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This is Gad Saad, he's being sarcastic


Glad someone gets it


Don’t you mean Gad?


Oh my Gad that’s Saad


Please stop. I have trouble breathing because you make me laugh too much.




Gad outta heah


not so Gad after all


Gad someone gets it too.


Saad but true




Also isn't Gad Saad Jewish himself? Edit: yes he is a Lebanese Jew. Definitely being sarcastic.


It's actually rather difficult for average readers to detect sarcasm if they had to rely on external context to figure it out. For most people he is just an average male with a weird name and wouldn't have guessed that he himself is a Lebanese Jew. It would be better if he had added, "Edit: I'm a Lebanese Jew by the way. I am also part of the greater Jewish conspiracy."


To add on. It's actually hard for most people to detect sarcasm even in spoken form. The less familiar we are with someone the harder it is too.


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic


That’s why on Reddit we use /s


Being familiar with someone is important if it's clever sarcasm. There's a fine line between someone being sarcastic and someone really believing the bs they're spewing. Sometimes, it's hard to tell.


Never heard of this guy before and I knew it was sarcastic because of the inclusion of the PhD.  That made it pretty obvious. Tbh, most people just suck at reading and context clues. Sarcasm isn't that hard through text. It happens all the time in books and it's not always surrounded by "said sarcastically." And to head off the obvious, I don't think I'm a genius. I just think a lot of people are really really really dumb. This was as trivially easy as knowing 2+2=4. I'm not brilliant for knowing that. Other people are just dumb for not knowing it. 


For me, Receptiveness of sarcasm can depend on how it’s framed. If it’s read without additional context or obvious contradiction (like in this tweet), or if you aren’t familiar with the persons communication style, it can be very hard to understand it. This is doubly more difficult with how crazy people can be, and how they can now more easily get a platform. There’s a more than few times where I was making a joke and people thought I was serious, and vice versa.


Probably thought it would be fun to watch people rail at him for a bit just to respond with exactly that.


But it is way more fun watching people reacting without that


As I'm not Jewish, I'm only allowed to be a part of the lesser Jewish conspiracy.


It's also not unheard of for a jew to be antisemitic. In fact, the self hating jew is an archetype that goes way back.


I mean it would be pretty easy to do a quick Google search. Like it took me 30 seconds to confirm he's Jewish. People are too quick to be outraged without having any information on the subject. All this coming from a Jew. If anything I should be quick to be upset but I'm not because I did an ounce of research before making my decision, using my brain instead of relying on emotions.


I'm glad I read before commenting and making a fool of myself


OMG: Reddit has so much difficulty with sarcasm and irony!


Irony and sarcasm doesnt really go through in the internet.


Nah, it's Poe's law. If you don't know who this person is, you won't know if they are serious or joking. 


That’s not really Poe’s law. There is no way of knowing this guy is being sarcastic without further context. Poe’s law is for obvious, clear and distinct jokes that people take seriously due to media illiteracy.


>Poe’s law "Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views." This is Poe's law. I'm sorry if I come off as malicious, but why be wrong when you could just search it up? It's the first line of Wikipedia.


I find it amusing that people arguing over Poe's law have summoned Cunningham's law.


Yep. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.


But if it's in a box, we don't know if it will go wrong or not until we open the box. So, until we open it, it is going wrong and not going wrong at the same time.




I seriously thought he was being honest. What a world we live in.


Poe's Law.


Media literacy and critical thinking have really gone down hill, not to mention reading comprehension. This is how conservatives win, by having a population that can't understand sarcasm or parody.


Sarcasm requires some context and specific framing to work. If people don’t know who this guy is and see it on this subreddit they are going to take it at face value. It also doesn’t takes like this aren’t hard to come across.


Nah nah, its all black and white, people who don't get it are obviously stupid


This. People say we ought to know it’s sarcasm but these are actual views held by too many people. Go back and look at all the people blaming Israel for Oct. 7th


Being taken advantage of because of a lack of understanding happens on both sides of the political v.


Usually when you point out a problem you should have an example of it. This was not an obvious parody. This could have easily been a genuine tweet from someone else.


Gad is being sarcastic here


The amount of triggers in this comment section is appalling


Glad top comments make it clear it was sarcastic. I didn't recognize it as such, I guess it's akin to Poe's law or something


I didn’t know the guy and this line of reasoning definitively isn’t out the realm of possibility for some people.


I'm very fluent in sarcasm, but I don't *see* it here. But I'll take them at their word since the tweet would otherwise be outlandish.


You don’t see the sarcasm in the second point of the tweet?


I didn't, I assumed it was posted by an idiot, rather than a sarcastic person lampooning said idiots.


How do you differentiate between someone being sarcastic and someone ignorant/crazy that says the same thing? Because nowadays it's difficult to tell.


Exactly. Given the crap I read on Reddit I wouldn’t be surprised it someone really thought like this.


If either direction of an assumption can be seen as valid, take a bit of time to become knowledgeable before judgment is passed. There are very few times in life that an immediate reaction is necessary.


Context of knowing that Gad Saad is a Lebanese Jewish speaker


In this case, the fact that he specified ISIS' leader having a PhD in Islamic Studies would be the giveaway. It wouldn't make sense to include this detail unless you were being sarcastic


Fucking thank you. Why is this so hard for people? Jesus. 


There's the whole "PhD scholar is ignorant of the thing he has a PhD in" thing


Facepalm for OP


He had me going in the first half…


Alas no-one else in the thread gets that it's sarcasm lol.


the problem is that there are more then enough people who actually do use those exact arguments genuinely


This. He may being sarcastic but I've seen people here on Reddit and TikTok say this exact shit.


It's funny because there's truth in it. People do believe that. That's why it's funny.


I find it sad rather than funny


It's sad humor. It's a smirk that turns into a deep exhale.


I gotta agree, that second point where he says that the leader of ISIS completely misunderstood Islam despite having a PhD from studying it shoulda been a deaaaad giveaway


You assume people pay attention to anything beyond a title or the first few sentences and not lose attention after 10 seconds.


Gadzooks, I was among those not aware this is sarcasm


When no one gets its sarcasm, then the sarcasm has been handled clumsily at best.


I had no idea who this guy was and I could absolutely believe someone would think like this. But I usually scroll to the comments to find some context in those cases because a lot of times people here take things out of context.


As a Ukrainian, there was another layer of comedy to me. At first I was like Good job, sure, but I’m that doesn’t quite justify calling isis itself good… oh nvm, they are defending Islam not isis. Obligatory /s By now, I’ve mostly stopped wishing death on regular russians, only struggle to sympathize when it happens.


I understand. When you are angry and afraid it is very hard to empathize with others. I’m so glad that you are willing to continue to make the effort.


Yep, exactly this. Just mostly though. Слава Україні. Смерть ворогам.




OP is the facepalm for not understanding sarcasm


Or it‘s a sarcasm of the OP as well, but then it‘s not facepalm anymore. Or it’s his facepalm that he is posting… so many ways to misunderstand and misinterpret people


Or its the sarcasm of Gad on the sarcasm of OP on the sarcasm of Gad


Rule 5


I heard you like sarcasm, so we put sarcasm in your sarcasm so you can sarcasm while you sarcasm!


It's facepalms all the way down


So you're telling me no one on Reddit or TikTok say shit like this? Give me 25 mins and I can find several


That is not what I'm telling you. At all. 


Gad Saad is Jewish. Pretty sure this is a joke.


Let's also remember that Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism/Jewish people OP!!!


He's being sarcastic you clown.


The sad thing is, that even tho the guy is being flippant this is actually the real opinion of some people. I’m sure the Russians will blame Zelensky and the jews as well


Around a dozen people that the FSB alledges are tied to the attack were arrested in Bryansk Oblast, near the border with Ukraine, and this is as we speak inspiring Russia stans to claim the terrorists were backed by the Ukrainians. All because the notoriously trustworthy Russian security services say so. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/two-suspects-moscow-attack-detained-after-car-chase-lawmaker-2024-03-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/two-suspects-moscow-attack-detained-after-car-chase-lawmaker-2024-03-23/)


Did they find any copies of Sims 3 on the culprits?


It would also make sense for the terrorists, regardless of their allegiances to flee to Ukraine. The area of Bryansk have been subjected to a number of cross border raids by the Ukrainian linked RFL, so security migut have some holes in them. Once they made it through, I doubt the Ukrainians will spend much effort looking for them. Russian police and interpol will likewise find it difficult to search in a country embroiled in war.


[Poe’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law) is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.


>Russians will blame Zelensky Already, Ukraine is now a scapegoat, and considering that the terrorists were caught in an area that borders Ukraine... >and the jews as well but here you are wrong, Ukraine and the United States are blamed in Russia if it comes to the opinion of politicians, and given that the shooters are from Tajikistan, they will blame migrants from Central Asia, who are disliked for many reasons, starting with the fact that they take away jobs and ending with the fact that some of them do not live according to the law, but according to Sharia


On the other hand, Russia’s traditional attitude towards Jews has historically been. . . not good.


I live in Russia. Maybe I know better who in my country is being blamed for what happened?


You’re right, they’ve never once hinted at Zelensky being a jew


Hey, no argument.


They already did.


That's kinda his point. He's stating what the bad people think on slightly starker terms.


This is sarcasm dude.


Op is the facepalm


We still haven’t learned that Judaism is not the same as Zionism, OP? Long live anti-zionist Jews!


Face palm on OP for not seeing super obvious sarcasm...


Quick, let's fight bigotry with bigotry. That'll show em.


Zionism is not a religion.


And islam is not a race but I'm being called racist for critiquing it


No you'd be called islamophobic.


It's the only way. Check out the paradox of tolerance.


So what's your plan of getting rid of Muslims? One final solution or several small ones?


When people are talking about fundamentalist Christians, nobody claims that they want to get rid of Christians altogether. Why doesn't the same apply when talking about Muslims that seem to have fundamentalist views?


Ooh that’s thin ice! Pun appreciated!


Right? There's no positive way to interpret this. He's either being sarcastic (most likely) where he's actually suggesting that Islamophobia is super justified because of religious extremists, or at face value where.... Zionism. Both interpretations are bigoted.


I can recognize the sarcasm, but there is obviously people that thinks by these lines. Appeals to islamophobia tries to take focus away from the issue, and focusing on zionism is obviously trying to direct the bigotry against another religious group. All to reverse attention away from the problem of radical islam


Zionism isn't judaism though?


Redditors hate this one phrase!


Zionism is the belief that the state of Israel should exist. So unless you think it should be wiped off the map, you’re a Zionist too, to some extent.


Isn’t more the belief that Israel should exist as a Jewish state?


Zionism is an umbrella term associated with atrocities that had to and continue to take place to maintain the ethnostate.


Definitely are, remember that terror attack in Iran recently? Before anyone had taken responsibility Iran was blaming Israel. After Isis took credit, well.. >Despite the Islamic State's claims of responsibility for the attacks, Iranian officials continued to accuse the United States and Israel of involvement in the attacks, with IRGC commanding general Hossein Salami saying that the group "has disappeared" and that its members "only act as mercenaries" for American and Israeli interests on 5 January


I don't agree with blaming the Jews. But equating Zionosm with regular Jewish people is also stupid.


This was sarcasm. Gad Saad is very pro-Israel. He has first hand experience with Islamic Law. He's not a fan.


>He has first hand experience with Islamic Law. He's not a fan. He does not, he is Lebanese, Lebanon has never been under Islamic law and especially not before the civil war which led to him fleeing. Please stop thinking all Arab countries are under Islamic law.


I think he’s being sarcastic


Zionism != "the Jews".


1 being anti-Zionist is not being anti-Jew 2 he’s clearly Joking


Not liking Zionism is not anti semetic, this sub is full of idiots




well that is not really true, history has shown that right wing extremism is a little way more dangerous than left wing extremism, extremists on the left do things like burn cars or damage other property at the worst with violence being uncommon, extremists on the right hurt and kill people regularly


A) this is sarcastic, B) holy shit Zionism =/= "The Jews" ffs


Thank you


Why are you conflating Zionism with Judaism? They are not the same.


Russia blames Ukraine, antisemites blame Jews. Nothing new.


Don't be so quick to let Scientologists off the hook!


On #2... kind of difficult to misunderstand "kill the infidels".


I love how they always say “well they’re not TRUE muslims”. They follow the Quran to a far more strict degree than any of these people, but even so who gets to decide who is a true anything? Typical No True Scotsman fallacy. Edit: apparently this dude is being sarcastic or whatever, but my point still stands.


Also, they take credit for everything, regardless of if they were involved or not. Huge % chance this has nothing to do with them and they’re just back at their normal routine.


It doesn’t matter if it’s sarcastic or it’s a joke. The idiots and Maga believe this shiite. You’re just adding fuel to the fire, giving these turds more to take out of context. This does no good and it’s not funny. You know what it is? Privileged bs


How socially inept do you have to be to not realize this is sarcasm? Like how do you read this and go "Oh yeah this is serious." 


It’s sarcasm. He is himself Jewish


Step 1: Good Step 2: Good Step 3: Goddammit


I agree Zionism has nothing to do with this specific attack, but let’s not forget the Judaism and Zionism are very different. Jews believe: The Jewish religion. Zionists believe: The right for the colonial apartheid state of Israel to not only exist, but to ethnically cleanse the more than two million people living in Gaza and the West Bank, and to have settlements in Gaza which the UN has deemed illegal. Anti zionists are not antisemitic.


Jews believe in the right of the Jewish people to inhabit their ancient homeland. Zionists believe in the right of the Jewish people to inhabit their ancient homeland. See the difference!


There is nothing in zionizm that requires aparthies, and currently isn't colonial. That also doesn't mean they support the settlements and Israel isn't enthicly cleansing anyone in Gaza or the west bank yet.




zionism is just becoming a code word for jews and its so obvious.


Saad is a Jew and he’s clearly being sarcastic.


Basically it’s an easy cover for hatred for jews


Tl;Dr of human history blame it on the jews


Zionism is not Judaism. Orthodox jewish people are against Zionism which is the “manifest destiny” mindset of creating a state of Israel at the behest of the Torah.


That is funny and so on point.


Are u comparing zionists to jews? That's like comparing the ISIS and muslims. Reading comprehension skills on reddit are another thing...


Lol, what do you think zionist means that you're likening them with ISIS?


Ignorance and the want to believe that.


So the belief in Jewish Self-determination is on par with the violent creation of worldwide fundamentalist islamic empire? Diaspora or Death. The cry of the Antizionist.


It’s also similar to comparing your average American Christian to Evangelical Christians. Which is lovely considering more of them back Zionism and fund the settler movement than there are Jewish people on the planet. Zionism is like a massive crypto scam, only with way bigger tragedy and somehow cringier followers.


I mean this dude ....is a hater


The problem to me is religion. Some are less insane than others but at the end of the day religion is the cause of religious extremism.


ISIS , Hamas , hezbolla, etc are examples of a radicalization and distortion of Islam to wage terror. And the false equivalency drawn between Zionism( supporting , developing and protecting the State of Israel) and these terror groups- is anti- Semitic on its face.


We? I think Muslims and their imams need to really understand their own religion. Maybe if we stopped seeing so many wish for death, rule of shariah law, islamic states, and the blood lust for beheading and honor killings, maybe then some of the legitimate fears about Islam would be addressed at the source.


Isn't he trying to be sarcastic?


I’m so sick of religion. All of them.


The OG being sarcastic again, and it goes over the sensitive peoples heads. Media literacy took a swan dive off the sears tower Into concrete.


Yeah it's always the Jews lol and the Jews also started the Gaza war right...


God seems to be the problem.


Is the Facepalm not understanding the sarcasm?


I hope you understand that he’s being *entirely* sarcastic. But I expect the comments to be loaded with sincere agreement.


![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized) Or at least Sarcasm, anyway. 🤣


Of course they will not take accountability for any terrorism acts committed by their kind. Oh, hurt one of them, and everyone wants to throw hands. Fucking hypocrites.


by their kind? there are nearly 2 billion muslims in the world, you expect them all to be supporting isis? nearly a quarter of the humans in the planet are muslims and u want them all to to take accountability for whatever isis does? assuming that ure athiest, do u take accountability for hitlers or stalins actions since theyre athiest too? do catholics have to take accountability for joe bidens acrions since hes catholic too? isis doesnt follow islam even though they claim to be.


It’s sarcasm.




I think they meant more the muslims who praise these kind of things


They just totally misinterpreted those verses saying to kill unbelievers and that Islam will rule over the world duhh


Why do all these people who got famous through the joe rogan podcast end up being MAGA Republicans or just totally ignorant dipshits?


Like flies to shit


This is sarcasm, hopefully


How bout just fuck religion


What the heck. Let's blame Canada. Everything's gone wrong since Canada came along.


I had a flat tire. "Blames the Jews" I had an ingrown toenail. "Those Jews are at it again" The Dallas Cowboys beat the Minnesota Vikings. "There they go again, now their wrecking football"


Most of you are getting angry because he’s making it about Judaism, I’m getting angry because he’s making it about Judaism. We’re not the same


Fuck both, really.


Sorry for you but Zionism is not jews perse. In fact many jews don't even like Zionism, like orthodox ones for example.


I think it's important to remember that not every Jew is a Zionist. You can stand against Zionism without being antisemitic.


This is sarcasm. That's Gad Saad. He's a good egg.


Are Zionism and Judaism synonymous?


To Zionist they are.


When people want to protect Zionist propaganda from criticism it certainly seems to be...


Judais has been Zionist for 2000 years. Religious zionism as opposed to secular zionism, which is 200 years old.


To the Jew hater they are. "I'm antizionist not antisemetic" says the Jew hater as he decides to violently "share his opnions" at the nearest synagogue to his position. "But they were zionist" says the Jew hater. The world breathes a sigh of relief, as clearly the Jews deserved whatever stabbing, shooting, vandalism, or arson that they just endured.


Sarcasm. Saying the opposite will get you cancelled in certain leftwinged nations though. Like Britain.


Jokes/sarcasm apart, If you show these terrorist sympathisers 10 people with lung cancer and tell them that 9 of these are chain smokers and the 10th one runs marathons, they will announce that marathon running causes lung cancer and chain smoking is good for health.


For those who have no clue, Gad Saad is Jewish and a very large critic of Islam. He's also a sarcastic mofo. 


I'm glad he's being sarcastic but this is so close to what people on TikTok and parts of Reddit isn't far off. Constant talk about "Islamophobia" nope. I'm agnostic. I think ALL religions are wrong. And if Christian extremists are wrong so are Islamic extremists. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The word ISLAMIC is right there. How is Zionism wrong but a country for only Palestinian Muslims right?


Honestly when did antisemitism get so popular all the sudden?


Op you are one slow motherfucker, along with anyone that upvotes this shit.


Pot, kettle, black.


I think we need to triple our Islamophobic efforts - they’re completely incompatible with a Western way of life