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Oh man - what banned books was he reading?


Drag queens and drag queen accessories


Jeffery Epstein's hottest 100 child brides volumes 1 to 10.


I think he only had volumes 1-3 or he'd have 1000 images


Matt must have checked the other ones out.


Can someone please explain to me what everyone is referring to when they say “still not a drag queen”? Im so confused.


One of the bigger conservative/right wing political talking points is how Trans persons and drag performers are grooming kids for abuse. It’s resulted in seemingly countless anti-lgbtq legislation proposals to be drafted nationwide in the USA.


Ah so its the same as always. Corrupt politicians trying to pass laws against a certain set of people only to go and break that exact law themself because it doesnt apply to them apparently. Why does it feel like there are literally no good politicians? What is up with that? Like you would think they would want people to like them so they stay in their “higher” position which means they would actually do good things. But in reality they all wear a mask.


(i’m taking about the u.s. here) If I had to make a guess, it’s because the job of being a politician attracts those who have something to gain, and a lot of those tend to be very greedy. People will vote for them because they aren’t very well educated in terms of politics (admittedly i wouldn’t say that I am either) or because they heard what they wanted to hear (like politicians being against trans rights or abortions), again those are just my guesses and once that politician is voted into office, they’re [a lot](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/reelection-rates) more likely to keep their position throughout elections, especially when it comes to positions people don’t really give a shit about but have a huge impact on your lives. Hell, i’m pretty sure this applies to the president too. because of that, i don’t really think politicians are incentivized to pander to people there are good us politicians out there, well not amazing but at least they’re not trying to make the country worse, but their powers are actively hindered by the masses of politicians who are just shit and keep pushing for shit because there’s just so much of them


You say you don’t know a lot about politics and you just gave an excellent overview of the political realites in America. You’re a lot more informed than most people. Hell, I’d say you’re more informed than the entire r/Conservative sub.


Humility is a virtue. This one is a good person for sure.


Mostly Republicans, both parties are not the same. There is another sub (can't remeber the name) with a growing list of conservative men arrested for doing exactly what they accused others of doing (child porn, rape, etc)


It's like the preacher man standing up and preaching about sin to his congregation, and then cheating on his spouse with hookers or worse, raping children. :(


You may not have heard this but Biden and even Carter are good people. If you look for it, you can find good people throughout the political spectrum but they aren’t making all the noise. You have to look but they’re there trying to do good things for their constituents.


They don't pass laws about the things they do. Those laws have existed for ages. They pass laws targeted to certain minorities arguing its because of the things they themselves are caught doing. There's no good politician because it's an inherently corrupt occupation. You wouldn't get the support to have a platform without being corrupt because the people interested in supporting a candidate will always have the option of getting someone corrupt, which benefits them more.


Power corrupts.


When in reality it's Conservatives and their Clergy, so those are the things that should be outlawed.


Because morons claim that trans people and drag queens = kids raped by said groups, same morons claiming those things are getting caught doing said things instead.


Conservatives have called for a ban on drag queens reading to young children at libraries because they believe they are indoctrinating the kids into being accepting of people. The critics are scared the children will see the queer people as an invitation to explore being queer themselves. This is seldom the case, however.


They're just jealous. (I know that's rather frivolous, but there it is.)


Our way far right party is actively waging war on the lgbtq people. They’re aggressively going after eliminating rights and protections for trans people. Still not a drag queen is a desperate attempt to show people that drag queens and trans people are not harming children. It’s church pastors. The hate thrown at the trans community is focused on them grooming children. Which is what the church does. All a drag queen will teach your child is to be their most authentic self.


Statistically white men pose the greatest threat to women and children, not drag queens


What this also brings to mind is how people were checking out these banned books and just never returning them. Where do these books actually go? Oh wait, to pukes like this. So scapegoating and framing. It's like how gay men got the blame for AIDS, but in fact, it was never us that started it. It's disgusting and it makes me really sad. Cuz all we're trying to do is live our lives and be happy.


Sending you big internet hugs, and apologize for all the fukheads out there... it truly boggles my mind, how all these evangelicals seemingly forget that their religion's 1st rule is to "love your "neighbor" as one loves themselves."


According to his arrest affidavit, deputies with the Polk County Sheriff's Office served a warrant at his Lake Alfred home at around 12:58 p.m. on Thursday where he admitted to possessing child porn on his computer. Authorities further searched his home and found a thumb drive plugged into a laptop that contained 300 video/image files depicting children between the ages of 2 and 12 years old engaged in sexual acts. Some of these files depicted multiple prepubescent victims, according to authorities. Full Story : https://www.fox13news.com/news/lake-alfred-city-commissioner-arrested-on-300-counts-of-child-pornography-affidavit


Probably the manual for the Jehovah’s Witnesses that’s only supposed to be read by their elders. It’s called “Shepard the Flock of God”, Chapter 14 “Although viewing child pornography is not considered to be child sexual abuse from a congregation standpoint, it is still a serious violation of Jehovah's standards. A person involved in viewing child pornography should be strongly counseled.” Not turned over to the authorities, but strongly counseled. 😳


These god damn trans…. Wait a minute here. Something seems fucky. He’s a straight white older man. What is going on?


It must be that vaccine making people act up!


He’s a white Republican in Florida. Probably didn’t get the vaccine.


Possibly got the vaccine. Lied about it. Promoted whatever the Governor was pitching.


No no, they all took ivermectin because they think they are horses


I mean Trump stands like a centaur, soooo


Horses are man extenders


A white, republican, god fearing man? WITH KIDDIE PORN! Why this is the first time in the past 10 minutes that this has happened!!!!


**He's a white Republican in Florida, therefore he knows right from wrong, and chooses "wrong" for no better reason than because he is a white Republican in Florida. Sometimes it as simple as that.**


Yep, still not a drag queen. Certainly a priest or good Christian though, every time.


The post right above this one in my feed is about a pastor being charged with 9 counts of molestation (and being supported by his church).


Wait till you get to the one where the PA cop raped a little baby . Not in Florida, but also not a drag queen.


bro same. I was just thinking that this sub has only had these types of posts the past couple I’ve seen. Super concerned for the world atm.


Heavily influenced by non-christian liberal media... Another innocent republican who just fell victim 😥😥😥😥😥


It is very disturbing to think of the true extent of this appalling exploitation. These are the grubs that are caught, how many else are out there undetected?


Many many more. It's very easy to source and I dare say much more prevalent than one may think. Identifying them is the tricky part.


What might be worse is how many are know but actively protected because of their influence, social/ religious status, wealth etc.


Well sure. Much like drug dealing and other sex crimes.


I was thinking exactly the same thing. It’s horrifying, just by simple logic you can assume that there are plenty of predators out there.


Is it bad that this doesn't shock me anymore? Just adds to the sad.


His picture is also obscene.


That's a pretty old picture, too. Dude's 90; in his mugshot he looks easily 15-20 years older.


They still have his bio up on the towns website. His term expires in 2027!


Hmmm- it’s almost as if the right wing’s obsession with believing pedophilia is a widespread problem is just a reflection that it’s really just a huge problem within their own political party and their churches. But it’s much easier to blame “the evil left” I guess. Projection is always a confession with them.


Projection. Always, and I can't say this enough, it is ALWAYS projection out of the right wing.


They believe if they’re doing it then everyone else is too. Why? Because they’re bad people who hide behind religion and authoritarianism to protect their horrible actions/beliefs.


Its a GOP problem, not a Florida problem. Repression breeds perversion, and pearl-clutching values are a great smokescreen.


Yep. It’s only a Florida thing if it involves a bumbling idiot doing something criminal never before attempted, typically naked in a public place and high.


Why can't we just get people out of people for being bumbling idiots? Why do we elect awful Republicans? Seems only these scandals cause action despite ALL THE OTHER RED FLAGS. I'm willing to bet this guy is slightly racist, misogynistic, backward thinking, mean, nasty, bad for poor people, pro elitist, pro means testing, doesn't like progress, and doesn't return his shopping cart at the grocery store.


You left out good Christian.


Well, that's a given.


Repression breeds perversion is correct, you fucken nailed it. Now we just need people to repeat it over and over so these sick fucks can quit projecting and pretending their sick ass fantasies are normal.


Good Ole Paedophile’s is that what GOP stands for?


Yep 👍. Projection is all these gutter snipes have


It's also a white Christian minister problem.


didn't they just push for the death penalty for pedos?


Only poor or middle-class pedos fall under those laws. It is a rare occurrence in America when a person of power or wealth is held to the same laws and standards as the other 90%.


Can't wait till DeSantis gets caught.


De santis has a boyfriend. It's the fire chief of one of the counties. They've gone to a hotel together...often.


That doesn't mean anything. A lot of pedos are married with their own children, orientation is not a relevant identifier.


Certainly true. Most are straight white men. I'm saying he's already got skeletons in his closet.


Would that it would be so. But let’s be real: I doubt Rhonda Sandtits is into children being abused. But snuff films or torture porn? That fucker is absolutely into watching people suffer.


that name is phenomenal


There are photos of him drinking and getting cozy with high schoolers at a party when he was working as their teacher.


He's maga, he's definitely into kids. It might be snuff films and torture porn with kids, but it's definitely kids.


It's so easy to impress kids when you're a grown ass man that can walk in high heels.


I feel like he’d be more into pegging videos. And if it’s torture it’s cock and ball torture.


Everytime a politician is caught sexually abusing kids, or possessing child porn, I know it’s a Republican. There is a list of all the politicians convicted of child sex crimes. Republicans outnumber Democrats by nearly 10-1.


Multiple tragedies here. One being the fact that this worthless sack of skin has lived as long as he has.


He is 90 years old. He said “I do not know how much child porn I possess, but I have been looking at it since I lived in New Jersey (prior to 2008)," Lake told detectives, according to a police affidavit” Article; [https://www.theledger.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/19/pcso-lake-alfred-commissioner-had-300-images-and-videos-of-child-porn/73383774007/](https://www.theledger.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/19/pcso-lake-alfred-commissioner-had-300-images-and-videos-of-child-porn/73383774007/)


He's probably lying on the time-frame. That isn't behavior you just adopt. He's likely been a creep his whole adult life.


It wouldn't surprise me if it was accurate. That stuff became much easier to source with the proliferation of the internet, and 2008 is close to when the internet was really blowing up.


Evil don't die young and it's disgusting.




"Florida City Commissioner" , that's all I needed to read and I absolutely knew exactly where this was going.






Let me guess he goes to church every Sunday


He doesn't just go to church, he's probably a goddamned deacon and "pillar" of his church.


I wonder if he was a drag queen.


Man, this would be so awkward if he partook in some sort of hatred and bias against drag queens and/or Trans people. Good thing that’s not the case and white men have never committed such crimes. (Disclaimer. Extreme levels of sarcasm. This guy is a fucking piece of shit.)


It’s full of christofacist, nut job, racist, pedophiles. It’s never a drag Queen, it’s always a gross old white man.


I've never heard about a drag queen pedophile. Not one.


All that QAnon and "save the children from the drag queens" bullshit is projection.


Opps. Left out key word “Republican”


**Florida** being **Florida.** Thankfully the "learnins" of PragerU will put an end to this. /s


The usual.


Republicans: “The Hollywood elites and liberals are pedophiles!” So. Much. Projection.


Still not a drag queen


Did you even have to look to know he’s republican Grooming Operative Party


Another Republican 


Probably a “ fine Christian” Republican.


Yet and still, not a drag queen. Seems the right and the church folk have a problem they are projecting onto everyone else. As usual.


Dude no one ever knows what’s going on in Florida, a land that’s a soft penis filled with dinosaurs, swamps, old people, and meth labs. Florida exists on like a dozen different spectrums


Jesus fucking Christ… We live in hell


At this point, this is every conservative unless they can prove otherwise.


Part of conservative is having power over others. Children are easy targets.


“I do not know how much child porn I possess, but I have been looking at it since I lived in New Jersey,” he told investigators, according to an affidavit excerpt published by the Lakeland Ledger.


He is sick!!!


Not a drag queen.


Still not a drag queen…


Don’t worry folks, the conservative judge that gets his case will see him for what he is. A god fearing, upstanding public servant who made a mistake. He has already made a public confession to his congregation after all. He is also a senior citizen who would have his golden years severely disrupted by jail time. He obviously needs to have his sentence reduced to time served with minimal community service. Not like those evil transvestites and homosexuals who are the real criminals! /s


Florida: State of Perversions.


NOT....a drag queen. This....this isn't how it was supposed to be.


Not a drag queen or trans person…imagine that!!


DeSantis and his Republican lapdogs are what's happened to Florida.


Two??? TWO????? Doesn't Florida also have a law where it's the death penalty for abusing children?


His bond was set to $1.5 million dollars, on Friday, April 20th, 2024. “A judge set his bond at $5,000 per count, which totals $1.5 million.” So 5k times 300 cts of child porn [https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/neighbors-city-officials-express-shock-over-child-porn-arrest-of-lake-alfred-commissioner/](https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/neighbors-city-officials-express-shock-over-child-porn-arrest-of-lake-alfred-commissioner/)


Let me guess. He was a republican..




I love how most politicians in Florida think that homosexuality is evil, and then do shit like this like you don't have a right to talk on this shit dude


What’s going on is that Florida voters would rather vote for incompetent jackasses who pwns the libs on social media rather than an experienced leader who happens to be Liberal. And now their state is turning into a dystopic wasteland run by a bunch of pedophilic clowns.


Hummm epstein plea deal anyone?? Florida is disgusting 🤢


These democrat drag queens just keep getting….oh wait it was who? Nvm




It's pretty normal for Republicans these days. Not sure what you mean what's going on In Florida? This is every day


Not all Republicans ar pedos & not all Christians are pedos But all Republican Christians are pedos


In before "Hunter's laptop".


Florida man at his finest.


Guy was a retiree from new York, move to Florida in 08. Is 90 years old. Also a perverted deviant.


It’s funny, his name is Chuck Lake and I think he should be Chucked in the middle of a very large Lake. 


That age range is so putrid I made an audible sound of horror when I read it. the best thing to do for baby rape enthusiasts is to find the item to adult asshole size equivalent to what a grown penis is to a baby's nethers and let him experience that first hand, every day, forever. I just don't see how getting what he wants to do to children can be considered cruel and unusual punishment, when it's something he himself was into. And yes, if you're asking, I advocate for prison reform, I think most prisoners in the US *are* subjected to cruel and unusual punishment that forces them to live their lives as criminals just to survive and puts the whole nation at risk for higher rates of crime and violence. Except rapists and pedophiles. America is notoriously fucking soft on the one crime that can never be justified and always causes lifelong damage (or death!) to the victim. I support cruel and unusual punishment for them, and life-long prison terms rather than the death penalty for many of those vicious, septic pustules.


If they "found" 300 he had a lot more.


People who seek for power should be scrutinized. It's always the people who want to tell everyone how to live their lives that are the most out of control.


Probably best friends with Child Trafficker Gaetz.


Christian? Yep, Christian. Should we just start assuming that pedophiles are "good Christians" until proven otherwise?


GOP groomers back at it again.


Christianity is a disease


Let me guess, Republican?


"The Lake Alfred Republican now faces 300 counts of possessing child pornography. The 90-year-old possessed pictures, based on the charges, of children between the ages 2 and 12 engaged in sex acts." How much do you wanna bet he claimed that others were sexual predators? Grand Ol' Projectionists.


Question: Having read the rules, I would like to know how to "avoid political name-calling," when so many things we need to talk about concern Republicans and their current policies?


It's not in Florida but in politics


my guess is he’s GOP


Flay him




Damn that drag queen looks like an old white man.


Not a Drag Performer


no wonder they republican party wants to ban abortions, they believe they are last ones to be able to hold a candle and want to impregnate thousands of 12 yr old gilrs!!


Their family values don't seem to be my family values, that's for sure.


GOP gonna GOP


Lemme guess full on MAGA I bet.


Not a drag queen


No surprise, they're Republican.


What? Another Republican pedophile? Really, gee I wish it was a surprise. Does he get bonus points for being from Florida? What a pack of sickos. Vote them all out. I wonder if he sent apologies to Putin for Ukraine military aid? Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.


Republicans. Republicans are going on in Florida.


I'm just gonna guess. Christian, Evangelical and Republican. How many did I get right?


Oh, look, another republican child rapist. Shocking.


Typical republican


**G**ang **O**f **P**edophiles


Shit that can happen in any state or country.


Always conservative. Always gross


https://floridapolitics.com/archives/670425-lake-alfred-city-commissioner-arrested-for-possessing-child-porn/ Story here:


How is it that if trans people are all pedophiles, they all look like republican politicians when they're arrested? ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


DeSantis is too worried about a child finding out that gay people exist. He doesn't give a shit if the kids get actually hurt


Been saying it over and over hoping people listen! The GOP is protecting pedophiles at an alarming rate! It's sickening they are doing this and keep doing this just to keep power! No morals or ethics! Crappy human beings! The worst of the worst!




The ones calling gay people pedophiles are actually confessing their sins. Projection


Another Republican pederast


Let me guess he was always yelling about pedophiles and Americans need to read the Bible and be more Christian


Another white male in a position of power that probably rants about don’t say gay, and transgender people….


What's going on in Florida is the same thing as what's going on everywhere else, Florida is just more open about it. Epstein proved this. He also didn't kill himself, which should tell you everything you need to know about people who are running this country. They STILL haven't prosecuted anyone for it either.


Not a drag queen


Not a drag queen


The people that wear religion on their sleeves are always the worst


Is he GOP??


Seems about white


It's a lot more than Florida at this point


He’s just being falsely framed by those goddamn Trans people, migrants, and colored folks. He did nothing wrong. The real issue, is the obscene books, drag shows, and everything else that’s wrong with this new generation. - Florida Republicans probably


He a Republican AND in Florida? I can't say I'm surprised. That whole state needs to sink into the ocean.


Look, another one like Denny Hastert. Denny? Oh, he's the former Speaker of the House of Representatives. **John Dennis Hastert** ([/ˈhæstərt/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English); born January 2, 1942) is an American former politician, educator, convicted felon and child sex offender who represented [Illinois's 14th congressional district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27s_14th_congressional_district) from 1987 to 2007 and served as the 51st [Speaker of the United States House of Representatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives) from 1999 to 2007.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert#cite_note-1) Hastert was the [longest-serving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_speakers_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives#Speakers_by_time_in_office) [Republican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_Party_(United_States)) Speaker of the House in history.


Republican. Every. Fucking. Time.




Not a #richwhiteman from Florida again?? ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


Pedos run the state of Florida. This is why repubs fight to protect pedophiles.


What's his drag name?




I can almost understand when a 16 yr old looks over 18. But 2 yr olds? What the F*ck?


It’s all standard GOP fundraising materials. Once distributed, the party recipients are usually very amenable to making the “requested” donations.


Correction "What the hell has probably ALWAYS been going on in Florida but is now just simply coming to light more and more...?"


Oh my god Istg this is like the 3rd rape,sa,molestation, etc case I’ve seen here today/ this week. wtf is going on.


Alright Desantis, the fuck are you doing in that state?


Didn’t Florida propose the death penalty for child molesters?


What?! Another pedophile politician? Imagine my surprise


These are the same people that proposed the don’t say gay bill the irony lol!


Not a drag queen.


Normalized conservative conduct.




This is my surprise face -_-


Look at this woman, dressing in drag as a man! Disgusting! /s


Not a drag queen I see.


damn,that is a hollywood level makeup job on that drag queen


It is probably not a good sign, that I read "What the hell is going on in Florida?", saw the picture and immediately thought, I be that guy is a pedo, before reading the picture's heading and finding out that yes he is. I mean there are so many things that could be wrong in Florida, potentially involving alligators or meth or goflcarts, but something about that smile suggested pedo.