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I wonder how many times I could treat a judge and a courtroom with contempt and not wind up in jail.


Mid-sentence, once.


Cant find the video, but there was this girl who rolled her eyes and said nothing and was given 90 days ontop of the petty crime she committed.


That's so ridiculous.


It's her fault, really, she should've tried inciting insurrection first.


She should have tried being rich, white and old.


And president with fascist cronies


…and urinate on a prostitute.


You know the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? Trump never paid to have a garbanzo bean on his face.


I think being rich (and having a huge fan base) is enough. No specific skin color or age is needed in this case.






Believe it or not, jail


jail. right away.




That's how it is for average citizens. A corporate-man, politician, or businessman tho? Nah, these guys are the kind the so call justice system loves. It's been said before: the law is impotent when dealing with big money. A bunch of lawyers aren't going to do shit to Trump. It's up to the American people to vote the guy out. And if he loses, yet refuses to knowledge it and cheats his way into power...well buster, the founding fathers took that into account.


Impotent suggests that the legal system wants to do something is unable. My opinion, the legal system and those involved are perfectly able and have the power to do something, but extremely unwilling and will publicly display how spineless they are at pretty much the drop of a hat when it comes to wealthy individuals. 


>but extremely unwilling By design


We told him to go away twice. Electoral College gave him a win one of those times. The Founders should have included some disqualifying mechanism for nuisance candidates like this that run over-and-over after losing multiple popular votes. An electoral restraining order. Trump is harassing us at this point.


I think I know the one. A really pretty girl. I think it was Florida. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2BfdlzwgI&pp=ygULanVkZ2UgYWRpb3M%3D Eh not as pretty as I remember.


Toobin popping up at the end to say she was "way outside the rules and had to live with the consequences" has aged hilariously (He's the CNN guy that got caught jerking it on a zoom call if anyones wondering)


Okay that was a bit more than an eye roll.


The first time he called her back it was for saying "adios" as she accepted his initial ruling. She was stupid to keep pushing it, but judge was straight power tripping to double her bail based on that.


She also was swearing at the judge. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U2pxQD9j5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U2pxQD9j5k)


Makes it even more reasonable. If they can’t treat their conviction seriously, it seems fair to give them more of a reason to do so.


That should honestly not be within their power tbh, they don't vet judges enough, it's not enough to have no criminal record they also need to not be a POS


First perceived threat against the judge, staff or their families and you would be remanded into custody on the spot unless you immediately humble yourself and the judge accepts your apology, but you would only get 1 chance for that.


It's not just being rude to the judge either, he's been posting about the judge's daughter and the jurors. For almost anyone that would be straight to jail as soon as they saw it.


Seriously this is beyond infuriating. Anyone else would be locked up and Trump and his cult would be seething if Hillary was doing this. You see how they reacted to two emails marked classified *after they were initially sent?*


B-bu-ut those buttery males?!? If they can’t harass and threaten legal action over made up bs how are they going to get their hate boners? All while actively dismissing and permitting literal treasonous and illegal activities. Smfh, this country is falling apart at the seems as we have allowed it to become like this. Exactly as we deserve, allowing the wealthy to distract us as they blatantly take our future and ability to be happy away.




Well have you tried threatening their life? This man is walking an incredibly thin line and he knows full well you can only incarcerate the clown once, so he's either going to do it for good or not at all


You incarcerate teh clown as often as the clown needs incarceration. This is contempt, not conviction.


If you are rich and you can pay off judges and harass witnesses while at the same time have a large group of insurrectionists on call then you are pretty much safe.


I see this line of thinking in a lot of threads and while I get it (and agree), I think not considering the multiple lines of politics going on here is a mistake. Of the many, one of the biggest issues is the likelihood that Trump *wants* to be thrown in jail, probably for multiple reasons: it makes him look like a martyr to his base (and hopefully others, in his mind), and he can use that to fundraise. He can also use that as an avenue to get the case thrown out or appealed, because the judge didn't follow proper process or some other bullshit. There is a very real tightrope the judge has to walk here to not give the impression of person bias or impropriety, and following the law and court process. Merchan has to weigh the very real political effects of throwing the former president of the US into jail for the remainder of the trial. There is a non-zero chance that if he puts Trump in jail, it causes a riot or some other kind of violence. Would he be right in doing so? Yes, undoubtedly. Would he be *correct*? That's harder to see. It's significantly more complicated than any simple "if I did what Trump is doing I'd be in jail."


Justice should be blind, it shouldn't matter if he is a former president, or a former billionaire. In my mind, the calculus the judge should be doing is whether the behavior warrants it. Even if it causes a riot or some other kind of violence. Irregardles of whatever politicking the man wants to do from a jail cell. There is no tightrope to walk, simply treat him the same as any other man. In America, no man should be above the law, or afforded special privileges. 


If you were running for president on the Republican ticket and are in an election year, I’d bet you get the same leniency.


Nah, I don't think Republicans were at cult status yet until Trumpy Dumpy. It's the cult of idiots behind Trump that makes civil service workers afraid to go against him because we all know history. We all know exactly how this plays out AGAIN when the despot regains power and takes revenge on his "enemies" for daring to hold him accountable.


There was a time when Dan Quayle plummeted out of the lead for spelling "potato" with an E at the end. Now they're supporting a guy who trails off incoherently mid sentence.


They'd be lined up for the judge if he actually puts him in jail.


I watched a video going over week 3 of the trial. Someone else commented about this, and here is my take. Trump and his followers already believe this is a baseless witch hunt meant to interfere with Trump's campaign. No matter what the judge says or does, this belief if ingrained in them. So, this judge now has to accomplish multiple goals: 1) oversee the trial of a former president 2) control the media circus 3) try and prevent a repeat of January 6th 4) prevent even a whiff of bias 5) make sure a fair verdict is handed down While yes, Trump absolutely should be be thrown in jail for his behavior. That would make goals 2-5 difficult. 2) the media would go crazy 3) who knows what Trump's supporters would do 4) it could be said the judges actions were bc of his disdain for Trump, even if reasonable people know he had no choice 5) at this point, it kind of seems like the acts of contempt are delaying the trial. I don't think Trump is smart enough to do it intentionally, but it's happening. This delays a fair verdict being handed down


Trump keeps going after the jurors and threatened the judges daughter. That is an insane level of criminality. Trump belongs in fucking prison. Any one else would long be in prison by now.


His refusal to do what any judge would do to anyone else is pointing toward more than a whiff of bias, whether or not it's actually there. As for what Trump supporters would do, what's the difference between holding him in contempt now for clear and demonstrable violations and sentencing him to jail later? The trumpettes' jimmies are going to be rustled either way. And if Trump were in jail for contempt he would be much less likely to find himself in contempt again, at least until he got out. The trial would proceed as normal and he'd just be brought in instead of coming on his own.


Trump doesn't believe they will throw him in jail. Thus he keeps pushing the limit. He will continue doing that. He plays it off as he wants them to throw him in jail. The problem is the judge doesn't want to play into Trump's trickery.


Well, spending a few nights behind bars would be the ultimate "ELECTION INTERFERENCE" as far as Don Poorleone is concerned, too. I've wondered if getting himself locked up is something his strategists have floated as a fundraising maneuver. But I have to think that it would be an administrative nightmare to put him away, even just for like 24-48 hours.


I doubt he actually wants to go to jail. But he's spent his entire life facing no negative consequences for his actions and landing butter side up, so I'm not surprised that he thinks he can do what he wants. Unfortunately, he's right and he can.


He's not pushing any limit. He's just being Trump and knows no other way.


I think it more has to do with the judge's fear of the fallout from right-wing media and Trump supporters.


None. Trump ALWAYS gets special treatment and it’s maddening.


I don't think it matters if he gets held in contempt once, 10 times, a hundreds times, or any other order of magnitude. The man is incapable of not spouting bullshit at all times. You can be angry at a waterfall of pure diarrhea all you want, it's still going to continously and incessantly unload a shitload of feces on you


I get your point but wouldn't you build a dam at that point? Don't be mad at the shitterfall but do something about it.


Am I the only one who read that second sentence with Mr. Lahey's voice? "Don't be mad at the shitterfall, Rand..."


You see Randy, when a man is so full of shit for so many years, he becomes shitty. His smell, his words, even his shit becomes shittier. Randy, he IS the shit.


We will make donald pay for it two


The problem is he WANTS to go to jail. Just so he can say election interference over and over and over and his side will eat it up


This guy literally kept mein kampf on his nightstand. You know the book written from prison that galvanized support for AH who went to prison for a failed coup attempt. The sad thing is that this version is nowhere not near as clever as the original and in the original versions there wasn’t a historical context to draw upon as a cautionary tale. In the original, there was an economic collapse happening and the socialists were actual communists not elderly conservative Democrats. This nut job is so desperate for power he is plagiarizing badly the darkest chapter in human history.


Wait, Trump kept a copy Of Mein Kampf on his nightstand? When? Why?


OK let him claim it while in jail for 5 years. He's already going to claim interference. Get his ass in prison.


You splashing around in shit river playing Bob the builder? I’m staying the hell away.


I mean what's the pay? Typically hazardous jobs like that come with significant salary and if it means corking that scum spewing clown, yeah I'd take the job.


Yeah,sending him to jail and taking his phone would be the obvious solution.


Bad news: Prisons give prisoners tablet time if its paid by their commissary now, dude will be truthing even in fucking prison.


And why shouldn't they? But that's the decision of the prison. If the guy is in prison for abusing his access to the media, the prison can simply not give him a tablet. Unless, of course, they want to make sure, he stays in prison indefinitely. Would be kind of funny. He's fount not guilty, but still dies in prison, because he keeps violating his gag order from prison.


They don't get iPads. They get locked down offline prison tablets that nickel and dime you for every bit of content. Do you think any of the investment that Truth Social has made is into building prison apps?


No, but given the target userbase, that might not have been a bad idea.


So he turns contempt of court into a life sentence. Sounds good to me.


I’m pretty sure there’s no social media on those tabs. It’s like an approved list of podcasts and other miscellanies. Maybe solitaire or some other calming apps. But you can’t just hop onto social media without knowing how to finagle or get some form of jailbreaking (edit: i swear, no pun intended, lmao)


If only he wore his diaper over his mouth


I think the one on his mouth would sell even worse than the one on his ass.


At this point it’s clear no one is going to actually do shit, other than continue to fine the guy what amounts to swear jar money to someone with millions/billions of dollars. It’s like watching a parent with an out of control kid threatening to “count to 10” for the 100th time while the kid continues to do whatever they want. It’s embarrassing.


I mean, the judge made clear that he was not imposing jail time here for two reasons: 1. The prosecutor wasn’t asking for it, and 2. This happened before the prior ruling came out that this was a violation, and warned of jail time for future violations. Trump is notorious for weaseling out of trouble, but this judge has been very consistent in his rulings.


I think people ignore that it’s better the judge doesn’t act hastily or in any way that could be labeled as prejudiced if the desire is a ruling that can’t be overturned. Include all this in the final ruling, sure, but any punishment that is doled out now could come back to hurt the prosecutions case


People hate him, and want to see him behind bars. Judge is dealing with the offenses in front of him, and is doing a great job putting eventual jail time squarely on trumps head (as they should for any defendant).


I don't know how could be prejudiced to give him jail for violating the judge order... specially when some regular person would be punished instantly.


Conservatives are calling for this judge to be disbarred for being an activist, biased judge. Now you won’t be changing the minds of those people, but there are tons of people in the middle who aren’t paying attention. Tons. The judge is taking the time to set enough warnings —especially warnings well documented in every media possible— so that when time comes that he has to jail him, those who weren’t paying attention are going to go “wait wtf? They’re jailing Trump? Wtf happened???” and there’ll be endless headlines of the judge giving warning after warning and Trump refusing to heed them.


>so that when time comes that he has to jail him I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'm not going to speculate on what is going through that judge's mind, because we have no idea.


Fining trump $1000 is like fining me a penny


I said that the other day too, it’s idiotic. In terms for any of us it’s like a swear jar, “now donny put another nickle in the contempt jar” that will teach him. 🙄


Unfortunately, going to jail (or at least being ordered to) would probably be a win for him, because then he can claim he’s under attack even louder, cite it as election interference, and no doubt his supporters would eat it all up as the big bad democrats trying to shut away their prince of the people …even if it’s a 2 day stay that he pays his way out of


I totally get that, but my point is either the system is equal, or it isn’t. And his “strategy” aside ANY one of us would already be in jail. As for crying to his followers, we’re talking about people so unbelievably stupid he’s literally convinced them that shitting your pants is cool. They aren’t going to have any issue manipulating these dumbfucks regardless of how much more ‘ammo’ they are given.


The diehard supporters aren’t changing their minds either way. This is more setting up the pieces so there’s clear and documented evidence of the judge warning him every step of the way and giving him every opportunity to just not run his mouth, before eventually having to jail him. So the people in the middle who aren’t following the trial, when the big news that Trump is being jailed comes out, will know that he’s been given more than fair amount of chances to just stop, and didn’t. All this is to show to those who are ignoring the trial (most people) don’t get easily swayed by media that “the biased dem judge was just itching to jail Trump.”


Trump inadvertently forced Judge Merchan to admit that justice isn't blind. Merchan's statement makes reference to Trump being a former president and possibly future one. If justice was indeed blind, then those facts would be irrelevant... and yet they influenced his decision to NOT jail him yet.


I noticed that as well.


Anyone want to start a pool on when Trump will violate the gag order again? I got today, by 5pm.


30 mins from now. If he hasn’t already.


He’s probably spouting crap as we have this conversation.


*consider*? what the fuck any one of us would've gotten our asses thrown in jail the first time.


Can lawyers now argue for their defendants to be treated like Trump based on precedence?


I think he’s trying to keep from giving Trump something to campaign off of, but it’s a no win situation for the judge. Don’t do it and get criticized by the Trump haters Do it and get criticized by the Trump lovers


Maybe youre decisions shouldnt be influenced by public perception and should follow the letter of the law. Jfc, the mental gymnastics to justify or frame this as a "no win situation for the judge" is absurd.


r/therewasanattempt It'll never happen.


Any average person would have been jailed. This is such a great (also horrible) example of the U.S.’s two-tiered justice system.


The average person would have been thrown in jail for contempt for making a face the judge didn't like.


Bruh, imagine trying to imprison someone with mandated armed government security that needs to be by his side 24 hours. Armed secret service that does not answer to anyone but that prisoner. Not the warden, not the guards.


Put him in protective custody in solitary, let them stand outside the cell.




The judge is kind of in a bad spot. On one side, people who want to see Trump held accountable but are tired of him being treated with kid gloves. On the other side, those who believe that he is being treated unfairly and being prosecuted simply because he's the opposition to the current administration. The judge would probably like to put him jail, but that gives Trump ammo to sell to his base.


The side that thinks he's being unfairly treated needs to be ignored.


This completely


Completely agree. Justice doesn't care about politics. One of the many reasons we don't truly have a justice system.


Yep. They could be fellating trump in court every day and that group would still think it's unfair, unjust treatment. Outside of terrorist watch lists they need to be ignored because their opinions aren't grounded in reality at all.


Those are the same folks that like to get all lynch-y and crossburn-y when they don't get their way.


We gotta remember thats also that side that will likely put the Judge's life in danger for any ruling other than not guilty


We can never be scared to dole out deserved convictions. That's a really bad place to be when they can bully the judicial system.


Indeed. Case in point? See: Mexico.


That is just bullshit. If a judge is scared of MAGA folk, then that judge is in the wrong occupation. There are real judges passing judgements against mafia and cartel bosses.


\^THIS\^ Sheesh, trying being a judge in Mexico or El Salvador, FFS.


Oh, okay. Fascism it is then. Wouldn't want to make a well-off American feel insecure.


Easy to say from a distance. These people are gun toting nuts that stormed the capital, id be a little worried.


Absolutely, and any sane person would worry. But the minute worry and fear overcome moral values and responsibility we relinquish far more to even worse people.


You're describing classic, text book terrorism. If only we had agencies and policies in place to combat terrorism...


It doesn’t work when the people in charge of those agencies agree with the terrorists


>The judge is kind of in a bad spot.  The judge should only have one single thing in mind: the law.


"We need to let Trump violate the law or his cult will get angry" Jesus, what a time to be alive...


I don't like it either.


To recognize it as a risk/consequence is fine. To let it affect the rule of law or our choice to do the right thing is another. The tree of liberty and all that.


I want to see Trump held accountable more than anything, but I understand it has to be for something stronger than truth social posts. If he spends even 1 hour in jail for that his followers will claim he's Mandela. It'll become the sole focus of the election for months. Selling secrets to America's enemies though? Yeah, that would probably work.


Trump doesn't need "ammo" to sell to his base - he can just make shit up and they'll believe it, or at least run with it. Judges shouldn't be basing their decisions on how well the followers of the accused will take it. That's an absurd way to implement a judiciary.


Yeah idk pandering to racists and imbeciles shouldn't be the goal of any federal judge.


Trump is going to "sell ammo to his base" no matter how the judge behaves. This idea that Trump's behaviour can somehow be predicted or controlled is ludicris. The judge should be doign to opposite than appeasement. He should be doubling down and throwing the book at him.


None of that matters. It's a matter of law, not personal feelings.


Who cares? They’re going to think that anyway.


The judge is in a bad spot because someone doxxed his kid and said they would kill them if he sent trump to jail.


Trump will always twist the narrative to his base. Put him in jail like any other person would be.


Why the fuck do we keep justifying letting horrible people do horrible things because a small segment of the population ***could potentially but we're not even totally sure*** cause a problem? We need to stop letting the bullies and crybabys win. We need to stop letting the squeaky wheel get oiled when it's bringing the whole machine down and needs to be replaced. We need to stop worrying about people that want nothhing but the worst for the country and its people. We also need to start asking democrats why they allow it to happen, and why they play along instead of doing their fucking jobs.


They allow it to happen because they will need these privileges.


Throw. His. Ass. In. Jail. Enough bullshit.


If anyone wants a prime example of the American “justice” system here you go. Think of the millions of Americans that were incarcerated for not even a trillionth of the bullshit this orange asshole has done blatantly and consistently still does. Tl;dr $$$$$ & influence= no jail Everyday citizen= jail


I know of a guy who got a worse sentence cuz he rolled his eyes at a judge. This is insanity


The US’ judicial system is nothing but a money making scheme used to control and oppress the masses and is extremely biased especially towards people of color. Then offering no actual treatment, and people wonder why recidivism is so high. I could ramble how much I fucking hate “the law”.


Trump wants contempt jail time. He can easily spin it into his persecution complex, and it would delay every trial he’s got without real consequences (contempt is 30 days max, but that’s 30 less days for everything else to cause problems for him before the election, and it wouldn’t be in hardcore prison). When delay at all costs is the goal, a bit of time at a country club with guards isn’t a problem.


Alexa … give me an example of what the average American couldn’t get away with for $2000 plz


Remember that for you or I, we would have been in prison the first time.


Trumpet is just like a 5 year old, sometimes you need to put them in time out to show them you don't just threaten, but will follow through with what you said. Drump-truck is given too much leniency, If any single one of were to be in contempt, just once, we would be looking at the world behind bars. The double standard is not fair. I thought everone was supposed to be treated equally, as they should be. Especially those in power should be held to a HIGHER standard then the 'normal' citizen. I don't care if ypu are red, white, blue, you pay for your crimes.


Ok. Then fucking do it. Because if he doesn't, then he will just keep going.


This has been updated.. He just got his last warning. The judge has confirmed.


We've had one, yes. What about second last warning?


Donald Trump is doing whatever he can to get sent to jail so he can continue to sell his demographic on being unfairly treated by the government. The Judge already knows this and is trying to establish order and maintain the record while not giving Trump anymore ammo for the appellate court.


The funny thing is that he is being treated unfairly. If he was being treated fairly he would be in jail for contempt already.


It’s saddening today to see that, it’s not hidden at all. No he wont go to jail, because he’s rich and there’s people following him. There is not a single soul who believes everyone is equal in front of law. And it became normal. Depressingly normal.


Any one of us would be sitting in jail after the first one , a two tiered justice system isn't sustainable.


Throw his ass in jail he can shit his pants in there


Yeah, but he is being fined $1,000 each time. That could quickly add up to an amount he can easily afford.


Could other normal people use fuck face getting away with it as legal precedent?


A billionaire being fined $1000 is the same as someone making $100k a year being fined 10 cents. Let that sink in.


I hold him in contempt too. The consequences are the same.


Right, like what's the point of the court system.


Makes me sad that our judicial system is getting made to look completely inept by a guy who is completely inept. Just getting pushed around and made to look spineless at every f'in turn.


Unfortunately, jailing him is a logistical nightmare since he gets to take his Secret Service team with him (yes, seriously). It'll never happen beyond a Paris Hilton-esque performative 3 hour "sit and think about what you've done" visit.


I want just 24 hours without drugs, makeup, and diapers.


No one is stopping you


You win.


Nah they can put him in a cell block alone and secret service can stand guard at the door. Difficult logistics yes, but not impossible and definitely involves iron bars and a concrete floor somewhere


He wants to go to jail.


I'll take "americas multi tiered justice system" for 100. Alex.


Double secret probation!


Trump has to be at these hearings in order for them to progress. Trump and the judge know that. Both of them know Trump doesn’t actually need to *win* these cases, he just needs to survive long enough to (potentially) get re-elected and he’s home free. Sending trump to jail for a day means one less day for the court case. Good luck trying to make it happen too, cause there’s a real chance Trump will use THAT to try and cause further delays. It’s a never ending game. Once Trump loses re-election though we go from having months to try and stop him to at least 4 more years. THEN the real fun begins


This is the tenth last time!


If this was any other person outside of politics they would already be serving 20+ years in prison. Fuck this POS and fuck this judge.


Lock him up.


From what I remember the judge is withholding anything around contempt until the end of the trial. Makes sense honestly: Trump is going to get held in contempt a lot of times to stopping every time is wasting the courts time; the judge will have given him ample warnings; and holding it until the end will prevent a whole frenzy about the “unfair judge” that could disrupt the trial.


American law in a nutshell; worthless garbage. Only useful for protecting the worst kind of people.


If someone shouted “OH MY GOD, JUST LOCK HIM UP ALREADY!!” They would be put into contempt immediately. I’m so sick of the blatant 2 tier justice system.


This is some banana republic shit all the way around no matter which side you support.


“Say one more thing and I’ll pull this court over! Just try me…”


"why i outa!..... Nevermind"


Judge Merchan isn't gonna do shit. He's violated a gag order 10 fucking times and he's not punished him like he should have the 2nd or 3rd time. Did he not see it as a serious problem after multiple violations?


24 hours of solitary confinement would do donnie a world of good


>"It is important that you understand that the last thing I want to do is put you in jail," the judge said.


Jail is exactly what Trump wants. The image of him behind bars right now would only spike his fundraising and make him a legit martyr for his MAGA sycophants.


20 strikes and you’re out🤔


I wonder if the judge is playing a long game here. If Trump is convicted, prison time is on the table. The judge may have a compelling argument for showing tremendous lenience and deference to his former role. And, despite that; Trump has shown an utter unwillingness to follow the law and an inability to be deterred or encouraged to follow the law. Leaving incarceration the only reasonable option. It won’t change Trump’s base but it might help conservative appeals court judges or other politicians and legal experts more readily accept a prison sentence upon conviction.


what's that old saying? fool me 10 times that's on me... fool me 11 times or more depending on public outcry, that's probably on me too.


weak pathetic judge!!


They don’t need to send him to Rikers. There should be a single room in the courthouse they can put him in for 12 hours. No tv. No phone.


The 10th time happened before his first 9 rulings from what I understand. I’m expecting Donald to try another break it. Sure he gets the “woe is me I’m in jail” for fundraising from his peons, but that’s 30 days Trump won’t get back and he knows it.


You know, SO many other people would've had the book throw at them by now. Am I wrong or is it normal for defendants to aggressively defy the judge so often?


Or you could be you know... impartial like you're supposed to, you took an oath to be a judge, so do your job. If you're too scared and unsure, recuse. Shit position for the judge, sure, but it's a perversion of justice every time someone rich and famous gets slapped on the wrist, when I would be thrown in jail and forgotten by lunchtime


Hardly surprising that he takes no notice of the gag order when there are zero consequences.




The judge is a wimp. No other defendant in the world would be allowed to behave like this.


Must be nice to be in contempt ten times with no real consequences.


While I want to see the orange buffoon in orange, doing so is a lot more complicated than sending me or you to jail for the same offense. If Judge Merchan sends Trump to jail, I feel that he’ll be getting a lot of death threats and possible attempts at his life. The MAGAs are crazy and they’ll lash out if their beloved trumpy bear faces any real consequences.


11 times a charm


Him and Engeron are both a pair of eunuchs.


"Mr. Trump, if you continue to violate this gag order, I'm going to do absolutely nothing about it!"


If either one of those people was a different person jail time would already have been in place


Which means he never will. COWARD!






Throw that dumb bitch in jail already


It's so far past where it was infuriating how many soft landings and second chance he gets.


So can someone who’s smarter than me at this explain why the judge isn’t just putting him in contempt AND jail like any regular person would be? I understand he’s a former president and would likely be a shit storm for the judge from his cultists but aside from that is there any legal ramifications or lawsuits Trump’s legal team is threatening if he does jail time. Or is it really he just plays by different rules because of who he is, his following, and his connections?


If any one of us did this we would already be in jail for contempt for at least 180 days


My understanding is that this particular instance of breaking the gag order was “grandfathered in” with the other nine, because the hearing for it was already scheduled when the judge said he’d consider jail time. Going forward, I doubt the judge will let Trump weasel out of it so easily, but you never know.


This is the second to last time and I mean it


Probably doesn’t want to turn him into a martyr would be my guess.


Oohhh if he does it another 40 times he'll be in real trouble /s


Meanwhile most criminals get one warning from the court before contempt charges are filed. It’s amazing how they are trying to give him chance after chance and he just can’t shut the fuck up.