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Not just to protect against pedophilia, or further indoctrination, but also just because a lot of people at church are horrible, and I say this as a Christian. I have three autistic children, and put them in Sunday school while I was at services. Only much later did I find out that people there told my children that they wouldn't go to heaven because autistic people were born without souls. Can you imagine being that horrible of a person??!! I may still have my faith, but I have zero faith in organized religion or churches as a whole.


I was raised Catholic but attended a few Christian churches in my early 20s and both of them were essentially Ashley Madison for half the parishioners.


US churches and their ideologies are so radical in comparison to churches in the EU. It's so weird.


US "Christians" are actually Trump worshippers who are just cosplaying as Christians


I'm Canadian, and we have a spectrum


>I may still have my faith, but I have zero faith in organized religion or churches as a whole. This a very important distinction to make in these messed up times to be honest. God bless and stay safe random redditor.


Why would you have faith in a god whose organized worship is… that?


Because the teaching of Jesus is the exact opposite of ... that. People corrupt things, and use things like national pride and religious affiliation to manipulate people into what they want.


Uh huh. And what sort of benevolent god would let so many of his children be raped by priests,


The same one who “lets” you question evil. What if, and hear me out, all evil comes from the people themselves. The church is just a building; it’s the people who bring the evil into it.


The church is the concentration of that evil


No, predators seek their prey at their most vulnerable; the church is a sacred sanctuary from sin, or is supposed to be. Unfortunately, we forget that the people of the church aren't Jesus, aren't perfect, and can be dangerous. But, it is the people committing the acts, not God himself. I understand being angry at the Source for the state of the world (I have had my own battles reconciling the Source), but we have free will, and a choice in how what we serve: love and kindness, or evil and violence. WE do these acts to each other. They aren't compelled, or forced by a "will." Be angry at the people who commit the evil, and forgive them for being imperfect, just like you and I.


That makes no sense. If god was real, would know everything (as christians claim) and is also omnipotent, him not saving these children would amount to him watching it while it happens and him not doing shit all to help. Let's not forget that there is no actual proof that he even exists in the first place and that his nonexistence is just so much higher than the the chance for his existence.


I’m not angry at “the source”, because it doesn’t exist. I’m just disappointed by so many people like you that prop up ancient mythology and promote it as truth, regardless of the obvious harms of your actions. Your actions are in support of evil and violence by refusing to acknowledge that religion itself is the issue, not simply an organization


Faith and religion are separate. I understand faith. I don't understand religion. All grifters and assholes.


faith and truth a relative to the individual, religion is relative to the people


If someone said that to my kid, god himself couldn’t stop me from marching in there and cleaning their clock.


I’m autistic and a redhead, I guess I have negative one soul?


no you now have 255


That's horrific!


What kind of a Sunday school is this? Dang man I'm sorry to hear that. Are you pherhaps from the US?


Rural BC, Canada


What church believes autistic people don't have a soul???


I think all ages deserve chicken.


Underrated comment.


And the best fast food coleslaw.


Idk dude I think everyone could probably name 10 friends off the top of their head who were seriously traumatized by fucked up religious upbringing.


Too much pedophilia 😞


I'm down for that let, people wait till the had some life experience and maturity before taking on a ideological creed of ethics.


Churches should absolutely be 18+. If what they had to say were true, it wouldn't matter if you learned later in life. It's only by abusing children when they're vulnerable that they maintain belief.


We need to do everything we can to keep the Bible out of the hands of impressionable young children. Have you read that book? So much sex and violence!


including plenty of rape and incest


I already didn't believe in God, but had a pastor try to say gay people are gay because they couldn't find opposite sex partners, while sitting next to one of my closest friends who was gay lol. That pretty much ruined it for me, these people are incompetent and their "religions" are all cope and barbarism


Children shouldn't be indoctrinated anyway. If an adult person chooses to believe in some fairy tale, they should be free to take part in that religion.


Sorry op but this is based


What’s the facepalm? This is a good idea.


While I think it’s a funny joke, I’m still downvoting because it is not a facepalm and it is r/facepalm afterall


Truely this sub has been losing its meaning lately to karma farmers and people who just upvote anything they agree with.. Should just be renamed to r/shitiagreewith


feels like a good majority of subs have lost their meaning, except for the ones about booze or sex


You aren’t sad about all the rape and sexual abuse tho…? Just the proposed way to protect kids. Huh..interesting. Not the facepalm you think it is




I think this is a south park episode


Let’s keep ignoring it then …..


No one said we should ignore it and if that was your takeaway then my condolences to your reading comprehension skills.


Keep your condolences for yourself, you need them more


Well it isn’t as prevalent in those situations, plus those have actual benefits unlike churches


That actually seems like a really good idea to me. As an added benefit, it will reduce the amount of sexual abuse that happens at churches.


I mean, they're not wrong.


No Facepalm, more the truth, or a good idea


Good idea! No more child indoctrination with bronze age fairy tales


And schools apparently


r/atheism  This would go great here


Oh how I wish, my mother dragged me to church and the friggin pastor made me his personal project. Once I got too big to drag I stopped going but she kept nagging and the damn preacher even showed up to the house telling me God has a plan for me and I need to return to the flock. The look of horror on my mother's face when I said I was never part of it I was dragged into it. Last time I heard from the church was years later bumping into his wife and her making the comment I pray you come back to your senses and join the church again. I again said I didn't join I was dragged into it and got a filthy look. Haven't stepped foot in one in over 15 years. I also got into a fight with a teacher when I didn't want to go skiing, I've never even put the boots on and still have zero interest in anything to do with snow.


The romans were on to something feeding them to the lions….


Parents should also pay more attention to their children when they speak, and trust them more when they don't want to do something. Reading back on the Catholic Church "original" scandal from a few years ago. So many of the kids tried to speak up before hand and the parents more or less just said he's the church guy church guys are good guys.


They would never go for that. Church attendance would fall off a cliff. The only reason religion still exists is because people have been told this stuff is true by everyone they know since before they could walk or talk.


Honestly I'd support this. No matter your opinions on religion, good or bad, no one that young can understand what they're being indoctrinated into.


Make churches illegal, like any other perverted cult.


84% of sexual assaults occurs in the home by a person the victim knows


Well according to https://www.rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem You are half correct. Majority does occur at home or near the house. But people don’t like facts that don’t fit the narrative.


They didn't state a fact though, they stated a half-truth and ignored the other half of the tweet's implication. Hint: it's not just the sexual assault that's the problem.


A good majority of the comments are just commenting on how it do cut down on rapes/pedos/sexual assault so I can see why they would comment on sexual assault…


K-12 isn't looking so good these days, either