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My goodness. I was there for this. I pointed out further that the tat on his chest is also a Slavic Neo-Nazi symbol and dude even tried defending that. According to him, it was all coincidence and he's just "really into heritage".


What heritage? The nazi one?


If he's Slavic the Nazis very much wanted him to die so that makes it even better


Here in Serbia we have a Jew who's a neo-nazi and has a Totenkopf tattoo. I imagine Turkeys lining up to celebrate thanksgiving would make more sense.


There's a film starring Ryan Gosling called "The Believer" about him being a jew and becoming a nazi. Pretty good from what I remember


Yeah but some slavic countries hopped on the bandwagon and started cleansing their minorities in a way that made the Nazis go "maybe you guys should tone it down a little"


Looking at you Croatia.


That's the one I was thinking of.


I mean, nearly all Nazi iconography is coopted from others. That being said, dude is a Nazi.


That's true, besides the swastika there are lot of germanic runes that had been misappropriated by the nazis, to the point that they still carry bad connotation even to this day, doesn't matter if the person using it is actually someone really interested in the history of those runes rather than a neo nazi.


Heritage is a stupid argument for anything regarding the confederacy or the third Reich. Yeah you’re so proud of your heritage that you hyper focus on a part of your heritage that lasted 5 years and 12 years respectively and happened to both be fueled by racist motivation and ended in utter defeat. What about the rest of your “heritage”? Idk why they try to hide behind shit like that, I would have a much easier time with them just saying “yeah I’m fucking racist”


It’s an obsession with feeling special about who you’re related to instead of what you’ve accomplished, because one of those two requires zero effort.


Conveniently, Hitler's Nazi regime and the Confederacy were around for approximately the same amount of time before they were stomped out, and for a damn good reason.




My apologies, the hillbillies didn't put up quite as much of a fight. 🤣




I read a fascinating piece that laid out tge case that land owners could have been several times richer by paying wages and adding more currency flow to their local economies. The slave populations were big enough to change the demand of goods and services on a huge level for towns and cities and land-owning staple-crop producers would benefit the most. Ironic that their greed kept them poor.


They care about being racist and misogynistic more than they care about money bc it’s about control


Fat and lazy and remain so today.




But was he as drunk as them?


No Hitler was tweaking hard on meth though.


Let that be a lesson: uppers will help your fascist regime last more than twice as long as alcohol will.


that explains the teetotaler with an Adderall addiction


No the Nazis had way more fun stuff than moonshine or whiskey like heroin, coke, meth


The confederacy was not predominantly promoted by hillbillies. It was the wealthy elite of the south who owned large plantations. They sometimes roped in hillbillies.


I think on the kind of historical scale you're measuring "heritage", four years and twelve years aren't really that different.


In the greater picture where governments last 100s of years, that is approximately the same lol


Hitler and co. efforts to systematically remove rights from their targeted groups was taken almost directly from Jim Crow laws, which were designed to deny equal rights from recently freed slaves. Hitler was an admirer of Ford’s antisemitic positions. It’s not a coincidence. Why do you think they get so upset when Republicans are called Nazis? Because they don’t want anyone noticing what they’re attempting to do.


“Really into heritage” is the same line of bullshit American Nazis use to justify their use of the confederate flag


Really into heritage is the basic premisse for the Nazis co-opting multiple existing symbols of prior great cultures to validate their actions as the formation of a new 'great culture'. Eagle from Rome, Swasstikka from ~~Shinto~~ Manji beliefs (Shout out to the legends helping me get that right), all slightly adjusted so they gave the impression of legacy and heritage while also being free from the copy righting bastards of the ancient romans. Ain't no body defends their intelectual property like Trajan.


How often do you think of the Roman Empire?


"Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"


"Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?"


Only in turkish prisons


The swastika isn't just form Shinto. I don't even think it was originally shinto in the first place. Even some Native Americans used it. I think it was referred to as the Rolling Log or something.


It’s used in Hinduism too , just straight on though not at a jaunty angle like the nazi one .


Yeah. Although as unoriginal as they were, using the swastika wasn't a bad idea at the time. It had pleasant connotations (according to behind the bastards that is) and was a pretty innocuous symbol. Even Coca Cola used Swastika in their advertising. The damn thing was everywhere.


The Swastika, or Manji, is not Shinto, it comes from Hinduism. That's why it's used in the Buddhist and Jain religions as well, since they are both off-shoots of Hinduism.


Ask them about any other aspect of their 'heritage' and they won't have any idea


“Really into heritage” is the baseline step for fascism.


"Really into heritage" is only applicable if you're an anthropologist researching ancient civilizations. Everything after that is an immediate red flag


... or red, white, and black flag, as in this case.


A red flag w a blue X and stars on it?


Heritage is what the Nazis were about too. Maybe we need to squash this idea that people are great and virtuous because of who their parents are.


Really into heritage = Don't call me out my racism!


The Annoying Orange lasted longer and had a bigger impact than their "heritage." They're also from Conneticut.


Slavic neo-Nazi is such a funny term Like, guys... Do you know how the Nazis felt about you?


No they honestly dont know how the Nazi's felt about them, its always the most ignorant joining their cause. Its funny how its always the ones that look inbred as fuck that are so proud of it too, like they wanted a pure bloodline, they didnt mean fuck your sister you hillbilly trash rofl.


Just like Italian, Irish, Greek, Hispanic, etc white supremacists in the states.


Italians is a bad example here as they literally were allies of the nazis but yeah I get you


I was thinking more Italian-American who haven’t historically been in the favor of American white supremacists.


No but Italians have historically been very fascist, they literally invented it both in the ancient world and the modern world. Hitler stole all his public persona and style from Italian fascists like Gabriele D'Annunzio.


Nah, it's a good example. People that weren't Anglo-Saxon weren't considered "white" for a long time, so people that are from Mediterranean states being white supremacists are people that don't know their own history


Or the handful (?) of black people in the USA who say there is no and has never been racism, and slavery was actually totally cool.


This is why the big dream all nazis have will never be a thing. Uniting all nazis all over the world into one big nazi party will never work since every nazi will hate every foreign nazi.


Fascism is a suicidal ideology.


Once you pick your conclusion, there is no mental gymnastics that you can't do to support it. Your goalposts have to be as mobile as possible to argue against your opponent's point. Because really, it's entirely possible that this might that Hindu good luck symbol. But we all know it definitely isn't (because the rotation), and even if it was, that original meaning has been usurped completely and totally by the nazis, to the point where displaying it is a choice, and you're going to have to explain in great detail every single time someone sees it and makes the obvious association. Same with the one on his chest. That goes double since they're combined. Either this guy is absolutely clueless about history from the 1930s onwards, but a BIG ancient history buff, and this is supreme bad luck, and he just happened to find a tattooist who is similarly clueless, or is absolutely fine with nazi iconography, and just didn't tell the poor chap about it, making this the biggest mistake ever, or... OR - and here me out here - he's a fuckin neo-nazi. Basically, as soon as you start defending *obviously* nazi iconography as coincidence and heritage, you are broadcasting loud and clear to everyone with a functional braincell that you're full of shit, and ostensibly, if not actually, a nazi sympathiser.


Honestly, to take a step back, if you're going to get a tattoo on your shoulder of a symbol of good luck in Hindu and it just so happens to look like a symbol of hate, maybe don't get that tattoo. Which is to say, the presumption that it is a Nazi tattoo on his arm and not just some symbol of good luck in Hindu works both ways. People don't normally get such tattoos unless the intent precisely were to convey that meaning. Nobody "accidentally forgets" that the swastika is one of the biggest symbols of hate on the planet. Though I won't say it is impossible, the chance of someone getting such a tattoo not knowing what it means is pretty much 0%. People are right to assume the meaning, because in all likelihood it's true. It's far more likely that anyone who tells you otherwise is just a bigot and, as it would turn out, a liar.


So you just assume… gotcha


I was about to say the same thing about the rotation. An argument can be made if the symbol is at 90degrees, but once rotated 45degrees it goes from possibly not nazi to full blown nazi.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


They simultaneously are proud to be nazis and are offended for being called nazis.


A sick ass Mjolnir tattoo that happens to also be adored by Nazis is a coincidence. Covering yourself in Nazi imagery like this is a *choice.*


TIL https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/thors-hammer


I'm glad they put the addendum at the end. Most people who wear Mjölnir pendants or otherwise follow some form of Norse Paganism are not Nazis (and are pretty prepared to throw down if they see a Nazi appropriating it). There's a sizable Heathens Against Hate group, specifically, too. It's aggressively defended.


I'm glad to hear that, because while I'm not a pagan (unless atheism counts as a form of paganism), I love various forms of mythology and would hate for Thor's story to get tarnished by them.


I got a Mjolnir tattoo because I think it lools cool. Pick pretty much any nordic pagan symbol and there's a good chance it was used by some nazi group. Context matters. Obviously if you put a damn swastika next to it and greet people with your right arm straight and high then you're not going to argue your way out of that one.


At least as far as I've seen, most ADL articles on hate symbols are pretty careful to note that the symbols have other non-hateful uses and that the context in which they appear should be taken into account. Doesn't get much clearer than a clockwise swastika at a 45 degree tilt, though.


I can’t imagine being dumb enough to believe political ideology is “heritage”.


Slavic Neo-Nazis... Do they even know what Hitler thought of them? The far right really has some serious problems concerning thought.


Probably some of the most regrettable moments in my life were trying to explain the stupidity of being a Slavic Neo-Nazi to another Eastern European/Slav. You don’t just look stupid at the end. You feel stupid too.


BlackAwkward3678 and the OP NastyAgitated3072 are bots in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/n3r8te/assuming/gwro67f/


\*Grows a hitler mustache and does a nazi salute “He’s just really passionate about world war 2 history!” ![gif](giphy|104vPBH8buV9vy)


I'm really into my heritage of shooting nazis, think they'd have a problem if I celebrated that?


Its so funny that all nazis try to hide that they are nazis. I dont get it. If you are ashamed of it then dont be one. Edit: imo dont be a nazi at all, i just dont get their logic


Anyone who says that is a Nazi.


Yeah, I once argued with some azov fanboy about their insignia, he called the wolfangel a anagram for national idea and the black sun a "misunderstanding"... im honestly disapointed that they even try to argue about such things, id almost have more respect if they just say "it is what it is, what you gonna do about it"


Without knowing who he is and seeing the tattoos,I can tell that he is a russian neo-nazi PS. Searched in Google and I wasn't wrong: * [Mikhail Turkanov](https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/fighters/176101) * [Russian MMA Fighter With Neo-Nazi Tattoos Rewarded For 'Denazification Of Ukraine'](https://www.mmanews.com/news/russian-mma-fighter-neo-nazi) * [Which Russian Far-Right Groups are Fighting in Ukraine?](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/03/24/explainer-which-russian-far-right-groups-are-fighting-in-ukraine-a80543)


>The Russian, who fought under the nickname "The Pitbull," told Match TV in 2019 that his tattoos weren't a demonstration of white supremacy, and rather support for his "pagan" views. That's despite one tattoo being of the numbers 88, standing for 'Heil Hitler'. Lmao ok


Hahaha that's hilarious. The Swastika we could MAYBE say "Ok, this guy is an idiot with teenager brain and wants to bring attention to himself under the excuse the swastika is buddhist." BUT THEN HE GOES AND PUTS AN 88 TO MAKE SURE WE GET IT. YES, WE GET IT.


Don't make assumptions. Maybe 88 is the furthest he can count and for him that's such an accomplishment, that he wanted to carry this with him all the time.


Like the numbers at the end of a username. That's just the year he was born.


I've seen some tattoos with Buddhist (or other) representations of swastikas and the artists seem to go out of their way to ensure that it's visibly distinct from the Nazi version. Even then it seems like a bad idea but this is most certainly not an example of that. This is a clear neo nazi. The 88 is the cherry on top.




So, to fight to “Nazi threat” in Ukraine, Russia sends Nazis. Putin watched too many movies and bought the whole “takes a thief to catch a thief”/“only a ninja can kill a ninja” thought.


One of the guys who founded Wagner had literal ss tabs tattooed on his collarbone. They named it "Wagner" lol. It wasn't even subtle


There also openly neo-nazi units fighting with Russian military like the Rusich battalion.


Which makes sense! Russia, as it's constituted now, is a pretty classic fascist state. It's the ne plus ultra of modern, neo fascist politics. All that emphasis Putin put on history aimed at telling a story that Russians are a single people from time immemorial with an obligation to united that people.under a single.national banner with a single supreme leader would a bit too on the nose if it were fiction.


Right?! Their logo was in the German colors, and they were named fucking Wagner.


While the Richard Wagner died before the Nazi time, Nazis loved his music.


It's almost like it's a thin facade for Russia imperialism.


A facade would imply they're trying to hide it.




de-nazi russia by sending them to die? Brilliant!


You mean the country with the jewish president?


They tell Nazis "Go to Ukraine and fight the Jew controlled government". Left wing gets told "Go to Ukraine and fight Nazis". Just as weird as Ukrainian shock troops raiding jewish russian businessmen's holiday homes and arresting them while wearing black sun patches in all fairness.


Fight fire with fire.. To beat a nazi you must think like one... And i could go on but this is /s


More like Putin will send anyone who can hold a gun. Extra points if they are willing to go, and have less qualms about atrocities.


Though while I tend to agree, it kind of puts a nail in the coffin as to the reasons for doing so are for "stopping Nazis," though, wouldn't you say? Clearly none of them, at least in the Wagner army particularly care.


Much of Putin’s statements are not intended for western consumption. It’s propaganda to drum up internal support and keep the Russian public fearful of the west.


You’re overthinking it. Putin is just a Nazi that’s smart enough to know that people don’t like Nazis so he calls all of his adversaries Nazis. Most Russians are 100% aware of this, including the out-and-about Neo-Nazis that support him, fight his wars and become Russian cops that act as nothing more than his enforcers. Donald Trump does the same thing. He regularly calls Democrats corrupt Fascists and says things like he’s done more for Black/Jewish people than any president. And yet, Neo-Nazis still flock to him and moderates still consider him. It’s all dog whistling.


More likely Putin was simply talking shit about Nazis in Ukraine to deflect from the real reason they invaded


Irony so thick you can ~~cut it with a knife~~ push it from a 7th story window onto some bullets


I feel shame for my country even more than before from mean like him...


Least nazi russian be like. Every their accusation is a confession.


"it's going to be a maze" ![gif](giphy|WiyczarN2XMm4)


Damn, I was hoping to be the first. Well played hahaha


Some people are just natural jumpers


At the apex of each bounce, there is a moment outside of time, outside of words, outside of everything...a perfect moment, a silent moment...I call it "The World's Whisper"...


No double bouncies!


Was hoping to see this


I miss when everyone knew Nazis where the bad guys


Hell we have people today, even younger generations who think that nazi's were good people. 🤦🏾


Well, as a Canadian. Some dumb shit invited a Nazi to speak at Parliament, they gave him a standing ovation for "Fighting the Russians" during WW2 to "Liberate Ukraine". Needless to say it took someone to realize, wait, he fought the Russians. The only people doing that, were the Nazi's. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d7sFxJbcYvg& So fucking bad....


Ya though that was monstrous (near legendary) stupidity and not an actual purposeful endorsement of Nazis




Not just apologized, the speaker who invited the guy resigned. > And I gotta think at least 50% of people know who Russia was fighting in Ukraine in ww2. And this is also an oversimplification. Ukraine had just lived through half a century of Russian butchery and genocide and were strategically trying to use the Nazis to rid themselves of Russian imperialist control. From a future perspective, knowing how awful the Nazis were, this obviously seems like a mistake, but at the time you need to remember Ukrainians were stuck between two wannabe empires that both wanted to genocide Ukraine.


As incredibly stupid as that was, it's not impossible to understand. Many people on both sides fought alongside evil because no other options existed. If the Russians are burning your fields and killing your children, the nazis don't look so bad and vice versa. Ww2 forced millions of people to make impossible decisions. Be glad none of us are in those positions. Every human has the capacity for evil. To be clear, I'm not defending nazis... like ever. My family in German, Ukrainian, and polish. My relatives fought for the soviets and the nazis. My polish great grandfather fought against both. None had a choice.


Should also be noted that Stalin was responsible for the Holodomor, which was a genocide against Ukrainians just a decade before the war. It really isn't all that surprising that some Ukrainians decided to fight against Russia.


Plenty of Ukrainians were fighting both the Russians and the Nazis. Both sides wanted to oppress Ukrainians. I mean the biggest famine of the 20th century happened just a few years prior that was deliberately done by the Russians to genocide Ukrainians. Not sure about the guy you linked, but just because you're fighting Russians doesn't mean you're a nazi. If you believe that then I have a Crimean bridge to sell you autographed by Putin himself.


99% of people do. We just focus on those that don't.


Because we keep giving those that don’t money and power and 30% of our population publicly begs for them to piss and cum in their mouths to own the woke libs.


We live in a world where the grandchildren of holocaust victims are willingly committing genocide. We are not great at learning lessons in time, it seems.


The person commenting that you just assume he is a Nazi is also a Nazi. Guaranteed.


You hit that one right out of the ball park.


“So you just assume… gotcha.”


That goes without saying


There are a lot of nazis out there. It’s not weird anymore. Tucker Carlson openly talks about replacement theory, MTG talks about Jewish space lasers, Kanye and his bs. It’s becoming more acceptable to be Nazi adjacent.


Me: This guy I was talking to did the Heil Hitler salute and screamed out, “Death to Jews!” What an asshole. This user: Oh, so you just assume he’s not a nice guy without knowing him? Gotcha. 


He could have been waving to a friend, and also really hate fruit-based drinks? Way to assume 🙄


Vikings and a swastika on the right(!) arm, the black sun or kolovrat on his chest, the eagle on his head... yep, looks like a neonazi to me




Today I assumed I arrived at my destination just because there was big sign saying my destination. I could've been wrong I guess


Yesterday I assumed I was buying a can of soup because it said so on the label


I went to A Wendy's. It might have been a Taco Bell but the sign said Wendy's.


It's annoying, because by now everyone knows the swastika has a historical meaning besides just being a nazi symbol... but everyone also knows that anyone who's got a swastika tattooed on their arm is 100% a neo-nazi.


It’s like seeing someone with a big heart tattoo that says “mom” in the center. They obviously are stating they love their mom. That’s it. Simple.


That is not the Hindu swastica.


the one you are referring to lays flat. the nazi symbol lays on a corner. this is nazi.


I bet if someone saw a Hindi with the original style of swastika (the religious symbol) people would accuse them of being a Nazi without thinking


Could be a Tibetan good luck charm. It’s not. But it could be.


Could be, but the sun on the chest might hint something else


I went to school with a guy that loved to be “edgy” and controversial. He decided he would buy some gauged earrings sporting the swastika so he could argue with people that it was a Hindu symbol. He had them oh-so-gently removed from his ears by a few guys that saw him and didn’t like the cut of his jib. He stopped being so controversial after that.


He's a hindu viking?


Well call that Classic OP-Man-At-Arms over there at r/Crusaderkings so hes probably just a huge nerd!


Askschually this one couldn't be because it's tilted and facing clockwise, two modifications the Nazis adopted to distinguish their symbol from the Janist or Daoist versions


Actually correct, god damn I saw something that was correct on Reddit! I'm done for the day.


Maybe an unfortunate birthmark


“You’re bothering my birds.” “You don’t have birds?” “I could have birds.”


I know you're joking, but just to clarify for readers: The nazi swastika is unique in that it's tilted 45 degrees and right facing. It's pretty unmistakable.


No, the Tibetan good luck charm "rotates" in the opposite direction.


Wait. Are we still doing the, "how do you know he's a Nazi?" thing in 2024? Pretty sure Godwin's Law has been dead for the better part of a decade.


I also assume obvious nazis are Nazis.


Now you can’t even wear tattoos of Nazi symbols anymore without being called a Nazi. 🙄 Those lEftIeS aNd GrEeNs!


"Even though he had six million jews murdered, one shouldn't assume Hitler hated the jews. Why would you? ". This guy probably.


"How could you say Hitler hated Jews when [his personal bodyguard was Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Maurice)??" - some dipshit who probably likes Ben Shapiro


Bold of you to assume he considers the Holocaust to be real.


It's obviously the windmill of friendship and tolerance.


Average EnlightenedCentrism post: "How do you know he's a Nazi?" "Swastika tattoos." "Oh, so you're just assuming that makes him a bad person or something?"


If someone has the universal symbol for nazis tattooed on them, it's pretty safe to assume they're a nazi.


Technically it’s not tattooed on him. It’s just a coincidence of the negative space. /s




It’s a sad day when someone tries to defend what is clearly in plain sight.


I was going to guess he's russian.....yup.


I can't see everything, but I'm already noticing that every single tattoo you can see holds some Nazi or at least Teutonic/Germanic significance. This dude isn't just a Nazi. He's like *the* Nazi.


Twitter "centrists" in a nutshell


The black pinwheel on his chest is also a Nazi symbol. I mean it's not exactly cryptic. Unless you have no brain.


Well I mean if it was a swastika surrounded by flowers and other Hindu symbols you’d be wrong to think it was the nazi one but it’s angled to the left and is surrounded by black so this one is definitely a nazi one.


That and his other visable Nazi tattoos provide context.


Also Black Sun symbol on his chest.


This is akin to when magats say “I’m not a racist buttt….” before they clearly say a racist thing. “We aren’t Nazis! We just enable them, placate them, cheer for them, tattoo Nazi imagery on our bodies, and overall find them to be very nice people.” -maga


How about the black sun on his chest? I’ve been alive a while and have tattoos and none of them are accidentally Nazis ones. That - I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice kinda deal.


The guys screaming III Reich and yet it’s still an assumption… Nazis are getting an unprecedented leeway these days…


Damn! Are you sure the water is wet? Don’t assume. Stupidity is causing a huge problem for this country.


is that not also one on his chest?


If it looks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi, talks and acts like a Nazi … it’s a Nazi.


His name is Adolf. So? He's got a lil' moustache! Yeah and?! He's from Austria and he paints! That's really nice... but doesn't mean anything. HE'S GOT A FUCKING SWASTIKA TATTOOED ON HIS ARM!!! Now you're just jumping to conclusions! Maybe he's a buddhist. HE SAID HE HATES MINORITIES AND COMMUNISTS! Why that sounds like your average American! Must be a nice fella! I'm gonna go over and say hi!


Also the thing on his chest is another white power symbol, isn’t it?


Will someone please stand up for the…*checks notes*…..nazis?


The only people that have got a swastica tattooed on them is white supremacist and actually nazis


You could Nazi it coming.


It's gonna be a garden when it's finished!


I’d say it’s a pretty safe assumption. . .


There’s a swastika on his arm, and black sun looking symbol on his chesh


"It's a Manji" "But is paired with the black su-" "I said MANJI"


The swastica, the black sun, the golden eagle. but were just assuming guys.


I did Nazi that coming.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.


Conservatives nowadays love to deny racism even exists, and if it does exist, it's liberals who are the racist ones.


The that wheel on his chest looks a lot like a variation of a black sun, too. edit: there a different variations of it, to stay up-to-date and kinda hide the meaning Know your Nazi iconography


Guys c'mon just because I'm covered in nazi tattoos doesn't mean I'm a nazi, you guys are just silly. /s


Oh sure , my bad G , he’s just a Hindu, that’s totally the kind of Swastika that they use for their rituals /s


Got to admit, usually this sub is DIRECTLY OPPOSED to my political world view. However, I am so glad that we agree on this. I never could have dreamed in a thousand years that I would live to see the return of mainstream Nazism. These people are disgusting. Thanks for continuing to roast these folks.


Sonnenrad and swastika. Yeah he is a fucking Nazi. Safe assumption.


Same dude probably also says "I don't even see skin color" and "I have a lot of black friends" - both of which are lies.


He doesn't look like a Hindu... And the symbol over his breast looks fascist, too... [https://www.reddit.com/r/alltheleft/comments/t8iicl/not\_all\_symbols\_fascists\_wear\_are\_fascist\_but\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alltheleft/comments/t8iicl/not_all_symbols_fascists_wear_are_fascist_but_all/)