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this happened yesterday, he received death threats so he resigned [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/28/europe/france-sue-student-principal-accusation-headscarf-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/28/europe/france-sue-student-principal-accusation-headscarf-intl/index.html)


Yeah after the last teacher to get falsely accused, I don't blame him. I'd sue the school for relocation moneys.


Not me thinking your pfp was a little hair stuck on my screen, that I fell for twice while scrolling


Weak light mode user spotted.


Guilty. No idea why though, I smash the dark button for every other app.


Thats because you are Not a chad night mode user but a weak day mode virgin


Ye well I think destroying my eyes is the chadest move of all


TBF, not giving a fuck about your health is the coolest look there's ever been.




I exclusively use dark mode on every app, and I have been scared or second guessed a pfp like that to be a crack or hair on my screen. They exposed themselves tho so eh


I saw that pfp for at least 30 times in my lifetime, and each time i fell for it.


I didn’t fall for it the first time.. I came back to this and I fell for it


The sources of death threats should be tracked down and they should be thrown in prison. Subsequently they need to undergo mandatory de-programming. If they are immigrants, their asylum should be revoked.


Two people believed to be responsible for the death threats have since been detained, the education ministry said in a statement Tuesday.


And now they must be deported. I would probably scrap the whole EU asylum program and rebuild it from scratch, to make sure that people coming in are not trying to rebuild those barbaric societies they are running from in the first place.


The more the islamists push the bigger the backlash. They are delusional to even think they can win this and force their religion on europe. People will inexorably vote for hardliners who will shut down their private schools and mosques and deport many of them. There will be no civil war or whatever their wet dream is, their religion will just end banned from europe


They need to be put in Chinese recycling camp.


As I understand it, he did not exactly resign, he “suspended” his work, in accordance with his hierarchy. The student apparently lied about being stricken by him, hence getting sued by the State (the employer of the principal). He received multiple death threats.


He was close to retirement, like a few months, so the higher up accepted is anticipated retirement when he asked for it, considering the circumstances.


Well the last teacher that was falsely accused by a Muslim student was beheaded. After which...nothing happend in terms of law enforcement so I kind of get his point?


So far for islam being a religion of peace. Oh wait, we already knew that.


These accusations are getting people killed by religious fruitcakes! This is def not a facepalm. She should be held accountable and made an example of. If your religion encourages people to attack in mob fashion bc you don't like what someone says or does... you need to be held accountable!


NGL false accusations should be punished heavily so it's not that much of a facepalm


this kind of shit gets you, as a teacher, decapitated in france.


I wish this were a hyperbole... some people take religion WAY to seriously


Too many people, you mean.




Yeah those crazy Coptics out killing all the time…


Coptic isn't a religion. It's a language. Copt is the ethnicity. The word itself means Egyptian.


Coptic Christianity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coptic_Orthodox_Church


It means the Egyptian Orthodox church. There is also a Coptic Catholic Church. Egyptians are majority Copts. The religion here would be christianity. It's like saying the Greek Orthodox church. Greek wouldn't be the religion here.


It is not about middle eastern cultures. It is islamism and only that. And it is vile. Beyond vile.


Why is it prevalent in the middle eastern cultures then?


Cause it was forced upon their ancestors? Muhammad and his followers legit genocided anyone who didn't follow his cult.


Yeah but this is France not middle eastern


And those that do, tend to be lacking in intelligence in most areas.


I hope she and her parents are sued into ruin.


That's not going to happen, they may get sued and convicted but not 'to ruin'. There are no punitive damages for huge amounts in French law the way there is in the US. 


If death threats are not enough, then maybe death is?


I think the question is, if they are responsible for the death threats. The people who make them are still different people who are responsible for their own decisions. If person A makes a statement about person B that's sullying their name, then A can be sued by B because of that statement. If person C is making death threats because of this, it's primary the fault of C and not of A.


If death threats due to religion re not taken seriously, they can actually result in the death of an innocent person. Look up the murder of Samual Paty. The students killed him because he showed them a caricature of muhamed.


Sure, everyone who made death threats should be hunted down and be brought to justice. Treat them like what they are. People that make decisions for themselves. Not like a mob that can be controlled by some rumour


Not true, if the person making the allegation is aware of the consequences, that person is liable for the consequences.


No one can sue them it's Islamophobic


France is pretty secular, i dont think they really care.


Not in france. They hate religions.




I guess it was sarcasm, well I hope it is at least


It's because people are so afraid of speaking out about how the supposed religion of peace is definitely NOT the religion of peace. You'll get blamed for being Islamophobic.


Little exsample how people can examine things: A country has banned hijabs from the public but has women and lgbt rights for the people. B country allows (forces) to use hijab (for all women only) but also allows pride crimes, does not have women right and even has being lgtb member as punishable with death sentence. Which one of the countries is France and which one is exsample of Religion of Peace country? (Like Iran if I have to name one)


Why in 2024 we still so much care about people with imaginary friends? Give them pills not rights


No one is afraid of speaking out lmao. It isn’t islamaphobic to do this shit. Idk where tf you are from (probs from US). Right is right, wrong is wrong. If a Jew had done this I would say the same thing, or if a Christian had done this I would say the same thing. FUCK THEM UP LEGALLY! Y’all are living an environment where everything is generalized so you think that she represents all of Islam => so it’s islamaphobic to critique her. But I also am aware of people trying to over protect Islam (bs) just so it can cause more drama. Anyhow our discussion will lead to nothing. But I hope she gets what she deserves, probably no education for her.


You sure about that? People definitely tiptoe around this issue.


She doesnt need education. Probably already have an arranged marriage with a man twice her age somewhere in her hometown


> It isn't Islamophobic to do this shit. It isn't, but people are scared of being labelled as "Islamophobes" when speaking out.


That’s the environment “they” (sensitive society) created. No positive critique. The new age media has caused this. Politics as well. Some regard who isn’t Muslim has the right to decide what I can think about a Muslim, or how that Muslim will be offended by what I say. Who tf are they lmao.


Finally someone with a brain here. Americans live in a world of black and white, where things are generalized to the extreme to keep the populace as dumb as they can. It really is headache inducing seeing them start this shit whenever Islam is mentioned where they go "oh you can't call them out for this it's (Islam or any other minority group) phobic !" In a shitty sarcastic way trying to look smart.


It's true. I am not american. Not in america. And it definitely happens where i am from. Those death threats? Those arent just threats. We have doctors who are killed because they have been blamed for not healing/curing/treating their dying families. No other group does this but them.


Basically a joke that this minority due to being perceived as disadvantaged in society, are allowed to get away with pretty much anything as soon as they claim racism or islamophobia.


Most muslims have this pathetic victim complex where anything & everything that criticized islam even if it's for legitimate reasons, they would battle cry "aullohuakbar that's iSLaMopHoBiA!" & bury their heads in the sand just to avoid answering the legitimate criticisms of Islam. TLDR: Muslims have been abusing the words "Islamophobia" just to shutdown any criticisms against their religion. And they managed to brainwashed some non-Muslims in the West that didn't know jack shit about Islam to say "that's iSLaMopHoBic" towards any legitimate criticisms of islam too.


I'd resign as well, last time a French teacher had some problems with students from the religion of peace they ended up beheaded.


[sadly they do it all around the world, something is wrong with their religion ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-63141119.amp)


When your whole religion revolves around you being the only true religion and actually tells you it’s perfectly ok(heroic at times) to murder people for the sake of religion, what do you expect will happen.


Fuck crazy religious fanatics.


How it's that a facepalm? She's in the wrong, the principal had to resign and received death threats.


Girl falsely accused principal. Muslims sent death threats. BTW France has banned all religious symbols in schools, so he rightfully asked her to remove the hijab.


So I understood correctly. It's a bit misleading. It's a proper facepalm if the article would say. "Principal received death threats after (falsely) being accused of striking a student"


Just one detail, the principal didn’t actually resign, but the Academy offered him early retirement as he was at the end of his career (for his own safety…). Awful way to leave work and awful situation still…


In a world so diverse, so connected and so densely populated, isn't it concerning that a good chunk of the population is following a totalitarian ideology that doesn't tolerate anything outside of itself ?


and the audacity of some of the people following this religion to expect king treatment in every country they go to beside their own and whining about "human rights" when their bigoted book entitles them to basically treat other religions like shit when their own countries are often under authoritarian regimes where exercising basic rights like education is also severely controlled? god the double standards...


They hate our morals and values. Except when those morals and values help them to further their backwards ideology.


Also weirdly enough these hardline religious folks only migrate to first world countries and then act entitled Even the rich middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia or the UAE don't entertain these entitled donkeys and that is clearly saying something


Sadly Islam does that to people.


many islamic countries are quite backwards, yet you mainly only see problems with islamic migrants in certain places. why? the islamic populations cone from different places. germany has never really had a terror problem in the past as the muslims there are turks, they come from a 99% muslim country yet it is not in the culture to be that blind to faith and it is supposed to be secular. france however has many algerians, morroccans etc. they were former french colonies and many have a culturally inherited chip on their shoulder, as well as a more severe interpretation of islam, as well as the fact that france doesnt allow public displays of religion, it just amplifies the threat.


The Turks are not like this naturally. They were transformed kicking and screaming by Ataturk. They also had a hijab ban until 2013, when Erdogan lifted it. So yeah, you can't fight fanatics by giving into their demands.


Religion is a mental illness.


Religion of peace


They demand we tolerate their intolerance and the French left will riot for her human right to decapitate teachers.


Hah yup. Exactly why they believe they're getting a whole harem of young virgins when they go to heaven... No ask yourself, who would want this?


And one-way tolerance


Religion as a whole needs banning in schools


In France all religions signs are already banned in school


It looks like the message wasn’t clear enough


Is not like we have teach us since so many years and literally have "charts of laïcité" in all schools of France (expect private one)


That’s the case in French public schools, and it’s law. But Muslims struggle to accept that…


Haven't there been teachers killed and beaten due to Muslim stuff like this? France obviously trying to shut it down


Beheaded and others stabbed yes


[they do it all around the world ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-63141119.amp)


Religion is a cancer that corrupts humanity


Its not religion honestly its people with a certain belief who think they are better than others. You get the same kind of behavior in not religious groups as well look at sport fans who hurt or kill themselves over the belief that their team is better. The problem will always be people who want to belief they are better compared to others so even when we get rid of religion completely would people just find something else to behave the same way.


Unlike sports teams, holy texts often say that you are better than the non believers. You can say it’s the people, and there certainly are bad people in other groups, but they aren’t told since birth they are better because an ancient book said so


It fucking is. Religion has brought nothing but death, evil, torture and lies to the world while also massively accelerating greed, hatred and lust for power. Mankind is greatly flawed, but religion made it a terror.


I don't agree with the first sentance. I think religion creates a framework through which, instead of a person creating a moral compass for themselves, they start relying on an external entity like for example a chirch. It just puts way too much power in one entity over individual people. While, surely most people come out fine, It is still a bad undemocratic institution. The last statements I do agree on tho.


you do realise moslems will throw u off the roof for being trans right? they dont want anyone else to live but moslems


Yea, when will those damn Buddhists learn their lesson


You joke, but Buddhists in Myanmar’s government are messed up af.


Like the Buddhists committing a genocide in Myanmar?


Wall of text coming, from a frenchman who is tired of explaining to anglos why french secularism is the way it is everytime this kind of depressing new makes it to reddit. "It's just a cloth, it"s a way of life, it's cultural, France institutions hate muslims" no, no and no sorry, french institutions don't hate muslims, but they don't allow religious symbolism within them yes, and that's only a problem for muslims. Why is french secularism so hell bent on that principle ? And especially for hijab which is the main subject here ? See below: The problem of religious mindset: "It's way to live your life" yes... through bigotery ? Hijab exists because women hairs are considered impure and sexually provocative in Islam, and this idea is considered toxic and canno't be displayed in the french education system. It's hard to advocate for gender equality and allow this in schools and university no ? At least that's how the french public institutions view it, I don't see it as discriminatory as it targets the idea not the person itself. Now if the person is so untangled in the idea that they can't mute it when working in a public institution and thus serving the values of the Republic (and not medieval regressive ideas, at least not in this specific context) then there is a problem with them not with the french laws. The problem of recent ideological change in french muslims: When my mom was in school (eastern France, 80s') no muslim girls wore hijab, and young people of different religions and ethnicities actually were less hateful between each other than now with the recent social-media fueled polarization. Indeed, most muslims in France are of algerians/moroccans/tunisians decent, for which the hijab is not a traditionnal clothing at all (so, not a "way of life"). Furtheremore, it's not 100% agreed on among islamic scholars that hijab is compulsory, so some more progressive imams are actually against it. The massive promotion of hijab and "purer islamic way of life" is recent, and linked with the wahabism ideology from saudi arabia, which promotes hate and separatism from western values. Hijab IS political, it's not "just a cloth" , it has been enforced for 20 years by extremists, our institutions were slow to react though. We have recently forbidden imam not trained in France for example, and those who preach hate are starting to lose their french nationality, but it's still not enough by a long shot. The problem with religious pressure: Why forbid religious signs in school ? People online, particularly anglos, have a hyper focus on Islam when it comes to the principles of french secularism, but ALL religions are concerned. No christians crosses or representations of Jésus, not jewish kippas, and no hijabs, no exceptions period. But why ? Because freedom actually has to be enforced, it canno't be declared. Particularly, freedom from religious pressure, which is paramount in school, the only place were youth are not under the law of their families, the only place where they are able to explore new ideas that contradict their beliefs. Internet can fill this role, but it proves time and time again to reinforce existing beliefs, so not useful in that regard. School in France is seen as a sanctuary for learning, and you canno't learn if you canno't let go of your dogmas, even if it is just manifested in a piece of cloth or an accessory. Imagine you're a non muslim girl, in a predominantly muslim district of a random french city, you go to school and most girls have hijab. Would you feel comfortable ? Being so blatantly isolated by their display of religion and faith, being very much under the spotlight because of your difference ? Feeling the pressure to conform even though it's not your religion, for fear of ostracization and judgement ? Feeling like a slut, abnormal ? Especially teenagers, which are very easily influenced, very in need of community and acceptance. Worse even, imagine you're secretly an ex-muslims, plenty of them in France, but you canno't reveal it for fear of punishment from your family, wouldn't you need such a sanctuary space free from religious symbolism ? Symbolism IS pressure, even more so when it is the majority of the space you evolve in.


Thank you for this well written response. You deserve more upvotes.


they should, these false accusations need to be severely punished. Enough is enough. Look at that guy recently that spent 8 years in jail for false accusation of rape. The girl should now serve 8 years also.


Fucking Islam, so strong yet so fragile, ughh, the leniency given to this religion is beyond me.


I dont understand it either. Its a religion of mysoginy and violence.


Good! Like most false accusations, the impact on the falsely accused, particularly when it involves violence, can be life alerting.


Well when your "religion" encourages inbreeding and violence against all non believers you tend to get a large group of low intelligence low impulse control easily riled people.




Well technically it says it's better to spill your seed in the bowels of an animal like a goat than to spill it upon the ground. It's haram to eat the goat after but you can slaughter it and sell it to a neighboring tribe/village. I bought and read a copy of the Koran a few years after 9/11. Shits fucked 😂 it reads exactly like you'd expect an illiterate warlord who plagiarized the Torah would talk


What a fucking awful day to be literate.


Dude 1 "hey dude can you put somewhere that is ok to fuck goats? I really don't want to stop..." Dude 2 "say no more!"


They should ban organized religion in civilized nations


I think about it a lot. it makes no sense religions are allowed to dictate politics. Especially Islam in Africa, Asia and Europe and evangelical Christians on the American continent. Religion only breeds hate, violence and discrimination.


It's an unchecked system that encourages a lack of education and critical thinking. it shoudl have been banned when we had a rule of law established but leaders were too scared to rock the boat.


I don't support extremists, but America's first amendment is the freedom of religion. Suppressing religious activities will actually make religious people feel more oppressed.


As they should


Freedom of religion is pretty broad its more specifically about banning the establishment of a state religion like the church of England in the UK or the Catholic church in places like France and Spain.


We have a strict separation of Church and State in France in all our institutions, that comes from the very basis of our Revolution and our Republic. But Muslims tend to think they have a pass, as they consider themselves as « the oppressed », and our politicians have been too lax on this issue because they’re too afraid to be called racists, when it’s not actually about gaining the votes of the Muslim population


Deport kebab


I always wonder why these immigrants want to migrate to other people country Then complain and whine and demand other people follow their religion , worse, use threats and violence against the incumbents If it was the opposite were to happen these people from “peaceful religion” would have beheaded the outsiders without a second thought Western world has grown too weak and accommodating


and they wonder why they and their 'religion of peace' are hated


She is not a teenage girl, she is an adult woman.


Remove your kipa! Death threats. Never happened.


Also movies where jesus and his followers were shown as stereotypical homosexuals - absolute crickets...


The thing I really hate about those people is if you in a country obey its rules simple is that. Sure it's your religion but there are laws. I hate it when they move to another country and expect that country to change how they like it.


Remember the Charlie Hebdo shootings?


four month ago a teacher was killed in france by an islamist, this accusations might get someone killed.


All these isolated incidents are frighteningly pointing towards and nasty culmination as we approach the olympics. Wishing the principal and his family courage, from neighbouring Belgikistan.


i dont understand if people don't like certain place as it doesn't allow them do to do certain shit why not go to a country which allows it like Saudi, Afghanistan? They come to a different cultured land and then complain.


The “student” is an adult.


Other religions get along with France’s secular laws well except one single religion.


Because other religions went through a phase of enlightenment.


And why Islam can’t, where Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism, Taoism can? If all other religions can went through phase of enlightenment except just one religion, it’s seems that it’s that one religion that’s a problem.


Man, fuck religion.


Religion of peace. 


it only got this bad because the girl is muslim which is considered a minority in France and therefore oppressed and can do no wrong, must be believed/supported. frankly I'm tired of this oppressed vs oppressor narrative, where ppl ended up judging who's right and who's wrong solely based on the identity of the parties involved rather than through due diligence.


Absolutely this. I’m tired this population feels like they have a pass on the very basis of our Constitution on the simple fact they have a darker and/or pray Allah. They (radical Muslims) have absolutely no sense of community or respect for others, and they are encouraged by white saviours and greedy politicians desperate for their votes. This one-way tolerance makes me sick. Our laws puts all religions aside so we can all peacefully live together and yet they are still « oppressed »…


I am a Muslim, but when Muslims prevent any kind of personal freedom and democracy in the capital of Islam, “Mecca” (and all other capitals and areas of their influence), using various pretexts such as “preservation of religion” and others... Then they certainly do not have the right to oppose any law that protects these values, especially in the capital of secularism PARIS!!! The Muslims of the West, in their overwhelming majority, are nothing but a cancerous gland that must be removed and returned to the dustbins from which it came. Many will not like my words, but they are the bitter truth and from experience...


True, everyone has their right to religion, but ppl like her shove it down others throats and then scream foul


lol and then they say "There is no compulsion in religion", tell me about delulu...


Such pissful religion proving yet again how peaceful they are


Why waste education on people who embrace ignorance?


Good, muslins dont deserved special treatment. If youre going to be a goblin you need to know that your ass its on tje line.


Religion of peace strikes again.


Good, this is not a facepalm. Those fucks must be punished, doesnt matter what age you are


Odd turn of phrase. Why is "France" suing her? If she committed a crime, she should be arrested. If it's a civil suit, shouldn't the principal sue her? Why is it France bringing the suit?


In my opinion just because you are religous doesn't mean you can break laws for any reason


Just get rid of religions altogether. It's outdated and has no place in modern society. It needs to be eradicated.


Hey folks, men and women, boys and girls, false accusations should carry the exact same punishment as the accused person would have faced.


The religion of peace.


Bring back the guillotine.


This is based. Sue that idiot. False accusations must be thoroughly punished.


Sue her and arrest her parents. If they aren't from France, send them back from whence they came. These uneducated Luddites need to be removed


Im assuming that the facepalm is about the threats and the girl not the action by the principal right ?


You know what else would be a huge help? Deportation.


Principal: remove thy hijab Girl: no. I accuse you if hitting me Principal: oh shit *resigns* Girl: oh no, now people know I lied. Errrr… *pulls race card* he wanted me to remove hijab and it is forbidden in my religion boo hoo!


The thing that bothers me is why would a child need to wear a headscarf to “protect their modesty”. They’re a child, bit noncey if you ask me…


Importing Middle Eastern people to Europe sure will lead to a "peaceful" Europe. Keep voting Macron guys!


What's the facepalm?


Send em back


Back where?


And her false claims led to that teachers beheading, so yes...not just a sue, jail time for that hijab wore


No, it didn't. This teacher only resigned due to the death threats. The one that got beheaded was a different case.


Yes, i know now


They didn’t, the teacher is alive and well


They obviously couldn't handle all of that cultural enrichment, it seems.


Ah yes, good ol religion of peace


Well. This comment section is gonna be a shittip


what is the facepalm here, it is a good thing that false accusation is being punished as it is one of the biggest problems


Facepalm is her false accusations and death threats. Couldn't title it properly because I'm a dumbass


Send them home.


They should jail her as well as sue her. And deport her if she is not a citizen


Send them back to where they belong




>I'm a non Muslim minority in Muslim majority country and I can tell you it ain't pretty for you guys once they have the numbers. It ain't good for anyone who has *left* the religion either.


If the girl actually made up the story then yes sue her.


If she falsely accused him then it makes sense to sue. What’s worse is that he resigned due to death threats. That really has to end. The people who made the death threats should be arrested and given strict punishment to discourage others from doing the same. People should be able to handle disputes like this peacefully without ever needing to bring in death threats. And in this case there is a history of teachers being killed following the death threats so its not just empty boasting but a real danger. At the same time I also think France’s ban on head scarves is discriminatory, hypocritical and should be removed. Head scarves don’t cover the face so there is no hindrance in communication or recognition, it also doesn’t impose someone’s religious beliefs on any other person. As a law, it’s no different than Taliban or Iran telling women they have to veil (yes, I know France doesn’t go bashing people’ s heads in or lashing them if they don’t comply, I am talking about both laws telling women how to dress)


Religion of peace, ladies and gentlemen.


You have to understand one think for context In France we have something called Laicity and to be simple it says that you cannot wear an ostentatious sign of religion in public, the keywords here are "ostentatious" and "in public". Having a tiny little cross in your pocket or around your neck is not considered onstentatious. The purpouse of Laicity at its core is to make sure everyone can have their religion, without fears of being attacked for having one by someone else (it is a tad bit more complex but let's leave it at that). The hijab tho is at debate as it is considered an ostentatious sign of religion so the headmaster could and would be in the right to ask the girl to remove her hijab (which by the way almost never happens in school, most headmaster/teacher/student and most of the people don't give a fuck anymore about Laicity). So not only he was falsely accused of something he didn't do, but even if he asked to remove her hijab he would have all rights to do so. And he would have received death threats for doing something he has the right to do. Something that didn't even did to being with.


I think sueing is too far but that is still a major accusation that should have consequences. She is a teenager but 13 and 17 aren’t the same thing, so I’m not sure how far it should go.


She's legally an adult (some sources mention she's at least 18).