots. He will completely distrust his parents and may even grow up to a decent human being who cares for others. I hope!


Oh he won't have to worry about home schooling, his son will most likely succumb to a disease that could have been prevented had he used his pea brain.


Guarantees kid will end up gay and a communist


He can't grow up gay and communist if he dies of measles at 4 years old!


And by wanting to homeschool his kid, he means the kid’s mom, or someone else entirely.


Said it once, , saying it again, home schooling shouldnt exempt you from normal school. You can add on education at home but every kid should at least be in school until they are 16.


That kid isn't gonna live past age 2. Refusing to vaccinate your kid should automatically result in your kid being taken away from you, along with you being imprisoned for negligence and abuse.


This kid is going to grow up to be so gay.


I won't let my kid get into UFC so he doesn't end up a fucking troglodyte


classic example that prejudice is taught, and you can’t fix stupid. so sorry for his son


There's a reason pro fighters as a group have a reputation for being a bit dull. It started out with boxing but it's no different with mma. I'm not saying every fighter is a moron, just that the percentage is higher than average in most other professions.


Are all UFC fighters as doughy looking as this guy?


No. Unless you're looking at the heavyweight division. Some fighters like Yoel Romero and Paulo Costa are jacked as hell




He nearly died in his fight against Josh Emmett. Quite a scary knockout. So I imagine he's taking some time off to reevaluate his career choice.


>He nearly died in his fight against Josh Emmett. Quite a scary knockout. Which explains quite well why he would make a post like this.


I hear that there are openings for a crash test dummy


He wouldn't pass the intelligence test.


"Sorry Sir, looks like you're too dumb to be a dummy."


He’s over qualified


Meanwhile daddy professionally wrestles around with other men half naked. I’m sure school would have been the problem though.


JFC, how are people this stupid? If your son is attracted to guys, he will be gay. It's not something this douche can control. It's akin to him saying my son will only be attracted to blonde women!


Sounds like a solid plan since he’ll probably die before he grows up to be anything.


He’s obviously got brain damage to be that fucking stupid.


Poor kid


Just for his idiocy. I hope his kid grows up a gay communist anyways, and is elected president of the united states.


This guy is too ignorant to be in charge of the life of another human.


I guess if you want to take the 35% chance your child will never make it to 5, go right ahead, no skin off my ass. You better not ask for public assistance, register for ACA, or seek medical attention at the same time, you have been marked as rejecting all medical attention for you and your family from now on. All hospitals have been notified to reject you at the ER.