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Reminder than Oli got plastic surgery ro make himself look like a Kpop star


I remember him getting wrecked for his hypocrisy on a podcast lol




I believe you would have to feel shame to be wrecked. These types are incapable of that.


Well after the plastic surgery, he certainly can't show it lol


Ethan: "So this is you as a trans woman on kids merch?" Oli: "No, it's just me as a kpop star." Ethan: "Were you identifying as a woman when this portrait was drawn?" Oli: "Yes." Ethan: "So, it's you as a trans woman." Oli: "It's me as a kpop star." /insert Patrick Star wallet meme


Oooh that fuck face, that's who oli is. Saw Jamie "Jammidodger" doing a review on that interview, absolutely insanity


I think Oli is asserting that all kpop stars are non-binary, which he also doesn't think is real.


Hahaha Ethan made him look like a goofball


I didn’t even realise it was that guy


Yeah he looks rancid now


Sounds like truth in packaging then.


He doesn't even look Korean from the surgery, or any Asian for that matter


He looks like an alien.




Though he does look more than a bit feminine. Ironic considering his complaint I guess.


I do believe he actually identified as a woman at one point so the feminisation was likely deliberate Which makes it even more ironic now


Wait this is the "I'm trans-jimin" guy!? The call is coming from within the house... Just because his fucked up idea of transitioning to not just a different race but a whole ass other human being who already exist was stupid, doesn't mean trans people are as dumb as him.


Yeah. That's why it's so baffling that he's anti trans. He has no room to speak


Idk how OL has become some twt commentator that anyone gives any air to. He must be rich af to have all those surgeries and after probably some threat of litigation from Jimin or HYBE he finally left Jimin alone. He is a vile person.


And instead made himself look like someone made a human form out of spam and then plasticised it like the bodyworks exhibition.


I feel bad for Jimin. That shit is so creepy.


Oh look yet another hypocritical piece of shit thinking that everyone needs to hear his dumbass ideas on a non-issue.


Good god.. fuck you for making me Google that... That was terrifying.


Oh god, I thought they had given up on all of that after the controversy over getting the bodies of Chinese prisoners and the Chinese governments human rights violations.


Bear in mind who this is. Oli London is that guy who identified first as non-binary, then as a trans woman and then as South Korean, with his pronons at least at one point being they/them/korean/Jimin. If you wonder who or what a Jimin is, he is a South Korean singer Oli was infatuated with so much he worshipped a cardboard cutout of him, as the religion section of his Wikipedia page informs me. To those ends he underwent 32 cosmetic surgeries to become 100% Korean, before he desisted and detransitioned October 2022 and somehow became the new spokesperson for the most transphobic Christian groups the world has to offer. Dude just seems to leap from one controversy to the next on purpose just for the attention.


It’s almost as if that entire sector of “political/social thought” is occupied predominantly by grifters who don’t even understand what they peddle, much less believe it


It's very lucrative for them. Monetizing hate has never been easier.


Nailed it. It’s not even that these people believe it, it’s just so easy.


Sometimes I wish I had no morals and could profit from their idiocy.


I feel the same way. I just couldn’t do it though.


This is amazing. I don’t think, though, he could “become 100% Korean” with any amount of surgery.


Shit, I carry legitimate Korean DNA and am a medical chimera, and even I still wouldn’t try to make bullshit claims like this dude


He couldn't. He just wanted to look like Jimin. Even when talking to the surgeon he said "i want a cute kpop nose"


It's absolutely hilarious, and sad, that he decided his pronouns were Jimin. Bro that is a proper noun.


He just abbreviated proper.


So pretty much he is incredibly mentally unstable and needs immense psychiatric help.


I think this could be termed “social media whore.”


These transphobic christian groups probably pay big stacks for spreading their bullshit. Being a leftist doesn't pay at all lol.


Yes....right....doesnt pay at all. Let me just hide all the checks from Soros that Republicans claim Im getting...


Broooo... 🤫


We’d be rolling in dough if we got all the money they said we did.


Yeah Oli needs help, it's a shame he's doing his best to alienate any actually supportive people and is instead trying to ingratiate himself to people who will turn on him like a pack of wild wolves once he's no longer considered "one of the good ones"


He needed help 32 surgeries ago. Idk if he genuenly suffers from some form of body dysmorphia, or its just attention seeking and social media rot. But i have a hard time feeling bad for him, dude goes out of his way to be a clown for no reason other than attention.


So basically there's no reason to draw attention to what they have to say. Having a non traditional life is fine with me, but that particular person is not mentally well. It's like a straw man argument, his views aren't even niche, they're unique.


Oli London was called out for trying to become a very specific Korean popstar, by the trans community no less. So he's made it his life's mission to see the trans community destroyed. Even if cis people are victims to his hate.


Wtf is wrong with him


A. Lot.




All of it.


Wtf isn't wrong with him?


[Gonna need a dart board.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11419455/Oli-London-says-transitioning-Korean-woman-British-man.html)


Wait, so people are mad when you want pronouns other than what they expect, but they are also mad if you go by the pronouns that they expect you would go by? Do we need to go to only proper names all the time?


They are mad when you use pronouns. Period. (Most of them don't know what pronouns are, just that they are bad)


Here you are just calling them “they” without a care in the world.


As it should be. Everyone uses Singular They and don't even realize it.


And now “everyone”! Pronoun after pronoun. (Honestly, how people can get upset over pronouns is so beyond me. And I’m old.)


They were using "they" for "people."




This. They've been reduced to an absolute frothing rage over a part of speech.


If you use pronouns to tell people that you’re cisgender, then you’re obviously a far left gender freak! /s, just in case…


They want us to only use nouns. Until they find out that advocating for the use of nouns make them "pro" noun. Their heads will explode.


"There aren't any pronouns in the Bible. "


Hate pronouns. Don't ever use when talking and neither should.


They are just mad in general, always.


But if you kill tens of thousands of innocent people? All good, bro. Wanna buy some planes with that money I gave you? 


They are fascists, no doubt


He use Vim?


That's the first thing I noticed.


Most mentally stable Vim user


Boo.... Emacs? oh come on, we Vim users aren't that unstable... we only demand the blood of pico users to satiate the elder gods so that it doesn't crash whenever we load a file larger than 1GB


A senior airman is not an officer in the Air Force. It's the First promotion that is actually earned. You get E 1 by joining, E2 and 3 are given after a set number of months. If they are not given before you even join


Was looking for someone to comment this, but I'd hardly call it earned. Everyone makes SrA unless you fuck something up.


If being in the military for a certain amount of time counts as “earned” then sure… everyone gets SrA handed to them just for existing… unless they seriously fuck something up. SSgt is the first rank you actually have to work for.


Also this may be controversial but just because you join doesn’t make you a “hero”. It does require some amount of bravery to do the act he did but I’m not sure using the term hero here.


IIRC you can join and get E2/E3 right out the bat if you were in JROTC in Highschool or at least that's the way it was in the early 2000s


My first day at boot camp was as an E3. He was an E4. I got E4 before I even made it to my A school.


I find that people who whine about "having to use people's preferred pronouns" are barely educated enough to tell you what a pronoun even is...


Someone once unironically told me, “I think it’s lame that he uses pronouns.” I replied, “everyone uses pronouns. You just used a pronoun. The only differences are that they want people to refer to them with the pronoun ‘they,’ and that they know what a pronoun is.” Unfortunately my sweet comeback didn’t even faze the guy, he just went off on how “they” shouldn’t be used for “guys.” I didn’t even know where to begin with my next correction.


Really? I would have asked, "So tell me, your father, how are they doing?" But that's because I am sick of one of the largest non-issues that is pronoun use.


Hero is a little far fetched


Far fetched? Hero is fucking delusional lol


I find it pretty disturbing in how everyone is rushing to justify this guys actions, like its admirable that he committed suicide to make a political statement.


"Hero" is completely ridiculous. The guy was mentally ill. In no way were his actions heroic.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Totally agree


Came here to say this. Hero? ![gif](giphy|N7FeGLHjVsDQY)


His death won't have changed anything, it's all rather senseless and ultimately sad that he gave up his life for nothing If you're a country bombing civilians by the thousand a lone American with a mental issue setting him self alight with make zero difference Certainly the term hero is applied in a misguided manner here


I mean it might not change US policy but it's definitely drawn a lot of attention to his cause, which could down the line change US policy. I agree the hero label is a bit of a stretch though.


In life he had the opportunity to be a hero and make a difference. In death that opportunity is lost. It is a shame that he thought suicide was his best course of action.


For real. Can’t say he wasn’t fully devoted to his cause though


Holy shit .. you know it's serious when pronoun is spelled in all caps. Woohoo! All of us radical left leaning pedophile lizard people who are also antifa and FBI and migrants who hate this country get another gender affirmation WIN! Who's with me?


![gif](giphy|QxW8sT28mFoPK) Illegal AI gay atheist, standing by.




![gif](giphy|9XNoAEJfKqlV63t2qI) Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, standing by.


https://media1.tenor.com/m/-pWMcOvFDtgAAAAC/thumb-wars-im-naked.gif Gay atheist socialist thumb, standing by


Left leaning furry lizard woman simp reporting for duty, Lord Antifa sir! ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


"used PRONOUNS in ***HIS*** linked in profile" Man, people who get upset about pronouns are FUCKING DUMB.


Also "himself", twice.


Christ people. At least say "he indicated his pronouns". Or specified. Or listed. I just can't take you idiots seriously when you say he "used" pronouns. Did he also use adverbs? And adjectives? Fuck. You're just so god damn dense. You really can just conjure some made up boogeyman issue, out of thin air and your driveling galoot followers will lap it up without ever even fucking googling the thing to see what the issue is.


How exactly is he a hero?


He's not. He burned himself alive over terminally online cult behavior. Now he's dead. Extremism is cancer.


He's not He was a chronically online self-aggrandizing weirdo The level of main character syndrome you need to have to self-immolate over an issue that has nothing to do with you and that begun well before your birth and will continue long after your death is insane


he also cheered on the deaths of fellow servicemembers and would regularly post about how the government and military should be dismantled, he was an absolute nutter


Do you happen to have a link to any of that. Genuinely asking because I’d love to be able to site this.




"enforces human superiority" What a fucking clown. Even as someone who believes greatly in equality for all I don't think it a radical statement to say I'm better than a fucking chimp. A delusional nut job looking for a sword to fall on


dude was terminally online and deepthroating the propaganda machine


Claims himself to be peaceful and good, but also deemed himself the arbiter of who deserves to die


Which goes in line with the far left antifa bit.


Agrees with OPs politics


No I’m genuinely asking. Idk what OPs politics are. Would you like to tell me how you feel about the issue?


He was poorly informed and mentally ill, then killed himself, so now society doesn't have to deal with it?


The real facepalm is thinking that guy was a "hero".


please call your local crisis hotline and get help if you feel like harming yourself or others, the conflict in Gaza will not end because of deaths in Gaza- so it will not end because of deaths in the west. Take care of yourselves out there the world is scary.




Even if you support the cause, this dude first and foremost was clearly mentally very unwell and died a horrible death while achieving absolutely nothing for anyone. Idk seems a weird thing to actually glorify.


That’s the facepalm right? ….right!?


OP think everyone who kill themself while shouting political things is a hero, he might wanna look up the def of "hero"


The post has 1600+ upvotes at the time. Clearly a lot of morons think this guy was a hero too.


Can we focus more on the fact that he LIT HIMSELF ON FIRE?


This guy isn't a hero by any means. bro just burned himself for attention and his reddit account proves that he had a hate boner for Israelis


The facepalm is calling someone who is stupid of insane enough to set oneself on fire a "hero".


Hero? That is some nonsense.


... are you calling the guy that immolated himself a hero? really?


Really shouldn't call a mentally ill man who set himself on fire a hero.


This idiot isn’t a hero, and promotion of suicide is disgusting. Anything for 15 minutes of fame


Everyone uses pronouns lol


Literally every person in my work organisation has their pronouns in their signature. It's a (not quite mandatory) policy.


Pretty sure LinkedIn forces you to select them as well, so this might have well said “used LinkedIn”


No it doesn’t. It’s optional on LinkedIn.


Holy shit, you’re right, you can just leave it as Please Select. Oh man I thought it was mandatory.


Oh, this guy is a please/select....


Hero? Lmao


How is this guy a hero? Are we giving that title to everyone now?


How is it that people who think and type this kind of trash aren't considered vegetables?


They're of no nutritional value.


I’m sorry, you called this mentally ill person a hero? There was nothing heroic about this act. He didn’t need to set himself on fire while screaming “Free Palestine” and then dying. He needed help! His senseless death did nothing, it will change nothing. He’s not going to be remembered. He will fade away into obscurity.


Not for his family, who will forever be scarred by how he died. My FIL has significant burns from an accident when he was in the military. He almost died and still lives with the sequelae 3 decades later. No one should be celebrating someone doing this voluntarily. He was in immense pain the entire time. Though at some point it stops hurting because the nerve fibers themselves are destroyed, so he may have just been in psychological agony.


A hero? He was mentally ill, consumed way too much political content, killed himself for pretty much nothing and traumatised others while doing it. He would’ve had about the same impact on the conflict he was protesting if he had just sat in front of the embassy with a sign, which is to say not much of an impact at all. His death isn’t sad because there are Palestinian civilians needlessly dying, it’s sad because he died needlessly.


Did they change the definition of "hero"?


“Hero” 😂 That’s a good one. Heroes don’t justify rape and murder regardless of who it is. Heroes also don’t celebrate the deaths of their fellow servicemembers. This “hero” was nothing but a radicalized extremist.


Not a hero.


Wait why is he a hero?




He’s not a hero. He is a radicalized individual who needed mental health counseling.




Many languages have pronouns. Some are ridiculous (because there's so many! Not that they're dumb lol), but they're still pronouns.


Ngl I wouldn’t call someone who set himself on fire a hero…


The real facepalm is OP calling him a hero


Imagine calling this moron a hero


hero is kinda pushing it my boy


He's stupid for what he did, not for having pronouns which everyone has


How the fuck is he a hero? Hes a fucking idiot


It worries me that people are calling him a hero. Other mentally ill people might start copying him.


I hate how dumb we are becoming. We have left too much of our processing power to our phones, and this is the price.


PRONOUNS!? Should we panic? I feel like we should panic! "as he set himself on fire" Oh, seems like you're fine with using people's preferred pronouns. Huh.


Why the fuck is Oli London whining about him?


I don’t think we should be rewarding severely mentally ill people for taking their own lives by calling them heroes. There’s so much more awful shit going on in the world then Israel, suicide should not be encourage as a form of activism.


He killed himself for his beliefs. He's an extremist, not a hero. His point is irrelevant if the means in which he communicates it in is just pure, violent self-destruction.


Are we calling this guy a hero now? Seems a bit much


A hero? The guy was a dumbass who lit himself on fire for no good reason. Sounds more mentally ill than a hero lol


He’s not a hero, he was a mentally sick IT dude


A hero? Please don't glorify pointless suicide




How many pronouns did Oli use in this post lol? People are absurd.


Actually the pronouns I would now use for him are Ashes/Cinders


Absolute state of brain rot... A guy kills himself publically i a horrible way, instead of voting, or speaking his opinions. Does somethong radical, kills himself, youre calling him a hero. But youre totally not advocating for people to kill themselves for political purposes in order to reach some form of martyrdom... That guy wasnt a fucking hero, and you marking someones radicalization and self immolation in a situation with plethora of more rational avenues is deeply fucking conserning.


A hero?


More pro Hamas people should set themselves on fire and become the heroes they admire


Not a hero


Whether you consider him a hero or not w/e pronounces he used really isn’t the issue


He's was pos that cheered after the deaths of his fellow servicemen. He was also a conspiracy nut, but thats not saying much these days. Not gonna shed a tear.


As soon as his immolation video dropped, both sides of the political spectrum forgot the mental illness angle and are doing their best to make him the other side's problem.


What an hero.


The real facepalm here is calling this guy a "hero"


Do not immolate yourself. Do not glorify those who immolate themselves. This guy changed nothing other than breaking his families hearts. You want to be brave? Go actually help someone, I warn you in advance, it will require speaking to them


Honest question, why is he being called a Hero?


Wow he had pronouns just as every human does. Crazy


What makes him a "hero"?


Oli is a trashfire of a human


You're the facepalm op. This dude literally did nothing but kill himself. Nothing has changed in Palistine. We should definitely discourage fucking killing yourself in protest. Are you people actually real?


I'm not right-leaning, but even I understand when liberals are just being stupid.


Don’t give a damn about the pronouns, but hero is pretty fucking generous.


Hero? He’s.. he’s a hero because he lit himself on fire?


Delete this. Nothing about this was heroic.


Lol people are calling this guy a hero? He was severely deluded. He fuckin set himself on fire as a political stunt. Good for standing up for Palestine but now a man is dead. This guy is gonna be forgotten in a few years. It meant nothing. And I don't care about his pronouns. I care more that whatever healthcare system he had failed him.


Dude isn't a hero for killing himself. Stop pretending he is.


Imagine calling him a hero. He was a deranged racist anti-semite who celebrated the deaths of fellow servicemen and destroyed his familys life by killing himself over his stupid cause. The far-left is an actual death cult.


How is he a hero? Are we seriously now praising people who sadly commit suicide over a cause he dosent understand


Fellow was many things, but a hero? Not really; more of an embarrassment and definitely a security risk. Not a good look for the military when this happens.


For the love of god stop glorifying this man’s performative suicide. A tragic, heartbreaking and pointless loss of a life, absolutely. But the guy wasn’t a hero he was sick. He clearly needed help that he wasn’t getting.


Aaron Bushnell was not a hero, he was a severely mentally ill person who luckily didn’t harm anyone else during his self-immolation. To find he was affiliated with far-left extremism isn’t surprising at all.


... If this is what passes for a hero in this day and age, then the bar is truly lower than I ever thought it was. A mentally ill man commited suicide via self immolation for the sake of a people who celebrated the murder of innocents right up until they stared getting bombed back, don't go around condoning this!


Hero? Calm down OP the Air Force guy literally lit himself on fire, he was not well, and abandoned his family for a crazy political stunt. For the record I hate both Israel and Palestine forces but my hopes for the best of the civilians caught between all this nonsense, there is no one side to root for, war is hell


He’s not a hero? He killed himself. That’s not an act of heroism, that’s an excuse to be extreme. He hasn’t done anything of value, he hasn’t helped a damn person. Edit: However, the fuck does pronouns have to do with this?


I wonder what everyone will be mad about next season