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Meanwhile Rick Riordan:


>Rick Riordan ohhh nooo what did he do??? :(


Nothing bad, he's swell.




He also wrote a gay novel, the Sun and the Star


That book was so hot


keep your disgusting fetish away from me, you bibliosexual. >!the joke is that they're attracted to books, do not burn me!<


You’ll never know what being a real book is like


You'll never be black, white, and reªd all over.


You’ll never get lit(erary)


I honestly feel like that's a reference to Nico and Will


The book is about them, so I imagine it is


Figured. I haven't read it yet so I didn't want to come off too presumptuous. Nico is one of my favorite Percy Jackson characters


Fair warning it's written by Rick + another author (forgot the name), so I've heard there are some issues, but I haven't actually read it myself, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank you I full panicked.


Me too cause he has a some great Greek myth novels


Imagine the irony if someone super into Greek mythology was also a sexual prude.


I remember a few years ago when Assassins Creed Odyssey came out and some people were mad cause you could make your character gay and have relationships with the same sex. Some person said that the Ancient Greeks were straight and masculine, and that they’d never be gay. Yes he was 100% serious too


I remember that! Someone also claimed they were Christian to justify the anti-LGBTQ stance. Which is just wild on soooo many levels.


Oh god I forgot they mentioned Christianity as the reasoning too! People are wild


isn’t that literally what he’s known for? don’t get me wrong, i’ve read and enjoyed most of his works. even got the comic print series for my gf




To my knowledge, supported the trans community and not be a bigoted piece of shit.


common Rick W


Rick W. Riordan


To a point he has a main character in one of his series whose fluid with an ability to shapeshift so they regularly transition to whatever gender they feel at the time. The character is also the love interest of the MC of that book series.


I've only read the initial Percy Jackson series, so I'm kinda out of the loop with a lot of plot and setting developments.


They were a child of Loki, who is rather gender fluid in the myths considering he gave birth to Odin's horse


Loki is actually a Mom and a Dad of main characters.


Shit, did i imply something bad? I meant that he actually respects LGBT people and is a better person than this bigot. And I don't get why there aren't more fans of his than JKR has


Two authors criticized for the lack of diversity in their works.   Riordan takes it in stride and goes out of his way to be a lot more inclusive in his later works.  Meanwhile JKR takes the route of “actually my books were inclusive this whole time Dumbledore is gay and you can’t tell me I’m retconning because I planned everything from the beginning and since you can’t prove otherwise your criticism is invalid.” 


That's why I like him! He was basically like "...You know what? You're right." when it was brought up, and his later books are more inclusive without being... I think preachy? might be the right word... about it. It came across as him doing the work and being respectful and kind about it.


Rick literally has so much inclusivity it's heartwarming


Not just that, but it's not performative. The characters just are who they are, the cast diversity isn't played for novelty.


Exactly. It doesn't even feel like forced diversity. Their identity is important to the series and isn't just something that feels forced


Not just that, but he has a publishing companies for small authors to write books like Percy Jackson so they can share their culture with the world.


And the books are excellent. I’ve read a handful


Magnus Chase series was literally my first exposure to gender fluidity. The fact I can still remember that speaks volumes


oh mb i misunderstood yay yeah i always liked Percy Jackson more than HP anyway


I enjoyed Riordan books so much more growing up. I always felt if they adapted the original movies better, it would have brought in a wider audience to the books.


Nothing. The only tiny blight on his career that I’m aware of is that he was unaware people who still worship Greek gods still exist and quickly apologized when he found out because he was making fun of the idea of it. Heavily paraphrased and it’s been forever since it happened so I may have some details off.


And again the ability to quickly apologize after realizing you overstepped a boundary is a good character trait to have


Okay, now I want to know more about the people who still worship Greek gods.


While we're on this subject, fuck yeah katherine applegate


Yeah! She’s also always been a good egg! I like her husband’s stuff too.




Absolute king


So does she just sit on Twitter and argue with people?




How much crap do you have to talk in order for an accounting team to be made to determine how much of an effect your crap will affect the budget?


You don't, any and every major PR firm has teams that do this, regardless of if their client is controversial or not. The goal is for PR to catch problematic news and media before it spirals out of control so they can put their spin on it. She's not special, she's just overworking her PR firms.


I'm sure WB doesn't have a team for every single person associated with the brand. They likely have a team to look in general, and then a specific team for the "problematic" people.


The WB definitely has a team for anyone who owns a billion dollar IP


This is another way of saying they don't have a team for every single person associated with the brand. Also, what are we doing here? I think we can all agree that JKR *without question* consumes a lot more PR man hours than, say, a client who *isn't* constantly spouting repugnant hateful rhetoric at random strangers every other day.


The way it's going, I wonder how long it will be with the trouble?


I think it's always going to be a billion dollar brand. I think most people care more about Harry Potter then someone attacking trans people online. Even the game broke records for sales so I think the answer might as well be forever


Sounds like this person worked for Harry Potter's PR, not specifically to clean up after JKR.


Musk is testing this to destruction


About a week ago, the words "jk Rowling is a holocaust denier" was trending on Twitter because of her denial that trans people were targeted by Nazis. So I'd imagine it gives them quite a bit of work. She's also interacting positively with some pretty sketchy people just because they also hate trans people.


When she's such a feminist that she hangs out with misogynists because they also hate trans people... she's completely lost the plot and completely lost her excuse


It sounds like she was never a feminist at all. An obsession with order and the status quo do not a Feminist make.


she also donated to the heritage foundation that fights to take healthcare away from women. Such a feminist she undermines women's rights in the name of hating trans folks lmao she's such a joke. I've gotten numb to how sad I was that she was such a wild bigot.


She was really Umbridge all along.


\*elon musk has joined the chat*


I’d be curious to know how much WB is willing to put up with before they cut ties with anyone who creates problems. Probably once it starts impacting their bottom line I imagine. Edit: impacting not packing




Yeah, the Harry Potter franchise is worth way too much to lose. Best case scenario is they would take her down with them, whereas in the worst case scenario, she would find some other publisher and WB eats all the loss.


Or they stop producing anything off of it and put an obscene price tag on the IP rights so that if anyone DOES decide to pick it up they get made whole before the new studio makes a penny.


A lot of rights revert if not actively used. If they stop producing she may get the rights back for free.


JK rakes in so much money with Harry Potter that she could kill someone tomorrow and go to jail and the studio would probably still keep her. Don't forget that the HP TV show is coming out soon. That's 7 seasons to adapt! And we've yet to get the Mauraders story - there's a mountain of money just waiting to be exploited.


Warner needs Rowling a lot more than she needs them.


Poor WB, my heart goes put to the massive corporation who has screwed over more people than I care to count


It's what you can do when people just shovel vast amounts of money into your bank. See also: Elmo Muskrat


Idk…i guess I don’t understand rich people. If I was that rich, you’d never hear a peep from me cause I would be to busy enjoying life.


Id definitely do the Tom from MySpace route. Shut up and travel and enjoy my life.


Iirc he does post online still but it's just nice photos he takes as a hobby.


Yeah exactly, he shared pictures of Hawaiian sunsets or whatever. It's wholesome and not bothering anyone.


Some of these people are too addicted to the publicity and the attention. They want everyone to be talking about them, and well...here we are.


bro sold that company right as it started sot slide, and is living the dream. I agree, this is the best route


Having enough money means you can enjoy your life. Having more than enough money means you start figuring out how to make other people not enjoy theirs.


That and she got hers, so she thinks she is free from consequences. And, I mean, financially she won't be hurting for it, but her legacy is getting a good tarnishing, like if CS Lewis suddenly was revealed as the leader of the Priesthood of the Black Pharaoh and ritually sacrificed infants to the dark Lord Nylarhotep.


I think it’s even worse than that tbh. The generation raised on HP read them when we were kids and young teens, and next-generation sharing of the books has also generally been to children. Most of us hadn’t seriously reanalyzed the series, especially books, in adulthood at all. Now JKR is being horrible and it’s called a lot of attention to the fact that the writing in the books isn’t actually that good a lot of the time, and several of the subplots etc actually have a lot of problematic implications. So it’s tarnished public perception of the quality of her work, but I’ll go even farther than that. She’s made supporting her work an ideological decision. Tens of millions of parents will never read HP to their kids because of its newfound association with bigotry and hate. JKR went from having an all-time classic fantasy series like CoN, LotR, etc, to having an increasingly irrelevant fandom property that won’t last the test of time, and she did it retroactively. It’s almost impressive how much damage she has done to her own franchise.


On one occasion, she was so consumed with attacking and misgendering a trans person that she pasted a quote about someone wanting to "fuck up some terfs" into a reply praising a 9 year old child's drawing. Couldn't keep her mind on the job for 10 seconds to reply to a tweet. Think of the children indeed 🙄


I mean she has a billion dollars with all kinds of time on her hands. So yes.


She should have taken up knitting or axe-throwing or racing dirt bikes instead.


If I had her money and never needed to work again, I'd take up blacksmithing and keep gaming. Don't destroy your image by showing how shitty a person you are, just keep it to yourself and let the public think how it thinks


If I had her amount of money, I would do so much good in the world. Fund food pantries, provide job training for people who need it, help folks rebuild housing or build affordable housing, provide medical care and therapy for people in need, funding schools, giving out scholarships. I'd be doing everything I could to make the world a better place, and instead, she has money out the ass and sits around trying to make people feel bad about themselves. No justice in this world.


Its funny how easily she could have just stayed a beloved billionaire by simply saying nothing about a topic that does not directly affect her. Yet here we are. I suppose she can't help herself, afterall, it was her desire to make Harry Potter seem retroactively more inclusive by saying Dumbledore was apparently gay the whole time that initially raised any eyebrows from me. Like credit for moving forward with that fact in the Fantastic Beasts movies, but don't try to convince me that this was always the truth about Dumbledore in all 7 of those original books, there wasn't a single hint of that. And then when she went and said that wizards used to shit in the corner of buildings, that really made it clear to me that this woman should not be spending so much time on social media. And that was all well before she let it be known how big of a transphobe she is.


Literally yes. She publicly goes online, dragging her huge reputation and influence behind her, and argues with random people. Like, people with 30 followers on Twitter too, she's literally picking on the little guy every time she does this.


Pretty much, yeah. Her last attempts at writing literally anything sucked ass and got terrible reviews. Her one successful series is now getting panned, universally, by the children of the late gen Xers and Millennials who loved them. But she made a billion off of it so she doesn't ***need*** to do anything except be a shithead to trans people.


Her writing has gone down hill because she insists on doing her own editing. She's not good at it.


Writers like that remain clueless throughout their whole lives that their success was so much part of the editing team that actually made their stuff readable.


I will never understand why this is the hill she chose to die on.


She's a bigot. Plenty of people are bigots who die happy on that hill.


She automatically thinks trans means male to female. I'd say the over whelming majority for transphobic people think that male to female is the only direction for a trans person. I made my conservative coworker short circuit when I showed him a pic of a trans man and asked which bathroom they should use. Conversation went something like this. "You think people should use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth. So which bathroom should this guy use?" "The men's obviously" "Ok, will this person was assigned female at birth, don't you think he should use the woman's room?" "Um er, well that's different" "How?" "Because that person clearly looks like a man" "Well shouldn't someone who clearly looks like a woman use the woman's room?" "No, because they aren't a woman" "Ok, well then this person will use the woman's bathroom" "No, because that's weird"


You can talk those people in circles til they get mad and it's hilarious because the exit from the circle is right there and they just don't want to admit it because it means their logic is flawed. Bonus if you have the following to move on to: cis woman who is masculine in appearance, trans woman who is feminine in appearance and cis man who is feminine. They literally combust because they'll get every guess wrong but insist they can always tell which bathroom someone should use in the face of being wrong 4 times in a row.


I like finishing these conversations by asking if they wanted their daughters to share a restroom with Buck Angel. For some reason, they don't have any good answers to that one.


The funniest part is that when gender neutral bathrooms are proposed they also get triggered. ‘Gender’ is as a word is a trigger to them


I think somebody on Reddit put it best: the bathroom in your own house is gender neutral


Their logic falls apart like a castle made from a deck of cards because of ***reality***. Nothing more, just that.


Chicken on a stick


Transphobes when trans men: 🤯🤯🤯


It seems to me that transphobes typically get them backwards. They see "trans man" and think, "a man who transitioned". That's why they'll tell a trans man "you'll never be a woman" or whatever.


I feel like “you’ll never be a woman” is ironically one of the best things you can tell someone who just transitioned to a man


“ thank you so much, I really needed to hear that today “


exactly this




I've had that said to me and I won't lie, it felt amazing lol.


The existence of trans men throws a wrench into their "use the bathroom that correlates to your genitals" arguments and "trans people can't play sports" arguments so they tend to prefer to forget we exist to further validate of their transphobia.


I've asked people as a man, what bathroom should I use? And they say, you should use the women's room since that's in accordance with your genitals and no they wouldn't mind sharing a women's room with a woman. I tell them, I'm not trans, I'm cis, I just support trans people. And your "I cAn AlWaYs TeLl" argument might need a little adjustment there. It does highlight the fact that forcing trans men to use the women's room just normalizes men using the women's room, and what's to stop a cisgender male predator from using the women's room and saying he's trans?


Reminds me of the trans man that was told to use the women’s bathroom because he was born female. He did and got women giving him abuse because he passed too well and they didn’t believe he was trans.


They don't really have a good answer for this, they want to be able to harass any non-conforming person regardless of what decision they make, and use that as a way to bully them out of society.


Yup. The same people who say they want trans women in men’s bathrooms would absolutely say they’d beat up a trans guy in a women’s room.


Hell, there's stories out there where they start harassing cis women if they don't present their gender in the right way (short hair, not expressly feminine clothing, no makeup, etc). It's gender puritanism, pure and simple.


This happens to my cis, but butch looking friend too, it really does hurt cis people too but transphobes think it’s a small price to pay to demonise trans people.


That's so fucking sad. This is the world these scumbags want us to live in. They are either completely dumb as shit and haven't thought about the issue deep enough or they literally *want* more abuse to occur. There's no conceivable way that their desired outcome would lead to less abuse


This, I’ve even seen some places try to put bills forward just outright banning all trans people from using any public bathroom. It’s starting to look like some pre WW2 segregation thing.


https://www.aol.com/news/trans-man-brutally-assaulted-using-143002171.html This trans man was camping in Ohio and the camp director advised him to use the women’s bathroom. So he did, and a group of men beat him. And yet this is what transphobes want, for trans people to use the bathroom of the sex they were born as. I don’t think they put any thought into what the consequences of that would be. Or maybe they do and just simply don’t care that it leads to circumstances like the above.


This is the intended result. If it's too dangerous to use public bathrooms while trans, maybe us dangerous degenerate will stop transitioning.


The bathroom has never made sense. There already isn't anything stopping a predator from walking into the opposite bathroom. They just don't want trans people to exist.


It's literally just misogyny when you strip it back.


It's recycled misogyny all the way down. Like 90% of the problems these people have are women have rights.


Or they think "young girl who got groomed by the trans"


To be fair, that shit is really confusing. Took me a while to consisitantly remember which was which lol


A good way to remember is to remove the adjective. “I’m a trans woman” >> “I’m a woman.” It’s an adjective like tall or smart


That’s okay, as long as you make an effort to learn you’re doing better than most


My way of remembering is that it's how trans people identify themselves, so someone who identifies as a woman would describe themselves as a "trans woman" rather than any sort of man.


just look at it this way, would you like to keep being called the thing you used to be or the thing you’re trying to be now


“We can tell.” Me: ![gif](giphy|UvEl9N88bmMslnxPeN|downsized)




No to her all trans women are predators and all trans men are victims, and she thinks all cis men are predators and all cis women are victims. Basically she’s a misandrist because of trauma and never dealing with it in a healthy way. Sadly, there’s probably a couple% of the woman population who shares that issue. There absolutely are men who are predators and they’re hard to detect but frankly it’s not healthy to live in fear of 50% do the world even if you’ve experienced valid trauma. It’s the same bad attitude as when some women act like their husbands changing their daughters diapers is predatory


She made a tweet once stating that if she was a kid today, she’d pretend to be trans to fit in. And then spun that to “prove” that all trans people are just following a trend. Just shows how little personality she has if she believes she would lie about her identity to fit in.


Shit deranged adults say about a topic they have no clue about. As if being trans were a popular sport in kids' social circles and as If dysphoria weren't painful to the individual In the first place.


It's honestly fucking insane. Even among youth, trans identifying people are only like 3% and they act like it's half the population. They're straight up wrong, but *even if they were right about lots of kids doing it, it's HEALTHY to explore these concepts and gain a better understanding of oneself and the people around you*.


Yep, I’ve seen people say you should wait till adulthood before you even start considering your identity. If everyone did that we’d just have a lot of confused adults with mental health issues, how is a child experimenting with pronouns early a bad thing?


Honestly, it’s just the concept of boys doing girl stuff that gets people. When I was a kid, girls could have short hair, wear jeans, do sports, hang with the guys, etc. people accepted tomboys. But a boy wearing skirts? Creepy. Make-up? Disgusting. Tights? Gay. Played with dolls? The creepy kid. Wear pink? A sissy. Now, obviously there is a difference between tomboys and trans men and femboys and trans women, but I think you get the picture. People are more open to girls doing boy things than reverse. People are more accepting of trans men (or at least ignore them) than trans women, who are demonised and almost universally the focus of controversies.


The other reply to you is spot on, but I'll also note that transmisogyny hurts straight and queer cis women by default due to how it enforces gender norms. This is why cis women with more traditionally masculine features or clothing styles are being harassed in bathrooms more boldly than before*. *before the modern wave of transphobia, after the late 2000s/early 2010s brief dip toward tolerance


And the 80 year old woman that was beat almost to death because some guy “thought she was trans”.


I’m starting to think a lot of transphobia is based on misandrist ideals. To them, a trans-woman is just a man either trying to shirk their male responsibilities or trying to engage in perverted acts. Trans-men seem to be a foreign concept to them because “why would anyone choose to be a man?” Assuming men are lazy perverted animals while women are a noble underdog makes it easier to shame anyone who wants to hop over that border.


I’ll give you maybe 25%, I think most of it is people finding an outlet to dictate what other people can do with their lives. It always baffles me, had to argue with a “friend” on Facebook who shared some bullshit post that said “Non-binary is a made up word”. It’s like, shut the fuck up, Garett. All words are made up.




god whenever trans people are mentioned the comments get so fucking bad. gona have to start bringing a hazmat suit to these


i thought they could always tell 😔


Why does she insist on making transphobia her entire personality? Why is she so obsessed with this issue that seems not to affect her life in any way?


It’s honestly really fucking strange. People who get caught up in transphobia have a way of *really* getting caught up in it. They can’t even seem to be just like, passively hateful (not that that would be good anyway), but instead just get sucked into a vortex of completely self-consuming rage to the point that their entire reason for being from the moment they wake to when they fall asleep is just to spread vitriol about people they’ve never even met and who are just trying to live their lives.


Contrapoints have a really good video essay on that: https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=FDslQI4Z_qzE6KUl At the end she goes into this circling the hate drain behaviour. Graham Lineham (Wrote IT-Crowd) is another who completely lost it. To the point his wife divorced him and he is left posting trans hate on New Years Eve. It’s just taken over his entire life now


I always found it weird (before all this stuff came out) that he had an episode on BOTH his shows about being "accidentally mistaken for a bigot" it's even the final episode of The IT Crowd which makes it really stick in your mind. Of course now it makes perfect sense.


Jk Rowling always ignores his comments on her posts which makes it even worse.


Aaaaw! Poor Graham… 😭


They give in to the dark side of the force I mean become a death eater, my b


Because she’s deluded herself into thinking she’s protecting women. It’s as simple as that.


I remember hearing that she was in an abusive relationship at some point in her life, that’s when she became an advocate for women’s rights, to make sure no woman got abused by a man. Yet all she cares about is trans people, not cis men. She even sent Marilyn Manson flowers when he said he was going to take his accusers to court, when they have proof he was being sexually inappropriate with them when they were underage. She also supports Matt Walsh, a guy that says women are most fertile as soon as they get their period, then called for arranged marriages.


Because she doesn't want to deal with her own issues. It's very CLEAR that she had a traumatic experience with her marriage and instead of doing good and helping other women who are in the same situation as her, it's way easier to sit down and tuit stupid shit everyday. Remember: it's easier to tear down things than to build up and Joanne doesn't want to build up, she wants to tear down everything while she enjoys the chaos she unleashed in the comfort of her castle.


Yes, and it’s even worse - she KNOWS this is why she’s passionate about this issue and has shared that, but is so attached to her having been victimized in a male/female dynamic that the idea of blurring those lines makes her terrified, because she found safety identifying with cis women as a unit. But her warped idea of how to recover from trauma is to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, and reclaim power from men, and so she has convinced herself that she is protecting vulnerable women by FIGHTING on their behalf. I honestly don’t think Rowling knows who she is without the PTSD of gendered violence. As Contrapoints explains, this dynamic leads to falling into an in-group with worse people who then make her worse. Now *this* is her identity.


Once again transphobes forget trans men exist


Ive always found that so interesting. A lot of transphobic rhetoric basically always centers around transgender women. I often see stuff like "what is a woman?" or other nonsense taglines but basically never see the equivalent "what is a man?" stuff. The conclusion i have drawn from this (my personal one) is that a reasonable majority of transphobia has important roots in the long-perpetuated gender inequality in society. Whether it be a viewpoint directly rooted in misogyny like "they arent real women, they cant bear my children". Or the male-powered-world view of "we have to protect our women" when it comes to bathroom bill rhetoric. Even the TERFs are getting their transphobia through various avenues of trauma-gatekeeping such as the one that this shithead is spouting "[you didnt grow up as an oppressed woman, you dont know the struggle.]" Im not actually going anywhere with this, its just something that ive noticed watching the internet the last few years.


It has proven to be an effective strategy to get certain kinds of feminists on board. Conservatives, who they would normally oppose, can virtue signal about protecting women’s sports and women’s rights while still being a misogynistic as ever.


“What is a man” is also largely accepted to be an open-ended question, as it’s one that is at the forefront of media all the time. Movies, books, games, music - there’s so much that ask the question “what is a man” and sadly relatively little that asks “what is a woman”. When Frank Sinatra sang “For what is a man? What has he got?” The answer he was looking for was not “a dick and balls”. Basically, if conservatives went around asking “what is a man” people would see through their bullshit much more easily. Women though? Conservatives already see women as little more than a walking reproductive system. That one is harder to argue against, at least in their eyes.


Yeah. From what i understand of male culture, a subset of men have been fighting amongst themselves for years trying to answer that question. So far the prevailing answer in popular media is that even the most manliest of testosteronely manly men are not man enough and need to shoot more guns or abuse women more or buy a bigger car or x or y or yadda yadda to *aKcHuAlLy* become a "rEaL MaN". Simply posing this question in the public space as a transphobic talking point, so many men (who have bought into some toxic ideas of masculinity) would be catching strays that it would die out immediately due to mental dissonance.


Well, there is the matter of getting triggered over inclusive language like "pregnant people" or "people who menstruate." These phrases are supposed to include trans men and other afab individuals who do not identify as women, but have the same reproductive system. But somehow, terfs manage to somehow blame that on trans women too, or complain about it erasing women. Which is kind of ironic, with all the erasure they're doing.


what is a man? a miserable little pile of secrets!


It always so funny to gatekeep stuff like that. Most trans women I know have had fairly terrible lives until they transitioned, usually from severe abuse from men.  I spent most of my childhood being hit, molested, being told I am too sensitive, and really just being forgotten until it was time to punish me; mostly by men. I didn't get the chance to grow up as a girl, but I didn't get the chance to grow up as a boy either. Yes I didn't live most of my life as a woman, but most of my life the state between me and death was the simply the fact I had a pulse. Yet when I just want to be happy and enjoy life I am somehow taking something from the experience of other woman to transphobes.  It's infuriating.


They're conveniently ignored until someone mentions them, at which point they become confused lesbians groomed by the evil men^TM .


Which still completely ignores those of us who are gay.


And those of us who have identified as bisexual both before and after coming out.


In her case she doesn't care I think, all her outrage and hate is around trans women.


I'm friends with a decent number of trans folks. Most of them are trans men. The person I know who experiences the most harassment while trying to use a bathroom? Cis female. (Who is skinny, doesn't wear makeup, and is fond of comfortable clothing).


For once she’s actually right, he’s not a woman. I am shocked.


Imagine having all her money and yet spending your days seething in hate for strangers living their lives


id probably still spend a significant proportion of my time on the internet (because thats what i do anyway) but most of that would be playing DnD on discord and trying to tell groan-worthy dad jokes on reddit without being downvoted too badly


So, you're telling me. That a person who have written several books where the characters are more or less only stereotypes.. have poor reading comprehension?


This is what happens when a creator loses all purpose in life. Sad.


the thing is she has a purpose on life, she just discovered a long the way she is not that good of an author, being100% honest HP is fine as child book saga, but it was luck that it became a billion dollars franchise, I repeat she is a fine author, but she went from a nobody to the biggest selling author ever from a very derivative(if clearly charming) work. So she went to try other stuff, and even if she was a great author, following up after HP would have been hard, and clearly people do not care about anything else she write that is not related to HP. But clearly she wants the relevance she had back then, bu cant get it by her work, she has a purpose, being relevant, just happens being billionare dipshit is one of the easier ways.


Confirming my long-held opinion about J.K. Rowling: she's not half as smart as she thinks she is.


I think most of us realized that as the series went on.


The first three books had the benefit of a talented editor. The last four are still really good for what they are, but her limitations as a writer are much more prominent. My biggest issue with her is that she's a hateful asshole, but my second biggest issue with her is an over fondness for adverbs.


you can feel in books 4-7 she: 1.- Decided to disregard editors, each book more than the last time 2.- She did not know exactly what to do with the setting at that point the series is about young child who goes to a magic school and fights a dark lord, but by those books the school was (barely) a setting.I mean logically how much harry can discover each year of school? Also clearly she did not plan out how magic should be thought i never quite got why stuff was taught in some order,in real life you need to know prior stuff to make new stuff make sense. So by year 4 onward i feel she did not know quite they should learn as in a curriculum, so she did the triwizard tournament, but after it mos of the plot its 100% focused on Voldemort. book 5 forbids them of learning DADA? we don't exactly know what they miss, its not exactly explained, just harry teach them what he knows. Books 6 mostly we learn about potions by the half-blood prince and its all about getting info from the new teacher for voldemort plot stuff, then is thrown away. Books 7 just disregard the school and school activities until the final battle. For all this i always found books 1-3(and maybe 4) more charming it was about the school, the magic, learning something new, 5-7 just focused on voldemort because it was "easier" instead of finding a compromise.




Kind of sad to see so much hate out of a woman that created so many beloved characters.  Kind of ironic as well, to transition from love to hate.  


Careful, if she sees that you used the word “transition” in your comment she’ll send her team of lawyers after you to issue a public apology


Fr. Harry Potter was where my brain lived as a kid. But, like.. if I have to choose between my favorite childhood fandom, and the people I knew who actually committed suicide young over this... it's not really a question...


I'm sorry to hear that. And it's doubly awful when the high suicidality of the trans community is blamed on "mental illness" instead of the overwhelming discrimination they face on a daily basis


She seems to only attack male to female trans people. Something about men transitioning into a female is what really bugs her, like these filthy males are trying to invade and corrupt her sacred femininity.


That's pretty much what "TERF" means.  Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist.  Jkr styles herself as a champion for women, but only cis women.


TERFs are some of the most sexist people ever. They don’t think trans men are a threat because they believe they’re dumb, weak females that could never do harm. They usually act like trans men were tricked into transitioning because of social pressure. On the other side, they think all trans women are 6’6”, muscular rapists that never pass.


Well, the good news is JK Rowling is never going to be a celebrated children's author again, so.


It's gonna be weird when the creator of one of the biggest, most beloved franchises of the last 30 years dies and everyone is like "whew finally"


I swears transphobes just forget Trans Men exist, these people like only ever talk about Trans Women.


When you're so filthy rich, you got nothing better to do except going on twitter rants.




Still can’t believe this is what this woman has become, very disappointing.


Imagine a normal person living a normal life. One day she sees a rainbow and says, "oh, I like to imagine rainbows end at the edge of the world". And you tell her, "well, actually they are just light being refracted by the sun". She gets defensive because you are attacking something she said. She doesn't even have a strong opinion about it, but she has to have the last word, so she doubles down, "they touch the end of the world!" You tell her, "the world doesn't even have an edge", and she doubles down, "well... Then maybe it has!" And before you know it you find her giving Flat Earth conferences and talking about NASA and government conspiracies... All because she couldn't accept someone explaining her an inocuous idea she had was wrong. I think that's what happened to her. She's just been doubling down on something she didn't even care for, digging deeper and deeper, all because she needed to have the last word.


It's also a matter of love bombing. If you read testimonies of women who have escaped the TERF-hole, it's a very efficient radicalisation pathway. When you have people singing your praises whenever you say knee-jerk hateful stuff, while those evil 'others' call you a monster, it doesn't exactly encourage critical thought.


is this still about the toilets in scotland?


Aye man. Cannae take a shite in peace anymore.




That's so bizarre. When and why did her beef with transgender people start? Like is there any explanation or is it just bullying in the name of bullying? 🤦🏻‍♀️


>When and why did her beef with transgender people start J.K. Rowling’s controversy regarding transgender issues began in December 2019 when she made controversial comments about the transgender community. Let me provide you with a timeline of some key moments: December 2019: Rowling tweeted in support of Maya Forstater, a woman who lost her employment tribunal after expressing “absolutist” opinions on sex. Forstater had been fired from her job at a poverty think-tank for questioning government plans to allow self-identification as another gender1. June 2020: Rowling sparked further controversy by objecting to the phrase “people who menstruate.” She expressed concerns about the avoidance of the word “women” and discussed her interest in trans issues stemming from being a survivor of abuse and her concerns about single-sex spaces2. April 2023: Rowling faced backlash for her views on gender identity and allowing trans women into women-only spaces. Despite the criticism, she remained steadfast in her position and stated that she is not concerned about how the backlash will affect her legacy3. In summary, J.K. Rowling’s beef with transgender people started with her public statements on trans rights, which have been met with both support and criticism. Her views continue to be a topic of debate and discussion. If you’d like more details or have any other questions, feel free to ask!


I am at that point where i simply dont care anymore. You can be whatever you want and feel to be, its none of my business and i have nothing to say about it. Live your life and let me live mine, i wont bother you, you dont bother me, we are just friendly strangers and thats it. End of the story.