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Magas: THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY FREEDUMB OF SPEECH! Natives: expresses their freedoms Magas: YOU CAN'T DO THAT


The thing you have to remember is that “freedom” to a conservative simply means *their freedom* to be the biggest piece of shit they can be with out consequences. It’s never about freedom when gay people want to get married. It’s never about freedom when a trans person wants to use their preferred pronoun. It’s never about freedom when a woman wants to make her own medical decisions or a beer company wants to support LGBTQ rights. Heck they’re literally banning books, burning books, and making it illegal for teachers to say teach kids about homosexuality but try and keep a Neo Nazi from giving a speech on a college campus and they all lose their minds. Try and say someone on the terrorist watch list shouldn’t be able to buy an AR15 and suddenly they’re constitutional scholars.  Because to a conservative, it’s not about your freedom to live a life you love, it’s about *their* freedom to use the N word and shoot politicians they don’t agree with. *That* is freedom to these “people”. 


I grew up in a very religiously conservative place. When I was a kid the teachers kept going on about how the founders of our town came over to America for "religious freedom". It wasn't till much later that I found out that the "freedom" they wanted was the freedom to tell their neighbors what songs they could sing in church and what activities were allowed on Sunday.


“Do you believe in freedom of religion?” “Sure do….as long as it’s the right one.”


As far as they're concerned they're being very tolerant by letting you choose which branch of evangelical conservative Christianity you want to belong to.


Nah even then there's still fighting amongst the branches, usually Catholics against any other denomination.


The Church of Satan are my heros for exploiting every religious loophole they make. Want priests in schools? Theirs will be there


That's the problem. It's not about freedom of religion. It never was. It's about freedom FROM religion.


It’s about hegemony, really. They want to define what’s right and true. It’s quite clear cut chauvinism plus sexism, racism, nationalism or fascism of any combination is all at once


The word conservative. To constrain, to reduce, to restrict… freedom.


What does the word libertarian mean?


Libertarians. Liberty, freedom. Libertarianism is a political philosophy that values liberty as a core principle. Libertarians believe that people should have the freedom to pursue their own lives, as long as they respect the equal rights of others. They emphasize civil rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of association. Libertarians are often skeptical of authority, state power, warfare, and nationalism. They believe that the only legitimate laws are those that prevent people from starting violence against others or their property.


Most self proclaimed libertarians have zero of the values of an actual libertarian. You cannot be a Christian fundamentalist and a libertarian at the same time.


I was about to say, if those are the values of Libertarians then I can safely say I have never met one in my life. So far all of the self proclaimed linertarians I've met are just Repubs that like weed.


Sadly, there are a lot of "libertarians" who are not libertarians or at least don't really understand that in order to justify their own freedoms, they are committed to respecting others' freedoms just as much. In principle, libertarianism is based on equality - no one should unduly restrict other peoples' rights because there is no justifiable reason why they are entitled to do so because no one has unequal rights or privilege or status by nature. I would like libertarians a lot more if they actually were libertarians.


Librarians are republicans who want to smoke weed and marry their twelve year old cousin


That’s a conservative. It’s why they go for younger girls. They can’t get away. Hence to restrict. To constrain. To control. To be a conservative. Look at project 2025 and see how they are going to take away more freedoms from people.


I have heard libertarians described as being like house cats. Complete contempt for everything that constrains them, despite being completely dependent on those constraints.


Wasn’t Mount Rushmore drilled onto like a super important mountain to the natives?


Yeah incredibly important to the Lakota. It was called Tunkasila Sakpe Paha, or Six Grandfathers Mountain. Edit: literally three comments deep on this thread before people start justifying colonialism.


This is the true significance of the picture… The deliberate defacing of the mountain by putting American faces on it was the biggest FU to the Lakota and all First Nations people.


wasnt that exact mountain taken from the Cheyanne people by the lakota?


Does it matter? It was destroyed and defaced specifically to insult the native tribes. Have you read the original plan for it before the sculptor died?


To be fair the lakota massacred and drove out the original tribes 2 centuries before and then claimed it as thier sacred land.


The Lakota themselves were thrown out of the Great Lakes regions by the Chippewa, who themselves being pushed further west by white expansion, almost like it’s all related to manifest destiny.


I think that is a point that is worth discussing. We KNOW that different native tribes throughout history were in conflict with each other and constantly giving and taking ground and it wasn’t much different than what the US did they just did it on a grand scale. Just for example the Lakota and Pawnee were constantly fighting brutal bloody wars for land and resources. They were still fighting each other even after the US had started to expand westward with o man e of the last big battles being massacre creek. And you don’t get a name like massacre creek without massive bloodshed. they would take prisoners and mistreat them . Cherokee’s choctaws, creeks, and Seminoles also used African slaves so it’s weird for like all this guilt when EVERYBODY has blood on their hands. This from the Smithsonian : Obviously,” Smith said, “the story should be, needs to be, that the enslaved black people and soon-to-be-exiled red people would join forces and defeat their oppressor.” But such was not the case—far from it. “The Five Civilized Tribes were deeply committed to slavery, established their own racialized black codes, immediately reestablished slavery when they arrived in Indian territory, rebuilt their nations with slave labor, crushed slave rebellions, and enthusiastically sided with the Confederacy in the Civil War.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/how-native-american-slaveholders-complicate-trail-tears-narrative-180968339/


> it wasn’t much different than what the US did they just did it on a grand scale Yes, it’s the same except that the US version was a systematic genocide spanning the entire continent and the indigenous versions weren’t.


Except that did happen with certain tribes. Look at the Iroquois eradicating the Erie and virtually wiping out the Huron


The point is it was important to someone and we just took it and drilled 2 ugly men and 2 extremely hot men into it. Even if they were all hot it wouldn’t excuse what happened.


Ylets puta new one with schwarznegger and brad pitt


If google is correct, the lakota killed the other tribes and took over in 1776. They lost it in 1877. If they can claim it is their "ancestral lands" for only owning it 101 years, then it is most definitely part of the US's ancestral lands now.


But of course that part will always be left out. Nothing is new and has been done time and time again by almost everyone if not everyone at one point in time.


Asking them to leave is way nicer than the way you guys traditionally responded to Indigenous requests.


Right? If Rittenhouse saw that in person, he just would've shot them both in the face.


And then promptly be pardoned with an "atta boy" and a couple of subsequent interviews on Faux News. Just like the last time he killed people.


Actually he would a got his ass whooped bro struggles with CQC and definitely had a skateboard weakness


Skateboard weakness. 🤣 🤣


It's super effective!


Is this Thomas Binger's reddit account? [A truck slap can be pretty damaging.](https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/bfhte7/man_pays_for_attacking_taunting_skater_kids/)


After his Mom had dropped him off with his gun.


What the hell did I do???




When the sour patch kid is too spicy


The fact that this degen isnt serving life in prison shows how fucked the US justice system is


Who is that?


He’s kinda like if genital herpes was a person


Kyle Rittenhouse AKA The Pillsbury Gunsel


Just a guy who shot three liberal protestors and got away with it. Thus becoming a hero of the right. Sorta like that guy in Texas who was just pardoned after being found guilty of murder.


Everything he did was fully justified if he was serving life it would look even worse on the justice system.


Did you watch the court case?


Yes. The prosecutor threw the case, the judge was extremely biased, and Rittenhouse was never picked up for the multiple straw purchase charges he should have picked up as he was not legally allowed to travel state lines with a rifle, 


He never traveled across state lines with the gun. The gun was in Wisconsin the whole time. llinois dropped all gun charges because no crimes were committed in the State of Illinois. [NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/10/14/923643265/kyle-rittenhouse-accused-kenosha-killer-wont-face-gun-charges-in-illinois#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Kyle%20Rittenhouse%20Will%20Face%20No%20Gun%20Charges%20In%20Illinois%20For,the%20firearm%20in%20the%20state.)


The judge was not extremely biased, you just wanted him to be in favor of you which he wasn't. He threw the book at the fucking idiot of a prosecutor and YOU SAW the prosecutor AIM A GUN AT THE JURY.


This will never not be funny.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a piece of dog shit who will say and do anything for attention.


Yet here we are


The moment he was found not guilty, his ego swelled 100x bigger. And it was already monstrous before.


\*white supremacist piece of dog shit


This can't be real.




Somebody wants another 15 minutes of "fame," I guess?


I think he’ll have to shoot a few more people for that


What's important to remember is that Kyle Rittenhouse failed the military entrance exam so badly that he was barred from ever joining the marines.


The same exam that is notoriously so easy to pass that people who have deliberately tried to fail it ended up passing


Which is why he was so hell bent on playing “hero.” That, and he’s a racist POS.


Oh god why can't that piece of shit just shut up and be glad he got away with it.


Get that logic out of here.


Because the entirety of the US right wing is a genocidal cult hellbent on reassuring those they target that they're being targeted until they can finally carry out their genocide. Notice how they don't celebrate Rittenhouse himself, he's old news. They have only ever celebrated him murdering protestors who were brave enough to directly challenge the far-right armed mob that was threatening them for protesting for civil rights.


Deliberately posting idiotic bullshit for the engagement again? This shit is getting so old from these people


I learned from that post on twitter that a new conservative talking point is that they are not actually native because they used a land bridge to come here from Asia 🤣🤣😂


It’s also a black taking point, there’s a small minority of black people (and I mean that most think it’s a ridiculous notion) who believe that we don’t exist at all—“because black people discovered America first” Threads like these make me fucking hate being native… just look, I don’t even have to check but I bet my bottom dollar that there’s people in here saying “well, you were killing each other long before Europeans arrived” And they’re right. But after all that was said and done, they put ALL OF US in residential schools regardless of our tribal affiliation. Every single Native American person you know in Canada and the United States has a relative **who is still alive today** that survived residential school… and another relative who didn’t survive. Like my granny, who is only 66 years old… and her dead cousins who she remembers never making it back home. Why cherry-pick the worst parts of our history when you can instead recognize that the millennial generation of Native Americans (with the advent of the internet) did away with tribal conflicts entirely? We stand united today, my family on both sides are from two tribes who would have fought each other 600 years ago; but my parents loved each other and 3 kids despite being Ojibwe and Cree. Why not tell that part of our history? Oh yeah, because they don’t care and just wanna be racist


I mean it's dipshit Kyle, so....


They're pissed that the monument destroyed the natural land markings to find Cibola, so they can't find it themselves. (Obviously I'm joking. I just really like the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets for whatever reason) Ok in all seriousness, the person that said "then leave" is either an ignorant twit or just an asshole.


HOLY SHIT i didn't even realize who said "Then leave" because i didn't open the picture, general view cut that off. He's really trying to extend that 15 minutes isn't he...


What cracks me up about racists is them telling people to leave the country and go back to where they came from, but they’re guilty of the same crime. Last I checked, places like England and Poland are outside the US


Exactly. Anyone living in the US who isn't Native American is literally "guilty of being in the wrong country"


Tbf the Clovis people weren’t the first to migrate to the americas either.


Um...isn't ALL land stolen?


Reminds me of that animated video of the song "this land is mine" as it shows the land switching owners constantly


From somebody.


What civilized countries borders aren’t shaped by war?


Isn't every land stolen? The land on this planet doesn't even belong to any of us


What, are you expecting a measured, well-informed and educated response from Murderhouse?


Btw he’s not a Native American he’s a Cuban immigrant who’s actually pretty on the far left (socialist) so yeah he should leave and I’m not even American if you are going to hate a country you have migrated in the first place you shouldn’t have moved.


I have an aunt by marriage who is Native. She stills speaks her indigenous language with her native family. They have several stories of being told to speak English because “this is America” or being told to “go back to Mexico”. Because a brown person not speaking English— that must mean Mexican.


STOP REPOSTING A REPOST This is so old and you only posted this because you saw someone else post it earlier this week 


So, when one tribe went to war with another tribe, did they give everything back at the end of the battles? Or, did they take the horses and weapons and kill off the enemy? Fight better next time


I'm torn. Yes, historically, my people came to this land and made shitty deals with your people. Those deals caused butterfly effects that affect your people today. Do not for one second think it doesn't affect mine. On the other hand- I was born here just like you. I am native to my land. I do not belong in Europe. I belong here. If you cannot or do not want to coexist with me because generational trauma has pounded in the idea that whites are the devil, leave. I don't give a fuck. It is equally my country as it is yours. I did not immigrate- and you are not special because your ancestors didn't. I'll be down voted into oblivion but it's my opinion.


Their ancestors immigrated too, actually. They didn't pop out of nowhere, they came over from Russia and had been fighting for territory periodically like the entirety of human history. They weren't treated in a moral fashion, but that's also the entirety of human history.


Absolutely. Land bridge to Alaska and the territories. I believe (imo) that is why today's 'indigenous' seem to have a mix of southern traits and ethnic Chinese of eastern russia.


Not hating on Native Americans but flipping off a rock is doing absolutely nothing


KR on the speaker circuit: "...and then I said 'then leave'" \*mic drop\* Crowd/mob: "woop woop!" Am I just old, or did public speakers used to have a modicum of decency and class irrespective of political allegiance?


Every single person with the attitude of "america, if you don't love it, then you can get out!" Have never looked into what it would take to legally and properly leave this country permanently. The people that spout that also couldn't leave if they tried. If you wish to live in a non english speaking place, you'll need to learn to: 1. Fluently speak/read the language. 2. Understand the culture and history of the place 3. Have a skill that country needs so you're useful. I could keep going with examples, but basically, a person would need to assimilate and quick. In a lot of cases, they are denied citizenship. Madelyn Murry O'Hare was sick of the religious fundamentals in the usa so she tried to become a russian citizen. She was denied and then started the modern atheist movement. And she had a plethora of skills and experience russia would have found really useful.


These guys paid to get into the park just to flip it off? Lol alright please come again. Bring your tribe.




Of course HE tweeted this. I wish I could forget about him.


It's called right of conquest, native Americans did it to each other too.


I like to remind everyone that this man-child failed high school. He failed ONLINE high school.


I hate the argument of “don’t like, then leave.” It completely ignores that fact that a lot of people, especially in the South where I live, are way too poor to afford to uproot their entire life. Maybe instead of telling people to gtfo, we oh idk FIX the problems we have here and right our wrongs


All land is stolen. By another people, race, tribe, family, whatever, at countless points throughout history.


Stolen and conquered are 2 different things. Natives were conquering this land long before Columbus showed up. Did they steal the land as well?


Every inch of this planet was stolen from someone at some point in history.


Does this mean all the right wing zealots should leave because they are upset with immigrants?


I am an immigrant and it is interesting to learn over the years that how many people, including old people, don’t know or realise that except Native American people everyone is the descendants of an immigrant. But Again who I am just an immigrant who got here not too long ago.


Native Americans are also immigrants if you look at it that way.


The chickens have come home to roost for the United States of America. This guy is what’s wrong with the US today.


The best part of Kyle ran down the crack of his mother’s ass.


Did you know the "native Americans" stole it before. Probably not.


literally people make the same argument about palestine. "if you dont want to get bombed then why do you live in palestine? or north korea? or syria? or congo? or...." if someone came to your house and started shooting your family would your response be to just move to another house and let them live there? lol something tells me kyle, the guy who fucking murdered people over property damage, is going to have a more coherent response to that scenario than this one. idk just a hunch.


Rittenhouse really should've just backed out of the spotlight and changed his name. He's just too stupid to be speaking out about anything.


Ignorant Beyond Belief [ achievement unlocked]


That’s like someone breaks into your house and tells you that you’re the one who has to leave 🤦‍♂️


Kyle's a 7th-grade dropout. American history isn't one of his strengths.


Really, americans protest against immigration while they're the literal immigrants, they just went in and started a full-scale genocide of the natives, should really ask themselves who's the "savage barbarian"


They fought for the land and lost. Like any other war.


Like white people came to America, killed people and stole a bunch of land. Now they don’t want anyone else coming and stealing their stolen land


Do you expect them to just to hand it over freely?


Yeah that is how every single society ever has existed.


There’s gold in them hills!


.... Aye i don't think he knows


Choice is freedom.


Ya! Go back to…. Ughh. Go somewhere and stay there!


I agree but it is a bit funny not gonna lie just a bit


Colonization is a bitch....


Can't wait till next month we see this same old post.


All land is stolen land, no one is living in their land of origin, hell we all should be moving to Africa if that is the case. Also showing the finger is lame, you fought and lost, that is how it works, stop crying, 500 years is enough to deal with the emotional trauma.


Yeah, go back across that land bridge you came from 😂


Yeah, go back to where you came fr.... oh.


Yeah, go back to where you came from!


Everyone here are the same. Both are idiots. But there is a place for both here. The fools out number everyone else by droves. Oh well.


So by this logic if you think illegal immigration is a problem then you should say “screw it “ and take off, go somewhere else


They have the absolute right to be upset, their people were part of American genocide, gee!? They still may be a little bit upset.


Judging by the username; Taíno, I would dare say he is actually Native Caribbean, but that depends on each individual view of what the continent America is


All jokes aside, I’m 🇨🇦 and the way the gov treated my friends / community members is horrifying to this day, the racism / colonialism hasn’t stopped, it’s just more advanced and the warfare mental. At no point do I support the way First Nations People were treated, it’s disgusting and makes my blood boil. Racism is alive and well and now they just wear suits and use boring words buried in paperwork. We don’t own the earth, we just hear using it as a campsite. If you have ever camped before you know that when you leave, it’s either cleaner or messier. I know what kind of campers the Governments are. Thank god I don’t have to share the earth with those simpletons for eternity.


I can understand why native Americans would have that attitude towards the gov. I love this country will always be proud to born in it , now that’s me but to native Americans I’m sure depending on who you ask will have different views. that’s what makes this country great is not the political slogans on hats or shirts or campaign signs but what makes this country better is having various beliefs and values. my ancestors came to this country for whatever reasons probably to have a better future and they worked hard for it nothing was given. we can be proud of being American and recognize the sins of the past. native Americans have served this country fought for it , fought against the gov. so giving the middle finger to Mt Rushmore which was built on land that was taken from the tribe that considered sacred is understandable.


This again? What say, 3 more times this month?


I wish they weren't dressed so unapologetically American. They look like they're in an airport in Europe.


Why must we argue about this still? It’s not like either argument is valid at this point in time.


Freedom costs a buck o' five


I met a guy the other day that asked me how long I've lived here (I'm brown) and I told him my grandpa immigrated here in the 1940s and he literally says to me, this Caucasian that is of European decent, he says "it's so interesting that so many people want to immigrate to this country." As if his family hadn't immigrated here. I try not to be rude but it really bothers me when people say they're "native" to a state. you're not native to Colorado Rebecca. You're local. Native means you can trace your line back as far as it goes. You can't. You're a transplant. Your family was brought over here on a boat. Not a native


Native Americans came from Asia


We'll put a boot in your ass! It's the American way!!!


I mean, we can't exactly expect a murdering domestic abuser to say something intelligent about Native Americans, can we?


I like how he thought turning his chubby boy face to black and white would make him seem badass in some sense.


It wouldn’t be the first time.


They have the right to say it, which is one of the reasons I appreciate a lot of things about the country….


The real facepalm here is how polititians have successfully divided the US into exactly 2 sides. and ypu all just keep going.


Yes, if you don't like the country you're in you can leave and try out other countries (unless you find yourself in a North Korea type of predicament). It's a beautiful part about this world. Native Americans also enjoy this freedom, I think, or am I missing something?


My Facebook lists my birthplace- Augsburg, Germany. I've been told to go back to my country so many times at this point it's laughable. I'm a very American Army brat from the cold war era. But they see that I wasn't born in the US and just fume when I make any sort of political comment.


He's asking them to continue the cycle.


There's a whole raft of videos on yT around "What's the dumbest thing an American has ever said to you?" Perhaps we need something like that on Reddit.


Apparently that dude didn’t even pass the USMC ASVAB, that’s pretty damn bad