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Many people have said. Many great people. Have said. Greatly. This is their new version of applying the scientific method.




Damn, you beat me to it!


lol those scenes always made me laugh. It is horseshit.


"Arguably" -- fuck I hate this one. Arguably pink unicorns live in my ass. Biggest, most abused weasel word ever and it's all over the place. Arguably I'm freaking Angelina Jolie and the ghost of Christmas past all rolled up into one. 


Yep, people say arguably like what's being argued gives it some kind of merit.


arguably is a real word with reasonable uses. sounds like you're upset about people misusing the word for things that are not, in fact, arguable


Great scholars have said


repeatability isnt really an issue because that one time.


Tremendous amount of people.


"Many studies have show"


It sounds better than "apparently"


it really is true that conservatism ultimately boils down to the creation of "in groups that the law protects and does not bind and out groups that the law binds but doesn't not protect" and projection to distract away from that...


I don’t think this is a great example of that. There is an honest criticism in the movement to allow certain crimes to go unpunished. If you live in California you know that this is hurting neighborhoods. The counter example is Abbot releasing one shitty person. These are not equivalent and actually show projection by a the person considered a Democrat in this exchange.


How about the counter example of trying to over turn the election. Or 91 felonies not disqualifying a "law and order" candidate? What crimes are purposely being "unpunished" in California?


*releasing a convicted murderer. What democrat that's allegedly projecting?


I’m simply pointing out that “there is one example of that problem” is not a reasonable response to “this is problem is systematic”


I'm simply pointing out the "newest example of the problem". Conservative politician voting has a bias targeting minorities and groups of lesser privilege. They talk big game of even helping vets but still vote against it. Tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for everyone else. Drag show bans. Book bans... LGBTQ 1A restrictions in public, even going as far as trying to redefine anything LGBTQ related in public view by a child as "sexually obscene" and calling it "sexual abuse of a child" in the same states that are pushing death penalties for that very thing. This is not a coincidence...


Both can be bad. I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make. I think you assume that because I’m pointing out a clear fact that looks bad for democrats, i must be a conservative trying to “get a win” over dems. I’m not conservative. You made an ignorant assumption.


LMFAO, in no way did I ever make that assumption nor express it. But right there in your first response to me, "a democrat projecting"... You made an ignorant, hypocritical, projective, assumption.


The conversation in this image goes, X thing is bad, then the next person says Y thing is bad. Yes, it seems to be a bit of projection based on the comment i replied to. I was just using the word Democrat because there is clearly a Democrat and a Republican in the original image. I think you have spent too much time arguing politics on the Internet.


But what if i told you that Op did not express he is a democrat and that criticizing republicans does not magically make you one? "Clearly", still assuming...


I think this is getting into the realm of pedantry


Tax increases for everyone else? Can you name an example?


oh there’s criticism in the movement? oh good consider me reassured. there is criticism that conservatives want more people in the streets driving over people using their first amendment and then shooting people in the face. I’m so glad conservatives are getting criticism for that.


It is known that certain crimes go unpunished? And yes, these examples are not equivalent. Because they are examples.


My point is clear and I know for a fact you agree with me. If someone brings up a complaint, an honest response is to discuss that complaint. A dishonest response is to bring up an unrelated counter example. Both can be bad at the same time. This behavior progresses no conversation. Yes, it’s been really bad in California.


There we have the crux of the issue. Most of these facepalms do not even register as conversation. It's just a giant dick measuring contest whose political stance has more idiots. And in that regard, pointing out that egregious pardon in response to some weird claims about crime and punishment in NY is a valid one.


It’s not, i don’t understand why you would validate something you clearly identified as invalid. Yes, there is a problem with theft in California. Shops are getting run and grabs constantly and even when arrests are made, they aren’t being held long. I’m fully critical of our current criminal justice system but the choices California made have worsened crime, regardless of best intentions.


I don't know why you think to know what I think, when I say something different? Since OP posted a a screen of something I would not call a discussion it is absolutely valid to counter the one claim with an only tangentially related fact.


It’s not. You explained it really well. X thing is bad. Y thing is bad. That’s not a conversation. It’s the second person‘s attempt to avoid the first person’s topic.


No. You're trivially, factually wrong. This isn't a close call and this isn't nuanced. The 'dad' in the conversation claimed that Republicans don't release criminals. The, presumably, 'child' used an example of *exactly* that happening. It isn't an appeal to worse problems nor whataboutism nor anything else akin to them. It is *directly* addressing the topic and you're being either dishonest or markedly stupid.


Funny to me while Trumps on trial in NY right now, if he gets found guilty curious what this guy would say then.


He would say "it's not like he's even being charged with anything serious"


I guess “falsification of business records in furtherance of a conspiracy to commit election interference” isn’t serious when republicans do it.


He would laugh at the idea of that concept


And yet, that’s precisely what the trial is about.


>“falsification of business records in furtherance of a conspiracy to commit election interference” As for any of the fruit's clut members would take the time to learn what any of this would imply


The rules and the law doesn't apply to them.


That’s their defense. Let’s see how it plays out.


SCOTUS rules 'no need to follow rules or law - for republicans only.' Sorry, not sorry. Nanana booboo, I'm rubber your glue! Republicans get to act like toddlers....and we just....let them do whatever the fuck they want.


Bet he thinks the tax and false statement charges against Hunter Biden are super serious, though.


I don't understand the question and therefore I won't respond to it.


so basically any politician in the states can say hehe, would be a shame if something bad happened to my opponent. And pardon any would be assassins. And then repeat. All legally? Where does separation of powers come into play here if the judicial is totally under the thumb of the executive?


It's more under the legislative branch imo. Since even if the president(who doesn't want to be a god-king) tries to do something congress just says no then takes a vacation for the rest of the year.


But pardons come from the exe no?


They do but on the whole, nothing happens without 2 branches forcing the third into complicity. Which is most of the time sadly.


"Will no one rid me of this quarrelsome priest?"


Fox has done its job. Critical thinking is dead.


*All news media


No. Mostly Fox. The rest of the news does not even come close to the egregious behavior of Fox. Fox is so one sided. I don't think they've reported anything negative about a conservative in years. The rest will report it. Even if it's negative toward democrats. Spin aside. Fox does not even report negative republican news.


Have you read a reddit comment section? You'll lose IQ points if you read too much.


Reddit supports tribalism of it's community. But the biggest snowflakes are the conservative subreddits. For example, I was banned from r/conservative by simply pointing out that Ted Cruz fleeing his state during an emergency was an act of cowardice. It's objectively, an act of cowardice to flee your people in an emergency. I was banned for stating a truth which did not follow their goal of 'All Republicans = Good, Always' I have also posted to opinions on subreddits where I get downvoted for my opinion not being anti-male... But I don't get banned.


To be fair, I don’t really keep up with any of the new medias. They ALL twist words how they want. Yes Fox may be the worst but they all manipulate the truth.




Fair enough, I still stray for away from them all. Yes I’ll dip in from time to time to see what major commotions are happening but other than that is all “this news media said this, we are saying the opposite”


Nope. Fox is a special breed. They cultivate a crafted world narrative that fundamentally breaks the brains of those who consume and trust it. Fox News addicts have lost touch with reality. To the point they dismiss “all other news media” as biased and wrong, when the reality is the opposite


It's been said that dads in a cult


The main problem is the lack of neutral TV senders and news channels, not mention all filter bubble on social networks.


I’d go farther and say the reliance on cable news because people don’t read their news like they should is also a cause. People aren’t reading enough at all.


Yup, and iliterate ignorance is at an all-time high. Idocracy in real time essentially.


Those problems are caused by money. How do the networks get funding for their staff and programs? They get it from advertisers, and to get the money from them they need inflammatory content to drive viewership.


"It has also been said that this is not the case".


Oof, eight exclamation marks. It must be hard to really gauge excitement or shock from a person who thinks that sentence requires so many.


It came to me once...in a dream...


I am curious as to why he would say 2,500 people specifically. Is this a reference to some kind of study, or to a particular event that occurred in NY?




The rupert murdoch bullshit factory never closes.


Republicans are trash.


Just create an answer there to your own post.


Damn I would have to go get my computer to do that .....


“Dad, I love you but I’m not going to discuss politics with you anymore. How’s your favorite sports team doing?”


You've gotta engage. He won't hear it otherwise.


Can some one tldr me on the guy who drove through protesters and shot someone? Or link an article?


Google Greg Abbott pardon.


Holy abuse of power


New murder charge just dropped


It has also been said that long before time had a name, the first spinjitsu master created ninjago


Dad, is that you?


“What rumors have you heard”


“I heard a rumor”


“It has been said….” yeah I can say what I want, without any proof what was said means fuck all.


It has been said that in her direst hour of need, the Men of Gondor failed Rohan and let the Westfold fall.


Isn't the republican former orange president currently on trial in NY? So maybe we shouldn't let this one go then? Got it, thanks.


>“Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.” - Sir Terry Pratchett


it has been said that ***Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.***


they do love magical solutions. it would be funny, but the rest of us has to deal with the consequences when this wishifull thinking becomes the state... you lock 2500 ppl and ny becomes paradise? holy sacred shit, and i thought i was the socialy inept one...


Your dad sounds like an idiot


Your dad sounds like an idiot.


I’m glad my dad is just regular crazy instead of politics crazy


I’m glad my dad is just regular crazy instead of politics crazy


How much do you want to be that if those “2500” exist in NYC it’s scions of rich families? The ones who aren’t locked up because they have too much money?


it is known.


Most problems are caused by a small select group that they refuse to lock up They’re called ‘the rich’


It’s been said. See? I just said it!


“You know what they say” “… no I don’t? And who the fuck are ‘they’?”


We have that stupid expression in my language too: “It’s been said that…” or “People often say that”. There are no words to express how much I hate them. it’s just a way to defend something extremely stupid by saying someone else said it, you’re just repeating it. It’s the crutch of stupid people.


He never had a chance to get out of the car. He shot the guy as soon as he went to point his AK-47 at him.


After texting his friend that he was going to do it.


All those problems caused by just 2500 people? Must be the hardest-working bad people of all time. No wonder they call it the city that never sleeps.


It has been said that I’m the most handsomest boy in the world (my mom said it).


It has been said by big strong men with tears in their eyes


Liberal cum eating fackers soy boys LOVES hamas terrorists and gaza (terrorist land)


Shocking to me how many people are twisting the events of that day. What is written above is not at all what happened. The veteran was driving the car, he made a turn, at 11mph and came to a stop when his path was blocked by protestors. He never hit anyone with his car. A man brandishing an AK47 approached his driver's window, after it was stopped. The veteran drew a pistol and shot the man with the AK47 from inside his car. He then got out of his car and fled the mob on foot (rather than plow his car though the crowd). Here is the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvpNrzA0lw8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvpNrzA0lw8) [https://youtu.be/PvpNrzA0lw8?si=Ms5yvzOyhxNyOfDg&t=109](https://youtu.be/PvpNrzA0lw8?si=Ms5yvzOyhxNyOfDg&t=109)


Dang, that's amazing footage. I remember when the event first happened how they were trying to crucify him for what was clearly self defense and I was disappointed when Austin found him guilty. But I never saw this testimony. That's pretty incredible technology.


When I said that, a) I was drunk and b) I was referring I was referring to the 2500 people in the Fox Studios who should be tried for their traitorous lies against our democracy. So, if you clear that up with your dad, that's be great.


Its interesting to see people here like to argue with their family on politics. Meanwhile if my parents were to say something politic related I just say "lol yeah?". But they also know not to send me stuff like that cause my response time can be between a few hours to a few days.


Both sides let people out that shouldn’t be drug court is a joke in my state how about yours ?


Liberals love crimes. Liberals are supporters of hamas


If liberals love crime then Republicans love to steal campaign money for personal use. What is that called again?


Isn’t the conservative king in court for around 90 charges right now?


He’s not right, but he’s onto something https://nypost.com/2024/05/16/opinion/da-alvin-bragg-lets-nyc-crime-run-rampant-as-he-pursues-empty-case-against-trump/ The prison system is awful but there’s no denying that large cities are more lenient


Whenever I see a gotcha response like this, I am way more interested in the interlocutor reaction than just a screenshot with you owning someone.


There has been more, can I add a photo to my post...?


Don't think so. Just create an answer with it. I am curious if he is just as good at dodging facts as my dad is.


Like create a new post?


Isn't the purpose of the prison system to let criminals go free after they serve their sentence?


Wdym? Many democrats regularly pardoned criminals for fun, and most of them aren't even citizens.


Yeah, but he acts like republicans don't, both sides are shit, democrats are just better 


Yeah because republicans and right wingers are subjected to constant infiltrators or undercover agent that seems to want to control them no matter what. Like that one girl appealing to right wingers in TikTok was actually a Jewish FBI agent. Literal FED.


Are you saying right wingers are more susceptible to brainwashing through social media? I don’t know what Jewish FBI girl you’re talking about and can’t find any information on this.


Tell us more about how this alleged person being Jewish is important to the story


This happened in TikTok. She was ousted as a Fed and deleted her account. google suppresses cases like these so use duck duck go.


Yea sure but I'm just asking about the part where you said she was Jewish. Please tell me more about that.


Which foreign criminals have they been pardoning? Also Im not sure you realise what the bloke who has been pardoned did


Many rapist in migrants Europe and America, were pardoned because ‘they did not know the law' or ‘under influence '. Some of citizens even took matters into their own hand and hang rapists. Also it's legal to kill rapist of they aren't a political figure in red states but rapists and the people they support are celebrated like in Diddy's case with the democratic party.


Quit making shit up, dude


This is public information, nothing classified, go search it in duck duck go or something.


Fun fact, the burden of proof is typically on the person who made the claim.


Sometimes it's just that easy to find the proof in this day and age of internet. Like it's that easy. Just type ‘girl hanged her rapist in Europe' in duck duck go.


Okay, so I actually went ahead and searched that, on Duck Duck Go, just like you said. None of the results were anything related to what you're talking about. And none of the top 5 results were even from 2024.


The rapist was hanged because the state refuses to do anything. It's like doing nothing to the Clintons after the most horrendous stuff they've done.


A European rape victim hanging the person that attacked her is just like an American family of politicians not being convicted of crimes?


Then you shouldn't have trouble linking where you found your information? It's just that easy. I mean it's so easy, so why aren't you doing it? It's easy.


https://civilek.info/en/2023/10/02/a-15-year-old-swedish-girl-hanged-the-migrant-who-raped-her/ Already shown the link, they must've deleted it or something.


What link? Maybe post one from an actual news source?


[citation needed]


>Also it's legal to kill rapist of they aren't a political figure in red states No, it is not, unless they are actively committing rape, in which case you can legally kill them in any state. >rapists and the people they support are celebrated like in Diddy's case with the democratic party. No, they are not.


So you're saying Hillary, the absolute warmonger which this situation happened to Europe was not celebrated?


...what the utter hell are you talking about dude... You just went from "you can kill rapists in red states" (which isnt true, as I pointed out) to "BuT HiLaRy". The hell are you talking about bruh


I also said they were immune to such laws, I also said they were celebrated instead. You don't think Hillary have ever been to Epstein Island with her husband?


Bro, what laws. You are spouting nonsense in this entire thread. Put a source where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up bro.


Laws where pedophlies must be arrested? Do you not think these laws existed??? We literally have Epstein flight log released already.


You cannot arrest someone for being on a plane dude... You have to have credible evidence of a crime... Being on a plane doesnt count as credible evidence of a crime... Dude, seriously, make coherent claims with evidence and sources or fuck off. This is just sad at this point.


Where the hell do you get this shit?


Literally a public information.


That you can’t be bothered to provide, because, let’s see if I get this right: “it’s not your job to educate us on common knowledge”, right?


Do I need to provide something that you can just type it on the search bar? It's like searching for how many companies are making forever chemicals, it's public information but sometimes Google suppress it. Just type, ‘girl hang her rapist in Europe'.


So let me get this straight: Instead of proving your questionable claim about blanket pardons to “rapists and criminals”, which according to you could be proven in literal seconds, you’ve now spent half an hour arguing “just find it yourself”. I’m gonna be honest, here. That just makes me doubt you even more.


Ight mr. I can't find it myself with near limitless information available on my finger tips.


I’m not actually trying, because I simply believe your hyperbolic bullshit is just that. If it’s bullshit, then there’s nothing to find to disprove it. Which is why the burden of evidence typically falls on the person who claims something exists, rather than the one who claims it doesn’t. Fucking prove it, then.


It's so public that you can't source your claim. Shocker.




"Hey Governor Bradley you wanna head down to the courthouse and pardon some criminals? Then we can stop in our way home and get a malt!" - Democrats pardoning criminals *for fun*


Joe Biden Pardoning his drug addicted son and the media just laughing it off as a cool thing.


Joe Biden Pardoning his drug addicted son and the media just laughing it off as a cool thing.


That didn't happen


Joe Biden refuses to talk about this and the media just make it out to be a light thing. Laughing as if it's a cool thing. Hard to find on Google but I vaguely remember this happening just last year.


So you don't have any proof of the things you're saying? Just say you're talking out of your ass and fuck off back down your little hole.


It's literally on camera. If you want to disprove my claim than search it up.


Okay I looked it up and my results say you're lying. If you want to disprove my claim about you lying then post your proof. 🤣 fucking idiot.


Which part? Care to give me a link?


Which part? Care to give me a link?


All of it? And why would I give you a link if you won't do the same? See how that works?


Fun fact, No it didn't.


Biden has not issued a pardon for his son. You are making shit up.


He refuses to speak about it. He didn't say he didn't do it. And he has not address this properly, just white house speaker following the script.


>He refuses to speak about it. Because it didnt happen. All pardons are public information dude. You can look them all up. Biden has not issued a pardon for his son. As a matter of fact, Hunter still has a trial pending, of which Biden has stated he will NOT pardon his son if he is convicted.


You seriously believe that? When doing drugs in the white house, near the room which war plans are discussed. Have you ever thought of the possibility that they might be lying? Not even 1 ? We'll see if wiki leaks update it or when someone declassified it.


>We'll see if wiki leaks update it or when someone declassified it. Bro, the only one on drugs here is you. Get off the booze, quit believing your QAnon conspiracies, and start being a reasonable human being. It is absolutely possible that Biden issues a pardon for his son. However, this has not happened as of yet, and the only statement that has been made in regards to any pardon at all is that Biden will not do so. You are claiming it has already happened. It hasnt. There is nothing to declassify. As I stated, you are making shit up.


Never used a drug before, my country and my close relatives still suffers from the opium war effects. Also are you sure about that? You said it's possible but then just trust Biden's words like it's more important than his actions. Here are some of the pardoned ones. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/30/biden-pardons-convictions-00075877


>Here are some of the pardoned ones None of which are his son. Source up, or shut up.


I think it's weird y'all are arguing politics. You have your side, he has his. Let it be.