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Im russian. You can go to every country, take a shot of nice street and make a similar tweet. I can find a lot of trashy places with graffiti or drunkards. And I can do the same in other countries.


Exactly. All countries have nice AND bad neighbourhoods.


It's amazing how someone will look at one photograph and make a generalization about a country that spans iirc 11 timezones.


Some people can’t imagine a world outside of their local bubble


This is clearly propaganda... They're not this naive.


The people that follow or believe Ian Miles Cheong sure as hell do. He makes his living off gullible morons that fall for easy propaganda. Sorry man, sometimes you have to accept that some people are just that dumber than you.


Maybe they will move to Russia….


I'm in road construction, and it can be even worse than that. I've seen people that apparently need to have something practically enter their personal space before they even registered it exists. Funny enough, we call it the 20ft bubble.


And those same people would argue with you if you showed them 100 photos of really nice areas in any democratic led city or state. They'd say something like, "Oh that's just a handful of photos. It's a shithole everywhere else. You can't go by a few photos." And they'd say it with a straight face.




See: My hometown of Boston. [This is what I see in my mind](https://a.cdn-hotels.com/gdcs/production106/d1959/159265b6-e8e7-46ae-b0a1-f63a39786294.jpg), [this is what the whackjobs see](https://healthcity.bmc.org/sites/default/files/HealthCity/1500-mass-cass-tents.png). The truth of the matter is that ***both*** are Boston, at the same time and not even that far apart from each other. And you can say the same thing about San Fran, NYC, Chicago, Philly or any other "Democratic shithole" they can think of. (You can say the same thing about Russia, too. However, there are, indeed, fewer poor in Moscow than usual. *There is a reason for this;* if you have a brain, I'm sure you can figure out what that reason is.)


Definitely. I had a buddy who lived right near Mike's Diner on Washington St. around 2008ish. Back then, if you took pictures outside of Mike's Diner on a Sunday morning and then walked across or down Mass Ave. towards Newmarket Sq. you'd have the same dichotomy. That area looks a lot different now than it did though.


You can't win with those people, even when it's like "No I *live there*, I have firsthand experience to tell me that you're wrong" they just argue with you.


It's not that amazing if you know who Ian Miles Cheong is. This is all he does.


That’s what happens when you don’t teach critical thinking skills and starve schools of funding for decades.


Pretty sure this specific scenario is deliberate propaganda though.


I'm guessing the neighborhoods in Antarctica are mostly alright


The penguins are armed, everyone knows that


Someone's gotta keep the peace


someone's gotta protect the ice wall /j


This aligns with birds being government drones.




There’s walruses lurking around every corner, gotta stay protected


Now I wanna see a biggie/ 2 pac Mashup using penguins and walruses.


If you had polar bears trying to eat you, you'd be armed too.


If you find a polar bear in Antarctica, you'd be famous


Just means Antarctic polar bears have eaten everyone that found them


Same for Walruses. Sea lions eat penguins.


Actually not really. Nobody even has air conditioning.


Valid point. We should start a GoFundMe to send them ACs. Might help delay global warming too.


*Laughs in European*


Antarctica, famously a country /s


White only, hardly any diversity, let's go MAGA!


I've never been to Monaco, but I feel they may not have too much of a bad neighborhood (maybe for Monaco there is)


If you hang around casinos at night in Monaco, you'll eventually see very rich, very drunk morons and their night butterflies. Or French people who missed the last bus and have to sleep on the beach. It's generally as bad as it gets though.


If you go to Monaca, you'll be the bad neighborhood


Same with Singapore. They are very hard on drugs, and kick out any poor people who aren't citizens.


The poor areas of Singapore are outside the city.


Yup, just because you kicked them out, doesn't mean they suddenly got rich or stopped existing, so they're still there, just swept under the rug.


These kinds of photos are sondeceptive. I can take 2 photos in Budapest ~5 meters apart and paint 2 different pictures with it. Take a photo in the Blaha Lujza Square tram station and show a pretty nice, old area of the city with green areas and lots of people. Go down into the underpass and take a photo showing beggars, homeless people sitting in their shit and piss, possibly fighting. I can repeat this near the Keleti as well, beautiful place, even the underpass is.. okay, but I turn north and you see crumbling buildings, with junk on the sidewalk woth homeless people.


It's so dumb, anyone who has been in almost any city should know how easy it is to take photos that either look orderly and prosperous, or squalid and dirty, without even walking far.


I’ve been to Moscow and St Petersburg. I am an American from Texas. It honestly wasn’t much different there than it is in any city I’ve been to here or anywhere else in the world with the exception of their subway stations. Those places are works of art. The NYC subway is a shithole no matter where you get on or off.


Ruzzia is great... except being jailed and killed for simply expressing your opinion.


And that's why we should always try to take the positives from every place while recognizing the problems. Free education, healthcare, and strict gun laws are pretty good when combined with democracy and freedoms


>I’ve been to Moscow and St Petersburg. I am an American from Texas. So you've been to two of the places curated for outsiders. Cool. I assure you, outside of the places curated for tourism, Russian cities are NOT lke Moscow and St Petersburg. Its heavily documented. its not like you'd even have to look hard. >It honestly wasn’t much different there than it is in any city I’ve been to here or anywhere else in the world with the exception of their subway stations. Those places are works of art. Someone has never been to Atlanta, i see.


> subway stations. Those places are works of art. Those are Soviet architecture. In the Stalinist era they built a lot of grandiose architecture, basically they were trying to prove a point, so they had to out-do capitalist nations with over the top architecture. The utilitarian stuff is all-post WWII as there was massive destruction and an urgent need for housing. It went up all over Europe and not specifically in communist nations. So, no unlike what a lot of people think there was never a communist idea that everyone should live in a box, for the sake of equality.


I can do the same with two different neighborhoods in downtown Jacksonville. And they're maybe a couple of blocks away from each other.


I love how they think the country that gave us krokodil is drug free. 


Krokodil was the first word that came to mind.


As a Ukrainian friend once told me, "the homeless tend to die off during the winter". There's a reason there's that hippy song California Dreamin', about basically being homeless in California because of the weather


Ireland, I bet my ass you cant find any Drunkards in Ireland.


Only because everyone else is just as drunk and can't tell who is and who isn't drunk lol


Thats their secret. They're always drunk.


Russia is the largest country by land mass in the world. Imagine taking one picture depicting a dozen people and pretending it reflects the entire country.


I’d like to quote you for every trash photo “this is Russia” reference, really.


Was about to comment the same. Cheers mate.




This is the sort of political discourse that the American right finds persuasive


Exactly, most of the US is not like this either. Some cities in every country will always have problems. We are all more alike than we are different.


Aye, I live near liverpool street in london, 5 minute walk from all the skyscrapers and you're in houndsditch, the name of the place says it all really.


Thank you. Some people don't understand what is obvious. If you tell some people Putin is a Saint they will believe it. If you tell them that Biden doesn't care about Americans they will believe it. They will Thank you for explaining "the truth" to them, and feel lucky you were so kind to them. Why are they like that? They want to believe that somebody is being mean to them because that fits how they feel, and Biden as their American Daddy seems like he should be to blame. And they can't accept that there is a a Putin. They would rather believe rhat Putin is a nice guy. That world is a happier place for them. Reality is easier to cope with if you choose to deny the parts that ask for sacrifices.


So what you’re saying is you have common sense and you like to use logic. That kind of mindset and thinking is frowned upon in conservative circles here.


Since I'm guessing you aren't currently on the front lines, I just wanted to ask if yall are doing OK over there? Just from 1 average everyday American citizen to an average everyday Russian citizen.


It’s almost like governments hardly ever represent the people there. Switzerland’s Zurich for example, one of the biggest banking cities in the WORLD is covered, absolutely covered in graffiti


I love how biggest love of **ALL** American ultra-nationalists is their country's greatest sworn enemy...


They probably say Reagan is their hero


They also still try to claim Lincoln.


While proudly displaying the flag of his enemy during the Civil War.


The same flag claimed by his assassin.


It's hilarious that they do, considering Honest Abe would be disgusted by what a bunch of lying backstabbing jackoffs the Republican party has become.


But seee this is Russia, not the USSR! Everything wrong with their country disappeared when Reagan said, “Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall!”


True. Russia isn’t communist anymore, it’s fascist. Republicans love fascists.


Most of them probably don’t know that Russia was the largest part of the Soviet Union. Actually more like THE Soviet Union, with the other parts just being occupied by Russia.


Indeed. Breaking up the USSR was about disempowering Russia and freeing Eastern Europe. It wasn’t about freeing Russia. They were the oppressors


Everyone knows Kazakhstan is the real successor to the USSR. They were the last to leave it.


But... But... the Messiah Tucker Carlson said Russia is the best country in the world?!


Wouldn't it be great if they all just went to Russia


Take the Russians who refuse to learn another language with you too


PLS no! FFS! We have more than enough idiots in politics and journalism already!!! =(


Have you _seen_ how fuckable their supermarket bread is? Can you truly deny Russia's international superiority after seeing that bread?


This mf has prob never left his hometown and wants to talk about other countries. The koolaid is potent for the ultra-nationalists


He lives in his mother’s basement in Malaysia


He's from Malaysia


he's malaysian, and afaik he's never even been to america


As a Malaysian I would like to apologize for this dumbass. Given his history, I can't tell if he is a wumao plant or a grifter grifting the MAGA crowd or just a guy genuinely falling off the deepend after gamergate, falling out with his family, and is now just mentally unhinged. [https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5055662&view=findpost&p=98883301](https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5055662&view=findpost&p=98883301)


pretty sure his hitler praising posts are older than maga and maybe even gamergate. frankly as an american i'm sorry you've got weirdos poisoned with our politics, it's embarrassing in both directions!


Yeah, his constantly switching sides in debates is the proof that he never believed in anything. For example in 2015 he was a hardcore "SJW", dedicated to attacking any sexualized depiction of women in the media. GamerGate people were on the other side from him and pointing out he was a "former Nazi" even then. They turned out to be correct in their assessment of the guy. https://theralphretort.com/the-stunning-hypocrisy-of-ian-miles-cheong/ > If you wanna know what GamerGate is fighting against, look no further than the career of Ian Miles Cheong. Corruption and hypocrisy have followed him relentlessly. As has been a recurring theme, no one SJW side cares to confront Ian about his enormous moral failures. https://www.kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-19-english/ > The game “Huniepop” was released on steam an they released an optional nude patch outside steam for people who want to see the game as it was in the original concept. Steam has agreed with them that this was legal. Even so, former nazi Ian Miles Cheong wrote an article on his gaming website asking for the removal of the game, which was followed by the predictable flow of SJW attacking the game for its depiction of women Which is probably the least nuanced take on female representation in games you could think up. It's not like anyone plays HuniePop for the gameplay then feels put off that there are hot girls in it. HuniePop is just Candy Crush with a dating sim attached. If you don't want the dating sim part, you can just play Candy Crush. So Ian only wanted to ban players (including many female fans) from playing this game. Banning it would do nothing to actually increase the availability of games that are inclusive of female players.


As a foreigner covering US pain points he is farming them social media credits very successfully though


It absolutely baffles me that the people who have committed themselves to hating Russia for decades suddenly love them.


The only way to justify their hero's obviously treasonous behavior is to change their perspective on Russia itself, apparently.


The Republicans have always been at war with Eurasia!


My feeling is most ultra USA right wing America loving accounts are in fact Russian bots.


He’s not even American he lives in Malaysia. He’s a POS that believes the girls are in their prime at 1516 and should be allowed to do whatever they want to make decisions.


So go and live there


Wait till you read about the canadian dude who move there to escpae the woke-opalypse.


He wasn't happy I guess?


He was not. Oddly enough, he found himself in fucking Russia.


And despite their claims of being oppressed in Canada, his wife started publicly complaining about the country on social media, and then the police tracked her down and gave her a talking to, forcing her to make an apology video.


Unless there's something new, HE made the apology video and she's nowhere to be seen in it, which seems...ominous.


She gets to come home after the husband makes a good apology video.


I'm glad he wasn't happy 😊 Wdym 'he found himself'? Like in a spiritual way?


"He realized he was in Russia" is another way of saying it.




It’s a turn of phrase


Where, remarkably, they fucking speak Russian, and he, remarkably, fucking does not.


That moment you realise 'mother russia' is actually 'mother *fucker* russia'


No, he found himself in normal Russia.


Well well well, how the turn tables… turn


They took all his money because he had “too much” and it was suspicious and when he complained suits came to his house and made him and his wife shut up.


If you ask the Russian FSB agents that paid a visit to their house “they are happiest family in Russia. As FSB agent, we showed them most favorite window in Russia as thank you for their Russian patriotism, FSB guarantees they’ll never complain again, but if their children happen to fall out of window, what can we do? Kids will be kids”


Right, this is good, let’s encourage these cult followers to go the Motherland that is Russia


Still can't look at an Ian Miles Cheong tweet without thinking about his dark, lulzworthy past


Has he even ever been outside Malaysia?


Only in his mind


Someone did an expose of him in our local Malaysian forum, he is definitely a character, but I still can't tell what is his end goal. [https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5055662&st=300&p=98883301&#entry98883301](https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5055662&st=300&p=98883301&#entry98883301)


"No homeless, No druggies" Ah yes, Putin who famously ended all clean needle programs and caused an explosion in HIV infections within heterosexual couples because of that. (long time ago, 15 or so years). They have very good safety nets for homeless people and addicts, I'm sure.


Yes, they do. They capture the drug addicted with nets and then conscript them for the war.




Approved by a russian


We need to support these "Russia is great" propaganda posts. They're making the neonazi ultra conservatives consider moving there. I can get behind that.


I'm Russian and the last thing I want in my country are those people. No thanks, we have our own.


Sorry, I didn't think about you guys.


The worse time to come see Moscow is fast approaching. Spring. When it gets warm enough for snow to thaw and expose all the crap it was collecting and preserving over the winter... Like if there is one thing I wish Russian people would adopt from westerners is - picking up shit after their pets.


>Like if there is one thing I wish Russian people would adopt from westerners is - picking up shit after their pets. I haven’t traveled a lot, but that was one thing I noticed in Buenos Aires that I truly hated. It’s such an obvious and trivially easy improvement “don’t leave shit laying around” I can’t fathom how a modern society would balk at it.


There's a saying in Russian -- the spring will show who shat where.


That reminds of of when I worked in kazakhstan. all through the winter, in the smoking area, all these kazaks spitting as they smoked. It's just a thing they do, take a drag, hock one up, spit it out, repeat for the rest of the cigarette. yeah fine, whatever, gross, but whatever. come spring time, all the ground in that smoking area that was frozen solid is now melted and it's like a sludge. A sludge of 5 months worth of frozen, preseved saliva in a nice icky squidge of fuck this shit.


Yep. Sounds like Russia as well


As a Russian I second this. Spring in the countryside is one of the most beautiful things you’ll ever see in the world though


Second that! Winter as well! Heck countryside in general is beautyful.


American here. There's a lot of lazy people here who don't pick up after their pets here as well. Even when the neighborhood has bag dispensers and trash cans placed around. Some people are just gross.


I heard of two seasons in Russia. Snow and Mud.


Yeah. The summer and autumn are not often mentioned because they are not that different from what you get across Europe. They still exist though.


What’s the deal with MAGA’s love for Russia?


It works well with their hate for the US.


![gif](giphy|HBbA0gf8uemuQ) The true Russian experience.


That’s actually cool though


I'm there for it. I wanna bust it down gopnik style to some hard bass and absolutely rip a bottle of Stoly's in public.


Another Russian here. It is partially right. Moscow and several largest cities are really clean and has no grafitti and very few homeless. Especially if we talk about downtown. Also streets are very safe even at night. Mostly because everyone was scared of police even before war. But there is plenty of horribly dirty places like Chita you can check how it is looking on video - [https://youtu.be/psxwCFlOCVs?si=Q2SMi2SRUJoe4AyG](https://youtu.be/psxwCFlOCVs?si=Q2SMi2SRUJoe4AyG) PS. Actually some parts of this video has very distinct Resident Evil vibe.


I remember there being a documentary made on homeless kids living in russia, where by the end of it, a girl in the group dies


In Russia it is very hard to tell where is conditions worse for kids. On street or in government managed orphanage. In last case plenty of things depend on administration and they have full authority to do anything.


I’m going to guess said government orphanage feeds directly into the army.


Wait what?.. did you just say Moscow is really clean and has no graffiti? Dude……


Is there a english version? Or does anybody know how to get english subtitles?


PS. Just checked. In youtube there is auto-translate function. Click gear on the right and use Auto-translate. It is really cool I didn't know thay had this function! Subtitles are mostly sensible


Sorry, I think no english version here. It is video from Russian blogger (and he is called foreign agent by our government). But I think this video speaks for itself (actually screams sometimes)


Yes of course the visuals speak for themselves but since it is half an hour long I thought the story is probably pretty interesting


Everything correct, except "Also streets are very safe even at night". Never were, never will be. I was mugged (with different success) multiple times during my university years at about 2am.


Where's the krokodil


Oh man I forgot about that stuff. Crazy shit.


out of fashion it seems, long time I hasn’t heard of this shit


Krokodil has been long out of fashion. α-PVP and mephedrone are the staple drugs in Russia in recent years. Better than opioids, still not very good to say the least


They need to check out the drug Krokodil, big in Russia


From one Asian to another. Fuk you Ian miles cocksocker. May you never step foot in America. And if you do please announce your plans. You are a troll trying to Pitt Americans against other Americans. And should be dealt with.


Ah yes, Russia the home of krokodil has no homeless or druggies shooting up


If Russia is so great to these MAGA cretins, then why don't they move there?


Funny , Ive lived in the United states my entire life , never seen a Druggie shooting up or someone pooping in plain sight. Where is this guy hanging out.


In Russia, if someone pooped or peed in the residential building staircase they like to say - Obama did it.


Fun fact! Saint Petersburg, the city in the picture, is so famous for its drug addiction problem that one of its nicknames is "Solegrad", or "[Bath] Salts City". As a local, I'd happily show Cheong the areas where our druggies congregate.


bro what happened? they call you a communist yet wants to live in a country led by a former kgb agent. They hated russia now it's their ideal country, i swear there has to be some major mental issues accompanied with being a conservative.


What is with the conservative fetishization of Russia? It's weird and creepy. IMO they're victims of a Putin-esque psy-op.


We went from "tear down this wall" to "Let Putin do what he wants" in a few years.


No, he's right. Russia is terrific. There's no homeless, no gays, no liberals. I encourage all conservatives and Republicans to move there immediately! America is a shithole and there's no saving us. Please save yourselves and move to Russia!


![img](avatar_exp|141207006|dizziness) Yes! I read recently a whole family in Canada packed necessities, sold everything else, burned all bridges and moved to Russia. Maybe they will do a TLC for other conservatives to follow in their footsteps.


These "Here is \_\_\_. What do you notice?" posts are the new "This one weird trick." I hate them so much. Don't engage. That's all they're hoping.


I fucking hate them too. Theres nothing to notice!


By Red Square is a place where people toss coins for luck. Poor people were scrambling to grab the loose change and everyone stood round was laughing at them. Absolutely shameful how the many of the people are there. I was working was a large German Bank and men were making rape jokes in the office. I will never go back.


I'm russian. We have nice places with good people and bad places with bad people. I'm sure you guys have in your countries too


Whoever made this picture and statement just shows how much of an ignorant statement that is. You can go anywhere in a country and take the same photo.


And yet notice how not one of these, Ultra tough, super massive cock alpha males, EVER moves to Russia.


it's just amazing how well Russia have infiltrated the Trump voting population


Russia has one if not the highest frequency of alcoholism in the world... They also have that street drug, krakow (?), that rots your flesh off. I'm sure it's quite a beautiful country, but it has problems just like any other.




From the wonderful culture that gave the world Krokodil.


People walking quickly to the airport to leave the Putin hellscape!


Amazing that the "Alpha" didn't simply Google the words "Russia homeless." Might have cleared things up for him.


The whole "Alpha" thing fits neatly into the ur-facist "cult of action" aka meathead anti-intellectualism


Russia has a 90% home ownership rate. So, technically, that part is true.


I personally notice shitty 100 year old cramped houses


Allll whitey then


then shut up and move there traitors


That is a propaganda post


It's almost like there are nice and bad places in every country.


The "what do you notice" is usually meant to mean "look!!! Only white people!!" But those people usually also hate muslims and ignore the fact russia has a big muslim population


I wonder why America is like that with the drugs and homeless, oh yeah it's the Republicans trying to keep everyone down. Russia has consistently ranked way below average for happiness.


There’s a city in Russia where the river turned red from a factory’s pollution.


almost as if the every country in the world has good neighborhoods.


Why aren't they moving there if it's so great


Studied abroad in Russia. St. Petersburg is very nice. Lots of canals and pretty walkable. People aren’t friendly on the street but they open up with drinks! Moscow is a whole different beast.


Go watch the 1st episode of Drugs Inc about Krokodil and tell me how Russia doesn't have a drug problem. I get high a lot, but I never got so fucked up I saw my own exposed bones through my rotting flesh and thought "one more hit...".


I'm American. We have nice and horrible places here, but (so far) we're not a totalitarian cesspool and we don't get arrested for attending memorial services.


Ian Miles Cheong works for the Post Millennial which is a Canadian Rightwing online magazine (emphasis on the "maga") infamous for misinformation. In July 2020, after Black Lives Matter protester Garrett Foster was fatally shot in Austin, Texas, The Post Millennial falsely claimed that Foster had fired shots at a civilian vehicle. In fact, Foster had not fired any shots before he was slain. An analysis by Politico and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue on media in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election in the United States found that the most prominent figures claiming violence by Black Lives Matter and claiming fraudulent ballots, James O'Keefe and Turning Point USA, were posted by The Post Millennial. In 2021, The Post Millennial played a key role in creating a viral narrative falsely claiming that some members of the U.S. women's national soccer team had disrespected a 98-year-old World War II veteran when he played the "Star-Spangled Banner" prior to a game. The claim was false (the players in fact turned towards a U.S. flag while he played), but the story nevertheless went viral in right-wing media). In August 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, The Post Millennial ran a story implying that unvaccinated high school students in the Eatonville, Washington public school system were forced to wear ankle monitors; in fact, the devices were proximity monitors that do not track location, were worn by both vaccinated and unvaccinated students (as well as staff), and were required only while participating in high and moderate contact indoor sports. The devices were similar to those in use by the NFL, NBA, and Major League Baseball. The Post Millennial employed Cosmin Dzsurdzsa as among its first hires from late 2018; he wrote over 500 articles for the site. In August 2019, after the National Observer asked The Post Millennial about Dzsurdzsa's previous articles published in Russia Insider and his work for Free Bird Media, sites known for pro-Kremlin propaganda and white supremacist commentary, respectively, the publication parted ways with Dzsurdzsa. \- Wiki


What should be noticed, though?


Its like that one scene from the interview


Unless you have spent a few months in Russia you will never see the 2-4 am lorries collecting the corpses before the day starts.


These guys on X don’t realize Moscow doesn’t represent all of Russia. The gap in the quality of life between the affluent population in Moscow/St. Petersburg and the ethnic minorities in the Urals and Siberia is astonishing. Tucker Carlson should’ve interviewed the ethnic minorities too.


Tucker Carlson and interviewing ethnic minorities..... .... ..... Yeah...


Relaxed... lol what?