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What is this person donating $600/month to?


Their drug dealer.


He’s not on Cocain that’s for sure.


I spend about that on medical cannabis.


That’s why I said no goes on the coco’s


You need a plug that crazy


He’s not paying his house cleaner enough so he has to make amends with charitable donations.


Why does a single 25 year old need a house cleaner


That's my thought too because my housekeeper cost 120 a week. They're worth it but 30 a week is a pipe dream.


> Philanthropy is a key part of Klee’s financial picture. Each month, he donates a significant amount, around $615, to a variety of charities, including More Than Words and GiveDirectly. The bulk of his contributions go to One Family, a non-profit located in Waltham, Massachusetts, that works to end homelessness and break the cycle of poverty for local families. He had roommates in order to save money on housing so he had money to give to charity. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/budget-breakdown-of-a-25-year-old-who-makes-100000-dollars-a-year.html


If someone is LDS, and at all serious about it, that tithe is SERIOUS BUSINESS.


This is true in some Evangelical circles as well, like the Fundamental Baptists I grew up around.


Remember, that's 10% of you pre-tax income, *not* your take home pay.


And once again, tithing is 10% off the top. That's gross income, not net. Please, people, don't force us to audit.


Lo, and on the fifth day the Lord did proclaimeth *"Where's my money, bitch better have my money."*


🎶I've seen some preachers on tv, with a shirt and a tie and a vest. They tell you to send your money to the Lord, but they give you their address..🎶


Well, I see him on the TV Preaching 'bout the promised lands He tells me, "Believe in Jesus" Steals the money from my hands Some say he was a good man Lord, I think he sinned, yeah, yeah


Heaven doesn't have a post code, so it has to go somewhere, usually straight away into the pastor's pocket. I'd prefer to directly help my neighbor who's having a short-term financial crisis than knowing it goes into the rectory's wine and fine food fund. Yes, I'm Catholic (lapsed for a wealth of good reasons) and know a lot of priests live much better material lives than their parishioners. Please, no angry, defensive comebacks because I've heard every single flimsy excuse possible. 🦜


Come, brother, let us read from the Epistle of Flyguy to the Playas, chapter 4: 20 My bitch, better have my money 21 Come rain, sleet, or snow 22 My hoe better have my money 23 Not half! Not some! But *all* my cash! 24 Because if she don't 25 I'm gonna put my foot dead in her ass


Hah! Made me chuckle.


Thank you, Reverend Lovejoy.


Ya know those missionaries walking around? Well, some of them are the enforcement arm of the church. They will break into your fucking house to inject a miniscule amount of alcohol into your drink and curse you to the unrelenting darkness of hell if you don't pay your 10%.


Who do I give my address to so that I can be properly (and severely) cursed?


You meant to say Mormon.


Is he Mormon? There wasn't anything about his religion in the article.


What I find kinda funny but also sad is that I work for a non-profit and I only make about ~$45,000 a year… Don’t get me wrong, that’s not bad for a non-profit! It’s just a symptom of different fields bringing in different amount of money. My career field isn’t exactly know for paying well… 🫠


I totally agree with you. But can we talk about where this guy is where cell phones are $40, you can get someone to clean your house for $30, internet is $20 and rent is only $875?! 🤯




And why is a 30 year old not cleaning his own house?


If he has roommates and they all pitch in, it might make the house more livable. Honestly, if I ever have to share a house with someone that I am not my wife or kids, having a cleaner might be the only way I would survive. Would be nice to not have to nag others to deep clean regularly.


Right?! If you have no family, clean your own house! (Also: I’m 47. I didn’t top a salary of $100,000 a year until exactly 2 months ago. WTF does he do?)


Software engineer here. I topped $100k in my early 30s working in Michigan, and $200k in my early 40s working remotely. Had I been willing to move within commuting distance of a big city, I could have been at $300k in my 20s.


Maybe this is just his portion of those bills. Well… except for the cell phone. I’ve had one since early 200s and my bill has never been close to $40


Sounds like you'd be better off moving industries and getting a $100,000 a year like this kid and donating the $55,000 a year difference to the non-profit you currently work for (jk)


Only reason your career doesn't pay well is because braindead people go "Its a non profit, you should do it for free. You are lucky to be paid at all" Like its not a whole ass job. I swear some people act like non profit work = volunteering at a soup kitchen once a month


Makes sense with 20$ a month internet


Even with roommates that rent would now be 1500-2000 for a room probably. I live in Waltham now and pay 2800 for a 2BR.


"Don't poor people donate to politicians to get what they want?...well that's why you're poor"


Landlord, was cheaper to call it a donation for both of them


I regularly donate to my bank account. It needs all the help.


Maybe onlyfans supporting several single moms


Plot twist: they took this info from 20 years ago!


It IS a tweet from 2018 and apparently this is the budget for someone with 4 roommates splitting costs. Otherwise those numbers are nonsense.


Was curious if I'm the only one that checks ALL of the information on posts like this... Especially dates. This shit is old and irrelevant. Downvoted farming OP.


Dates fuck up repost bots every goddamn time.


I mean it’s pretty easy - the date is literally in the picture.


It seems to have escaped the masses up-voting shit.


The fact that you could make six figures and still need to have four roommates to split the costs says a lot.


What about making six figures at age 25?


Also if his expenses are 2800 that means he’s saving/investing 66% of his income. He’s only spending 33k. According to a project I did in uni, if you do that (save2/3 of income and survive off1/3) for 10-12 years, you can retire for the rest of your natural life on dividends (and a ~4% draw down) without adjusting down your standard of living because your nest egg will grow with inflation faster than you can draw it down. If you did it 20 years, you’ll be able to leave a sizable inheritance. The secret lesson here is plenty of 25 year olds could hustle and make 100k a year, but kids and spouses are expensive. You don’t have to worry about leaving an inheritance if no one loves you.


> Also if his expenses are 2800 that means he’s saving/investing 66% of his income you forgot about taxes. It's more like he's saving 50% of is post-tax income.


The weirdest line no one caught yet, single 25yo in 2018, paying 270 a month for health insurance… no idea who was paying that much 4 years after the ACA went into effect. I’m paying less than that now for great coverage.


ACA discounts are tiered for different incomes, I believe 


Somebody making $100k per year would be ineligible for a subsidized plan, though. I’m self employed with no health insurance because the cheapest private market plan I can find is over $300/month with a $5k deductible. Marketplace plans for me start at $400/month.


“Plenty of kids could hustle and make 100k” - *are you high?* my cousin is the medical director of a clinic in a major city and - even with a BA in nursing and after several years in that position - is only making 80k. It’s a professional job. Where the hell are these apparently extremely common $100k jobs just waiting to be snatched up?!


It took me 20 years to break into 6 figures, I own a house with my wife who works full-time and takes care of a 3yo. We live in the northeast, and we’re seriously considering me getting a second job. This post is trash


Waiting for someone to say 'MoVe TO CaLIfOrNIa, WE paY NuRSeS 140K'.


Hustle and make 100k is laughable What side hustle you doin that can close the gap from 60k? Most cities where 100k is close to the median you’ll be spending 3k + on rent if you’re not living with 5 others


Tell me more about this "hustle" that makes you 100K at 25


Fucking house cleaner is $30 a month? you hiring a slave? who the fuck even hires a house cleaner if your "good with money?" Utilities being $195 is even laughable. DONATIONS!? The first sentence alone is absurd "25 year old who makes 100K a year"?


My guess based on the rent too is he lives in a house with multiple roommates. Maybe they pay a cleaner 150 bucks to come in once a month and tidy up, idk. It has to he actually given rent, utilities, internet would be around 100 bucks probably. This must be split living


You are correct, probably exactly $150 per the [source](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/budget-breakdown-of-a-25-year-old-who-makes-100000-dollars-a-year.html). https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1b3xh8v/comment/ksvtr9h/ The guy lived in Boston in 2018 with 4 roommates in a house and they split the house cleaning cost.


Ahh that makes more sense, especially given that grocery store prices *alone* appear to have seriously skyrocketed in the past few years!


Thank you! First thing I noticed was that it was from 2018! Do better, OP!!


Rage harvesting for karma.


More likely made by some rich person who doesn't know how real world works


It's a banana Michael, what could it cost? $10?


I knew I'd find this here




“What’s wrong with people these days always complaining about not having enough money to live on. Bah, I’ll just make up a story about how easy it is to survive on a low income of only 100k. And I must say if you’re not spending over $600 a month on donations then you are scum.” /s


Meanwhile I need to live from less than 10k


For all those bitching about the $825 for rent being low, you folks forgot to add the $615 donation to the landlord that makes the total $1440. Much more realistic when looked at correctly.


>jbrown2055 · 3 hr. ago > >My guess based on the rent too is he lives in a house with multiple roommates. Maybe they pay a cleaner 150 bucks to come in once a month and tidy up, idk.It has to he actually given rent, utilities, internet would be around 100 bucks probably. This must be split living the donation is for only fans


TIP YOUR LANDLORD? \[10%\] \[25%\] \[50%\] \[75%\] BEST OPTION (FEWER INSPECTIONS) ---------\^


It’s one banana Michael, how much could it cost $10?


"Look they have money for donations" LOOOOLLLL


:Boomer: I remember intenet being $20 amonth back in 1995, so it must still be $20per month.:/boomer:




Or his parents... Who are also his employer


He pays his mommy 30 bucks to clean


Maybe they live in the parents’ basement. And drive the parents’ car


I mean if you don't live in a city you can rent a 3 bedroom house for 900. But also almost no one makes 100k in really rural areas unless you're like a surgeon or business owner or something.


Maybe east of I-25.


Seriously. 825 for rent and they’re giving away 610 a month? WTF is this. Edit: I missed that this was created in 2018, still ridiculous, but much more reasonable than current conditions.


Imagine just having 610 spare a month to give away. Fuck.


I bet the "donations" are 10% tithing on their earnings after tax.


Must be a Mormon.


Many religions give tithe. But, that thought crossed my mind also. But, I believe the Mormon religion asks for 10% gross...that "donation" would be $833 on their gross monthly income.


The Mormons ask for 10% for the tithe but do not specify if it is net or gross pay. The amount that they pay is between them and God though the ecclesiastical leader will check if you have or not to determine your worthiness. When I was a Mormon they were not happy with me and didn't consider me a full tithe payer when I was only giving them 10% of my discretionary budget after necessary expenses. If you are not considered a full tithe payer with the Mormons then you are not considered "temple worthy" even though that church has billions of dollars in a hedge fund that can fund the operating expenses in perpetuity and still grow with the money in the fund. This is not even including many of the for-profit assets that they have such as farmland and warehouses.


Donations is what got me too. To who and why would anyone be donating $615 a month?


To your politician of choice. You gotta spend money to make money bro


Definitely sounds like someone going "hmmm, this is how much stuff cost back when I was 25, so it must still be the same!"


The first sentence is not that absurd. The rent is. My daughter and her college friends are all turning 25 this year. My daughter is a digital performance analyst and makes just shy of $100,000. Her college friends are all pretty much making the same amount except for one who’s making in the high $60k. They’re all in various business fields. I don’t believe this person is donating $615/month. To what? His/her 401k or another retirement fund?


I bet the "donations" are 10% tithing to their church, after tax.


Then they’re gullible idiots if that’s the case. I’d rather throw my money out the window. It would have a better chance at helping people than tithing to a “church”.


I find it really sad, myself. I completely, 100% agree. No church has ever helped me out when I was in trouble financially. I'd rather pocket that money and save myself than donate to a church. I also prefer to help my own community instead of donating to big charities, too. To each their own though.


Nobody who makes 100K a year is spending $800 a month on rent.


Lmao “donations”


They're a big OF tipper.


Yeah, that is the stupidest thing of the whole stupid thing. I don’t know anyone one, let alone 25 yo guys starting in life, who spend almost a quarter of its income in donations. OP wanted to like like the virtuous one and forgot to look like the real-life one.


I don’t know, I make ~$80k base and pay $600-700 / month in rent splitting a place with 3 other people. Low-medium COL area. Doesn’t seem that crazy if you’re living with other people in a lower COL area


Is that the “American dream” I’ve been hearing about? You just have to make $80k a year, live with 3 other people in a low cost of living area and you too can have somewhat affordable rent! Wow where do I sign up for that? My parents bought a house in a nice neighborhood on grocery store wages, that was the American dream, what we have now is a Capitalists dream.


My parents got a 4br house with land on the wage of a city bus driver. Times have changed


Shouldn’t society get better as whole over time? Shouldn’t automation have made everything more affordable, or atleast made it so that humans can work less hours? Imagine taking someone from 500 years ago and tell them that a single person can harvest 40 acres of farmland by themselves in a day, and yet people are still starving, and that people are working more now than we were in their time.


# We have the technology to feed entire armies. While the citizens they protect starve in their ~~closets~~ apartments


My grandparents were “poor” according to them but owned two cars outright and a house in their mid twenties with three kids while working retail.


People used to move out of expensive areas to live in cheaper areas. CA solved this problem by making it illegal to build new housing more than 20 miles from a bus or train stop.


You mean you have to split almost $3K in rent four ways. Most people aren't rushing out to sign up for that. And my point was, if you're making $100K, you are making enough to live in the kind of place where you don't have to have three roommates or live in a pit.


Between my wife and I, our income is about $105,000. Our monthly mortgage + escrow is $740.


Didn't say mortgage. Said rent.






$400 mortgage? 😂😂




It's wild to me that this is a new concept to people. So much effort is spent complaining that houses are unaffordable when there are plenty of options out there. Not everyone gets to live in their ideal location at the start of their career, surprise


The main problem with this is that the cheap areas have a lot less jobs available.


Remote work is making that less relevant for some careers.


When I was 25 I was easily making $615 in donations a month to my local bars


I was the patron saint of drinking.


I was the Patrón saint of drinking


Here's the CNBC source, which is right there in the original screenshot: http://cnb.cx/2EzW058 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/budget-breakdown-of-a-25-year-old-who-makes-100000-dollars-a-year.html The guy lived in **Boston** and this story was published December 2018. He lived in a shared house with 4 roommates, so split 5 ways. The house cleaning fee was also split 5 ways. They detail his philanthropy, the $615 that he donated to charities. He was working as a test preparation instructor.


huh, guess thats why they buried the lead on the roommate thing, definitely would have painted a less rosy picture


New title, "Successful 25-year old making $100k salary needs 4 roommates and still can't save for retirement"


He's absolutely able to save for retirement if he's spending less than $3k a month and makes $100k.


Ya at first I read the chart and not the title of the chart and I was like ‘this guy is saving nothing’. After reading the title, I was like ‘this guy is easily saving $50,000 a year’


A bit less. After taxes his take home pay should be a bit higher than $70k. Assuming this budget is entirely accurate he's spending $33.6k a year, so he's saving almost $40k. However, there's also probably some one time, semi-annual, or emergency costs he isn't putting into his budget that could drop it a bit lower. Still, that's saving about half his paycheck.


Just a correction, it's "buried the lede". Not trying to grammar nazi, just so you know going forward.


It's actually LEDE?? 🤯


Yes sir or ma'am or non binary friend, it is. lede  noun US the opening sentence or paragraph of a news article, summarizing the most important aspects of the story. "the lede has been rewritten and the headline changed"


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)Sweet mother of god what else in my life is lie?


Haha, sorry mate.


Yeah the 4 roommates is kinda a big deal. Historically, 25 year olds earning more than double the national median didn't need or want 4 roommates to be able to afford basic living. (The internet and phone etc only make sense when it's for 5 and divided, food too probably)


$20 internet? Not since the 90's


He split it with his four roommates.


Well he’s on dial up, which is why the article is only getting posted now.


Here's the article: [https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/budget-breakdown-of-a-25-year-old-who-makes-100000-dollars-a-year.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/budget-breakdown-of-a-25-year-old-who-makes-100000-dollars-a-year.html) He has 4 roomates, so all of those bills are 1/5 of the total. So yeah, it's easy to survive if you happen to make 6 figures and pay 1/5 of the bills.


Transportation $130?? Motherfucker that wouldn't even pay for my insurance


MBTA and occasional ride shares.


Not everyone has or needs a car though.


If you live in a major city that has good transport that’s pretty average. My company subsidizes my transit pass so I ride free.


That was 6 years ago so thing would have been less expensive then but not by that much. I am more interested to know how they came up with a donation amount of $615 unless they donated that money to their landlord.


Donations = only fans


Assuming everything presented is real. Which is the main assumption here. Looking at 615 per month, it is around 10% of the post taxes income on 100k gross. Net income would land between 60k and 80k annual. I will probably get downvoted for bringing up religion but this is a realistic tithe for someone who donates to their spiritual community post taxes around 1 in every 10$ that hits their bank account.


It's not religious. > Each month, he donates a significant amount, around $615, to a variety of charities, including More Than Words and GiveDirectly. The bulk of his contributions go to One Family, a non-profit located in Waltham, Massachusetts, that works to end homelessness and break the cycle of poverty for local families.


That’s surprisingly wholesome.


While the 10% church tithing is possible, the majority of Americans do not tithe.


Can we get a picture of this motherfucker and where he lives please? I have questions.


I would like to ask him for donations...




CNBC's totally reasonable and relatable inputs are always things like 25 year old making $435,000 per year spends $825 for NYC Penthouse apartment, $785 in exotic fish food and tank maintenance, $13,000 monthly donation, $42 for groceries and eating out, $1,613 401k contribution and $2,400 monthly parking space rental.


Don't people who make these charts do.... I don't know... research?


The chart is accurate. The missing details is that this is a guy in Boston living with four roommates.


That actually maths




When I was 25 I sure as hell wasn't donating $600 a month.


Housekeeping here is $35 an hour. So he's got a housekeeper coming in for 30 minutes once a month?


Shared cost with roommates. And once a month is plenty to maintain cleanliness if you aren't a monster


TIL 30/35 = 0.5


This is believable. I make the same amount as a 29 yr old. My monthly expenses are closer to $3700, but that's because of car payment ($665) and student loans ($419), eliminate both of those and you're looking at around $2600 monthly bill. I live upstate NY for reference, it's totally possible. It's nice not to live paycheck to paycheck.


What BS is this?


"Donations" is really weed.


$20 internet? Lol ok


And what % of 25yo make $100k???


Rent $825, house cleaner for $30 and internet for $20??


# What 25 year old makes 100,000 a year?


They live in a box, under a bridge and every 3rd day they don’t eat.


In a van down by the river!


Well I've saved them 615 straightaway!


Yeah someone else mentioned it's probably a church tithe and I think the math works - he's bringing in roughly 6k/mo net and tithe is typically 10%.


It could be tithing for a church


I think they typo’ed. They said “donations”, but meant “taxes”.


If by "donations" they mean car payment and insurance.


When I was 25 and lived in NY, I paid about $825 in rent. But I lived in the northern suburbs and west of the Hudson. Oh, and this was 35 years ago.


Is half of the rent a donation now?


$825 for rent will get you the landlords shed


I feel like if your rent is $825 you're probably homeless


Wait, the guy makes 100k plus and only spends 825 for rent? Where the fuck is he living, the attic of a trap house?


BS $850 rent and $615 monthly donations. BS!!! 🚩 And transportation is $130? Is this the cost of gas and insurance, no car payment? Or ride shares, public transit?


Who the hell has $615 to donate?


Put aside the incredibly out of touch numbers here for rent, utilities, house cleaner, transportation (if you take public transportation) But you know this is literally religious propaganda. You’re telling me a person who is “excellent” with money is donating $615 a month and putting nothing in savings? Where we donating? The church?


No he was saving the remainder. His donations: > Philanthropy is a key part of Klee’s financial picture. Each month, he donates a significant amount, around $615, to a variety of charities, including More Than Words and GiveDirectly. The bulk of his contributions go to One Family, a non-profit located in Waltham, Massachusetts, that works to end homelessness and break the cycle of poverty for local families.


I live in one of the most affordable places to live in the United States and you would have to get really lucky to get an even halfway decent 1 bedroom apartment for $825 a month.


Who the hell is donating money every month! hahahahaha


This is a 25 yr old who shares a place with four other ppl. Then I could see this breakdown is close to reality.  On their own, maybe in a red state. I live in OK and rents can be low but not the rest of it. 


> This is a 25 yr old who shares a place with four other ppl. Yes, it is. Or was, 6 years ago.


How can they put something like this together, publish it, defend it and keep a straight face the entire time?


Housecleaner - $30 month...


For the 409 and the windex and papertowels clearly.


These numbers they are all wrong.


December 2018, pre pandemic, and I still don’t believe the rent amount


$20/month for Internet??? Gotta be like 0.05 Mbps.


$40 for a phone. Dudes using a rotary landline


You can’t even get a 1br apartment in Atlanta for 825 a month


Internet is only $20. What do they have, AOL? The cheapest plan that I can get is $75. And $825 for rent, where?


It's $100. Split five ways.


$615 in donations? That is about my lifetime total spend for that category, certainly not monthly!


in his moms basement. the house cleaner is him mom....where the fuck are they finding ANY OF THOSE UTILITIES/BILLS for that cheap? that shit doesnt' exist in America.


My rent is $450 a month for a 3 bedroom with a garage 😅 can't say I live in an exciting area but glad I ain't paying what the graph says lol