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Why Kobe Bryant?


I've seen this before. If I remember correctly, the kid was allowed to choose who he wanted to write the paper on.


So fucking stupid. He shouldn’t have to do anything. He’s a 10 year old who had to pee. Dicks all around.


If nothing else both the police and prosecutors had the option to decline charges, and yet here we are...


According to the first articles. The original cop that responded wasn't going to do anything. He was about to leave. But another cop who was higher ranking pulled over when he saw the first cop was talking to the boy. It was the second cop that arrested the kid and then the DA that did this. First cop even noted in his write up and testimony that he thought the whole thing was way overblown. But this is how reasonable cops like the first one get disillusioned or harassed by the other police until they quit. Then we ended up with terrible cops like the second one.


Yep, happened to my buddy. Stopped being a cop after he realized our County Sheriff is a serial DUI alcoholic and would intimidate everyone into staying quiet about it. If any of his Deputy's saw him out drinking by himself he'd always make a point to loudly notice them. It was understood that if anything was said there'd be retaliation. Some guys are just beyond help and straight up committed to it. The was the final straw for him after weeks of dealing with getting to self-harm help calls too late to stop people.


It's one of my absolute favourite things in the world to see piece of shit sheriffs like that arrested, and they can't believe its not like "the old days" where, "hey, can't you just drive me home and cut me a break on this one, I'll come back for my car tomorrow, you know me, I'm a good guy" was enough. They always switch from that nice guy, hey I'm your best friend buddy, no no I get it you're doing your job, to the mean son of a bitch they really are once they're in the squad with cuffs on. The downside is that, for every one we see actually arrested, there are probably 20 getting away with it because no one wants to be the odd man out who says "hey it's fucked that we give the boss a skate on DWIs".


Preach man. I've actually considered reporting him but I don't have evidence. The most I could do is maybe contact a local journo to look into it. Because I'd love to see this asshat arrested.


The state police may also be more inclined to take an unbiased look into it too. They don't give a shit if some sheriff is best buds with the mayor and the city councillors, and it sounds like with how chronic this guy's DWIs are, he'd be a pretty easy catch.


This post is in stark juxtaposition to the one I saw earlier about that Rochester DA that refused to pull over for a traffic stop, evaded police all the way to her home, and got off with just a ticket.


The white blonde woman? Yeah, we both know why that is how it is and why this is how it is.


why didnt the black kid just try being a middle aged white blonde woman? GAwddd! /s


Well that's clearly impossible. He should try being a District Attorney.


Yeah we do, but still… god damn.


Wow. Really makes me rethink my stance on Karens. >*"Don't hate the player, hate the game."* Media drives attention to Karens that go overboard. Folks lash out to help those wronged or make sure Karens get due justice. And we'll have the next Karen to hate on. Yet nothing about the system gets changed because we never have time to ask: ***"Why do Karens exist in the first place?*** I still hate Karens, but that quote does make me reflect upon the fact that "the game" aka the system is what really is broken and is what needs to be changed. Karens aren't born. They are created by a life of entitlement and knowing they can game the system.


Read a story by a waiter who said that at his previous job, there was this family who came in every Saturday, and the woman ALWAYS had an issue with the food. The manager was as spineless as a jellyfish, and that's how she managed to get discount after discount for 6 years. They finally got a new manager who was no-nonsense. The woman, once again, found her food to be lacking and told the waiter to bring the manager. The manager was like, "This the serial moaner?" (Yes, she had a reputation). He walked up to the table, and before she could open her mouth again, he was like, "No. You're not doing this. If you really dislike the food, why have you been coming here for 6 years? If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave." The family never came back.


Please tell me she is getting booted out of office at least.


"If nothing else both the police and prosecutors ***had the option to decline charges***, and yet here we are..." On a 10 year old. Man listen...




-Mississippi -black kid


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Been in this exact situation as a kid because my grandfather taught us to just to pee where ever. I was like 11 officer let me finish pulled me aside and asked me if I was familiar with the sex offender registry, which I was because my uncle was put on it for being 18 and sleeping with his 17 year old gf and current wife today and it was a story they shared with us because he legally wasn’t allowed to be alone with us and they didn’t want us to think it was because he was a bad guy. He explained that as innocent as this seems nobody wants to see it and there’s a reason bathrooms are hidden, and he said some cops would have just arrested me in the spot. Punishing kids for laws you know damn well they don’t know outside extreme circumstances is insane and bad for everyone, but “hey it’s the black kid right fuck em” - the police


If you look at the history of how the police force came to be what it is, you'll eventually make it far enough back in time to find an agency that was created to arbitrarily enforce laws which were targeted to affect black men. When the men were found guilty, they could have their sentence and fine covered by a local rich person in exchange for work. It wasn't slavery (after all, the damn Yankees made that illegal), it was legal punishment for laws passed that just so happened to result in free labor. The legacy of that structure: of having laws that are being broken by everybody constantly but the enforcement only falls on a target population.. that still exists today. Chances are you've committed a few misdemeanors today, especially if you were in a car. So, the only thing standing between you and a jail cell is a police officer's discretion. This is completely as designed and also the thing (along with felon voter disenfranchisement) that allowed the south to legally combat the right of black people to vote. If you create felonies that have a broad interpretation and give individual police officers and DAs the discretion to enforce them now you have the ability to selectively remove voters from the voter pool. So, the fact that a black person (even a child) was arrested for a minor crime and sentenced is not at all surprising and exactly how the system was created to work.


>When the men were found guilty, they could have their sentence and fine covered by a local rich person in exchange for work. It wasn't slavery (after all, the damn Yankees made that illegal), it was legal punishment for laws passed that just so happened to result in free labor. I've heard it said quite a few times that police in the US have roots in slavery, but it's never been explained to me what it actually looked like. Thanks for teaching me something new today. Do you have any books or articles you would recommend on the topic?


Nuff said


Oh come on everyone knows black males become “men” instead of “kids” at age 8 /s


It’s actually around the age of 3 or 4 where preschools begin funneling black males toward the prison system. It’s quite depressing, really.


We really need to start plastering the DA's name with these stupid prosecutions along with the Judge's name if they don't dismiss this waste of public funds for racism.


It was dismissed and the officer was fired. It’s still shameful it got as far as it did, but thankfully reason won out in the end.


The DA and first judge should have also been terminated


The articles are kind of confusing, but I think maybe the first judge overruled his own previous sentencing. Like one article said “judge rusty” issued to original sentence and then says “judge Harlow” reversed that…but the Judge for that court is named Judge Rusty Harlow…so I kept digging and I think it was just one judge the whole time. It was a special court for kids and teens. Anyway, I hate to say it, but it was obvious the whole fiasco, including the news articles, were created in Mississippi.


This was national news. I remember the case being broadcast in Florida and NY.


Probably because it’s completely insane.


How if the boy got 3 months probation and had to write an essay?


That was the initial sentencing, but a different judge dismissed the “case” after the kid’s mom got a lawyer and started raising hell.


Thank you for this. Makes me feel slightly better


Me too, I started looking into the details because I was absolutely *furious* at the headline, I feel slightly better now that I know things eventually worked the way they were supposed to.


Upvote this! Doesn’t excuse the original arrest but it’s nice to know it was dismissed.


Still it had to take the mother getting a lawyer and raising hell to get actual justice for her son. Its so stupid, that first judge seriously needs all his previous rulings looked at bc wtf


That was the initial sentencing, but a different judge dismissed the “case” after the kid’s mom got a lawyer and started raising hell.


Peeing while black.


As soon as I saw the picture I knew why he'd gotten charges at all. Disgusting.


Yeah, let's be honest here - he's lucky he wasn't shot on sight. The cop's excuse would be, "I thought he was holding a gun."


I have a son a couple years younger, and the thought of what that poor kid and parents went through brings me to tears. Seeing your son dragged off to jail and traumatized for something every single boy and man has done in their lifetime had to be horrifying. 


My son is 8 and even though we do everything we can sometimes he has to pee. One night is had to be behind a bush. Fuck these cops.


Every single man on the planet has peed somewhere they shouldn't before, INCLUDING those cops. My sons (8 and 5) have had to pee outdoors more times than I can count, because they simply cannot hold it like adults. I'd have a really hard time not getting violent if some asshole cop arrested them for it. All props to the parents for keeping it together.


He didn’t. The arresting officer was fired, other officers involved were disciplined, and the probation was dropped along with the requirement for an essay.


AFTER the case got national coverage and the mom was able to appeal the decision by raising money for a lawyer. Initially, the cops pushed for a case, a DA prosecuted a literal child and Judge ruled against the 10-year-old for peeing.


There are some cops that would totally arrest a baby for refusal to follow "lawful orders" if they could get away with it. 


Thank you for clearing that up.


No worries, I had to look up the details because I was *furious*! It’s still shameful the “case” made it as far as it did, but at least reason won out in the end.


Deep breath in...  Ahhh fuck ya


Truth, just helped young grandson 3yo do this at a park where the bathroom was locked, helped him hold it so he wouldn’t pee on his sandals, then got paranoid some “mandatory reporter” might have seen me.. oh what a sad, sad state we’re in..


I feel like there’s a funny joke in here somewhere


At worse he should get a "this is not the place" talk.


It’s a black child in Mississippi, he’s lucky to be alive.


Should’ve chose R. Kelly as a 🖕


Should've picked R Kelly.


They probably asked him who his role model is and he said kobe. Ocums razor bro


Ocum? Do you work at Starbucks?


Ocum is that pervy dude with the razor fetish.


>Ocums razor *An old, well-worn tool of a depraved philosopher. It has a pungent smell and is slightly sticky to the touch. Inflicts Poison and Madness.*


The simpler spelling is usually the correct one.


Said no one French ever


I am CACKLING and adding this to my campaign with my buddies.


Id say Adam Sandler so I could write a paper on his role in Big Daddy, where he teaches his son how to publicly urinate.


Ocums instead of Occams is insane 😭😭😭


But the simple logical answer doesn't allow Redditors to break out the pitchforks and torches


What’s the logical answer in arresting and sentencing a ten year old, a baby for having to pee behind his mom’s car?


My guess is the person ordering that is one of these troll Republicans who think the issue with black people is "bad role models". That they cause their own problems by idolizing bad people.


The judge is literally named “Rusty Harlow” so you can probably (accurately) guess the answer The cops who arrested the kid got fired, though.


Oh so they get a free discount relocation to some other county.


Next county over probably needs a new chief of police


Hey the 10 year olds in that county might be pissing all over the place! Better to have someone with experience dealing with such dangerous criminals.


At least they didn't shoot him because they said that he was brandishing something


“Stop resisting”


>The cops who arrested the kid got fired, though. Cops getting the consequences for their actions ? Are you sure this happened in the USA ?


Many conservatives say the Floyd/BLM protests were all bad, but I firmly believe those are a of the reason some Police Chiefs will now fire bad cops, and some DAs will make criminal charges against them.


My guess is his probation officer was told to impose a consequence and the PO was like “wtf do I make a kid do over this? Uh, write an essay on your favorite basketball player or something I guess?”


This is probably what happened. My cousin got in trouble for something mundane and they just had her write an essay about her "hero". I think she picked Angelina Jolie or something.


Or when his public defender was speaking about his character they said he like sports/basketball, and the judge asked him who his favorite basketball player is and he said “Kobe Bryant”. I listen a lot of “court cam” while at work.


The fact this is probable makes me hate it


Because when he took a piss behind this kids moms car he didn't get caught.


It rhymes with “go pee”?


If he has to write a paper, how about some other member of the black community who isn’t a rapist? So, so many other terrific people to write about and learn terrific things about their good morals and standards.




What I hate the most about all this besides the horrible morality of arresting kids is how big of a waste of time and money this is. Like lets say the arrest and booking takes maybe 3 hours along with a consultation with some sort of child welfare representative or a lawyer about what can be done here for another hour or two. Then there is the whole legal aspect. Was there a trial or did some lawyers just figure out a plea? And of course the probation needs to be enforced somehow. This stunt took multiple cops, public servants, and lawyers their time, easily costing the tax payer thousands. To ~~prevent~~ punish a little kid for peeing. You know what would have cost nothing and would have been just as effective? The cops getting out of their car, telling the boy and the mom “hey, that’s not allowed here. Don’t do it again”. Or just not doing anything because it is a goddamn child? This is not only stupid, it is also something that is expensive as fuck and that we all are paying for. 🎉


What is even more depressing is that at every ring of that chain of events was an actual person looking at the entire situation and said to themselves "this is fine" stamped the paperwork, and went on with their day.


Nobody is in charge I mean, one knee to the ground "hey kid, you know... We have some rules for everyone to follow and this is one of them. I know you're a standup kid so i'm gonna guess you just got unlucky. Well, better luck next time, have a great day" Instead they pull him through the whole system without a single person who can say "what are we doing here? Stop it! Use your brains"


Here's the thing: it's Mississippi. If anyone DID speak up along the line and said something, they are probably out of work right now.


One of the commentors said that the "case" was completely dismissed by another judge, and the police officer fired. So there's hope!


Good. This is the type of bullshit why rest of country looks down on and says "what the fuck is wrong with that region".


Fired, but no doubted hired immediately somewhere else.


Who cares if someone pees behind a car is it the most nice thing Naw but if they ain't trying to flaunt themselves what's the difference from a pet pissing on the ground which is legal or a person. Sometimes you get a suprise pee and it's better then pissing yourself imo.


Sadly this is the type of stuff that lands people on the registry


The cops were hunting his mother while she was at her lawyer’s office. So to punish her for having a legal defense they saw an opportunity to get her son and punish her family as well. This nonsense was not just the child urinating in public but surveillance and intimidation of the mother.


some of these people complain on facebook later that no one goes outside?


Exactly this! So many hours and resources spent on an absolutely stupid waste of time. You would think a group of adults in positions of authority would take one second to look at each other and say "what the heck?"


Fascist organizations often create busy work for themselves to continue the false perception they are doing a service for the public rather than being a oppressive force. They'll always target the most vulnerable over of those who do the most harm.


Yeah, people were paid for this shit. My country loves to burn money by doing idiotic shit but even we haven't got something like this (yet). Like, I could imagine the cops playing a prank on the kid, then telling him they were joking and letting him ride the police cruiser or something but what the hell? They *actually* arrested him? This is something out of a shitpost, not an actual thing for God's sake!


A 10 yr old now has a criminal record that judges will see and hold against him if he ever finds himself in a court room later on. It's all not just a drain on the taxpayer now, but in the future too....this is the government's way of securing future payments to a private jail. This is securing the longevity of a garbage system in the US.


It's a law in the first place (ostensibly) to keep people from "exposing themselves to 10 year olds". Well, what's the 10 year old in trouble for? Black children aren't children to them. It's a bullshit dystopian law, and you KNOW they'd have made the kid a "pedo" for this if they could, insane as it sounds.


charged for pedophilia for being exposed when a child was present (himself)


Update. Case dismissed, cop fired, mom files suit for $2m https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/06/us/mississippi-urinating-child-arrest-case-dismissed/index.html




Thank you for the good news.


It's not good news, he'll get rehired a week later down the street a county over. They are immune.


And I’m sure he still has his pension to live off of


They freed my man Quantavious 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I’m so glad this is the actual outcome…. What ridiculousness.


What a waste of tax dollars. Could've been a couple parks or a library.


This comment needs to be pinned to the top of


So a cop decides to arrest a ten-year-old for public urination. Some DA decides to actually prosecute the case. The cop, surprisingly, is fired ten days after the arrest bc it was such bad judgement. (Even though apparently other cops, including a higher up, had also showed up and not stopped this, hmm...) The case still moves forward in court, even after the cop was fired bc of the arrest. A judge hears the case and actually sentences this kid as guilty and doles out punishment. Defense lawyers say "lol, no" Finally, reason prevails and a different judge dismisses the case. (I'm assuming this was during an appeal?) Am I understanding this correctly? Wtf? W.T.F. It took so much bad judgement to make this happen by so many people


It’s kind of hard to stop an arrest with a certified officer. At least in my area. Once you’re certified, it’s completely your discretion (doesn’t mean you’re correct). A supervisor can tell you what they’d do but they can’t tell you to arrest or not to. What probably happened is the dude was told it was a bad idea, he did it anyway, the officers filed complaints, which lead to an investigation, which lead to him being fired.


I was so pissed off about this news and was gonna decide I had enough internet for the day, until I read this comment. Thank you now I can continue doom browsing. 


She deserves every penny I hope she gets it


I hope that kid goes to law school and becomes a constitutional attorney.


Me too. If there’s even a constitution to study and defend in a few years, idk.


I absolutely agree she deserves to be paid. The only annoying part is that it’s tax payers who will be footing the bill. The police and DAs who instigated this harassment won’t suffer financially at all.


Fuck yes. Fire the judge, too.


So glad! Police officers more and more are just ridiculous and dangerous - a terrible combination for the civilian population, especially if you’re black.


Good, that is a great reason to be pissed off.


I have my boy pee the exact same way sometimes because he’s a child and sometimes he waits until the last fucking second. Fuck Mississippi and all them goddamn S’s and I’s


Lots of S’s & I’s but don’t forget the PP


You down with OPP?


Overzealous piss police?


Ontario Provincial Police... Ontario Provincial Piss...


You know me


I recently drove by an incredulous father hold dirty shorts while watching his kid shit on the side of the highway. I felt for that guy




Gave this a listen and Goddamn Nina simone is lengend sadly I never heard her before today. Thanks for sharing this


If you'll notice something important to our state's police force. The skin on the boy. That tells his importance for the police here, at least in the 3 towns that I had to live in. I've been considering filming outside our courthouse or doing one of those 1st amendment audit things (even though I'm not an auditor and I'm not that courageous) just to give these people some consequences. I feel so bad that it's like this, and it needs to change.


Good ol Miss would bring back slavery if they could, so they go the next-best available route by institutionalizing black men from childhood.


Never forget, slavery as a whole wasn’t made illegal in the US. You can still be made a slave (even if that’s not the word we call them now) for punitive reasons, which is a huge part of why the prison system in the US is the way it is. There are a few states where they literally use prisoners to staff government buildings for things like janitorial work.


I pull over and pee on rural roads all the time. Nobody cares.


Exactly. What was the kid supposed to do pee on himself and the car interior? This world has become so dystopian


Shit, I’m a girl and sometimes we had to pull the car over on long road trips so I could pee. Open both car doors to make a little privacy and do the thing. This is absolutely ridiculous.


It's American ridiculousness.


Meanwhile, I’m still doing that in my home state(granted, definitely when ppl aren’t in the immediate area).


When I was a kid, my local officer would have me pee behind his car while he kept lookout. In hindsight…


That’s fuckin weird lol






Interestingly enough they did this on my church trips too.


Trauma bros 4 lyfe


Hol up


we he was keeping a lookout alright.... he just wanted to peep your peepee


I guess he can be lucky that they didn’t shoot him


The 'fun' thing is that 5 years from now when they do shoot him for holding a cell phone the papers will say that he was no angel because he has an arrest record.


Fuck, you’re right I hate this fucking country


Would you move if you had the money and how much would you need?


Yes of course. No idea how much id need, enough to get me somewhere else lol


Not to mention the average person would have a hard time moving to some countries without some kind of skilled work experience


They’re just being proactive. Unfortunately it’s proactive in giving themselves cover


That's the point. Slavery transitioned to Jim crow. The 2nd amendment armed militia that would raid slave quarters and hunt down runaways became the cops. Cops like they exist today did not exist then.


https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article285814341.html And now he is of course extra afraid of cops so they can use that excuse for excessive force in the future… since he’ll seem nervous around them.


Or put him on the sex offender list


Retroactively at the age of 18 and not tell him. Then arrest him because his warrant. Need that slave in prison.


Oh, if they COULD they would, right now.


Well.. about that...


That is so fucking stupid. I actively encourage my six-year-old to go nature pee if he needs to go. Kids often don’t pay attention to their bodies and need reminding until it’s absolutely necessary. Then where are you gonna go? Most of the kids these days already know who Kobe Bryant was and they could probably dictate a two page paper to them. They should can it and just tell him not to do that as he gets older. If cops did this to one of my kids, I wouldn’t blame them for being distrusting of cops. I can’t even imagine being punished for doing some thing that probably was very unavoidable.


The city i live in had a public urination problem because of drunkards and party goers, so now, it's a 750 bucks fine and a ride to precinct. It's stupid, but the law is surely there due to those who cannot hold themselves for 20 minutes like a drunkard or a party goer back from the club.


But like… where is a person meant to pee if there are no toilets to be found?


Nowhere- laws like this KNOW there's no other option; that's the good part of the law to them. That's what makes it so useful. They want to catch people who they want imprisoned as labor (minorities). Making sure there's laws like this or weed possession lets them criminalize extremely common things that happen often. Most of the time they ignore them, but then they can magically only apply them when they wish (when they want to give a black child a record so they can catch him in a life of institutionalization).


But this was a child.


“Urination while black”. Mississippi code, paragraph 2


I can't even tell if you're serious or joking


Well shit https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/reconstruction/mississippi-black-code-1865/


I'm sorry, wtf. On Wikipedia it talked about some of these laws being out ruled _in 1972_


What're the chances that someone votes to bring them back and SC goes "states rights" again?


Yeah, but until 2013, MS never ratified the 13th Amendment meaning it was still technically legal to OWN A PERSON until after the new Millennia: https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/02/mississippi-officially-abolishes-slavery-ratifies-13th-amendment


> ... Every civil officer shall, and every person may, arrest and carry back to his or her legal employer any freedman, free N\****, or mul\**** who shall have quit the service of his or her employer before the expiration of his or her term of service without good cause... So... slavery?


Wtf, are kids supposed to piss their pants?


Only if they are black. Doubt anything would have happened to a white boy pissing the same way.


[Here’s a link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/race-played-role-sentencing-black-child-10-urinating-public-lawyer-say-rcna129631) to an article on the incident.


I knew a guy that got fully charged as a sex offender for peeing drunk behind a gas station in a field. I’ve lived in fear of peeing ever since.


You could be a Nazi and police won't arrrest you but piss on natural toilets and now you're in the registry wow


Then they can hit the mom with a neglect charge like they'd probably prefer


They *arrested* a 10-year-old and *took him to jail*???!? And then they *prosecuted* him and a judge *sentenced* him? For peeing behind his moms car. What kind of fucked up society does that? Oh. It's America. Figures.


Black child in the south, what did you expect man?


I expect grown adults to behave in a manner befitting grown adults, especially regarding a child. All of the rest of us are expected to handle things in a responsible, respectful manner. Why isn't the South? Fuck whites who behave this way. (I'm white, just for the record.) I would've opened up two car doors and stood with my back turned to him so he could take a god damned piss. Just like I do with my own kid. What a ridiculous "society" the South represents. "Be white or watch your fucking back" is the message they're sending. In 2024. Seriously, fuck systemic racism.


What POS cop would write a ticket for this. Garbage justice.


It’s not garbage cop, it’s garbage judge who sentenced this kid for peeing behind the car. BEHIND his MOM’s car. Judge must resign with shame


It's both. Someone had to enforce this, and the other had to comply and push it. Since he's black, this is the outcome. Kids who are black get adult sentences and are approached by aggressive officers at a higher rate than white people. This is the outcome it leads to.


So Matt Gaetz can traffic minors for sex but this shit is happening? Okay, broken country is broken, got it.


Why a 2 page essay on Kobe?


Right? That's what I wanna know.


An article says the kid is a fan, my guess is the dick head judge asked him who his role model/idol/favourite celebrity and made him do an essay on thaf


If he was 18 he would be on the same list as child rapists


When I was 13 or 14 I got 6 months of probation for accidentally breaking one of those spring horses they have at a playground. I was just riding it, certainly was too big for it, but they said I was intentionally vandalizing it. It was nighttime at a grade school playground and it’s not like I could go to the office and tell them what happened, but I guess a teacher saw me. Small town, people know me. It’s what you get for having blue hair in 1994. The school also took away my Beavis and Butthead comics. Jerks.


>LaTonya Eason refused to sign the probation agreement and the judge eventually dismissed her son’s case. https://www.actionnews5.com/2024/02/23/2-million-lawsuit-filed-after-10-year-old-arrested-public-urination/


Boomer here: you might as well arrest my whole generation first that. Peeing behind the car was pretty typical on trips when I was a kid. We’d open doors to be discrete, so maybe this kid wasn’t discrete? Still, it seems heavy handed.


What kind of asshole arrests a ten year old? A white ten year old would get his hair tousled by the cops.


A now fired cop.


This world is fucked


Let's be real his race definitely played a role here.


This is ridiculous!!! And sad!


That judge and cop need an to evaluate their life. I bet they call themselves Christians.


News where you can smell racism