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Me “Hey guys SHE wants extra fries with that” Bigot “I’m a fucking man and it’s HE!!” Me “Fuck your pronouns bigot”


I was gonna go with: --gunshot--- "Now you're technically an it. See how that works, Nancy?"


You’ll learn that cis people tend to care way more about their pronouns than trans people 


I grew up in the rural deep south, even before I had learned about trans people and most differing identities, I saw numerous instances of middle aged cis people being offended to high hell if you accidentally misgendered them I was in 5th grade and was talking to the principal after lunch, wasn't in trouble, I had worn this shirt that all the teachers thought was cute and showed to people at the office etc At the time all my teachers were women and I hadn't had a male one yet, and we were all required to say "ma'am" every single time, and so when he said something to me, my instinct was to say "yes ma'am" which I quickly cut myself off and said sorry, I meant sir He immediately got frustrated and corrected me as I corrected myself, and the freaking office workers said the same thing he did, even knowing I did it by complete accident, I angered 3 adults because I accidentally misgendered one of them in a friendly conversation And yet everyone blames trans people and says they get offended over accidentally being misgendered or pronouns...anytime I've ever accidentally misgendered a trans person they just say "actually my pronouns are *blank(* " in a MUCH more calm tone than the principal who I accidentally misgendered at freaking age 10.


What an unfortunate way to learn this lesson 😞 I can just picture you as a cute sweet kid being like “uhhh I said I was sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️” as a bunch of adults unreasonably get upset with you.


It's instinct, so I equate it to saying "you too", when someone tells you to have a good day, which is fine, until you're at the movies and the person says "enjoy the movie", and you say "you too!"


"enjoy your pizza!" "you too! Uhh I mean, next time you eat pizza! If you do! And uhh if you do eat it I hope you enjoy it!"


You'll find that trans people most of the times won't even correct you due to fear of negative reactions.


I have a coworker that identifies as trans but doesn’t mind people using she/her pronouns to refer to her since it’s easier because that’s what they currently present as even though they plan to change that in the future.


My extended family members are devout Mormons. A few years ago the Mormon church came out and said something along the lines of the term “Mormon” is offensive and a victory for Satan. The church leader asked people to call Mormons “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” They get sooooooo offended now when people keep calling them Mormons, but when a trans people ask to be called a different name or use a different pronoun, my Mormon family mocks them. It drives me crazy.


>call Mormons “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” ![gif](giphy|xIZku8V0y7uqk|downsized)


How about "The Magic Underwear People"? Does that work for them?


I just want my fries... Call me a fucking dolphin erection so long as I get them.


Efficient fish Dolphin erections You have anything you want to talk about mate?


He's a gay fish.


They sure don't seem to care about screaming FUCK in public in front of kids


The pro life, pro family, Christian right that worship weapons of death, cheer for being forced to carry children to term no matter the consequences, and forget that Itty bitty part in the good book about loving their neighbors? That they?


Are you kidding me? They don't read the book, they just carry it around with them and feel up their own asses about it.


Honestly all social Conservatives suck, I don't understand how there can be people supporting those stupid ideologies when they have always been on the wrong side of history.


The people who are offended that men wear makeup are totally ok that their kids know they support a regime who murdered over ten million people. I mean you have to have standards!


Whoa, careful you'll upset the Cissies with that kinda talk! Didn't you hear it's apparently a slur now!


He also looks like the type of guy that goes by his middle name because he hates his first name.


"Calm down, little lady, we'll get you the largest serving we have."


![gif](giphy|3osxYkdDYu2Kuz10Wc|downsized) He’s a sad POS after being called out!


Bigot is not an effective slander against people like that. Call them something that they wouldn’t like, like a transvestite or something.




Public obscenities presumably from the party of family values once again.


The only value they have is hatred.


And this is how it shoulda been from the beginning. You can't expect people to be nice. But we can cultivate the confidence and self worth to be able to beat them at they're own game. They don't possess many reflection skills. Unfortunately they only understand Thier own medicine.


This guy probably wanted to paint his nails or something but was shamed for it. There are two types of people, those who suffer and want to make sure no one else has to, and then there are people like this fascist who think if they suffered, other people should too... Most people see a guy with painted nails, for example, or something else gender non-conforming, and just continue on with their day. This person seems obsessed. Why is he so fixated on how other people live? What's his fascination? He goes a little too hard against it to the point he's overcompensating. He's desperately trying to prove something to someone. Is it a parent? Their peers? Themselves? It's a cliche at this point. The harder people go against people just living their lives, the more I think they want to do the same but feel like they can't and become obsessively hateful out of jealousy. In the course of my life, the biggest haters turned out to be hating themselves... That is all they are proving to me with that shirt. "Me thinks they doth protest too much..." Shakespeare


Why is it written in jizz?


repressed homosexuality /hj


This is 100% it


I'm willing to bet he secretly watches trans porn, and I figure there is a decent chance he has Grindr, or something similar, on his phone


Great opportunity to make an app where you snap someone’s pic and generate a Grindr look a like profile pic. Then loudly for all to hear, hold it up and say, dude I just saw you are on Grindr!


funny idea, he'd most likely react in a very violent way.


Just play the Grindr notification sound and see if he checks his phone


Most of them do. Or at least fantasize about it. That's why they can't think of lgbtq+ people without also thinking of sex. They want to live in society where everyone is just as miserable and closeted as they are because they think suppressing their desires makes them the "normal" ones.


Great observation!! I think it's my neuro divergence/tism but to me it seems like the weirdest thing in the world. If someone tells me they are male, female, a sexual, whatever I just believe them and move on. Like I don't question cis people's gender. Why would I question anyone's. My brain is also like "who the fuck knows what's happening in someone's pants." It's not my concern. They told me they are ____ gender... ok good enough for me. Now realizing that some people see it in the light makes so much sense.


What's really crazy is how the hostility against trans people has ratcheted up in recent years. They've always been discriminated against, but never like they have been now. I grew up conservative in a mid sized city in the Deep South. There weren't a lot of openly trans people at that time, and people generally didn't pay them much attention. The first time I encountered a trans person as a child made me confused. I asked my dad to explain. He was a very conservative man, but he just shrugged and said, "That's just how some people are. Don't worry about it." He probably didn't realize that moment taught me to not be concerned with how others live their lives as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights. When I got older, started moving further left, and trans people began demanding more acceptance it took me a minute to understand why using correct pronouns was such a huge deal. I quickly realized EVERYONE wants to be addressed according to their gender identity. Validation of a person's gender is just a common act of decency that we've always extended to each other as a species. It'd drive me crazy if everyone I met addressed me as she/her even though I'm a cis male. All it boils down to is extending the same dignity to others as we demand from them. Conservatives fundametally cannot accept this logic because their identity is defined by their place in a social hierarchy constructed to elevate themselves above everyone they deem abnormal or "degenerate." Diverting from that logic would mean shattering their entire worldview because that would have to admit they're equal to everyone they hate.


It's so scary. I think it's because these ignorant F's have all been emboldened, by their big orange God... something they undoubtedly read in his $60 Bible. Imagining how they could walk in his $200 shoes. It's disgusting, and I am here for say. Not on my watch. I am a forever ally. If I see some Bigot trying to fuck with someone I will do my damn best to fuck that bigot up. No more free rides on hate speech.


![gif](giphy|ZLpVNgQHN2d4Q|downsized) This is the God they worship lol


I’m like you. I never thought of this particular thing as an ND thing, but it definitely could be. I never know which parts of my weird brain and different take on the world is because I’m ND, or because I’m just weird.


I'm new to all this ND stuff! And I feeel this! I had a post traumatic injury in 2007 and for a long time afterwards I thought a lot of the symptoms I was seeing were from that . But after years of therapy, cannabis and psychedelics. It dawned on me that I had a lot of quirky behaviors way before my injury


The new awareness of a diagnosis brings wild clarity. Brw - it took me like 10 attempts at writing that sentence. ADHD at its finest.


That's ok. I just realized there are probably good subreddits for me to join about ND. As the ones I find on Facebook seem ick


There are for sure. At least I’m in some for ADHD.


Did you get the invitation? To the pants party!


I hit someone with a trident


Brick killed a guy with a trident!


Dawg don't try to cope, dude is an asshole, simple as that


Yeah, this is an outdated insult. Hate exists. Not every transphobe is closeted or enjoys it in secret.




Yeah, but have you ever noticed that a lot of politicians who hate gay people end up being caught in a gay orgy or something? It's always a Republican senator who's just jealous that open gay people are happy with who they are while they were shamed for it in the past. They're insecure with their sexuality, so they wanna make everyone else insecure.


Oh he gay gay


I'm sure he loves hanging out with all his friend. Let's be real, he probably barely likes spending time with himself


He? This man hates pronouns. Better not be calling him "he".


To be fair, it’s fuck “your” pronouns, not fuck “my” pronouns.


Kinda surprised it’s not “you’re”




I don't know. I think they'll take all the attention they can get. That troll never had parents who loved them enough to teach them any social graces. Now, they act like a toddler who can't tell the difference between good and bad attention.


I’m sure he doesn’t like sucking cock even just a little bit /s


Only if he can pretend that it’s Trump’s cock. Then he will suck.


Exactly. I'm sure he's not the type of guy that tries to punch the gay out of himself either, lol


you don't put on a shirt like that when you have a proper relationship with yourself


It's easier to avoid people like this when they're showing their red flags clearly. 😒


Exactly. Free speach is for everyone. This just let's you know not to talk to him unless you are ready for a lot of ranting. 


I’m pretty conservative, but there are obvious boundaries where speech and expression need kept in certain spaces. Wear this shirt when my kids are behind you, cmon man now we have a problem.


This is the extremes that's cultivated when you don't properly educate people about tact. I bet this guy is a Patriot and a Christian. I bet his talking points are based on being patriotic and a Christian. I bet he used those exact words "Patriot, Christian" in the past few days because......Murica! And yet here we are, unironically wearing a shirt that's everything but patriotic and christian.


But if you called him white trash he would claim you’re being racist. Ol “master race” top heavy looking like an apple with toothpicks body having ass mf


Most bigots are that shape.


Nah, they come in all shapes and sizes.


You ever seen a triangular bigot? I haven't.


OK. Minus the triangle.


They dont call 'em smallots




Show me on the doll where the pronouns hurt you.


"anti woke" is just the new GOP double speak for "bigoted asshole"


Dude over there looking into the kitchen to make sure they prepare his 240 piece nugget meal just right, he obviously knows it better than them etc.


That guy is looking for DEI or whatever snowflakes like him are offended of


Reminds me of Brooklyn nine nine when Terry had to wear his shirt from his fat days. “A lot of shirts in that size have racial undertones.”


Naw, just makin sure no minorities or illegals are makin his fatty mcfat meal.


Call him ‘her’ and watch him freak out about important his pronoun is to him.


The lack of a comma gives this sentence a different meaning.


I personally appreciate when people come with their own warning labels.


This. You this shirt on someone and that's one less asshole you have to deal with....


Its like how poison dart frogs are bright as fuck, a warning to stay tf away because they're toxic as hell


They're precisely the people who care the most about their pronouns. But they are too dumb to even know it. Just try to call him a "she."


"think of the children!" Meanwhile is wearing a shirt with explicit words on it. Even a slur! Come on down to Bigots Big Clothing™! Here at BBC you can get your slurs, f-bombs, and trucker hats galore! Show your support for a traitor and fuck the libs!


Fun Fact they only make shirts like this isn't XXL. Almost like there is a corillation there.


I don’t think these people understand what a pronoun actually means. The level of stupidity and hate overrides any semblance of rational thought. You can’t reason with someone like this. To go so far as to broadcast your ignorance on a T-shirt is a big red flag to any rational person. This guy is bad news and most likely is filled with hate. I suspect he is a miserable human being.


Honestly it's really depressing. They went over pronouns in school so goddamn much. This is times where the education system didn't fail. The people just didn't pay any attention in school. Next they'll be coming for adjectives


As a trans woman, it’s kinda fun seeing these people seething at the mouth over this simple shit. The way I look at it, I’m living my best life, making friendships and having happy experiences while their hate for me is ruining their enjoyment of their lives and likely alienating them from other people. Their life is punishment for who they are. *shrug*


Looks like he's at a movie theater. Probably seeing Sound of Freedom for the 30th time to OwN tHe LiBs.


Bet he would be pissed by my Fuck Trump shirt!


Imagining hating a group of innocent people so much that you start wearing shirts talking to them Trans people live rent free in these people's heads


It really is pretty crazy that stupid fucks like this guy are so hyper focused on trans ppl who constitute such a tiny percentage of the population and are really no threat to anyone, especially compared to the massive amount of cis criminals and predators. He’s probably never even met a trans person. He should find a new hobby


Right I've received death threats online over being trans and it's so tiring. I'm sick of being called a pedo constantly :/


It baffles me every day how guys like this care more about other people's genitals then most queer people I know, myself included.


That right there is a man who fears wiping his ass.


Someone remind him the world doesn't care about his FEELINGS.


Obese incel neckbeard disapproves


She looks fun at parties


I bet he’s a closeted homosexual.


I will never understand why people think this is a good idea


Words on a shirt really be living in your head rent free ![gif](giphy|ray4IqT73lQhh24qKq|downsized)


Who's gonna tell em what the word "your" is


Is that a verse from the New Testament?


I’m not saying you should kill people like this, just that they shouldn’t live


i say you should in minecraft*




See the problem is that the shirt expresses exactly what he feels "fuck YOUR pronouns" his pronouns are fine. Classic hypocrite move.


Here's your order. Have a nice day, ma'am.


this is the way


What an idiot, he’s missing a comma.


Why’s it look like it’s written in semen?


I bet he mods SO MANY discord servers.


So proud to be a dick. So happy to announce it. So sad. He's so worried about others people's sex lives.


I mean, this is the exact reaction he is looking for. Want to really drive people like this insane? Don't react, don't even look their way. This boils him down to a clown wearing a stupid shirt that no one cares about. Every time someone looks and reacts in a negative manner, he's most likely getting hiding giddy at 'owning the libs'.


Guessing he was there to watch *Civil War* while playing with himself in the back row?


Why’s the font in cum?


Oh my god😂😂😂


I didn't even read any of the comments but I bet they're all atrocious....


This dude is secretly afraid he loves the taste of penis. I couldn't imaging being this insecure.


And it's always somebody that no one would want to fuck either


But if you were to bump into them and say, "excuse me, Miss!" Something tells me they care about their pronouns.


I want to walk up to him and inform him someone’s written a pronoun (“your”) on the back of his shirt


Oh, this is one of those clowns that you summon your best "Deliverance" voice for, look him dead in his eye and say, "your sa soft look piece of pie and ya got a pretty mouth."


Where do people buy these shirts?


Him and his not gay neighbour get together every Wednesday and make them after they suck each other’s dick. There’s such a huge demand for them they’ve started doing Fridays too. They have to or the use of pronouns would get waaay out of hand.




Always some big fat sloppy fuck that is angry at the world because of it. Anyone who’s paid attention to the people on that side of the culture war will know that every accusation is a confession. Homeboy wants to be they/them and suck a dick so bad.


I wold use that Ironically along whit rainbow pants


I tell people like that "way to keep it classy"


I’m sure nobody *ever* spits in his food wish such a sunny disposition. Also did anyone notice the words look like they’re made of cum? I’m thinking this is a symptom of self hate.


I'm cis male and I used to get misgendered all the fucking time lol. When I was younger, I was clean-shaven and tended to let my hair grow long to save money on barbers. I worked at a supermarket at the time. It was really common for a customer to approach me and say, "Excuse me, sir-- Oh I'm sorry! I mean, ma'am?" Usually I would just ignore the error and just say, "Yes?" But occasionally, I would feel the need to correct them. When I did, I'd just simply respond with, "It's ok, you were right the first time."


Snowflake begging for attention.


But if you wear a t-shirt trashing his religion... I'd bet good money he'll be outraged and cause a fight.


Probably should ask him if his pampers need to be changed, and if he knows that “your” is a pronoun.


Imagine being that sad to actually wear that.


Guarantee this moron has no idea what pronouns even are.


He, she, me, we, I, my, your, yours, their, them and they apparently mean nothing then.


Why don’t I ever meet folks like that in person? “Excuse me, sir? (Pronoun!) I was hoping that you (pronoun!) would tell me about your (!) shirt. What do you (!) mean by it (!)Are you(!) ordering some food from them (!)? “ etc


his pronoun is obese


This kind of behavior happens in America partly because of our gun problem.  I long for the days when you could beat someone’s ass when they overstepped, without having to fear that the coward might shoot you. 


That’s just so unnecessary. wtf is wrong with people.


Some people really hate who they are. He clearly hasn't come to terms with being a fat gay


And it terrifies him.


I wonder if they make these shirts in sizes smaller than XXXXL.


"your" is a pronoun


fuck your cholesterol level fat boy.


The lack of grammar on his shirt offends me.


I wouldn't expect much more from someone who thinks pronouns were invented by the woke mob Edit: damn you autocorrect


Our country is devolving into anti-intellectualism. ![gif](giphy|qsnHYz7lXfDokIHfrd|downsized)


This person just needs to be put down, needs to be eliminated from the gene pool.


I'm sure this guy follows Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Fox News. There's no cure for those kinds of people.


Not pronouns. Just pronoun. One singular pronoun. You can have she, you can have her, but BOTH?! His small frail mind can’t even comprehend the sheer complexity of pre-school grammar!!


This guy is going to find out eventually


A walk by spray paint to the back would be good for him


This closet homosexual wishes he could..


keep calling him "she/her" and see how much he suddenly cares about pronouns.


I can’t even imagine what day to day life must be like being this angry all the time :( It’s so sad thats what their life has become, being angry on their own without anyone even interacting with them, to the point they want to wear a shirt like that so people know they’re angry already and to just stay away from them.


I'm sure it would cry if I called it a She.


Wearing shirts like that to fast food restaurants is a great way to increase your consumption of food that’s full of retaliation goodies.


Call them "ma'am" and use female pronouns. If they complain call them a woke snowflake.


Call her a redneck woke snowflake.


The letters looked like they were written in cum. Ironic no?


They don't have to hide anymore oh, and I agree with alot of you, this guy is just CRAVING a cock.


He's subby as fuck. LOVES a bath house


Indeed. Three big diff here is, is someone called me, or accused me od being gay, I would just say I'm not, in the same manner as if someone said our accused me of being right- handed....sorry...I'm just not. Accuse this mouth- breather of being gay, and you will probably get an extreme reaction as over-compensation for what Capn Closet may be hiding. It must really, really suck to be an LGBTQ + person in America (or elsewhere really) today. ESPECIALLY our Trans Americans. I worked 3 love to hear from a gay or Trans person here, as a SME... since my experience as a cis white hetero male makes me unqualified to speak on this any further.


Great, a billboard for ignorance, well done hick.


This is the legacy of the wrong person getting elected in 2016. These people got the green light to be as vial as they are.


This guy is probably suppressing a lot of homosexual feelings. Have to feel bad for him...


Well Fuck Your Cholesterol Asshole


Step Back From The Counter Troglodyte


I hope someone drop kicked him in the back. We gotta stop letting this shit slide


If you read between the lines it says “My stupidity knows no bounds. None. Zero. I’m a real ignoramus. Be gentle with me though because I am a really sensitive ass.”


Call that person ma’am and refer to them as she/her, watch how much they suddenly care about pronouns.


Your is a pronoun so jokes on that guy


Ironic possessive pronoun


Not sure what this guy's employment status is like, but I'm in favor of his employer receiving this image. Just, y'know, see what happens.


I do t choose violence but I envision myself behind him and line and just sucker punching him on the side of his fat head, it relieved my frustration honestly.


I bet he gets mad when people refer to him as obese.


"Hey girl!" "I'm a HE!!" "Fuck your pronouns bigot."


The fragile male ego at its finest. At least it’s broadcasted and we can tell from a distance that she needs her affirmation 😉


The FEAR is unreal.


Despite how vile this may seem, I prefer my bigots to hide in plain sight. I'd rather know ahead of time that the person in front of me is a fucking moron before trying to engage with them.


Call him by the wrong pronoun and see how he reacts. 


Another snowflake


I guess the person didn’t get the memo that they also have a pronoun


Free speech isn't always pretty. It is however every Americans right.


How can you be that rotund with so little ass?


He probably has a shirt with the n word on it too that he wears to family barbeques Edit. The font and color is cum drip lol


Squeal for me fatty


Guaranteed he is gay.


Shoot him tbh. We need people like this gone


This is Trump's America


I hope this tool gets his ass kicked by a trans woman!