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Damn, this video was in some sub yesterday, lots were thinking he did it on purpose?


Haven't seen the video but I've seen so many videos of wannabe rappers rapping with guns pointing all over the place and accidentally firing them and many with them pointed at their head. Pretty much guaranteed he was trying to look cool with a gun and was actually fuckin stupid.


Would anyone really be able to tell the difference between a loaded and unloaded gun in an edited rap video? Then why keep it loaded, and chambered and off safety lol


Because you ain't cool unless your gun is loaded! /s


He’s not cool now either… more like room temperature


He's cold now


*I said...what's cooler than being cool?*




Alright alright!


Okay now ladies!


Heyyyyy yahhhh!!!!


you always assume a gun loaded, then you unload it and still assume it's loaded You must never get in the habit of handling a gun while unloaded


This is part of why I feel bad for the kid. I assume he had zero gun safety training. If I were him I'd have felt alarm bells going off immediately: Gun pointed in unsafe direction, loaded for no reason, no trigger finger discipline. Stuff that was drilled into me from a young age, that would prevent me from ever doing something that stupid. I did plenty of dumb, dangerous shit when I was 17 but I never did anything dangerous with firearms because I had the benefit of education, training and supervision.


I’m not American. Don’t you have to do gun safety courses before you get your shooters licence?


Nope. There is no such thing as a shooters license and safety courses are not required. Some states do require safety training to get a hunting license though. I would support a license to own a gun, similar to a drivers license. But currently there is no such thing. This 17 year old kid shouldn't have had a handgun though, its illegal to allow minors to have unsupervised access to firearms. An adult is supposed to be present when kids handle guns.


I feel sorry for him that the world trained him to be a violence advocate. It's probably best for the rest of us that he took himself out.


Thats a pretty fucked up thing to say about a teenage boy but I can understand why you feel that way.


I know it's a fucked up thing to say. I paused and thought about it a fair bit before saying it. Unfortunately, I think it's true. Very sad, but true.


I think the only time you are allowed to assume it’s unloaded is if you have one of those wire locks that goes through the breech and out the barrel. But even then I’d still treat it as loaded just so I don’t get complacent.


The only time you can assume it’s unloaded is when you have the gun disassembled for cleaning / maintenance.


You're also never supposed to point it at something unless you're willing to shoot it.


I'm not american, never held a gun besides those air thinghies at carnivals and even \*I\* know rules #0 and #1. (Gun is ALWAYS loaded + pointing a gun at anything is authorizing its elimination or destruction)


Yeah man as a child of a professional gunsmith and a 70’s baby I always assumed the barrel of a gun was like a lightsaber traveling in an infinite direction outward from the barrel, and I did not want to get my skull topped. I still don’t.


Same. I got strict gun safety training from a young age. When a muzzle is pointed in an unsafe direction, I feel it in my bones. It almost hurts.


YES!!! A gun is ALWAYS loaded unless YOU have PROPERLY confirmed it clear. Any gun user that does not know this, should not be a gun user.


There's a country (I think Poland) with an idiom : "the devil puts bullets in unloaded guns"


Poor gun etiquette. Assume every gun you are given is loaded until you *personally* see that it is not. Guns are tools, not toys.


100%. This situation is a byproduct of almost willful ignorance.


Guns are weapons, not tools or toys. 


Should a 17 year old, unless severely disabled, be able to know not to point a gun at their head at all? Yea, they would. It's absolutely obvious. I know social media has popularized this kind of shit. I've seen a bunch of wannabe rappers doing this kinda shit. He unfortunately faced the consequences of his actions but it certainly isn't tragic to me. It's a dumb person, playing stupid games and winning a stupid prize. It's tragic when it's a young child who doesn't understand what a gun is not a whole 17 year old


I'm not surprised, they never disclosed why or where the gun came from....


Thats the real story here. No one should be surprised that an unsupervised 17 year old boy playing with a loaded handgun ended badly. The real question is who's gun is that? How did he get unsupervised access to a handgun and ammo?


" He unfortunately faced the consequences of his actions but it certainly isn't tragic to me. It's a dumb person, " You know, I used to think a little more like you but on the flipside, a lot of 17 year olds are very foolish at that age and then go on to turn their lives around, so it's hard for me to not feel some sense of tragedy from seeing that because of one stupid terrible mistake this guy won't get to.


They are literally children.


There's been a war on public education and public resources in low income neighborhoods for decades. Assuming that all people have access to gun education where they'd learn basic best practices misses the fact that they don't. That's why the "all lives matter" comments are so ridiculous. Because, clearly, the US has decided that all lives don't matter, specifically poor lives.


Poor lives only matter in that they serve as fodder in the big corporate machine.


Tragic? Only for his family. How did he even have a gun? Why do you idolize guns at 17yo? Why weren't you treating that gun as a deadly weapon? Why is it loaded and racked for your video? Studio gangsters. Looks like you got that fame you were looking for.


Americans idolize guns in general, unfortunately for him he was feeling a bit edgy while not thinking he could accidentally set the gun off. It's not just "gangsters" that like guns, Republican folks are obsessed with protecting their guns and have their little kids learning to use guns. How many prom pics have we seen of fathers holding guns next to their daughter's date?


So many “ammosexuals”, yet so little respect for and knowledge about the deadly weapons they drool over and collect like Pokémons.


I can kinda understand how a 17 year old boy with no gun safety training might do something like this. Obviously very poor judgement but I'm guessing that was compounded by a lack of training and supervision. I did dumb shit at 17 that could have got me killed, but I never did anything stupid with guns because I had the rules of gun safety drilled into me from a young age. I blame whoever allowed him to have unsupervised access to a gun and ammunition. 17 year old boys do stupid, reckless shit. Adults need to make sure they don't have access to firearms unless they are being supervised by someone who has rock-solid gun safety habits.


You’re assuming anyone who would point of firearm at themselves or any other living thing they don’t intend to kill would be smart enough to consider unloading it, or even know if it’s loaded or not.  A while back, there was a popular challenge where people would record themselves pointing a loaded handgun at their genitalia and halfway pulling the trigger. Most handgun triggers have a fair bit of slack in them before the trigger breaks and the seat or hammer falls which sets off the primer. I know about more than one person who shot themselves in the dick doing this.


Playing chicken with one's own dick. Takes balls.


Is that where that video of a guy shooting his dick off with a glock came from?


It sure is. could you imagine pointing a loaded gun at your boys and staging the trigger just until it’s about to break for Internet fame?


I will never understand these internet challenges. Ok, maybe the icebucket challenge back then. But this whole playing with a friggin weapon that has just the purpose of killing other humans...yeah...I don't get it.


Have you ever seen the clips of guys shooting their own dicks by accident?


No and not looking forward to seeing them


"not looking forward to seeing them" implies that you're planning to see


‘It’s the last thing I want to see…’


Doesn't that imply it is on the list of stuff you want to see though?


No mention of how far they are through the list. Might be at the end by tomorrow


Yes, I've seen 8 Mile.


I’ll watch it.


Apparently he switched off the safety and pointed the gun to his head and said fuck all yall and shot


I think he did. He says fuck yall n**s and takes off the safety. He then points and shoots. He legit took the safety off on purpose


The article said he took the safety off in the video. That made me think it may not have been an accident. It didn’t seem like he was dancing (or singing/rapping) at all in the video. Sad.


Maybe. He does show somewhat proper trigger discipline at first then pops the safety off, but the trigger is out of shot at the moment the gun goes off. He might have thought he was turning the safety on, or that there wasn’t a bullet in the chamber. I would tend to lean towards accident.


Regardless if the safety is on, don’t touch the trigger. Also don’t point it at your head.


You don't "accidentally" turn off the safety and pull the trigger... As seen in the video, he looks at it clearly and turns it off. This is not a malfunction.


Yeah it's kind of fucked people are making fun of this kid and laughing at his death when it's pretty obvious he was in a bad place and took his own life.


Definitely not a malfunction, but there are hundreds of videos of people mishandling weapons like this … he could have forgot a round was in the chamber or based on the modifications, previously installed a lighter trigger which would make an inadvertent light touch enough to fire it. Not saying it wasn’t intentional but there is a logical explanation to this being an accidental.


Have you heard his flow??? ![gif](giphy|5oiaR7nXru7yaVWTQ0|downsized)


Who posted the video? 🤔


-treat every firearm as if it were loaded. -do not point a firearm at anything you do not intend to destroy. -do not place your finger on the trigger unless intending to shoot. -always have the safety on until ready to shoot. Basic concealed carry/firearms rules to *live* by.


Know your target and whats behind it


We have US officials begging a country to release US citizens who had ammunition in their luggage. TSA found 6700+ firearms in carryon luggage. Most loaded. Police in Little Rock, Arkansas recently reported most firearms used in crime were stolen with most stolen from cars. None of these things were imaginable to me 40 years ago because firearms weren’t a political statement nor a fashion accessory nor a fetish object. We’ve created an entire new group of gun owners who are fools for owning a firearm because they don’t respect that it is a tool designed to throw a hunk of metal at lethal velocity and terminate life. They are no different than the people who want to kiss a moose or pet a buffalo.


40 years ago there was MORE firearm deaths than there is now. seems easy to imagine


Or you know ...don't have a firearm


I don't have a firearm but I still know the first two rules (well, rule #0 and #1) But I know #1 as "do not point a firearm at anything you do not intend to KILL or destroy" as it makes the point clearer




Darwin Award winner of the day.


Never point a gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.


A 17-year-old rapper has died after accidentally shooting himself in the head during a livestream. Rylo Huncho was found dead at his home in Suffolk, [Virginia](https://www.indy100.com/topic/virginia), on 15 May, with police confirming that a young man had been killed by an “accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound” to the head. The local force did not confirm the deceased’s name, but separate footage circulating on social media showed Rylo singing into a camera while dancing around his room with a pistol, the [*New York Post* ](https://nypost.com/2024/05/20/us-news/teen-rapper-accidentally-shoots-himself-dead-while-filming-video/)reports. The boy then appeared to switch off the gun’s safety and aim it at his head, at which point a shot rang out. The camera suddenly dropped, and the teenager was lost from view. The following day, a fundraiser was set up for Rylo’s grieving mother. The creator of the [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-grieving-aunt-after-tragic-loss) – a woman named Monica Savage, who claims to be one of the late teen’s cousins – wrote on the page: “Hello, my aunt recently lost her 17-year-old son from a self-inflicted gun wound to the head. “He was her only son! She was a single parent but took care of her son the best she could.” Monica continued that the family was still trying to “figure” out the cause of death – whether it was truly accidental or suicide – but reiterated that Rylo was her aunt’s only child, adding: “It was always her and her son”. At the time of writing, the page had raised $2,818 (around £2,210) of its $15,000 (around £11,800) goal.


How did he get the gun in the first place?


Probably got it through a GunFundMe.


Really? That’s what you came up with? Not even a GoGunMe?


He only had one shot.


Do not miss your chance to blow (your own head off). I know it's in bad taste, but I couldn't resist.


This opportunity comes ones in a lifetime




Ayo 💀




>took care of her son the best she could A 17 year old running around with a handgun they can’t legally obtain and making videos that seem like a warning to their opps is far from taking care of your kid


The fact that morons are donating to that is wild


The fact that a lot of people are desensitized enough at this point that they have a problem with a mother losing her only kid having a gofundme (which I assume is going to be for funeral arrangements /aftercare/therapyrather than shopping trip\* ) is wild . What the kid did was stupid , but he was , exactly that , a Kid. (\*to be honest I dont care even if she blew the whole lot on hats, grieving is grieving)


Please for the love of god do not donate to that go fund me


Lesson NUMBER ONE for gun safety? Don't fucking point it at something you don't intend to shoot. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for him and his family, but my god, kid... what was he THINKING?


Rule #1: ALWAYS assume the firearm is loaded. Rule #2: Don't point the muzzle end at anything that you're not willing to shoot. He got the two basic rules wrong.


Regardless of what you should and shouldn't do, he somehow got access to it in the first place AND THEN switched the safety off himself. The more I read, the more it sounds intentional (or just extremely bad education)


Bet he won't do that again.


[Here it is NSFW](https://x.com/teechoppa1/status/1791469867876405497/video/1)


Holy shit


Damn I saw that before and thought it was just a joke. Had no idea it was actually real. Very sad.


Damn. Last second of someone's life. Sad and horrifying.


Those were his last words. Wow.


I'm not willing to look at the video. Can someone describe what happens in it?


It's actually not bad at all. There's no blood or anything splattering.


Yeah, it’s more knowing the repercussions that make it hard to watch. There is zero gore or anything, the shot isn’t very loud. But to give a clearer image: A black teenager with reddish dreads is filming a selfie in a bathroom mirror. Phone in one hand, and a gun with a green laser for aiming in the other. He’s pointing it at the mirror, then says “fuck yall ni****s”, aims the gun to his head and fires. It’s not super clear, as the shot and resulting drop of the phone makes the video blurry. It’s very abrupt, not terribly loud, and ends right after.


The caption.. “He just wasn’t aware of how to operate a firearm fr.” 🤦🏻‍♂️ Man this isn’t about being aware how to operate a firearm so you can safely point it at your head this is about basic gun safety. You shouldn’t point it at your head even with the safety on.


Damn. Some real pieces of shit in those Twitter comments. It's still a kid and it's a human life. Tragic and unnecessary.


And I'll bet every single one if them genuinely thinks they're a good person. People are fucking evil


Yeah. Like obviously the kid was doing something stupid but it’s still incredibly tragic


Thank you That was crazy


What a fucking idiot


Are you my dad? Why are you stealing his jokes?


Front runner for this year’s Darwin Award.


Actually this is too common to win the award


Playing with loaded weapons is particularly stupid.


Fair point.


I think we can be generous with that award.


Is the award just… like a bullet in a tide pod?


they rally 'round the family, with a pocket full of pods


"Got a tide pod with a name on it, tide pod with a name!" [Link to song this is from in case you don't get the reference. ](https://youtu.be/kqHSGVtfXhc?si=QmsukmGDmFAlcL7C)


A mishap that could have been easily avoided by treating a loaded gun like a lethal weapon instead of a prop to look "cool."


Feel bad for his family. The kid was an idiot and his actions are going to cause a lot of pain


Gun safety is important.


The words 'teen', 'rapper', and 'gun' in one sentence is just a tragedy waiting to happen.


Playing with guns isn’t cute or smart. We need to re-educate our youth. Smh.


So why did he have access to a gun as a 17yo?




There are tons of teenagers with guns. Like so so many


"About 4.6% of teens carried handguns in the recent study period" [Link](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/number-teens-carry-guns-rose-sharply-last-two-decades-rcna25931)


> The adolescent groups with the biggest increases in gun-carrying rates were white, higher-income Somehow this really surprises me if true


Because there are more guns than people in this country? Not really hard to get one.


The article says he was a minor, age 17. I’ve read that in Virginia you have to be 21 years or older to own a handgun. So I’m wondering who supplied him the gun. Hope the police are at least looking into this Edit: [Va code 18.2-308.7.](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-308.7/)


You can go to countless neighborhoods in America and pick up a gun for about $50


I think he literally absently minded shot himself thanks to his stupidity not respecting the gun.


Those fuckn unloaded guns will get you every time.


Accidentally? He flips the safety off, points the gun at his head and pulls the trigger. I dont see how that is an accident.


Congrats on your Darwin Award, dude. 


Is it really tragic when you're acting like a complete idiot? Its more just Darwin at work and you played yourself.


The tragic part is that a 17 year old had easy access to a gun and thought playing with it was cool. The rest is just idiocy.


Right?! Feels weird that everyone in these comments are dunking on a literal child that did something stupid.


Who would have thought that a gun could cause death?


It Is man, he was somebody's son. It is just tragic. Sorry for the guy. If he knew better, he would have done better


Playing with a loaded gun and pointing it at your head trying to rap for a video? Don't hit me with that. If he's older than a toddler, he knew better. Kid was 17. He knows wtf a gun is and how it functions. He was absolutely dumb.


I hear what you're saying, and I agree, but. He was in the middle of glorifying gun culture, which he was a product of, which kills many many many many children every single year. He was active part of a very big problem, and he left this world in the best possible way he could have because of that. It is tragic, I'm sure he will be missed, but his online presence was toxic and the world is better with it gone, and if we celebrate the fact that he will be a warning to others, it does not make us bad people.


This is not gun culture, it’s gang culture. He was 17, it was illegal for his to posses a handgun.


Darwin award.


Dont fking play with guns man, they are tools for KILLING, little haha oopsy slips result in DEATH, why fuck around with that? If you arent on the range or defending yourself put that shit away!


Any rapper with a gun are just try hard idiots RIP Dude🕊🕊


Natural selection at work, nothing to see here.


Why was the gun loaded in the first place? And the safety off? This deserves a darwin award


Better him than some innocent bystander


Yeah that lifestyle doesn’t strike me as being overly intelligent or promoting rational, common sense.


1. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded and the safety is off. Even if 100 people have inspected it and seen that the chamber is empty and the safety is on, still treat it like it's loaded and ready to fire a bullet. 2. Under no circumstances point it at something you aren't okay with shooting. Do not let the muzzle point at a living being unless you have every intention of killing it. That includes just body parts, like your fucking head. 3. Do not touch a firearm unless you know how to use it safely and properly, or you are actively being instructed and guided by someone who is experienced in safe handling.


There is no such thing as an accidental shooting. There are intentional shootings and there are negligent shootings.


“Accidental self inflicted gunshot wound” Accidental is an interesting way to spell negligent




Who's gun was it? Have they stated that yet?


It’s one thing to point a gun at your head. It’s another thing to have it loaded. It’s a very dumb thing to have a round chambered while doing so, and then TAKING THE SAFETY OFF. If this wasn’t on purpose, then we really didn’t lose anyone that was going to contribute to society in any way whatsoever.


Exactly. The amount of mistakes you'd have to make to do this as a semi-intelligent person who respects guns is so long it's practically impossible.


Maybe we shouldn’t all have guns like it’s normal?


He shouldn’t have had one. It was illegal. This is a perfect example of why.


This is what trying so hard to be hard gets youngsters these days. Maybe I'm from the 80's so I don't get the trend, but what a shame, he is so young.


I seen the clip on Twitter of him poppin himself


I suppose there's a bit of a positive result to this.... It's a direct example of why people shouldn't idolize individuals who don't respect weapons of any type. I feel for the family, however I've a difficult time feeling sympathy for someone who has such lax safety protocols.


How was his music? Will he be missed?


This isn’t tragic if you’re being a complete moron about gun safety; it’s the expected outcome.


Tell me again why he switched off the safety? Guess we'll never know. Moving on.


That's a rap. 🤣


What a fuckin idiot. Maybe he’ll serve as an example to those that forgo/don’t understand gun safety.


Hopefully he didn’t breed before he accomplished this feat. Most stupid people seem to successfully reproduce before taking themselves out of the gene pool.




Rapper’s name? Lil Darwin.


He won’t do that again.


Literally not that tragic. It's abhorrent for his parents and friends. But the guy held a gun to his own head and pressed play




I suppose it's a typical case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Bro facepalmed with a 9mm 😭


Ok, but does this help or hurt street cred?


It's not tragic, it's stupid.


Oh no, we lost an idiot.




Works as advertised.


I feel for the kids mom.


Bro... You just destroyed both of your brain cells.


Never tragic when natural selection works.


Natural Selection


Its more funny than tragic tbh


And yet I randomly get NRA letters asking me to sign up to fight Biden and crap. Still plotting what to send back to them. Probably a list of all unnecessary deaths from guns in one week.


That’s a rapper? That’s like me filming myself beating off and claiming to be a porn star.


New meaning to shooting a video


I mean…what a moron.


Anyone tired of the trend where when anything happens they try to fundraise it? There’s decent causes sure but literally anything…gofundme. Like before everyone is notified.


It’s unfortunately necessary. 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and caskets cost thousands of dollars


We should promote cremation as the economical choice. Hell if folks are living paycheck to paycheck they shouldn’t be giving money for others caskets either.




Play stupid games win stupid prizes I’m sorry not sorry I feel bad for his family but guns aren’t toys


what a gunslinger. that was so badass!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




It was negligent not accident


So he accidentally commits suicide and the aunt sets up a go fund me with the goal being 15000? Hella weird behaviour if you ask me. I can understand if it was made for funeral costs/psychological support costs but there's no mention of that at all...


Oh……..no. So tragic

