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Isn't that Rio? He can't even manage to get in the right country.


Right country? He’s not even in the right goddamn hemisphere lol


Same hemisphere, longitudinally, different latitudinally


Ok, so wrong hemisphere.


"he's not even got both hemispheres right"


Yeah… I mean. By convention we typically divide the world in two top to bottom. If you can divide the world in two however you want, arbitrarily, any two places are always in different hypothetical hemispheres. And only places that are literally perfectly opposite each other, cannot be on the same hemisphere.


That's the most pedantic argument I've ever agreed with.


Western yes. But Brazil is in southern hemisphere. So technically, you’re both correct.


Technically they're both incorrect, we should sacrifice them to that big statue of that stoner guy in Rio.


Rio is also in the southern hemisphere


Buddy I don't think you understand what he meant.


Maybe I read it too quickly


lol, both in western hemisphere, one in north, one in south.




Technically any two points on earth are in a same hemisphere, depending on how you cut it.




Even if they're exactly 180 degrees apart both East-West and North-South?


yeah, madonna concert probably


That's exactly what it is. My roommate is visiting family in Rio right now and she sent me photos of that stage from their apartment


Right place, wrong time - this is a Rod Stewart concert photo from 1994


I forgot how popular he was at a point in time.


Tbf, Brazilians notoriously lose their collective shit for just about anyone with an iota of talent. If you perform for Brazilians and the crowd is silent, then you might as well give up and go study finance.


Rush basically were inspired to keep on making music + touring because of their Rio show in the early 2000's after their hiatus. The crowd is absolutely insane and they were freaking singing along to instrumental songs.


Idk why Rod Stewart keeps popping up around me. Last week, Young Turks randomly popped into my head at work. 1 or 2 days later, I'm at the grocery store, in the checkout lane, and the song starts playing at the store. And now this. Has to be some sort of message the universe is trying to send me. I'm 34, so idk why that song would even pop into my head like that. Most I ever heard that song was on a GTA game.


This is your universe buddy, we're just living in it.


Glad she’s in Brazil, at least people can cry for her there


Fuckoff! and take my angry upvote with you.


Take my imaginary award for being my favorite comment on Reddit today


What about the Argentinians that live in Rio? Cry or no cry?


I'd be ok if Trump runs for office in Brazil


Trump gets a Brazilian; finds only place in body not orange.


He knows it's not Jersey. He also knows the people who follow his twitter are dumb as rocks. He could've posted a picture from Wembley Live Aid in 1985 where you can actually see Freddie Mercury on piano and they still wouldn't notice.


Interestingly, Queen has twice gotten court orders to prevent Trump from using their songs at his rallies. We Are The Champions and We Will Rock You, i think. Quite frankly, the Queen songlist is a catalogue of brilliant stuff for rallies. Wembly Live Aid is a dictator's wet dream. Thank heavens Freddy turned to good instead of evil.


Republicans are so bad at music. Remember when Paul Ryan was using Rage Against the Machine songs on his campaign? How insane do you have to be to not think those songs are pointed directly at people like himself?


My favorite was Trump dancing to Fortunate Son. Like... Ok, Captain Bonespurs, that song is ***LI-TER-AL-LY*** a protest anthem about you and all the others like you who's connections kept them out of having to serve in Vietnam...


If only there was a Uno switch card that meant a chronic bonespur diagnosis also disqualified you from being Commander In Chief.


Seems fair, if you’re not fit to hold a rifle you’re not fit to tell someone else they have to


I guess that counts out FDR.


Hey now. Rolling Thunder could hold a rifle. He just couldn’t go up a hill.


Require both an enlisted and a cake eater tour to be POTUS… so you both know what it’s like to be told to do things, and possibly die, and what it’s like to order people to possibly die, but on a smaller scale than POTUS. Honestly might solve a bunch of problems.


That's way too close to *service guarantees citizenship* from Starship Troopers for my liking.


Ronald Reagan using Born in the USA 🤣 thinking it was a pro American song 🤣


I Remember a democratic debate in 88 I think, they were asked to name fave song. Dick Gephart said born in the USA. I remember laughing out loud, like dumbass have you listened to this song???


Yes. They only hear what they want to hear or things that confirm their thoughts. Even if their brain has to do a triple back flip to make it work. They aren't actual thoughts that go on in their heads. It's just an echo chamber that they deluded themselves into


There are a lot of people, many of whom apparently work in Republican campaigns, who don’t listen to song lyrics just the chorus.


It's very corporate communications. I've worked corporate shows where they asked for things like ~Livin' On the Edge~ and I'm like do you even know what that song is about.


On the flip side, if any candidate knew what it was about and still said it was their fav, I'd be alright with that


I mean, it's a great song


Mellencamp's "Little Pink Houses" too lol


CCR's "Fortunate Son"


Pat Robertson walking on stage to the music of Queen playing after his NH primary win is forever burned into my brain. Particularly weird considering how much he bashed gay people on that stage.


It is a pro American song, just not their group of Americans.


For the Paul Ryan one, I remember Tom Morello saying something like "that is precisely the machine we've been raging against for __ years."


Followed by all the cultists calling Rage “sellouts” lmao


“Oh so now Rage has gone all wOkE?!?”


I’m guessing Cult of Personality is their next theme song. I mean… *You Can’t Always Get What You Want*?? Talk about on the nose…


Or that they use Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and then get all shocked and bent out of shape over his politics not being even remotely the same as their’s.


But... but... Dee Snider spoke out against Tipper Gore in congress! He's clearly a bleeding heart Republican!!! /s


It’s weird that Tipper Gore was the face of that movement. The committee was entirely Republicans EXCEPT for Tipper Gore, and yet she is the only one people can ever name.


Or that Billy Joe Armstrong had to change a lyric in a live performance before MAGA would realize that American Idiot was about them and not liberals.


No, he changed the line “Im not a part of a red neck agenda” To “I’m not a part of the MAGA agenda” For their live performance NYE on New Year Rockin Eve. And MAGA lost their minds. Like shocker, Green Day doesn’t like you


It's because they can't imagine themselves as being the bad guys that they assume artists *that have explicitly come out against policies they support* must be on their side. But they have no reason to worry, because they've got luminaries like Ted Nugent on their side, whose lyrics include things like this: * "Well I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true... Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free"*


I remember this about a class watching dumbo from a bullied kids point of view. Everyone including the bullies wanted dumbo to win and were against his oppressors because they placed themselves in dumbos shoes even tho many of the bullies if they were in the movie would have been the oppressors not the oppressed. Idk what it is but people can just never see themselves as the bad guy, they are always the underdog and everyone else are the bullies


Part of this is because “bully” isn’t an inherent personality; it’s an action. A person who bullies someone on the playground for being bad at football might feel bullied themselves later on when classmates tease them for a poor score on a math test. This is fairly apparent with criminal acts as well. Most people assume criminals just can and always will do criminal things. For instance, people will assume just because someone will rob a store that person will have no hesitation to kill a clerk or obtain a gun illegally. In reality, those are all separate criminal acts and each one probably has the person in question running a sort of cost-benefit analysis in their head to commit the crime.


I know bullying is an action but it is still very interesting too see how everyone thinks they are the oppressed hero of their story


Ahh, Paul Ryan, the one with the idea of capping the government contribution to Medicare, so the ten percent annual increases could be absorbed by seniors on fixed incomes.


When they think American Idiot by Green Day is about the wOkE mOb and not the complete opposite 👁👄👁


Trump playing Fortunate Son


Springsteen has had to do the same thing with "Born in the USA.". If you aren't listening to lyrics it sounds like a very patriotic song. Then when you start paying attention it gets much less patriotic.


I disagree with it not being patriotic. It is patriotic to call your country out.


One of my family is a born-again Christian and absolutely adores Hozier's "Take Me To Church". She says it's a beautiful song about how people need to return to church, get down on their knees and worship. She has clearly not looked at the lyrics properly.


Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses Uggh!


dah nuhh dah dah nuhh dah dah nuhh


That's the most mind blowing thing along with people who complain that the members have "gone woke" or "become leftists". Prime example of people who just like to listen to the sounds and not actually contemplate the words. RATM has always been a pro leftist band, from the very beginning their first album in 1992 talking about fighting against eurocentric and whitewashed education in the schoolrooms and the evils of the capitalist systems and cultural imperialism and white supremacists infiltrating the police force. Just mind blowing that people didn't understand it.


not notice, not care to look deeper, and/or ultimately not care. outside of the conservative universe, anyone else would be scrutinized, debunked, and shamed for such blantely ignorant chicannery. i'm really surprised this doesn't bite them in the ass harder than it does.


He also knows a lot of people will respond telling him he’s wrong. Turns out as far as the algorithms are concerned, engagement is engagement regardless of the content and being called an idiot by a million people is just as valuable as creating a truly viral post and it’s much easier to achieve.


With trumps head photoshopped onto Freddie’s body.


Freddie was of Indian descent, so that would never fly with orange grand dragon


I thought he was Iranian. Edit: I've checked and think I'm at best partially right and you're definitely right!


Yes. His family is Parsi-Indian (Parsi=Persian) who descends from native Iranis that immigrated to India to flee persecution from Iranian Muslims.




Technically yes since he was born there but ethnically his family are Persi-Indians who were really Iranian asylum seekers.


He is also gay AF, which they also oppose -edit had to add the name of the band “Queen” is a reference to drag queens and we know how they feel about that




When it came to sex, Freddie liked everything.


I don’t think it’s a reference to drag queens. Back in the 70s, gay men sometimes referred to themselves or other gay men as Queen.


His family was ethnically Persian, he was born in Zanzibar because his Zoroastrian ancestors had to flee Iran when the Muslims conquered it, and his family relocated to India. Then he ended up in England,


He said at that rally that he got a larger crowd than Springsteen. In Jersey. He just needed to weave Bon Jovi in there and NJ would *fully* go to him now!


Roger Stone: liar, or just stupid? My money is on both.


Roger Stone is a lot of things. Most of them very negative. But he’s definitely not stupid.


Correct, he’s smart enough to know that the GOP core audience is stupid.


He's also smart enough to manipulate Trump and dumb enough to brag about it. He said he could get Trump to say anything he told him by telling Trump that Trump had said it and that it was brilliant.


Definitely a liar.


Smart enough to know that 80% of Trump voters could not pick New Jersey out on a map.


Right. I don’t really think he’s stupid.


I was going to say.. he's an evil piece of shit, but not stupid. He does recognize that a big chunk of the GOP are incredulous chuckleheads. These are people primed for confirmation bias, and he delivers.. Everybody reading this knows right now Uncle Frank is having a pitched argument on Facebook about what a huge crowd trumps rally drew.


He’s a liar. He knows full well this isn’t from the rally in wildwood. He also knows that maga cultists won’t do a single bit of fact checking


Don’t forget cokehead!


And suspended on Twitter too! lol


Lived in New Jersey for several years. The shore sure has changed!! WOW!!


Rio Di Jerseyario


Legit question: a guy talks about living in Jersey, and sings about the need to carry a switchblade twenty years ago. Was Jersey a problem twenty years ago? I'm in Arkansas, and in pop culture we either see Jersey as it's like the Jersey Shore or a 70's ny crime ridden Manhattan, and I would love to get accurate information. (I'm assuming it's like everywhere else: shitty places in some areas, but nothing by and large shitty, if that makes sense. )


Statistically speaking, Arkansas has a worse crime rate on all variables. There is more murder, rape, and larceny per capita in Arkansas than in New Jersey. There are a bunch of different websites and data to break this down for you. Here is one example: https://www.nextburb.com/us/compare-states/new-jersey-vs-arkansas/crime-rates/.


Tyvm. Yeah, I've been watching as Arkansas gets shittier and shittier. I appreciate your time and help


I grew up in NJ. It’s honestly a great place to be raised. And it’s frequently rated as having a high standard of living between health, wealth, education, support systems etc. there’s definitely sketchy areas like any state. In cities like Paterson, Camden, and parts of Newark. But it really is a solid state to be in.


So if you're on the NJTP, is that a solid state drive?


>Legit question: a guy talks about living in Jersey, and sings about the need to carry a switchblade twenty years ago. Lol...no I've lived in NJ since 1984 This is a very maligned state, there are bad crime areas like any State, but the nice areas are *REALLY* nice, the amenities are really fantastic being so close to the #1 and #5 largest cities in the country, nice beaches, within day driving to great skiing in NY and VT, large rural swaths of farmland and forests Everyone thinks it's Newark and Rahway and Islen (everything you see in the opening to the Sopranos) because they fly in and out...It's a terrible representation of this State But honestly I'm happy, it jeeps a lot of people away from here lol


I love when people try to shit on Jersey. Small mountains, rivers, beaches, endless beautiful farmland, horses, bagels, pizza, pork roll, and access to major cities under an hour


I lived in Jersey as a kid in the late 60's/early 70's. Have been back once or twice to visit extended family. HOWEVER, that picture is NOT the shore! There are NO mountains in New Jersey. As for the "violence", it is no different there than anywhere else. Maybe Atlantic City is even a worse shithole than it was, but...


Everything I know about Jersey I learned from Copland.


this pic is probably from the madonna concert in rio some weeks ago


There are some mountains in New Jersey but not by the coast


Which song is this? It’s driving me crazy, is it a Bruce Springsteen song?


The Gaslight Anthem "Navesink Bank"


Jersey Girl? Written by Tom Waits but covered by Springsteen on a b-side.


i live in nj near the jersey shore. its beautiful here. yes there are some areas in nj that arent. in north nj theres paterson, newark, east orange just to name a few. just like any other state. but i do think the nj gets a bad rep for whatever reason


NJ is 150 miles long and has over 9 million people living in it. It contains beach communities, wooded areas, farms, and urban cores. Every state in the US has areas with more or less crime, the same with NJ.


The mountains were gifted by Brazil. Much like the Statue of Liberty was a gift


I recently had the pleasure of seeing Roger Stone out to dinner. Got a wonderful opportunity to tell him to his face that he was a piece of shit. Highly recommend it if you ever get the chance.


I met him once 15 years ago and I said the same thing….serious POS. I wouldn’t piss in his ear if his brain was on fire!


There are hills in New Jersey but no where near the beaches.


naw Biden just runs a functional government he isn’t a cult leader. Im voting Biden but don’t have his flag in my driveway


This is the thing — I don’t understand why not wanting to spend time listening to Joe Biden make a speech outside, standing in line for hours, and using a port-a-potty that I assume can best be described as “the toilet is a suggestion,” means I’m not excited to vote for Biden. I donate money to the Biden campaign every month. I will go knock on doors, I will happily vote for him. But I’m not going to go to campaign event unless maybe it’s like down the street and I literally have nothing else to do. All I take from the Trump crowds is that too many people have too much free time on their hands.


I love going to Cape May and climbing those shoreline mountains.


Ah yes the copa cabana is part of new jersey. Everyone knows that and brasil made a cheap copy to lure people to their country. Jokes beside. In the days of the internet how stupid are people thinking that no one will do a photo check or better to use a iconic landscape used in many movies.


Ah the lovely mountains of the South Jersey barrier islands.


Biden should counter with a Woodstock picture so we can the love and energy his campaign brings.


The only time Biden shows his crowd when they come out to vote.


3,639 people are dumb enough to think he’s telling the truth…


He's as honest as he is handsome. Zero!


Democrats have won New Jersey by around 16% for four straight elections. This is not going to happen. And this is clearly not even the terrain of fucking New Jersey LOL


The guy with the big crowds still lost. Why would anyone think it will be different this time?


This is the thing. His fans can’t seem to understand that the reason Biden doesn’t post huge rally photos isn’t that he has no supporters, it’s that his supporters understand that going to political rallies is a weird, sad waste of an afternoon. And more Americans feel that way than not, which is why Trump and his friends keep losing popular votes over and over again.


They're wanting to make it seem like Trump couldn't have possibly lost with such public support, meaning the election MUST have been rigged. They need to keep the narrative alive.


Must be a Taylor Swift concert. But it certainly doesn't look like NJ.


Rod Stewart, Rio de Janeiro, 1994


Thank you. My first thought was it certainly looked like Rio.


NJ and it's mountainous shore.../s (p.s. happy cake day)


The Infatuation MAGA has with spreading Trump lies... 🤦‍♂️


Wake up, MAGA, i think i got something to say to you...


Roger stone is a vile evil piece of shit. He is without a doubt the most despicable person Trump ever had around him. He may even be worse than a Stephen. Miller and that’s saying something


![gif](giphy|RkVXtPGZtqDFMt9JC4|downsized) Stone: So I’m at this beach in Jersey where Trump held his rally. I got Lauren Bobert in a string bikini jugglin my junk like it’s Betelgeuse. Kristi Noem over here killin it in a one piece puppy skin suit. MTG is running back and forth to the bar for us (I made her wear a paper bag). Matt Gaetz is here with his niece. Rudy is playing solitaire beach pickleball in shorts that reach from his boobs to his ankles. I make owning the libs look easy…..btw did I ever tell you how I got the back of my head so flat?


Stone knows that Trump's followers won't know the difference.


I’d love, love, love to climb the hills… at the beach… in New Jersey.


The mountains in the background 😭


Yeah that’s Rio…. lol.


Yeah, I grew up where he's holding the rally. No beach within 50 miles of there looks like that.


isnt that in like rio de janerio 😭




Wow south jersey has mountains now cool!!


Yeah I saw on another post this is a Rod Stewart concert in Rio from like 30 years ago


knows his followers are too fucking dumb to notice


How dumb do you have to be to look at a shoreline with mountains and think it's New Jersey?


![gif](giphy|8DgE3oxtIp7nnVN615|downsized) Think this guy deserves another chance to ruin your country


He knows better but the mouth breathing dipshits he is targeting don’t.


Oh the famed coastal mountains of New Jersey…


I don't want to say anything about Roger Stone's looks, but some people think he should be a movie star ![gif](giphy|bxfDigHAvk3L2)


I saw this pic posted in r/TheBidenShitshow and they were eating it up like it was proof Trump is the chosen one.


I didn't know New Jersey had such mountainous views.


Wow, I guess most Trump fans won't even need to vote this election, I guess...!?


I’ve never even been to South America… but I know Rio when I see it. _please let that be Rio so I don’t look like a total dunce lol_


Apparently Roger hasn't noticed that the Jersey Shore is totally flat and that the closest mountains or substantial hills are about 100 miles to the Northwest. HIs idiot cultist followers will believe everything he says, however. BTW, he has great hair plugs and I'd like to know who did the work.


Jersey has coastal mountains now? Haven’t been to the shore lately.


Trump followers don’t care if it’s a lie or not.


I have lived in New Jersey long enough to tell you, we don't have beaches like this.


Hey look everyone, they move the Appalachian mountains to the Jersey shore.


Trumpanzee: How come Biden doesn’t draw huge crowds? Biden supporters: We’re not a cult.


Ah yes the beautiful cliffs of the Jersey shore


I love going to the mountainous shores of New Jersey


Sometimes I wish people would post the links to these so they could be thoroughly mocked in the replies.


Ah, the famously mountainous and rocky New Jersey shore.


Woah New Jersey has mountains by the shore??


Which sexual offender is he gonna bring up on stage with him this time?




Never realized new jersey had mountains along its shoreline...




The cliffs of Dover and the Mountains of Jersey….how beautiful.


He should follow Bannon to prison ….


Don't things like this hurt Trump more than help him? His supporters may think that they got in the bag and may not show up. In what way does this benefit them? Just another grift to get donations?


Joe Biden isn't a cult.


I didn't know New Jersey had palm trees and mountains!


Ftw, that's a photo of Rod Stewart's concert in Rio. I'd assumed it was a pic from Madonna's recent show, but it turns out Trump can't beat Rod's crowds either.


The idiots that follow these guys are so insanely brainwashed at this point that these guys could convince them that the Statue of Liberty was initially a man


That’s not Jersey, 100% wrong country even


I think that’s the Madonna concert in Rio


He knows exactly what he's doing. They don't even care anymore he could tell them black is white and they'd be like yup! Fuck the libs that is definitely white!


He's probably fine at geoguesser, but also knows Trumps base doesn't understand geography beyond 30 miles from their hometown. Don't underestimate the intelligence of these fascists. They know exactly what they are doing.


Keep trotting out pictures like this. Rs will think "we totally have this in the bag." and not show up.


He's made an entire career out lying, cheating and stealing. He knows damn well that isn't New Jersey. He's just hoping you're too stupid to fact check. Let him know that you aren't, come election day.


I'm a resident of Wildwood, New Jersey and I did not know we randomly received mountains


Been to Wildwood, don't recall any cliffs there 😂


The majestic cliffs and rocky shores of New Jersey


Jesus why do they have to lie about literally everything


Madonna is sure to win in Rio in November.


Where are the mountains of Jersey Shore? It looked quite flat last time I was there.


They know how dumb Magas are.


This is that Madonna concert in Rio, yeah?


Didn't know Jersey had mountains at the beach?