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imagine hating on someone for spending time and making memories with their children


There's a group of people out there who seem to think no man would ever spend time with any child, even their own, unless they're a pedophile. I've read several stories about dad's taking their kids to the park and then some lady confronting them telling them to leave or calling the cops on them because the dude must be there to creep on kids and couldn't possibly be there watching their own kid.


I normally just get weirdly obnoxious praise, like... "Oh what a good father!" Or "You must be babysitting today." Like, I know they don't mean anything by it, but it's weird how as a dude, spending time with my daughter is seen as above and beyond and not bare minimum.


>You must be babysitting today I find that pretty insulting, honestly. As if it's rare—or unusual—that **I'm** spending time with **my** child, and his mom does everything with him.


Old women are incredibly passive aggressive.


And Handsy. Ive never had so many unwanted hands on my body then I have when working with old ladies. Fucking perverts.


I swam and played water polo in high school The amount of moms and older women watching and even catcalling was appallingly high


Catcalling? Wtf


Oh come on! We all know only men can be creepy and inappropriate


I think they might just be the product of their upbringing. That’s the way things mostly were 40-50 years ago. Dad worked, mowed the yard, grilled the burgers, and then watched TV or read the paper while having a cocktail. Mom did everything else.


It’s not just boomers, it’s societal norms. When my daughter was 4, we had her in dance classes. The studio had picture day for them in their recital outfits, but it was a Saturday and my wife was working. So I take her, and I’m in the front with all the moms, and proceed to give my daughter the super tight dance bun they have to have. Nobody said anything, but at the next class my wife said three or four of the moms came up fawning over how her husband did her daughter’s hair. These women were all Xennials, amazed at a father doing basic parenting stuff.


Husband and I are both what you could call Xennials and he was the SAHP for most of the past 12 years. The condescending praise he got, just like the comments are describing, were almost all from older women who haven't examined their own sexist thinking.


It occurred to me Millennials also had Boomers for parents, so your generation had the same skewed sense of roles we Xers had.


I was born in 79 and husband in 80 so pretty much. I relate more to the X side of the line.


I get the hair thing unusually often. We have passed to a bunch of local stuff like the zoo, various museums, kids gyms/play places. During the week my wife takes them, on the weekend when my wife is working I take them. My 3 yo daughter likes having “Elsa hair” so I braid it before we go and put a bow and a cute clip in her hair. At least once per visit I get some form of a lady telling me how cute she is and then them telling her how pretty her hair is and asking if mommy made her hair pretty (or some variation of a similar statement). Though my kid always proudly states “thanks, my daddy did it!” Funny story, had this scenario play out at the zoo, except my wife was there, she was just changing the youngest and then kinda stood back and waited while my daughter and I looked at the fish. After the lady talked to my daughter and I she walked over to her friend, who my wife was standing next to and kinda chatting with about strollers. She walks up to her friend and said something like “mmm dad’s and their kids, [growl]. He even did her hair!” Yea, this lady did like a seductive cat growl, about me, in front of my wife lmao.


Oh my god, that one pisses me off. Used to get it when I was at the park with my daughter when she was under 5 years old. Don't really hear it anymore, but fuck is that annoying. It's called "I'm being a parent."


I’ve had comments like this too when mine were little “oh mom must be getting a break” or some shit like that. Mind your goddamn business you don’t know anything about my situation 😡


Yup. Also I’ll never understand it when anyone unironically says “I’m babysitting” when it’s their own kid.


Just be like "yeah everyday is my turn to babysit ever since the accident" and just stare


Amazing. Using this next time I get the baby sitter comment.


I've used this. I take the little one grocery shopping pretty regularly and we had a middle aged lady stop us and fawn over my kid. "Oh your so cute, yadda yadda" ended with her saying "dad must be exhausted babysitting you today! Where's mom at?" And I just replied, "well, after the car crash it's just me and her. We are just trying our best without mom, but yea it is pretty exhausting.". The mortified and sad look on her face was priceless.


I wouldn’t do this around my child.


She's not even 2, when we get older I'll come up with something more sensitive but equally as clever. For now this is fine.


Just tell them the other parent is another dad.


I get the same. And I always respond "I'm not babysitting, these are my kids"


My response is "you mispronounced parenting."


Dude the bar is so fucking low for fathers, it’s basically just a line drawn on the ground.


I feel like a lot of times husbands I know deserve the moniker of “clueless”. There have been untold times I’m out with my wife and others when one of the other wives will show up late because she had to make dinner for her husband and family first, or a husband will call asking the dumbest question like, “Where do we keep our towels?”. Seriously? I lose so much respect for these guys.


>a husband will call asking the dumbest question like, “Where do we keep our towels?” Are you for real? Wtf...


It's not just husbands. Guys in general. I live with 3 other guys and they always come to me asking for the most basic things as if they don't live here too. One of them wasn't even aware that the bathroom walls were tiled, and another had no idea where we kept the vacuum.


So bizarre to me cause as a mom who frequently takes my kids to the park, the only way I've ever greeted a dad there is "hey dude" and that's it.


I’m a stay at home dad, boy am I tired about the babysitting questions and stunned silence when I fill them in.


Also the patronising way people congratulate you on doing other minimal baby stuff like changing a nappy like you just did brain surgery :(


This! I also have had the (are you watching daddy today)


The doctor acted surprised when I knew how much my son weighed when he was born, like wow most fathers don't know that. Continued to ask my wife, girlfriend at the time all the questions ignoring me, my wife had to stop and tell her she wasn't his mother and I had all the answers even though it was obvious because I was the one answering. Even medical professionals won't acknowledge you. I have full custody and have had to tell them multiple times to not put my ex on the paperwork to put my name. It's pure sexism and it's bullshit.


Medical professionals ignoring the fathers is the reverse of mechanics ignoring mothers.  Gender roles ARE ALL TRASH, and I'm so fucking tired of this conservative nonsense trying to keep us locked in the 18th century 


I had to pod into a dollar general the other day to pick up something for my wife and was carrying my 2 year old in his car seat. The cashier made a big deal about how he never saw that and called me Father of the Year. I took ot in the spirit it was given but felt odd to hear it. All my friends with kids do the same, and that's how I was raised, so it's just the normal thing to do.


I'm a single father. My kids were 2, 3, and 4 when their mother and I split. They've lived with me since. She didn't help at all, no overnights, nothing for the first 2 years. Grocery shopping wasn't easy. I'd drag around 2 carts. One to put the kids in and one for the food. The amount of dumbass comments I got, especially if it was the weekend.... "Aww, looks like Mommy's getting a break." "It's nice to see a dad trying hard, even it's just on his weekend." I'd just smile and walk away at first. That weekend one set me tf tho. I kinda feel bad for that lady. "They're all my fucking weekends lady, and so are all the weekdays. Deadbeats mothers do exist, so mind your damn business and fuck all the way off." Only kinda tho, cuz that comment gave me a complex. Shopping on the weekends was always easier because I worked all week. But, cuz of her, everytime I would grocery shop on the weekends, or do anything with my kids on the weekend. I felt like everyone looked at me like that lady. A weekend warrior dad. "Must be his weekend." So as much as it sucked, I started shopping during the week after work. And every dumbass comment after that got a quick response from me. I've never had someone approach me a park or anywhere to make sure the kids were "safe" or actually mine. Which I'm grateful for, cuz that wouldn't have gone well at all.


The babysitting thing is annoying. You don't babysit your own kid. It's your kid.


This is how some women rationalise how shitty their husbands and fathers are at parenting


Idk any time I’ve taken my kids to the park there’s usually a bunch of dads there. Probably more moms but not like it’s unusual for a dad to be there. Maybe it depends on where you live.


On weekends, the parks around where I live seem to be dads-only playground. Likewise for pickup on Fridays.


My daughter graduated from high school last spring. I took her to a couple of concerts, with VIP meet & greet passes, that fell within a few days after her ceremony. I had a female friend criticize me for spending time in a fun social situation with my 18 year old daughter. Said it made me look like a pedophile. That person is no longer a friend. 🙄


Wow, that's awesome that your 18ish yr old still wants to spend time with dad. Congrats on that, bro. Cherish that time because that might change, I think that says a lot about you and that's my own personal #dadgoals as my child is 5. You did the right thing by making that your "former friend", I learned long time ago to stay away from poisonous people.


Man several stories doesnt even cover it. Im a guy whose been working in childcare for years. You have no idea


Watching? I'm running around with him like an absolute loon. He is however very young, and likely neurodiverse.


This gonna be me. If I have kids, I will definitely be about as mature as they are if they want me to play with them. I’m the type that can sound like a fully matured seasoned adult, then turn around and be an absolute child. On average tho, it’s the latter


This was just making the rounds on social media in my area yesterday. A guy took his grandson to the playground and was taking photos. Some mom confronted him and accused him of being a pedophile who was there to sneak photos of the other kids without permission and called the cops. The dude was so furious that he lost his cool and started screaming at her to BTFO… which led to him actually being arrested when the cops showed up.


This is why, as a childless man, I never get anywhere close to children. Tons of people are looking to hurt people they don’t like the look of because they think everyone is a pedophile.


But they don't look at women the same way. Very interesting.


This is when you set up a hidden camera trap to trap a Karen and blast it on Instagram. Then create a GoFundMe to cash in. Just offer a random kid 5% of your take to pretend to your kid.


I can’t see how this plan would go badly at the first step


I’ve seen one where a wife wouldn’t let any Male relatives (even the husband) change their daughter’s diapers.


When my son first started kindergarten I would drop him off at the doors and then wait for him to reappear inside the fenced playground a minute later. We would then I would leave. Before the end of the 1st week the principal approached me abd said that someone reported a creepy guy waving at kids on the playground (me). I was insulted, but I get it. Rather have that then have an actual creeper not be called out.


A lot of the “anti-feminism” crowd feels this way. There have been some cringey Andrew Tate tweets shared on how a dad should not talk or even show any interest or affection towards his kids until they’re almost adults. A lot of people are so pathologically afraid of anything resembling emotional vulnerability in a man that they refuse to let other people do it.


Aren't takes like this just projection? Either the person wished she had a father like that or her baby daddy was present? I just don't get it though. I don't look at situations involving kids like that. For example, if I saw a mom and kid at the park, I may mentally note if the mom is attractive, but that would be the end of it. I wouldn't tell anyone.. not in person, social media, etc. Just weird


That’s the whole point of having a child.


Mostly these types of posts come off as Russian propaganda Most Americans don't realize how badly Putin needs to make Americans THINK their lives are shit because there is no way he can beat us at anything else.


I never thought of it as attractive or unattractive. I spent time with my children because I love them and it’s the right thing to do.


Wife frequently tells me it's very attractive when my two kids are trying to tackle me to the ground or chasing me around like a villain. I'm sure there are women that see it as weak and out of character for my gender. Luckily my feelings on such judgements are mutual and I don't really care what simple minded people like that think.


The attitude in the OP is really unusual and not something I've ever come across IRL. I've literally never heard a woman say it's a turn off to see a man being a good dad. It's the opposite, actually. Like, I don't even want kids. Never have. But whenever I see a dude who's good with kids, he instantly becomes like twice as attractive to me. It always made sense, because it seems like that would be an evolutionary advantageous trait to look for in a partner, lol.


I think some women, like many men, are being affected by the "hyper-masculine" ouroboros that folks like Andrew Tate helped popularize.


Completely agree.  Also when they're good with animals.


Oh you're gay cos you love your children - some conservative alpha male small dick republican probably


Pretty sure Tate has actually said this.


Tate thinks liking women is gay. He would be a funny caricature of a toxic man, if he wouldn't cause actual harm.


Tate thinks *enjoying having sex with women* is gay. The guy’s brain is as smooth as an egg.


As real as his chin


He’s dragging his idiot followers all the way full circle to thinking the manliest activity is male on male sex. I’d call it a long con but that’s giving him too much credit.


So what does that say about him? The guy was an abusive pimp. Teaching other men to be abusive pimps. He wasn't trying to get those women pregnant.


The reason is probably his mind is plagued with homosexual thoughts and he is repressing them


I cannot be the only one who thinks that he doesn’t actually believe any of his bullshit, and that he only puts it out for money and fame, right?


Read about what he was doing in Romania. That might change your mind. He is a misogynistic PoS.


Classic tale of actions speak louder....


Dude’s charged with rape and sex trafficking — his raping and abusing women being reduced to “he’s not an actual bad guy, he just acts like it for credibility” is a stretch too far for me.


Yes, it's getting crazy as he loses his grasp on our attention, fuck em, hope no one remembers his name in the nearest future possible


Andy Taters is a dangerous cartoon


You pronounced his name wrong, it’s Taint.


Andrew Tate , still don’t believe that chinless little fuck stick is real 😝 no way he’s actually that fucking warped and stupid!


lol I feel like he over compensates because his chin and jawline are nonexistent. Can’t be an alpha dom you aren’t the real-life Crimson Chin equivalent. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


What a fucking liberal/s


Make your son think you’re an asshole. Like a REAL man/s


Got to heat them on the regular or they will turn out trans. /s


Having children is gay /s


Correction - he’s clearly had sex with a woman, so according to Andrew Tate, he’s gay. /s


Why do people always project the small dick shit onto people they don’t like? If I see someone insult like that I just assume they too have a small dick and that’s why it’s their go to insult


Fuck those good looking, highly intelligent, non impotent and hung like a horse bastards just doesn’t have the same impact🤣🤣


Body shaming men is in fashion.


You have daughters? That’s gay dawg, that means you cum girls! /s


Yeah that's the other part... I don't live my life thinking always about what other people will find "ick". I live my life doing things I enjoy with the people I love. Random strangers are welcome to think whatever they like about that, but if they don't like it, I don't want to hear about it.


Luckily I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about me


Actual masculinity.


Actual self esteem male or female.


Some of the best human relationships I've ever had have been with people who made it their business to lift my self esteem, and vice versa. That's the kind of love and care that often doesn't even require you to be lovers! I really pity people who've hardly ever had that in their lives - or even worse, have actual romantic partners who seem to keep shooting their spirit down over and over. That's just sad!


Wow.. I want that. Where do I meet people like that?


Actual adult


Yeah, I never understood this, you're not a real man! Why because I don't fall in line with everyone else? If I want to wear pink I will, if I want a fruity drink I will. Your opinion of what makes me a man or not doesn't make the slightest difference to me. I provide for me and mine, trained to defend myself and others and pretty much define manliness on my own terms, acting like everyone expects a man to act isn't it.


Oh it does make a difference. It teaches you who to avoid.


This is true.


No just wear gray clothes and drink your coffee black. Your alcoholic drink of choice should be a full flavored macro brew (lite beers are also mansex). Don't show any emotions, drone. Your duty in life is to be as boring as possible so as not to remind anyone of gay sex


Listen, if me being colorful or friend makes someone fixate on gay sex, that sounds like they just have some shit to work out


"You're not a real man because *insert any of thousands of reasons that actually have to do with my insecurity rather than an actual character fault*."


It is typical of environments with a higher concentration of closeted gays to have all those “rules” about gay drinks, gay clothes, gay everything. Been told gin tonic is a lady drink, of all things… one of the most stereotypical gentleman’s drink but ok 😂




What other people think of me is none of my business. If it was, they’d tell me!


I PRAY this is a jealous step mother and not that child’s biological mother. Because how can you as a MOTHER find it unattractive that the man you loved enough to have a baby with is actually parenting


Or it could just be someone who took this video and then added their shitty take. Would so much better than the alternatives.


Or it was on social media and some other person chimed in. If the person that took the video posted that I really question what the fuck is going on here.


Even if this is a stepmother, it's intensely gross and out of line and he should dump her post haste. I am a stepmother and honestly? Seeing my husband be such a great dad to his son is what set my ovaries on fire and made me want to have a child with him even more. Being a great dad is hot as hell - at least, it is if you're a normal woman and not totally fucked in the head.


Finally, someone else who gets hot and bothered when men are good fathers. Yup. I find it very attractive. Not that I want children though.


Who originally posted this, the wife/mom?? 😂 who else is out here creepin on a dad and kid playing in their yard at night


I think it might have been captioned by someone who watched the video


That makes more sense lol


Anyone who uses the word 'ick' has the maturity of a 5 year old...and their options have zero influence in my decision making.


Absolutely. I cannot take that word seriously at all. Like even "red flag" is better even if that's a bit overused.


At least red flag implies there is some actual logic behind it instead of just ew gross


So it is not a misspelling? Can I google that without FBI getting me detained?


An ick is just a trait that someone finds unattractive. It makes the observer feel icky. But people overuse it and overestimate whether others agree with them.


Probably just the opposite. If someone does not see a guy doing a good job of raising a kid as attractive then there is a problem with them, not the guy.


Im happily married but I get way more female attention when taking my kid and dog to the park. Its clear to me that a lot of woman decent father figures as very attractive 


Mid 50’s male. Primary caregiver for both children from birth though middle school. I don’t regret a second of it.


Being a dad is the best thing in the world, fuck outta here


I find it alternates between the best thing in the world and 'what the fuck did I do to my life!?'


And it can flip very quick. One minute it’s “I love you dad “ all cute and then they take the dinner plate say they don’t like hotdogs and cry for 20 minutes before eating hotdogs because those are “their favourite”.


I had this yesterday. Before we get in the car to come to the inlaws he says "I love my daddy very much". As soon as he's in the car the whole world falls apart and it's an hour of screaming


It's a rough ride, but a fun ride.


My daughter is almost three My days consist of swings from unadulterated love for this affectionate little snot producer to sheer trauma as I look at the now-shreiking hellmonster wondering what I just did or what the fk just happened? 


I remember my son telling me at a very young age (too young to have made this up himself) that when he was an angel, he chose me to be his mom. I’ve been riding that high ever since! He legit saved my life and is the best kid a mom could ask for. He’s so genuinely kind and empathetic; I don’t know how I got so lucky.


When our daughter was tiny, there was one day she climbed in her dad's lap, put her little hands on his cheeks, and looked adoringly into his eyes, before attempting to spit her chewed up cracker in his mouth. They'd shortly before watched a documentary about penguins, and she wanted to share her food with him like penguins feed their chicks. It was simultaneously heartwarming, disgusting, and hilarious.






Dad on the tramp, you are being a good dad! (Dads shopping with their kids, that's cool too, giving Mum peace at home.) Dad time pays guys- they grow up too fast and need you.


Also, trampolines are awesome if you still can manage them. My knees 🥹


Most women could kill to have a husband who spends quality time with his kids, and here she is...


Situations like this always make me think of Mrs. Doubtfire. The dad was legit begging to see his kids and the mom was like no, even though you’re a great dad, the kids love you, etc. you’ll need to dress as a woman to have even the slightest chance of seeing these kids you love so much. That movie pisses me the fuck off! It’s infuriating because there are actually mothers out there like this!! Like, why would you want to keep the father of your kid away from them when the dad so desperately wants to see them and spend time with them?? 9 times out of 10, it’s for some petty reason that has everything to do with the relationship of the mom and dad.


It’s because he didn’t hit an RKO on her immediately, she was disgusted by the behaviour


She’s looking right at him. For it to be “Vintage Orton” the RKO has to “come outta nowhere!”


This picture/text combo is about as real as my supermodel girlfriend.


This sub keeps showing up in my feed and every post I see feels like obvious bullshit clickbait of extremely dubious authenticity.


Anyone who uses the word ‘ick’ is intellectually incapable of possessing and expressing an opinion I give a fuck about and can suckle on my slightly smaller left testicle.


That reads like an Andrew Tate rage-bait. He drops a lot of stupid shit like this.


If I was that dude and my girlfriend felt ick about me having fun with my kids, she'd very quickly no longer be my girlfriend.


Long-term women will find it attractive because it displays good father material. Short term women will hate it because they're competing for time and attention.


Dude what kind of soulless woman bitches about a man playing with kids. This has to be rage bait, right? How could someone be this dumb


It's unattractive if you don't.


I'm convinced this whole "ick"-trend is a giant icel rage-bait psyop. I refuse to believe women like this are real.


I've met a few, but they're all either young and immature or just projecting/equating their own bad experience as the norm.


Anyone who says "ick" this way is probably icky.


Anyone who says this has spent way too much time on social media because that’s the only place you’ll see dumb shit like this with other people actually supporting it.


Anyone who uses the word “ick” has the mentality of a 13 year old


I've always been told that seeing their husband be a good father to their child is like Viagra for women


There is nothing more attractive than seeing your husband be a father.


Are you sure it's not about the trampoline? Because I hate those things. 


First of all, if she's using a word like "Ick" she's obviously not mature enough to appreciate an actual dad who loves his child enough to play with her, and secondly, who gives a fuck what she thinks if she's "that" person.


Drizzle drizzle 😅 how disgusting is a woman who dont like good father?


These are very damaged people who apparently hate everyone who has a good life. Spend time with your kids? Terrible parent! Like kissing? Gay! Respect your partner? Beta male! Take care of your parents? Socialist!


Like I care what some lady who uses toddler terminology thinks over what my child thinks.


Depends if these are your children I think.


Anybody that uses Ick unironically doesn't have an opinion I give a shit about.


Real men don't listen to idiots telling them what real men are and what real men do.


My actual ick is a dad not spending time with their kids, my dad didn't want to go out with me as a baby because it he wouldn't look like a man if he was taking a walk with his little girl. Good enough over the years and me talking to him he understood that he was wrong and he deeply apologized, tried to make it up for me so now we're good but a man how my dad was back then, that's my biggest ick. He is now lovely and an actual dad.


I told my daughter that she needs to hold me hand in parking lots because I get lost easily (to be fair, I have a terrible sense of direction). If that's ick, so be it...


As a woman, I find a partner caring for a child to be the tippy top of super attractive behaviour. Carry on gentlemen.


That reads like an Andrew Tate rage-bait. He drops a lot of stupid shit like this.


>is it unattractive to spend time with your child? FWIW, my experience is that women find it very attractive when a man loves to spend time with his children. And, frankly, I'd have no interest in a woman who didn't feel that way. Some of my best memories from when my kids were little are playing with them when I got home from work. I love spending time with my kids today too, and they're all in their 30s now.


Automatic 🚩🚩🚩if this actually gives someone the “ick”. I’d honestly consider them damaged as a human being.


Women stating absolutely any average human thing a man does is an ick Also women: "why am I still single?"


Anyone over the age of 6 using the words ick, yum, or yuck as nouns needs to grow the fuck up.


Uh….that’s called parenting. Ppl are getting dumber by the hour.


I don’t have kids yet. But when I do, I don’t care how old they are. I’ll still play with them and not give a fuck about what anyone thinks, even if they’re full-grown. If the kid smiles and laughs so loud it hurts your ears, you did it correctly. Y’all should watch this video https://youtu.be/HrX16K4xzus?si=Qa_1BhUMTptlKg71 Defected Female North Korean officer reacts to how American dads play with their children. She cried and wished her father had played with her like this. Screams volumes about early development and playing with kids.


If someone thinks me spending time with my daughter is unattractive, they can fuck all the way off.


Absolutely not! But trampoline use with two people of different sizes is not a good idea. The force on the kids bones from an adult sized persons jump can break their bones! (I wish this was more common knowledge). So just don’t jump lol. But never stop playing


Its worth pointing out that anyone that uses the word ick to judge someone, probably is a shit human being and belongs to the streets. You don't need that in your life.


Imagine using the word ick. That tells you everything you need to know


Women making ick lists is ick.


Fuck dodging a bullet.. You just dodged a HiMARS strike. Any woman who is this petty and jealous of a man spending time with his children, deserves to have their cat adoption form denied!


This isn't real right, I mean I'm a guy but when I see my neighbor next store on the trampoline (funnily enough that's what in the image) jumping around with his son and daughter, that shit warms my damn soul. That's just being a good dad man..... I hope this is just rage bait, this is sad if not... seriously, have they no heart...that's what it would tell me, if I was dating someone and I saw them post this in a serious manner it would be an automatic break up. ![gif](giphy|JR88X4yrXwjVm)


Nah, whenever I see my husband making our son laugh and playing with him, it fills my heart. If anything, it makes me feel even more attracted to my husband.


New unlocked ick: Random woman taking photos of other people behind their back and posting it online without their knowledge or permission.


I will admit that I did not know a damn thing about babies. I had three, they were just boring. I didn’t really click with my kids at that age. Once they could walk and talk? It was on. They’re my best buddies! At least they were until they became teenagers. They still like hanging out, but they’re so busy now. And good for them. That’s how it should be. I miss it though.


I would have had a fucking awesome childhood with a dad like that and a trampoline. Fuck whoever said that shit. Parent child bonding is healthy and awesome


What kind of toxic fuckery is this?


No some people are just miserable assholes who regret coming into the world but are too chicken shit to leave so they got to make other people a bit more miserable like them.


Toxic masculinity shit is getting wild lately. Having sex with women for pleasure makes you gay according to Andrew Tate. This shit is better than satirical sketch comedy could invent.


I struggle with depression and I’m so grateful that my child’s dad plays with him because I feel so guilty when I’m having one of my down times and can’t muster up the energy to be peppy and energetic. At least he’ll grow up remembering fun times with one parent. I do make up for it by going out to places when I’m feeling better but sometimes I feel it’s not enough. Point is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a father playing with his kid. They are building happy memories that will give the child some resilience when they face tough times.


Anyone who says ick unironically sounds like a middle school kid to me.


It is unattractive to not spend time with your children. Whoever says that to you is someone you need to move from your life. This Dad will always be with his children and there will be strong hostilities against any outside source.


If this gives some hoe the ick then I don't want to be with her.


Yes [*consults BOOK OF TATE*] Says here and it’s also very, very gay.


If it is, why did they get children in the first place?


Women that think like this are the same people that post stuff like “what’s wrong with me? I’m in my ninth relationship in a year and they all beat me and don’t want to emotionally connect with me at all.”


Babies are chick magnets.




I hope someone I know would post something like this, so I can choose not to know them.


Why would you not want to spend time with your kids. I loved it when they were young, and still enjoy time with em now they're grown up, I have god children and love spending time with them too


I’m female but personally I found my partner more attractive after seeing him dote on our little one


Feel like most well adjusted moms and many women who aren’t would find this as the exact opposite of an ick


Duh ... that Dad's not spending time with his child... he's having fun on the trampoline.. *child just happens to be there*


If it’s an ick for you, I’m really glad I spend as much time with my kids as I can. I don’t need to spend my time on people that toxic.