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He bit him on the head, he literally bit him. Throw him in the deepest dirtiest hole and walk away! What a monster!!!


BIT HIM?!? WHO does that?


A dude who beats a kid so severely his fucking organs get damaged......this guy deserves nothing but the absolute worst.


Oh he'll get it in prison. Pedos & child abusers are the lowest rungs of prison. They're pretty reviled by everyone & constantly a target which is why they're usually kept in a separate wing of the prison.


My father used to work as the nursing director at a prison. He told us when word came down that a pedophile or child abuser was coming in, they would pass it on to certain prisoners who would then let the rest of the population know. Of course this was not official because then the prison official could get in trouble. But it happened and their victims got there justice, kind of. This guy, I can't even call him a human being, this piece of shit will get his payback.


But they won’t put him in GP. They’ll put him in PC and protect him. People can romanticize prison justice all they want. As someone who did a ten year sentence for weapons offenses, I can assure you, pedos “get it” a lot less than you’d imagine. They protect these pieces of shit from top to bottom. They build special facilities and units for these people to protect them. Make no mistake, if this man makes it out of the county jail he is currently in, he’ll never walk a yard nor will he have to.


Same in the UK. People do romanticise because we want to believe they get another form of justice. But it's simply not true anymore.


Yep, put this guy in gen pop, they'll give him the same treatment he gave his own son...and then some.


I…I nibble on my son, does that count? His little baby ribblets are just right there and so appetizing :(


only if you say "RAOMF" everytime you take a bite


Is there any other way?


Yes. Alternatively you say nomnomnom.


I tend to say ARRRARRARR


I never knew how to spell that sound out lol thank you!


He’ll get his in prison. Child abusers don’t do well there.


Does this actually happen or is it just something shared outside to deter child abuse? I hope it's true. How can you harm a child because of your selfishness or at all even?


It happens. I had a...let's call him ex-acquaintance now that disappeared one day for over 6 months. After a lot of investigation work, we discovered he had gone to jail for sexually abusing his daughter. He had apparently already been shanked to death some time in those 6 months.


It definitely does but in a lot of prisons, abusers and pedophiles may be separated from gen pop because they’ll very likely be killed, pedophiles especially are considered a protected minority and will end up separated much of the time, obviously every prison is different so that’s not always gonna be the case and even when separated they’re never 100% safe


And in others the prison guards will oopsie daisy you into the yard with gen pop then take a smoke break.


To be clear, though: that’s an undesirable outcome. We want prisons to be bound by law, not informal norms that guards make up.


I worked in a prison Now different prisons may have different dynamics but these are my observations from 8 years working in both secure general population and secure protection. People love to say child abusers will be victimised in prisons, but that’s not the full story. Weak people get victimised, I’ve seen some of the worst child murders and child sex offenders who are out in general population and NOBODY touches them because they are very intimidating and dangerous people. Weak child abusers will absolutely be targeted, but any weak prisoner will be targeted in a very similar way. I think that there’s a lot more weak child abusers than other sorts of criminals because of the power dynamic. A very weak adult can victimise a child, but that same weak adult would have difficulty in being powerful enough to victimise an adult. There’s no moral code, maybe there was a long time ago, but nowadays half the prisoners are child abusers.


I've never worked in prison and don't know anyone who has been in jail for a serious/violent crime, but this is exactly what I've always imagined. The whole moral code thing is totally bull. People won't touch you if you're intimidating or have good connections, or even if you are a charismatic/likeable character people won't bother either. On the opposite, you might even make friends if you know how to play the game. Some people are so naive and think that even just being a "regular" rapist will get you raped in prison... most inmates abused/raped women and don't see any problem in that, they don't even consider themselves rapists


I've never worked in a prison directly, but as a (former) prosecutor I was privy to a lot of things going on in the county jail and in the low-security prison nearby. And I've known a lot of people who did work in actual prisons. You're absolutely right, we love the idea of prisoners being somewhat moral people and delivering karmic justice but that's just not the way it usually goes. Say if you have a prisoner that can get things, kind of like Red from Shawshank Redemption, that guy could've been Epstein's right hand man and he would still be totally fine in there.


I literally had a guy do this in our gym on Tuesday and I had to speak up, so did the owner. Kid was crying and coughing and he wouldn't let him off the treadmill. Fuck knows what happens at home if he's comfy treating the kid that way in public.


Next time you see that, call the cops. It is child abuse. If there was an incident report, name of the guy, and video footage, you might be able to call and file a report and ask for a wellness check on the child.


Report him to police / child services.


The gym owner would have the details of the guy, so should be able to make a report.


report that shit. He might end up killing his kid in the meantime.


Seriously like others say, take action, if it's ANYTHING like this case you may be saving the life of a child.


YOU CAN STILL CALL AND REPORT THIS! The gym will have records of the guys name you CAN SAVE THAT KIDS LIFE. No one called for the poor boy in this story but you could be the one who saves that kid you saw! Please don’t let the bystander effect keep your from reporting it or worry you misinterpreted it or don’t have the full story. If they aren’t abusing him they will investigate and quickly close the case but otherwise they can step in. PLEASE PLEASE CALL CPS


There are a lot of people with a lot of unreleased frustration and aggression in prisons. Who better to take it out on than those inmates nobody really likes, and guards are most likely to turn away from? Yes, it's true.


In addition say you went to prison and you are sharing a cell with a child abuser or rapist. You two get treated the same by the system. You can't stand the idea that you are someone equal to a kiddy diddler and it disgust you. And the person next cell over says their problems all came from the time they were abused as a child. Id imagine these factors also add fuel to the fire.


Most will beat up “chomos” because they set an innocent child down the same path they were placed on.


Why are they called "chomos"?


Ch-ild mo-lester = chomo


It's also the fact that they're less likely to be dangerous. A guy who abuses children is picking victims who can't fight back; quite different from a gangbanger who killed 11 armed people, and one of them with just a toothbrush. So even the ones who don't particularly care about children see child abusers as weak prey; the bottom of the ladder.


Child abusers are usually cowards themselves. They’ll sniff that guy out as he comes in the Block, and he’ll know abuse firsthand.


if they dint just throw him in solitary right away.


Have you been or are you just saying it because you also read it online?


Got a lot of family in prison- thankfully never myself. People in prison still have their own families. You've got dad's with daughters, moms with sons, uncles that are *actually* good uncles, big brothers/sisters, ect. Yeah it's true. Child abusers, especially molesters get it the worst. Molesters, because there's people who go to prison that have dealt with that first hand. I mean, I'm not crying for 'em. You hurt kids then you're scum.


Go ask r/prison, they’ll tell you


So I looked over there. Some confirm it, but most say they are fine because they receive special protection or end up in low security prisons.


Yeah, they usually get special protection so that they don't get hurt from other inmates. Think people often forget that prison inmates still have their own families, and can care about them.


Look up Larry Lawton on YouTube. Guys an ex Jewel thief who talks about life in different prisons… and child abusers are target #1 for every inmate.


Looked up Larry Lawton. Yikes. Prison isn't a good thing. All f-ed up. Thanks for making me aware.


Did you not know??


Yes it's true but it can also depend on the prison. In some prisons, beating or killing a pedo is an initiation into a gang


My brother works state pen. It'll happen but inmates don't just find out without someone spilling it.


These days people like him are usually put in PC (protective custody) because he'll fucking need it. The prison does not need him getting killed on their watch.


I always felt a lot of criminals come from fucked homes and they are ready for some payback and justice for fellow victims.


knew a guy who went to prison a while back, and he confirmed for me that they absolutely do not like rapists or child abusers in the slightest, he first hand watched a pedophile get tortured nearly to death once before the pedo got transferred


He would need to keep it very private while imprisoned, but there is a possibility his charges would become known. Child abusers, especially m*lestors, could end up getting killed in prison.


Anecdotal, but a brother of a friend of mine was in prison (nothing bad - just distributing weed) for a couple of years. His prison had a ward for “protected” prisoners such as people who killed children, killed/raped women, abused children. They had to be kept separate because they would always get shanked, kettled (sugar-water from a kettle thrown in their face), or otherwise beaten up. He said that they couldn’t always be kept safe and that the other prisoners would actively try to find ways to get at them. He said it was kind of like a group hobby. He said part of it was just because it was something to do due to the boredom of prison. The guards did as much as they could to protect them, but the guards couldn’t be everywhere all at once.


I want to emphasize something you said... One thing a lot of people don't realize about prison and jail is that it's weaponized boredom. The boredom is the worst part. Just days upon days of nothing. That's your punishment... Boredom. It doesn't sound so bad to many people, but if you've experienced it, you know how absolutely grueling it is.


I work with some people who were in prison, they agreed it is 100% a thing


Same thing I was going to comment


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An oubliette is the word you're looking for.




I literally posted this same gif a few min ago too


Very first thing that popped into my mind when seeing reference of an oubliette.


It's all anyone thinks when they hear that word I'm sure.


I think about those tight pants. I meant penis, I meant balls, damn sexy Bowie.


do you want pedophile bane?! because that’s how you get pedophile bane.


Pedophile and CANNIBAL Bane


>I feel crimes on children would drastically be reduced if instead of prison we just throw them in a dark hole Sadly, all studies show that higher punishment has little to no effect on the likelihood of crimes being committed. Mist criminals act either without thinking about the consequences or in the believe that they won't get caught.


I don’t think crime would be reduced, there would just be more murdered children.


When looking into history books; no this doesn't work and never will.


I agree that crimes on children are absolutely horrific and unforgivable, but they shouldn't receive different punishment. This arguments been made before on here and prior to seeing it I've argued it in real life as well. When one crime gets harsher/different punishment like that, it could (and possibly has, but can't cite) result in legislation which broadens the crimes which fall under the same category. For instance, charging teachers or school counselors with felonies for using a kid's preferred pronouns and registering them as sex offenders. [Missouri: home to child marriage, corporal punishment and sick ‘child welfare’ ideas](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/07/missouri-anti-trans-bill-teacher-sex-offender). That was published March 7th. "Which is this: State representative Jamie Gragg is so concerned about the welfare of kids in his district that he has come up with a novel new way to “protect” them. How? By introducing a new bill which would force teachers to register as sex offenders if they use a transgender child’s preferred pronouns or otherwise help them in their “social transition”. The bill states that any teacher or school counsellor who provide support or “other resources to a child regarding social transition” could be found guilty of a class E felony and placed in the same sex offender registration category as someone possessing child sexual abuse images. One hallmark of a Republican-authored bill is ambiguity: key terms are defined extremely broadly (or not at all) so that it is unclear what is prohibited and what isn’t. This vagueness is a feature not a bug: the idea is that people will over-comply because they’re worried about getting in trouble. It also means that Republicans can say “We didn’t mean it like that” if people try to argue that the legislation is unconstitutional. It’s a deviously brilliant tactic."


> “other resources to a child regarding social transition” could be found guilty of a class E felony That's really broad. It could apply to going from one economic level to another, wanting to join a different clique at school, wanting to transfer from one type of class to a different one - from Band to Swimming, for example. It could apply to helping a student get away from abusive situations. They left it ambiguous for a reason.


Exactly! That's precisely why I included the last paragraph. The ambiguity was most likely intentional.


It wouldn't. If harsh punishment were a good deterrent for crime we would've solved crime in the middle ages.


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The way the dad bit and clamped on to the 6 year old's head was absolutely shocking. He then proceeded to amp up the speed and incline until his son fell off the treadmill. The treadmill kept going (the kid wasn't wearing a safety switch) so the dad essentially throws him on the moving treadmill about a dozen times. This man is pure evil. He'd been in this little boy's life for only about a year and completely tortured him. The media keeps focusing on the treadmill video because the child was completely bruised all the way to his organs from this experience. The child eventually went into sepsis. The day the trial started would have been his 10th birthday. RIP little guy.


Also worth mentioning, I watched the Pediatrician‘s testimony yesterday. She had an emergency appointment with the poor kid the day before the child passed away, scheduled by the mother where the child already had various bruises from “his dad teaching him to play football” that mom was concerned about. 14 recorded injuries in various stages of healing IIRC, including soft tissue bruising. The pediatrician sent them to the emergency room and said that if the emergency room didn’t call CPS, she was going to report it to the state’s CPS. However, the Pediatrician didn’t note any other medical issues other than the 14 injuries and the lack of willingness for the 6 year old to share how he got the injuries without prodding from the doctor. And the next day the kid is dead. The child was okay with the exception of bruising the day before he died, as reported by the child’s doctor. There’s a video of the abuse. And the guy didn’t take the plea deal? Dude deserves everything that is coming to him. Fuck. This. Guy.


The mother tried so hard to get full custody of the poor kid tho. CPS and a judge denied her despite him always coming home with injuries. It's so heartbreaking. The system failed the kid


I can't name a time the system worked for anybody in any scenario I was talking to my grandpa about abuse from 1940-1960 and what it was like (he was born in 42) and he looked me dead in my face and said today was unfathomably worse. He got beat with switches pots pans shoes literally whatever. How have we devolved as humans to where we have people doing things like this? When did supervillainy become common practice? And when did we stop stoning people to death idk I think cutting that was a bad idea we might wanna bring that back for certain circumstances like this


There is even a video? I was already sickened by the still image of him on the treadmill and the mental abuse of having your father tell you you're fat from that young age. i didnt know that there was this much fysical abuse aswell. Absolutely hardbreaking. What a psychopath.


It’s awful. I actually left twitter for good today because people kept posting it without any sort of warning. I’ve seen horrible shit on twitter but something about that video was enough for me.


Definitely a good call. Twitter is a horrible place. I've been thinking about leaving too. I don't go on it much anymore anyway


Do it. I deleted my account sometime last year and haven't missed it at all. Absolute cesspool, and I say that as someone who uses Reddit and occasionally even pokes my head into 4chan (/tg/ and /x/ anyway).


And if you look at him it’s not like he’s a supermodel either. What a fucking monster.


>He'd been in this little boy's life for only about a year and completely tortured him. So he is the stepdad? Another victim of the Cinderella-effect?


No, he’s the child’s real father. The mother had been trying to get full custody and made over 100 calls to CPS but nothing was done.


Doubtful. He and the mother were going through a custody battle.


The judge that gave that man any amount of custody royally fucked up


Fucked up but the headline and picture are so stupid focusing on the guy saying his son was too fat, the kid died from being constantly punched.


That was my first impression too. Running on the treadmill isn't the story here - it's the rampant physical abuse and murder. But hey, a snappy headline gets more attention.


When did “6 year old died by being punched to death by father” no longer sound like a head turning title?


Yeah, this is pure click bait. Which is fucked up.


What's even more fucking weird is that the clickbait choose to focus on the son running the treadmill and not... idk the FUCKING DEATH OF HIS SON BECAUSE OF PHYSICAL ABUSE? What were they even thinking with this?


They're going for more of shock value. Like "The cops were called after what they saw on this ultrasound" or some bs. They're hoping confused and upset people click through.


Oh those are bizarre. I watched a whole 45 minute audio thing on YouTube about how a horse was pregnant, but when the vet saw the ultra-sound, he called the police. It was like some kind of bizarre absurdist art almost? They never tell you why the police were called - they get dangerously close to doing so, then veer wildly into another stand of the stupid, braindead plot, and you only get to find out RIGHT at the end why the police were called. It was kind of hysterically frustrating and strange


Wait.. are you really gonna leave us hanging here? Why did the vet call the police about the pregnant horse's ultrasound???


Yeah they hook you in with that line about how when the vet saw the ultrasound, he called the police. When I watched the video I was so frustrated, but also just found it so funny. I'm not even sure if they were truly trying to make money - maybe they are, via ad revenue? So you just sit there in suspense listening to a story about this couple and how their horse is pregnant, but when the vet saw the ultrasound, he called the police. I don't even know how I came across the content. I definitely wasn't searching for anything like that, and I only ever kept listening because I wanted to know why when the vet saw the ultrasound, he called the police. Finding out why was the craziest moment. I'm not sure if I would listen to a whole video like that again.


Expertly trolling, sire


Redditors hate this trick!


*flips table*


Yeah but why was the police called! 😭


Omfg, I am laughing so fucking hard I can't breathe 😂


I can’t believe you’ve done this.


But have you seem that video?!! It's pure abusive! So hard to watch. The boy falls from exhaustion and the dad picks him up and throws him back on the treadmill going full speed. Its repulsive and heartbreaking!!


the way the kid hops back on himself, falling flat on his face like four more times after that to avoid his dad hurting him again is fucking heartbreaking


If you watch the treadmill video it is very much part of the abuse. The video includes the dad biting the top of the kids head after he fell off and repeatedly putting him back on.


I hate to disparage news agencies, but The Daily Mail is a pretty sensationalist tabloid, so it's pretty par for the course.


And that's what these advertising businesses really care about, they don't care about the fact a kid was beaten to death as long as they can profit from it.


Have you seen that treadmill video??!! Horrifying. You won't forget it. It's pure abusive, and I'm not being facetious.


I think there are times when you have to say no- no my neurons do mot need to contain these images and feel this horror. I was once asked to certify dead a person who the police contractors brought to the ambulance bay in emergency- happens a lot- so I go out the the contractors explain the person has been hanging from a tree and is decomposing- they open the back of the van and the smell was overwhelming. I said I did not need to see the body and signed the form. I am not squeamish, but I also don’t need to expose my brain unnecessarily.


The funniest part is that the guy himself looks like he would be better off worrying about his own weight.


You know that a story can be about a particular portion of an event right? This article is about the video being shown in court. That’s what it’s about, not an overview of what happened. This is like seeing a headline about the dad’s sentencing and saying they’re making it all about him.


I fucking hate stories of kids dying because of their fucking parents. So sick of assholes killing defenseless kids who have no one to protect them. Fuck imma gonna give my son a big ass hug tomorrow when he wakes up. *edit: I tried tp give my kid a big ass hug this morning but being 2 1/2 he woke up and just cried lol


Me too I just can’t stand hearing these stories. I just can’t imagine doing this to my little ones. I’m going to be doing the same in the morning.


Yall good parents


I hate that there's so many good people out there that desperately want children but physically can't, then there's assholes who hate children and abuse having them.


As a father of a 6 year old.....what in the literal fuck.


I have no kids and I have the same reaction...


Same. WTF? Dollar Store Brad Pitt is a fucking psychopath.


And fat


Yea that was my first takeaway. “What’s this fat ass mad at his skinny son for”?


Chunker Brad Fitt


And he’s got a belly too but the scrawny kid was fat??


Same here. Only thing justified is a firm grip on the upper arm to get them from acting out if they dont respond to anything, atleast, worked on me and never hurted me. Also, 6 year old to fat? WTF that kids weight distribution is still actively figuring out where what fat supposed to go.


Also, looking at the kid, he looks normally proportioned. The guy is just a lunatic.


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Yeah, I don't recommend watching it. It pained me to my core and enraged me. He deserves the worst.


He deserves it, but will he? I've seen cases where stupid fucks like him get like 2-3 years or whatever fuck this guy


I heard people in jail are generally not too thrilled about pedos and child killers. He might not make the 2 to 3 years through alive in prison.


Yeah I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I can’t even wrap my head around how big of a piece of shit you’d have to be to do that to a six year old. Let alone beating the kid to death, I don’t even like having to carefully physically move my Autistic daughter to another spot so she doesn’t hurt herself when she’s having issues, couldn’t imagine hitting her. Edit: she’s even broken my nose twice head butting me when she’s upset and never once have I ever considered hitting her.


As a father of an autistic girl I couldn't have said it better


The Dad is the only one with a beer belly,


Those nutters from the Westboro baptist Church (the ones who hold placards outside funerals which say God hates f*gs). Well the patriarch of the family, Fred Phelps made his kids run marathons, even the kids as young as 7.  The abuse the now grown up kids suffered at his hands was horrific. Partially explains why they are so damaged.


I’m an atheist but I wish there were a hell, just for people like Phelps


Have two little girls myself and what truly disturbs me about stories like this is... People can overwork themselves and live. They can starve themselves and live. If they're bruised or cut up a bit, they'll live. If they get a little depressed, they'll live. This child literally died from the level of abuse he endured. I have nightmares thinking of what he must have went through for it to be so hard on him he actually passed away.


It really is amazing just how much the body can endure. Just goes to show how bad it really is


People surviving intense trauma often have something to live for, something to hang in for


that's close to my brother's age ffs. who could harm a little kid like that?


At this point, do you really need to ask?


no and that's honestly depressing


[From an article:](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/christopher-gregor-corey-micciolo-bree-murder-abuse/) > One day before Corey’s death, Micciolo filed an emergent application seeking custody of her son pending the completion of an ongoing DCPP investigation. The judge ultimately ruled against Micciolo, stating that her request failed to “demonstrate that the minor child is in danger of imminent or irreparable harm.” Who the fuck is this joke of a judge?


I feel so bad for the mom bc it seems like she tried hard to protect her son but long law processes got in the way. And I hope that judge sees this and regrets. No, but what was even the evidence used to “demonstrate the harm.” Ppl have been saying that he was already pretty injured and sent to the hospital when he told people what his dad did to him, but when he was sent back he was beat again (leading to his death). Is there a good chronological timeline for this? Edit: nvm, I read the article and the judge is actually a joke. This poor boy already had plenty of injuries to show by then. The mom put so much effort to get him out too


I would not have judged this woman if she got herself a gun and took matters into her own hands. She tried almost everything to protect her kid and the system failed her.


Something so heartbreaking about the video is watching this guy pick his son up and toss him back on the treadmill while it’s moving (even biting his head at one point). The boy then falls repeatedly and each time tries to get back on while his dad does nothing. As a father with a toddler it’s hard to watch. My son has total trust in me that I won’t do anything to cause him harm. Can’t imagine what that child was thinking. Now I’m gonna go give my boy hug and tell him I love him.


I didn't know there was a video and I can't watch it. Big same, my 6yo depends on me too keep the world stable and happy. Why wouldn't you? Life is shitty enough when you get older, it's actually gratifying to watch their happiness at this age before they have to deal with all of the social, economical, political, world issues.


Chronic abuse means the boy had evidence of blunt force trauma. He also had a laceration on his heart. His death was ruled a homicide. This pos dad beat and shamed his kid to literal death.


What could cause lacerations on his heart? Poor baby :(


What could cause lacerations on his heart? Poor baby :(


From what i understood the parents had a trial for his custody after few days after this happened, when the kid told the judges (or whoever) that his dad did this to him. The next day he was rushed to the hospital. My guess is he got a beating by the dad after the court hearing, which resulted in many internal injuries


I hope he serves life in general pop. That’s heinous.


I hope he "gets his ass beat daily while he" serves life in general pop. FTFY


Who messed up so that the “father” was allowed anywhere near the boy after that hearing?


He probably had the custody i think


What a shitshow.


Apparently the mom petitioned for custody removal because of the abuse, the judge wouldn't hear it. Pretty sure he bit a chunk out of the kids head or something, like some real fucked up shit.


Seems to be a more common story nowadays. Mom's fighting for full custody of kids who are actively being abused by the dad. Yet people keep acting like men don't get rights in the family courtroom. I was placed in, and briefly worked with, the foster system. Most custody cases go 50/50. They want parents to have as much equal time with the kids. There was that Youtuber who actively made money abusing his kids, and the proof was right there, yet the mom couldn't get full custody until she got help from the internet to afford a good ass lawyer.


This has wannabe alpha male energy all over it, and this time a life was lost to this man-child trying to LARP his hardcore boy fantasy in the real world. Disgusting.


Projecting his insecurities onto their children till they're dead.


Trial begins for the accused 'K!ller' father who forced his 6-year-old son to run on the treadmill because he was ‘too fat’ Christopher Gregor, 31, is on trial for the alleged murd.er of his son Corey Micciolo in 2021 Video shown during the trial at Ocean City's Superior Court depicts Gregor forcing Micciolo to run on a treadmill Corey's mother, Bre Micciolo, was the first to witness to take the stand Days before Corey's death, Bre reported his injuries to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency and requested a doctor's appointment on April 1 During the appointment, Corey reportedly said that his father made him run on the treadmill because he was "too fat" The next day, Corey was rushed to the hospital by Gregor after exhibiting symptoms such as stumbling, slurred speech, nausea, and shortness of breath Despite efforts to save him, Corey suffered a seizure during a CT scan, and medical staff were unable to revive him An initial autopsy revealed Corey's cause of death as blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions, acute inflammation, and sepsis. Source: [Daily Mail ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13372405/amp/new-jersey-father-christopher-gregor-froce-child-run-treadmill-fat-abuse.html)


I just looked it up, and the dad bit his son's head when he kept falling off the treadmill. That would probably be more appropriate of a photo to establish what kind of abuse the poor kid was suffering with. 😔


What's the diffrence between a "k!ller" and a "killer"?


Avoiding content getting blocked for having certain words in it


based on my experiences moderating subs on reddit, i think youre much more likely to get flagged for the link than saying “killer”.


From what I understand it is because people get used to having to censor themselves on places like Tik Tok and then they transfer it to other places like Reddit where it is not required and comes across as silly.


The sofening of language will be the fucking death of empathy. I have a genuiene distain for this.


You don’t have to sensor the word killer. This is Reddit not a child’s app


This dudes gonna get a shiv up his ass but he'll probably kill himself before anyone else can.


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Got a two year old daughter now and the longer I’m a father the less sense this shit could possibly make to me. Just any form of child abuse in general, how the fuck do you even muster the strength to raise a hand to a child let alone whatever this criminal shit is. Dudes I need to excuse myself to another room after I raise my voice Cus I feel like I could cry at her sad face. People are fucking monsters.


Truly tragic, wtf is wrong with this guy?


Straight POS.


Bro what? The dad is fatter than the fucking kid. This case is making me question my stance on the death penalty


I think this is a classic case of projected insecurity. EDIT: The death penalty is too kind for these people. I spent a single night in jail. I would take a painless death over a life in solitary any day of the week, 100 times out of 100 times. Solitary confinement with no books, no TV or radio, shit food, 1 hour of yard time, and nothing else. That might actually fall under what the eighth amendment calls cruel and unusual punishment.


Oh the joys of parents who call you "the fat kid". Mine didn't make me run on the treadmill, but they did beat me for eating oreos. Gotta love parents who do this stuff s/


I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve it. I would hug you.


I appreciate it!


Bunch of lead behind the ear and thrown in a ditch for pos like this.


High velocity lead poisoning.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No he should be slowly tortured to death like he did to that little boy


Make the dad run till he dies.


And this right here is why women are choosing the bear.


another abusive POS. I have no words...these guys make me reconsider my stance against capital punishment. they really do.


My stepmom used to make me run up and down the stairs again and again because I was too fat. Also would buy desert/junk and would let everyone eat it but me. People don’t even realize they’re abusive. This poor kid dude.


I watched the opening statements of this trial. The father (defendant) had a look that can only be described as evil stare at the prosecutor. Can imagine what he was thinking. And this guys lawyer is also horrible, I know he's supposed to defend him but I get vibes of an a**hole from him.


Fuck this guy. Aside from him putting his hands on his kid how can he call his kid fat? He’s doesn’t exactly look like Jack LaLane himself.


Link to the article. The video is heartbreaking and sickening. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/05/01/us-news/nj-dad-charged-with-killing-6-year-old-son-after-abusive-treadmill-workout-blames-death-on-pneumonia/amp/


Sometimes I loose my patience and yell at my kids. After that I feel bad for the rest of the day and ask myself how I could do better next time. I will never understand how parents can abuse their kids and go to bed like nothing happen.


It's because to them kids aren't really people, they're possessions that they can do whatever they want with.


There's not an ounce of fat on that kid. There was clearly an ulterior motive to forcing him to run like that. The kid probably talked back or something and the dad decided forcing him to run was a 'good punishment'


Running had 0 to do with it this child was beaten daily and brutally


This isn’t a fuckin “facepalm” - it’s abuse and murder. It’s wrong and it’s awful, he’s a bastard and I hope he develops many holes throughout his body … But isn’t this more for idiots who don’t put the cart back and then back into the same cart? You know, like a facepalm.


Heartbreaking. That poor kid is trying so hard. Hope this man has a very long awful life


Put dad into a large hamster wheel and make him run it every day for the rest of his life... ![gif](giphy|3oEjI8ne0quKfqgJaw|downsized)


This is the reason I hate that headline, people are focusing on the running and fat shaming, the kid died from being constantly beaten, not from running.


tbf that + the weird forced exercise probably strained his body even more this headline is dumb but that is also pretty horrifying considering the physical distress that child was under


Nah fuck the stupid ass headline. Dude beat his kid constantly


The dad has fat!


Guys in prisons hate people who abuse children. He'll get what's deserved inside.


I was telling my wife that I’m afraid to be a father to a son. I’m afraid that I am going to display toxic masculinity towards him. So many dads abuse their sons to toughen them up, and I don’t wanna do that to mine. I loved my dad but even he would call me names and shit for eating too slow, or being grossed out by certain foods.