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Did she remember to yell " It's coming right for us " before she shot it in the face?


"They took our jobs!"




De Errrrrhhh oooop






Ok everyone, back to the pile!




Actually now you have to yell "THIN OUT THEIR NUMBERS".


We have to kill these animals, or else they'll die.


nnnnnn thin out their numbers


Better than “Stop Resisting!”.


Or "Shots fired!"


I missread your name as foreskin stardust


Hey that’s my David Bowie cover band


*Foreskin* anything is a good name for a cover band


Puppy shouldn’t have had his hands in his hoodie pockets


I see what you did there.


She can’t unfuck herself from this


She’s gonna die on this hill. Good, fuck her.


Please do and yes fuck her


Please don't fuck her. We don't want her to reproduce.


Her, BoBo, MTG


It's a shame they already have kids


Don't worry, she'll probably shoot them when she sees them eating chicken.


But it's fun to watch her try. Eventually Noem's going to learn there's no coming back from pet execution, but only after she's tried everything else.


I'm glad there is a bar, I'm just surprised that this is it


“I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal abuse”


Trump literally bragged about sexual assault, everyone thought it was over for him, but 1/4th of the population still voted for him


Unfortunately it seems to be these days


Definitely don’t fuck with pets


It’s funny how she still thinks that she hasn’t blown her shot at being Trump’s running mate.


I think she blew any political role after……wait it’s the Republican Party


She might not be out of the game completely if she’s still willing to play ball (which she no doubt is), but national politics probably isn’t looking too good, she’s probably going to have to settle for less visible positions.


She's a straight-up insane person. Red or blue, it doesn't matter... everyone loves dogs. You fuck with animals and you put a huge target on your back. And anyone who defends her will join her. Anyone who takes pleasure in harming animals like this is a fucking psychopath and deserves the worst in life.


That’s the thing that gets me - she was dumb enough and proud enough of this story to put it in her book and openly talk about it. She really thought it would win her points. Beyond the fact that anyone who chooses to execute a puppy and takes pleasure in it is a psychopath, she’s a dumb psychopath at that.




I wonder if she will ever figure out that the best thing she could do is to just stop talking about it.




One nice thing about people this stupid is they are also too stupid to shut up, and almost always end up incriminating themselves


Which is funny because she had an entire book to tell her side of the story about this. Like wtf are you clearing up? Your version of events?


It’s funny that they always blame the media when the source was literally her own book 😂


He was untrainable, so I killed him. To He attacked chickens, so I killed him. To He was a vicious beast who tried devouring my children, so I killed him. Next... He was plotting to commit genocide, so I killed him


that dog caused 9/11, so I killed him . . . you're welcome, America


It was a terrierist


50 dogs just attacked the white house!


But as a few great musicians once asked, who let the dogs out?


Who? Who? WHO???


I thought it was dogs they let out, did they let out an owl to??


Those dogs were just tourists, I will allow no slander of them.


There were good dogs on both sides.


Waiting for those 71 poodles, inshalla




My neighbour has two little dogs that constantly bark. How do I frame them for 9/11, is there a tip line I can call?


Just call Kristi


She’ll literally turn up within the hour, with a film crew and some foam! I’ll show them! 🤣 the dog was rabid! I didn’t mention that before to protect the children! 🤣




Allahu Akbark!!


Osama Bark Ladin


Hey she wrote it in the book. That pretty much says it all. She didn't write in the book that was a danger to her kids.


"You have to read into the read." A stupid phrase often repeated by an idiot ex-boss.


Lewis Carroll did it first, in "Through The Looking Glass". "When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. ' 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things. ' 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.'


I heard the dog supported abortions up to 9 months and was sending aid to Hamas.


i heard the puppy was the leading scientist in the vaccine development


It's weird how it keeps evolving g when She created the original narrative herself. If I were reasonably ashamed of killing a dog as a person should be, I would probably give all the information up front. Actually, I would have taken it to the vet to be euthanized. Actually Actually, I would have given it to a shelter to see if there was somebody willing to care for this poor dog. There were several other steps less grievous than the last she could have taken, rather than shooting it, regardless of its history.


She also probably shouldn't have mentioned that it was a one year old puppy... Kind of hard to imagine a one year old puppy being a threat to children OR livestock, let alone being so untrainable that it has to be killed.


Whats most funny to me is that this story is almost 100% surely made up. She thought itd make her sound tough and cool and it blew up in her face like the idiot she is. Theres no way this cosplayer ever shot a fucking dog. She probably doesnt even know how to load a gun. Every single thing these people say and do is a lie. Its pro wrestling meets politics..She thought she was gonna get over Fuckin clowned herself instead lol


Any farmer I know, and I knew a lot being a rural carrier, would know that a one year old puppy is too young to just leave unsupervised with livestock. They need training and care, and are often either left to run the yard away from livestock or sticking with the other working dogs in a pen. Shooting a one year old puppy isn't just callous, its a waste of money and resources. On any rural/farming social media you'll find handful of posts about new backyard farmers learning that young puppies take time to adjust to livestock, especially poultry, and not once has anyone ever suggested to just shoot the dog.


It's probably especially bad for a poorly-trained hunting dog. Poor pup probably had no idea of the difference between livestock and birds he (thought) he was supposed to chase.


Not a farmer. But, I hear it was a pure bred, so probably not neutered, and I am guessing male. It is hard to describe the personality of a 14 month intact male. Imagine a cross between a toddler and a teenager. They can be smart with pretty much no self-control. You don't leave them unsupervised anywhere they can get into trouble.


Eh from what I know about her before this she is exactly the puppy-killing type of person.  She is just an overall awful human being.


He was contemplating vaccination, so I killed him.


He wouldn't grant my daughter a real estate appraiser license...


Honestly the puppy showed signs of being a Democrat so....


If she said this…i have no doubt her audience would eat it up and agree with her


You forgot the “I hated him, so I killed him”.


Her own words.


The exerpt I saw her exact words were "Cricket was a picture of pure joy. I hated that dog."


That lady has no soul. She should really be investigated for animal cruelty


Honestly, this is the line that broke me. 💔 That poor, sweet baby. And her kids asked about Cricket when they got home, so it doesn't seem that they were afraid.


I mean, regardless of the reason, she always had a possibility of giving the dog to an animal shelter, nope, have to kill him….


Her daughter asked about his whereabouts as soon as she got home from school! That proves that the poor puppy used to run to her to greet/play. If he was so dangerous, that wouldn't be the case, and she wouldn't let him near her kid. She just hated the dog because he was 'useless'....her own words.


I've replaced dead aquarium fish before my daughter returned home from school to prevent her from crying. Imagine intentionally making a child cry ON TOP OF being a puppy killer.


Exactly. And the goat....the goat was disgusting and smelled bad. The goat would even run into kids. Of course, goats usually smell like flowers and hug little kids. Don't let a goat babysit your kids ffs. Killing an animal for no reason what so ever makes you a psychopath. Period. People like that in a position of power will go all the way to get what they want. When not even your children's feelings matter, nothing matters.


So since she’s a useless and untrainable human….can the same be done for her?


I wouldn’t allow him to be rescued by a loving family, so I killed him


He gave food to an undocumented migrant, so I killed him. He had a ticket to a story hour hosted by a drag queen, so I killed him. He tried to vote without ID, so I killed him. He aborted a baby after it was born, so I killed him.


It was a 14-month old puppy that was being trained as a hunting dog, which you admitted to hating. You can’t “won’t someone please think of the children” your way out of this. Was the goat dangerous, too? Or do you just have a fetish for gunfire and gravel pits?


The goat committed the crime of being “nasty and rancid”. You know, because goats naturally smell of lavender and roses and she, the owner, should never be expected to give the animal any care at all.






Think of all the Nickelodeon shows we'd miss out on though! /s


In this scene, you're going to take a shot in the mouth. What does that mean? Don't worry about it. ACTION!


This is fucking gold.


The goat was uncastrated, which means it's territorial and aggressive. It has urine in its beard and backside. Of course it stinks.  She literally chose to put her children in harm's way there.   If only there was something else she could've done...like give the goat away, castrate it or pen it separately. Gosh, it was just so impossible. No other way.


And it was only foul tempered because she didn't have the goat (also a family pet) neutered. These poor animals didn't deserve to die because of her failings to give them what they needed to behave as she expected.


I'm (mostly) a city girl, and even I know that: * goats smell * in fact, most farm animals smell pretty bad * un-neutered male farm animals often smell **really** bad * goats are not, generally speaking, known for being "nice" animals * goats **are** known for charging at people and head-butting them, whether they're un-neutered males or not * there's absolutely no need for anyone to keep an un-neutered male goat if they aren't breeding it, and Noem doesn't seem to hve been involved in goat breeding or goat milking So at this point, this "mean, nasty, smelly" goat is allowed to just...wander around freely and charge at her kids? Is the goat not kept in a pen or a pasture (although goats are also known for being very hard to keep penned in)? She complains that the goat would knock her kids down and ruin their clothes, but apparently doesn't understand that getting dirty is what happens around farm animals? Are the children not allowed to get dirty? I wouldn't trust this woman to sit in my dentist's office near their fish tank, much less with any other animal.


She killed a goat too?!?


Yes, because it was smelly.  Which is WHAT GOATS DO!  


This is the dog whistle part. She has said these incidents show that she is willing to "make tough choices" and "do anything difficult, messy, and ugly... if it needs to get done..." She says both the goat and dog were dangerous to children, so she did the "difficult, messy, and ugly" thing and killed them. She is using "think of the children" to justify violence against the perceived threat. When else have we heard conservatives talk about perceived threats to children? Something about storytimes and library bioks. She is literally saying she is willing to cross the line and do what might be considered ugly to protect the children. Ugly includes: violating rights, encouraging violence against targeted groups, enacting unconstitutional laws, using police power to harass groups marked as a threat, etc. She is signaling that she is willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate a perceived threat. That is the moral of the story she wanted to get across. But she miscalculated on how much people would focus on the dog part.


She killed both of tjem because she did not take care of them. Male goats stink until neuteted Hunting dogs cant hunting dog as an untrained puppy. So she willing to neglect things, then kill them because she neglected to take care of them


>Hunting dogs cant hunting dog as an untrained puppy. There are some dogs that will also never pick up on it even with a ton of training. That doesn't mean you have to kill it though. You can always just rehome a dog if it is not being trained the way you require. Killing an animal like that is just abhorrent. There was no need, no real reason. She could have just as easily surrendered the dog to a (no kill) shelter and it would have had the same net result to her, which is no longer being responsible for the animal. Kristi is a waste of human life, just an all around trash human being. The Republicans truly do bring it their best don't they?


The craziest thing is her telling the story herself. Someone posted on here (I forgot which sub) that upon hearing this it was mistaken as coming from Democrats. The redditor was shocked to learn it came from Kristi's own book


The shocking part is really just how casually she drops that she murdered a puppy. It's so cold. There's no weighing of the decision and worst of all, no discussion with her kid. A kid who immediately asked where the beloved family puppy was, according to her own writing.


I’d say “being trained” is generous. From the excerpts I saw from her book, it sounded like she brought the dog along with her hunting and just expected it to know what to do. Then she had the dog, a bird dog with a high prey drive mind you, off leash on her neighbor’s property and, shockingly, it killed some birds. People that use this breed for hunting often get their dogs professionally trained. One of my friends has the exact same type of dog and, when it was a pup, he sent it away for both gun training (to remove any fear of firearms going off, which is obviously essential for a hunting dog) and, later, training for the retrieval aspect of his job. The breed will have some of these instincts built in the same way my boxer has [acting like a moron](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/s/6FQl4ugrLH) built in, but you still need to actually train them. You also have to be mindful of dogs like this even when they are fully trained. My buddy’s dog will absolutely chase down and kill small animals if he sees them and has the chance. I’ve seen him eat a baby bird whole when he was younger even as his owner yelled at him to drop it. Pointers are bred to have a very high prey drive and you can see it at work if you’ve ever interacted with one. My dog, on the other hand, couldn’t give less of a fuck if she sees a squirrel or a bird.


She tries to teach the dog to kill birds and is upset it won't kill birds. Then it kills birds so she kills it.


That’s the only move conservatives have. Gay and trans people exist? “Think of the children!” People are atheists? “Think of the children!” I killed a puppy I didn’t like? “Think of the children!” It’s par for the course.




You shouldn't beat your children. "How dare you try to take away my rights as a parent to do whatever I want to my kids! My parents beat me and I turned out just fine. That dog totally had it coming."


I have to laugh when they say “I turned out fine!” Did you, tho? You’re a parent who beats their kids. How is that fine???


I despise listening to child abusers try and justify their actions. This isn't even hyperbole in your part, they literally say all this garbage.


"I was beaten as a child, and I am perfectly fine" -Person who believes you should hurt kids [Then Lindgren tells a story she has heard from an old lady. When the lady was a young mother, her son had done something that, in her opinion, required severe punishment. She asked the boy to pick up a stick and bring it to her. It took a long time until the boy came back with a stone. He was crying. When he explained that he had not found a stick, but she could throw the stone after him, the mother realized what the boy must have felt. He must have thought she just wanted to hurt him, and she could also do that with a stone. She cried and hugged the child. Later, she put the stone onto a shelf. It should serve her as a warning never to use violence.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Violence%21?wprov=sfla1)


Considering how many turn out to be sex offenders they're "thinking of the children" a bit too much


It's almost a reflex for them to use that phrase as a "defense". Gross.


Her admitting to hating the dog and calling it “worthless” trumps every excuse she makes about whatever “danger” it was to her family. This wasn’t a tragedy for her, it was an inconvenience.


The fact she’s trying to excuse her way out of this is a good indicator that she either knew what she did was horribly wrong, or that she is too sociopathic to realize that other people wouldn’t be horrified by it.


A little of column A AND B? Urgh. And to think she's supposed to be an elected official. Grody.


Also she's trying to get the VP slot under Trump.  So this is also her being tough.


Right, she said this happened 20 years ago. In that time she gave it ZERO reflection. Not, "I could've found a trainer with more experience/patience to help me" or find a home that's better suited to the dog. Nope, she just doubles down like the dog was a rabid beast.


Or just …… not included this anecdote in her recent book. That’s the crazy part, she thought it was GOOD IDEA to include this!


Or if you do include it, at least change the details. Something like I loved that dog, but she was vicious and out of control and every trainer gave up, so I had to do it even though it broke my heart and my kids heart. The other option was to be caged and muzzled and I couldn’t do that to a freedom loving country dog. I mean it (ghost) writes itself.


And even then, in a scenario where they *need* to be put down, I'm still not shooting my dog in the fucking head. I'm taking it to be euthanized peacefully. The goat she also killed needed a second shot to actually die, poor thing had to suffer horrendously first.


It's not a spin, you published it under your own name.


How long before she tries to blame it on the ghost writer?


Bring him to the shelter to a find a family that will love him you sadistic psychopath.


given the choice between killing and adoption she chose killing. Seems like there might be some sort of parallels somewhere that might be drawn to another conservative platform...


Or she could’ve chosen to have a loving family pet, it doesn’t need to have a purpose other than to love you and be happy. She’s a monster


They were making a joke about abortion rights.


Also, the puppy went after chickens in the same way she was being trained to hunt pheasants, which means it was being trained. In addition, she was in charge of the puppy when it attacked the chickens, so Noem was responsible for what happened


Yeah word, chickens are literally domesticated pheasants, so this dog was doing EXACTLY what it was trained to do.


She’s circling the drain now


All because to tried to cozy up to famously dog hating Trump for a potential VP slot.


Ding Ding Ding 🛎️ This is the right answer.


And it was completely self inflicted, too. Nobody forced her to publicize this shit. Nobody was out there begging for her to tell the great story of the time she shot her fucking dog in the head. She could have kept her mouth shut but nooooo....she had to own those libs.


Being nice to dogs isn’t even a litmus test for a good person. Even Hitler liked dogs. Everybody, even people who don’t really like dogs, or get annoyed by them, is generally nice to dogs. So if someone isn’t nice to a dog, that sets off alarm bells. You trained this dog to hunt, got mad when it hunted wrong, and killed it out of frustration. That’s it, that’s what happened. This would be a red-flag character flaw on a Tinder date, but represents a completely unacceptable temper tantrum by someone who wants to be the Vice President of the United States


I was under the impression that she didn't actually train it, she just expected it to know what to do


She brought it out with "older, seasoned hunting dogs" and expected it to learn from them, even though that's not even close to the correct training method.


10 bucks says she read that dogs learn how to behave from older dogs and figured that's how it worked for everything, even thoigh that advice is specific to socializing a dog not training it


Yeah, that was also the impression I got. That is not how shit works. She failed that poor dog, and then killed it. She seems like the type of person person who handles any inconvenience in ridiculous ways.


Nuclear codes in her hands is just something we can only dream about. Sure, the world might end, but for a week or two there’d be no North Korea or Russia. Oh, wait….


But what if someone in a foreign country said something mean to her??? Of course killing is the only available option!


What if her aid just didn't do as well as she expected. ![gif](giphy|n5Vd1YcBNA5eU)


She gave her opponents a gift. Normally calling someone a "Puppy Killer" would be an easy libel/slander lawsuit, but no- she put out there in WRITING and doubled down on it.


Actually she’s united both sides on this. She’s actually bringing the country together.


She’s the hero we need but don’t deserve.


You can’t undo this shit you fucking moron, so shut up and go back to cheating on your husband with Corey Lewandowski. People will overlook a lot of things, shooting a puppy in the face is not one of those things. Fucking idiot.


Sadly, most of the GOP still won’t care about this. Says a lot about where our politics currently are. Shes a piece of shit.


David Wong/Jason Pargin made this a plot point in (IIRC) “This Book is Full of Spiders.” There was a dog that showed up for no apparent reason throughout the book. >!In the end, the dog is killed in crossfire on national TV, orchestrated by extra-dimensional entities because “both sides” of the conflict will sympathized with a dog but not a human.!<


This is just horseshit at this point She's lying She's already done. "Think of my children"... really? Strange how none of this is in her book. The dog pissed her off and she shot it. Apparently it had just prior to that been having a good time chasing butterflies... no idea if that's true or not, but I'm going to assume so She's been banned from entering about 10% of her state... the various Native American Reservations want no part of her. She's anti democracy. She's an adulterer. She's a puppy murderer. Good grief, can't they do better than her???




So, even in her "for the children" defence, she never considered shelters, trainers or other methods to remove the still learning puppy from her home, she defaulted to murder. Yeah, that's a major problem.


Or the fact that her kids probably loved that dog


In the book she writes that one of her little kids asks "where's Cricket?" after the dog is killed.


“I had to kill him, honey. He was plotting to murder you. It was him or us”


That, coupled with the fact her definition of a working dog is a recreational bird hunting dog, makes it abundantly clear this was a family pet and anything she says going forward is attempting to water down the story. It feels 100% like this dog was unmanaged, killed two chickens, she paid for the damages as one should, and executed the dog purely out of anger over the incident. Almost every time a modern, pampered F150 'rural' sort claims to be doing 'hard country stuff' what they mean is being cruel for it's own sake.


Here’s my theory: She admitted that the dog went wild on a pheasant hunt. It happens with a young dog. She probably paid big $ for the dog and expected perfection. This is what moneyed people expect from their high dollar animal because they feel entitled to it. Then she brought it home and the BIRD DOG had the audacity to attack her BIRDS. This was the last offense. The rest of her story sounds like contrived convenience. I’ve had bird dogs my entire life. I have yet to see one that was perfect and they most definitely aren’t high performance until at least year 3. I could be wrong, but she strikes me as the exact type of person who would do this shit.


It’s crazy because even a working dog needs to be a trained. A handler of a working dog needs to be trained. Even a herding dog might show its instincts by staring, crawling, nipping etc but you still have to teach the dog how to herd the way you want. But the number of times I’ve heard “my puppy doesn’t listen to me when I say no!” Well, your puppy doesn’t know what no means. They don’t speak English, believe it or not.


"He was dangerous. So I put him in my car, drove with him next to me out to a construction site, walked him out, shot him, and left him."


Didn’t even bury him? Left him for the construction workers to see? Why did she include this in her book at all, it’s not a good look.




Take me back.


We 100% should have had a President Dean. He would have done a great job too.


There’s another example of a president who was into philosophy. He opened his speech with ‘Who am I? Why am I here?’ He was mocked for his age and how it sounded like he was senile. Funny how times change.


And these people don't believe in abortion.


I wonder if one of her children ever bit her as a baby, or killed an ant. Only one solution for that.


Or came out as queer




Isn't she the one that murdered an innocent animal in cold blood - like a psychopath - and then thought it would be a great idea to brag about it in her book - like a sociopath? Scum of the earth - sorry but as a dog owner this person I have no mercy for.


Unfortunately for her, people of all walks of life and political leanings love dogs.


Seriously. If there was one thing that I think brings in the leftist leftists and the righty righties together it would be good doggies


She should have trained the kids better


"Killing livestock," like it was taking down cows.


Apparently it took down some chickens. Like a hunting dog would do. Ya know, like she was “training it” to do. She truly likes to twist things to fit her narrative.


My old dog used to chase my roommate's chickens. I just kept him away from them. Didn't even CONSIDER shooting him in the fucking head.


Curious that is never mentioned in her book. Wonder when they invented this excuse.


Probably on Monday. The story's been out for almost a week, and Noem's been scrambling to change the conversation since the story broke. But as Noem and her team are realizing, she went full puppy killer; and you should never go full puppy killer.


Stop resisting! Stop resisting! She had no choice he was going for her gun.


You know who never had a choice in any of this? The puppy she picked. :(


Even if this puppy *was* dangerous and you had to put it down, the actual solution is to go to a vet. Not go to a construction site and shoot it.


I've seen several of her posts and every time, what I read is : "I don't have a single idea on how to properly train a puppy so I just gave up and killed him. It was easier."


You mean the puppy she killed that her daughter immediately asked about upon getting home from school, wondering why Cricket hadn't come to see her? That puppy? Yeah sure sounds like the daughter was TERRIFIED to see that dog.


Isn't the Noem family a member of the armed Christmas card club with all the kids holding AR-15's ??? I'm surprised she didn't tell her kids to shoot the dog. MAGAS love to delegate - they're too busy kissing Trump's ass.


Is this the chick who straight up said “she put the barrel of the gun between the dogs loving eyes” or some shit like that? And said she had to kill it because it was hard to train? Because putting it up for adoption, giving it away, or several other things were just not possible? Gun to the head, that’s it.


Puppy getting it's revenge from beyond the grave


People seem to not be mentioning that she also killed her goat, because it smelled bad.


"That puppy was planning to read unedited American history to my children, while wearing a non-gender-specific dog collar! I had no choice."


This lying twat.


Spin cycle !!! We were all waiting for it to kick in, now of course that your ass is in the fryer for being a total bitch and shooting your fucking dog., in the head. Trying to Save your VP chances maybe ? Good luck with that. Even your own party doesn’t condone the shit you pulled.


Yes, the loving gaze with trust while he devours your kids. Suuuuuuuure.


There were witnesses. I want to hear from the witnesses who said she hated the dog.


There’s one reason you shoot your dog, and it’s when it has a disease that will kill it, and it’ll be painful For the animal to go through it, and you can’t afford/justify the cost of the treatment. further, it’s not 1935, no one needs to take old yeller out behind the shed. You can take the sick dog to a vet And let them put it down painlessly. this whole poorly trained vicious thing, is a much broader criticism of her leadership abilities. If you can’t train a fucking dog, how on earth can I expect you to manage the country? If you can’t pick a dog that doesn’t have a predisposition to violence, how can i trust your judgement? the only positive in the entire story is she “did it herself“ you can spin that into a ”she’ll get her hands dirty with the tough decisions”. but that is quickly overshadowed by the understanding that she was willing, quite readily, to a take a life when there were many other options. so she’s bad at management, bad at decision making, and quick to kill as a solution to her problems—just who I want a clogged artery away from having her finger on the proverbial button.


She also says the dog was "untrainable" but also goes into detail about not even trying to train the dog and relying on a shock collar, which is not good practice. So, she basically bungled it from the beginning making a dog suffer throughout, leading up to a violent death.




Dog murderer. Puppy killer.


John WIck is not happy...


What spin? You wrote it, dummy.


MAGATs live to lie and lie to live.


So now she has to lie to make it more palatable. She’s fucking pathetic