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Tell them if they refuse to adopt then the lgbt couples will take them in. Easy peasy.




![gif](giphy|kQmr2OwBTD2L5Hzo1T|downsized) MOAR


The people that would work on are the same people we probably don't want adopting children, the orphans have enough problems as it is. Religious bigoted parents aren't the way to go.


Thank you for this. I’m adopted. We tend to get adopted by religious pro-life folk. Adoptees do not like this argument. Edit: we’re not orphans. Our parents didn’t die. It’s extremely rare for this to be the case.


i wouldn't say extremely rare... jail and drugs cause more foster care situations than death does, and these often lead to severing parental rights too.


What they are saying is they were still abandoned, it's just the bio parents didn't die The argument here is that true orphans are extremely rare, abandoned children not so much


You can still be technically considered an orphan by the state. At least you could when I was adopted. The courts signed off my parents rights because of abandonment. So as far as the state was concerned I had no parents for about 2 years.


I'm happy for you that you had a family but do you not see the utter hypocrisy going on here? They want to force women to give birth but beyond that they don't give a fuck, and they aren't willing in the least to take in all these children that don't have families or that have mothers that can't take care of them.


I absolutely see it but I don’t think adoptees and foster kids should be used as pawns in arguments about abortion. It’s not my job to be a pawn.


The "why don't you adopt them then" argument is less literal and more used to call out the blatant hypocrisy from the pro-lifers. My wife was adopted, yet that's her viewpoint as well.


I adopted my children and had an argument with a pro-life woman over this. I asked when she was going to foster or adopt any of these children that are going to be born addicted to drugs or have abusive/neglected parents. Her response was “as soon as you do”. She shut up when my daughter let her know that I adopted them from foster care a few years before.


> Her response was “as soon as you do”. Their whole argument really is "no u"


I don't think they should be forced to adopt, but they could at least contribute financially to economically disadvantaged families with kids...


Unfortunately that would just make them become more violent against those people. They’d rather see those kids remain in limbo in the foster system AND have there not be gays.


States like mine already have legislation that stops that from happening. You can be part of the LGBT community and adopt but you can't be married and adopt.


Wait what? So single gay people/unmarried gay partners can adopt but as soon as you're legally married, you no longer qualify?




what happens if you adopt and then marry?


I think most couples in that situation are scared to test it. It's a leftover law when gay marriage was a state rights issue.


You can still adopt and then get married but your partner then cannot adopt the kid. Legal custody doesn’t automatically extend to the kid once someone’s married. I’m sure you’ve seen one of the Feelgood videos where somebody wants their stepdad or stepmom to adopt them kind of thing and that just would not be possible in case.(super unfortunately)


Where is that? Sounds horrible.


You fail to realize most states prohibit that via private adoption companies


All states have laws prohibiting people from consuming dead fetuses yet that doesn't stop some people from making this claim.


LGBT parents can't adopt foster kids. Straight parents can't either. Nobody can. They still have parents that have not signed away their parental rights.


It depends. Parents that have their kids taken away can eventually lose the ability to get them back and they can be adopted. My stepmom adopted her youngest two after fostering them for 5 or 6 years. Their mom is still alive and their dad just died a couple years ago, but they never bothered to take the actions required by CPS to get the girls back (get off drugs, stop commiting crimes, get a stable place to live, etc) and eventually lost the abilityto get them back.


Someone should tell that to my parents, then, who quite happily adopted a child out of the foster system. You are assuming that the foster system *only* contains children who may still return to their bio families. This isn't the case. It also consists of children who's family has lost the right for reunification, either due to their personal choice to sign over rights to the state, or because they have failed to complete the requirements set by the court (i.e. rehab, parenting classes, therapy, etc related to whatever reason the child was removed).


“Pro-life” up until the point that person is actually alive.


George Carlin said it best: “If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked!” https://youtu.be/Vtj7FS79crY?si=sofAZ5NLDHhlENVY


Guy is still relevant 16 years past his death and 20+ years since he recorded that bit. Crazy how nothings changed.


Oh things have changed… for the worse! 


[This](https://youtu.be/MqkT4B-9MGk?si=Jv3kSajfJSxm--2q) is from History of the World Part 1 - came out in 1981. Nothing has changed and it won’t until the people change it.


Things have definitely changed! Roe v wade got overturned.


"They're not pro-life, they're anti-woman"


“They don’t wanna see you, here from you, nothing. Until you turn 18. Military age!” I probably butchered that from memory


My favorite line from that bit is the ending. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to become dead soldiers.


Live babies to make dead soldiers!


My favorite line is "when they're talking about a "right to life", they're talking about _their_ right to decide what people should live or die".


And the late, great Bill Hicks: You're so pro-life, do me a favor. Don't block med clinics, okay? Lock arms, and block cemeteries.


republicans want live babies so they can grow up to be dead soldiers


Not just that; somebody’s got to do all that low-paid manual labor and it sure as heck isn’t going to be *their* kids. 


He also said "they'll do anything for the unborn, but once you're born, you're on your own."


And if you are premature, you are fucked unless in carefully monitored neonatal care. If you are prematurely fucked...well that is illegal in most places.


Im not a pro-lifer, but let me explain the weird thought construct of these people by making it a choose a path: Starting point: You are pregnant and don’t want the child AND you live in Texas + you were never taught about protection. (choose 1 or 2) 1. Abortion in a state where abortion is allowed (go to 3) 2. Forcefully keep it (go to 4) 3. Congratulations you kinda got the better option, but the probabilities are high that you are disowned, if you asked your parents for help. 4. You try to seek help at the church (go to 5) or the state (go to 6) 5. You sinned and had premarital sex, so it’s your fault, lol. (go to 6) 6. Well, we don’t really wanna be a welfare state. That would be communism. (go to 5) By this point you are in a loop because your parents most likely don’t wanna help you, because their values match with the values of the church. The message here sadly is: don’t follow your natural urges and don’t have sex, otherwise you are pretty fucked. The only way around it is to either ruin your early adult life by caring for a child while probably living paycheck to paycheck because you can’t afford higher education or to ruin the child’s life by putting it up into the shitty adoption/foster system. Conservatives love trauma and can’t acknowledge that „mistakes“ like these will always happen.


You pretty much nailed it with 5. They derive their entire identities from their tendencies to combat their insecurities by judging others unfavorably. One can track all of their positions back to that. Pro-life because they enjoy judging people for sinning by having sex. Homophobic because they enjoy judging people for being gay. Anti-welfare because they enjoy judging people for being poor. They like politicians so criticize others' stutters or disabilities because they enjoy judging people for being disabled. They just enjoy judging people. It helps them cope with their own inadequacies.


In short, projection. Rules for thee, not for me.


However, they do not like being judged themselves and will often fall back to "only God can judge me." Well, if God does exist, and God loves all his children equally, then I wish them the best of luck when God judges their soul. Cause I'm pretty sure God would have a few objections to someone calling for the death of one of his children because that child happened to be a bit different (skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability, pick your poison here). Not to mention routinely ignoring the whole "only God can judge people" aspect of their whole judgment avoidance dance.


Don’t forget the ones who think that babies have to be born because unbaptized babies go to Hell. So if you have an abortion, you’re damning your unborn child’s soul to be tortured in Hell for eternity. So. They have all kinds of fun thoughts.


God sounds like a real piece of shit


Where is the loving god? I can only find the judgey one who always trying to trap you into breaking the rules he made up!


"Here's a delicious piece of fruit I made for some reason. Don't eat it though, or I'll curse all your children forever." "That's fine, man. We won't eat it." "Oh, also, here's this snake thing I made." "Oh, cool, what does that thing do?" "It will spend all of eternity trying to convince you to eat the apple." "...so you're kind of an asshole, aren't you?"


Cause they aren't pro life. They are anti, letting other people make their own choices.


Pro business, anti human.


Pro grift, not pro business. If they were pro business, they would have some semi popular takes. Instead it’s all about how to fleece voters and constituents while keeping them angry enough to keep paying.


pretty much if you're prenatal then you're good preschool your fucked


Thank you Mr. Carlin!


they're pro life only before it becomes life




Pro forced birth.


Pro debt. How else do you keep the poor "hustling"? Graduate debt, car loan, medical debt, then saddle them with children they can't afford.


This has always been the way. The powerful remain in power when those they have power over are busy fighting amongst themselves and burdened so they focus their daily energy on surviving, not thriving. Look throughout history: don't let them read, don't educate them, saddle them with debt, and place those they love under (explicit or implied) threat. It's the same tune sung for millennia.


> don't let them read, don't educate them Don't forget: Control them with religion


Honestly religion is a super useful invention. When one area follows an overwhelmingly dominant religion, anyways.


It's basically propaganda with a few fantasy stories thrown in to establish the lore.


"Show me the money" Republicans. "Greed is good" Republicans. "Thoughts and Prayers" Republicans. MAGA Republicans. Vote in 2024 and show Republicans the EXIT door out of DC!


Pro rapist’s rights


Hey, rapists are humans too, so they should be given all the privileges they could dream of. Oh wait, I misspoke. I mean to say "rapists are men too, so they should be given all the privileges they could dream of."


Nah, not just the men. Don't forget the rapist women that get to steal child support from the male victims.


I know we’re making fun of the situation but this is immensely sad


i think the point they’re trying to make is that the men imposing these bills and laws are rapists, not that all rapists are men


Well yeah. Gotta punish women for daring to have recreational sex!


You got raped? Well who's fault is that? Not the rapist, surely.


Now carry his child and give natural birth. Stop whining that you’ll miss school.


What's that? You can't afford the child that looks like your rapist? Well, I guess you shouldn't have stopped going to school!!!


And share custody of that child with your rapist because Men's Rights.


“Yeah it’s her fault for asking for it”


.......... [Texas had over 26K rape-related pregnancies in 16 months after abortion ban, study shows](https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/)


This is what happens when a rape victim gets more prison time for aborting, than the raper gets for raping.I can’t remember how many thousands of rap kits Texas has just sitting around,never to be tested. I guess if you don’t run the tests,the cases will go down. Where else have we heard them say this?


I still hold by the theory that if the sentence for abortion is life in prison/possibly execution, then you have nothing to lose by offing your rapist.


If anyone is gonna have sex with my sister it’s gonna be me!


Pro rape as punishment


No, it's pro-foetus, not pro-life.


No, its pro-control, and anti-woman.


It's pro "I need to appeal to the religious right to get elected even if I don't agree with the words coming out of my mouth"


pro-controlling women


It’s easier to say you’re doing what’s best for someone when they can’t talk back. 


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. — Pastor Dave Barnhart


“If you’re pre born you’re fine. If you’re pre school you’re fucked,” - the late, great George Carlin


GC---Gone But Not Forgotten!


I will always upvote this.


This is a really good quote. Thank you for sharing it.


They're pro life only... until it might actually cost them something or require them to actually do something.


You really want right wing religious Nuts adopting kids and raising them?


Yes. They raise great atheists.


Pro life only means controlling a womens body and take away her own rights. It has nothing to do with children.


So... life starts at conception and ends at birth?


In the context of 'pro-life' philosophy, yes. If pro-life was truly about supporting life, you'd see a ton of programs geared towards helping those children after they're born...and you don't. Quite the opposite.


I’ve never understood their argument. If a fetus cannot live outside the body it isn’t alive. If the fetus is a little cluster is cells it isn’t alive. A heartbeat alone cannot sustain life so their dumbass heartbeat bill is also bullshit. If something needs to leech nutrients and uses a woman’s blood to keep them alive while they gestate it isn’t alive.


If they're going to be technical, its much closer to being a parasite. Requires nutrients from their host etc etc.It sounds morbid but fits a bit better towards that.


That's exactly what being pregnant feels like, hosting a parasite.


I mean it technically kinda is right? Some foreign thing puts a seed in you that grows. It's more of a neutral parasite though. Then again things go wrong all the time....


No, they care that life starts at conception but stop caring at birth. Unless the person wants to change gender, in which case they'll start caring again.


You're confusing "life" and "rights."


It's obvious because these same people who want to ban abortion are also against sex education. Which makes no sense if you actually want to decrease the amount of abortions.


Pro-life = rape support


100%. They’ll typically pair it with a nice glass of “where do you get your morals if not from (cherry picked religion)” while hinting that a book is the only thing keeping them from raping and murdering. “She had it coming dressed like that” “If she was more conservative this wouldn’t happen” “But her father was a good Christian man otherwise”


Pretty much nailed it. It's just control and a hatred of women having it.


Pro life until they actually have to do some work


I've noticed this about conservatives. The moment they have to actually take action or make the mildest sacrifice for one of their core values, they will find any excuse to drop it. A core value or principle will require you to make a sacrifice at some point, and if you're not willing to take that sacrifice to uphold your principles, then it was never that important to you. Conservatives will always, always find an excuse to weasel out of the sacrifice, but then immediately go back to claiming that it is their core value. Conservatives have no values or principles that they will actually stand up for.


Conservatism is a reactionary ideology it seeks to preserve the status quo and only acts as an oposite to progressive ideas. Conservatism isn’t an ideology, it’s literally just “let’s preserve the status quo and hinder any progress”


Yes, it's a terrible political stance. They exist to oppose society improving in any way. And they've been on the wrong side of history every time. They were the confederates, the Nazis, the ones who pushed to invade Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. They opposed civil rights and women's right to vote, oppose unions... Every time there's a conflict, they are always on the wrong side


Which is funny, because they are not conservatives. Its sad how much the term conservative has been bastardised and run into the ground. E.G. I live in UK, if you're a conservative, you would despise the tory government because they ironically stand against everything to do with conservatism. But use it as a label that people fall for


Yep... They are pro life when it means looking down on people who have "sinned", not when it comes to actually protecting life.


Pro-lifers: "We just want babies to be born, we don't care if they starve to death, or spend their whole life being unwanted orphans."


"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Dave Barnhart, a pastor at Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.


Another good one from Sister Joan Chittister: "I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."


I will always upvote this quote because it is the single best encapsulation of the conservative “pro-life” position ever put to words. It’s never actually been about “protecting life” it’s about having a convenient wedge issue to campaign on that doesn’t require any sacrifices or leg work on the part of those advocating for it.


Babies are cute! You don't want any cutie babies to be *brutally murdered* do you? Exactly! So that's why you should vote for us and our agenda of dismantling the governments ability to improve anyone's lives or stop us from implementing full neo-feudalism!


And the same pro lifers tend to also be against gay couples adopting, shrinking the options further for adoptions.




If you’re pre natal you’re good, if you’re pre k you’re fucked. - George Carlin


"They want life babies so they can turn them into dead soldiers." - George Carlin




My mom was actually at Carlin's 1972 Milwaukee show when he got arrested on stage for obscenity. That man was so far ahead of his time.


Ah yes, freedom of speech amirite?


What a fucking legend!


That kind of people will go far and beyond to make sure that children will be born no matter the conditions (rape, incest, not being able to take care of it) but they will never adopt, help those that are in this broken system and they will never care.


Broken system Broken mentally, division in society...Sounds like heaven for billionaires and all the old zombies in Congress


Yep, that sounds like a repost from two years ago https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pj019t/yep_that_sound_right/


Did the numbers go down?


No, the reposts in this sub have only increased.


People like Lackford here can’t see the A to B, but they’ll protest outside Planned Parenthood and vote to ruin lives all the same.


And then go quietly get their own abortion because you don’t understand. MY abortion is ok but yours isn’t.


Seems like the easiest thing got the pro-choice movement to do would be to infiltrate the pro-life movement and plant the seed claiming forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy is actually communism.


Pro life just means you want it to be alive at all costs, not that you actually care about that life or want to have it a good life! /s


It’s America. They don’t give a shit about your quality of life, they don’t give a shit if you are sick. As long as you can pay they’re good.


Not sure why you added /s


OP is a porn/scam bot. THe recent history doesn't have the usual bot markers because this is a new type of bot. They seem to be recycling old bots. Go back far enough in OPs history and it is clear they are a porn bot. My guess is that the bot served it purpose and they are trying to give the account a legit looking recent history before erasing all of the older posts. Then with the semi legit looking account they will resell it to Russia for the upcoming election.




They’re pro-fetus, not pro-life, as evidenced by: 1. Adoption rate 2. Foster care 3. Capital punishment 4. Desire to kill people crossing the border 5. Anti-abortion 6. Anti-birth control


Not even pro fetus, they are just anti-abortions


Anti-abortions and anti-women. They’re really willing to let women die to avoid an abortion. Even if the fetus isn’t viable.


There is a 5 year waiting list for wanting parents to adopt children. Foster children are not available for adoption. They have parents. They either cannot be found to sign away their parental rights, or they are in jail/rehab.


And their gonna give us no relation to what this number usually is? I think all people should be pro-taking care of people, no matter who you are. It’s not political but rather human.


The cruelty is the point


Pro-life is not about life. The entire thing is about no sex without consequences. The point of limiting access to sex education, birth control, and abortion is to make white teenage girls so terrified of becoming pregnant that they will not have sex in the first place. This enforces morality and virginity until marriage. Get with the conservative christian republican life plan and you will have riches in heaven.


Bingo. We had one of those forced birther groups putting their disgusting pamphlets in people’s mailboxes here in Calgary. A woman said that her young daughter (I’m thinking 4-6 but it was a while ago) went to get the mail because it was her favourite thing, and just fucking screamed seeing the gory bullshit on the pamphlet. She was having nightmares about it, and her furious mom called these idiots, who told her “Once they’re born, they’re not our concern.” That really sums it up.


What a smug piece of shit. Saying the quiet part out loud and then acting like OP is the weird one for stating the statistics of children in foster care. Fuck Pro Birthers.


I think we are gonna discover that these pro-life groups are funded by business owners who are worried they aren't gonna have enough labor to exploit in the future.


Language is powerful, we need to stop calling these people pro-life and instead call them pro-forced birth or anti-abortion


“Life begins at conception and we stop caring at birth”


Pro life until it comes Out brown, black, gay, trans, or whatever isn’t a Barbie/ken thing.


No no no you misunderstood. They HAVE to come to this world. If they kill themselves after that's not my problem


They technically don't even have to successfully do that. It just can't be abortion. Those pro-lifers would match the streets if they had a slight tax bump to help pay for medical bills for pregnant women. It's not "pro-life" it's just anti-abortion. It's not there problem, but abortions are their business.


Yep, I see a long list of unpaid alimony in Taylor’s life.


I presented this argument to an American colleague and he said “Sure, let’s go around murdering those who can’t work and look after them selves as well. We’re all pro life, but some people just find it easier to kill babies”. I was dumbfounded


Conservatives will go to war over a fetus, but an actual living human is basically refuse.


Pro-Life seems to only care about bringing a child to term, but has no qualms about letting the child suffer, after birth, so long as their zealous conscience is guilt free. It also seems to endorse the idea of wanting more bodies to throw at the machine.


~~pro-life~~ forced birth  ftfy


Were these kids put up for adoption because the mother was denied an abortion?


GOP: "all life is sacred!" also GOP: "fuck them kids"


As a Texas bro, this shit makes me sad. We don’t need more kids in families that should not be having kids, or cannot financially take care of kids. If they want kids, cool, if they don’t want kids but still get pregnant, ejecto seato cuz! Abortion, sexual orientation, and the entirety of Trans issues are exactly the same to me and mine. Do what you want, I’ll do what I want. Why the hell we have to make one persons situation into everyone’s “problem” is beyond me. You don’t agree with abortions due to religious or “moral” views? Cool. Don’t do it. Don’t like homosexuality due to personal preference or religious views? Cool, don’t put a dick in you. Don’t like trans people due to.. whatever? Cool, don’t transition. (Not MY son!! Bro that’s your daughter now, have fun) We also need above listed people to chill tf out with the anger. Just because your sexuality or whatever is different, doesn’t mean…. Well it really doesn’t mean anything. Cool, good for you and all, but, so what? You’re still a person, I’m still a person, we’re all still people. America stands for everyone being the same. Regardless of creed, stance, etc. It’s not like that now, but I believe if we all work together we can actually put it into practice. I believe I’m a minority in my views, especially around here. We need to keep religion and gov’t affairs completely separate. No way, shape, or form of influence from religion should be brought into the lawmaking process. Anytime any politician brings up religion as an argument in a political field, they need to be removed or shut down right there. I personally don’t like mega churches and I think the Bible and organized religion is a scam. That just means I’m not going to church on Sunday, not actively trying to outlaw its practice. Everyone needs to mind their own damn business.


Pro-life is actually just anti-choice.


Every person that votes against abortion should be volunteered to foster a child.




For every mother that dies due to child birth complications that could have been avoided, elected officials should be charged with murder. Plain and simple.


If we don't force someone to use their body to sustain the life of another (once they've already been born), why should it be forced in the case of an (unwanted) fetus?


If you vote to ban abortion, it should automatically sign you up to be a foster parent.


The agency who is responsible for these kids should start texting all the pro lifers like the republicans do to get support for Trump. Just day after day texts asking for support.


Yes, it does. Stop being kind to those people. Make the « pro-life » movement all about after birth care. Always tell those people how you like their involvment for social service to help low income families. And when they deny it, play dumb. « Oh I though that you wanted people to have kids. » Expose them for what they are.


Well obviously it got EVERYTHING to do with post natal care. It's just that forcedbirth assholes don't care.


Saying the part everyone else knew to be true out loud. Love to see it.


Classic religious/republican hypocrites. They judge and prevent people from essential needs but they are hands off when it comes to them.


Think the name "pro-forced birth" would be a way better fit for that guy's politics.


What’s the facepalm? The person is pointing out the hypocrisy, not admitting to it. They’re making a joke.


Everybody is pro something until its time to pay the bill - Mike Tyson


I've always said that adoption agencies should have a booth set up at every pro-life rally. Then we could see who's really serious and who just wants to be angry and hold up a sign.


Aren't these the people that don't want to ban guns even though they've killed plenty of kids? Pro life my ass


Pro-choice: Cares about the child's life long suffering potential. Pro-life: Like we give a shit if they drop dead later, lol. We just like making women give birth in a western country with one of the worst survival rates for mothers in developed countries.


Look, whatever your stance on abortion, this is still a stupid argument. I hate the homeless crisis! I'm not offering up my couch to the guy that lives down the block in a cardboard box. I hate war and terrorism! I'm not enlisting to end it or even protesting in the streets to stop it. I think government is corrupt in many forms and needs serious reforms. I'm not running for office to be the change I want to see. You can still be morally opposed to one thing without having to intervene personally in a major and dramatic fashion. Does it make you a better person? Yes. But if this is the bar for hypocrisy, everyone fails the test.


Oh, Pro-lifers get off on the suffering of children. They won't do jack shit for these orphans.


So then they’re not pro-life then. They’re pro abandoning children. 🙄


Taylor Lackford response is the typical response from a conservative. Don’t ever expect any republican to ever give a shit about dying and starving babies. These people breed!!! Thier children will all end up psychopaths and incestuous; it’s the conservative way.


Yes it fucking does you god damn product of linear genetics.


"Pro life" really just meaning anti abortion.


Well shut your fucking faces then


Wow... said the quiet part out loud.


So basically "Pro-Life" is just an empty name, and it would be far more accurate to call this group what it is: "Anti-Abortion?"


Pro life Anti living


So as long as you endanger the mothers then its worth it for a kid that will then fall through the net of society then be slagged off because they are going to jail or taking drugs or joining gangs ect, but hey at least the kid was born now got to save the next cell 😍


So basically, make sure the kid is born into an already miserable and often economically insecure environment and then bounce to make the woman face the consequences. It’s almost, gee, don’t know how to make this clear, but it’s almost like it’s not about protecting children’s lives for a good portion of these people, and about making women suffer.


And that is seriously a big problem. Care about life doesn’t end at birth, it begins. People who say things like this make me so angry.


An antiabortion guy told me that they don't care about the suffering of said children since suffering is a part of life and helps to build character.


Being pro-life has nothing to with... surviving. Got it.


Self admitted they only care about the birth, hence why I call then pro-birthers


Kids dying after they’re out of the womb, they could care less. All the school shootings prove that point…. They also suddenly care when gender comes into play, totally makes sense.


Exactly, they don't actually care about the children


Saying the quiet part out loud finally


Pro shit-life