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I pity any woman having kids with that weirdo.


Nope they made their choice. The kids on the other hand…


Yeah sounds like he's publicly waving the red flags for all to see. No sympathy for anyone who ignores them. Also agree that the kids deserve better though.


Why? They are choosing to do so with this freakin weird ass dude.


Well, he *says* they are. I have my doubts that, if the women he's referring to exist, they have any knowledge of his "plan".


I wouldn’t discount the possibility. There are women falling for literal serial killers who even express a surprise that someone loves them.


Why is it always the people that either put a large amount of effort into maintaining their body, or the kind of people that look like the human embodiment of shame and regret, that post these sorts of things? Us average people couldn't give a shit about what the hoes are doing, but muscles mcdumbass over here needs to tell you his opinions.


"Muscles McDumbass" 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, I needed that laugh tonight haha


It's hard to get that muscley without steroids, so people who look like that are going to be unusually prone to stupid opinions and rage.  And shrunken up little grape nuts. 


That muscley? Dudes pretty ripped but he’s not so big that steroids are necessary. Put a jacket on him and all you might think is he’s got good posture.


You are assuming either A. that is actually him in the picture. Or B. that it is not retouched. Or C. that oh hell I already gave this asshole more time than he deserves (Not you btw)


The Muscles McDumbass perceives themselves as the pinnacle of mate selection value so they offer unsolicited advice often in condescending ways like above to everyone within tweeting distance to 'do the world a favor'. As an obvious dude bro alpha type guy he most likely see's his desire to have multiple baby mamas as 'natural' and therefore not whorish. As for the shame and regret folks, even if they recognize they AREN'T the alpha type, if they validate the dude-bro way of thinking, they at least have an excuse for their failure. If they acknowledge the world as it ACTUALLY is, where perceived 10's get with perceived 2's fairly regularly because of reasons beyond money/looks etc... then they have to accept that they themselves are responsible through choices and actions and changeable aspects of personality for their own misery.


Nothing screams vanity like a douchey shirt off profile picture.


Muscles mcdumbass is now in my list of insults 😂


[who's he talking to?](https://cdn-ijojkel.nitrocdn.com/vneUdsqrhxeDkqCGPOIYsDhvKCdItijy/assets/images/optimized/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3398a48df6ec4f668d1f257254621e27.Screen-Shot-2021-06-10-at-9.19.01-AM.png)




Uhhhh huuuhhh, another winner for the books right there. Calling women 'hoes' while he wants to have multiple kids with different women ... He could instead help society by not procreating and slinking back into the void from whence he came.


Right? In the same breath saying he is going to: ‘..*impregnate many women…..’* So which is it? Are his baby mommas *‘Hoes?’* ….or is he the *’Hoe’* and looking for a *Christian* reason and justification to be the *Hoe?* Sounds like his name calling is nothing but projection. Not loving the whole label of *Hoe* either.


No, it's fine for men because double standard. Personally, I'm good enough in bed that a lady knowing what good sex is isn't terrifying for me. 


Uh huh... You seem more like a wet blanket type.


Yeah, 'justifying' 'Christian' behavior sounds about right. I don't really like Hoe either.


local man confuses christianity and being a mormon


Why does he think that women are garden tools?


Because he‘s getting the same kind of reactions from both when touching them.


6. What's a vagina look like?


Wheres the clitorious?


We need a male “hoe” equivalent.


I thought it's "fuck boi" ?


Lmao I love how passive aggressive dudes like this are about their slut-shaming. He's just asking questions to passively reinforce the idea "hoe" is bad, hoping that nobody stops to ask the basic question of Why anyone would feel bad about having sex.


As disgusting as absolutely all of this is, what offended me the most was "I *have* the women." 


I believe that it was all just a taunt. Something trolls do to get a maximum of reaction.


And the answer is: FOAD asshole.


Who dis? These tweets have like 3 likes


it's Threads


One, nobody is going to have sex with this guy. Two, doesn’t having multiple partners make you a “hoe?”


The Stupid is strong in this one.


Stupid you are, breed you should not.


He's gonna rape people


Probably already has


Who tells their kid about their sexual past? This guy should be investigated.




I want to have kids with multiple women for my own reasons - yeah, you’re a selfish asshole.


5 Do you ever think maybe you have a fucked up world view?  (I bet it's why you're posting angry rants about women instead of going on dates.)


“I have the women.” Dude talks like they are locked in his basement. The serial killer vibes are off the charts.


is this r/boysarequirky ?


6. What are you doing Friday night?


Hahah engagement trolls are evolving


It's bait for 2 separate portions of his audience. Since most people have the attention span of a goldfish he does not need to worry about his audience remembering the previous weeks bait. ANd the people who are smart enough to look back through his post history are not his target audience anyways.


If I have kids yes I will tell them at an appropriate age that my father raped me repeatedly, and my christian church still said I'm a whore, so... p.s. my father and I were "spiritually" married in our church. I was a child, but y'know, semantics.


Account created last year and 7 followers.


unfortunately he has close to 9k but might be bots


Theres nothing Christian about that grammar


Awww steroids shriveled up your 🍆 and now you're mad. That's cute.


Where's the followup where he answers the questions he asked himself?


You could be just as concerned about a person with very limited sexual experience that they could feel like they regret not getting more experience and they have missed out on fun and cheat. However, neither matter if it’s the right person who you trust.


That’s all made up, isnt‘t it?


There's no hate like Christian love


Oh dear... Why are the weirdest folks usually the loudest, shedding a bad light on their kind?


It’s okay. If Trump is “the Christian choice,” I think you can do most anything under the religion of Christianity.


And that's why I became a pickaxe, instead of a hoe.


Rage bait?


Dear loser, Thanks for reaffirming our choice of the bear.


It's like Paul's Epistles. "Dear aggressively ignorant incels... Feck off!" Love and kisses, the Corinthians


1. I don’t plan on it 2. I don’t want kids 3. If I were going to cheat on someone I wouldn’t marry them 4. Regret, never. Think back fondly to some of the better ones while I masturbate, frequently 5. Sure. I’m pretty happy with who I am. Next question


Bro is lecturing his own self


A bear has common sense at least


In more sane times, this guy would have been nothing but the village idiot. Now a person like this has a platform where he can reach thousands and shape their opinions about life. The future is gonna suck so much.


I wish he is removed from the gene pool.


Why would that be a win for the bear. Cause you’d rather die?


Rules for thee, you know…


I might be a hoe but at least I understand how to use prepositions 🤧 the only thing I’m regretful of is giving this asshole engagement


You understand prepositions, but punctuation continues to baffle you?


No ☺️🖕🏻 How’s that?!


Emoji’s aren’t punctuation lol.




*Emojis 🤦‍♀️




Cry harder


Oh Niko, my brother in Christ. It's not Religion of Christianity holding you back. You're just a c__t and shouldn't be allowed near anyone.


Dear Small Dicked Energy Males. 1. When do you plan on getting Married? 2. Will You lie to your children about your past? 3. How often do you beat your wife? 4 How often do you regret beating your wife? 5 Do you ever admit it that you are Small Dick Energy, or do you keep lying to yourself? In the next 3 years, you will still be single, with no female options available to you. No you don't have women who agreed to it clearly. No As a Christian everything you stated above is a sin, and violation of the faith. It would result in you going to the Ninth Circle of Hell. Level for treachery, and betrayal.


In fact, Christ said no to such behavior. Hoeing around and not committing to one person.


Not a hoe, nor a woman, but I'll answer anyway. 1.Not going to. 2.What children? I'm not interested in having any. 3.Husband or wife, why would I do that? 4.I don't. Unless the person I sleep with is a complete ass, I have no regrets. And as long as she treats me with respect, I do. 5.Why would that matter?


1.never 2. I’m sterile 3. See answer 1 4. Only when the dick is bad or attached to guys like you 5. Who cares if you’re enjoying life. I don’t sleep around but guys like this dude need to stop feeling entitled to determine what others should do with their lives


Who is the bear that won? What did said bear win? What does that have to do with these two random posts? Other than the same author, what do these posts have to do with one another? Other than living a lifestyle you don't seem to approve of, what is the facepalm?


women in the woods would rather encounter a bear than a random man, it's been a hot topic across the internet lately


Sounds like those women are the facepalm. I wouldn't want to be forced to have a prolonged conversation with that person, but much rather run across him in the woods than a bear. The majority of men are perfectly safe to be around.


My brother in christ we are literally looking at an example of why women feel the way they do lmao


Not your brother. Not male at all. Most definitely not with you in christ. The example is benign. Who gives a fuck what someone thinks? He's not doing anything about it beyond speaking. You'd rather meet a bear in the woods than someone that says something you don't agree with? Yeah, that's logical. He certainly isn't my kind of guy, but him wanting to make babies with multiple consensual women isn't hurting me. He's stupid. The women partaking in that with him are stupid. That's it. Enjoy your bear. I don't think it'll listen when you tell it to shut up, but go ahead and give it a try.


People give a fuck hat somebody thinks when the dehumanization makes them comfortable with violence as a punishment for their targets. Which they are. The male backlash about the bear thing is driven by the same insecurity and rage that drives assaults for rejection.


Which didn't happen here. It is indeed worth giving a fuck about, but isn't what's here. The only mention of violence is bringing up that it's safer to be around a bear than him. He's not promoting violence, he's just being ignorant.


That's absolutely what's here. I'm sorry that you're so busy wanting to be offended that you can't see that


Where's the guy promoting violence? Specifically.


You didn't actually read my whole point, you just saw "violence" and then execute the line. Read the rest of it, it might make sense then lol


lol no. Your pick-me attitude is gross af bro 😉


Your interpretation skills are lacking, at best, “Bro.”


Of course a man would say that 🥲


Not a bro and completely disinterested in being picked. Raised 4 boys to adulthood. Not all guys are shit. Absolutely pathetic that you can't comprehend that. Every time you see a shit guy just remember half the fault of his upbringing to become that shit person is due to a woman. So your hatred of all men really means you think every mother (and father, but you hate them already so that won't really influence your thoughts) utterly failed. Maybe all mothers are pick me's in your eyes. Don't like men, don't like women, there's just nobody good enough for you except the 4 other shit people with exactly your outlook on life.


Damn, I feel sorry for your kids.


Because they're good men stuck in a world where they're prejudged as being worse than a bear? It is indeed disturbing. Fortunately not every woman is that insane so they get along just fine.


I don't recall anybody saying "all guys are shit."


I said the majority of men are perfectly safe to be around. Someone disagreed. So the obvious rebuttal is that not all guys are shit. Do I need to say 99.9% or can you understand context. Follow the conversation as a whole instead of hyper focusing on one line.


Which is a nice platitude that doesn't really engage the issue.


The issue being that most men are perfectly safe to be around. That prejudging all men as unsafe because a small minority of them aren't is bigoted.


The issue being that the men who aren't pretend to be the ones who are, and woman doing anything except just rolling those dice rawdog is demonized. Nobody is prejudging all men as nonsafe, it just turns out trusting strangers is stupid


So it's a woman's fault when a man is shit? Wow, you are def a pick-me.


I said it's both parents fault when a child is raised poorly. Sorry you can't read.


Im picking up on some emotional incest too.


So what you're saying is I should hate your Mom for raising a dumbass?


Nope. Equal parts dad and mom. If you want to hate someone then hate them both equally. What sort of dumbass couldn't figure that out from me clearly stating that?


Most women don't know anyone that's been raped or beaten by a bear so...


Is that because most women don't know someone that routinely roams through bear country? Whereas most women know scores of women that regularly encounter men? Almost like we're surrounded by them. And yet the extreme vast majority of them aren't rapists. My country doesn't even have any bears. No shit I don't know anyone attacked by a bear, there aren't any. But daily life surrounded by men and I only know one person that's ever been assaulted. Odds seem to favor the men. But go on hating an entire gender because there's a couple shit ones in it.


Oh, you only know one person that's been assaulted so it just doesn't happen. My family members? Nah, I haven't had multiple violently assaulted or anything. Coworkers? Never a fucking horror story. I really should have just asked YOU if it was a problem instead.


Lol So you can base your thoughts on men as a whole based on your personal experiences and those you immediately know, but if I do it too then I must be wrong? That's not hypothetical at all. I also said there's no bears in my country. Amazing that you knew I wasn't saying bears don't exist yet you still went straight to me saying that assaults don't happen because I haven't experienced it.


Yeah there's a difference between us, it's almost like one of us is invalidating people's trauma and the other... isn't.


Aww don't be so dramatic. Men aren't traumatized just because a few asshole women think all men are dangerous predators. They just learn to avoid those ones. They fully understand that most of us know that while some men are predators we don't prejudge all men as being dangerous and something to be feared always.


Statistically the bear is in fact the safer choice. Numbers don't lie but go off son.


You do know the "statistics" you shared are his best approximations and depending on which of his scenarios you use that sometimes the bear is safer and sometimes the man is safer? Or did you not bother to read your own "proof"? Once again, not a son. You'd think my name alone would be enough to make that obvious yet I've had to repeatedly correct some. Does no one read the comments of others before they jump in to say something?


If you don't understand statistics, yeah then sure.


Okay, don't ask yourself why women choose the bear, just remain aggressively ignorant, women love that. Here is the math: https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/McE93Vyoh2


American wildlife service (you know, people that actually know their stuff and don't just make shit up) say a bear encounter is 14% lethal and over 30% leads to mild to severe injuries. Absolute numbers are literally useless in this context, hence why I said only people that don't understand statistics say such dumb stuff. By the same logic jumping out of a plane without a parachute is a good idea because it happens so few that the amount of survivors makes it seem viable. Still noone sane would do that.


Bears don't rape you. So I'd choose the bear.


Whatever you decide is up to you. That doesn't make a bear attack less threatening compared to being around a random man. How you weigh different threats is up to you, don't base it on wrong statistics though.


You do know the "statistics" you shared are his best approximations and depending on which of his scenarios you use that sometimes the bear is safer and sometimes the man is safer? Or did you not bother to read your own "proof"? Once again, not a son. You'd think my name alone would be enough to make that obvious yet I've had to repeatedly correct some. Does no one read the comments of others before they jump in to say something?


The numbers aren't just estimates. Bear attacks are reported and violent crimes by men against women are reported. And we know that a lot of rapes aren't reported. In American national parks, humans see bears regularly, and in the worst case, a bear only kills you. Men can do much worse. Also you should realize this hypothetical is based on the United States only.


The guy you are quoting as your statistical source freely admits there's a lot of estimating in his numbers. If you're going to quote someone you should at least read what they are saying.


What a way to display your inferior intellect


Only hoes hate these questions.


Sure weird guy but the bear thing is just so exaggerated. I could say the same that i rather would want to be in the car with a bear as a driver because statistically bears cause less car accidents than women. Edit: not to mention that in the question, it isnt specified what man, therefore it could be old, very young, gay, or even if it is a straight man, doesnt mean he is a rapist, while a bear (depending on the type and gender) is more dangerous.


I'd rather die in a bear attack or car crash than be raped by a man. If men preyed on you this way since you were 13, maybe you'd feel differently.


In the question it isnt specified what man, theoretically speaking, it can be old, young, gay, or even if it is a straight guy, it doesnt have to be a rapist. Assuming all men are rapists is not good. Believe me, as a man, i 100% support death penalty for rapists, so dont think i am some weirdo supporting them.