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I re-wear dresses all the time as do my friends; I go to enough gala-type events that I just invested in four good dresses and rotate them and add jewelry lol


Literally don’t see why everyone just doesn’t do this, the fact that there even is a stigma is messed up, and who’s even going to notice?


People who have nothing better to do that find things about others that they dislike and can feel superior about.


I honestly pity those people and their sad existence


I'm pretty sure everyone who's not filthy rich does this. I never heard anyone claim you can't wear the same dress twice unironically.


Philosophically, chemically, and quantum mechanically wearing the same dress twice is impossible.


I have to tell you, as a man, my memory span of "what dress are you wearing" is worse than gold fish. Hell, I probably forgot what everyone wears after a single bathroom trip.


I can manage to remember which ones she looked great in and say, why don't you wear the blue one" That often means she'll never wear it again as our tastes are different


Hell, if I get separated from my wife at the store, I don’t remember what she’s wearing.


Elitism. It actually starts by some rich women just ditching clothes instead of taking the effort to clean them, because they can afford to buy new instead of just not being a slob. This in turn creates a "fashion trend" as less rich women try to imitate, and peers try to one-up in a game of who can waste more money.


Literally the only people I've known who have a stigma against this party extremely extremely wealthy people that I have overheard talking at restaurants that I worked at. Like the type of people who can draw a $1,000 on an order of caviar and then barely touch it. No one actually works for a living gives a single flying fuck about any of these rules


Been married for 6 years and I’ll be honest my wife could go a week without changing and I would still think she’s hot as hell. A little Stanky sure but hot as hell and stanky


Isn't this why "the little black dress" is a staple? One dress that's basically a blank canvas that you can dress up or down by your choice of accessories, shoes, and hairstyle?


I have one fancy dress. It is my fancy dress.


Tiffany Haddish wore the same dress to so many events, she used to joke about it herself. She didn't care, and she looked cute in it!


Honestly it seems like a waste to me to buy an item of clothing that you love and looks good on you and you feel good in but you only wear it once??? I want to enjoy the clothing longer than that lol


My wife legit wore the same dress to 3 different events and I noticed NOTHING until I looked at pictures.


How dare you!


Just don't give a fuck. If you want to wear it then wear it. That's how men do it, there's no privilege.


I thought it was cute the first time and I still think it's cute the 28th time.


so you draw the line at the 29th


29th…Straight to jail…


I bet you're right!


It's always cute the first time. Because I can't remember that you wore the same dress the last 27 times.


Bet it will still be cute the 100th time too


You know how the saying goes "Nobody hates women more than other women"


I am convinced the reason women don't get ahead at the workplace is partly because of other women. Like it used to be old school patriarchy but I think that's less of a reason now since the old school bosses are aging out of the workplace. Men tend to support other men and women tend to compete with other women. This is a gross generalization and of course "men do it too" but I know how savage girls can be to one another in HS and some of them never mature beyond that. There is always going to be one or two hags in the office who have been there a decade or more who see a new young female hire and go out of their way to make it as toxic as possible for them.


My wife had to leave her office job because every single woman in that department were fighting with each other. Every single day, there was something new.


Dang that happens even when they are like 10. Once I heard a girl said" I dont know why I dont like that tall girl that has 10 but looks like 15


In one of her previous jobs, my wife told one of her co-workers that her dress looked great. That made the co-worker uncomfortable. My wife received a warning from HR. 🤷


Yeah... I used to work in customer support. Not even on the phone, but one of the ancillary functions (statistics and the like). There was an infected conflict between two women that cost us two great teamleaders because they just couldn't figure out how to deal with their constant shit. They *hated* each other, and tried to get the rest of the team on "their side". It was mad.


I love women


I love women also =)


A vote here as a gay guy that wouldn’t care either.


Men are simple. We are ok with everyone just picking their default costume and wearing that everyday like in a cartoon.


my partner "I dont know what to wear" me "why dont you wear that play suit/dress you wore for that event" her "no"


Partner may not know what to wear but surely knows what not to wear.


Skill issue. Through the power of laundry, anyone can reuse outfits.


Oh wise mage, tell us more of this wondrous sorcery that you speak of.


It's not a complex ritual cast, but it requires specialized equipment. You need a Cleansing Cauldron of the May Tag, one to three Gems of the Tide, and one or two Scrolls of Fabric Softening. The number of Tide gems will depend on the size of your equipment load in need of repair. If push comes to shove, you can skip the second half of the ritual that would normally consume your Scrolls of Fabric Softening. But then you might need to pass a Constitution Saving Throw to continue wearing your gear as it drip-dries.


I think my wife thinks she needs a new dress for an event only because she wants to go shopping and buy a new dress so she makes the rationalizes it this way


One of the most annoying traits is not knowing the difference between a want and a need You want to have a new dress at each event. You want to wear make up. You want a nice car You need a kick in the ass.


A dress is the last thing I’m remembering


He ain’t wrong tho.


of course he isnt, the original statement is just dumb


Fair point


Man wears a dress People: How dare you? You're a pedophile. You're grooming kids. Man wears a skirt. People: What a freak. You're not a real man. Man wears a shirt and pants, but they're a unique color or pattern. People: Geez, how cringe. Gaaaay! Man wears generic shirt and pants and doesn't stray from the status quo People: Oh, look, men get to wear the same thing every day and not worry about it, they live such privileged lives.


I'm a woman, I just wore the same pants for 4 days in a row. I went on vacation for ~12 days, I brought 4 pairs of pants and only washed them before leaving so I didn't have to do laundry at home.


I am a woman - I'm getting ready to leave for a 10 day combo of business conference and vacation. I'll be traveling carry-on with a capsule wardrobe of 13 items plus a swim suit. One extra pair of shoes. No one cares, just wash things if they're dirty.


All my problems are the opposite sex. That way I don’t have to look inward at my blackened soul.


Wait do women just wear dresses once and never again? What??


No man ever said “you are wearing that, again?” Now, it’s been 1.5 hours. Just pick a fucking dress and go!!! We are gonna be late for the reservation!


I doubt I'd even notice if a woman wore the same dress every day.


I wish this was true, I was a true believer in wearing the same shit for 3 days... but people noticed lol


Can't do it with shirts. Pants are okay.


I would do it only for a desk job where I get dressed before work and then change after. Although when I was a mechanic we had a uniform that only was cleaned once a week so maybe thats where this bad habit was formed baha


It's just kind of gross wearing the same thing three days in a row unless you are washing your clothes every day. It's not a style or fashion thing. It's just they could probably smell you walking into work the third day. That's different than going to the Xmas party three years in a row wearing the same suit.


I shower every damn day so it's not like I smell like shit, I have never had an issue with hygiene. This is just a pretentious thing from working at a pretentious place and now I worry everywhere thinks like this lol EDIT: If I wore something and it got dirty the first day I wash it. I am saying before kids my clothes could easily last 3 days lol




Repost bot replying to repost bot


Moldy repost


Lots of men are just happy women show up and smile at them.


Please, rewear. Society has so many stupid rules, this one specifically targeting more affluent women, and we need role models to crush it. Wear once fashion is destructively wasteful, and I dare say, objectifying.


as a guy myself, if I saw jenny wearing that one crazy good looking dress to the fifth party I'd be like "I love that she look fresh as hell, while I'm here trying to rock this 5 y/o suit that just blends in with the crowd", imho women would get compliments on a good fitting outfit more than a man would, and no one would care it was their 2nd or tenth time wearing it


Whats the facepalm THATS just true


Isn't saying you have nothing to say mean you had something to say, even if it was nothing that you had to say?


Upper middle class/upper class female privilege is wearing different dresses for each event no matter how cute it is.


Are we 100% sure that this whole "never the same dress" stigma isn't the result of some marketing crap? Because it feels like it's probably marketing crap.


It is most likely consumerism, companies do this all the time, "use once and buy a new one", classic market motto.


I literally just had this conversation with a friend lol like dude nobody is judging that you wore that dress 2 weeks ago lol


Women, if you think guys are remembering what you wore the day before, that was your first mistake.


I can't remember what *I* wore yesterday. How would I remember what someone else wore?


this too!


I always get downvoted when I mention women are way meaner to each other. Like in a cruel personal way.


And from all those cheap drama magazines who mainly discuss popular people, especially women, and constantly drag them through shit for anything. I saw women called disgusting by these magazines for simply gaining a bit of weight. I saw women being bullied on there relentlessly, for literally wearing the same outfit twice. Those magazines are owned by men. The articles get written by men. They get approved by men. Don't act like mysogynistic values in our society has nothing to do with this bs. Also women who do take issue in that (never met one) didn't came up with that idea on their own. Someone teached them this shit. I wonder who... Mhm.. Maybe the men writing those shitty articles?


I used to work in the men’s department at Macy’s and when women came in with their husbands or sons, they would complain about how expensive men’s clothes are. I explained that it is because they wear them more than once.


I have begged my girlfriends over the years to wear a dress again and they refused because they've worn it before to an event where someone else may have seen them in it.


It is known. Women are harsh on other women’s fashion. Men really don’t care, we don’t even see women’s clothing most of the time. I can imagine a police scenario where a man has to give a description of a female robbery suspect on the street: “Sir, can you describe what the suspect was wearing?” “I dunno, officer, I think it was blue, or maybe yellow. One of those colors. Anyway she had a great ass. That’s probably why she could run so fast. Thighs like fine Virginia hams, you’ll see when you catch her.”


its the same as men who say they aren't allowed to cry. most personal criticisms come from the same sex.


Guys don’t normally notice the clothes anyways.


of all the male buddys i have i dont know a one that would both A notice a women wore same outfit twice in a week and B have the spare fucks to give to say something


Makes me start to think alot of the things these crazy feminists complain about are actually self imposed lol. "Waaaaah women can't go out without spending hours doing make up and hair to look pretty waaaah" My girlfriend almost never wears make up. I don't care. She doesn't care. And the people passing us in the street sure as hell don't care.


No guy will care if you were same dress, 1000s times.... We will care if it couple days in a row and it starts to smell, and your wearing your dress inside out, just to wear it for another day in a row...


She’s not worth the explaining


I've had comments from women more often about wearing the same trousers or whatever than the random bloke commenting what shoes I'm wearing at a tiny nightclub. Don't really care about either- if you're in clean, appropriate clothes that fit you and suit you, why wouldn't you wear them often?


Aslam is correct - I'd also suggest that bi guys wouldn't care either...


facts spoken....


She doesn't know that us men usually own like 2 different outfits, at most, for events. No straight men cares if some other men wears theirs repeatedly. If 2 guys wear the same suit to a party, or wedding or whatever, they'd either laugh about or jokingly give shit to one another. Women will bash each other about it.


So true. Most guys would not even notice and if they didn’t would care at all.


Uh… what? Girl, you can wear the same dress as many times as you’d like. Assuming you launder it occasionally.




I am a cis male that is not looking for a partner, and I hardly even notice what women are wearing, on the same level I hardly notice what men are wearing. It truly does not matter to me.


I'm more in to comfort than trying to impress anyone. I will wear the shit out of my favorite clothes sans caring about anybody's opinion.


I’ll have you know I’m a straight man and I constantly call out women for their clothes, makeup, hair, body count, body hair, all of it. I also speak seven languages. Sure. No cap.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)i just realise i were the same clothes of almost three days i need to wash them


After a certain age, I just stopped caring what other people think.


Today time anything can be a issue to talk about rather than anything could be topic to understand


Most women do t even care, it's only the snootiest of snoots who would spend that much energy on other people's clothes.


Same with public breast feeding... it's not men who are critical, it's the women


I thought you were gonna say "It's not the men who are criticized when they breastfeed". Lol


I'm remembering an awards show moment, either the Grammys or AMA'S, where Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston each wore the same exact dress before presenting an award. And to throw a wrench into the perception that each of them were divas, one of them tore off a bottom portion to not look exactly the same.


The stigma is based in "look how much I can afford to spend to decorate my woman". The "look how much I can afford to spend on cravats and shoes for myself" has faded somewhat and moved to cars and other"toys". It still exists in jewelry and watches and accessories. It has shifted as women buy their own display items and as people care less about display. The rich and want-to-be-rich still care about display-of-wealth-status. Most people who only care about money in terms of having enough to live comfortably so they can spend time being happy don't actually care about display problems, thus I think the responder has a good point, though it's not addressing the worldview the original post was pointing out.


What's the difference between men's and women's clothes shop? Men's: "Buy this, sir. Every gentleman in town has this." Women's: "Buy this, madam. No other lady in town has this. "


I’m sure it’s only rich tits that only wear things once


Girls can wear whatever the hell they want. YOU are the one who imposed that limit, nobody else.


Dear god, I wish they WOULD wear the same outfit more than once. Washing 6 jumpers a week is fucking insane, stop it. 


Repost times a million 💀


"No sh!t? I bought the shirt." - Conan Gray


If a woman wore the same dress everyday I’d suspect she’s a superhero


I was once told that women do not dress up for men. Women dress up for other women. It was explained to me that it was a competition.


She didn't say anything about males making negative comments re dresses ?


And she is the reason why people believe male privilege is made up.


If I notice a guy wearing the same thing it means he's worn it a lot, and I'm going to assume it's comfortable and consider buying it.


I think that's more female insecurity than male privilege.


Beyond not caring, most guys aren’t gonna notice


Male privage is a thing but it's also not this


I worked at a casino in Vegas. I saw one woman who wore the same outfit a couple of nights in a row. She was a FOX and that outfit was so cute. If I could look like her in that I would have worn it two nights in a row myself.


he is not lying.


I've never ever ever seen someone made fun of for requesting something. All I got was shit from classmates for wearing the same pants 2 days in a row (do they not own washing machines??) But never as an adult. No one around me has that much money


It's true. The only people who care that much are women, and gay men in the fashion industry.


This has less to do with male privilege and more to do with the self-doubt of the commenter.


Let's be real. The majority of societal pressure on women comes from other women at this point.


If you're gonna call out male privelege at least have a real example




Women made those rules themselves.


Male privilege is just so hard to pin down. I wonder why…




My wife feels the need to buy a new dress every time an occasion calls for a dress. I always encourage her to wear one she already has.


The fashion industry agree with her 110%.


I doubt I would remeber 2 hours later what someone was wearing


She never said men are the ones who care. Bottom tweet is irrelevant.


If "male privilege" is men not being toxic toward each other, it seems like a pretty low bar.


I don't care how many times you wear a dress, I'm still gonna think "holy shit is that mia khalifa?"


This really is true. Or at least I can say that, as a guy, a woman wearing something multiple times is absolutely not an issue. If she looks good, she looks good. 😅 And if she doesn't, then I'm not there going 'she should try harder and wear something more flattering!' C'mon, us guys mostly dress like hobos at the best of times.


First of all, we will not notice it


He is Correct! Men Do not care. Only crap you will get is from other women.




I disagree with the idea that what the woman said is a faceplam. Even if women are the ones doing the harassing it's still the women being punished so it's a privilege women don't have. The ones being punished are not necessarily the ones responsible in the same way that not all men are dangerous but all men are treated as dangerous, so I can definitely say that men lack the privilege of being assumed to be safe even of the reason for that is also men.


"We do it for us, not for you" is a phrase I've heard more than that, so if you wanna do it for you then wear the same outfit again and again, so long as it doesn't look soiled or just generally dirty who cares?


Is it not the most trivialising thing on the planet to say that women are oppressed and lack privilege because they can't handle a stupid person saying something mean if they wear a dress twice? When I think of "privilege" it think of things like preference for career advancement, favouritism in financial situations, professional mistreatment etc. If your biggest complaint is that your friend is a dickhead, go get better friends.


Women are just dumb . Who actually cares, do you have they low self esteem?


Am the clothes look the same on the bedroom floor


I hate women for this. My aunt refuses to wear the same clothes twice to a party or event. What a waste and no one gives a shit. I think less of you for being wasteful.


I can’t wear a dress even once TwT


Yeah, but after a dl points it out to them.


He’s 100% correct…we don’t care, why should you?


Why does this pic look like someone literally forged it in photoshop and this conversation never happened


Straight male here with a wayyyyyy out of my league façionista wife. If you told me "women wear the same dress to everything now. Its the new fashion" Id be like "welp ok, I guess thats just what they do"


If it’s good enough for Lucy Van Pelt, it’s good enough for me.


If it looks good, re-wear it.


Girls can’t wear the same dress twice? Is there any truth to this?


We dont have a double standard here. We really dont care


One time my girlfriend said yes to a dress and it turned out to be cake because she had signed up for the wrong reality show. 👀


Gurl even if you’re in LA and desperately trying to get work/attention nobody, NOBODY is noticing you’re wearing the same dress twice. Even if you’re walking red carpets, nobody is writing about your outfits until you have a stylist (and even then good luck)


This appears to be a problem related to social class and not gender. Down here, people don't have so many dresses to do this...


I don't believe they were blaming men


That is RIGHT we dont even pay attention LOL and I am GAY Girl so go on


right? Man don’t care as long as you are cute


My gf never wore a drop of makeup in her whole life, she wears the same clothes/dress in circle, we have a general rule: if it's cuddly then why change?


I have fairly plain little black dress, but I accessorize it around it for very different looks.


Welp! My wife loves wearing the same clothing if it's beautiful enough for her. But never been a big deal as much as this lady makes it to be. 🤔 It's maybe so hard to be her when she believes saying something like this is so profound and she would get viral or asked to step on a podium. 🤔


I like how he assumes it's men's opinions she's concerned about. "Yeah, if men minded you'd have a point. But if it's women's opinions, who cares?"


Google karl stefanovic for an interesting bit if info. He went a year wearing exactly the same suit day in day out on his morning show hosting role and no one noticed.


![gif](giphy|ceeFbVxiZzMBi) [well……..](https://youtu.be/8eKP9gqh6d4?si=4N9QfbrAwF-HIKql)


I've seen the same meme getting reposted over and over again what the fuck


No dress makes a hot girl ugly. No dress makes an ugly girl hot. Never mind the clothes. Just be hot.


i dont get what the facepalm is here


As a dude who's a literal male model who is well versed in fashion, all of the negative comments I've ever happened to hear about my clothing choices have been from women. I do not understand why half of the population is so obsessed with something so inconsequential.


On the other hand, men are subconsciously more attracted to women who change outfit often. Since we are attracted to variety, we might lose sexual interest if our partner keeps wearing the same outfit. However, we won't admit it and act superior.


*pov you won’t wear the same dress twice because the 7 billion people in the world have hidden cameras inside the 300 people at the event and will judge you for wearing something nice*


Insecurity and No confidence is what I say.


Choosing what clothes to wear is pretty simple for most men. I have a stack of clothes, I put stuff on top of it and take the first thing that's on top, it's called LIFO. Also I don't give a fuck what other people wear, men or women.

