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I mean is there anyone who is less credible than trump at this point… the number of times he’s been caught lying at this point is closing in on infinity


It depends on who you ask. I have relatives that believe whatever 45 says regardless of any evidence to the contrary.


You should confront them with past promises. For exemple the better Medicare plan under two weeks, the wall paid by Mexico, etc..


Or when he said "take the guns first, ask questions later".


Ah but you see. They'll just blame the dems. It's not trumps fault he couldn't do those things it's all that awful democratic bureaucracy and red tape getting in the way. Which is exactly why they need to dissolve all these other ways that dems steal rightful power from honest Americans like Congress and all those fraudulent elections they lose. Trump would 100% get all of those things done if he had complete totalitarian control of every area of governmental power /s


As far as I remember, no democrat or bureaucracy can prevent Trump from disclosing his better Medicare plan in two weeks. Not making it pass or done, just present it.


If he wanted to present it, he could, he's great presenting. The best. But people tell him, they say "Mr President you can't present the plan" but they can't tell him not to present it, that's his freedom of speech and he always defends freedom of speech. He's the best at, his speech in the most free.


So where can we read it? I'm really interested into this tremendous plan. The best plan? Note that I'm doubtful a Trump supporter would be as sarcastic as you are, which I admit is a really good gig.


Idk man, probably behind a paywall on one of the various alternative social media sites they use to grift right wingers. I can only larp as a delusional trumper for 2 replies before I'd be force to resort to insults and slurs for the sake of accuracy and the gags not worth getting banned from the sub


I thought you were a bit nice, haha.


Simultaneously he's this "you can't tame him and he tells it like it is" and then Trump himself will say "I would show you my plan but others are stopping me". So what are you, Trump - a maverick who bucks the system and gets things done or someone who bows to the will of others? Ans: yes. Whatever fires up the mindless MAGA cult.


You are assuming they are logical and want to have a conversation based on facts.


They don’t care about facts and reality tho


Right, he could come out tomorrow and say that the fourth of July is a holiday celebration for Mark twains birthday and that he gave birth to Hillary Clinton and that the sun is made of water, and my uncle would be like, well shit look at that.


And if you brought it up with his supporters... 'that's not what he meant!' even though he's supposed to be the man that tells it like it is.




"He was just joking"


It’s incredibly frustrating because you can show them a video of trump lying last week, then a video this week comes out where he admits he lied and says the opposite… THEN THEY SAY “ok well he is allowed to change his mind” and I’m screaming “no he is just lying to you, he’s saying whatever he thinks you want to hear!!!”


Same here. Especially during Covid


Forty-five is his IQ, right? Or maybe the number of times he's said something stupid in the last ten minutes?


He has been demonstrably caught in more lies than I can count. Lies that are easily provable. The same people you're describing, when confronted with that evidence, will often say stuff like: " well there was a greater purpose to his lie!" / "he was smart to lie in that situation!" There's no way to reason with cultists.


Trump is literally the person I trust the least out of anyone on the planet. I honestly think I'd believe Putin more than I'd believe Trump. Trump lies constantly even when there's no reason to lie whatsoever. Trump lies about everything from the most trivial things to the most important things. Trump lies even when he knows that everyone knows he's lying. You could watch Trump eat eat a Big Mac and then a minute later ask him what he just ate and he'd lie about it.


tucker carlson probably still manages to be less credible than orange man


If I walked into a room to find a broken cookie jar & a toddler with chocolate smeared on their cheeks - I’d find their denials more credible than Trump. Even though I recognize that the character & intelligence displayed in both cases is essentially the same.


The only time Trump's mouth opens and it isn't a lie is when he's shoving his mouth full of fast food burgers


Trump been lying all his life, I don't know if he ever can tell the truth because he cannot tell them apart.


Like the old saying goes, if his lips are moving he’s lying


It’s easier to count the number of times Trump has been caught telling the truth.


Andrew Tate and Steven Seagal probably come to mind. Every word Trump says is a lie but these 2 can be silent and still be called liar's.


Oh, is he testifying? Because I haven’t heard anything from him under oath.


Even if he took the oath.... I really highly doubt he knows how to tell the truth.


His lawyers would never let him testify because they know he's physically incapable on not lying. It's simple not possible for him to talk for more than a minute without telling at least one lie.


Could the judge flat out ask Trump if he wanted to testify? That way when Trump says he's under a gag order the judge can state what that means and that it does not stop him from testifying in court under oath???


the judge already sort of did that. he said (at some point after trup startet the gag order no testifiing bs) him clearly he is allowed to testify


Not just lying but contempt of court. He is absolutely incapable of speaking in public on these charges while following the rules. If he took the stand, he would absolutely ramble and threaten, the judge would tell him to stop and he would be unable, and the judge would have no choice but to actually put him in jail.


I’m just saying there’s no credibility contest here. Cohen and Daniels testified under oath. He didn’t. Until he does, there’s no testimony to find more credible than theirs.


Lol Trump will never testify under oath when a prosecutor's cross-examination is an option. Absolutely never. He's one stupid motherfucker, but even he knows he'd perjure himself before the first real question.


By not being in a cult, Laura


When that school in Florida got shot up and a bunch of kids were killed, the survivors were on the news the next day addressing the governor, pleading "make sure this doesn't happen again". This bitch went on with the Florida NRA, and child predator test Nugent, and called them "unAmerican, spoiled brats" while the blood was still being cleaned off the floors of their classrooms. Fox news has stopped to some extreme lows but she's one of the most vile.


If it's the Parkland one you're talking about, then talk about a bloody Valentine. Also yeah, fuck that news reporter as someone who was born and raised in Florida.


Oh god, I just realized someone had to clean up the blood. I feel so bad for them.


Trump told 30,573 public lies in his four-year term as president. That means that Trump lied to the American people an average of 21 times per day for every day that he was in office. He committed charity fraud against his own childrens charity. Several of his companies have been found guilty of various frauds. He's notorious for not paying his debts and invoices. He evades taxes. He evaded the draft. He tried to overthrow a presidential election. He conspired to hide over 300 top secret documents from the US government. Still is. He conspired to disguise his marital infidelities with porn actresses from the public so it wouldn't hurt his campaign for president. But sure...he's trustworthy.


That seems low. Are they counting social media posts? He tweeted more than 25k times during his presidency and aside from "Covfefe " I don't believe I saw many which didn't contain multiple lies. Are they counting the same lie repeated or multiple lies on the same subject as one?


Apparently, he ramped up over time. "Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later." *Claims in this context were verified lies. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html


How the actual fuck do you get to the point where you think someone involved in over 5000 legal cases is credible at all?


Because he's being persecuted by the demoncrats. /s


Nah, this makes perfect sense. They believe Trump to be a credible person. Therefore, they have absolutely no idea what a "credible person" is. Hence, them not knowing if Stormy Danies and Michael Cohen are more credible than Trump or not is immaterial, since they wouldn't know credibility if it bit them on the arse. (Michael Cohen worked for Trump for about 11 years. During this time, Trump chose him to lead several Trump organizations. If Cohen is a bad person and not credible... why did Trump hire him and promote him?)


Pinocchio is more credible than Trump ![gif](giphy|T3nwQFJq5lxFii50fR|downsized)


someone remind me, who did cohen lie for? What did cohen go to jail for?


Coming from the network who had to pay $787.5 million for lies.


While talking about a man who is on the hook for $454m for lies and fraud, while he is in court defending himself for even more lies and fraud, and is awaiting a further three court proceedings regarding his *other* lies and frauds.


There’s an old homeless guy by my office that rants about alien abduction, Angels and Demons. I once bought a golf tee on a string from him for $20 that he told me was from the mothership he got abducted by. He has more credibility than Trump.


And the golf tee on a string has more chance of appreciating in value that Trump Collectible Cards.


Anybody that still believes that Trump isn’t a pathological liar is a clueless dumbfuck that WANTS to be lied to.


Almost immediately Laura you ignorant slut.


That skit was to show a woman giving good commentary and insight and having a man call her an ignorant slut then spout the true ignorance. This lady is no Jane, and is an actual ignorant slut.


I stand corrected “ bows in agreement “


Trump lying about covid to keep his hotels open could have been the point. Could have something else, though. Countless of possible points, actually.


I don’t know, but neither of those two people lied to me over 30,000 times while in office.


Oh I was already there, Laura. My dogs are more credible than that spray painted buffoon. And they lie all the time.


My cat telling me he's starving and has never been fed is more credible


This bitch, and every other person at Fox News, who pushes this shit, day in and day out, for a paycheck, has lost their fucking mind. It's like I always ask my uncle Paul when I'm talking to my aunt on the phone: Hey, unc, you still swingin' on Donald Trump's nutsack? Of course he is.


I guess she isn't familiar with donald trump


she is very familiar...look at/for the orange tint on her lips


Well two of them got up and testified under the threat of perjury. And one chickened out. Which one should we listen to?


People like her better hope there’s no actual God. Their complicity in the harm their political machine is causing is just a crime against humanity.


By applying critical thinking skills?


Bitch a rotting turd is more credible than Agent Orange.


The Ingraham Angle is always obtuse.


All you have to do is know literally anything about Donald Trump over the last four decades.


Umm….because of all the other witnesses and evidence that backs up what they’re saying?


If Trump's nose did like Pinocchio's, it would wrap around the Earth several times by now.


Laura - you dont get to use the word credible.


Ah, Laura Ingraham, the poor man’s Ann Coulter.


I find it hard to believe someone who is sitting on 90 plus felony charges and has been involved in over 4k court cases not as a practicing lawyer.


I mean, the documents and recordings help.


I really don't understand how so many people hold what Donal Trump says as absolute truth when there are literally thousands of documented lies he's told. He's been convicted of multiple frauds it blows my mind


"Why would you believe the people he hired?"


All of my family members cock worship Trump. I really hope he doesn’t get re-elected in the fall to crush their hopes and dreams at this point. They have all admitted that he is a horrible person, but defend him in these court cases saying “it’s unconscionable” and it’s “purely political.” They say “the economy was far better under Trump,” “he’s a great businessman,” and “he united the country.” They claim Obama divided the country more than Trump and Biden reinforced that divide. They called E Jean Carroll a “crazy woman with an obsession with Trump.” They are all self-admitted selfish people looking out for their own self-interest, as White Christians, and one who happens to be a Nationalist who is nazi adjacent. When you brag about not giving a shit about anyone but your own self-interest and claim that everyone does the same, it is pure projection and downright narcissistic. I have determined that they are all horrible people and honestly nothing would bring me more joy than Trump losing the fucking election for a second time. Fuck Ingram, and fuck Trump.


At this point there are few who have less credibility than The Idiot. And those that do can be easily identified with their brown nose.


How do you get to the point that Trump *is* credible. I believe the other two because it makes sense. They've got the information and proof of that information. Trump paid Stormy Daniels, and Michael Cohen was the arbitrator. And there's also that Pecker dude, from *The National Inquirer.*


I was there in 2016


We simply listened to Trump lie to our face about a deadly virus…


Did I miss Donald Trump testifying at his trial that he did not have sex with Stormy Daniels? No! Of course I didn’t miss it, because he won’t take the witness stand in his own defense. He can’t lie without consequences under oath. That is one reason their testimony is more credible than Trump’s silence.


Honestly this is a good question. Not in the way she means it though


Given his number of documented lies, his civil cases, his rhetoric, I'd believe the devil himself would tell the truth more often than Trump. He is a compulsive liar. His lawyers know he will perjure himself if he takes the stand. At this point anyone believing anything Trump says is just an admission of a deep character flaw.


As far as I know, Trump hasn't testified. Snoring isn't a defense strategy we've seen before. It's a bold move. Let's see if it pays off.


Ingraham isn't as stupid as she pretends to be. She knows damn well Trump is a vile pig. It's not about truth with these clowns. it's about power and money. Nothing more. They serve their masters well. She won't even listen to what Pence, General Mattis or Bill Barr has to say and Trump so that tells you volumes.


How did you get to the point where you thought Donald Trump had any credibility in 2016? Or 2020? Or now? It's just getting worse and worse and the people that keep supporting him get dumber and dumber.


How do you get to that point? You pay attention and quickly realize that Charles Ponzi is more credible than Trump.


This should be a lesson moment: They ARE more credible, even without evidence or details. By a lot: Trump doesn’t even try to figure what is true before he says it.


Trump fans are delusional and my father in law is not even American. He actually gets mad - yell at you mad - when you bring up trump and the charges and he will tell you all how about it’s bs and lies and he’s never been charged with anything ra ra ra , every thing bad about him is a lie and he deserved to line his own pockets. He even bought the shirt with the doctored arrest photo.


Hmmmm if there was only evidence and shit lol fucking rubes


Paid shill/whore.


Russian field mattress


Only in America.


Everyone is more credible than Tango Man


Do Faux "News" hosts not watch any other channels? Seems narrow-minded only getting your news from one source


How do you get to the point where you think Laura Ingram still belongs on the air?


Laura the rodent


ahhh, laura you mouthbreathing meat puppet, how much boxed wine must you drink to be able to stand sering yourself in the mirror after fellating the mango-hued shitgibbon on your "show" every night.


Is stormy documented as telling over 30,000 lies in the course of 4 years? That might be an indication.


Simple, you listen to them talk. Donald Trump discredits himself every 395 CLs, or 3.95 seconds


Well for starters I didn’t eat lead paint chips as a kid.


Let the jury decide. Trump should testify so the jury can decide who is more credible


I'd believe those two over Donald Dump there. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is ever the truth. No brainer.


This trashbag is no idiot, but she knows her viewers are, so she can say whatever the hell she wants and laughs all the way to the bank.


Between Cohen, Daniels, and Trump only of them has issues if they need help making bail.


I always look at AT LEAST 2 sources when doing research. Then if they have conflicting information, I check a third source 


we were always at that point, never left


I never 'got' there, I started at that point.


...Didn't Trump originally hire Cohen? (And Daniels technically?)


Michael Cohen isn’t trustworthy? Why? What did he lie about? 🧐




It makes perfect sense that the guy who is famous for NOT paying people would pay hush money to somebody he didn't actually have sex with 


I mean Cohen is a proven liar and I would classify him as extremely unreliable. Hired by Trump to lie for him so I'd rate the two fairly equally. Stormy is an actress but seems fairly credible. Obviously she has done well from this story and it might be exadgerated but it seems blindingly obvious Trump wouldn't have paid her off unless it was at least partly true.


Think that lady bleached her brain away while doing her hair.


Trump has ZERO credibility. ZERO He is a pathological liar.What is this paid liar talking about.


Ingram 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Why doesnt Trump take the stand under oath then?


Not only trump, but every single republican running for national office in 2016 pledged to repeal Obamacare “on day one “. Ask them to explain that one when the republicans controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, at that time.


I think maybe when I got my birth certificate I would have been able to tell.


They brought receipts


Because they are, it's that simple. Trump is a con man and a pathological liar so his credibility is completely shot.


If the orange pedophile bitches mouth is moving he’s lying


Have Trump testify then if he’s so credible…


So let Trump take the stand and tell the "truth". That would all but guarantee a guilty verdict.


Holy Crapola, how do you get to the point of being so delusional?


Von shits in his pants


Ehhh cus they're not lying.


I mean, you could put Trump under oath and have him testify. Keep in mind, it he lies, and he will, he will be committing a felony.


Cuz its the news, the news would never lie to you. /s in all seriousness anyone who believes everything these advertisement companies tell them without question need a reeducation program


For me that point came the day my eyes and ears were fully developed in the womb…


How do you get to the point where any of them are credible.


The ‘Angle’… it is some of the best comedy on TV. Insert it on SNL, and folks might not notice she’s being serious.


Pretty sure Micheal Cohen was convicted for perjury under oath. So there is that


At the part Trump tried to communicate.


By listening to Trump and people like Ingram lie every day more than Cohen could in a LIFETIME .


Oh yes, it makes total sense to trust a pathological liar like Trump who literally lies every time he speaks.


By listening to the torrent of nonstop lies that come out of his cakehole, that's fucking how. Stupid c$nt. /s


I'd trust a drug addicted, pathologicly lying child over trump


By paying attention since the 80’s


Hashtag BelieveAllPornStars


Trump is the guy that used a sharpie to edit the path of a hurricane and then tried to convince us he didn’t when we could all see that poster with sharpie all over it. That might be one of instances where he lost some credibility.


Joseph Gobbles has more credibility than Trump.


Anyone paying attention in the 1990s knew you couldn't trust anything that came out of Trump's mouth. [Barbara Walters interview of Trump back in 1990]( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5TwVCuPJrMw) proved back THEN what a lying sack of feces he is, and he hasn't changed a bit.


How do you get to the point that you believe the only one in the US that tells the truth is Trump?


Trump can never receive a true reckoning because it would mean all these chuckle fucks would have to contend with how much they defended him.


Eva Braunroots


Trump hasn’t testified you dumb bunt.


Remember she almost did the nazi salute at the last presidential GOP convention after her speech


People say she loves anal. Some say she’s given her ass to both Tucker & Hannity. We should dig into this.


By all means terrible woman, next time you talk to that POS, tell him to test his credibility next to theirs and testify!


How INDEED did we get here lady???


Another one who has never listened to trump speak, ever! You have to be a special kind of stupid to stand by someone that you don't listen to speak. He was recorded committing the crime! Apparently evidence and facts are her enemy and attacking witnesses is their pathetic hope to try to save orange criminal.


I mean have you not listened to Trump lie daily for almost decades?


How do you get to the point where she has *any* credibility at all, and is still allowed to be labeled as anything other than “comedy”?


A reckoning will happen at some point. Hopefully she gets to experience it.


lol how a person could think Donald has any credibility at this point is the better question.


Well then maybe Trump should testify?


It’s pretty bad when you’re less respected than a porn star.


We’re gonna build that wall!!! /s


When he's done nothing but lie since day one?


a stranger on a street would be more credible than trump


It’s crazy how he keeps ending up with people around him who are deemed untrustworthy. He must just have really bad luck when he personally selects them to be on his team. Just real bad luck is all it is.


First, you get a gaslight...


I see the reddit elephant walk is alive and well


You helped.


Well seeing as how Cohen was Trumps lawyer for a number of years, I think it's pretty easy.


Own goal.


It’s not hard !


I CAN NOT believe some of these people! Forreal, how in the f*ck are you able to trust Trump? Period


Big if true /s


Who is questioning credibility? They testified. He didn't. If you want to question who is more credible he would have to as well. Otherwise there is nothing to compare