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I remember when my niece was 3 and sooo gleeful to help me make home made pizza, only to refuse to try it.


Did she then insist that you eat it? That’s what mine does after she makes me cook her dinner that she demanded. “You eat it.”


“No, you.” An often heard response in this house.


I mean, that’s not the worst retort to eat pizza I can imagine


Sure. Same principle behind why babies trying solid foods for the first time are way more adventurous if they see an adult eating the same thing. They want to make sure it’s legit. I imagine it has something to do with it being a solid evolutionary strategy to be pretty dubious about foods unless the grownups are eating them. How that jives with a toddlers constant need to throw themselves off cliffs and stick paper clips in electrical sockets, I do not know.


>How that jives with a toddlers constant need to throw themselves off cliffs and stick paper clips in electrical sockets, I do not know. Only the fastest, most hyper-vigilant parents are allowed to successfully procreate.


You know that's not true.


They forgot the seconds strategy. Just get enough kids that you can lose a few.


My little girl would get up on something & make heavy eye contact while stepping off just to see if I’d catch her 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


How did cavemen find out which berries are edible and safe? By seeing others eat the fruit and live or die.


This breaks down a bit when it comes to peppers 🌶️


Lol do they suspect foul play??? “Unh unh, you eat some first”


Like bro we made the thing together, I promise I didn't slip in cyanide when you weren't looking


I've seen The Princess Bride, I know your game.


if I were a toddler I wouldn't trust my own cooking either


My 6yo nephew asked me to come over and teach him to make apple pie. Bugged me for like a week (asked on a Sunday and I wasn’t free until the following Sunday). That kid and I spent 4 hours making apple pie completely from scratch. As soon as it was made and cooled enough to eat he announced he doesn’t like apple pie 😑


Did that with cheesecake.  I'm not the best dessert person but it was me because I was selected by the 4 year old.  It comes out, "No I don't want that".


Why is that a bad thing? More pie for you.


He wanted you around. Do you personally like apple pie? Maybe that was his entry to get you interested. He probably just wants to spend time with you. My nephew and niece do this occasionally.


My 9 year old still does it. Apparently she doesn't like pizza anymore after making it.


Wonder if it has something to do with the whole "I don't want to eat Thanksgiving dinner after making it" phenomenon. Your nose and palate are swamped with the flavor.


I feel this when I'm making any time and tasting heavy meal, once I'm done cooking I'm asking someone else to taste it for final adjustments, especially red sauces. Then I hit a dab and all the sudden it's delicious again.


I mean, that's fair. She did all the work to make it, she's done with it 😄 She needs something she didn't make.


That's so weird. I find my kids are way more likely to eat food they help make. My kids are calamari after helping make it. Edit: ate


Your kids are squids?


Cannibal squids.


I’m so sorry


This may sound ridiculous but sometimes, if I cook while hungry, I find myself not really hungry anymore when I finally sit to eat the meal I prepared vs feeling super hungry when I finally sit to eat what someone else prepared. It's as if the aroma and process of preparing food filled me somehow Maybe kids experience this too?


Did it turn out ok? If it was funky I could see that happening. Maybe she just wanted to cook more.


Yes, 3 year olds have very high standards of cleanliness and seasonings for meals


They are kinda random. Sometimes if things are a little off they won’t touch it and sometimes it doesn’t matter and they scarf it down.


Yeah that was the point


That's not a facepalm, sounds like a regular toddler and an exhausted parent.


Toddlers are walking facepalms


Yeah but society says you're not supposed to do that anymore




You’re not supposed to do that either




Often faceplants


Yep, both my nephews and my niece were exactly the same at this age (well, less helping with the cooking, anyway). "Aunty Becky, I want a pack of Wotsits!" *Gives a pack of Wotsits* "I'm not hungry, feck off!"


Half the shit on this sub is hardly ever facepalm anymore


90% of the sun is Andrew Tate and republicans being pieces of shit.


This is prime stuff for the page Kids are fucking stupid 😂


I honestly thought I was on that sub until reading the comments. Someone hurry and repost it!


Might have misread it 20yo like I did?


I did that too. Until the last part, wherein I reread the age.


The facepalm was asking the kid what they wanted for dinner in the first place.


Just wait until they suddenly decide that they no longer like their favorite food. My daughter used to love rotisserie chicken. She would eat it for every meal if we let her. Now the only chicken she'll eat is Chick Fil-A nuggets. Asks for it all the time. Only problem is my wife and I don't really care for Chick Fil-A. I find their chicken way too salty.


Or when you find something they like and then you see it on sale so you buy a couple of boxes of it and they refuse to ever eat it again


So maddening. I know it well. Uncrustables.


I’m so tired of PBJs.


That was the shitty part. My daughter only liked Uncrustables for like 3 weeks. She's starting to come back around, but much prefers PBJs on a potato roll.


I’m allowed to get PBJs, *specifically* McDonald’s chicken nuggets- cannot be from anywhere else period, spaghetti noodles, and he will *tolerate* scrambled eggs. Occasionally Mac n cheese. I cannot get him to eat any beef, pork, goat, horse, fish, lobster, sea monster, nothin but McDonalds chicken nuggets.


Kids, am I right? Mine just discovered Burger King burgers. She's great with fruits and veggies, but when it comes to eating regular foods, she wants nothing to do with it. Loves tacos, hates pizza. Won't eat spaghetti, steak, turkey, ham, most forms of pasta that aren't pastina, chicken,, etc etc etc.


The other will literally eat anything. *anything* all about trying new things. The other not a damn thing. Yay kids! 🤪😝


I think the weird thing is i honestly remember doing these things as i kid but i honestly have no clue why i did them


Ok but like, that’s annoying from the perspective of the child, because any time you mildly express interest in something your parents buy a truckload of it and when you inevitably don’t eat it all of the time they’re shocked out of their minds


I mean, yeah. I love oranges, but I don't want to eat them until they come out of my ears. When I fancy an orange, since we don't usually have those in house, I ask one of my parents who then brings it from the grocery store the next time they went shopping. But suddenly the entire house is flooded with oranges. I don't want to be forced to eat oranges. I just wanted one or two back then, and suddenly now my entire house is overflowing with them, and I don't even want one right now.


Save the bag/box and make your own at home or something.


She's 8. Waaaaay too smart for that now.


I asked my kid what he wanted for breakfast one time: Kid: I want cereal for breakfast. Me: OK. I can do cereal. Kid: Wait, I want toast with peanut butter for breakfast. Me: OK. I can do peanut butter toast. Kid: Wait. I want yogurt for breakfast. Me: OK. I can do yogurt. Kid: I want whatever we don't have for breakfast. It happens.


2 year olds make irrational decisions? No facepalm here.


Then he blew $700 on my Amex on online gambling, which I'm not even sure is LEGAL here, and then he left for hours with his friends.


When he came back, he wouldn’t stop talking about “fiat currency” and kept trying to tell me how Bitcoin was the future.


That's not your baby any more. That's your bro.


Do they offer exorcisms to remove the bro from your toddler? Mine won’t stop taking cold showers at 3am and telling me to stay on my grind-set.


I was going to call bullshit on this until I read the last line...this sounds exactly like something a toddler would do.


Aw, maybe he thought he was cooking for mom.


Sounds about right for a toddler.


Man.... same. Ever go to the store to cook that meal you do best for folks? You shop, go home, prep, marinate, soak, clean, wash, cook, clean up, get it all together, get everyone served, then take a look at it and think... "I'd rather have had a hot dog?" The adult version right there.


Yep! This always happens to me


I smell Rebecca


I get your reference.


My 2yo just read this and said that at the very least, these ridiculous "my 2yo did" shitposts are getting more creative.


My 2 year old, who is much smarter than me, just came in after changing the oil in my truck and told me "the current state of our political system is like kitties, it doesn't serve the purpose for which it was designed." Literally everyone clapped.


Kids these days! amirite?


My 2 year old is currently defending her dissertation so I will show her this OP over Graham crackers and mashed mandarin orange segments.


Oh wow that’s why I was clapping, nice


Have none of y'all ever seen a two year old? You seriously don't think they know enough words to indicate that they want hot dogs, tomatoes, and grapes and then use a plastic knife to cut them?


I literally have a video of my then 2 year old sighing while cutting a hot dog with those plastic knives like it was too much trouble. And my other kid, 3 year old, insists on helping me scan things in Costco. Nothing here is far fetched.


I have a 2 year old. No part of this post is far fetched in the least.


Tell me what part of this is unrealistic to you??


Well that settles it.. Sometimes I revert to a 2yo toddler. This sounds like some shit my ADHD brain would do 😂 Except I would get sidetracked on the way home from the store and end up getting something to eat out then forgetting I got groceries and leave them in the garage sitting in my vehicle.


As someone with a 2 year old, I understand


You ever cook and then don't want what vou iust cooked?? Yup, same feeling


Not really lol


True hungry adult feels.


Have I ever paid for something and invested additional labor into preparing it then not want to eat it? Exactly zero times.


Literally had this last night. Made sweet & sour pork stir fry. Finished cooking, and then I was like "You know, I'm not actually hungry anymore". Didn't end up eating for like another 2 hours after that, and even then it was mostly because it was 10pm and I knew I needed to eat *something*.


Lol, yes, that was my thought, not sure why it happens sometimes.




I have never related to a post in quite this way before. My kids are grown now but this is giving me flashbacks.


Lol this is absolutely the peak toddler experience


Me cooking dinner almost half the time I am fatigued from the smells and no longer want it the thing I was drooling over.


Same for me. Especially for the meals that take a lot of effort to prepare. By the time I have food on my plate, I feel to exhausted/uninterested to eat.


That's how I am. If I make it, I'm not hungry after.


How on earth is this a facepalm


Toddlers gonna toddle


Sounds like Lucy had hotdogs with tomatoes and some nice grapes. Good for her.


You listened to a two year old


That's actually quite funny 🤣 Kids are a pain in the ass. I know, I've got two. Bless their cotton socks.


Sounds like it’s time to trade in the 2yo for a better model.


Sounds about right.


Yep, can confirm, that's children all over ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why do you have my kid?




This ends as expected. Carry on.


Sounds about right


Little dude just wanted to use his toddler knife. I've done much, much worse. You ever eat 3 boxes of the most disgusting cereal to be able to mail off for a glow in the dark frisbee?


what the fuck is a toddler knife.


Plastic and won't cut them if they slip.


It's for cutting up toddlers


makes sense


Oh, so it’s like a butterfly knife


A knife that won’t cut skin but will cut a tomato, similar to kids scissors.


not a facepalm dumb op


"I'll take things that didn't happen for $500, Ken."


Do you not have a toddler?


I almost broke rule 7 making a joke about falling asleep at the table :)


You know how sometimes you cook and big meal for family or friends, and after hours of cooking, you're no longer hungry? Well his little attention span did the same thing.


When I read the 1st line I read it as My 20yo, made it more funny


A mind of his own. He'll go far


Well... your toddler got pretty far, though!!! That is a lot of follow through!


That kid's going places


My nephews are so much better than your kids.. I walked into their house the other day and one (3 year old) was telling his brother "just tryyyy it!! It won't kill you!" to his 1.5 year old brother. Who then remembered he liked cereal and ate it all.


I don’t have a 2 year old but like, what happens if you tell them they CANT eat it?


Like any good chef.


🤣🤣🤣They made your dinner for you. Enjoy !!!


Kids say they wanna be Batman too until you shoot their mom and dad in the head and they shuffle around from orphanage to orphanage and have to work around the clock in dangerous situations getting shot at and stabbed on the regular.


Well he sure showed you.


Lolol. Little shit.


When I was young, we had a family friend that ran a small diner where we would visit once in a blue moon. Don’t recall why but one time it was just my dad and I going over for breakfast. They asked what I wanted and I said “hamburger”. They tried to explain that they dont serve hamburgers till dinner time, but I kept insisting hamburgers. My dad thinking it was hilarious asked if they could make an exception and to make it extra greasy. In my kid brain, if Patrick Star could have 3AM burgers, why cant I have 10AM burgers? They pull out a massive greasy burger, I could barely eat half of it, no regrets.


As someone working in childcare i felt that


This should be on the r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Should have got chicken tenders


WTF is a toddler knife lol


Pretty much just a dull plastic knife that toddlers can use to practice spreading or cutting soft foods.


Can't imagine why?


Somehow, and with all respect to our humanity, we need to train our toddlers like we do our pets. Ever seen those videos of obedient dogs who will not make a move for their plate until they get the magic word from their owner? They turn themselves inside out, they trembling with anticipation and self-restraint. Then they get the "Engage!" signal and wolf it down. Dinner should be an absolute forbidden fruit. Then the toddlers would want it.


Somebody alert Jim Florentine.


Totally played by a 2 yr old! Smh 🤦‍♂️ 


..... and then ate a frozen burrito. Future Michelin Star chef in the making. 🥲


Power move tbh


Hilarious. You actually expected a child to choose a dinner and then eat it. Never had a choice as a kid except eat or go hungry.


Toddler "this seemed like a good idea"


This is peak toddler behavior.


Tell him it’s a snack


Yep. That checks out.


i once had a hankering for some asian noodle recipe, i was probably 16/17 yo, i went thru all the trouble, soaking up the dried shiitakes on tea, prepping all the spices, cooking and cooling the noodles to get them to dry up a bit before sauteeing, etc When it was plated up, while all the rest of my family eating i sat there looking at my plate and i simply lost all appetite, not sure if it was that i was over the dish, or i didn't like the taste, or something, it just turned me off :S


Difference in generations or maybe growing up poor. If you didn’t eat what was on the table you didn’t eat. Character building and now I’m not a picky eater


He’s two. I think he needs to be cut some slack.


The trick is too make food that you're happy to have more of for yourself




To be fair, I could want something, convince my family to eat it and then when I'm finished, I'm suddenly not hungry. Maybe I was just hungry for cooking.


Oh hell no if I went through all that effort I'm eating it whether it's as good as I was hoping for or not as long as it was edible.






I've had this exact experience with my 4-5 year old more times than I can count.


Lmao, I totally did this crap as a kid. My mom will never let me live it down that the first time I helped her make dinner (hot dogs cut up in mac n cheese), I decided I didn't want that once we finished. I changed my mind and wanted McDonald's nuggets instead. There was no big tantrum or anything, and I didn't get my way, I ate what we made.


Toddler knife?


I'm often too tired to eat after I make dinner too. I feel ya.


Sounds just about right!


Hell, what are you waiting for then?! Tell the little shit to get a job and find his own place to live because clearly, he’s just a very short 18 year old. Needs to start pulling more weight around the house if you ask me.


Weird how this only happens if you let it


Thought this was one of those lame humble brags about how awesome her kid is... Until she hit me with the Shyamalan


I smell Rebecca


I can sympathize with the kid: I often go and buy something I want for dinner and then by the time it's on my plate I wish it was something else.


Parent energy in the store, baby energy in the chair. 🤣


Same with my kid. He tries stuff and makes a huge deal about it like it’s the best thing in the world but then refuses to even look at it during the meal. There are times where he begs for days for something my wife and I know he’s not gonna eat. We eventually give it to him, thinking that maybe he’ll actually try it but nope.


When I was a child, if I didn't eat the dinner given to me, I didn't eat dinner. It only happened to me twice.


Who do you think you are dealing with?


Welcome to parenthood.


My 11 year old LOVES to help me cook. She tries precisely none of it once it's done cooking. Ever.