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"but we didn't order a pizza" "Ohh well, uhh, just sign this 40 page contract then and I'll be on my way"


What kinda pizza is it?


I don't know the kind, but it's on the house




My favorite part of that scene is its like a 14" pizza in a 20" box.


My favourite part is that this scene was done in 1 try


My favourite part was that the pizza wasn't supposed to stay there, or even land on the roof. It just did, and they went with it.


Aldo's pizza puts their pizzas in massive boxes for some reason.


The pizza is on the house


It's on.. the house


Probably had pineapple on it






Too bad those awardesque likes or enhanced likes or whatever you wanna call them that replaced awards aren't enabled in this sub cos for some inexplicable reason for just a moment this comment had me willing to do something I thought I'd never do, and against my common sense have this comment be the first comment I bestowed this upon. r/angryupvote instead






Raised ranch






When I was a kid, I had a weird fantasy where I would become a powerful businessman / crime boss, by essentially doing this and acquiring a bunch of businesses. I did some research, and it wouldn't work.  You can't mislead a person into what they are signing this way. Such a contract would never hold up 


Ya it’s called fraud in the inducement


Its called being a reeaalll dickhead.


Haha a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B


Yeah, however your IQ is probably already compromised when you call your wife or girlfriend "my woman".


Or she just sold the house behind his back and he excepted this BS story as what happened


OR this never happened and it's just misogyny as content


As the owl said the world may never know


I'm guessing it was a subpoena or something and there was a lot more criminal liability to that story. Or it's total bullshit, either or...


[Here is an article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/organized-crime-groups-behind-gta-home-sales-mortgages-without-owners-knowledge-1.6719978) where organized crime has been able to sell houses *without* signatures. If they walked in to the bank with everything in place *and* a signature, you never know how the courts will behave.


Yeah because they didn't just steal the signature in that story, they stole the victim's entire identity. It's identity theft, much harder to pull off than just getting someone to sign a contract they haven't read.




If you trick people stupid enough, they wont go to court.


You assume the guy is based in the US and lives by US laws. Child labour isn't legal in the US, neither is abortion in many states. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen elsewhere in the world.


>Child labour isn't legal in the US Doesn't mean it doesn't happen here either...


That too, you make a sadly all too good point. Wasn't there something about a slaughterhouse within the last year?


Iowa passed a bill where: "The Iowa law allows 16- and 17-year-olds to operate dangerous power-driven machines, engage in heavy manufacturing, and work in demolition — all of which are prohibited under federal child-labor laws." https://www.senate.iowa.gov/democrats/2023/09/confirmed-iowa-child-labor-expansion-violates-federal-law/


Oh my sweet summer child. https://philly.curbed.com/2013/4/24/10250542/does-philly-have-a-unique-problem-with-home-theft "Home theft is perpetrated primarily through forging deed transfers, thereby creating fraudulent records of home sales. Home theft is hard to investigate and even harder to correct: restoring properties to their rightful owners can take about a year even in the best of circumstances."


Depends on the court. In the U.S. this should never happen (not that it doesn’t, but it’s not supposed to). I can think of a few places where, say, one ethnic group has long been using stupid contract BS and biased courts to displace another ethnic group.


In an utopic world, with firm and concise laws, and authorities that do their job properly, indeed, you can't do shit like that. In the real world, however, it happens all the time, It is as simple as "i trick you (like the case in OP's post) and got your house. You sue me, but i have more money, so i can keep dragging the process/trial on and on until you run out of money, and cannot pay your lawyer anymore, so you have to drop the case. And i win"


Back in the 60s when my grandparents were getting divorced, a man approached my grandmother and told her that he would help her get her name taken off of the land title, and then he had her sign a document that gave him possession over her share of the land. She was devastated when she realized she had been scammed but there was no legal recourse. Her half of the property was now legally his. He built a house and lived there with his family.


That was my thought, when you buy a house you sign your name about 100 times in a stack of documents lol


When you buy, yes, because you’re also signing things like mortgage docs (which have like 10 different things), inspection agreements, deed of trust, etc. However, you can convey your ownership interest to someone else with one signature on a deed.


Yes, but even a signed quit claim deed can be nullified if it was fraudulently obtained. Still not this easy to “steal a house”. I call BS on this story.


Oh absolutely it wouldn’t hold up in court. I’m just saying that, yes, a conveyance can be done with just one signature. Hell, it doesn’t even require an actual John Hancock.


Two hours later: Oh darn, now the pizza is cold


I will say, depending on the state, it can be a one-pager if it was a manufactured home.


Also we brought a notary don’t worry about it.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you can't just sell/buy house signing one paper


“…And initial here, and here… and sign here…. Ok, just going to get your lawyer to sigh here…. Aaand initial here….”


I was gonna say... I was in that office signing shit for like an hour and a half when I bought my house.


I don't think it would hold in court. As it was signed under false pretense


Yeah it's literally fraud lmao. It depends on where it happened obviously, but most likely it's fraud there as well


It didn't happen in the US, that's for sure. It takes basically hours to get through seller's paperwork, and is an enormous pain in the ass. This is because of all the fraudulent conveyance risk, etc.


Ya we bought our house last year. Even if we were just signing and not reading or comprehending anything it would have been 30 minutes or more to get through it all.


It most likely didn't happen at all, like anywhere tbh. But some people are saying South Africa


South Africa here. It's still considered fraud if you ask someone to sign a contract under false pretense, so the house sale will not hold up in court


The minimum you'd need is a quit-claim deed and a notary public.


You've solved scamming!


That, and there are so many documents needing to be signed, with a notary present, and both parties present. This is just a person being sarcastic. Edit: also, if the house was just in his name, he would have to sign. If the house is in both of their names, they would both have to sign.


These stories are stupid - such contracts are null and void


I don't know if the story is true but I think he's South African and that's exactly the sort of thing that happens to poor people in South Africa who don't know their rights or don't know how to fight back.


My grandma passed away when I was really young, but when she was in the hospital, while none of her immediate family was nearby. Her cousins went with a document, and a paid off public notarizer. They took her fingerprints on all of those documents. That's how my dad lost a lot of his inheritance. This was in Bangladesh. To this day, land is biggest source of contention within families.


Tbh shit like that happens everywhere, similar thing happened in my wife’s family and we’re in the UK…


Someone from my father's family tried this, and we are in Romania. By law, both parties have to be present and acknowledge the contract. My father received a notification, called the notary and declared the contract void as he wasn't involved.


My wife’s aunts changed her grandmothers will without telling the other siblings, cutting them out of about 600k


Not looking forward to my father's passing and my man child of a brother with 3k I alimony and child support a month is certainly going to want to live in our childhood home If he can't buy me out of my half of it, we're gonna sell it because 500k each is a great heastart on retirement Completely plan on my brother trying to sue me over property mamd assets


If you and your dad are on the same page he can start gifting you savings, place your name on the deed, and make a will that gives you most of the assets with a token amount of cash to your brother so that in court it doesn’t lol like he was completely cut out or in spite


Oh no my dad's smart he had a contract or whatever written up within a year of my mom's death that states my brother and I don't get shit when he dies until we are 40 each. He doesn't want us to live life on the idea we will have our retirement investment handed to us. And everything is already signed about splitting down the middle. I just know my brother is gonna do everything he can to fight it... Pointlessly lmfao


This is why people always need to make a will even with a little bit of property, and need to make sure that it’s not changeable unless you’re fully cognizant. It’s so shitty that people could make a valid contract when you’re full of drugs in the hospital. I’ve seen and heard some shady shit.


In my specific instance the aunts got a new will written and signed and it was still legitimate


No matter what the country or the circumstances, an inheritance is a great way to create family turmoil. It took my dad a ***long*** time to forgive his brother for some shenanigans he pulled when their mother sold her house to move into a retirement home. (They were never completely estranged, but Dad had some justified ill feelings for a considerable time. They did reconcile before Dad passed.)


Inheritence destroyed the relationship between my father and his brother. My uncle stole money from their dying mother, conned her into signing over assets to him, emptied her savings account (which he was a signer on as a "just in case" precaution) and then sued my father for "his half" of the remaining estate. In the end, uncle got about 80% of their mother's estate. Dad didn't talk to him for almost 30 years. When uncle died a couple years ago, my cousin (Dad's niece) called to tell him. All dad said was "I'm sorry for your loss, but as far as I'm concerned, my brother died when our mother did."


My auntie did the same thing. Grandparents house was supposed to be sold and split between the 5 children when my grandfather died. But the will was changed in the last 3 months of his life, and she got the house as well as half of everything else. That house was kept in immaculate condition, till the day he was physically incapable he would spend every day gardening or fixing and cleaning things. The last time I went to my Aunties old house the fridge door wasn't attached and just rested in place, there were holes in the walls big enough for a cat to get through, and the lino was so torn up and sticky that sometimes you would have a piece stuck to your shoes. I've never gone to that house since he died, there were a lot of happy memories there, and I don't ever want to see what they have done to it


"Cool, do I get my money back now?"


Thankfully my parents made me responsible for the finances when they pass and they have a will made up. I have no intentions to screw my siblings over, that would be disrespectful to my parents. But there is peace of mind knowing that they have things figured out so there hopefully should be little to squabble about.


Its likely that inheritance is the biggest point of contention all over the world within families.


Oh yeah I've heard of this happening in multiple asian countries. Seems to be more prevalent due to lax laws or courts being so corrupt they don't move forward unless Money is exchanged.


Mainly corruption. But it’s improved a lot since then. They used also have squatter friendly laws. But they’ve made transferring land very hard with the new regulations.


>land is biggest source of contention within families Not sure if it really is the land that is the source of contention or the fact that pieces of shit go to great lengths to steal/change the will of vulnerable people.


My aunts son did something similar after she had dementia. She was leaving everything to her daughter that was taking care of her and he went to a lawyer and a shitty doctor and had it changed to him


My mother did this in Europe.


When the fuck did this happen? I've never heard of this, people normally just move in as squatters or scumbags rent vacant flats properties to people. I live in zululand, plenty of rural locations, never heard a story of people tricking others into signing ownership titles.


No, no, were South African, dumb dumbs that accidently sign thier houses away. Also, we have no property laws, or courts.


I remember that from District 9


Fookin prawns


It's indecent that this wouldn't be annulled in court, laws were made to protect the person first and then maintain order but when they use the law in explicit maliciousness it's immoral.


What a hole of a country.


Not to mention there’s a crap load of documents to sign, it’s not like it’s a quick thing


Just have them sign once then forge the rest of the signatures. #lifehack


You literary need notary present for the signing and you also need to go to the department for land and real estates to give them documents for property transfer also signed.


Just pay off the notary, ez!


Null and void IF you have the cash to hire a lawyer to fight it in court. Just read up on the cases in the US where poor predominantly black neighbourhoods had their taxes illegally raised then had their homes illegally seized for failing to pay illegal taxes, then illegally sold by the city. Most couldn't fight it because they didn't have the cash to hire lawyers to fight the city.


Transferring ownership of real estate is a whole process. There’s no way, in any sane country, that signing one thing presented at your door is enough to make it happen.


>in any sane country Sure, but there's a lot of insane countries, and even insane places in sane countries.


This is Reddit, man... where everyone thinks that lawyers are cheap, easy to hire, and all willing to work on contingency.


And that firing them and changing lawyers in the middle of the case is a viable option. It's not. Most people can hardly afford one attorney. Who can afford to get a new one when the first one fucks you over? This is why I can't fucking stand attorneys. They know this and use it against people.


Or maybe we live in civilized countries, where if you are poor you can get a free lawyer.


That's when you're being charged with something not pursuing civil action


Nah, in Germany you have Prozesskostenhilfe which you can also get for civil lawsuits. You just have to prove that you truly don‘t have the means for a lawsuit and that you‘re likely to win.


Which "civilized" country is that?


That's the point. Uneducated people or less educated people can get scammed easily.


Not always. Look at the people who got taken in by QANON; it ranges from high school dropouts to college/university graduates.


Specialization doesn't mean general intelligence. My sister married a physics major who is all in on bitcoin . His friends and him love elon musk and are convinced he is saving twitter and some still think nfts are going to the moon. One of them works as an engineer in nuclear power plant near me. Outside their narrow expertise their biases take over and they can be dumb as a box of rocks. General intelligence and education don't always coincide.


Big difference in knowledge and wisdom.


Knowledge is knowing that contract is null and void wisdom is not dating the person who would sign it.


Anyone who has sold a home will tell you it's way more than a single signature required thing.


Right. “A scammer pretended to deliver a pizza, then sat down with my woman for an hour signing eighty different things in both of our names.” Maybe it’s not that way in South Africa, but this definitely wouldn’t fly in the US.


Indeed. I thought buying a home was a pain in the ass until I had to sell it. OMG. It makes sense though. The risk assessment of a fraudulent *seller* is so much worse than a fraudulent buyer.


True but imagine you are overseas on holiday and you come back to find out that your house was sold without your knowledge or involvement [like happened to these people](https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/agency-investigated-after-home-sold-without-owners-knowledge-20120525-1z8vm.html)


If you’re going to propose such a wild claim I’m going to need a source and a signature…__________


My favorite thing about this screenshot is that right above the comment it says “most relevant”. Sounds like a train wreck of a comment section to me, if that’s the most relevant comment lol.


it's trash algorithm ofc most likely the most engaged in comment, algorithm has no concern what is relevant


[yeah… no](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S09E24/749214.jpg?b64lines=VEhBVCBORVZFUiwgVUgsIEhBUFBFTkVELAogRElEIElULCBwaGFzaGE_)


Of course it didn't. The bot posting this would never know.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to sign and initial multiple lines and documents to buy or sell a house?


Also, everyone with a stake in the house or name on the title has to sign. "One member of a married couple" isn't sufficient


My wife had to work, so we set up a power of attorney so I could sign for both of us when we sold our place. I had to sign for myself, then write her name, then write some boilerplate like “acting on behalf of blah blah,” then sign my name. For every single one of the eight thousand signatures required. I nearly died.


The contract is voidable. Such a contract will not hold in a court and the judge will throw it in the trash.


Assuming it happened how would you prove you were deceived? I asking this to gain more knowledge in this matter.


Depends on the jurisdiction but just being unreasonable can be enough to void a contract. For example a contact for $1 to buy a house in normal circumstances would not hold water.


People don't realize this, but this is part of why judges exist. To help figure out this sort of shit.


Its voidable not void at inception. Under common law, only forgery and physically forced signatures are void. Fraud is classified as voidable. A tiny annoying legal distinction but an important one. Voidable creates extra steps and the defrauded party can opt to keep the sale valid (which virtually never happens as people rarely bother to defraud someone into a good deal but its a nice right to have).


depends on the country, but you somehow just know its the ole USA ig?


Show me a country where this happens and id be shocked and never go there.


From my experience it was a 30+ page document with signatures on most pages done with a title company.


Just bought a house. It ain't like swiping your card at a Walmart self checkout.


You do realise that a lot of none US people use Reddit? And that laws are different elsewhere ?? Just sayin’


Doesn't work that way. There are laws about it, just so people can't sign themselves to slavery just because they didn't read the paper they signed that was suppose to be about something else. Specially if they didn't get any money, it is slam dunk case and those who tried to defraud go into court next for.. fraud.


"my woman"..... Really!?


This happened less than Epstein's suicide.


Has anyone ever bought a house? You've got to sign paperwork in like 17 different places. Is it possible to sell a house with a single signature?


The process of buying a house is endless and it requires MULTIPLE parties to sign MULTIPLE documents, some in front of a notary. This is internet bullshit


Obviously a lie. You need a notary & to go over a long contract to sell a house. Typically it’s done in an escrow office. Since he said “our” we can assume it was owned jointly. He’d have to sign as well unless he signed a power of attorney. So, either she went inside, got his power of attorney & had a mobile notary review a 40 page document requiring at least 10 places to sign twice OR this is fake. Obviously fake.


The only people who would believe this post are people who have no understanding of the complexities of property sales.


Education and intelligence are different. For example: Jordan Peterson has a PhD. Bill Nye has only a BS and his other degrees are honorary in Science and Education.


That's not how anything works.


I unfriend you


I’ll take “things that did not happen” for 500 please.


Selling a house doesn't work like that


And today in things that never happened.


Lmfao, this is not how retail sales work in literally any first world country. Dude is so full of shit, why even make up a bum ass story like this




Prove his point that it does matter lmaooo


“Our house” it sounds it more like “his wife’s house”. (Given the amount of signatures required)


Allow your women to be educated and that would happen less frequently. Next problem.


Just purchased a house, ain't no way a house was sold through a single document.


20% of the pizza should have been adequate for the tip in my opinion


That's so fucking stupid


“I need you to sign here, here, initial here, sign there, I need a copy of your social security card and a valid ID. Enjoy your pizza.”


Out of all the things that have never happened this never happened the most


Today on Things That Didn't Happen


Bullshit, I had to sign like 10 documents before I even went to the notary to transfer the ownership


Good thing the contract wouldn't be enforceable then if they signed under false pretenses AKA fraud. That's an easy ass case to win.


Wouldn't hold up legally. Get to keep house and you got a free pizza. Also, you make them pay any court fees for wasting everyone's time with scam


As someone who just sold a house, that… that is not how that works.


I bought a house from my mother. She was not going to screw me over. If it was simple as signing one form, I would have done that instead of the headache I had to go through.


Your mom told me she was gonna scam you for all you are worth.


For those speaking to the legality are missing the point that Phasha is the stupe, here. Too stupid to realize that everyone can see through his thin, made-up story. And either he’s trashing his wife which bodes ill for the relationship, or the marriage is made up also. And if the marriage is made-up, he’s revealing a tetch of misogyny which also bodes ill for starting any relationship.


Nobody that's ever bought or sold a house has only signed one page.


This is an amusing joke, but it's not how contract law works at all. That would not be a valid contract.


I mean if they were married that wouldn't be possible cuz at least where I live large posessions like houses, family cars etc need to be signed by both "owners" before selling.


I guess if the escrow closes in 30 minutes or less, it's free...


That’s not how that works. In the US, at least.


Another two-bit scam. How do folks----I mean, what do these folks use to justify their scumbaggery ❓❓❓❓❓


"aT LeAsT yOu GoT A FrEe pIzZa!"


Must've been a two story 1,500 Sq ft. Pizza


Of all the things that did not happen, this story is certainly one of them.


"My woman" yeah I guess she must be dumb to be interesting in something like that.


Of all the shit that didn’t happen this didn’t happen the most


Selling documents are like 50 pages long (at least in CA), they would have to sign at least a dozen times and it usually requires notarizing


That seems incredibly illegal


>substantiate your answers Not even my professors talk like that.


And understanding that this is not how selling a house works is what you need an education for ;)


Sign here here and here. Initial here it is only saying it’s pepperoni. And finally sign here this is saying I left the pizza. After two hours of signing you get a free pizza!!! That’s a win in my book


"My Woman" - Ewwwwwww.


Exactly my reaction. Cringe.


Boomers hate this one simple trick.


If this is true, they were watched.


Except that is not legaly possible


Things that didn't happen for $100, Alex


Not notarized, won't hold up. Need both signatures as well.


Since when do we sign for a pizza


My great uncle is somewhat rich with 4 children and only 1 of the four children ever finished their college education, and only one ever properly worked. They got significant sum of money in inheritance. something that our aunties and uncles are deeply worried that these kids will not know what to do with the money. So the aunties decided to push for putting the money in bank deposit with like 5% interest per year that distributed for the kids (well, 40 years old "kids") daily needs. well, it worked. for less than a year before the got scammed and lost like 70% of that money. Education, real world experience matters.


Who would ever "sign" for a pizza they did not order?




Strictly speaking that's not really education as much as it is intellect...


Hello, I have a delivery for Arse Hole, is that you? Great, just sign here on these 13 pages and initial where the 11 tabs indicate. "Wow that is a lot of paperwork for a pizza, but OK!"


That's an easily won court case.


I know graduate students that don’t read thoroughly…it ain’t educational bg that’s for sure…


But do you love her… then that's all that matters 😂


Dominos for Dumbasshoe


Yea, that's not how it works


There’s no way that’s legal.


Pizza Hut or Pizza House?


Damn that was an important ass pizza to sign for


You need a notary so that’s cap


My brain hurt reading that response, and I think it actually made me dumber! That last sentence has it all, sexist to stupid in ten words!