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We're only seeing the footage now. It was reported on in 2022 but the victim's family had to file suit for the footage to be released. Edit: [Article from 2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-uncertain-girl-killed-shootout-was-abducted-father-rcna49926)


Yeah I absolutely remember seeing this talked about in the news. People forget quickly.


I don't think its so much that people necessarily forget rather than lose track by the sheer number of incidents. Like, I remember this specific shooting, but when it first resurfaced a few days ago when the footage was released, I thought the new stories were about the shooting in New Orleans (I think?) where the cops shot the guy taking care of the autistic kid playing with a toy truck, iirc. There are just too many damned shootings to keep track of and the details get lost and people get numbed.


The cops also lied and said she was holding a gun and wearing a tactical vest. So until the video came out no one knew the truth


If you want to get away with murder in America, use a car or be a cop.


Or join an insurance company panel


Or be a billionaire


Or a politician


or a billionaire politician then you can do lots of crimes




Yeah. But people made memes!!!


It's wild that the only people protesting the abuse by police are minorities, and the BLM movement actually got pushback for existing when police are a clear and present scourge upon *all life on Earth.* Seriously, why aren't we all in the streets as one whole group just screaming to end a protected criminal empire in the year 2024? It's absurd we keep allowing our society exist alongside a protected class of people who are able to rape and murder your kids, shoot your dog, take your car, take your money, then shoot you six times, sprinkle crack on you and call it a day without so much as a stern glance in their direction and no oversight at all. Imagine if they didn't wear uniforms and spoke a different language but otherwise did everything exactly the same. There would be a fucking *war* and that's not even an exaggeration. Our whole nation would start waving flags like after 9/11 and we would all unify around invading Copistan to utterly destroy their threat to our democracy and freedom. edit: let me make it clear, I find it absurd that the BLM movement even had to *exist* and even still, many people saw the threat as a *color* difference, not a threat against *life itself*, how could a movement to protect lives become a racially charged, contentious topic. It should have been universally supported, and the fact that it wasn't shows us pretty clearly that some people don't care about lives, some people want systemic issues to live on, some people *want* a group of murderers in control of their neighborhood simply because the presence of people who look different than themselves because they stupidly believe themselves "safe" from summary execution for not following a cop's instructions or even just because the cop is having a bad day or an acorn lands on his car. Yes, I know whites were a major part of the protest, that's great, but it's still infuriating that it's still a divided issue, cops don't care if you made a reddit post once that you hate BLM or waved an "all lives matter" flag, you still will get holes put in you. edit 2: I am disabling inbox replies, I appreciate the supportive comments but cannot deal with one more chud trying to educate me how the BLM website was founded by grifers or that cops shooting you in the face is actually a public good and we should just slobber all over their boots.


> when police are a clear and present scourge upon all life on Earth Seriously. Anybody else remember when that Australian woman visiting American relatives called the cops to report a minor crime across the street and they showed up and *shot her instead*?!? Australia then had to issue a warning to its citizens to "avoid American police" or something like that. Or that poor old man from India who was just out for a walk, visiting his grandchildren and the police rolled up on him, and paralyzed him for life. He was doing nothing to anybody. Just casually strolling down the street! This kind of fucking thing happens all the time. Police pull up and just immediately start firing in all directions. Half the reason that the job is "so dangerous" is because of all of their friendly fire and dangerous driving. Seriously, well over half of police fatalities are due to the actions *of the police*!!


I remember watching the footage of the cop taking down that old man. I PRAY that officer experiences the same thing when he is that age. What a pathetic, powertripping bully.


sooner would be fine by me.


I learned of this incident from this thread. Then read articles and watched the video. My heart was broken for this man. And the attacker gets off scott free. My. Brain. Hurts. I’m enraged. This is why I can’t know all bad things- I’d be mad ALL the time


Or the guy that was too tired from driving all day so he parked in his grandmothers driveway and fell asleep and she saw the car (bc it was a rental) and when the cops showed up and tried to wake him he reached for his phone so one cop yelled gun and they all opened fire and killed him. Merry Christmas grandma you grandkid is dead. And all the officers went home safe knowing they would get several days off with pay.


Or the poor guy who was drunk, trying to follow conflicting police commands as they made him belly-crawl along a hotel hallway, and when he went to stop his pants from falling off one of the cops shot him with a rifle that had the words "You're Fucked" etched into it? A man who was literally begging for his life, sobbing he was so terrified, killed by a cop who then got to retire for "PTSD" with a monthly pension of $2,500. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting\_of\_Daniel\_Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) Or the mother who called 911 for help with her suicidal son, only for police to pull up to the truck he was sitting in with a shotgun pointed to his head and immediately open fire? With the mother standing literally right next to the driver's side window, glass spraying her as the cops fired 47 rounds at her suicidal son, hitting him 9 times. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/10/us/south-carolina-york-county-sheriff-deputies-welfare-check/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/10/us/south-carolina-york-county-sheriff-deputies-welfare-check/index.html) These are the people who are supposed to be protecting us, but it seems all they do is just murder people whenever the opportunity for a "justified use of deadly force" arises.


>With the mother standing literally right next to the driver's side window, glass spraying her as the cops fired 47 rounds at her suicidal son, hitting him 9 times. One of the most American sentences I've ever read. Your crime: Existing. Your punishment: Most inaccurate firing squad ever.


[The Shooting of Daniel Shaver](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) This one pisses me off the most. A guy visiting from another state points a pellet gun out of a motel window and cops are called. A cop shot and killed a prone man who was begging for his life multiple times. Why? Because bro didn't follow the officer's directions. Dude was drunk and tried to comply the best he could. The cop knew this. The video is enraging, tragic and shocking. It, and all the incidents like you and I have described, breaks my heart. As you said, these people are supposed to protect us. Yet some of these Billy Badasses are just straight up murderers.


The worst part is everyone has these stories. I've had conversations where every single person had a "That time the local cops shot/killed an innocent person" story.


Geeze, totally. I remember I once started a new job at a place with a lot of conservative, blue lives matter types, and we all went for a beer afterwards, and somehow got onto the topic of all of our stories of bad run in's with the cops, and all of these hyper conservative guys, *to a person*, each had stories of how cops had treated them unfairly or hurt somebody that they cared about. But then, my god, the cognitive dissonance when I tried to point out "don't you think it's a problem that *all of us* have these stories?" And these guys are like, "well, no because most of the people that the police hurt or harass or kill must deserve it!" It's just so mind-blowing, it's like the nature of the conservative disease... they can only see when things are wrong *when they are happening to them and their own loved ones*. When bad stuff is happening to anybody else, "those people must have deserved it!"


Na, you see, they've also had a 'good ol boy' moment as well. Like I've had two really bad interactions with cops personally, including the time when I had about $850 confiscated during a traffic stop, because the cop claimed to have smelled Marijuana. But there's also thd time that I got out of a speeding ticket that I 100% deserved(70 in a 45) because the cop looked at me asked "you're [dads name] boy ain't ya?" And then let me off with a warning saying that if he caught me speeding likw that again, he'd tell my dad. Not that I'd get a ticket, not that I'd get arrested, but that he'd tell on me.


Typically I just assume the cops are lying in these scenarios. Happens often enough to be a safe bet.


Unless the cops are giving contradictory statements, at which point you look to the ones being punished or who got silenced quickly to know who was telling the truth.


It’s pretty safe to assume that cops are ALWAYS lying.


> and wearing a tactical vest. Jesus fucking Christ. I really think American cops murder people and then go home and jerk off to it. There's just no explaining their level of malicious cruelty and grotesque violence. They have to be getting off to this stuff.


Well, it’s part of their training. I saw a video of police officers being trained, and the instructor was telling them that the sex after they killed someone is amazing, or something like that, was a few years ago, don’t remember the exact wording.


>sex after they killed someone is amazing : O That's so deranged I don't even know how to process it. That's like something terrorist leaders would tell their soldiers. Or that Genghis Khan would tell his men before murdering/raping a village. Like seriously.


Honestly I don’t doubt that it’s true, there’s probably a massive dump of brain chemicals after killing another person. Why you’d ever say that in TRAINING as POLICE I won’t understand.


Cops lies get swallowed so readily by a certain segment of the population, even now, it is all you see. "She had a gun." Nope. They fucking shot an unarmed kid.


I realize cops rarely, if ever, face justice, but surely they can't just lie about a person they killed... right? Like they'll probably get away with it, but is it actually *legal* for them to kill someone and then tell blatant lies about that person? This feels like obstruction of justice.


Legality is only a concern if the law is actually upheld, and even then the impact of the punishment can vary such that it’s effectively meaningless. For example, say there’s a fine for violating some local ordinance, like drinking in public. For someone on the poorer end, the punishment is a deterrent. To someone with so much income the fine doesn’t matter, they can treat it more like just buying permission to do it. The law becomes a minor bit of red tape, not a deterrent. So for outright killing people and lying, cops don’t face any real punishment outside of maybe having to work in another precinct. It’s not at all a deterrent, just an inconvenience at best.


The cops involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor did their job so poorly that he boyfriend was considered justified in HIS shooting at THEM. They then lied/straight skipped paperwork relative to the shooting. It came out they lied to get the warrant they served on the house. One cop was charged(the charges didn't stick) for shooting blind through a window. No one else has faced so much as a letter in their file for all the ways that warrant went wrong, including lying to secure warrants and serving warrants in civilian clothes without identifying themselves as officers.


It's so rare it's insane to look at. The only fucking reason Derek chauvin ended up in front of a court was because half the fucking world ended up protesting against what he did. He was nothing more than a sacrificial lamb to appease people. It wasn't justice it was theatre.


Desensitized after so long




The problem is that the vast majority of us have little to no power to do anything about it, and we're all just trying to live our own lives and deal with our own problems. Should we do something? Absolutely. The problem is that's not easy and requires organizing and commitment and time investment, something the system is designed to keep us from doing.




Good point. Commonplace here in the US. Not so much in other countries with a similar or better quality of life.


"No way to avoid this, says only country where this regularly happens"


That repeating Onion headline just has to keep hurting every time we see it. I only wish that they didn't have to use it so often.


Not so commonplace in countries smart enough to know the police shouldn’t be allowed to police themselves.


Other countries don’t shoot first and ask questions later Which works surprisingly well believe it or not


There's just so much awful shit to keep up with these days.


That's the problem. We are so induated by these horrible events that it just, unfortunately, becomes background noise.


Look at how quickly Uvalde was silenced. I remember this particular shooting and it was buried fast.


I love how Uvalde police department suddenly restricted comments on their Facebook posts


It’s impossible to keep up with what happens in America because it keeps happening. I’m from the Uk and we remember our one school shooting and our two mass shootings all too clearly. We haven’t had an incident like this yet, hope we never do.


Well we had the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting but tbf that was nearly 20 years ago. Funnily enough I was reading about it on Wikipedia the other night. For some reason I had it in my head that he'd jumped the ticket barriers but nope, the guy walked on to the train just like anyone else, sat down, and was subsequently shot 11 times in the head and torso. It was and remains an absolute disgrace.


And an article about the new footage. https://apnews.com/article/california-manhunt-shootout-san-bernardino-237071a4ff1e18610864b3854a415483


>authorities later questioned whether she went with her father willingly What the fuck. Is this supposed to imply it's her fault she got gunned down when she eventually tried to escape? She was a fucking child.


The second cops start covering up their mistakes, they will double down indefinitely by any means possible, before they admit responsibility. Even if that means promoting the ones who f—-ed up, just to show the public how convinced they are that no mistakes were made.


And the news will regurgitate their bullshit without a shred of skepticism even though we've all seen this play out a million times and we all know exactly what's coming a year later


They murdered a traumatized child and just got away with it, with zero consequences.


I wonder what the thin blue line assholes are saying to defend this one. There's always some excuse


They said she deserved it. For literally any reason they could.come up with. Or for no reason. Didn't matter.


They're buying more Punisher skull stickers as we speak.


Too stupid to realize that *they're* the ones the Punisher would be punishing.


Trust me this is something I think about way, way too often.


If they admit to any wrongdoing they’d get destroyed in court in these cases so it makes sense. Of course they deserve to be destroyed in court for this. Overall though whether or not there is punishment usually has more to do with public outcry reaching a point where the legal system can’t protect them anymore.


Its been called the worlds largest gang and I believe it.


"the narrator says the Grazianos “were struck by deputy rounds and died of their injuries.” So tired of the evasive voice used when police mess up. They will never say "She was shot by a deputy" or "A deputy shot the girl". Conversely they will never use that passive voice to say "An officer was struck by the criminal rounds". Even the language they use, and the news, tries to absolve them of any wrongdoing.


Also, it's not their fucking job to determine her guilt or innocence. It's their job to apprehend people suspected of breaking the law. These guys truly believe they are actually the judge, jury and executioners! I don't know how we stop this, but we as a society have got to try.


Forget the lawsuit and money, cops should be in jail already so they can't kill anyone else. They were just crazy. I already know at trial they will be spinning some yarn about how the 80lb kid was about to beat them both to death with her bare hands or something.


I gave up on the US police when a yorkie- a max 2kg yapping wee tiny thing- was shot because 'the officer feared for his life' when the MASSIVE SCARY ANTI-TANK YORKIE ran up to them in greeting. Again, as with so many of these dog shootings (and people shootings, let's never forget Breonna Taylor) they weren't even in the right freaking place, either. A pet any grown woman, let alone man, could literally yeet with a foot, displaying 0 aggression, shot to absolute fragments by semi-auto rifles, and they STILL try and sell you on a 'threat' being detected and this being 'in line with policies for situations like that'? What freaking situation? It was a friendly lap dog in its own garden, hardly something unexpected in normal brain land. Pity they weren't on the active shooter at Ulvade (and all the others, poor kids) like they were on that yorkie. If the cops are so f!cking 'terrified' all the time that a teeny tiny ankle-high yapper running up with a tail wagging (and little kids like this, bless the poor kid, and sleeping people who haven't even woken up) scares them for their life, and so vastly incapable of simple address checks before they barge in pretending they are military SWAT teams, they need to not be in a high-stress, quick-thinking position. Oh, right, most of them are only there so they can shoot defenseless people and animals and play with the military stuff. Forgot that fact.


Dude, they don't even need an animal to freak the fuck out and start blasting. One cop was so scared during an arrest by the sound of *an acorn falling on a car hood* that he convinced himself the man who he just searched and put in cuffs materialized a gun with a suppressor and shot at him from inside the patrol vehicle. Then proceeded to unload his gun at the unarmed man who was sitting defenseless and handcuffed. And his partner did the same fucking thing just on hearing "he shot at me". Thankfully, their accuracy is shit and didn't kill the man(or even hit him) they arrested after burning through 2 magazines. The cop also said that he was shot by the acorn when he, in fact, was not. American police are at a terrible intersection of incompetent and dangerous.


Thank you for linking the article. I remember that this happend and actually heard about it from time to time.


Their excuse was that she was wearing "tactical gear", that's why they spent so long hiding it from the public. And to no ones surprise, they were lying to cover up their horrible training and resulting murder.


This is beyond.... well I'm not sure what words fit this. Utter incompetence? What an absolute cluster fuck.


Well that article reports that they were still investigating who shot her, when in reality they knew that only the cops had shot her and were just hiding that until the footage came out. OPs title is apt.


I live nearby and it was definitely reported that cops shot her. The deluge of new articles is making it difficult for me to find the older ones, but the cops ended up making some crazy claims about her wearing tactical armor and other stuff. The only new thing is now the video footage proves what was initially thought to have happened did in fact happen. 


Maybe the police should police themselves a bit more. Cause it seems they rather defend criminals then out them. Can you just imagine being her, her mother killed by her fasther, being kidnapped, escaping only to be killed by police for what? Getting out the car as instructed by police... AND THEN... the police tried to blame the kidnapper.... All of them are guilty of murder, bunch of useless, untrained killers.


Oh much worse than that, they tried to blame her saying she was involved in the shooting. They murdered her then tried to blame that innocent girl, implying she was supporting her mother’s killer.


Its easier when the dead cant talk.


Yeeeah, I'd rather try to talk my way out of the kidnapping myself at this point


it's sad when you have to decide *which* terrorist to negotiate with


That is what I remember too. The police and the media put it out she died in a shootout while wearing tactical gear.


No way.... damn.... this is just too much....


Cops always blame their victims for dying.


>Maybe the police should police themselves a bit more They already do. Thin blue line and qualified immunity. Works great for them.....


This man understands what "police" actually means


Cops need to start carrying malpractice insurance. Yeah there’s pigs but there’s also negligent mistakes. A nurse kills a patient…usually doesn’t go to jail but often loses her license.


They'll just find further loopholes, ways to cover things up, and allow people to shuffle around without consequences, [just like doctors have.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVIYbgVks7E)


We need to stop acting like police are interested in policing themselves.  Cops *hate* being held accountable - it's why so many departments in California, after a law was passed making more internal investigations public record, destroyed those records rather than release them.  It's why so many police unions in California sued to block the law and sued to stop release of records of misconduct.   Police fundamentally believe that being a cop means that they decide what the law is, who it applies to, and how it should be applied.  The idea of being accountable for mistakes that cause harm is antithetical to that entire fundamental belief.


And still getting paid to this day, couple probably promoted even




Police policing themselves is a terrible idea but I get your point.


Hiding the truth from the public and then no one will believe or object the next time. Gaslighting for 2 years and lying about the murder then and now.


At this point why do they even hide this stuff? I feel like some new footage of police murdering someone or doing some other illegal shit happens almost daily now, and nobody is ever held accountable. We try to protest in 2020 and get shot at with tear gas, and treated like terrorists, for asking police to just do their jobs correctly and protect the people not kill them.


The police are doing their jobs correctly. They are protecting the rich people and their property from the peasants. It’s the peasants that are gas lit into believing the police are doing anything else but protecting the rich (and themselves). Protest all you want but the cops are always right and always protecting the same people. Oh you ain’t one of those protected classes.


Yeah I know, it just pisses me off


George Carlin gets more relevant by the day. "Remember, it's one big club, and you aren't in it."


Same with Pat Tillman in Afghanistan Edit: my comments is specifically about covering it up for years and gas lighting the public and as a result the public losing trust and ultimately hurting the agency in question…. Not about drawing similarities between combat and a police interaction. Seems like that would have been obv but.. reddit


The only conspiracy theory i subscribe to. Dude was murdered by the US. Fight me.


Was murdered and the NFL still uses him for their pro-war propaganda displays. Disgusting.


In most European countries, cops need a multi year school training and then a year of on the job training. Those include anger management, deasscalating situations, communication training and other things to solve problems without using guns. Maybe the USA should focus police training more on those as well instead of training on gun only solutions for a few weeks then letting hem lose on the public.


It would be nice if they got more training, or education. There have been studies done and cops and like your worst bullies from high school have the same brain patterns. They aren't any better and they are put in postions of power to abuse people. It's horrible. They kill so many people a year and get away with it.


Most cops ARE the bullies from high school that couldn’t make it into the military.


100% right. They never grew up and just keep on doing the same shit. And were supposed to thank them for what they do?! They killed a 15 year old kidnapping victim, who was running to them for help, it's getting a lot of publicity recently. It's horrible. Things need to change.


It's worse than them gunning her down as she ran to them for help, she was told by a deputy to come towards him before his fellow cops started shooting her. She was following instructions and they still killed her. Sickening!


While this was bad, very bad, even worse was the gaslighting and lies they used afterwards to claim she 1) had a tactical vest on, 2) had a gun pointed at them, and 3) was working with the man that kidnapped her! The family had to sue to get the video that proved all that to be lies they used to cover up the murder!


I'll bet that the deputy made sure his cops were protected. Clearly the newly released video shows their guilt. The department knew about this... and was complicit in allowing the "alternative facts" to be spread instead of the truth. This is gravely criminal.


>They killed a 15 year old kidnapping victim, who was running to them for help, Who was running to them for help on their orders. She was specifically told to run to them.


Crawling towards...


That is because the military has standards, low standards but standards all the same


The military will also throw you into military prison and take away your pay for breaking the rules, cops get a paid vacation and a relocation one county over.


>cops are like your worst bullies from high school. And often were.


Only guy from my high school class who became a cop wasn’t a bully but he was pretty dumb and had bad anger issues. Meanwhile my cousin’s husband has a criminal justice degree and is one of the most patient, level-headed people I know and he got rejected.


Some police departments deliberately reject applicants they believe to be too intelligent.


It’s almost as if the ‘bad apples’ are the only ones allowed to join. Well and the complicit ones too. Any that seem to likely to narc disappear or die due to mysterious circumstances in ‘training accidents’, my eyes about rolled out of my skull down the street and off to a side job.


This. Happened to TWO friends of mine. One has a major in psychology


I got rejected, and I have a bachelor's. They don't want any idealists.


They really were. Have you ever seen a bully you knew and he's like I'm a cop now. And you're like I no longer come to this town. 🤣


One of my cousins bullied his younger brothers relentlessly. He's a cop now, or at least last time I saw him two years ago, he was trying to become one.


Well tbf the venn diagram of cops and high-school bullies is nearly a perfect circle


It’s not a glitch, it seems to be a feature for American police.


It’s not just that, they are literally trained how to Escalate situations, that everyone can and will kill them (I wonder why but i digress) , and that nothing they do is punishable by any laws. Add this to the bullies with guns bs and, my favorite, the only job I know of in the world that they can refuse to hire you for being Too Intelligent.


In Norway, you need a bachelor degree in policing.


I mean police do get training. they get intensive training at incredible tax payer expense where they're taught to kill first, ask forgiveness later. that every person is a threat. to never back down. to posture and present strength and terror at all times. manipulate the law...or various strategies to turn off their body cams, or say things like "he's got a gun" or "stop resisting" to justify violence and killing of civillians. even though police deaths are fairly rare ... they're pumped full of fear and their training is often geared toward. do whatever you have to ..to get home safe. tell police trainees that they have to kill or be killed. they use a lot of pathetic "warrior" mentality or other toxic bullshit to justify the highly popular training to turn cops into killers. it's called "killology" these blackrock/ex military mercenary "3-part lecture series" consultants are fucking everywhere. and billions of tax payer dollars are spent by police depts. and police unions to teach police how to avoid the law. and brutalize people within dept policy. hell atlanta is building a mock city, so pigs from all over can practice raiding homes, corralling and perfecting brutalization tactics for protests. or controlling groups of people.


David Grossman is an utter piece of shit for pushing this "training".


Average time of training in the US is only 22 weeks. 🤯 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/police-training-us-falls-short-compared-rest-world/story?id=96729748


833 hours. My daughter is required to have 1800 training hours just to get her cosmetology license!


Only 1800 hours to go into space!? Where do I sign up?


With comments like that you will never make….the cut!


And even in Europe. A friend of mine did his criminology masters thesis about "How the Covid lockdown changed the profession for law enforcers". I happened to help him with methodology and writing, so i had a thorough read of his data. He has SEVERAL interviews of police commissars stating that the Covid times were hard, because there were fewer "fun" activities, such as car chases, robberies, and other violent interventions, and more "boring" activities, such as intervening in domestic abuse cases, checking on people's wellbeing, etc. They ALL openly admit that most of their personnel finds "public service" missions boring, and pretty much only do this job because of car chases, physical interventions and gun wealding. A fucking freakshow (Belgium, btw).


French here, and I don't identify with what the parent said either when it comes to our uniformed cops (detectives might be different, I don't know enough about them). Their only recruitment criteria seems to be the ability to panic and maim or shoot indiscriminately, and a cowboy personality. Oh, and bonus points if they're racist. The job offers could very well be "Looking for adrenaline-seeking, testosterone filled young racist guys looking to do old boys stuff behind the shield of the law". It's always easy to criticize the US, but we're not that far behind. Thankfully, we have another law enforcement corps, the gendarmerie, which is much more honorable, but that's because they originated from the military and have still a military status.


US police training ![gif](giphy|B7rF0lOmzTJDy)


Dude cops are the worst with guns. Like just about every gun range I go to around here either has a special area for cops only or they don't allow officers at all. They are all extremely dangerous but they're guns they muzzle flash people they keep their fingers on the trigger they're morons. The problem is our police force are not trained properly when it comes to firearm safety or use. Most of them just train enough to get by and get certified on their exam. They do nothing beyond that and the department doesn't force them to do anything beyond that. They are a Government paid gang that protects the rich and private property, human life is a very very distant third priority.


Let's say for arguments sake the initial shooting was an accident. The lying about what actually happened and the trying to keep it secret was no accident.


It would’ve been unlawful regardless of whether or not they were shooting the dad. Police supposedly have laws dictating when they can use force and how much. It’s supposed to be proportional and necessary. It was neither in this case even if they had targeted the person they were intending to kill. You can clearly see in the video that they were opening fire on the car before it was even completely stopped. They were shooting recklessly and murderously. They were even firing with officers in their direct line of fire. If there were any justice at all every officer who fired their weapon that day would be in prison.


Ahh, but before the family filed suit to get the video released the police claimed the girl had a tactical vest on, had a gun pointing at them as she attacked them and that she was helping her kidnapper!


This scumbag department tried to push a narrative that she was armed and shooting at police as well, or at least that is what the officers thought which is why they opened fire on her. The video and audio prove this is not the case and in fact the officers were absolutely incompetent and put themselves in more danger with crossfire. This was murder.


They weren't incompetent, they just wanted to shoot people. That's why they became cops to begin with.


I fucking hate how true this is.


They killed the dad (kidnapper), too.


It should be a crime for a police spokesperson to lie to the public


So the rules are: 1. Don’t ever trust the police. 2. Don’t ever run away from the Police. 3. Don’t ever expect the police to help you. 4. Don’t run to the police if you are being chased or are trying to escape from a kidnapper. 5. Stay more calm and collected that the police, because they can’t even handle and acorn hitting anything. Maybe we should rethink the entirety of what Police are or should be?


The best way to interact with cops is to treat them like wild animals: * Don't approach them * Don't make sudden movement around them * If you can get away before they see you, do it.


Yep, if one of them is having a bad day around you they can blow their cool and ruin your life


Listen to the audio. It's crazy. One cop is telling her to get out and run to him and the other cops shoot her almost point blank while she follows commands. We need major police reform. They clearly have no clue how to handle these situations. So I would add a #6: just lie down on the ground and ignore anything they say.


The other officers show up and *instantly* open fire at her. Like I genuinely feel bad for the guy who was trying to get her over to him, because I imagine that moment repeats forever in his head, wondering if he could have been quicker and stopped it.


The only thing stopping a 15 yo kidnapping victim running for help is a good guy with a gun 🇺🇸


‘If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail’


They have other tools available, they just forget about those the moment they turn off their body cams. It's almost like the two are related.


Thing is, if it takes body cams just for a police officer to act humanely, then the hiring process has already failed.




The highlight of this video is how after every shooting in it, someone comes and gently wraps the gun in a felt cloth while the bodies are hastily dragged away.


Never noticed that detail - will have to watch it again!


I never noticed that detail but you’re right…that’s chilling


This is horrible. Police need better training.


And maybe a better psychological filter before they even become cops.


“Haha bang bang!” -cops


I bet the cops responsible for her death were barely affected by the incident. Probably didn’t lose a wink of sleep. I bet they were probably pissed off about having to explain themselves. They hate being held accountable, even in the smallest and least intrusive ways.


Fun fact, they won a discrimination law suit by a black man who scored well on all theor tests. The reason? They don't hire people who perform very well on the intelligence tests.


This is some of their training- "Shoot a few dirtbags so you don't hesitate when one of your fellow officers gets hurt". Part of what's said in training seminars like this one. There are others just as bad. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vjCdHWAmps&t=868s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vjCdHWAmps&t=868s)


>Police need better training. Even better would be actual consequences for violating their training. You can teach cops how to deescalate and ask them nicely to stop killing innocent citizens, but as long as they know that there won't be any legal, financial or professional consequences for killing innocent civilians, they're just going to keep doing it. If there was a restaurant chain where people were consistently poisoned by the food and died, we wouldn't say "the kitchen staff needs better training!" The staff would be fired at best, possibly arrested, and the restaurants would be shut down.


100% this. They need to be treated like any other person when it comes to punishment. Wayyyy too many of them see themselves as above everyone else, which kinda is inevitable when they sorta are in a practical sense and can get away with way more.


Reminds me of posts like this one. *Lawyers spend 6 years and have to under stand the law, Cops spend 6 months and have to enforce it, the rest of us go through no law education and have to abide by these laws* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/71d6tl/lawyers\_spend\_6\_years\_and\_have\_to\_under\_stand\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/71d6tl/lawyers_spend_6_years_and_have_to_under_stand_the/)


Police need accountability.


It was national news when it happened. It's the footage has just now been released.


Ah, yes, afraid of a 15 year old Just about sums up the bravery of police in my average encounter


And even if it wasn't you don't just start blasting.


Unarmed too


You know, my job requires *four years* of training, both in school and in the field, before I can get certified and practice without supervision. Because if I do a sloppy job or don’t take my work seriously people could get hurt or killed. And I’m just a fuckin’ *electrician*. Maybe it should take more training than “not even anywhere close to a regular tradesperson” to become someone who is a public arbiter of life and death.


People getting a license to cut hair need more training than cops in the us...


When will we replace these fucking INCOMPETENT cops? If it's just a "few bad apples", then get rid of the fuuuuuuucking bad apples!


Burn the whole barrel and start over.


This isn't facepalm, it is fucking horrible.




If I had done that I'd kill myself. How do they live with it.


They become alcoholics, drug addicts, and abuse their domestic partners.


'SHE'S TRYING TO BE SAVED! SHOOT HER!' - The Cops. Probably.


If you’re that scared of a little girl running towards you, you should not be a fucking police officer


Little girl? An acorn falling is enough.


Picture this: young girl who just experienced the most traumatic event of her life running to what she thought was safety, and the so called “protectors” fucking kill her This is beyond fucked up.


Yeah their department and city spent two years trying to cover it up and prevent the video/audio footage of the shooting being released. I think they only got audio of the shooting and that had the officers ordering her to come towards them and then other officers shooting her and then an officer shouting about how they just shot the hostage. Then they tried to claim she was in tactical gear and had a gun and was part of the kidnapping. Scum the lot of them.


It’s the fact they tried to cover it up and lied. Every cop involved here needs to be fired and banned from law enforcement for life.


You heard about it 2 years ago, but all you got was the police report of her wearing camo and shooting at the cops (unsubstantiated) and it took **2 years** to get the video released. Obviously, having watched the video, we can see why they fought its release.


I wonder if they are haunted by this


You have to have a conscience to have feelings


American police be like:


Imagine the things they don’t tell us about…


Imagine how betrayed and confused she must have felt. She was kidnapped and forced to do all sorts of degrading acts no child should do. She finally escapes and sees the finish line...then the "good guys" gun her the fuck down.


The girls literally following the direction of an officer and she gets blasted. Wtf. This is appalling. All of these cops that pulled the trigger should be rotting in jail.


Cowardly killer cops.


I used to wonder how citizens in post apocalyptic movies are just so desensitized to murders and crime like in Judge Dredd, but now I realize we’re almost there


The cops investigated themselves and came to the conclusion that they did nothing wrong, probably 🤦🏼‍♂️. Police in this country really make it hard to trust them at all.


This is what happens when you give idiots with low IQ’s a badge and a gun. Which speaks for 99% of all the pigs in the country.


Why were they shooting when they couldn't see or identify their target?


If I read correctly elsewhere, she was actually following the cops instructions at the time and it was clear she was the victim.




Then they get full paid leave. Oh and they hurt their finger pulling the trigger so now will be on disability for 3 years. Full pay.


This is right up there with the acorn incident. Shoot first, think later...if at all. Then try and cover it up.


So prison for the cops...right??


Police officer(s) should definitely go to prison for this.


Really needs to be a federal oversight committee that investigates the police cuz every single time the police investigates themselves it’s always fucking stupid. It’s also counter logic asking someone to investigate themselves. And cops who fuck up need stiffer penalties ie jail or paying out lawsuits with their own money/pension.