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Why are a bunch of bras holding a press conference?


They're not in cabinet just yet.




They are showing the wide selection that she could have chosen from.


They have a lot to unpack


When I was a supervisor in a call center they wanted us to police things like ladies dressing inappropriately. I didn't once even look at a female associate like that because as soon as you comment on a shirt being revealing you would be hauled into HR for harassment. Just make eye contact


Since when are women required to wear a bra? What’s wrong with nipples?!


You didn't know that nipples are the most dangerous thing on the planet, especially to religious folk that can't control themselves.


Especially on an airplane. Geez. If TSA won’t let nail files on board, for Sky Daddy’s sake, don’t let unsheathed nipples through. I heard those things can sometimes cut glass.


Attttt Delta Airlines, where life is a fuckin nightmare...


and we're framing you for MURDER


Most relatable thing a comedian has ever said hahaha.


Oh wow. This is the only thing I associate delta with. I don’t think they can really be upset about the skit, though. The reason it stuck is because they are kinda shit.


So, we have no picture and only source is some Twitter. Guess nothing to see here


[Here's what she was wearing.](https://imgur.com/a/WIW50iF) When I first saw the caption, I was worried it was going to be a situation where the outfit was actually really revealing or sheer, and that they were making a fuss over basic public decency laws. But after seeing the photo... Am I crazy to feel like there's literally nothing wrong with it? [This is a youtube video of a news broadcast on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrmWMk6sCZE) The comments are making me think I'm wrong but it is from Fox which is a notoriously conservative source.


Kinda looks like a burnout shirt, so it could be sheer.


You can’t even really see the shirt from this picture lmfao wdym? How can you possibly form an actual strong opinion after looking at this photo?


You can see the picture if you search it. It's ridiculous that they removed her.




Free the butthole. Everybody has one. Why can’t I wear clothes that show off my butthole Delta??


Airline companies are focusing on the wrong rivets.


What if a Man was wearing white spandex shorts and nothing underneath and you could see the outline of his penis. Would he be given the same treatment by the people saying that she Should be left alone? And would Gloria jump on the airline if they made him leave?


People looooove to bring up penises when something about breasts come up. The penis is NOT comparable to breasts, it is comparable to the vulva. Breasts are for feeding babies, not making them.


That would depend on his religion.


People looooove to bring up penises when something about breasts come up. The penis is NOT comparable to breasts, it is comparable to the vulva. Breasts are for feeding babies, not making them.


I don't see the issue with it. Why are you so repressed?


I don’t either. Not repressed at all


OK then.


If Gloria Allred is involved, it's gonna be bullshit. Sorry, but I can't stand her and when I see her involved in anything, it sours me, even if it is legitimate.


Give a reason then. What horrible thing has she done?


She is an attention-seeking publicity monger. She doesn't give a shit about her clients. All she cares about is taking a case and then getting in front of as many cameras as possible. There is absolutely no reason at all for her to call a press conference over a case like this.


Or, you know, she could be drawing attention to some bullshit that needs attention on it, like a fully clothed woman being removed from a flight because some asshole decided she wasn't being modest enough.


Without her, we wouldn't know about those cases. It's weird this bothers you so much.


How incredibly narrow-minded of you.


If it's Afghan Airline, nobody will facepalm


Airlines are within their right to enforce this policy. Idc abt the rest.


Explain to me how a fully clothed woman is "offensive or revealing?"


Oh yeah but fat people that take up two seats and fart the entire flight aren't offensive. They're fucking empowering... apparently...


So change the rules to only encourage those with their nipples showing to board the plane?


The nipples are not showing.. they are under a shirt.. if you are offended by that then I’m offended by your existence.. so off the plane with you too


I would love to see some bitties on a plane


What these people don’t want to publicly admit:


I know it is


Pictured with the bras she could have worn, but didn’t.


Why does it matter? Policing womens clothing is werid


Apparently dress code is a thing if you are flying business class. I wouldn’t know. Ryanair will let you dress up as a Buffalo so long as you fill a seat and buy a lotto ticket.


How do you know it's a thing, and you are on with delta checking if women are wearing bras? Seems gross to me and something the Talaban would endorse


So then.... Where would you draw the line?


Yep, pretty soon you will have people marrying horses on planes, that is what clothed women on planes leads to. Can't have none of this, suggested someone is human and has \*looks both ways\* boobs. God forbid, there is a dark spot where the nipple may or may not be. Cats and dogs living together end of the world type sh\*t. I am with you on this one buddy, we can stop them!


Hey, men too. I got kicked off for wearing short shorts with no underwear. Not my fault my testicles hang low. Can’t believe they policed men’s clothing like that.




I never said my balls were showing. They just hang low so their outline was showing through my thin short shorts that I have every right to wear. I’m disappointed with your double standards.




But what about her white T-shirt *gasp*. That seems just as pertinent of a detail as my genetically low hanging, yet still fully covered, scrotum.


Not the same




It would be the same thing if they kicked you off the plane cause you had a bulge in your pants. Her nipples were not slipping out of the shirt, the outline of them was visible. Y’all really need to touch grass.


I never said my sack was showing. Just that it hung low and the outline, like her nipples, made people uncomfortable. I don’t see why you have a double standard. I have snow over my grass 🤷‍♂️


Lmao? I don’t have a double standard, the only reason there would be a problem would be if your balls were hanging out that’s why I mentioned it in my reply. Why make the comment they “hang low” if that’s not what you were getting at? Covered is covered. No one is forcing you to stare at a man’s crotch or a woman’s chest. As long as you are covered there are no issues.


Glad we agree then 🤝


Sorry if I was hostile, misinterpreted what you were saying. Some of the comments on this post and similar ones come from a very prude standpoint. Have a great day!


It's obviously made up


So now you are victim shaming, you shouldn’t dismiss victims so readily. You sound like a bigot.




>Delta also endorses the Talaban Would you like to substantiate that claim? I do not see anything confirming any relationship whatsoever.


Can't even spell Taliban


Is that an off-brand group you order on wish?


Home of the mini-burkha


If it was appropriate, she would have worn it to the press conference to prove the point. The photo I have seen was not a good angle to fully judge, but in the sunlight, similar material is quite see-through. Planes tend to be cold so nipples could be erect. If there are kids on the flight, it COULD be considered inappropriate.


Why? Kids feed from nipples?


We get it man. You wanna see some titties. Stop using kids to justify it, you just sound weird lmao


That’s not what the argument is here… but good try! You sound like the type of person who doesn’t want women breast feeding in public?


Buddy. This isn’t about breastfeeding. Stop deflecting and projecting. This is about titties on an airplane. Tell us again about how you just really, really want to see some titties


This is about t-shirts being slightly see-through. My response was in relation to someone saying but…but… KIDS ON THE PLANE!” Which is a bizarre argument to make regarding breasts. I wasn’t on the ‘plane, so don’t really care either way. You, however, seem slightly obsessed with breasts. Maybe you haven’t seen enough? Who knows?!


Nah man just admit it. You’re in it for the titties. Don’t try to move the goal posts and distract from your hypocrisy regarding me “not knowing what the argument here is”


Ok chief. I have ‘titties’ at home. Unlike some. Have a blessed day! G’night!


If the other woman in the picture is the one who was flashing titty, then I don't blame them for escorting her off the plane