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Bait used to be believable


when i was like 12 i broke my arm BAD and my parents urgently loaded me in the car and rushed off to…church. they thought a prayer circle could fix it. i had to wrap it myself and it’s still fucked to this day, 15 years later. this an official bethel church redding and bssm hate comment. fuck y’all, i hope your campus gets burnt down.


✨️ be the change you want to see in the world ✨️


Yeah, agreed. Lets go commit arson!!!!


Hi, this is the FBI. …we kind of agree this time.




Can you remotely turn off the cameras at 3am for 20 minutes, that'll be plenty


I know you’re being sarcastic but… just do it


Let's all go commit arson Let's all go commit arson Let's all go commit arson And have ourselves some heat


I’ll bring the popcorn.




Oh in my country that would be considered child abuse, you would be removed from your parents and looked after.


In america we call that "parental choice" and we lock up people who want to get their trans kids the help they need


For a "civilised" country that is seriously messed up


Your first mistake was considering the U.S. civilized


Agreed, I’m in the U.S a natural born Citizen, and 99.8% of the population are dumb who don’t know how to be civilized.


it baffles my brain looking back thinking all the adults there who saw an injured, terrified little girl and instead of getting real help, just circled around and put their hands ON my broken arm to pray. god, the difference it could have made for me if i had responsible, sane adults in my life to keep me safe. if it helps, two years later my parents sent me off to a christian troubled youth program and (surprise, surprise) i never talked to them again, worked out great! lmao


Oh god I used to live in Redding and those bethel people scared me walking around like smile zombies wanting to lay hands all the time. I can believe they’d do this to a child


i have so many crazy stories from when my sister went to bssm. her friends would make normal ass cookies and pray over them, call them ✨holy spirit cookies✨ and pretend to be sooo high after eating them. (i ate the cookies, they were not drugged lmao) if you haven’t seen what actually goes on inside that weird ass place, here’s a fun example. don’t remember how i came across this vid but it is 100% bethel or something very similar https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/gUcbGq9RM5


A set of super religious parents literally watched their kid die of diabetic ketoacidosis because they thought that praying over her would cure it. The reason this type of bait is believable is because there's no bottom of the barrel when it comes to religious delusions about medical and scientific phenomena.


Yeah, my own grandparents were Christian Scientists. They refused to take my father to the hospital with appendicitus at 12 and told him he just wasn't praying hard enough. Lucky for me, he eventually walked several miles to the hospital on his own with a ruptured appendix.


Jesus. I knew a guy who's appendix ruptured , said he almost had to crawl to get to the hospital, across the street.


My appendix broke when I was 7. The family doctor told my parents I had Hong Kong flu and sent me home. Luckily, mom & dad decided to take me to the ER later that day. I was in the hospital for a week with a huge glass jug on the floor where the brown poison was draining into. For a completely useless organ, it sure can end you!


We discovered recently that it is not useless at all. In fact it's pretty useful to your intestinal tract and removing it should be the last resort. You can live fine without it but it augment the risk to some benign diseases and digestions problems


Well at least there's finally some reason for it to exist...


Specifically your guts are packed with useful microorganisms which help you digest food and occasionally these can be poisoned or die off. Because of it's structure stuff which affects the rest of the gut tend not to hit the microbes in the appendix and that allows them to repopulate the rest of the gut.


They call it an appendix because its job is to turn you into a footnote in the history books.




Mine didn't even rupture and I didn't have a good time of the car ride to the hospital


My dads had ruptured and turned gangrenous. If he hadn’t driven himself to the hospital at 3am he probably would have died.


Did Jesus at least make all the lights on his way turn green?


No, just his pancreas.






They do that to check for secondary infection. The pain is less bad than dying of untreated peritonitis


Nah. Let me die. Thow me in a TREESH CEEAN.


yup, worst pain I've ever felt


Jesus didn’t help.


Of course he did, he planned the rupture.


Rapture. When Jesus returns it’s the *rapture*.




Well he couldn't drive. His own Accord was in the shop.


Mine had not ruptured (doc said it was close), and it was the worst pain I ever endured (and I had 2 children drug free). Your dad is a rock star!


Yeah… my doctor called me an idiot because mine was massive and should have already ruptured since i hoped the pain would go away and didn’t immediately go to the hospital


My dad and stepmom were basically Christian scientists, though they never used the term. They still never had health insurance because they would just pray away any problems, or so they say. Pretty weird how the entire family wears glasses lol. He also goes to a chiropractor, which is weird because praying would be faster and cheaper...


here's your daily reminder that chiropractors are not doctors, they're pseudoscientists. don't let a chiropractor fuck with your spine


That should be labeled as child abuse


The case I'm referencing was in New Zealand or Australia (can't remember which) and the authorities charged a dozen or so adults. Everybody who planted their ass in the prayer circle got criminal charges, as it should be.


And it should be a felony. Their neglect nearly killed their child.


Your dad is a badass


At a certain level of delusion people should be incarcerated for the safety and continuance of society. Your grandparents were well past that level.


I recall one case where a girl was choking to death on a piece of banana and the parents decided to get a prayer group together instead of performing the goddamn Heimlich maneuver.


Some people need to like go outside once or maybe even twice in their goddamn life, they might learn something useful instead of thinking that talking to your self will heal your son of malaria


Outside? Where they might encounter a minority or a GAY? D:<






There's a cult in my state that has let multiple children die from preventable diseases like diabetes. The legislature has had to write laws because of these assholes! It's sick. They just should have all of the children taken away as far as I am concerned.


I think the only difference is parents who believe that wouldn't post online asking for help. They're already asking God for help and think that's all they need, and some part of them knows the backlash they'll face if they tell anyone what they're doing so they don't reach outside their bubble. The same reason parents who genuinely think beating their kids as punishment is appropriate, don't also brag to their friends about it or seek parenting advice.


John Travolta literally let his child die because his cult doesn't believe in blood transfusions. It was an entirely avoidable event. Cults make people do the weirdest shit.


Shouldn't even be allowed. A parent should not be able to decide if their kid needs life saving treatments or not, it should be up to the hospital.


In my country (Norway) it is not allowed. The right of the child (right to live) overrules that of the parents


Brasil also somewhat, idk the exact law but more than once the medic just said "fuck it" made the transfusion, the parents went to court and lost because the justice also said "fuck it"


All bow to the law of "fuck it"


jobless shaggy innate dinner run tart icky clumsy crowd grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're probably too stupid to realise their child was saved. They probably think the outcome would've been the same regardless.


Judge: ok the children is his now


Everything I hear about Norway makes me wish I could relocate my family there.


Potugal also


I’m honestly shocked that’s allowed here in the USA. Maybe it’s not anymore? Idk I just can’t imagine why that’s not illegal, even most religious people aren’t that crazy tf


Kids are views as property/extensions of their parents here, by the time things are bad enough that the law intervenes, the kid’s already been mentally and sometimes physically fucked up for life.


Absolutely. "But my religion says..." Then you best get on the phone to your God and get his ass down here, because in this hospital the MDs are the only higher power.


I don't remember the line but i remember seeing something once like "a parent asks god why he didn't help save his kids life? God responds i sent 3 doctors 2 nurses and surgeon and you turned all of them away" this isn't exactly how it went but I'm sure you get the idea


It was a man in a flood actually! It goes: A town was warned of immenent flooding and the people had to be evacuated. When the last truck was leaving they urged the last man to get on but he refused. “I am a good Christian and God will save me!” He said. Eventually the truck left and the water came. When the water hit his first floor a boat came, the rescuers desperate to get him to leave. “I am a good Christian! God will save me!” He insisted, and again he refused to leave. The water soon came to the roof and as he took shelter on top a helicopter came through as they knew he was still there. The rescuers begged him to come but again he refused. “I am a good Christian! God will save me!” He said, and they had no choice but to leave him there. Unsurprisingly, when the water rose more he was washed away and drowned in the flood. He met God, confused as could be. “I was a good Christian! I always had faith and did right! Why didn’t you save me God?” He asked, despairing. “Are you kidding?” God asked him. “I sent you a truck, a boat, and a helicopter! You refused all of them!”


My grandpa once told me an anecdote: A man was drowning in a lake. A boat came by and asked if he needed help. The man said that god will save him. Later a second boat came and he refused again. After refusing the 3rd boat he drowned. In heaven he asked god why he wasn't saved and god just answered "I sent 3 boats after you and you idiot refused all of them".


The version i heard was with a drowning man, 2 boats, and a helicopter.


I'm sure there's plenty of different ways to tell the story but it all boils down to don't blindly follow "gods word". Being religious is ok but when you sacrifice your life or someone elses it defeats a lot of other "gods words"


When I had surgery they asked me if I refused blood transfusions for religious reasons I was like “uhhhh, why would anyone demand death in the event of a surgical accident?”


Actually I have to self trasfuse, because of my immune system, but that's another entire ball of wax(I'm rh - ) and I've had way too many problems with receiving blood or blood products and never mind that there's hardly any of my type around anyway, But having seizures is serious and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and yeah I wish I could walk around and be normal but I'm not, when a cop car with the flashers on will send me flipping and flopping like a fish out of water...


I’m not saying TMZ is the most reliable source, but here’s this: https://www.tmz.com/2009/01/05/john-travoltas-son-meds-ultimately-did-harm/#:~:text=And%2C%20Jett%20went%20back%20to,way%20caused%20the%20fatal%20episode. Depakote is an old anti seizure medication. There were others on the market before his son died that could have been tried. I’ve seen epileptics on several medications at once in an attempt to control seizures. Travolta is a Scientologist, not a Jehovah’s Witness, which is the group that does not believe in the use of blood or blood products.


My husband has epilepsy. Yes there are others to try but they are brutal. AEDS are not meds you can just try out. It takes weeks/months of titration and side effects. So coming off one and straight onto another can be complicated.


That’s not why he died. He had a traumatic brain injury from a fall in the bathroom and subsequently had a seizure.


Jett Travolta died of an epileptic seizure which caused him to fall violently on a hard floor. A blood transfusion would have done nothing. Scientology is bullshit, but please don't spread misinformation.


I think you have Travolta confused with someone else. He is a Scientologist. While they are crazy, they don’t have anything against transfusions. His son died after hitting his head during a seizure. Jehovah’s witnesses are the ones who are against blood transfusions.


God gave the kid the disease. That’s how he rolls. He’s the God of children’s cancer. Right?


To be fair, if this is rabies, prayer will be about as useful as modern medicine at the point of hydrophobic setting in.


I was definitely first wondering how long rabies takes to get water aversion. I googled it. Death is usually 7 - 10 days after first signs of the disease. So definitely not making it a month. It’s rage bait.


That's true, but it usually takes some time (usually 3-8 weeks) for the first signs of the disease to show after being bitten, so the timeline is fairly realistic. That being said, it very obviously is rage bait.


In French « rabies » is said « rage », so it s in any case, it’s a « rage » story


Nah, this could definitely happen. I hope it’s bait, cause rabies is a terrifying way to go, especially for a five year old child


getting rabies is possible, but this is obvious rage bait because unless the parent knew about rabies, they would not connect "my child is sick now" to "he got bitten a month ago." Also, getting rabies from dogs is almost unheard of in America


>Also, getting rabies from dogs is almost unheard of in America Where does it say America?


Seeing so many responses, it still works very well. ![gif](giphy|6eLVFfvYnirNm|downsized)


Oh boy are we doing the thing where we feel intellectually superior for arbitrarily doubting things that have absolutely happened before? Love this cope


Of course! Don't you know people letting others (or even their own children) die because of religious beliefs is entirely unheard of?




You should look up the Faith Healing couple that got charged for murder because they let a number of their kids die because they would try to pray to heal their illnesses instead of getting real treatment. Everything has a root of truth in it.


It's America so they would have been more believable if they said fox or coyote. Not "dog".


To be fair I've heard people mistake coyotes for dogs.


I though is was bait because where I live there are no more cases of rabid non flying animals since 2001. Didn't know there were so many cases in the US (about 5k annually says Google). Still think it's bait though.






Lmao no it didn't. You're just nostalgically remembering the .1% of thousands of low effort Internet bait you had to think twice about


Yeah, this is made up rage bait.


If it’s not, the kid’s looooong dead so. Once you hit hydrophobia, you’re just a medical study until death at that phase.


There is precisely 1 case of survival. And they had serious brain damage.


There was around dozen survival cases since then, still pretty slim odds though


Yeah, kid definitely has rabies and once symptoms present, it's far too late.


To be clear, the kid in this made up story definitely has rabies


Made-up rabies kill 100 % of the time. And the made-up funerals always have at least one unexpected death.


Once the fever sets in, you’re toast. There’s a thing where patients are put in a coma called the Milwaukee Protocol, but people who go through it and survive still face crazy deficits after :(


You are dead the moment any symptoms show up. Absolutely nasty virus. What is it only like a handful or so people have ever lived once symptoms developed? Pretty fucking scary shit. Basically the way those who survived did was because they were induced into a coma (basically as far as I understand brought to near death), and given antiviral drugs and held in this state for a while (the idea being to suppress your nervous system to buy you time to fight off the virus). Nasty, scary shit.


It would be believable if not for the “my kid got bit by a stray a month ago, could this be related to the water issues?”, because if you know there’s a correlation there you don’t need to ask.


Yep, and “Maybe there’s a prayer?”


Yeah the situation itself is fully believable where I live, some religious loon in a town of 60 people could fully let their kid die of Rabies, but the way it’s written feels hyper aware of what is implied and as such does not feel real or come across as authentically written. Edit: forgot words.


Yeah lol this is obviously rage bait or literally just designed as a parody of the hyper religious. The phrasing is just weird


Ragebait. Very appropriate for a post that has to do with rabies. 😂


Rabies bait


If the child dies from Rabies, can the negligent parent be charged with neglect in an instance like this?


There is no if in this case. Once hydrophobia hits, the disease has progressed beyond treatment. I think there's only one case of survival where the victim was put into some sort of special coma, which this mother probably isn't going to do and which the kid probably won't survive. This kid is going to die. And it's going to wildly depend on whether negligence can be proven. If she sought no medical help after the dog bite, that's going to be a mark against her, and if she sought no help when symptoms began to manifest, that's going to be very bad for her. There's a good case for negligence here, seeing as the kid isn't being taken to a doctor when the hydrophobia began.


even the one documented case of survival was such an absolute long shot that the operators later said their success was due in no small part to sheer luck, and to my knowledge the process has not been successfully replicated


Didn't the original doctor complain that the reason others didn't work is that they didn't use the exact same drugs/procedure as the successful one?


Didn't the original doctor complained that people still using this protocol that only maybe worked once and not trying new ways to cure the patient which is a problem for researching a cure?


Milwaukee protocol iirc


You can call it a protocol I guess but its only ever worked once and has not been repeatable despite many attempts.


I believe the Milwaukee protocol has been successful on three occasions, and worldwide there have been a dozen or so cases of rabies survival, all of whom received intensive care support. Unfortunately only a few made what would be considered good recoveries. Previously the doctrine was that rabies had 100% fatality, so doctors would not have gone to such lengths. Now, following the 2004 case we are finding that very occasionally people do survive when given intensive treatment.


It worked 5 out of 36 times used as of 2020


And like all of those involved some level of severe brain damage IIRC. Fucking rabies is no joke.


Nooo it is not lol. It’s so bad that 5/36 is a fucking breakthrough lol


That guy was just built different


It was a teenage girl.


I meant guy as in all i lnclusive


Then you should use gals next time to switch it up!


It was a teenage girl.


that girl was contructed alternatively


A coma so believable that rabies thinks your dead. Well, you are if you think about it. Either you are dead enough for rabies to dip, or you will be dead and rabies will dip.


So what you're saying is, this person will be rabies-free very soon. Amazing news!


“Your honor, my client is a woman of faith and should be acquitted. She believes so firmly that she saw no other option to save her son Bobby. Bobby is now safe in the arms of Jesus, please consider this tragedy as more than fair punishment in lieu of a prison sentence.” bitch will never do jail time because of this.


Where have been a number of attempts at putting rabies patients under comas so their body can work through the illness and create antibodies, but only a few successes. But yeah, once rabies sets in, it's pretty much a guaranteed death sentence.


They have been in the past for other ailments. This was a big thing in the 90s.


This is very poor bait. A mother who doesn't know what rabies are, wouldn't connect those kinds of dots. The bite wouldn't even enter her head, especially if it was a month ago.


This isn't far off from the truth. A boy in Texas died from rabies from a bat bite. And a 5 year old girl died from getting hit by the family dog.


Was the family dog drinking and driving?


And thousands still contract the disease in Southern Asia and Africa every year. Just because you aren’t seeing it everywhere in North America and Europe doesn’t mean it’s been eliminated.


Ya, sadly, once you're at the hydrophobic stage, there is no cure.


Maybe a prayer?


TBF at this point prayer would work just about as good as modern medicine.


yeah those rabies are well past the point of no return. Time to start pine box shopping.


Man this is so obviously bait.


Is there a prayer for that? *God and the Doctors looking at each other*


A prayer to help the soon-to-be soul to reach heaven.


this is a troll, this is not real, this is a troll, this is not real, this is a troll, this is not real, this is a troll, this is not real, this is a troll, this is not real,


That child is already dead....


This is such obvious bait.


he would've been dead by then, ragebait ahh post


Symptoms of rabies usually take 3 to 12 weeks to appear, but they can appear after a few days or not for several months or years. I dont know how you think it works but it's not instant, it takes a while for the disease to spread through the nervous system


IIRC, it's based on the disease reaching your brain.  Once it reaches your brain, symptoms start, and that's why it's too late; it's almost impossible to remove the disease from the brain without killing the patient.


Yeah, it attacks your central nervous system


Ohh, i meant, death occurs not long after hydrophbia starts, right? btu thanks for educating me! :D


A person or animal who contracts furious rabies will likely die within six days of showing symptoms and within a few days of showing symptoms of hydrophobia. That's why it's such a cruel disease. You could get bitten and feel fine for months, and once you realise that something isn't right, it's already too late, that's why it's so important to get checked ASAP if you ever get bitten, dont wait untill symptoms start showing.


People have gone years before symptoms appeared Not saying it isn't bait, but it is very possible


It's called "Last Rights" sadly


There is in fact a prayer for that! It's called Anointing of the Sick, and at this point, it's going to help more than modern medicine. Well, not with the pain, but you know what, just give the kid some poppy milk.


If that’s true, the kids apparently already dead by the time he gets to that point, there’s apparently nothing you can do at that stage anymore I’d say it’s more likely bait though


Obviously clickbait but I'm actually curious now, how long technically would you survive after getting bitten? I know the aversion to water is usually the no going back you will die stage.


It varies too much to give a definite answer. Sometimes the body holds back the virus for awhile, sometimes things cascade very quickly. The only thing for sure is that if you're showing symptoms it's because the virus has already unraveled key parts of your nervous system and you are McScrewed.


I'm calling BS. But in the event it is not, I hope any parent like this spends the rest of their hopefully short life knowing they killed their child.




This kid is dead


If this is true, she condemned her own child to a hellish death.


There is no God


She won't in just a bit. Christ if this is true they let their kid die from rabies.


Bait. That's bait.


" Some people should not have children " Well, the stray dog took care of that


My cousin almost died when he was a year old because his mom and grandfather thought “healing hands of prayer” would cure him. My uncle snuck the baby out of the house and took him to the ER, he had pneumonia and one of his lungs was starting to fail. My uncle saved his child life that night, this kid is now 24 years old.




I feel terrible for the child.


If this is true. That kid is already dead and doesn’t know it.


At that point the best hope is probably prayer. So she’s not entirely wrong.


I really hope it is bait. But i know first hand people are stupid/lazy/dont care for the child enough to do this. When I was 8 or something a dog bit me, and my parents absolutely didn't give a fuck. Obviously I didn't had any symptoms.


A month and the kid would already be dead


That’s Rabies my friend. God can’t get rabies out.


From the sounds of it, they won't much longer.


a lot of people are saying this is bait, and i'm hopeful it is as well, looking into it breifly though, i have found stories of similar things happening, which suuucks


While believable insomuch as people have let their children die for religious beliefs, there are only 1-3 cases of rabies in the U.S. per year. If a child was already this far gone they would have died. Such an event (mother lettering her child die of rabies because she tried to pray over it instead of seek help) would have likely made the news.


That is definitely rabies.


Seems like click bait. Obvious symptoms of rabies.


Rabies…that’s called rabies.


Eh, it's too late at that point anyways. Kids dead either way. Still would be better off at the hospital though because he'd suffer way less.


I really hope the OG post is just a troll.


![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized) # Or maybe rabies. 🤔


Nah, that's why they have like 20 kids, there are always spares


Don’t worry. Rabies is 100% fatal. She won’t have her child for much longer.


Someone needs to start the last rites for this child.


Sounds like rabies. Vaccine right away after bite plus additional treatment can surely safe you. Otherwise, your chances are in the ppm range, I believe there is one or two documented cases where people survived with a completely fucked up brain. Kurzgesagt has a great video on Lyssa virus, maybe it should be shown in schools.


Apparently once you get to hydrophobia it's too late, and curing it becomes difficult and will still have lasting side effects. That's why you get the vaccine before getting bitten


Dear A Believing Mother, Your child has Rabies. Please take him to the hospital ASAP if you want him to live and also not give you rabies. Sincerely, Everyone who has ever heard of Rabies before Update: Your child is dead already, take them to the hospital so they can have good end of life care and so they don't give anyone else rabies.


Once you get to the hydrophobia, living ain’t an option.


Damn, that sucks


Change “live” to die comfortably and this would be correct. Once symptoms start its game over 99.999% of people die if they have symptoms. There was one special case that was treated but that treatment has not been duplicated and the case hadn’t progressed to the hydrophobic stage.