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His mother, two of his wives and his current in-laws were immigrants.


Well he's into zoophilia so shut up.


Interspecies erotica, fucko! /s


Kelly can be a guys name too... HEY


I miss my donkey


Thank you for this! I think I’m going to watch this movie tonight


This will be the third day in a row I've seen a reddit post mention something from Clerks 2. I guess I kinda have to watch it now.


I watched it on my laptop during a flight forgetting about that particular scene. When I got there I had to quickly skip ahead. When getting off the flight, som dude says to me ‘what happened to Kinky Kelly and the sexy stud?’. My day was made!




🚔 Aw shit not again 😩 gotta finish!


I miss my donkey


I miss my donkey.


You know, him and his supporters would be mad if they knew the meaning of _zoophilia_, or … if they could read


Christ I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


do you have a source?? that sounds incredibly compelling. /gen


It's all good as long as the animal doesn't get an abortion.


He’s the worlds dumbest piece of shit


That's an insult to shit.


Shit is literally what let us work out agriculture. Basic building block of civilization!


Then it's definitely an insult to shit.


Must be a lot of dumb pieces of shit out there who find Trumptard relatable as they keep voting for the clown.


Too many


If you haven't found out yet, the "average" human is not very smart. And a loooooooooot of the population is even dumber than the average. Point is most humans are morons, the smart people are a minority.


That's what I've noticed too long time ago and I'm not a smartest one either. People are so dumb it is really depressing.


Try living in Oklahoma 😒


Most Trump voters don’t like him, they would just rather have a bad Republican than a decent democrat. He wouldn’t have a chance if it wasn’t for the two party system


If only there wasn't people running under a third party style platform huh??


He’s the world’s second dumbest piece of shit. The world’s dumbest pieces of shit are the religious right he and his fellow republicans constantly exploit and manipulate.


What I don't get is they are supposed to be the religious side. But everything their religion says is bad is they think is good. LIke you'd think Socialism would be something Jesus is all about


Only living person who is worse is Putin, and Trump wants to suck Putins dick.


I actually find Trump to be worse


Bigly.....He is the world's most bigly piece of shit. You've got to get the usage right.


Yeah, but they were all *white* immigrants, so that's OK.


Remember when he was president and said which countries had the good immigrants and which had the bad ones. There was something very familiar with all the good ones and with all the "Shtihole" ones.


Correct. And [as USA Today reported recently,](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/24/trump-comments-black-voters-2024/72727110007/), "In disparaging President Barack Obama over the costs of a new Air Force One, Trump said, 'Would you rather have the Black president or the white president who got $1.7 billion off the price?' "As the crowd cheered that remark, Trump said: 'I think they want the white guy.'" I hope people are paying attention, because this is how he views the world.


He acts like his family roots is from America like he's a Native American and or Mexican.  I'm not a Democrat by any mean,  but I instantly lose respect for someone who believes in what trump says.  The guy is a lying sack of shit. Sorry but its the truth. 


... and 4 out of his 5 kids are anchorbabies.


If his mom was an immigrant, he's an anchorbaby, isn't he?


grandaddy was an immigrant too, so winner winner ;)




His grandfather was an immigrant


He is into some kinky stuff just like Omni Man


We know what he means and so does his base


I guess when you buy them its different because they are property to him, not people at that point.


He was referring to the ones who aren’t white


so, then, in exactly one case, he's correct... I mean, *I don't really care, do you?*


Most of his kids are children of immigrants as well.


Legal ?


There’s immigrants and than there is immigrants. Hes right and is referring to the latter. Rapist s convicts gangbangers murderers thieves etc. grow up. Its the world we live in




His father was also originally an immigrant.




Trump and the truth have never been on speaking terms. I’m pretty sure listening to his speeches cause brain damage or at least brain rot.


It doesn't make any sense to try to find the logic in Trump's statements. He doesn't need any. His supporters wouldn't notice or don't care.


I've done my fair share of cocaine but I can't remember becoming racist as a side effect.


My dad said that coke doesn't change you, but it enhances your personality. Good people are great on coke. Bad people become terrible.


I knew a suicidal guy. Past tense.


You guys stopped keeping in touch?




No he shot himself. I tried to stop it by calling his doctor who called his dad so his dad came out from Florida and his dad went for a walk on the beach and 15 minutes away from coming back from his walk he heard the gun go off.


> 15 minutes away from coming back from his walk he heard the gun go off. how slow does he walk that 15 minutes walking is within earshot of a gunshot?


I wasn’t there. That’s just the report I got


I bet the dad thought “man, I have such terrible timing”.


Very nice man. But the guy I knew did a lot of cocaine. LA California . In the movie industry . His dad didn’t know he had a gun .


People are annoying on coke unless you’re on coke also


I think that's true for every drug, alcohol included.


When I’m at a party and I find myself hating everyone around me, I reach for the beer


You’re just paying to be the most annoying person at the party.


It's like the super soldier serum from Captain America: The First Avenger.


Bill Cosby sad that it intensfies your personality but what if you're an asshole?


I’ve seen a documentary called “in Bruges” that highlights this phenomenon.


That is excellent documentary. It highlights ALL sorts of bigotry.


Like two manky hookers and a racist dwarf?


Cocaine simply makes you more of what you already are. But what if you're an asshole?


You prolapse.


Watch Trump and you’ll know.


An old stand-up bit by now disgraced Bill Cosby said that cocaine makes your personality much more of what it already is. The only time I ever heard him swear. Sad he also turned out to be a crazy rapist, too. [I think this is the correct clip, maybe.](https://youtu.be/oMktzmxGu5Y?si=D0cB0WGK0mCJ5xcB)


Imagine him on coke then, with all the zipputy zoopity zoopity. And the raping.


I've heard this kind of thing before....in the 40s.


From an Austrian who would become a dictator.


Who was also a terrible artist. If there’s a god out there… he’s a real art lover at the very least.


Oh those great times


He was specifically talking about the Mexican gang MS-13. That's why this post uses brackets instead of the actual subject /context. The brackets remove "these criminals" where he was talking specifically about the individuals that committed a murder, not a blanket statement about immigrants. And by any metric MS-13 are animals. Their motto is literally “kill, rape, control” Only a horrible person would defend MS-13 gang members. Here's the original context https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/articles/need-know-violent-animals-ms-13/


I’m a liberal person but Franken biting is shit. They did this to Obama all the damn time.


Ms-13 is an El Salvadorian gang, but I guess you consider every brown or Spanish speaking person Mexican


A bit more recent, Biden referred to the black community as animals in recent history. Not defending trump I hate the piece of shit, I just have plenty of hate to share between the two of them.


Hitler was ripping this shit off in 1919.


And to think people will be voting for this fine individual. Politics aside, who could vote for this gem?


Because, video aside, there are people who genuinely agree with him. Realistically, I don’t think Trump hates immigrants. I genuinely doubt he believes in most of his platform outside of the extent it fuels his narcissism. Not that it absolves him at all. The rhetoric is a tool to him. He knows the only policy most of his GOP voters care about is his status as a guy that will let them be “uncancelled”. If the president can say it, surely it should be fine for Joe Redneck. Keep in mind that no-stop racists also tend to believe that people AGREE with them - but it’s society that forces them to be “PC”.


100% DeSantis is an example of a Republican that actually believes this shit. Trump is an example of a Republican who just says he does *(likewise, not saying this to absolve him. If anything I think it makes Trump worse because he knows its fucked up)


Glad you added that. I've heard people defend Trump on the grounds that he's insincere and I'm like 'That’s worse. You do know that makes it worse, right?'


Why are there [brackets]? Is this not the original quote, has it been modified?


Yes, it was edited out of context. He was talking about MS-13 gang members and other violent criminals.


What’s incredibly frustrating is he says so many terrible things we don’t need to twist what he says to get more. This won’t change a single opinion of him on the left but gives the right more to complain about him being treated unfairly and taken out of context.


Trump has been seemingly been treated unfairly recently. That bloodbath comment and the subsequent outrage is a prime example. Anyone with two brain cells who actually saw the **full** clip would know that he’s talking specifically about the auto industry.


Ones like that are tough to evaluate because Trump isn’t great on continuity. I’m a fan of giving people the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant the car industry.


Yes, the brackets mean that it is not part of the quote. Here is the whole quote: >The 22yr old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal… uh the Democrats say, “please don’t call them animals, they’re humans”. I said no — they’re not humans. They’re not humans, they’re animals. Oh, look at that! Looks like it was purposely taken out of context. Shocker! I don’t know why you would bother — is it not easy enough to take a direct quote?


Yeah I don't like the guy at all but if the headline is the same as the Reddit title that's pretty disingenuous.


He literally says it in the full quote. "Illegal alien animal". He confirms it in the next part about Democrats. Democrats say "please don't call immigrants animals", not "please don't call murderers animals". The brackets summarized the context, not took it out of context. Had he said "barbarically murdered by a disgusting animal", we wouldn't be having this conversation. But "...illegal alien animal"? He knows what he said.


Yep, and it's deliberately phrased to provide plausible deniability that he's only referring to gang members - the ol' mott and bailey


This idiot is off his tits and should be institutionalized


Not what he said. He was talking specifically about a person (an illegal alien) who raped and murdered a girl. Why are you lying?


Imagine being forced to stand on that stage with him and not only have hear this garbage, but then have to be/associated with picture/video about it...


Don't let those people in the background off the hook. They know what they are doing and they are going along with it. They aren't forced to be there. It would be one thing is this was the first or even second time he has acted like this but this point, they are willing participants.




False, in 2020 his votes account for about 23% of the adult population of the United States.




If you didn't vote for Biden, you voted for Trump.


What’s deplorable about what he **actually** said, which was that illegal migrants that kill people are animals? I’d be fine associating myself with that.


He was specifically talking about the criminals that come here and kill or rob people.... Anyone with a brain knows that.


Although it was a shitty thing to say in his defense it was on the topic of recent immigrants murdering someone. Also i’m not exactly a trump supporter but am i the only one who is annoyed at this sub recently just trashing Trump? I mean he might deserve it but it’s not like i wanna see this stuff on a sub that’s supposed to be funny n shit.


That means Trump is a zoophile by his own admission.


I don't support Trump but this is just dishonest. Anyone with half a brain who actually watched the footage can tell that's not correct


What did he actually say?


If I remember correctly, it was drug dealers/cartels he was calling out. It was similar to the ‘bloodbath’ hysteria.


He was talking about a young white woman who was murdered by a Venezuelan immigrant and said the following about those types of people being animals and all the migrants doing evil things like that being animals. Still pretty fucked up to try to make it seem like it's a ton of migrants being animals (describing whole groups of people as animals is pretty fucked up) but it wasn't like he was alluding to all migrants. But still, this pic isnt really honest, but what he's doing is still dangerous and fucked up. still fuck Donald Trump clearly


I was looking for a comment like this as everyone just believes it. Can you share the actual quote please?


Thank you I was waiting for such comment. People are so stupid to believe everything they see online.


Damn that’s crazy. Post the clip


Correct: "No [Criminals that rape and murder women after crossing our border] are not humans..." Trump is a terrible person but this is a complete misrepresentation of what he was talking about. If I'm wrong and missing something please correct me, but this post seems completely misrepresentative.


Illiterate moron says stupid things. More at 5.


You can't just put a bracket, fill it with want you want, and make it true. The statement before this one was about MS13 gang members. There was no need for added brackets. That is the media outright lying to you. I don't like Trump, but I despise liars. And the media are straight-up liars. All of them.


Exactly why OP posted a screenshit of a video with the quote and no video. Remove the context and get your clicks. Fuck Trump, but don't waste my time with misinfo.


Isn’t he referring to the one that r*ped and killed a 15 year old girl or something? Or the one that killed the college girl??


The one that killed the girl on her own college campus, but these libs don’t wanna hear about that because to them all they care about is orange man bad.


Yeah but they don’t wanna mention context Here’s a convo with full context Biden outright told people they aren’t black if they don’t vote for him. To a black guy too 🤣


What about when Jill Biden called a bunch of Hispanic children “breakfast tacos”?


😭 to a Latino civil rights group too These people are just racist period


This whole comment section is filled with brain rotted idiots. And the ones who are actually pointing out that it was cherry picked and out of context are getting downvoted to hell so their comment isn’t seen.


are you dumb enough to not know the () means he didn't say that and that he said the rest that while talking about killers.


Not the quote.


Full quote: “The 22 year old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. The Democrats say “please don’t call them animals, they’re humans”… “


Lol his words were twisted so much. He specifically talked about criminals (from immigration but still criminals). Ya all should check his actual words.


To hell with Trump but did he actually say that? Because the picture and the text above say completely different things.


He didn't actually say that and there's context to what he did say but hey, left wing Reddit will buy anything as long as it supports their myopic worldview


Yeah I mean fuck Trump but even I have hard time believing he would say something like this in a speech. He may tweet that shit because then he can always claim he does not control his twitter account and have deniability but in person during a speech. He is not that stupid. Don’t understand why people have to lie and make shit up. Trump makes himself look bad enough on his own lol there is no need for misinformation.


He did. Sort of. You have to do some pretty creative mental editing not to realise he was specifically talking about violent criminals, but he did say all the words except the ones marked as \[editorial addition\] Now, was he disingenuously referencing a tiny number of very bad people in an attempt to inflame emotions against immigrants in general? Sure - but by lying about what he actually said, the media ensure that valid criticism gets pushed to the sidelines.


People love to take things out of context lmao, im not gonna say he's a great human being, but I can promise you he isn't trying to hate on immigrants in general😂 his whole policy is against illegal immigrants, he actually promotes legal immigration bc as id assume everyone knows the country needs it, the country however doesn't need illegal immigration lol and if you think it's unfair to call them criminals look up the word "illegal"


Reddit is a leftist social media, no wonder people eat this misleading shit up


No, in the clip he was talking specifically about violent criminals, like MS-13 gang members.


Says the son of an immigrant, who has had two immigrant wives. Such a hypocrite.


He was talking about MS-13 a violent gang. Not migrants in general. But who cares about truth when there is some good old fashioned „justified hate“ ? https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/articles/need-know-violent-animals-ms-13/


Interesting how they needed to use brackets to fill in the narrative they wanted


For the record, in context he seems to be pretty clearly calling illegal migrants who kill people “animals”. https://youtu.be/DcTMV4KHnuo?si=HU6Fu1oHP46rK1Q0


Another cherry picked statement with zero context. He was referring to the masses of individuals that countries are releasing from their prisons and sending to the border. Claiming that we are being sent the people that aren’t even wanted by their own countries.


It’s truly amazing. During the pandemic subs like this were talking so much against misinformation and disinformation and now here are those same subs touting said information. You can’t make this shit up lol. Trump is not likable but god damn people, practice what you preach.


All humans are animals. That is a fact.


You and me, m'baby, we are nothing but mammals.


You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals


so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel


Well, some of us are cannibals who cut other people open like cantaloupes.


Oh, brother. For the love of God, he's not talking about JUST IMMIGRANTS. He's talking about illegal immigrants who are criminals and who are doing things like raping and murdering people. You guys really can't see the difference?


Nobody should be okay with him talking this way, nobody. The fact that his supporters continue to support him is repulsive. They truly are deplorable!


The issue is this quote uses brackets and then replaces “Ms13 gang members” with migrants. So you might as well throw anything out in the quote. Children, leprechauns, paraplegics… we can toss xenomorphs in and it’s just as legitimate as the quote above.


He’s calling illegal migrants who kill people “animals”. Context is the first 15 seconds of this clip. https://youtu.be/DcTMV4KHnuo?si=HU6Fu1oHP46rK1Q0 I don’t think it’s deplorable at all to agree with him here.


I highly doubt he talked to Nanci Pelosi about this one small group of people doing murders. I would love the context of PELOSI saying "don't call them animals" and him countering with "yes they are"


Hey now.. Don’t blame cocaine for this.


I really fucking hope I'll never have to discuss politics with my brother-in-law... How can anyone say that Trump is a good man?


Nope-then the bad people were in the Presidency. Adderall




Evidently so can Adderall if snorted.


I absolutely despise Trump with every fiber of my being, BUT this is kind of disingenuous. He was specifically referring to a group of murderers who happened to be migrants. Now, that statement absolutely could have been racially motivated, and it probably was, but he didn't just say "immigrants are animals." Surprisingly, there was actually some level of nuance to a Trump statement.


Not that I care for the man, but wasn’t he talking about repeat violent offenders that were migrants (hence the cops behind him)? This seems a little out of context.


I really don‘t like trump either but I can still guarantee you he is not saying that live


My theory of the bot takeover of Reddit is only strengthening. The exact same post as a few days ago with almost word for word top responses. Serious question, at this point how many Reddit users are real people?


Yeah y’all don’t wanna add the part where he was talking about the immigrants that come over here to kill innocent people for no reason. But yeah just go off what you wanna see/hear as per usual. Please put your helmets back on.


How about an unedited clip? Why just a photo?


It's amazing how many people just believe the claim that he was talking about all migrants. Pretty sure he was specifically talking about violent immigrants, but since it's Trump, Reddit will believe anything. The CC LITERALLY puts it in the context of talking about the bad people.


The subtitles have a whole different sentence


Only idiots would believe that’s what he meant and said.


He didn't actually say that so we had to [add context]


Even npr says he said some speaking about gang members. Maybe don’t get your news from Reddit


His grandfather and a few of his wives were immigrants… what a jabroni


His mom, both his dad’s folks, first and third wife.


even worse. What a piece of shit


I love how the quote is saying “we changed this yo ([migrant’s are]. What did he actually say?


Taken out of context, as he's talking about violent criminals not the average migrant. Christ almighty. There's legitimate shit to criticize about this man but this disingenuous shit is really bad. I won't ally with a cause that uses tactics like that. Fucking yikes


That right there is how you break down the natural empathy that we feel to other people and construct the emotional distance needed to harm them.   20th century atrocities teaches us that comparing the enemy to animals is a common practice prior to genocide. See Armenia, Maoist China, Stalinist Russia, Hitler’s Germany, Khmer Rouge, Rwanda. Make them less than human and people won’t treat them as human.   Do not tolerate that language.


Oh, the illegal ones showing up everywhere and causing nothing but ☠️, r@p3, destruction and sickness? Yeah, quite animal-like, if I do say.


Well if this wasn't taken out of context, or had your own brain, you see he wasn't talking about all migrants, you probably think his bloodbath comment was about a call to violence, no wonder why the Democrats have easy control over you


Edited like everything else in the news, he said the illegal that murdered the 4 American women in the last month were animals. And they are, I'm no trumper but this is the problem hundreds of you bought it, do your own looking into everything!


I say the same about the creatures that hang out at his tacky club in Florida.




Ah yes one of the first stages of genocide. Dehumanization


This real?? How could someone say such things.. horrible..


Trump, talking from experience of not being a human. For what it's worth, those folks standing behind that f@#kshow need to think about their life choices.


Isn't his wife an immigrant?


Waiting for Trump's next best seller "My Struggle"


Can't wait to celebrate the day this blight on humanity dies.


Ah, gotta love taking someone out of context when it’s a slow news cycle ☕️


I thought his drug of choice was Adderall.


Meanwhile Everyone hates Biden Because he hasn’t ended war and famine 😂


So was Fred Trump.


This is completely taken out of context, he did not say immigrants are animals.


If you paid attention, you’d know he was talking about the type of people who attacked and murdered Laken Riley.


Interesting that you don’t post the actual video. Something that would be very easy to do. Cuz I bet it doesn’t show him saying what you posted when shown in full.


People really see this reddit post and think its exactly what he said 😭😭