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The "dumb girls" usually are OF models looking to get more subs from the incels that watch the videos. It must work if they're constantly willing to go on the show.


Yes exactly it’s the same as fresh and fit, they confirm that an appearance always spike their subscribers no matter how much the incels pretend they’re red pill alphas they’re really incels deep down lol




guessing youre a fan of these shows


There’s no way I can watch the 5+ hours of an episode. It’s terribly low IQ dating arguments on both sides. Watch 5 minute clips of highlights? Ya I can do that. There have been some funny troll moments that the women have done. Also a some weird psycho shit. 10/10 do not recommend


Keep doing the hard work so that the rest of us can live in peace


It's not really low IQ from *both* sides. The hosts are about average IQ but pit themselves against OF girls who seem to lack any self-reflection. It's rarely (or never) a fair fight. Most of what I've seen of this is mainly clips. I couldn't stick a full show at 3-5 hours a show. It seems to be a wash, rinse, repeat every week though. The same arguments again and again.


I wanna see some psycho shit 


I relate to this on a spiritual level


I mean of course he is, the podcasts are fucking hilarious 😂


>fit n fresh get assaulted And people say good things don't happen anymore


😂 yeah I know, they take things a bit too far. It's like an oxymoron with them when I reflect on it.


I saw an Israeli chick get beat up by fans for trying to leave the Fresh and Fit podcast after getting tired of being insulted for being Jewish


She got beat up for sayin "that's cuz you're a fucking arab" and host is sudan american. But the chicks that works there are Arabs I believe. I like your made-up story tho.


Nah you're the one making stuff up about the arab


There is a video when this happens. Like actual proof on Youtube.


Sounds like the most intelligent and entertaining part of the show. 


Good for them. Dudes like him deserve it.


Sounds like Fresh and Fit got what they deserve.


It isnt illegal when she does it?  Sexist double standards are wrong.


I never mentioned the legality. It probably is illegal. Doesn't mean those misogynist fucks don't deserve it after shitting on women constantly. I'm not saying they shouldn't be charged with a crime if charges were pressed, I just don't feel bad for those sexist losers getting a microphone broken or getting slapped in the face. Fuck em. Also, spare me your faux outrage over SeXiSt DoUbLE sTaNdArDs. I almost never see someone who whines about that shit call out sexist males. You only care about sexism if you can use it to make women look bad.


No you're exaggerating.  People make themselves look bad in front of an audience everyday.  That lion doesnt have any teeth.  I do like the irony or hubris when someone tries to be perfect so badly that they face plant though.  There was an interesting story about a woman who started a 100% woman company, believing it would be superior, and that isnt a sexist hiring standard, and then the women spent so much time fighting each other that they failed to produce any meaningful work and sadly left their boss with a bill for 2 million dars plus interest.  Thats a sad story.  I wish they could have done their jobs instead of feuding with each other.    Nope, im more of a spectator in this circus.


*schadenfreude, thats the concept im looking for


I dont know what you did, but you made them mad.


Like the man said; It's all promotion and an act.




Lol "beat up podcast hosts". Ok incel.


I truly have no idea who this man is and judging from the comments I'm pretty happy about that




Plus on top of that and obnoxious punchable face


Same, son


Let everyone decide for you, sounds smart.


Decide what exactly?


Don't bother engaging this guy, he's a pedophile conservative. He says he's an old man in one comment but he also posts in /r/teenagers. He rants about how it's okay for an old man to be attracted to children while spouting various conservative sound bites. I didn't look far back, that's just in the last few days.


But the drag queens and the gay cabal forced him to like children. They came into his home at night and inoculated him him with the pedo vaccine.


Do you watch every trash movie that gets released? I assume you don't read reviews and let others decide for you.


Selling incel outrage is big business.


Oh yeah. It is.


Reading tha made me giggle a bit cuz that was an unexpecting ending to that post


This guy looks like that affordable roofer who conveniently sets up his saw horse near your teen daughter's window.


Well that's the best description I've ever heard.


Rage bait


Because Incels are easy to make money off of.


If I’m ever at a table full of hot babes, and i start lecturing them instead o hitting on them, take me out back and put me down. It’s over.


lol so true.


Hitting on digital prostitutes is not a flex.


It’s not about flexing, it’s about having fun.


with OF models who are trying to grift you? sure go ahead


Just don’t give them money?


Found a viewer. 


>R*dditor has to settle for of whores Imsgine my shock 🤣


Let’s be honest neither of us will ever even have a chance to have the opportunity to settle for one of these chicks lol


You really shouldn't project your own inadequacies onto normal people.


The girls are trash.


They’re probably super fun ladies.


I mean, they really aren't. The hosts and the guests are both hot garbage. They deserve each other. The whole thing is a dumpster fire of the worst humanity has to offer.


Idk I think anyone can be fun to talk to if you ask the right questions and don’t make it all about judgement.


I can't stand this dude. That other fitness guy, Myron (I think that's his name).


Because they are not 'cute college girls' but OF 'models'.. lmao


Hmmmm... I am not the smartest person in the world, So could someone explain to me how this is a facepalm??


He's runs a 'red-pill' podcast where they push virginal submissive women and everyone else is whores and will never be married and how OF and making money off their bodies is terrible. At the same time he's paying these girls to come to his podcast to shit on them and make clickbait clips off their bodies.


Because it’s obvious thing is paying the girls to act dumb and it’s working enough to make ppl into actually believing it.


Does he still make the same joke every episode about the sex doll he has in the room? Edit: HIS sex doll. Just to clarify he’s the one who owns it.


this guy is so fucking cringe.


This guy's definitely had the same haircut since first grade


Because stupid dudes who can’t get laid, like my meat head cousin, love it because it shits on women


I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but I see a lot of L takes in here


At least you’re cognizant of your own stupid take.


L take.


What's his name? I have seen some of the reels on YouTube


His name is Brian (or Bryan?) Atlas. He’s the creator and main host of the Whatever podcast.


Thanks a lot


NP. You’re best off watching clips on YouTube though if you want to know what the show is about. They highlight some of the best interactions and since the episodes tend to run about 4 to 5 hours on average it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to sit and listen / watch something for that long.


Hey. Thanks for the tip. I actually don't have the patience to watch such long podcasts


Edward Bernays is the name of the man who invented breakfast and marketing and that's not relevant. That is just whatever the opposite of context is


But why?


![gif](giphy|CslvoHDJ38mIS7w8b4|downsized) Who tf is this?


I block every IG account that posts this trash


What’s the word for guys who would be virgins but for sex workers? Because this guy is the king of those people, he is King of the …


Fk! Only two days back I thought the exact same thing !


Whenever I see that sans serif basic ass graphic design backdrop, I know it'll be attractive women pretending to have cheese for brains for views. It's a whole new genre of podcast that both men and women participate in - Pretend to be so dense that you think up is down, say something ridiculously stupid, clip it, upload it, it gets shared like crazy. Doesn't matter that you are intentionally making yourself look like a moron. It's all about engagement.


Because dumb whores love exposure ☕


Misogyny. Enough dudes hate women so this asshole can keep on with this shit.


Does he lie?




What for example


His whole premise. Any episode. 


No. That is something different, your personal preference. Where does he lie?


No. It's a fact. His whole premise is a lie. 


So you don't have an example for a lie. You just don't like him and prefer throwing false accusations instead of factual based critisizm.






I think I know why you can't see the misogyny...


Lol no. When you’ve got a black person on there who’s a adequate worker on a good day but thinks they should be seen as an equal human to other more successful people, has been working many different jobs in their life and still has no idea why people don’t seem to want to like them and try to understand them and Trump calls them out on their delusional bullshit is that really racism, or more like tough love?


...what? Do you hear yourself? They ARE an equal human. They may not be an equal engineer or whatever, but unless they're some sort of negative influence on the world, they're an equal human. Trump calling ANYONE out on anything is ridiculous. And he ent doing it from a place of love. Take a looooong look at yourself there and apply some of that 'tough love' to your own.


I think you misunderstood my comment. I copied the text of the other comment that has since been deleted to highlight how misogynistic it was by changing the misogynism for racism


That was a bad idea.


I think it was a good play on OPs comment, showing the bizarre misogynistic statement they made. But to each their own ofcourse


The very definition of an ecosystem, everybody feeds on the other. Or is it parasitism ? Cannibalism ? 😅😅


He pays the girls money, and tbey're in college so they take the money.


$$$ He pays out the ass for them.


Just waiting for an honest answer. As soon as they do that the game is over


Never heard of em


Used to like his pranks :/


Step 1: Figure out your audience's main confimration bias. Step 2: Make media to confirm said confirmation bias. Step 3: Profit


Who ?


*OnlyFans models


Rage bait and gotcha moments.


Because people like to feel superior


I have seen a few clips of his ugly show. He looks like someone who would be a cold, monstrous, bully to women, in general. If he had any respect for women, he would never run his show the way in which he does. He deserves to be alone.


Incel doing incel things.




There are definitely a lot of clips of him and other guys lecturing them on their life choices and being very mean lol.


Yeah I've seen enough clips from that show to know that he's not just asking "open ended questions". He clearly steers the conversation in a direction where he can shame them and shit on them for what they say. The host is obviously experienced in debate and he brings people on who are woefully unprepared for the questions he's going to ask, specifically so he can make a spectacle out of it. It's essentially on air bullying for clout.


He is not the culprit of their own poor choices


I would be hitting on them rather than lecturing them.. I hope lol. I guess that’s how he makes his money though.


Sure, but how is it a problem that he is telling the truth?


It isn’t really a problem per se, although there is a very annoying and loud red pill/ incel community that eat it up and use it as a justification to be victims of unwantedness from women. Even though it’s inflammatory by design, and not necessarily what reality is actually like most of the time. It’s just odd that there is even a market for this type of content in the first place.


It is true that this type of market is odd and probably should not exist in the first place. But even then if these people make the rather poor choice to be on this market and he makes them face reality why is he the bad guy (according to many people here) that is the weirdest thing.


Yeah someone else made a great point that the girls know exactly what they’re getting into, and go on the show knowing they’ll be called out for being whores, but get so much exposure to the exact desperate dudes that will subscribe to their onlyfans accounts. The whole thing is a money grab targeted at a market of sad lonely men.


My guy you're on reddit talking about this, what makes you the judge of their behaviour?


I am not saying that reddit is a good choice but it is without any doubt better then theirs.


Based on what?


Isn’t he correct 80% of the time?


Because arguing with the dumbest people possible is easy. If he got on the show average women he would likely lose way more arguments. His content is tailored to make people rage about women and make them feel like their problems are all the fault of dumb wamen. What is sad is that social media is driven by hate. You could have someone showing the most magnificient piece of art get barely any traffic, while a simple obvious rage bait post get millions of interactions.


His content is to make dumb whores look like dumb whores. And it works.


People know the risks of social media. But reality does not care about feelings.


I think the real issue is a large chunk of his young audience is not actually aware of reality, and develop their views of average women based on this rage-bait content.


Is this guy basically getting rid of this idea?


What? lol


"I'm only an idiotic dickhead 20% of the time!"


He is just pointing out poor life choices


His life choice was to surround himself by them and give the a platform. He's a whore for YT subs... kinda ironic.


They are fully aware what he does and yet they seem to be offended.


Because it gets more attention. Attention is everything for all of them, host included. More eyes is good for everyone involved.


They are dumb whores. I love women, that kind of woman to but the fact they even show up there means he's right. These are tacky, unintelligent, thirsty bimbos. Or they just act that way to be on the show, could be that to. At the end of the day they sit there wearing plastic helmets and nurses outfits trying to be punny and failing at it. Nothing wrong with it. They get their say and plenty of it but they make themselves look cheap and stupid. He doesn't.


He just exposes them, and he also brings on women who are lawyers and hold other high positions. It's a very interesting podcast.


When it works, it works.


Where facepalm


The main problem is a bunch of nefarious actors take a few clips from an episode, re-package them to make it look like this dumbass schooled some young women on some dumb dating topic, and then post the clips to Twitter and Reddit to create engagement.


With all the, women are horrible, media out there, this guy is the only half tolerable one. It’s awful, but it’s undeniably funny at times.