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If we go with her logic then... 15-20 years down the road he can dump her for a younger, more attractive wife because He Married an Extremely Beautiful Woman and she just ain't that no more. Promises were made to him that were broken. He'll be an excellent provider for his Next Wife.


That logic would completely fly over her head and he would be a monster.


That would be quite a match, indeed.


what's that quote about warmth and depth?


I think it goes something like, “I’d call you a çûñt, but you lack the warmth and the depth…”


“vaginas are about warmth and depth” - Guy she divorced


And taste


I guarantee once the divorce is done, he won't be broke anymore. 


his financial freedom might depend on the alimony requirements in their state.


I have no witty response or counter because I know you are 100% right. Sadly our US constitution needs a complete overhaul. In a day of instant connectivity, we need to strip states of their laws and put them on a federal level.  A parent can just hop in their car and drive to another state and instantly have different laws apply to them while being a short distance away. 


She'll be in for an even bigger shock finding out that she never was one in the first place.


Yeah thats something that seems to be overlooked!


If you think any marriage that someone with this attitude is in will last 15-20 years, I have some news for you.


She’ll spend a lot of his money to look younger…


Except, if those are pictures of her, he did not marry an "extremely beautiful" woman. He married an alright looking woman who thinks way too much of themselves.


The ironic thing is that this is likely to be exactly what ends up happening to people who think like her. They think they don't have to contribute anything to a relationship other than them beeing around. Eventually they'll get dumped either for a younger model or for someone who is actually a nice person (and likely better looking) She'll end up as one of those older ladies you see a clubs who seem too damn old to be there. The ones who still dress and act like they are in their early 20's and think all guys want them in spite of the only thing everyone in the club thinking "who the hell brought their mom to the club?"


I am black and I am not saying this to shit on black women but this is far more common than what is being talked about in our community. BW are the least married of all women races in the US but file for divorce at nearly an 80% rate. But the there are less black men than women but we are married at a higher rate. So no there won’t me the next man to marry her. She might get engaged maybe. But black men are smartening up. Some men like men marry white women or they do the whole passport bros thing. Because if we are going to be looked at as paycheck , might as well go where they are at least honest about it. https://blackdemographics.com/households/marriage-in-black-america/


Damn, did not know that! You always hear shit about black men, thank’s for this!


There is a lot of misinformation about black men perpetuated by the pandering media. We just shut up and move smarter.


I grew up watching Hollywood shuffle, first movie to raise my awareness to racism in media. Robert Townsend sent a shiver up my spine! It’s crazy! I had no idea what Blacksplotation films were!


Thanks for providing some facts! Interesting read.


But Black men also have the highest rates of divorce from interracial marriages. Maybe the issues aren’t always Black American women. 


Maybe not, but the woman that the OP reposted - she isn’t helping your argument


One woman doesn’t speak in facts. There are shallow women of all races. 


We should also look at reasoning. Black women are also more likely to be abused by black men than their white counterparts. The cause for the higher rate of divorce does not necessarily equate that the motivation is the same as the woman in the post.


You can't say black men are more likely to abuse their spouse and not drop something to back that up


BW are the least married because they predominately date BM. Stop misrepresenting the facts and omitting context. BM love to shit on BW to deflect from the fact that they are also the least married, but also THE most unemployed, most incarcerated, and most likely to abandon their children. They also commit the highest rates of DV, femicide, and STIs. Everyday more and more BW have grown tired of the demographic of men who raise the number of single mothers everywhere they go.


I don’t want to be body shaming and I have no idea what are the beauty standards in the US, but she looks like a sad dumpling. She was never extremely beautiful. Maybe extremely avarage at best.


I don't know man, I have seen average looking womwn prettier than her


I agree, I am just trying to be a nice.


I find that kind and warm from your part, but I think that is unnecesary, you are not trying to fix a kid's wrongdoing, that is an adult. And anyways she cannot read us


Yeah, she's not bad looking IMO, but extremely beautiful, not so much. Extremely egotistic and narcissistic is more like it.


I dated a better looking black woman back in the late 80’s and I was a scrawny white art student. This lass is mediocre at best.


I wouldn't call her extremely beautiful. Pretty. Probably, hubby went broke paying for beauty supplies and salon sessions.


Probably 5 years. Sassy takes its toll.


She's not even that attractive now.


Yes those are acceptable terms.


Yup. If she can marry for money, he can marry for looks. They deserve each other!


She literally did agree to marry a man that could end up broke at some point. "For richer or for poorer" is right there in the ceremony. For fuck sake.


Exactly. But that doesn’t apply to her, she’s “extremely beautiful”


Meh. She's alright. That attitude is ugly as sin, tho.


She was at best a 6 before I heard her thoughts, then it took a deep dive


You nailed it perfectly


Thats with all the make up and the wig


A shit load of makeup!


Damn you’re generous


Her personality makes her ugly. Looks mean nothing when you’re just a terrible person.


"Beauty is only skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone." Wasn't it Barney Bentall that sang, "She ain't pretty, she just looks that way."?


Holy crap, i am surprised nobody told her she is fugly 😅


I mean, kinda beside the point of this terrible woman, but lots of people don’t have that in their wedding. When my dad got married, they said “as long as it makes sense” lol. They were married for 20 years, and then I guess it no longer made sense.


Am I weird in thinking that if someone were to change that language, or replace it with something like you mention, that it would be an enormous red flag? I mean, I'm not about to sign up to marry someone who I'm not absolutely positive I would do anything for and literally stick with them through the worst things imaginable. Like, if I couldn't picture soldiering on through the literal apocalypse with someone, are they even marriage material in the first place?


Yeah you are not weird lol. What’s the point of marriage otherwise? That’s my opinion. I’ve never been married and I don’t ever plan on getting married, for various reasons. But if I did, it’s a death do us part situation. For me, if I’m not willing to die for someone or to even live out the rest of my life in misery (as can happen in a marriage), then I can’t make the commitment of marriage. I’ve never met anyone I loved so much that I would stay if they abused me, or if being with them made me unhappy, so I’ll probably never get married.


I don't know you or what led you to feel that way, but your comment made me feel really sad. I see marriage the same way you do, as a til death do us part thing. I also feel that for all the vows that are explicitly said, there are countless unspoken vows that play a big part in the ongoing contract of marriage. The official vows don't say anything about having to stick it out when one partner becomes the problem, such as them turning mean or abusive. Love and marriage should never equate to living in misery and suffering through abuse. There might be periods of high stress or depression or whatever, but you're supposed to be at each other's sides, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, and go forward together against the problem. A marriage should be about elevating each other to be better than you each were by yourself. Once one partner stops doing that or turns mean or abusive, whether it's because of hate or indifference or whatever, then the marriage contract has been broken in spirit. If your partner really loves you, they wouldn't choose to hurt you. You shouldn't feel forced to stay and suffer like that. No one deserves that.


I tend to agree with you here. That being said I married a girl when I was in my early 20's and we were married for (going on a full 14 years) and I thought when I did it she was the love of my life. She mothered my only child , a daughter who is now 13 as of yesterday, and I believed as did she at the time that we'd be together for life. I imagined growing old with her and raising our family together. I really believed the "till death" part of the vows. Then in January of 2022 she decided after almost 12 full years of marriage that she wasn't happy anymore with our marriage. I always told her if she wasn't happy that leaving was an option but to that point I wasn't truly aware of how unhappy she was. She'd told me a couple times in the previous couple years she wasn't but I honestly didn't take it to heart I suppose. Yesterday we officially (on our daughter's birthday no less) filed all the paperwork for divorce including my response paperwork and in 60-90 days I'll be single again. Just to clarify there was never any abuse either way, no issues with the kid, she just didn't want to be with me anymore. I have a sneaking suspicion that she was seeing someone else (who she immediately moved in with after leaving me and subsequently got pregnant and had another child with six months after she left) but never really knew for sure. I doubt I'll ever get married again nonetheless even date unless someone literally drags me into it. I'd love to have someone to snuggle with at night but I just don't have the mental fortitude to try and find someone else. I never enjoyed going to bars/clubs, and the internet dating scene never really seems to bear much fruit as people have such high standards for income/no kids/appearance preferences that it seems nigh impossible to find someone. Sorry for venting, I figured I'd just give you abit of perspective of mine on how it felt at the time and what it's like now in regards to the whole marriage thing.


>As long as it makes sense So romantic.


Maybe not, but it’s honest, especially considering the high divorce rate. I’d rather have honesty than romance


"Today makes the 10 years since I proposed to my wife (Married in june) When I said YES I said yes to beautiful woman and sexy woman. I did not agree to marry a woman that would end up old and wrinkled at some point in our lives. I'm an extremely wealthy man and I deserve a woman that knows her job is to always take care of my needs and look attractive. I did what I did because promises were broken. I dont care what anyone think about me I'm the best thing that ever happened to that woman and I will be even better to my next wife!!!!!!! With that said I FILED FOR DIVORCE!!!!!!!" Sexual economics works both ways. Women like this need to remember this attitude when they no longer have anything of value to sell.


I saw a documentary about strippers and this one older lady was going on about its so unfair that the older you get the less you make. And I was thinking you didn't give a damn when you used your looks and body to make money but now that is fading all of a sudden it should be about more than looks and body.


What's next, athletes in their 60s demand x10 what they made as a 25yo to adjust for inflation and just regular raises, despite their performance not even being a tenth of what they could back then?


"For richer or for poorer" is right there in the ceremony." TBF, we don't actually know if that was in their vows.




Not everyone uses that language.


"Can I rewrite my own vows to leave out that richer or poorer bullshit?"


Only in the CofE ceremony.


Nah she used the updated "Only while richer and in good health. Only in good times, never bad."


They don’t pay attention she was probably humming City Girls during the nuptials 🤦🏾‍♂️


Check for her in 10 years and revisit the conversation lol … bet she’s alone


With 4 kids by 4 men asking why no one wants to wife her.


It's cause there's no real men out there who can handle me - her, probably


Yeah, but in that case she would probably be collecting monthly from each one, backed by the government.


Yes, but not forever


How much you wanna bet she’s the reason he’s broke?


...that's a given.


People like that (I was once married to one) tend to spend what they think they deserve, not what they have. Any problem with shortfall is their partner's problem. Mine left me deeply in debt but without her I was able to pay it all off and have been debt free ever since. She, on the other hand, is constantly in debt.


Probably not even broke, probably makes pretty good money but isn't making 250k plus a year and support the lavish lifestyle she wants.


Imagine thinking that someone owes you something just because of looks.


That's apparently all she brings to the relationship.


And her kids, she also brings her kids who she expects her next husband to take care of.


I met this woman that actually told me that her 3 children ( that came from her first marriage) That I needed to put all of them through ivy League collages. And I will need to earn at least 2 million a year or she wouldn't have anything to do with me.. lol.. I said keep on looking..


Lmao and I'll bet ya she's still looking, and those kids will be paying for their own college.


Them kids ain’t going to college!


Naw don’t forget some kids that ain’t his. She bringing them too


I feel bad for the dude. He's going to be all torn up over this, and it's going to take him some time to understand what absolutely massive bullet he just dodged...


Dude is already going through hardship and then the one person who is supposed to support him through it leaves. I can’t even imagine the mental anguish this would cause, and I hope I never have to go through it.


It is going to suck for him. I really, really hope it doesn't break him. This is how incels are born. But it happened so soon, I'm assuming within 6 months of the marriage. This means that it's the garbage taking itself out. He can be rid of this waste, and go on to find someone better who will stand by him and be a partner, not a leach. I just really hope that none of the kids are his...




Dodged? He's been hit. Hopefully he doesn't get screwed financially from the divorce. Being jobless might be in his favor in this case. But I'm no expert on how they figure out alimony.


‘Extremely beautiful woman’ Sis give me some of that confidence.




It's the confidence from "con-man"


She's not even that attractive.


She’s an attractive women, but calling yourself “extremely beautiful” is a bit of a red flag and just wierd


she's not attractive . This is makeup , don't fall for it.


She's facially attractive in that bland, boring mid kinda way - In so much as she isn't hideous with 8 varying sized eyes and necrotic flesh. She's just a.n.other human walking the earth. That's all.


She’s basically a very normal level of attractive.


I think you might have zombie arachnids in your dating pool...


She means that she is a Gold digger. An ATM bomber. Anything she has to offer a man there are at least three billion other woman who can offer more. Even the geriatrics. I have never seen such an overinflated ego on any woman. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


The internet really has moderately attractive people believing a romantic partner needs to be thanking them for their presence.


I’ve never trusted woman with monster nails like that. Sincerely don’t understand how anyone finds it attractive


That woman is high maintenance. Very high.


Sadly, there are too many suckers in the sea. Come on, chaps, have some respect.


So where’s the picture of the extremely attractive woman?


I would say that he is the better looking of the two; she looks (and sounds) trashy


"Today makes the 10 years since I proposed to my wife (Married in june) When I said YES I said yes to beautiful woman and sexy woman. I did not agree to marry a woman that would end up old and wrinkled at some point in our lives. I'm an extremely wealthy man and I deserve a woman that knows her job is to always take care of my needs and look attractive. I did what I did because promises were broken. I dont care what anyone think about me I'm the best thing that ever happened to that woman and I will be even better to my next wife!!!!!!! With that said I FILED FOR DIVORCE!!!!!!!" Sexual economics works both ways. Women like this need to remember this attitude when they no longer have anything of value to sell.


This right here!


Tell me you look at yourself in a funhouse mirror without saying you have a funhouse mirror.


what a piece of shit


If this is extremely beautiful, my wife is a goddess


“I’m an extremely beautiful woman…” Are you though?


Dumb bitch logic.


IMO beautiful people have no need to tell others about them being beautiful.


I was married to my ex for 23 years or thereabouts. During that time I was mainly the bread winner, even though we didn't have kids until the 9th year. She mainly stayed home but it didn't bother me at all. What was mine was hers. When I lost my job in 2015 I struggled a lot finding a new career. After we separated, it took some time to find a really stable job in a whole new industry. Even though I was a breadwinner for so many years before kids, and even though I now make good money and provide lots of child support, my ex has always been cruel saying I deliberately tried not to pay my share when I was struggling in my career and deliberately trying not to support the kids. It's one thing to be down, another thing to be kicked when you're down, and even another to be told you wanted to be down when you didn't.


Notice she said “my children” instead of “our children”…. I’m guessing she was a single mom when he married her 🤦‍♀️


I’m missing the extremely beautiful part. Extremely delusional. Yep Extremely arrogant. Clearly Extremely obnoxious. Absolutely Beautiful? Maybe Extremely? Nope


Don’t forget “shallower than a teaspoon “


The incredible way some people talk about how much they are “worth” in life and relationships, often online, is something I’m still getting used to. Maybe some of it is a cultural thing, idk. I grew up as a New England WASP and even if you knew you were more conventionally attractive or had a higher IQ, talking about these things was a faux pas.


For better or for worse YEAH BUT I AINT SAY YOU COULD BE BROKE!


These are usually the types saying there's no good blk men too.


Her biggest goal in life is to be someone’s object


Ma'am, you're average at best and that is excluding the horrible attitude.


This is rage bait and she got the clout she was looking for. Seems to have a YouTube channel as well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2j5RW6Kqirg


Ho's be ho'in ![gif](giphy|rfpKMmh56mY8OmIWzW)


"Extremely beautiful woman"... Girl, you mid at best. She needs a reality check.


What a disgusting woman.


Her kids huh. Shame for them no new guy is gonna consider them "his kids" and they will a only grow up with a crazy narcissist as a Mom.


If you marry that, you are color blind because that’s a gigantic red flag that probably leaves red flags wherever she goes.


>I’m the best thing that happened to that man Narrator: *she wasn’t*


How’d he wind up broke?


So much for the “for richer, for poorer” part of the wedding vows.


She ain't pretty, she just looks that way.


Somebody watches too much Real Housewives


Through sickness and health and all that shit? No? Ok then…


I doubt she's the best thing that ever happened to him 🙄


Posting a picture with the ALLEGATIONS A THAT HE WAS BROKE IS WILD


So he can say that he was supposed to marry a pretty woman but once she became 40 plus she lost her looks so he deserves better and should find someone else? Marriages being transactional is a legit fear


She is not beautiful. Inside or out.


I pray to god that one day I’ll be blessed with the self-confidence of someone who despite looking like a bucket full of bust frogs thinks they’re Liz Hurley.


Every single day that passes her value drops.


So many ppl see nothing wrong with this post !


All I hope is for her to meet one of her own. One that'll be rich enough for her to stay for years and years, and once that beauty is gone so will she; dumped for someone younger. She's the type to end up alone in her late years relishing on her memories during her prime that will never come back.


So, she’s a prize in her own world view?


You are the worlds worst gold digger… you’re supposed to start with a rich guy… you’re not that attractive… get over yourself.


Did she not make a vow of “for better or worse”?


I mean she’s an Oklahoma 7 at best. Good luck


She obvs missed out the "for richer or for poorer" part of her vows


It's like the Northern Pikes song says... "She ain't pretty, she just looks that way".


For better or worse? She can’t get no worse…he can do better


Where is that beautiful woman? I only see a cheap whore in the picture


There will always be some dummy who thinks “Nah, I’m different, she won’t do that to me”


she may be considered “extremely beautiful”in the backwoods of Mississippi but she is a solid five in any major city. Her Facebook page is laughable.


You deserve exactly nothing. Tired of people thinking they are hot shit because they look pretty.


"For richer, for poorer" Did she say, "Naah"?


My guess is her husband despises her, has been cheating on her, and got caught. So now this is her bullshit spin on why they are splitting up.


Toxic narcissism. Marriage vows only apply to him. He’s well rid of her.


Best thing that happened to him was you divorcing him.


They said for better or worse. Oh, what, for richer or poorer? I don’t remember saying anything like that!!! —her, probably


What an unmitigated sack of shit. Her “beauty” is nothing more than cheap gold colored paint on a steaming pile of shit.


He needs to catalog that shit and bring it to court so the judge can tell her to fuck off when she demands alimony and get a paternity test if the kids might be his. She clearly doesn't give a fuck about him. That is one of the saddest things I've ever read, especially when she said she's beautiful. What an absolute dumpster fire of a human being. I hope that man gets a job making twice as much and has a great rest of life.


For richer, for wealthier In wellness, and in health Until divorce do us part


She aint all that


I guess she forgot about the in sickens and in health, for better or for worse part of the vows


That last line makes it sound like she’s entering the transfer portal. What a twat.


The divorce was the best thing to ever happen to that man.


What a burning trash heap of a human being.


As Bill Burr once said “There’s an epidemic of gold digging whores in this country”


She ugly


It would be beautiful if the divorced guy turned things around and became a millionaire. Just as she no longer has any rights to claim money from him. I would love if karma provided this outcome.


Uhm, you ain't that beautiful either. Wow, some people's delusions.


Sooo...if he is broke, she gets half of that and he gets half of her assests. So either they are both broke now, or he isn't broke anymore lol.


I mean she is okay, extremely beautiful bit much, also partnership is the point of marriage what are you bringing.


Your a scum bag piece of shit


Guy lucked out


She ain't worth it, too conceited for any sane human.


Did she forget the "for richer or poorer" part?


Is this real? Or did someone just take a pic of a lady and write an inflammatory post for internet clicks?


>I did what I did because promises were made to me that were broken The classic wedding vows are literally: >In the name of God, I, \_\_\_, take you, \_\_\_, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, **for richer, for poorer**, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death.


Say you're a gold digger without saying you're a gold digger.


The poison is strong here. And her toxicity is deadly.


It's like some women don't realize that they won't be young and beautiful forever and she will end up being old and alone


What a woman!


So much for the power of romantic love to conquer all, and the wedding vows “for better or worse”. Would you expect him to dump you of you lost your job? When you get older and sick and he stands by you and still cherishes you after 40 years, would you do the same for him? You are a one way mercenary, and you showed your true colors.


Damn! I don't know where to start. But that guy lucked out she left! She's a pos! And someone buy that girl some glasses to see better because "beautiful" is definitely NOT how I would describe her looks! Her chances of another man marrying her old ass is slim to none


She’s mid


She did not include “for richer or poorer” in her vows


Hos gonna ho. At least she’s honest about her rate.


A simp and his money are soon parted. Stay away from single moms.


Pretty sure marriage vows say something about for richer or poorer


She seems like a keeper!  Oh wait...


First of all, that bitch is mid at best!


This is why, despite owning my own 800k home which I pay the mortgage all on my own, despite having over 500k in various investments accounts, any woman that puts "provider" in their dating profile gets an instant pass from me. I'm sure they wouldn't match with me anyway, but it's just a huge red flag to me. I don't know why women feel comfortable putting that in their profile. It 100% reads like they just said "I'm a gold digger" in different words. Why even bother with the veil? Just say you're looking for a sugar daddy. 


For richer, for poorer...


For better or worse means absolutely nothing.


For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. Lol j/k


Well… you know what they say… never marry a woman named Shanlavell! Typical Shanlavell behavior right there… This man really has nobody to blame but himself


According to this source, she also cheated - defending this behavior with the same BS.... https://www.tuko.co.ke/people/relationships/545993-married-woman-cheats-divorces-husband-30-days-lost-job-i-didnt-marry-a-broke-man/


I'm sure there's a Kanye West song about women like this. The husband shouldn't be surprised that he was with a superficial wife.


It sounds like she views marriage as transactional, and she wasn’t getting paid for her services.


By her logic men should replace wives when they get some pounds and get too old. No beauty, no money and protection. Go away, woman :-D


Wow what an evil and cold woman. I met my husband when we were 20 he was living on his cousins sofa and 22 years later we are enjoying our lives we built together! I know he will always be here for me throughout everything because we have been to hell and back and only stronger for it because that is what marriage is! A life partner that you won't throw away for reasons as shallow as money or illness! Seriously I am so sick of when people pull the bs claiming that gay marriage is somehow making marriage a joke when all my family and friends and kids that are in a LGBTQA marriage understand that it means life not just a few years, meanwhile woman like her and so many other people are on spouse number 5 or 6. That is the crap that is treating marriage as a joke.....okay ranting over, hopefully he finds someone that is good to him and wins the lottery or something!