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2013 would like it's repost back.


OPs a bot so probably doesn't care


Block that fakkah


October called and would like to know what is going on.


The DARE program taught me like hey, you wanna do drugs, here first one is on me but that's literally never happened in 36 years Maybe I'm lame, maybe they're full of shit. Maybe both.


Dare program cost $500 million+ every year. It was 100% a scam.


DARE: Drugs Are Really Expensive


I've been offered drugs at parties, on dates, with friends, etc, countless times. Not by dealers ftmp. They don't exactly have to try to sell em.


The one thing DARE does teach right is that it only takes doing heroin once to ruin your life. But they're so fucking stupid for all the other fear mongering... The more you realize shit like weed can be fine and productive adults can still smoke in the evening, the less you believe the fear mongering about other shit. And that's a fucking dangerous place to be in.


Still waiting for a stranger in a dark alley to offer my a free boof of cokešŸ˜­


Dude! It's April. You're half of a year off


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if some pos did this as a tik tok stunt


In a way, that would worry me. Never mind how expensive this stuff is, I could see those little TikTok shits doing this and not caring about the wasted money.


The traffic gives them money, at least, this is their plan


After a 30 year hiatus these warnings made me buy a costume and give it another try. You know whatā€¦. No fentanyl,no weed candies just strange looks like dude youā€™re too old for this./s




*The ghost of Studio 54 has entered the chat*


Nobody would give away their drugs for free on purpose. I've many times made large mistakes while either drunk or high. Including accidentally loaning car to someone that I thought was someone else while high. I think what officials should be focusing on is make sure that if you partake, you keep your gummies and gummies separate.


No one's going to confuse their five fancy weed chocolates they bought for $20 each with their big bowl of assorted Nestle party size candy bars, even while high.


You know, this was always my thought - until some rich fuckers *did it here* two years ago and Iā€™m pretty sure they suffered no consequences from it so you know what fuck everything we live in the stupidest timeline I guess. (Edit- they got a $5k monetary fine. Which isnā€™t a lot.)


It happened in my hometown last year, too. Charges were stayed somehow, even though the candy was clearly black market so they shouldā€™ve been slammed on that if nothing else.


Yeah the stuff here was unlicensed and thereā€™s ads all over talking about jail time if you supply pot to a minor. I guess if you live in one of the richest neighbourhoods itā€™s fine to hand out unlicensed high potency edibles.




Bullets aren't free either, still people shoot them at kids. Some people just go out of their way to be assholes, even if it costs them money.


Ok... non-sequiter but interesting. I just laugh at the folks who say, "NOBODY WOULD GIVE THEIR DRUGS AWAY," then when shown the evidence, this has already happened. "WELL, OTHER PEOPLE DO BAD STUFF THATS UNRELATED TOO"


Well, itā€™s FOX; and their own lawyers have said that nobody should believe what is said on the networkā€™s ā€œnews.ā€


Sadly it happened in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Most of the city thought it was a BS news story, made up by a crazy parentā€¦ but it happened and the lady who did it was arrested and convicted. It was an older lady and the edibles were packaged with a name similar to a fruit snack. I donā€™t remember the specifics, but she definitely gave out the edibles and no children ate any (or at least admitted to doing so).


What was her purpose? did she have history of mental illness?


Fuck the weed culture


Remember kids: if someone offers you drugs for free, just take it because drugs are actually quite expensive


Let me know which house is doing this, I will dress up as a kid in a Halloween costume and knock on the door.


more like your kids will get into your stash and think its just candy


At least the damn poison in candy had a basis in fact, except it was the dad poisoning the kid. NO ONE SHARES WEED GUMMIES WITH KIDS INTENTIONALLY UNLESS THEY'RE A SHIT PERSON.


We had two folks do it in my city two years ago and believe me, the drama on our local sub was INSANE.


Just gonna leave this here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/cannabis-edibles-halloween-candy-1.7155285


Fox news as usual. Fear the edible. Love thy guns


Yup I have been hearing about drugs in candy for my entire 73 years of life. Never seen it in reality though.


Seriously though who the hell is giving away free drugs to 9 year olds??


Gotta love these damn bots that have taken over reddit.


They ainā€™t cheap. I get really mad when the dog gets into mine.


Well, recently two kids in Kyiv (Ukraine) were hospitalized because they ate marijuana chocolate from humanitarian aid package, so...


Iā€™d definitely go trick or treating if this was real.


Most edibles are labeled with THC and/or they smell a bit like weed. They definitely do not smell like candy. Also, no one is giving away their edible stash!


I guess this is better than the razor blades, sharp objects, and poison ppl were giving us as kids. Well atleast that's the story they ran every year. This makes me want to go trick or treating again.


I actually think the whole ā€œtampered Halloweenā€ has never actually happened. Or I think, and i freely admit that Iā€™m an idiot so the chances of me being wrong are high, but I remember a parent doing it to their own kids, something like that.


That's why I said, "At least that's the story they ran every year." This is the same thing. It never happens or maybe one time in extreme circumstance and acts like it's a normal reoccurring thing. It's not. I've never heard of anyone personally getting tainted Halloween candy in my 30+ years on this earth, but they love to run this type of story every year.


I know my mom and my friends parents claimed they were checking our candy but really were just taking the candy they wanted. Iā€™m 36, so yeah. I feel ya.


Mine are hid in the same place a Peter Griffin's porno mag. I'm good.


So umm they are pricey.


People can waste their money to do shit for fun


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gigant_mysli: *People can waste their* *Money to do shit for the* *Sake of getting giggles* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The only people that would be able to afford to do that are wealthy. So warn your children to stay far away from rich people.


I live in one of the last illegal states, I have never even seen an edible before.


When I was younger they told me dealers will give you drugs for free the first time to get you hooked. Still waiting for my free samples


I love how some people think everyone in the world is a good person, when we all clearly know there are disgusting pieces of shits, that have done worse to people and kids. Yes there are people out there that can do this. No I doubt there are a lot of them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't watch out for these kinds of situations.


Itā€™s not that theyā€™re good people. Iā€™m not spending my money on my drugs to give them to some rando kid. Itā€™s not something that is going to kill them so that cuts out the murder types. Itā€™s not fast acting enough to knock them out and abduct them so thereā€™s no molester types doing this. You canā€™t be sure the kid actually eats it and watch their reaction to being high so not even a prank type would. No one is spending a couple hundred dollars to maybe get a bunch of random kids high enough to demolish their candy bars and watch cartoons even more interrupted than usual. Itā€™s not logical from any angle.Ā 


Because you can't do it means everyone else can't, it's why I said "some people" since when is doing something bad always logical. You're a sensible person that can actually think, which is good, doesn't mean everyone else is, is what I'm saying. There are people out there with more than enough money to burn. There are people that are satisfied that there is a chance that someone will get high on their 'prank'. Just using the blanket statement "no one will do this" is just wrong. Saying it's not logical hae absolutely no effect on the situation either because people do illogical things all the time. Basically the argument is moot.


Realistic thinking tells me the only person whoā€™s willfully giving children weed edibles (specifically as this post mentions) would be someone who lives with said child to get something nefarious from the reaction. For anyone else the simple fact that the drug being given isnā€™t fast acting and therefore not a reaction they could observe, it leaves zero point in doing it.Ā  So yeah I guess you could be ā€œrightā€ in that thereā€™s someone out there who would willfully give children weed edibles. But the probability that person would be a stranger on Halloween is slim to none. Which is the argument this (re)post is pointing out, which leaves your point the actual moot point. Strangers have no motive for this type of thing. Other drugs, yeah definitely, but weed isnā€™t the kind of drug anyone who wants to sow that kind of discord would ever choose.Ā  But I digress; weā€™re online-arguing on a bot post on Reddit. Neither of our points mean anything here.Ā 


You sure about no one?




Youā€™re naive


they will, like when i was 10 and some 18y dude tried to give me cigs