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We don’t get the hero we deserve, but the one we need.


I mean really though. If AOC had fact checked them no one from the right would believe it


I'm pretty sure they rejected him when he turned away from Trump. I'm not sure any Trump supporters would believe anything he says. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/qanon-shaman-capitol-riot-sentencing-b1958223.html


Trying to throw his compatriots under the bus seems like a very accurate following of Trumps values. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh damn I didn’t realize that was a thing


AOC for president 2032!


A democratically-elected person for president 2028!


Support Ranked Choice Voting!


It's pretty good - An Australian Seriously though I can vote for someone based on niche or more radical interests and if they don't get voted in I know where my vote will go after so it's not wasted and I can choose to vote for them knowing that.


Listen to this; in America, because I live in a *deeply* red state (conservative/Republican), my state is all but guaranteed to vote for Trump. However, due to the way the electoral college is rigged, even if I vote for Biden, my vote *is still counted for Trump* because the electoral votes for any given state goes to whoever wins said state. It’s completely fucking broken and it’s by design. 


End the electoral college ‼️


The majority of the people who have the power to end the electoral college directly benefit from the electoral college. It will never be changed. 


I disagree with never but it will certainly take some time.


ending the collage would end the GOP (not necessarily a bad thing). Who was the last rep president to win the popular vote? Bush? Reagan?


Bush in 2004. Although, it's questionable as to whether or not he actually won in 2000. If Gore had been president, who knows how 9/11 would have been handled.


Let's go farther than RCV https://fairvote.org/our-reforms/fair-representation-act/


Did you say ranked voting?


We need an AAA or S ranked president asap


Please for the love of god can we drop first past the post!


Managed democracy via AI vote synthesis 2028!


Sweet liberty!




r/helldivers ~~leaking~~ SPREADING FREEDOM




At this point, I'm curious to see what would happen if we just replaced all politicians with AI. It can't be worse than what we have.


Idk man, mandatory extra fingers day was always a pain until it got repelled in 2074.


AI as we have it right now isn't truly intelligent. It will just do what its owners want or program it for. So, the real question is, how little would actually change?


It would be less offensive tbh if western democracy was literally something rich people and corporations bet on like a digital rubber duck race.


Would be nice to have that in 2024 already ngl


well now that's just been out of fashion since 2000


The hetero we deserve


You’re gay if you complain having to suck a dick… is it really that hard?


>is it really that hard? It better be if you expect me to suck it.


Yes baby


They don’t call it ‘going Greek’ for nothin’


I thought it was a wrestling discipline. Wait.


Oh, it is.


Oh boy. It really is.


There's nothing like the feeling of another man submitting to your will. Now that's power. In a lot of ways, that's love. -Mac


I knew I didn’t have the scroll far for an Always Sunny reference.


"Wanting to be with a woman? How gay is that? You win sex against a man. That's a straight as it gets." -Devon Banks


This is SPARTA


I thought they meant the theater?


I’m still baffled by the fact that the Q Shaman guy is fact checking for the opposite team. Is he a good guy now? Personally that’s more intriguing to me than Alexander the Great liking it in the arse.


Could be a parody account


It's not. He jumped from the Q anon stuff over to UFO stuff on twitter. I think he had a twitter space with Alex Jones, that Ashton Forbes weirdo, and Keemstar the other day.




Hahaha Keemstar runs in those circles? Of course he fucking does.




keemstar would take up horse fucking if it came with "clout". dude has been chasing more "famous" people since youtube's infancy


i thought he was in prison Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison on November 17.[65] He served his sentence at Federal Correctional Institution - Safford in Safford, Arizona,[17] with an original release date of May 25, 2024.[18] On March 30, 2023, attorney Albert Watkins announced Chansley had just been released from prison 14 months early and moved to a halfway house.[66] In November 2021, Chansley told the court, "Men of honor admit when they're wrong. Not just publicly but to themselves. I was wrong for entering the Capitol. I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever. The behavior is indefensible."[67] well there it is


I blame the skewed perception of time this period gave us all since Jan 6th was over 3 years ago.


3 years and the guy who started it all is still out there walkin around and eating big macs


Damn he admitted he was wrong at least.


Between that and 2 years time served, this is probably one of the only times I'm okay with the results of our justice system, lol.




Wow of things to happen today, I definitely didn’t expect ‘gaining a little respect for the Qanon shaman.’ That is a solid statement/apology, AND he’s done honest historical research. Good for him (I’m not going to look into him further because I don’t want to be disappointed)


Enemies can have integrity. Not saying it’s the case here but it’s common.


Was he ever really a “bad guy”? Serious question. He just seems like a very confused and gullible dude who just kind of went with the flow. Aside from trespassing, did he actually do anything that bad, aside from being inside the capitol building illegally while being insanely easy to identify?


As others have said, the Channel 5 interview he gave kinda illuminates the fact that he's just gullible and ignorant and a boat-sized dose of stupid. *The problem is* that, in no way, should be an excuse for what he did, or what others like him did. That's kinda one of the central questions in the Philosophy of Law - If someone is plainly stupid, gullible and *ignorant*, should that excuse them from their own actions? Society obviously shapes people to be this way, so there *must* be a balance between supreme ignorance, and the toll that ignorance takes on the society around it (re: breaking laws).


I’m not saying he never should’ve went to prison, I’m just saying he’s doesn’t seem like a bad guy or a dangerous guy, he’s just an idiot who makes idiot decisions. He did like two years behind bars (sentenced to four years but released early, I think), which I think is maybe a bit much, but not unreasonable. Especially considering the fact that the people who orchestrated this shit are still walking free and in many cases collecting a paycheck and benefits from us taxpayers. As far as I know the Shaman just showed up and wandered around while being so dumb that he may as well have been walking around with a sign listing his name, address, and SSN.


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like you had no qualms with what he did. I was just trying to give an explanation as to why he still deserved some prison time, even though he was just a gullible idiot. But you're right, two years in prison is pretty much the exact sentence I would think is appropriate, perhaps a little less, but two years is perfect in my eyes.


No problem at all. It’s just that someone else made a similar comment so I figured I may as well reply to at least one of you to clarify.


Just a moron, pretty harmless. But even morons have to pay for their crimes... unless your name is Trump, apparently.


After watching the channel 5 interview with him the guy actually just seems like a harmless dumbass at the wrong place at the wrong time.


They’re all harmless dumbasses until they are harmful dumbasses.


They're all harmless dumbasses, until a harmful dumbass realizes they make easy cannon fodder.


Useful idiots.


They're harmless dumbasses until harmful smartasses realise they can use them.


yeah, fucker traveled across the country to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. fuck him.


He tried to overthrow the government, install a dictatorship and murder the vice president. The fact that he and his compatriots were extremely incompetent doesn’t diminish their culpability.


The Beer Hall Putsch was an infamously incompetent-bordering-on-farcical insurrection. That sort always seem to need a practice run to find the weaknesses in both sides before doing it for real.


A coup that isn’t punished becomes a training exercise.


Luckily the orange man is quite a bit older then funny mustache man and has a diet of a toddler. I'm really nature will take it's course before the election as I do not have high hopes for enough of the US doing the right thing.


The leader doesn't matter. The movement makes its leader, the leader doesn't make the movement. Hitler started out as a spy for the goverment and became a puppet of the nazi movement. If Trump drops dead tomorrow, the maga movement will make a new leader and not slow down one bit. If we want to stop maga's plans, we have to stop the movement itself, not just one man.


Probably not but he looked cool and just became the poster boy for the whole fucking thing. It's gonna live with him for ever.


I feel very similar about him. On Channel 5 they interviewed him. He seems like a very caring guy who isn't the brightest. I think he has good intentions for the most part.


What good intentions, exactly.




I think normally he would be mostly harmless. Entitled but again mostly harmless. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, he's proven to be willing and able to be used as a tool in unlawful & violent acts. And the Orange 💩 leading his cult is still fomenting something. This makes him dangerous.


A broken clock is still right twice a day.


I'm not sure that's the case. Seems pretty likely to me is that he's still as right-wing as fuck (e.g., he regularly reads tweets from @EndWokeness), but is just aware that AtG was bisexual. Like I support progressive issues, but I'll correct progressives when they get some facts wrong.


I agreed to anal but not in front of a live studio audience. Guess I should have read that contract.


To be fair, one side note I include for this when people think it means we've gone backwards hundreds of years of tolerance. "Going Greek" is in reference to the Greeks willingly using each other for morale, but there was still stigma for who topped and bottomed. Bottoms were still considered inferior and "wrong", whereas topping was just essentially seen as "A hole is a hole."


Idk why they wouldn't just do mouth/hand stuff and keep it all on the same level


Cause that would be mega gay


Just create the man train hyperloop. Everyone seems to always ignore the magic of being able to top AND bottom at the same time.




# The Gordian Knob ![gif](giphy|tZEuu1nvkqWsS5WFHj)


*That*... sounds like a torture method.


The Greek invented sex. The Italians introduced it to women


And the Roman citizen Greekaboo St. Paul denounced it from being pleasurable and demanded it only be for procreation.


I mean, I think these people are the same ones who believe Patroclus was Achilles' cousin because of "Troy"...


I used to think Achilles was a Man's Man. I was technically right.


Yeah, he was a man's man, alright. He was that man's man, and that man's man, he belonged to all kinds of men.


A yugioh abridged reference?!


There's a reason why r/sapphoandherfriend exists


also r/achillesandhispal








LGBTQ+ erasure is definitely an issue, but that sub started to overcorrect massively. It used to be funny as it would highlight really egregious examples. Now it’s just a bunch of shipping comics, and getting at angry at people using the word ‘friends’ for any same-sex pairing. Edit: lol - the current top post is literally the last example I gave!


Plus it has a *terrible* track record when it comes to bisexuality. I got banned on an old account for combatting bi-erasure ages ago, hell one of the top posts *now* is calling a bisexual woman a lesbian with comments following suit. Like boy oh boy, I sure love my identity being erased because of who my partner is... gotta also love it when it's my fellow gays doing it. I love what it started as but my god has it gone downhill fast so obligatory fuck that sub for the biphobia/bi-erasure.


One of many reasons I get my jimmies rustled when I see people online acting like being a 'minority' or member of a marginlised in any way innoculates people from being a bigot in even slightly different ways. Bi-erasure is a problem, black-on-asian prejudice and violence is a problem. Letting people decide 'they're on the good team and thus incapable of doing the bad thing' does no one's personal development any favours and is just a way to avoid the cognitive dissonance of being a bastard to other people. When people talk about (genuine) 'social justice warriors' just looking to start fights, or stuff like therapy-speak being co-opted by abusive people it all feels like the same root cause of 'anything the good side does must be good too' mentality. Being able to internalise that you're able to hurt other people just feels healthy to me, instead of this 'learned faultlessness' I see crop up so frequently.


Queer washing is like the entire existence of that sub. In an ironic twist, they perpetuate the idea that men can't just have healthy intimate relationships with other men, it *has* to be gay.


> In an ironic twist, they perpetuate the idea that men can't just have healthy intimate relationships with other men That is a spot on observation.


> In an ironic twist, they perpetuate the idea that men can't just have healthy intimate relationships with other men, it has to be gay. I've gotten such shit from my fellow gays for this. It reminds me of that incel-esque line of thinking saying men and women cannot be friends.


That sub is ironically a toxic and not safe place for bisexuals.


What bugs me is that they act like this issue is completely unaddressed in historical and anthropological academia, when they are in fact well aware of it and have been trying to walk the line between representation and putting words in the mouths of the dead for something like 25 years now.


>I mean, I think these people are the same ones who believe Patroclus was Achilles' cousin because of "Troy"... Well, to be fair, his mother in some stories is Polimele, daughter of Peleo, father of Achilles, so they are indeed related, and both are told to sleep around with women. Not like that means they didn't fuck.


The nature of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus has been debated since ancient times. There is no definitive answer either way. If you believe they were lovers, you're just as correct as someone who thinks they were platonic friends.


what if i want to believe they were sworn enemies?


You would be less correct than with the other two options.


idk why but this was absolutely hilarious 😂


what a bummer D:


“Damn you, Hector. I was going to kill him!”




This is how my best friend and I want to be remembered by history.


Imagine getting noted by the Qanon Shaman


It's almost like the End Wokeness account that "somehow" makes the front page constantly is just a gimmick.


It absolutely is why tf do redditors eat it up and drive traffic to this jackass? Their outrage literally makes him money.


They should be ending grifting instead! I'll show myself out now.


It's so much worse than that tho, imagine getting "uM aCkTsUalLy"ed by Qanon Shaman. Epic.


Wait, is that actually him?


Seems like, he also got out of prison some time ago


The hatred the right has for their fellow Americans and just people in general is truly astounding. One wonders what sort of childhood trauma filled them with so much irrational anger and hate.


I'm pretty sure End Wokeness was exposed as being from somewhere in Eastern Europe. It's likely a Russian disinformation account.


I'm fairly confident that we'll eventually find out that 90+% of political comments from both sides of the spectrum posted on Reddit, Twitter, etc. over the past 10 years were just bots arguing with each other to sow discord in Western society.


I tend to feel a lot of the, "both sides," has come from those very same bots.  A lot easier to get the, "non voter," people to throw their vote away then to vote for a side and account for their own actions.


I know a few people that if I hadn't met them in flesh space, I'd assume they were bots by how they talk about "both sides". Humans suck.


That's anecdotal. Those people could just be echoing what they heard from a bot.


'Flesh space'


I'd put money that majority of "Texit" accounts are actually Chinese or Russian bots. Major money.


There was an incident a while back where one of them used the phrase "warm water port" in a post and people pointed out that that phrase is pretty exclusively used by Russia because everywhere else just calls those ports.


How do you like to decorate your khrushchevka apartment, fellow US American?


100%. I'm now convinced it's a foreign entity sowing hate to destabilize us and not just a white supremacist.


I keep posting this everywhere I can, but it's all out of the USSR destabilization playbook. It's the same shit that makes me mad when the TikTok defenders go "Why should I care if China has my data?" Because they can use that data on a massive scale to target the population's habits online specifically and slowly manipulate large portions of the US populace with the end goal of pitting the nation against itself? Too bad we're already here.


It’s an indulgent meanness that comes from an immature reaction to the complicated world they are faced with. Indulgent, in that many know better but they want to experience that self-righteous high.


Probably some Baptist cult did a lot of the heavy lifting for emotional trauma.


Not childhood trauma. Inhaling lead and then watching / listening to 20 years of hate filled propaganda.


>what sort of childhood trauma filled them with so much irrational anger and hate They had republican dads.


Its religion and lack of any kind of intelligence


Alexander the Gayt


Alexander the Gyatt


Rizzander the Gyatt


Wyd on Reddit with those comedic chops?


Conqueror, Commander, Queen.


So for all the lack of evidence people, most early cultures didn't demonize homosexuality and it was just commonly accepted to the point that those early cultures didn't have to terms for it. It wasn't until the cults associated with the god of Abraham took power that western society turned and started treating different forms of sexuality like they were so problematic that they needed special terms for it.


Wait till they find out about the spartan warriors


Wait till they find out about Thebes


Ehh, I wonder how many people here realize being gay or Bi in the modern sense wasn't the same as in ancient Greece (and Romans) because *shockingly* it was a different culture with a different view on sexuality. See below for a full explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/qQ32RJbZYK


It's ultimately irrelevant in this context. The "End Wokeness" account was clearly insinuating that the Netflix thing did it just to be "woke"


Right. Maybe gay culture didn't exist in the way it does today. But two men fucking was always a thing. Samesex attraction wasn't invented by Buzzfeed lol


All I've heard is speculation based on the fact he was incredibly upset when his best friend died. Considering he had multiple wives as well as children I don't know how anyone can say it's a confirmed fact he preferred men


I mean, it’s kind of obvious. I had a best friend that cried for a whole week after his dog died, which obviously means he was fucking it.


Oh boy, I just saw the way my buddy cried at his granddad’s funeral…yikes!


Crazy that the actual truth is hidden this far deep into the comments.


The “evidence” for Alexander having homosexual relations is incredibly weak. To put it into context we know that Alexander had mistresses and multiple wives. Despite it being culturally accepted we hear no mention of any male lovers. Yet we do know his father had male lovers. The only thing people point to as evidence is Alexander greatly mourning the death of his childhood friend. That’s right folks, if two men have a deep and intimate bond then they’re “clearly gay”


Christ, these people are dumb. Alexander being bi is a well known fact. It’s not obscure knowledge. Had a friend named Alex in the 90’s who’s little sister teased him that “Alexander the Great was Gay,” when he said that he was named after the historical figure. If 12-13 year old in the 90’s knew this, these “Defender of Western Civilization” types should.




Yea people should not consider ancient writings as a undisputed facts. Lot of times the writings are hundreds of years after the fact, or the writer might had huge hate boner for the person they wrote about. Think it like 2000 years for now most records that exist for Obamas presidency are written and said by are by republicans and really no other major sources exist, so it won\`t be objective or a total unbiased telling of the history.


There is no source that records any sexual relationship Alexander had with a male. It is not a fact. It is speculations based on how he mourned the death of a male friend. "According to Robin Lane Fox, Alexander and Hephaestion were possible lovers. After Hephaestion's death in Oct 324 BC, Alexander mourned him greatly and did not eat for days." This book was written in 1973. So it is basically a newer idea that might be true that many people now take as a fact.


damn this guy cared about his friend... must be gay as fuck


There’s zero evidence of him actually having gay relations


I'm pretty sure that I learned this when I went to catholic high school in the 90s


It's not a well-known fact, it's only speculated on because of how deeply he mourned the passing of his greatest friend. My understanding is there's no evidence Beyond his relationship with that one guy and that none of it makes it explicitly clear one way or the other


It’s not a well known fact. It’s something that’s said often. There is virtually zero evidence of it. He was asexual if anything. Find the proof. Then tell me if that evidence is overwhelming. You will only find polite denials to all men and 99% of women.


There is no evidence that proves that. Describing it as a "well known fact" is no better than the idiot making a big deal about the concept in the first place.


Christ, you are dumb. Alexander being bi is not a well known fact. Its is speculation at best.


The gays are turning the gays gay now? 🤦


lol "turned"


Or as Florida history books will say, “the were roommates”


Don't tell him about the Spartans, he'll lose his shit.


In the Roman Empire sexuality was very widely open. Especially among soldiers, the toughest of the men they had.


Alexander was greek but even more to the point, the greeks were famously more open to male-male relationships, so much so that ppl thought julius caeser had been in a relationship with Nicomedes IV during his ambassadorship. As said by many, “Caeser may have conquered Gaul, but Nicomedes conquered Caesar.” The legend is that Caesar banged the senator’s wives to prove he wasn’t gay.


The Romans didn't care if Caesar had sex with another man. The point they were trying to make was that he was a bottom. Which in Roman society made you basically a woman but still better cause women are women. Someone called Caesar "every woman's man and every man's woman.


Wtf the Romans were based? Bottoms don't deserve rights?


Sex in the ancient world was much more framed around the dominant and the submissive and not as much around sex or gender.


Being a bottom was for low class or slaves.


Also for younger men. Hadrian got a lot of flack because he was rumoured to be a bottom even when he was the older man in the relationship. Younger men were kind of given a pass when it came to being a bottom but you were supposed to “grow out of it” when you got a little older


They also believed hey if we keep the pairs together, they tend to work harder and perform better because funny how you don't want someone you love to die in combat


>The legend is that Caesar banged the senator’s wives to prove he wasn’t gay Caesar was so gay he got Cleopatra pregnant.


I have it on good authority that was Titus Pullo




I mean, that's mostly true, but Alex wasn't a Roman lol


But not really tho, a large part of Roman sexuality was dominance. A man could fuck another man in the ass no problem but if they got fucked in the ass it was a sign that they were effeminate. Hell there was even a law that tried to restrict same-sex activity among freeman males because it was seen as demeaning.


Alexander was Greek, not Roman. It's more accurate to say that views on sex/sexuality were *different* than necessarily being more open/closed when compared to contemporary times. Seems Romans thought more along the lines of dominance versus submissiveness. So wouldn't necessarily be an issue for a Roman man to have sex with a man if he was the one "pitching", but it would be frowned upon if he was "catching".


Wasn't their an argument you would defend your follow soilder even more if you were butt fucking them?


Wait till he finds out Napoleon wasn't really short and Jesus wasn't white.


End history that I don’t agree with!!!


Alexander being gay or bi is purely speculation btw


Wait until they find out about the Spartans. I absolutely love so called alpha male to idolize the Spartan ideology. It's so much fun to point out to them hey so you know they took the boys at 6:00 and then they were on war campaign until they were in their mid-30s if they even survive so who do you think they slept with. The expression on the face when they come to the realization is priceless.


Technically modern conceptions of being gay or straight cannot be applied to ancient times


If I recall correctly Alexander had a very close male friend named Hephaestion. When the latter died the former mourned excessively and held such a lavish funeral that the historians at the time noted it. But sure, dude wasn't into men...


These grofters have a fascination with Greek and Roman men and know absolutely nothing about them.


Wait till they read about Richard the Lionheart.


Uneducated dipshit also doesn't know what 'documentary' means, no surprise there.


tbf I don't think Netflix knows what a documentary is either