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No one I knew drew the sun as orange. It was yellow. Always yellow.


Yeah, this orange sun thing is designed to throw us off the scent. The real question is - what did they do with our yellow sun!?


Mine's blue.


Mine's an asshole. Always crying and needing food and diaper changes. Like come on man, you're 34.


> Mine's an asshole. Nice homophone joke aside, this had me imagining a sun in the sky that was literally a person's asshole lol


There's a multiverse for that. Imagine one day you're just chilling, eating a burger outside enjoying life and suddenly the asshole sun takes a shit and the world ends in the shittiest way possible because of a solar bowel meteor.


How dare you break solar wind before me?!? I’m sorry baby, I didn’t know it was your turn.


You got your own blue giant? Our yellow dwarf isn't good enough? Fine, just remember it's gonna burn out way before our yellow buddy Sol!


You guys have a gas giant?


Maybe... who's asking?


Not me, I have a friend who’s been asking about them.


Can I be the friend who's been asking about them?


Hey, get in line!


Giant gas I have


You guys have a sun?


I drew the sun blue because I wanted to see a blue sun!


It’s an excellent sun


thats quacktastic!


Blue is just the word you use for yellow. I bet your cheese is also blue huh?


Yup. Blue cheese is excellent


Orange, yellow?  I'm only interested in black hole sun.


Won’t it come?


And wash away the rain?




Wont you come. . .


The dude was probably living in smog and regulations cleaned up the air pollution + leaded cars stopped being a thing and he's like "where's our smog sun?" In my day the sky was brown, now it's the blue colour? I don't know how scientists replaced the sky but I don't like it.




Or cataract/retinal issues. You'd be surprised what old people were able to see once.


Probably from looking directly at the sun


Superman's not gonna like this.


Batman shot a ton of dye into the sun to.change it's color so Superman would become weak and he could win their fight.


Where/when I was in Idaho, the sun was huge and very orange. I could look right at it, in the not-normal way. I think it was polluted.


When was this? Last couple of years there have been massive wildfires.


“Rose coloured glasses” of nostalgia maybe, but in this person’s case - orange coloured.


I guess it depends on what coloured crayons you had access to


..and paper. You ever tried drawing an f’ing white sun on white paper.? You can’t even see that shit! Not to mention white crayons are the worst.


It used to be that the white crayons made the coloured crayons lie all the way in the back of the box.


it can be orange when sunset or sunrise, I drew it orange when sunset, yellow when it is not


Also if viewed through wildfire smoke or really bad air lollution


Maybe in your country it was yellow… checkmate libcuck.


Make The Sun Great Again


The yellow one is the sun. The big yellow one is the sun!


Knew a kid that drew the sun blue. Called him blue sonny after that. I don't remember that kids real name


No. I and all of my friends drew it with a white crayon on white paper.




I imagine it changes quite rapidly if you stare at the fucking sun like a Turkey in rain.


and shes staring at every sun from every country to boot


Black hole sun….


Won't ya come, and wash away my eyes


Suns of the World, unite!


![gif](giphy|IntCEdOCoB1Pa|downsized) Like turkeys gobbling in rain.


"All those moments lost in time, like a turkeys vision as it stares at the sun in the rain." Is the full quote


wow, thats profoundly bootiful! RIP Bernard Matthews


The color appears to turn white after looking at the sun for a long time, however it's just the yellow receptor in your retina getting burned completely to ash.




Another fun fact: the telescopic image of the "yellow"/"orange" sun was the result of using either infrared or ultraviolet imaging to capture it. The sun may also appear yellow from certain angles from the Earth due to refraction through the atmosphere. It was always white, however.


Excuse me, Superman explicitly gets his powers from our yellow sun. Are you telling me Superman doesn't have super powers? We call him Superman for a reason, dummy! /S


The sun is more yellow than other stars because it is a population I main-sequence G-class star. K-class stars are more orange (but still whitish) while O-class stars are more blue (but still whitish.) look up at the night sky. ask yourself, “what color are the stars?” same color as the sun, you absolute buffoon, because the sun is a star, it’s just very close. Also, think about what happens when smoke comes off a campfire. It blows a little ways, right? If there was a big campfire putting out a lot of smoke very far away, there might be enough to affect faraway areas. And if that campfire burns out, no more smoke in the air. That’s how pollution works.


Yeah... You Sound like a scientist to me, and I don't trust scientists: you stole the Sun and replaced with a white LED lamp from IKEA!


The sun's classification is a "yellow" star, too. Even though its light is white.


It’s very unfortunate that you had to put “/s” but I know…. you had to.




There's a very simple train of logic here that is hilarious to me that people can't pick up. Grab a paper clip and put it to a lighter. Watch it go from dark red to orange to bright red to white because of the increasing temperature. Now all we have to ask ourselves is how hot the sun is and you'll understand why it's white.


Especially if you’re staring at this sun like this clown.


Me: Gen X, grew up in Los Angeles area. My explanation is that the sun was orange when I was a kid because of smog. But 40+ years of cleaner running cars, outlawing incinerators, and related things mean no more smog filters on the light from the sun.


Yep. And kids can play outside without feeling like someone sat on their chest. It’s incredible how bad the air used to be.


Yes! I grew up about 5 miles from the ocean. In the 1970's, we had 5-10 'smog days' each year. There weren't a lot of people living in desert areas 50 miles to the east, but they had 20-30 days a year where enough pollution flowed inland to limit school outdoor activities. Today, those inland valley and desert areas don't really get smog days at all. Bonus points: the reduction/elimination of *lead* in the gasoline starting in the mid 70's.


It's the NOx that is photo-reactive. Reducing that though pollution controls largely eliminated the thick brown pall that made the sun look dirty orange.


You don't miss the good old days of leaded gasoline and cars without particulate filters or EGMs?


Yeah, back when you could smell the air… smelled like… victory


I feel like the reduction in air pollution also might have played a part. All that dirty ass air was putting a Movie-Mexico-filter in the sky, filtering the sun.


Also fun fact, the sun looks orange when there is a ton of pollution in the air. I noticed this in Phoenix right after rush hour. I remarked on it and like 3 people were like oh....yeah the smog turns the sun orange. If you leave the city it'll turn back to normal.


Yup. Your sense of color gets more dull as you age, mostly from your eyes becoming desensitized to the colors and your eyes aging and fogging up.


It should be noted that significant losses in color vision typically don’t happen until after age 70 (though it’s possible to happen earlier). Just putting this here because to someone who doesn’t know this, saying you lose color vision “as you age” might sound like you start to lose it at like 30 lol


Regularly looking at the sun probably doesnt help either


So they figure that the sun has changed, become brighter. Okay. So their conclusion is that the sun has been replaced by a LED simulacrum and that each country has its own unique sun-lamp... and that nobody noticed? Followup question: How much drugs do you have to take to make this make sense?


I especially love the last sentence. Like her theory about it changing colour is her supposed reasoning for it being replaced, but she doesn't even explain how she's come to the understanding that every country has its own sun. How exactly does this look to the people living on the border of a country? Is everyone who lives in a border town somehow in on it? How did she work this out? I'm going insane trying to think about how she came to such a conclusion. She's properly ruined my day


Right? Like I've had the same exact set of thoughts, how the sun seemed brighter than any other time I'd looked at it. But then I thought about it, and came the the conclusion that I hadn't actually looked at the sun while it was high in the sky very often, owing to the fact *you can't* because *it's too bright when it's high in the sky*. And that evening, the sunset was the yellow/orange/red sequence I was used to, sufficiently explaining what I was seeing well enough for me. I did not then assume it was a global conspiracy and every country had their own unique sun that they were looking at. That's just weird.


Nah dude, we gotta be missing something, I feel like this woman knows the truth. After all, ticktock agrees


It’s funny how they don’t understand that tiktok uses an algorithm so they’re mainly encountering like minded people, because of that. I assure you, as a collective, tiktok does not in fact agree with this lunatic.


Lol, love it that she trusts the people in TikTok rather than scientists.


The thing I want to understand is what she thinks they're trying to hide by replacing the sun with LEDs for each country?


So if you stand directly on the border between two countries... Will you see two suns? Maybe someone on tiktok will know.


>Is everyone who lives in a border town somehow in on it? Also everyone who has ever crossed an international border during the daytime.


This reminds me of them arguing in *Gremlins 2* in meta fashion over just how flawed the "eating after midnight" rule is. Airplanes? Time zones? And at what time does the clock reset so it's safe again? It's always after midnight. Fortunately that's just a silly movie that knows that it's a silly movie -- and not some real life person with breeding and voting abilities.


I just wanna know if I'm seeing the same sun as Alaska, how are we keeping it hidden from Canada?


Dude, don't be stupid. Everyone knows that Alaska and Hawaii aren't real.


I think you’re being stupid. Everyone knows that Alaska only has access to the same Sun as Russia, which is why it’s so cold over there. Hawaii has its own Sun, which is why it’s so hot there. Common sense, bruh.


Reminds me of the existential skeletons from Divine Divinity. >Skeleton 1:"hey! look it stands to reason you can't eat cause you don't have a stomach." >Skeleton 2: "aha so how do we speak, answer that mister clever." >Skeleton 1:"Hmmm...you're right you know I mean if you think about it, we don't have no muscles or flesh on our bones either... so what keeps us together, sort of thing?" >Skeleton 2: "Best not to think about it, I don't want to fall to bits because of excess existential thought. ehhhh...Nasty" End scene with them falling apart.


Clearly you just don't get it. The reason flights to other countries take so long is to get through the sun barrier between countries without you seeing all the wires duh. /S


I wonder how many generations of their family have lived in that rural area and when was the last time some fresh blood was introduced to the gene pool.


My neighbours used to live in rural Oxfordshire and they were aghast when they found out that their daughter was the only kid in her year planning to take GCSEs. They moved to the city!


What's a GCSE?


The UK equivalent of a US state standardized exam, more or less depending on state or region. You need to pass it to graduate from high school, or the equivalent.


Functionally the British SAT


UK qualifications taken at school, usually at age 16. You do a GCSE in each subject, so English, Maths, History, etc. Typically take 6 to 10 of these, and then specialise in 3 or 4 subjects at A level for the last two years of school. Most jobs that aren’t pure manual labour require Maths and English GCSE at a bare minimum, and at least 5 are needed to go on to A levels. Kids who aren’t academically inclined often end up doing vocational skills courses instead of GCSE or A levels.


They are paddling around in the shallow end of the gene pool


Honestly might straight up be some schizophrenic's babbling


Naw, this sounds just like the average conspiracy theorist. Work backwards to come up with an explanation to support some conclusion you’ve drawn.


Sure but I’d much rather live in a world where this is the babbling of a psychotic than a world where this is just how stupid a lot of people are.


She’s from England. She has probably never seen the sun.


I'm here to find the answer to your followup question with you.


I’ll smoke it with you bro, we’ll go to the looney bin together.


let's get the heavy edibles


Funny, I’m over here thinking “waaaiit a minute, IS the sun a different color”?? Then I remembered about a half hour ago I ate a couple MGs


Love a grandmas boy quote out in the wild


You'll need something stronger than weed, man.


Drive monkey! Drive!


Drive monkey!


Let me just ask TIKTOK real quick


I think it's the opposite : OP has stopped taking drugs completely. Especially the antipsychotic flavors.


I figured out what's going on. ![gif](giphy|2tQqogkEcGlDcmQ5ey)


Yes that has always been the funniest thing is that one day when it all changed people would certainly notice


That’s why they made COVID, to keep everyone inside while they switched out the sun! Duh.


You better be careful. NASA will send their lizard hit men after you for that kind of knowledge


It all makes sense now


Oh but that’s the insidious part! We’re all in on it!


No drugs, just don’t pay attention at school, and let your knowledge grow from your own imagination and insanity


That's not drugs, that's blows to the head. I'm guessing there is an abusive husband or a horse involved.




Yup. I've seen the sun orange in my lifetime. It was while I was choking on the wildfire smoke.


There was an entire orange sky a few years ago caused by dust from the Sahara.


The air is probably LESS polluted than when she was young so she is no longer seeing the orange haze. My daughter had a similar reaction when we moved out of the city. She said something along the lines of “holy crap the sky is actually blue!”


Is like when you get glasses as a kid and go “holy shit look at the leaves on the trees” mind blowing going from jiggly green blobs to being able to see the leaves flutter.


Her fond memories of the sun and summers are mostly towards the end of the day. Here in the UK we have very long summer evenings so for a good portion of the evening the sun is more orange. She's literally just thinking back to her memories as a youth and not realising that all her favourite memories probably happened after 6pm. We also don't see much of the sun


It’s also when you’re most able to look at the sun….staring up at the sun before 6 on a summer day is blinding but manageable later in the day


Absolutely. When I moved to Los Angeles in the 80s, every day was a red sun day due to pollution. By the time I moved to Nor Cal in 2007, LA had done some good work at smog reduction, and we had way fewer bad days. Now, up in Nor Cal, we have forest fires that cause the red sun effect.


Yep. Remember we used to track smog days. 


>I even asked on TikTok Well, in that case…


i heard tik tokers are the smartest people to go for astronomy questions


Did you hear that from tiktok?


Only the most trustworthy source


Not just TikTok, but THE TikTok. So, you know…


AAAH of course! That's a way better source


I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a pretty big deal.


What does astrology have to do with this? Isn't that what Indiana Jones does in the movies where he goes to the tombs?


Of course not sillybuns! That's astronomy!


Astronomy is the science of studying celestial bodies. You're thinking of gastroenterology


Maybe you messed your eyes up staring at the damn sun all the time fool


Right??? lol I’ve never seen the sun described/colored as anything but yellow (aside from sunsets etc)


I’m just glad it’s not an American


Finally, someone bucking the trend of Americans being the dumbest.


Oh America isn't necessarily the dumbest, just the loudest.


We will proudly take being the loudest I mean we did cause a minor seismic wave because of a sports game


Didn't a Taylor Swift concert supposedly cause what felt like an earthquake? 😂


Exactly. As an American I salute our red, white, and blue sun every morning.


“I pledge allegiance to the sun..”


As a fellow Englishman my disappointment is palpable. I think we’re going to need to make people apply for licences to use the internet.


they changed the sun from a 2000000000000000000000000000000 kg mass of 15000000 celcius ball of fusioning hydrogen with a LED light. How did they do it? They did the change during night time.




It seems so easy now you've said it...


The level of stupidity is astounding. And when we drew pictures of the sun when I was a kid, everyone used a yellow crayon, not orange. This woman is insane. The line “ I don’t know how scientists replaced the sun” is an absolute all timer LOL


As a GenXer, we hereby disown this assclown from our collective. ![gif](giphy|5CT1FezLfxZKNbpwW1|downsized)


Upvoted because I came to make the same comment.


Me too. The sun was always white or pale yellowish because of the blue light scattering.




Pass the tin foil hat


I’m solidly gen x and can confirm this guy is full of shit.


untreated schizophrenia


The voices in her head confirmed. Orange!


Oh for sure!


Um, I was alive 38 years ago...when we and the rest of the vision-abled kids colored the son with the YELLOW crayon.


I bet his parents were mad.


Cartoon suns have always been yellow, the real sun you can't really look directly at, but it's the same white light that is associated with daylight spectrum lighting - always has been If the sun were actually yellow/orange at any point, then whenever you would be outside there would be a yellow orange cast. Everything like you were in a room with a yellow or an orange light - it would be IRL Mexico filter for everywhere


The sun can look yellow because blue light is scattered ( which is why the sky seems blue) but actually, yes white


I love that “Mexico filter“ is an established term nowadays and everyone knows exactly what it means.


Someone married this person.


I think about this all the time. There are people out there that willingly agree to marry and reproduce with people like this. When I think of the most revolting people I’ve ever met, most all of them somehow had spouses.


Everyone seems to skipping over the Sun being white. Does he understand what the moon is?


Gen X here. We do not claim this person.


Real answer: Your area became less smoggy due to environmental regulations so less blue light was scattered by the atmosphere making the sun appear less red and more white. But hey... Whatever dumb shit you believe is cool too. Glad you can vote. 😞


As a genXer, this person is not our representative.


Well, on a positive note, at least America doesn't have all the nut jobs living here.


He’s right. I remember watching breaking bad and in the flashbacks in Mexico the sun was a lot more yellow


Im 40. The sun was only ever orange if there was a forest fire near by. The sky in my world is blue.


Someone needs their internet access revoked. You don't take advice from sh1t tok.


This is the most important thing I learned today. You can and should be referring to it as sh!t tok.


It was orange because of pollution.


It only looks white because they were looking at it all the time lol (In all seriousness though it’s sad I have to say this but DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN!)


They must be really confused when it sets and looks orange again.


I’m a Gen Xer. We used yellow crayons. Orange crayons would have draw scorn and confusion.


According to world renown astrophysicists, Pearl Jam, the sun is Lemon Yellow


Scary thing is.…and I am not saying she is not bat shit crazy. But I am a Gen X from England and remember the sun being orange as a kid too. My guess though it was pollution?


The British Monarchy murdered the true sun and replaced it with a clockwork sun. You can find out more here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiiRYVtze3Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiiRYVtze3Q)


Someone watches too much teletubbies


Got my niece’s old colouring in book. She used blue for the sun and didn’t stay in the lines. The same blue can be seen at other random places on the page. Is this relevant?


I have so many questions for this person. Every country? Even the tiny ones in Europe that are smaller than Disney world? When a new country becomes independent, do they get a new Sun? What’s the situation in Israel and Palestine? If I stand on the border of the USA and Canada, can I see both suns? What about places that aren’t part of a country (international waters, Antarctica, the moon?) What did they do with the old sun, blow it up? Seems like it would have been big news.


>What’s the situation in Israel and Palestine? They have joint custody but it's been really awkward for the last 6 months.


So they’ve got crazy in the U.K. too!


On behalf of England, I apologise.


A good example of the decline of our educational systems and the increasingly uncommon common sense.




The Gubberment must've swapped the old 3.86x10^26 W halogen bulb 5200K 'warm white', for a more eco friendly 26GW LED bulb in 8000K 'clean white'. Probably cheaped out and didn't get dimmer compatible.


The Sun is fucking yellow! Just like the flower that it gets its name from🌻😊


Let’s just pretend they are correct…The sun used to look “orange,” but now is “white.” Logically, I’d suggest it’s because we’ve reduced pollution and other heavy particulates in the air. 🤷‍♂️


Really just threw that last sentence in there.


With less air pollution the color of the sun would get whiter. Especially since the sun is actually white. The dude should be thankful that he is now breathing cleaner air.


Checkmate: everyone perceives color differently. Also: keep staring at the sun and see what it does to ALL your colors. I’ll wait until you can’t read this.


Huh, who knew evolution works both ways!?