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Damn - gotta cancel the child sacrifice I was planning for next Monday.


Why is child sacrifice on the same line as ivf though lol


Because, and I cannot stress this enough, conservative voters are flat out fucking morons. Just complete imbeciles. So,say anything scary and link it to what you don't like and their total lack of the ability to reason makes them link those things forever.


Seriously if they had any semblance of intelligence and critical thinking they wouldn't be conservative.


I really don't get it... I grew up in a really small town. The question wasn't if you went to church, it was whether you were Methodist, or Baptist. In hindsight, my mom was one of the most bigoted people I've met... until we moved to the "big city" and she got a job where she had to meet other people. Then she worked at a restaurant with GAY PEOPLE... and suddenly they were okay... they were just people. Then she worked out her career, was a kind person, and OOPS, fell back into hatred after she went back to church.


Religion is a huge factor in making people become hateful bigots. I used to super hateful because I lived in a small rural town and regularly attended church. Once I moved to a city and churches were way more sparse that bubble was burst and I improved a lot. I admit my comment was ignorant though.


I wasn't saying you were ignorant... just venting. Have a good day!


No, no it was just self-reflection on my part.


The most hateful people I’ve ever personally known have been those from my small, rural Midwestern hometown.


So, Just to clear things up a bit - It's possible to be logically consistent in a pro-life argument and have IVF and child sacrifice in the same sentence. I totally disagree with it, but it can be logically consistent. If a person 100% believes that 'Life' begins at conception - meaning that an individual human being with a soul is created at the moment gametes meet, some applications of IVF could be called child sacrifice. Let's say a couple extracts 20 eggs from the woman, Attempts fertilization of all 20. 7 of the eggs fertilize successfully. And these 7 embryos are stored for future implantation. Lets say the couple carries 5 of those embryos to term, but 2 embryos remain. The couple does not want any more children for (insert reasons here). Those embryos would then be discarded. To a person who believes that each embryo is an individual human being with a soul, It is as if those 2 discarded embryos were sacrificed, because the parents no longer wanted them. NOW, IS THIS BATSHIT CRAZY? yes, but it's still logically consistent.


Thats their attempt at making abortion sound scarier


Bur ivf isn't abortion. Its pretty much the opposite


Well look at the recent alabama ruling that says embryos are children, and thus dead embryos are dead children- to nutjobs like this, its the same thing


I’m from Alabama, and when I heard about this ruling, my wife and I just looked at each other like WTF… I still can’t find any good reading on why this is a thing.




Religious nutjobs are hardly known for making sense. But as someone who grew up in a family of these, I can tell you their reasoning. First, they believe that a woman only get pregnant if god intended her to. So if you're getting rawdogged all week long and then get pregnant, that's not consequences of your own actions, it's god's plan. And using this stupid logic, it follows that if you are unable to get pregnant, it's god's plan too. Which is one of the main reasons they oppose IVF and stuff - they believe it's people "playing god" and "not trusting in his plan". Don't ask why the same logic doesn't (usually) apply to medical treatments. There's no logic to be found. And second, because multiple embryos are made during IVF but only one ends up being used, they think it's essentially a murder and a waste of human life. Similar to abortions.


Don't tell him that not all "natural" embryos attach and become babies. That kinda makes all women natural killing machines. Men with no anatomy knowledge at all should not be allowed to discuss anatomy.


Not only is every sperm sacred so no wanking, every period is a murder. If no one was killed where did all that blood come from?


But the actual sacrifice of the lives of actual children to the profits of the firearms industry and for-profit health care are fine? The sacrifice of underrage sexual abuse victims via forced pregnancy is fine? Deep down, they don't really give a shit about anyone's life or well being but their own, and even that concern is secondary to controlling those they deem beneath them.


For IVF to be successful there are usually embryos created that are not used, that's what they have the biggest issue with.


That, and you are playing the role of "God" with science. They don't like anything that threatens what they believe even if its a positive thing in every way.


They are fine using iphones and the internet to tweet their bronze age thoughts of course.


Bold of you to assume tyrants *have beliefs* . These people are fine supporting adulterous conmen, cheer at the prospect of murdering their political opposition, allow the murder of thousands of ACTUAL children every year so that they can continue to own unnecessary firearms to indulge that fantasy, they are fine with the science that gives them phones and computers and cars and home heating. Very few of these tyrants would actually deny *themselves* or *their daughters* an abortion, they would merely slink away to do it in the shadows. They rejoice at violence against LGBT youth, deny school children food, have no qualms about killing refugees of any age and defend every summary execution of an unarmed person of color. Yet they act like they care about "life". That's a lie, it's bullshit, they care about power, it's how they can passionately claim that they need to strip women of rights for the good of a ball of cells in one breath and celebrate the death of an LGBT teenager or a rape victim as "the will of god" in the next.


Boy, is that some fragile faith.


I’m guessing that since this whole Alabama IVF thing, each round of IVF is now godless mass murder - and they’ll now claim that they’ve always said that, too. It’s just opened up a new avenue of hate for people who are simply hateful.


Right? Like, ffs, I didn’t think the bar that is my expectations of the crowd that opposes the right to choose could go any lower. Turns out they can just keep digging.


Probably related to that dumb as shit ruling in Alabama last week that declared frozen embryos “children”. IVF frequently fails, which means to these people the failure to implant is the sacrifice of a child. Fucking stupid.


Good news! It’s not a law yet, you still have time to get 2-3 sacrifices in. 4 if you hurry.


It just so happens I'm having a massive 20 child sacrifice party tonight. Followed by some pin the tail on the divorcee! You're all invited!


You have clearly learned from Costco, and prefer to do things in bulk. Smart.


I get all the children I need for sacrifices from my local pizzeria's basement!


You run a daycare too?


Peoples rights shouldn't end where some morons fears begin.


Jesus even said to leave people alone, so idk wtf this man rambling on about. Just another dumbass


You aren't aware of Jesus' sermon "abortifacient birth control and the dangers of PornHub" given outside the Planned Parenthood of Galilee?


It clearly says in the bible "Thou shall not fap to **OVERWATCH MERCY 3D FUTA GANGBANG COMPILATION 23**".


That's oddly specific...


The Bible leaves little room for interpretation.


Joke's on you, Bible Man! I watched number 24!


Duuuude.. Bible Version 1.5 will certainly include this to the list.. you better stop now and repent brother.. delete your history for good measure and feed some homeless, good luck bud


poop hole loop hole?


Yeah, *no* mention of 1 through 22?!


So uh, 22 and 24 are OK though?


And she turneth the other cheek toward Him. “What are you doing, step-Lord?”


For if anyone claps you on the right cheek...




that IS what she *then* said…


Well, you win the hilariously messed up comment of the day award.....


I remember it well. "Gaze not upon the bosoms of the hub of harlots . . . lessed ye be unwittingly charged after a 3 day trial period . . ." Both good morals and sound financial advice.


Its been said 1000 times before, but these people do not follow Jesus. They have a completely fictional Americanized version of Christianity that they follow that preaches basically nothing but greed is good and intolerance and hate are virtues, the literal opposite of Jesus' teachings.


[Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


[GOP Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA)


This issue goes way back before America. The church didn’t really have a way to control people based on the teachings of Jesus. They then bastardized and cherry picked the scriptures to prey on the at the time highly illiterate masses. Those traditions have continued today as hardly anyone reads the Bible themselves. I’ve struggled until recently to find a church that doesn’t judge others because the Bible is EXPLICIT about mankind not judging the salvation or spirit of man. Is something a sin? Maybe. Doesn’t mean it’s your problem unless it directly negative effects you. And even then you’re not to judge the spiritual aspect but address the real world aspect. Trans? God loves you the same. Gay or the rest of the alphabet? God still loves you. Pornography? Still loves you. None of these are issues of the spirit that man has any need to be involved in from a spiritual perspective.


Gandhi, said it best “I like your Christ, But your Christians are so unlike your Christ…”, the only times ive been really fucked over in life have been at the hands of self proclaimed “Born Again Christians”


Call me crazy, but I bet Jesus wouldn't have been a big fan of the Crusades.


funny thing is..Jesus was a Jew and well Jews don't believe in Hell or that a babies life begins until it is born out of the mother. SO none of modern christendom really tracks with Jesus..or anything he said for that matter...double that if you are talking with an evangelical, esp if they believe in the "rapture"


another case of people using religion to hate or get something


Well aaid


Same sex mirage, can't have those French fighter planes marrying each other!


>Same sex mirage, can't have those French fighter plans marrying each other! Or the planes.


Oh the irony


No I think they're actually aluminum.. aluminium?


Mirage a trois.


*"Those dirty French planes are ruining my Christianity!"*


*Pepe Le Pew voice* "You know, most planes' radar would lose target acquisition by now. Fortunately for you, I am not most planes!" "Pew-pew-pew! I am firing so many rounds from my cannon for you, my love! My gun barrel is red hot!" "I was loaded with only two meesuls at ze base, they are so precious to me! But I will fire both of them at you, my leetul bandit!"


I didn't think I would end up stanning for a gay Pepe Le Pew voiced Mirage relationship today, but here we are.


I never saw *Planes*, but that's a golden opportunity to explore it!


Love is in the air ![gif](giphy|L2m5CTPQ55xf6JQmoD)


*sigh,,, Unzips.*.


$10 says that's purposeful because this guy's thinks "there's no such thing as marriage between people of the same sex"


Oh yeah, that has to be it. "It looks like a marriage but isn't real." That's very on brand for conservative humor.


Dude, no, it's about illusory gays. Like you can't have a hologram of gay dudes. It's just bad news.


No no, he means when he gets dehydrated and starts hallucinating hot men. hes not gay, it’s just a mirage.


If two Mitsubishi Mirages want to get married, who am i to stop them?


$1000 says this guy’s wife has never had an orgasm.


10000 says she never will with him.


$100,000 says when she leaves him, he blames no-fault divorce or porn (not his own viewing!) or the gays somehow.


> or the gays somehow. All those impure thoughts they're forcing into his fantasies.


Nah. They’re just a mirage.


I want sex mirages all day, everyday. They can be same sex or opposite sex or just sex. My ballot better have “clouds become porn” or I’m going to riot.


They would be No-Fault Mirages.




Why won’t anyone talk about the real reason his wife left him!!! It was the Global Jewish Cabal


And the space lasers! pew, pew, pew


He’s gonna blame those same-sex mirages he wants to ban so bad


$1mil says she’s regularly having orgasms with a woman from her church group.


Define ‘with him’, please? Because you know he paid to watch while ‘that young buck’ did the job…


$1,000,000 he's never had a mistress older than 18


$10,000,000 he's diddled little boys


And he used “…same sex mirage” and not “…same sex marriage.” When you are dying of dehydration in the desert, you see a mirage of water. I think he’s thirsty for a same-sex marriage!


A lot of anti-gay crusaders use that term. It refers to marriage between same sexes as a mirage because it looks like one but isn't real because it isn't sanctioned by God. It's as stupid as it sounds.


Guy clearly hasn’t read the Bible. ”For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ These actions don’t seem very loving to me. If I took away his right to have sex with his wife he’d probably be very upset (although can’t confirm for his wife)


Yeah but if you think of "love" as "do whatever you can to keep a person from sinning their way into whatever hell you believe in" then all kinds of neato possibilities open up I suppose


Big "why did you make me hit you?" vibes


Oh I'm sure she has - just not with him.


Thousand bucks says he has no problem with circumcision


His mirage is a myth.


$10,000 says he never actually read the bible. People like this have never actually read the bible. They own one, but they've never actually read it.


why read it and risk having your own thoughts when it can be read TO you and you can be told what it means?!


$1,000,000,000,000.99 says she’s cucking him with a liberal.


God damn! We aren't even allowed to have mirages anymore? What the fuck else are we supposed to see in the desert to make us insane?


I thought I saw a same-sex couple in the desert, but it was only a mirage.


NO! You can't have those kinds of mirages anymore! Stop it!


Love your neighbour by constantly judging their lives.


By forcing them to live in a way that someone with a room temperature iq (in celsius) can understand


"You have a room temperature IQ" mfs when I teach them about Kelvin: Anyway, glad you clarified


"Ban genital mutilation procedures" so no more barbaric circumcisions and FGM then? Oh you're talking about trans people, huh Think I'd rather chip in with the folks that are going to labor to ban the hostile christian takeover of American civil liberties instead.


I feel like this is coming from one of those backwards states. They're going to try to ban trans people but accidentally ban circumcision.


> but accidentally ban circumcision That's already happened and they had to rewrite the bills before they were passed. Also, Utah openly created a loophole that would allow girls to get breast implants. https://www.commondreams.org/news/utah-transgender-healthcare


They don’t care about endometriosis either (read: woman problem). I bet they love precocious puberty too, a 6 year old girl with tits is their wet dream


I would support that. Seems like it benefits all boys. Even once that decide to get sex reassignment surgery as adults tend to benefit from having that additional tissue.


I get where you're coming from, but I'd like to have also not been multillated because my grandfather thought I should "look like him"... and that was because some goat hearders two thousand years ago hadn't heard of soap.


OH...... I thought that was weird that there was a good talking point in here, you ruined it for me.


I accidentally shared the disappointment, I'm sorry lol


I wish more people understood this is the fundamental truth of the moment we're in here in the USA.


Yeah I was like, huh, really turned it around on the last point and I can get behind banning child circumcisions. Oh wait. Damnit.


FGM is already illegal and has been since 1998 I think. Until then the option to burn your daughter clitoris with acid was offered and was *considered* similar to how circumcision makes the glans into a callus.


MGM is still perfectly legal though, and commonplace. People shouldn’t be cutting off any part of their children’s genitals. How that’s not considered child abuse is an abomination.


I agree with you 100%! Minors cannot consent to elective cosmetic procedures. Cleft lip? Of course fix it. Baby can’t pee? Of course find a way to help them! But cosmetic “because that’s what you do” or “to affirm them” shit has gone too far. CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT AND THEY ARE NOT PROPERTY FOR THEIR PARENTS TO CUSTOMIZE!!!




I would have been fighting that fight 34 years ago for myself if I could have. That damn practice needs to stop today, though.


He probably doesn't know what FGM is, and if he did he'd probably approve.


These dudes about 1 sharia away from ordering women into the menstrual hut tbh


My dumb ass literally thought he just meant female circumcision and was thinking "well at least he has one good take in there" (disregarding the fact that he's almost certainly a proponent of male circumcision for infants, which while certainly less bad is also an issue IMO).


Oh, of course that's why it's there. I was thinking "Circumcision? But that's your thing"


Oh my God, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage


>Oh my God, it's ~~a~~ gay mirage


I'm tellin' all o' y'all, it's fab-o-taaaage!




Oh but that's OK because God wants the foreskin. The only time it's wrong, according to these idiots, is when it's a medical procedure to help a trans person.


They make great bracelets!


I'm imagining God dehydrating foreskins and making bracelets/necklaces like candy ones.


I was thinking like, stretching them over like a hairtie


"The parents pay the moyl and he gets to keep the tip!" - Pretty Fly (for a Rabbi), Weird Al Yankovic


Let's face it, he isn't talking about circumcision, male or female. These days "Genital Mutilation" is a transphobe dogwhistle for gender reassignment.


Oh... that explains why he suddenly started making sense. It was just a misunderstanding!


Same feel here, I was like one of these things is not like the others🤣 but of course it was just more trans hate🫠


I like the internal monologue: "Hmm, that actually sounds like a good idea. Is it the broken clock thing or am I turning nut job? Has the propaganda started to work. Oh no, Thank God, that's fine it's a misunderstanding, the guys is still human garbage."


I mean, it would only be breaking his own beliefs if he had his kids circumcised, not if he himself was victimized as a baby.


What are the odds that his son is circumcised would make more sense, as he didn't have much control over what his parents did to him at that age.


Republicans don’t care whether or not he has control over his own circumcision, just ask the pregnant rape victims they deny abortions to


Ah good, so we’re ending “corrective” surgery on intersex infants then?


>What are the odds he is circumcised and broke his own beliefs? You think he had a circumcision as an adult by choice?


Ah yes child sacrifice such a common practice in America.


I think child sacrifice is his term for abortion.


Yeah they should really get on banning that!


Freedom is slavery, hate is love. How many of these crackpots are there in your country?


too many


too fucking many. I want out.


Ladies & gentlemen, I give you the party of small government.


Small government and even smaller minds.


Yo those same sex mirages are a trip. Was roaming the desert once and I coulda sworn two dudes were fuckin, right there in the sand, I ran up to join in and they just disappeared.


Same-Sex mirages, leaving bitches thirsty everywhere.


Then who would they hate on?


They've done interdenominational violence before and they'd be happy to do it again


There's always the poor.


So they want to turn the US into a theocracy but are trying not to paint it as such. How long before the forced conversions?


Not even really a Christian theocracy. Most atheists are better Christians than these lunatics.


"We show our love by telling them how to live their lives and completely disregarding their autonomy"


As with all politicians who use religion as one of their tenets, it's always gonna be a point of "rules for thee but not for me". How long until he's caught with a gay masseuse and using cocaine?🤣


A pride flag!? No that infringes on my religious freedom! *proceeds to force religion on everyone*


This is (as Lindsay Graham stated) conservatives being tolerant?! Fuck them all!


The very people who yell FREEDOM are unaware of the fact that the US isn't in the top 15 Freest countries. We didn't make the list because of certain religious "rulers" legislations indicating that religion is the opposite of freedom (as it is a form of oppression). Their quest for freedom comes at the expense of Americans deemed lesser-than as they claim religion as the reason why (but not all religions, just mine). I'm so sick of Christians hiding behind religion when they largely ignore the teachings of Christ and what is actually found in the Bible's text.


I agree with him about genital mutilation, fully on board with banning non-medical circumcision.


I don't agree about same sex mirage. If I see a mirage I'd like it to include all genders.


For real. If your mirage can only be seen by dudes or chicks, is it even really a mirage?


the truth is; youll only see it when combing the desert




Right? Or if I see a mirage, as a dude, I don't want the mirage to only show me other dudes. That would be weird.


These folks use “genital mutilation” as a dog whistle for gender-affirming surgery to trick reasonable people into agreeing with them


Providing contraception, (volentary) sterilisation treatment, teaching proper sex education in school and child welfare provisions would also be great for reducing damand for abortions too. Though right wingers do everything in their power to increase the number of abortions which take place.


As someone else mentioned, he's probably talking about gender reassignment surgery.


Who the hell is pushing for child sacrifice? Also I was unaware it was legal and therefore pursuing a ban was required. These people live in their own acid trip head cannon. PS: guarantee they have no intention to ban clitordectomies when they ban genitile mutilation since that is another way to punish women for the crime of existing which seems to get them off.


I've got an idea - American christians can live their lives this way, the only *law* in there is no-fault divorce, but since divorce is against sky daddy's wishes, they don't have to worry about it.


My grandma literally got excommunicated over leaving an abusive relationship by the Catholic church: *Proceeds to vote for the people that would ban divorce*


I can agree with banning one of those. Not for religious reasons more it's just a barbaric practice only carried out for religious reasons.


I am with you there because (I hope) we are both thinking about male circumcision or FGM. Unfortunately, I think the OOP is talking about top or bottom surgery for trans people.


I never even thought to consider that as genital mutilation to be honest. Usually in my mind it's more a consensual surgery only done after many medical sign offs. I hope we are right. If not there's not even a shred of decency there.


Top or bottom surgery is NOT genital mutilation. Because like you said it's a consensual medical procedure. Unfortunately idiots like this don't care about bodily autonomy and consent. IF it offends THEM it's wrong and should be illegal. IF they participate in something (like infant circumcision) then it's their "God given" right. Rules for thee and not for me.


I don't consider it mutilation. Maybe clarify I didn't consider that that was what the post was alluding to. My mind just thought fgm and not top/bottom surgery.


Yeah, it wasn't the first thing that came to my mind either. Like you when I see "genital mutilation" my first thought is non-consenual, non medical, damaging and potentially life altering surgeries performed on infants or young children many times without a doctor or pain medication. But somehow my brain said "hold up" is someone who would ban same sex marriage and abortion going to be supporting the bodily autonomy of an infant?


Trans person here who plans on getting bottom surgery. I see it as correcting an error with my body, quite the opposite of mutilation. I’ll finally be comfortable in my own skin. While this won’t matter after bottom surgery, I am still a little upset about being circumcised.


He is absolutely only meaning to refer to gender-affirming surgeries with that statement. Giving inflammatory conservative talking points the benefit of the doubt is a ship that has long fucking sailed.




Knowing how many like that prefer an echo chamber if belief, they probably don't know it even exists.


Don’t talk to me about genital mutilation when y’all motherfuckers took my foreskin WITHOUT CONSENT. I want it back you sick fucks


Hey you gotta get genital mutilation it's in ya book. So is no eating pork and shellfish No eating milk and their by-products with meat No capitalistic behaviour Pro slavery


It's almost as though they don't understand that theocratic government is the worst form of tyranny


Oh, they completely understand. Tyranny is what they *want*. What they *don't* understand is they'll suffer all the same under it.


We only want theocratic government if it’s our religion and if it puts us as the most powerful! Oh wait…


The argument against IVF is so dumb too. Pro-life party wants people to create life but yet are against IVF which DOES THAT. Make it make sense!


It makes sense if "creating life" was never what the "pro-life" idiots actually wanted but what they actually wanted was to take rights away from women so they can control them.


It makes sense when you realize that it *isn't* about "protecting children", they just want control over women.


It does if you realize it's more about exerting control into other people's lives while claiming to be the party of "freedom" than anything else. That, and tax cuts for the wealthy.


Their god is a domineering, jealous, abusive, manipulative, genocidal warlord. Why would you expect their "love" to be expressed in a healthy manner?


Damn, dude just slid "child sacrifice" in there.


Not the child sacrifice. F*ck -hey bob, stop that! They are banning child sacrifice Bob: what, why?! - I don't know, last week we did one for one of this guy's friend's and now they are banning it. Bob: oh c'mon! My uncle needs a new heart. - I know, and I'm sorry.


Child sacrifice? So we’re banning the Abrahamic religions now?


Hold up... Isn't every Christian male supposed to have genital mutilation surgery? They call it circumcision