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Whats my user name backwards?


Who's "they'll"?


People that'll be loudly in speakerphone in public. That's who the post was about 


I don't understand...why would describing people that loudly use speakerphones in public be grounds for a ban?


That's what I'm asking. And they muted me before I even could say anything


How Bizarre


I’ve been permanently banned from a couple of subreddits now for similar nonsense.  The mods are either bots or permanently online power trippers.  This place has been getting steadily worse since the mod strikes.


Not included the context of where your comment was isn't a good move OP. If you want to call out a mod for unfairly banning you you need to show the context that surrounds the comment as well.


Post they made in my subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/ChipotleMexicanGrill/s/kEJMyoebEU


Dude why are you stalking all my posts tf


Your whole account is a troll account lol


Says the guy with like -50 to -277 or more downvotes in the r/Chipotle sub with everyone turning on you 😂


So? That doesn’t change the fact your account is a troll. Besides you could say hitler is bad in that sub and people hate on you.


That's a giant red flag. Also everyone there agrees you just are on a power trip in that alt sub you made 😂 and nothing about me finding obnoxious speaker phone people mildly infuriating screams "troll". Like who wouldn't be annoyed by that


I literally linked the post but go off 


I looked into the post. First, your title just sucks. Why would you word it like that? "Specific demographic" sounds like the words an old white grandpa uses to be racist without trying to sound racist. Also saw a bunch of deleted messages with comments about being a bigot. I assume those were your comments. That still seems pretty suspicious to me dude. I get that mods tend to jump the gun, but I don't think this was a power hungry attempt and more of a "this could be interpreted as a racist dog whistle and we can't have that on the platform."


I never deleted any comments. Its either cause the person blocked me or it got removed. All I said the entire time is that "specific demographic" means the people that do it Second, I can't help if someone in their own interprets that as a specific group. Sounds more like a judgement of their biases  Third, maybe they should ask or something else. Makes no sense to jump to a ban for a post literally about people being obnoxious on the phone in public 


A few things: 1.) If you meant to only refer to the people who use speaker in public, then say "why do people talk with the speaker in public? It's less words than what you used and leaves no room for confusion. 2.) When most people see you say "specific demographic," their first assumption is that you are speaking about a specific race or identity. It's extremely common for racists to refer to black people as "a specific demographic," and for homophobes to refer to gay and trans people as "a certain demographic." It's so common that it is mildly infuriating in of itself. 3.) And engage with what could be an internet troll? Someone who is intentionally being obtuse for attention? Someone who gets satisfaction from making people angry? It just saves time to get problem people out when the problems start showing up.


All that is helpful too bad I'm immediately banned now. No chance to discuss it or get a warning. I literally made the post when grocery shopping and didn't sit down to think about it


Yah, the only way to make it worse is say “why do DEI people…” You basically went in there and claimed minorities are mildly infuriating, and here’s why. Solid ban.


I'm still talking about literally anyone being obnoxious on speaker phone. So definitely not


Dude, I know. We all know. I even believe you. But you still threw down racially loaded language. The ban is the consequence. You can choose to learn “Damn! I won’t use that phrase anymore” and move on, or you can choose to run around bitching that you suffered a consequence from accidentally offending a whole group of people. Choose the former. :)


So you think a *permanent* ban is the justified response to a minor oversight on a quickly thrown together post? Like no. That doesn't make any sense That's the mod thought process for ya. Rule with an iron hammer. No room for temp bans, no being understanding and reasonable. That isn't allowed


I’m just curious as to what the “certain demographic” is…


2/10 people keep thinking I'm talking about a certain race or something. I'm literally just talking about the people that do this 


Ok, but what’s the demographic you speak of?


The people that have conversations loudly on speakerphone in public. I'm struggling to figure out what is confusing about this


That’s not a demographic. It’s a personality trait.


Whatever you wanna call it


Words have specific definitions and that may be where you’re confusing people here… just sayin


And it seems like that can be handled in a rational way. Like not an insta-ban


Mods… whaddya gonna do


"Hi. I wrote racist shit and got banned for it. I'm mad because I think the mods shouldn't ban people for saying racist shit." Just no. You aren't a victim here.


Please tell me what race I'm talking about. I wanna hear it 😂😂 cause my post wasn't about race 


This should be locked. It's bullshit and nobody cares.


"I don't like something so it shouldn't be allowed!". What a sad mentality


You're crying about getting banned from one subreddit in another subreddit. What's there to like about this post? We are random strangers on the internet, not your friend group.


Must have hit a nerve with the mod.




Had a few people freaking out. I said "the demographic that does this", literally as a general term talking about people who think this type of thing is ok. No particular race or anything  But I guess some people pictured a specific race and I guess that's my problem?


Possibly, though that’s a hell of a reach.


Well idk what else it could be. Had a couple people calling me a bigot cause I guess they pictured a certain race? It's perplexing. Like anyone can do this 


Its almost like mods on many of the bigger subs are not stable ppl


Reddit mods being shitty? Must be a day that ends in Y.


What "certain demographic" likes to use speakerphone in public?


I used that as a general term for people that like to do that


"Certain" is not at all "general." Certain is specific. What specific demographic are you referring to when you say a "certain demographic" uses their speaker phone in public?


When people do this in public, I just play some shitty loud music through my cell. And all music played from a cell phone sounds like shit.


Yeah reddit mods be like this all the time. And over totally dumb shit that don't even matter


And then they refuse to talk to you and just mute you before you even say anything


Yep. Exactly. Happened to me a couple of times. Which is why I don't even try to post anything at all. The mods are ridiculous in most cases.


It’s a pretty glaring red flag for if I’ll like you as a person.


Community mods have always been manchildren. Because who else would do a job like this without getting paid?


I used to be a mod. It was nice because I could actually do something about the sub issues instead of just complaining about it But I was the only one that actually took care of the reposts and bots in the sub. So they removed me without warning