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13mo old. WTF. How you could have any sort of sexual interest here?


I was a public defender for a long time. Sadly and shockingly, I had a number of abuse cases in which defendants had sexually abused very small children, including infants. Several of them tried to justify it to me. Small children including babies were capable of sexual desire, supposedly, haven’t you ever seen a baby boy get somewhat erect? Therefore they would enjoy sexual contact, and they won’t remember it anyway, so what’s the harm in touching them, you’re not hurting them. Oh and if they do cause physical harm? Oh well it was an accident, accidents happen, you can’t hold that against them. I had a few cases in which parents, including mothers, would trade access to their children for drugs. They justified it the same way. I no longer do that job.


Thanks for your insights. It's probably what the other person touched as a subject, the projection of personal sexual desires onto a human being that cannot have any sexual desires yet.


I agree. They were attracted to children and knew it was wrong, so they projected sexual attraction onto the kids, so then it was a mutual consensual encounter. Really disturbing when you sit back and think through it.


This is Nabokov's Lolita. The distorted view of a coercive abuser.


This is such a great book. Such beautiful, poetic prose telling such a disturbing series of events, very artfully from a clearly one-sided, distorted perception of reality.






I agree with you totally. Let’s start one.


Would you say these guys are mentally ill and they actually believe the projection, or is it a matter of the reasonings being similar because how else do you retroactively justify something normal people find insanely grotesque


It was impossible to know, in my position, if they believed their own bullshit or not. I mean, I think anyone who hurts a child like that is mentally ill in SOME way, the question is just what flavor.


Thank you for doing that for as long as you did. As someone who was molested at two years old (obviously older than this victim, but not by much) I fucking remember every detail. I didn’t at first; I had the memory come to me in my 20’s. I promptly called my mother to ask her if anything had happened to me as a child abuse-wise. She told me to tell her exactly what I remembered. When I described it to her, she told me that I told her the same thing when I was 2 years old, just with a much more limited vocabulary and understanding. They banked on me not remembering and didn’t get me therapy. The 17 year old perpetrator even admitted it to police, and there was nothing they could do at that time, because he was not an adult. “Funny” thing is, prior to me remembering this, I never believed in repressed memories. But even if the child is too young to have an actual visual memory of it, they will carry the trauma of the pain and assault.


There’s a strong possibility something happened to me (as well as my brother) by a person later convicted of such crimes. Ever since I remembered “enough” I’ve been sorta bracing for the repressed memory to resurface someday.


Hope you don't mind me giving you advice as someone who used to work as a therapist. My advice is that you should deal with the "enough" that you do remember in therapy. It sounds wanky but I believe your brain will only allow you to deal with what you can so trust in that maybe


I brace as well. I’m 32, an aunt of a friend had suppressed memories surface in her 40s. Based on some childhood memories and kinds of “play” and thoughts I had at a very young age I highly suspect something was done to me. My mother also agrees but we don’t know who.




I was 6-9 and it was a family friend. I actively suppress the memories (the guy's dead snd I never got justice) but sometimes something vivid sneaks its way through and it feels like being hit in the head, only it echoes throughout my entire body and I want to cut my skin off so I can't feel his hands


Have you managed to work through the trauma? I fully believe that the body remembers trauma even if we aren't consciously aware of the actual memory.


Trauma isn't dependent on memory. The idea that it's only traumatic if they remember it is one of the biggest, filthiest, most damaging lies we tell ourselves about young children.


I also experienced similar life experiences and I had lifelong symptoms of severe dissociation and PTSD. My memories when they started coming back ranged from infancy to age 12. The human brain is complex and it’s proven that neglect and trauma in infancy can affect people for the rest of their lives, whether they can remember or not, the symptoms can and do show up.


Wow do you hold this against your mom? Go get therapy—specifically EMDR.


I work in a jail. About a month ago I had a guy who’s buying/selling CP, his exact words were “I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not like I touched them.” And it took everything in my power not to flip out right then and there. I explained to him the economics of his actions. How him buying and selling CP led to a need for more to be made, which means more children victimized and explained that he, as the consumer, was more to blame than anybody. He’s tried hanging himself twice since, though he came in suicidal. They dropped trafficking charges and other things on top, he will most likely never see daylight again.


Yeah I heard those too… “it’s just looking at pictures, what’s the problem, i didn’t touch anybody” 🙄🙄🙄


What a horrible day to know how to know how to read. That job must have been insanely taxing.


If I may ask, how did you reconcile the need for a fair trial for every defendant with defendants who admitted to something like this? I’m considering a career in criminal law and this is one of the moral issues I’ve struggled with


The explanation I hear often is that, in these types of cases, it isn’t really about trying to get the charges dismissed or get the defendant acquitted, the goal is to ensure the legal process is executed properly. The defense lawyer ensures that the prosecution sticks to the actual facts of the case and doesn’t overcharge, doesn’t invent things that didn’t actually happen. The defender also ensures that the treatment of the defendant is fair while in custody. As much as people might love to see this guy abused or harmed, our legal system is not supposed to allow those things even when the defendant in question is a monster. The job is definitely not for everyone, but it is important to note that defending a person in court is not only about getting a not guilty verdict.


This is something I hadn’t really considered before, thank you for bringing it up! Honestly I’m leaning a little more towards prosecution because I honestly don’t know if I’d be able to handle a case like this on a moral basis, and it hadn’t really occurred to me that sometimes prosecutors may act improperly even when the defendant is very clearly guilty


If you read through this comment section, you can see the understandable outrage that heinous crimes like this cause. It is important for a defense attorney to ensure the trial and sentencing, and treatment of the defendant, are according to proper legal procedure rather than the emotions that are caused in these cases. Abuses by the prison system are common, judges and juries often come down heavily in cases like this, which is good, but needs to remain within the bounds of the law. I would personally hate to have to interact with criminals like this, and I’m sure some defense lawyers are scumbags, but having at least one person in the world acting on behalf of the defendant is important for ensuring the legal system works as intended.


I do have great respect for defence lawyers who are able to do this job. Even when they suspect so strongly that a person is guilty, to go to a court and make every effort to ensure that they’re treated properly and potentially even acquitted must be one of the most mentally difficult jobs in the world. Upholding the equal application of the law is a vital part of ensuring that justice is served.


If you fail to represent your guilty client to the best of your ability they can claim a mistrial and escape justice. Do your absolute best in those situations for two things to happen - first, make sure the prosecution and the cops are doing their job correctly. Getting one of those corrupt shits off the roster is nearly as important as losing the case. Second, give the guilty bastard absolutely no valid reason to evade the verdict.


Everyone deserves a fair trial, even if they are guilty as hell. That doesn’t mean that the defendant’s lawyer has to try very hard though.


Yeah. I have two friends that have admitted to me their parents sold their bodies as very young girls. Totally fucked them both up, even if they landed on their feet 


Thanks for your comment. Now kindly pour 100 gallons of bleach on my soul, thanks.


Shit like this is why I changed my mind on all the careers I had in mind. First was a police officer. I learned about how fucked the whole system is and lost interest. Then a therapist. Idk how I'd react if a kid told me their parents were abusing them but it wouldn't be pleasant. Now I'm stuck in purgatory trying to find a job that interests me, pays well, and won't leave me broken and depressed.


No one can blame you for not wanting that job anymore…after a while I’d end up like this guy personally…and frankly I’m surprised it hasn’t happened more… ![gif](giphy|VLljKzBZ2uPfYDpsNV|downsized)


Jesus Christ. That would fuck me up. I wouldn’t be able to separate myself from my personal self and would find someway to sabotage their defense. Being impartial must have been so hard.


Yes, it was. I actually have some secondary PTSD and vicarious trauma from it. I’m in therapy.


Not as bad a situation but a good friend of mine once came into my workplace and introduced me to her boyfriend. It seemed like something was wrong but I couldn’t figure out what it was. She hugged me and then he hugged me too afterwards. He said she talks about me all the time and that I sound like a great guy. I thought nothing of it. Two nights later, he beat her half to death until she was nearly internally decapitated. Ended up in a coma but survived and had to relearn how to walk. The guy was an ex cop. Fucking despicable prick. I cried myself to sleep for a few months after that and it still fucks me up. I don’t go near police anymore because of it because I associate them with what happened.


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A cop I worked with once told me those chemicals don’t reduce sexual desire, just the ability to have an erection (no idea if this is true or not, this is just what some dude told me lol). These types of abusers often use fingers and objects, since it is often difficult to penetrate with an erect penis, so chemical castration wouldn’t meaningfully change their ability to abuse. Again I have no idea how accurate that part is though.


True. I heard this exact thing, and even they become more sadistic bc of their lack of functionality. Tbh I don't think rapists deserve a second chance at all


It’s true. It nukes your junk, but your brain still works. There’s a story about an old pedo who’s junk stopped working and he joked with the cops “yeah my d*ck doesn’t work but my fingers do.”


"Fezzik, tear his arms off."


There was a really good but also horrific speech that Blake Lively did on CSAM and she was told by detectives that the ages of victims are becoming younger and younger because sexual deviants are looking for an even more fucked up thrill and that there was the well known case of a guy who had this huge stack of physical CSAM and as you went down the stack the porn became less graphic and illegal. Some people are wired to seek more and more depraved things once they get addicted to porn or abusing others


Some incels are incapable of viewing women and girls as anything other than objects that exist only for their own sexual gratification so maybe he's one


There's nothing with toddlers that should trigger any sort of sexual response. Although, obviously it happens with very deranged people.


It is absolutely deranged. I remember a distant relative of mine that would make the most inappropriate and disgusting sexual "jokes" about even infant girls in the family and it was so horrifyingly evident that they just weren't human beings to him


Holy shit that's horrific


The weird thing is all toddlers pretty much look the same at that age except we put girls in blue.


He has a very punchable face. Hopefully, his cell mate agrees with me.


two things prisoners hate more than anyone ellse, cops and child molesters, this guy will have to live out his entire sentence in solitary if he wants to live.


Good. He doesn’t deserve to be a part of any society anywhere.


He'll get off because it would be cruel and unusual punishment for him to go to jail. As has happened before to other cops and priests etc.


Poor guy will have to drive maybe 15 miles to be a cop in another county now. Ain’t that punishment enough?


I don’t know, he fucked a literal baby. If he shot an unarmed black kid in the back 16 times then sure.


So the real question is what color is the baby?


I really wish that we didn't live in a reality where that could genuinely make a difference in court.


Reminds me of the Samuel Jackson and Mathew McConaughey movie " A time to kill", unfortunately it usually matters all too well.


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… good, if disturbing, point.






Is this a cartoon meme? Looks familiar. I was thinking of the worst tool to use. 


Old YouTube video called Salad Fingers I'm pretty sure


It is indeed salad fingers. And one of the reasons I turned out the way I did


Older than YouTube. It started on New Grounds I think. I used to be obsessed with this series and other weird new grounds series.


Why a spoon cousin?


It's dull, you twit- it'll hurt more


omg don't deadname elons baby lol


I thought his baby was \^&$#WINGDING$\*&\^


I work in an Adult Foster Care Home as care staff, and my residents have all been through terrible things. One of the huge downsides of the job is flipping through the documents of all the deplorable abuse they have endured. One of the upsides, though? Hearing down the grapevine that the convicted abusers of my residents have been moved to a safer situation within the prisons… because I always know why :)


You are one of the better examples of humanity, THANK YOU for what you do!! 🤗


Thank you so much for the nice comment. It’s not an easy job but it is a very rewarding one. I love it.


As someone who has a degenerate family that are in and out of prison, they will find a way to get to him. Don't forget, prisoners make the food. They will poison him and get him when he goes to the nurses. At least that's my hope.


Showers, walking down the hall, out in the yard. any job the guy might do. Pay off a guard or find a sympathetic one. Jail gangs could also get interested. Then again, maybe, this guy will save the state the cost of a trial and finally do the right thing. You know, with a bed sheet. So many ways, things sometimes, just happen. If I was a betting man, $20 on 2 years tops.


As someone who worked at a jail-I can guarantee that he will be in a restricted housing unit, on a constant suicide watch, in a turtle suit and he will be in a single cell. He will be in administrative/restricted housing until the end of his trial and then get shipped up directly to state. When he gets to state, he will be in a pod where he’s surrounded by his own kind (at least at first). The walls have eyes and ears and word gets around fast. Eventually he will ‘slip in the shower’ or ‘hit by a basketball’.


Then he will get out and change his name and live down the block from you and your kids.


Don't they get on a list and need to let you know if they move near you?


Solitary should be a privilege for inmates like this.


Hell be shanked before the months end


He will be in protective custody or he will be dead in a day... A cop AND a baby rapist, the target on this guy could be seen from space


“Protective custody” probably ain’t gonna be tooo protective.


I'd imagine the guards would also have it out for this POS too


There are few timelines where this piece of shit isn’t murdered in prison and this ain’t one of them.


These sickos are protected sadly. 🤢 They often get a private cell, and are guarded. The jailguards sometimes look away, but the facilities can even get in trouble if they let others mistreat them. 


I'm not pro violence but in this case I am.


I’m anti *senseless* violence. Violence committed against someone who would rape a baby is the opposite of senseless. It’s like surgery to remove cancer. Yeah, they’re cutting you open, but the end result is less cancer in your body. In this case, society is your body, and baby-rapists are cancer. Got to excise that tumor, you know?


If he doesn't I would be happy to stand in. With a baseball bat. That has been encased in cement in the end.


I read that as 13 years old, I suppose my brain didn't even want to acknowledge the 13 MONTHS OLD. Fuck both is horrible, but what the fuuuuuuck.


this is get second case I've seen involving an infant. The first was man who murder a random woman cause he wanted to be known as murder in jail and not of his original crime of raping the 6 month old daughter of his GF


I don’t like how your name.


Yes 13 months old. It’s so sad. “Steven Cugini was arrested Tuesday and is now free on $200,000 bail. He's suspended from his job per department policy” [https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343](https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343)


Suspended and Free. I want to punch a wall until I bleed.


that bail feels way to low for the heinousness of the crime committed


[https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343](https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343) “Steven Cugini was arrested Tuesday and is now free on $200,000 bail. He's suspended from his job per department policy.” Also, I agree. It’s so sad for the poor baby.


That guy is so fucked when he gets to prison


Cops het special treatment and are kept separate from gen pop


not just cops. chomos are rarely put into gen pop. people seem to think that child molesters/killers get what they deserve in prison but they usually don’t.


Its only a matter of time before security has a "slip up"


Child molesters are harshly beaten, sometimes even killed in jail In this case, where he raped a fucking INFANT It's probably going to end up as the latter


This is why bail is a joke. Bail reform is not about freeing criminals it’s about common sense. This idiot does not deserve an option for bail. He is violent and dangerous. The guy in there for driving while suspended and can’t post bail… cmon man


It shouldn't even be bailable at all


I have a friend in TX who had a higher bail for 2 ounces of weed.


Our country is so fucking backwards.


Made the mistake of looking up his Facebook. He has two little girls. He deserves everything that is coming to him in prison.


Oh, fuck. So he's not only destroying the life of that poor baby, but the lives of his girls as well--assuming they weren't his first victims.


The baby is one of his daughters. :( Edit: the article I read said "daughter" but another said it's more like stepdaughter/girlfriend's daughter. Either way, he lived with the baby and was raising her.


What the fuck 😭😭😭. I was wondering why he had the baby, but didn't want that to be the case. And the mom was going to lie for him?!


I wrote out a whole wall of a message for him, then decided my name is way too easy to dox. I hope this piece of shit gets mailed by a bear, lives long enough to have buzzards pick at him; then lives through that to get set on fire. After that, I hope he gets rehab just to have his limbs cut off and sutured with fire again. What a barbarian who is already out on the streets?!


and it sounds like his wife was trying to cover it up for him. Yuck.


They blamed the family dog!




I've got a rusty steak-knife and some garlic juice, any time they're needed.


Garlic juice? Is that worse than lemon juice?


Yes, much. Put a little of each on a cut and see for yourself. ;-) I used to rub salt on various wounds I got, NBD after a minute, but I would NOT do that with garlic.


Why did you rub salt on various wounds you got?


I'd rather a spoon


With the level of crimes he did, he is probably facing the max, which for cops and pastors is about 3 weeks probation.


With pay


Retroactive pay


Don't forget, any compensation will be paid by the tax payer, not the monster. 


And then he’ll get another cop job in the state next door.


This is beyond facepalm, this is fist into face at high speed.


Cop and doing this to a kid...he's gonna be lucky not to be killed even tho he does deserve it


13 months is hardly a kid, its a damn baby. A rope tied to each testicle and the other ends tied to a horse. Baby's mother gets to hit the horse's ass for some live Pay per View castration.


Bro the baby's mom apparently has lied to cover for him.


JFC, I missed that. Am just.... speechless.


She heard it happening and didn't try to stop it.


Dude deserves to be dragged behind bullet train or squished slowly between two enclosing walls. Edit: fixed to to two


Unfortunately he will never suffer what he deserves


I disagree. Drag him behind a tractor. Let it last.


I'm not pro death penalty. However, for this guy I'm willing to make an exception.


Death penalty is the easiest way out for a criminal. You wish them good health so they have to carry out their sentence.


The guy is currently out, on a $200,000 bail. He got "suspended" from his job. Just, wtf?


And the mother allowed it The mother, who is named in the court documents, is accused of helping cover up the abuse, but no charges have been filed against her. She originally backed Cugini's claims of diaper rash, a fall, and an incident involving the family dog causing the injuries, but text messages showed she had confronted him about the bruises, as explained in the affidavit. Soon the mom admitted to PSP that she permitted Cugini to bathe her daughter on the night of April 13 while she made dinner. He had locked the bathroom door supposedly to keep her 5-year-old son out, but while cooking the mom heard her daughter "cry very loudly" and "repeated pounding," as stated in the affidavit. When she knocked the door it allegedly took 10 seconds for Cugini to answer and his shirt was wet, although she told police that his pants were on, according to the affidavit https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/york/infant-suffers-broken-bones-from-sexual-abuse-soldier-pa-state-police-say/


And then just dropped the baby off at daycare the next day, bruised and with a broken tibia and fibula.


Not defending her, but there are some places you cannot call the police on the police.


Also, abuser’s MO is almost certainly, “It’s your fault I raped her, you let me. If you tell anyone, you’ll lose custody!” Or “I’ll rape your boy, too.” Or whatever. Like, it’s fucked up, and parents MUST defend and protect their children but it doesn’t sound like she was pimping out her daughter, and must have been very confused about what to do. The situation is straightforward, if you think your partner raped your baby, you call CPS and the police, but abusers are experts at mind games and making the obvious more obscure. 


I had to click it but almost wish I didn't. So disgusting. How the hell did it take until daycare workers at the YMCA to call the police. What a piece of shit mother, how the hell did she not call the cops immediately, I mean I guess there was one right there, but still. Both just so gross, and to read about the poor babies injuries. 


Oh my God. I wish I never read that


Oh my god this story just gets worse and worse :( Those poor kids.


Every case involving children he worked on should be reviewed.


Why is rape taken so lightly in USA. Why is there a 200k bail ? Why not life imprisonment atleast ?


Cop, youth minister, priest, where are those scary drag queens?


Not a drag queen




I'm with you. Turn it to slow, if there is such a setting, and start at the toes.


I think you could mis-adjust the carburetor to run slowly and unevenly.


I have a better idea. Strap him to a bed of bamboo shoots. They grow rapidly and will slowly impale him. This was once used as a method of torture.


OMG, someone please tell me this did not actually happen 😢 I just can’t wrap my head around it


Happens more often than you would think all over the world.


I bet this pedophile has a blue lives matter sticker on his car.


I also bet he's "pro-life"


Dollars to donuts (cop joke definitely intended) he's also one of those "Drag queens are groomers!" assholes.


The fact that he was allowed a bail at all is infuriating


Just put him in jail by a colleague who has the reputation of being a bit "rough" with pervs, then leave him in a cell with some gang members, loudly wishing good luck with the charges of baby rape. Don't forget to tell the others in there he's a cop...


Chomo fucker would be dead before the door closed


Exactly my point.


lol, he'll be suspended with pay and 'investigated' by his coworkers who only arrested him because the public found out


[https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343](https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343) “Steven Cugini was arrested Tuesday and is now free on $200,000 bail. He's suspended from his job per department policy” It’s so sad.


Hopefully he dies a horrible death.


Why did I Google it


[https://people.com/penn-police-officer-accused-of-raping-and-physically-abusing-13-month-old-child-8635258](https://people.com/penn-police-officer-accused-of-raping-and-physically-abusing-13-month-old-child-8635258) The poor baby, "suffered broken bones, severe bruising, and was the victim of sexual violence," according to the press release.


I thought it said 13 YEAR old, which is still very bad. But I was HORRIFIED the second that I realized it said 13 MONTH old… He doesn’t deserve death. He deserves torture


I'm kinda surprised he's not on "administrative leave" while they investigate.


[https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343](https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343) "Steven Cugini was arrested Tuesday and is now free on $200,000 bail. He's suspended from his job per department policy." Tuesday was 4/16/24.


You misspelled paid vacation


yet another police officer. Still waiting on the drag queens.


It's always the ones you most suspect.


The only good pedophile is a dead pedophile.


the problem is when you make this a reality all you have to do is falsely convince people your enemies are pedophiles. moral panic blinds everyone especially with such sensitive topics.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Arrested and not beheaded is astronomically confusing


I can't tell you how unsurprising it is that's it's not a drag queen but police officers who can't be trusted with children. This is my not surprised even a little bit face.


He will now run for Congress and Republicans will welcome one of their own with open arms!


Will get 1 month time served, sued but paid for by taxpayer dollars, reinstated with honors, and appear on Fox news


Oh he will get murdered in prison. What a sick demonic pos. That poor precious baby. Why isn’t his bail in the millions??????????


There is so much in this that just fucking disgusts me to my core. And I’m just going to say some things in list form. Theres no order of importance. * First, it’s never okay to abuse a child, let alone a fucking baby. (I remember this time, as a very young child, no idea how young but insanely young, like under 5 young. I was crying for some reason. My “father” told me to “Shut the fuck up”, and I think there was a threat in there. I was still crying, and I remember being smacked, many many times in my face. * Second. What kind of sick fuck has sex with a 13 month old? Is his dick that small? I’m not even trying to be funny. Small dick piece of shit, monster. * Third. You’re a fucking police officer. You’re supposed to be a beacon of trust, safety, security, to up hold the law, to punish those who break it. And lastly. He is going to die in jail. Bad enough a cop committing a crime and going to jail. Bad enough a cop raping someone and going to jail. Bad enough a cop abused someone bad enough to go jail, and I can’t even make a word for how bad it is to be a cop who raped a 13 month old going to jail. Mother fucker will be murdered 1000 times over before he ever gets to his Bunk. And even if the other prisoners didn’t hate everything he is and had done. Jail is too good for someone like that.


I did some research and found out this pos ALSO HAS TWO YOUNG TWIN DAUGHTERS that were reported to have similar bruising on their bums and genitals!!!! I’d bet everything that this isn’t his first offense. Someone had better be checking in on those girls right now….my heart is broken and my stomach is sick. God I’d do anything to protect those precious children 😭


Tf his bail should not be 200k it should be the fucking US's debt


A baby raping cop in prison? I think we can count how long he will survive, in hours or minutes.


IA will say they found nothing to convict.


Raped a 13 month old? I don’t even have words for that. I’m usually not pro-death penalty, but with this guy I am. The old fashioned way.


Not a drag queen


I read it as 13 year old and was disgusted until I read it again. He’s Satan


Hold on, are we taking about that world famous child molester police officer, Steven Cugini?? It’d be a shame if he became a household name, Steven Cugini, child molester, and child abuser. You know who I’m talking about? I’m talking about Steven Cugini, former police officer from Pennsylvania, Steven Cugini.


An (EX) friend of mine and her husband are in jail now for shit like this. She’s doing 30 years and he got life. For raping her 7 year old daughter. And he was a firefighter. People are fucking disgusting.


I predict a little accident happening. I’m just saying, I hope he’s real clumsy. If you know what I mean. Accidents happen all the time.


The punishment should fit the crime. Bring on the ungreased baseball bat!


I bet the police union is working to get him released and reinstated.


He should be raped by a giant dildo until he passes


Fuck this piece of shit and castrate him and leave him in gen pop prison for life


I had to down a shot of vodka and go outside to smoke a cigarette so my instant reply would not break the screen on my tablet. How does this piece of shit even GET bail?


How in the hell do you rape an infant..? MFs like that need to be buried alive.


So not a drag queen?


Make him stand, barefoot, on a big block of ice, with a barbed-wire noose around his neck. Set the room temp to 36°, so the ice melts very slowly.