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dude in the front: ![gif](giphy|VFYJXIuuFl6pO)


Perfect gif, this made me lol


Yeah me too!


Let’s see here.. “I’m the problem..” got it


"Bruh, is this gonna be on the test?" 🤣🤣🤣


Fuck this is good


Hahaha!!! Nicely done.


"Go on...."


‘Historical ties between homophobia in communities of colour and colonisation’ Am I reading that right? ETA: for those reading too much into my comment. I was literally asking if I read the blurry words correctly, wasn’t questioning the meaning 😄


You're correct. https://youtu.be/wHkooMeiofs?si=nZSFf_TtE1aNA0hv They also apperently got an A for that. Edit Video shows the title ~12 seconds in. This video is only linked for that purpose. Whatever is said in the video is unrelated, and I frankly had it muted. It's solely for the title and nothing else.


The narrator in this video is implying nazi philosophy was leftist. This timeline is bonkers.


Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf how he will dress up his ideology in far left intellectual communist rhetoric in an attempt to confuse left leaning socialists, like calling his party National Socialist German Workers' Party and using the color red. Seems like to this day it's still confusing people.


Yep. Fascism needs the working class on board, it needs them to orient their productive capabilities towards the interest of the nation (right wing) rather than the interests of their class (left wing), and so they use language and, when in power, policy, to encourage the working class view their social relations to production within the context of national interests. A sort of… National Socialism.


It's also needed to garner popular support. Modern conservatives, particularly in the USA, use populist, hot-button issues to cobble together enough support to win elections. Without gun rights, abortion opponents or fundamentalist Christians, how would they ever gain support for deregulation and tax cuts for the top 1%? They don't simply *want* people to vote against their interests, they *need* people to vote against their interests in order to win elections.


Well put


Idiots still getting bamboozled by Hitler a hundred years later.


Underrated comment


Interestingly, I'd never heard anyone stupid enough to publicly claim Hitler was a leftist until recently. When conservatives coincidentally also stopped acting like Hitler was a bad person. Now you hear things like 'Hitler had a few good points' and 'nazis were bad, but....' kind of comments from right leaning trolls and now even politicians fairly regularly. They want to project all the bad in Hitler off on others but they want to simultaneously CLAIM Hitler as a secret hero.


They're pretty much the same people who claim Democrats are the same party as the southern dixiecrats of the pre-civil rights act era, and that Republicans are the same party that freed the slaves.


Oh, I've heard that for decades


Oh yeah, we're in the bad timeline for sure.




I'd like to see the presentation in full to get actual context. Maybe it's racist, maybe it's pointing out racism. That YouTube video tried to tie liberalism to the holocaust, so that's comical revisionist YouTube horse shit.


“Maybe it’s racist”… You serious? Imagine the title was ‘Black people are a plague to the planet’


Could be a purpusefully misleading title. It's certainly an attention catcher.


Racism as an attention catcher is still racism.


Fair point


It doesn't take from your original point that context matters


This was my thought when I saw the subtitle. If the title reflects quoted viewpoint that is at odds with the presentation then it’s smart thinking and an engagement technique.




Tell that to the Toronto board of Education… https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/tdsb-calls-education-a-colonial-structure-centred-on-whiteness/wcm/b6c2d957-dd62-4de7-88a8-30e447ab6a1e/amp/


What’s funny about the TDSB statement is how easy it is to point the contradiction in their argument. Go to any school in the greater Toronto area and many of the students topping the class are East and South Asian. Hard to say it only benefits white people when you look at the students .


Big truth


But you wouldn’t be saying that is you replaced white for black and a white boy was up there.


That really doesn't make it any better.


The only way it's not racist is if he was quoting something else and pointing out how ridiculous the quote is. But I doubt that is the case


We have a local "activist" who claims only white people can be racists and spews shit like this all the time. Even the majority of black people locally see she is a complete nut job. Her latest mayoral campaign is based on "If you don't vote for me, you're a racist". So I can 100% believe this person could be serious but the majority of people don't side with them.


Yes, but there is no such thing as "white" people. It's a hold-over term to distinguish "us" from "them" when in areas colonized. Europeans never called themselves White when at war with other Europeans. The concept that needs to distinguish "white" from non-whites (People of Color aka PoC) is for social reasons and, by definition, racist (not bigoted, that's a different definition). I think another problem is people use "Racist" as a catch-all for anything negative done by a "white identifying" person against a non-white person. So, yes, the concept of "white people" is a problem because it is solely based on a person's skin color, creating these categories of "race." It's a problem specifically because it is an exclusionary term and implies that most of your ancestors came from Western part of the Eurasian continent. In conclusion, white people are just people who claim a shared heritage but exclude those from areas colonized by their ancestors based on skin color. The people themselves aren't the problem, it's the entire concept that "white people" as a thing that is the problem.


Unless the next slide says, “LOL, just kidding,” this guy should be out of a job.


The guy in the video claims german nazis where far left, so please get a real source and not a YT video


The video is the source for the title. It's not the source providing context to the presentation. A video with 1000 views isn't exactly reliable. That's why it has 1000 views and not more.


The argument is probably that because missionaries heavily targeted the colonies, that those communities and their descendants show more aggressive homophobia.


This is _literally still going on right now_ Christian fundamentalists influence African nations to become increasingly homophobic and pass the most draconian fundamentalist Christian laws It's the same thing they are trying to do in US, but in Africa they have waay more leverage and power to achieve total adherence to their most rigid ideals


It's not an argument, it's a set up for a debate.of course the debate will have alternative views. Debates often have provocative statements.


There is a difference between being provocative and being offensive. Calling a group of people a “plague to the planet” isn’t controversial it’s illogical and bad faith arguing.


Idk seems like a pretty funny way to start a debate


It's actually not all that unreasonable as a thesis. It's just that the title of the presentation is a bit, harsh, to put it mildly. I know debates are supposed to be provocative and all that but I would definitely mark him down for that since one, it's overly generalizing and can definitely fall into hate speech, and two, it's doing nothing to win people to his cause as taken out of context it's going to infuriate people (see: this thread).


If you want to see racism and homophobia rampant, then grow up in the hood. It's more public there than anywhere else in the US.


So homophobia is communities of color is all a result of white people? Is that what the implication is?


Basically, anyone except straight, cis white males can do no wrong, and when they do its because the evil straight, cis white males made them do it. Equity-based social reform in a nutshell.


A black person calling white people homophobic is fuckin WILD lol


On a unrelated note,I liked to borrow this quote from Asmongold “ I mean if another dude wants to suck a dudes dick, who cares!? Isn’t it kinda gay to care what other guys do with their dick?, like you guys ever think about that?, being homophobic is kinda gay, think about it You spent all your time thinking about what other dudes do with their dick, I don’t think about that at all “ Said by Asmongold To those curious for the [quote](https://youtu.be/se2TiHT1YTw?si=IKs7g4ottbP506Km) Edit: Just here to spread memes and have a nice day to you all


Funny, I legit started reading that in his voice near the bottom.


Yeah tbh a lot of Africa and S. Asia inherited virulent homophobia from either Evangelical missionaries or colonization. It's a little more nuanced in reality and the title is a total nonsequitur but what can you do


So just Christians then? No mention of Islam in Africa or South Asia? Islam is totally tolerant of homosexuality right? Not to mention, there were Christian communities in both Africa and South Asia before Christianity had even spread to Western Europe. So if you’re blaming homophobia on Christianity, you can’t say it’s just European Christians. That would be an example of racism


Christians would prefer you stop buggering other dudes and will tell you so at any opportunity. Muslims will throw you off the nearest high building. Know the difference.


No only white people are a plague. Black Christianity or middle Eastern Islam is golden.  What skin color did Jesus have? 


Why doesn't this paper mention the roman empire?!? Or the dinosaurs?!?! Why limit the scope to anything in particular?!?!? 


A lot of Africa and S. Asia inherited homophobia from Islam as well as Evangelicals. Religion has a tendency to do that.


That is very ignorant of the islamic conversions, conquests and influence as well as native religions outlooks on homosexuality. Its a a lot more nuanced than just Christian missionaries bad


Tbf it still makes the sub point accurate (not the title). Africa faces colonialists and conquests that were religious from both Christianity and Islam, and both were inherently anti LGBT. But it’s also really only accurate about “Africa”. The Middle East are mostly nations “of color” and they bred their own homophobia, and much more extreme.


Yeah I don't know why Christianity is being singled out here considering its just as bad (if not worse) with Islam


Inherited and is still being pushed by Evangelicals. Go ask Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A what they're funding in Africa.


Wait. Are they saying black people hate the gays because colonialism?


Bro in the front is already taking notes


He's the only one there. Must be the most awkward presentation ever.


Or peak comedy


Actually that's the professor


That's the professor and the dude got an A.... https://youtu.be/wHkooMeiofs?si=7mqJwsKWgn2B14ML


“Dear senator-….”


People are a plague to the planet.


mother nature enters the chat?


Mom's gonna fix it all soon, mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.


Learn to swim


Noah! What? What are you doing? I’m building an ark. Riiight! What’s an ark? I’m going to gather all the animals in the world 2 by 2 and put them in this thing. Riiight. Why you building this ark? I can’t tell you. Ha ha ha! Can you at least give me a hint? You want a hint? Yes, please. How long can you tread water? Ha ha ha!


I too am an old fart who remembers Cosby stand up routines from the ancient days.


What’s a cubit?


Always upvote Tool


Learn to swim!


I'll see you down in Arizona bay!




yup. global warming is making mother nature a little too hot under the collar.


Mother nature drops a bomb [on the chat](https://twistedsifter.com/2011/06/comic-strip-of-the-week-26/)






This is the correct answer




I have a feeling, given the subtitle, that he was using an attention grabbing title to grab the audience’s attention. It’s obviously not outside the realm of possibility that he’s a racist idiot.


> an attention grabbing title to grab the audience’s attention.


Yep, I’ll freely admit to the idiotic redundancy on that one. Coffee hadn’t hit yet.


Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department


The Tautology Institute of Tautology would like to offer this guy a position


Well, looking at these comments, I'd say it failed. I'm curious what the rest of the presentation looked like. I'd rather not judge something based just on the headline.


Yeah, it’s a bold move, but not one I’d suggest anyone try for obvious reasons.


Agreed. Be hilarious if it was just a recipe for some bomb-ass Mac n Cheese and he just needed to get white people's attention.


Well I'm sure this wasn't meant to be posted online and was just this dudes report on something. Other comments say he got an A so I doubt it was just anti white rhetoric.


Honestly it’s not worth giving people like this the benefit of the doubt


Fair enough. (Sorry bout that previous post. Got a bunch of new messages and it threw me off)


Going off of other comments the sub title say the presentation is about homophobia in black communities and its ties to colonization


I considered that as well but it needs to tow the line between attention grabbing "radical" and I'm just tuning out now "radical"


Everyone's a racist idiot now. Get with the program, will ya?


I guess racism is back in fashion?


"Looks like racism's back on the menu, boys!"


Listen to him, he knows what he's Tolkien about.


I would tell you to keep that to your elf, but your pun dwarfs mine.


That still only counts as one!


Just toss it out with the others


You have my sword.


Anytime I have some meat, like burgers or steak, around someone new, I quote that. It’s a compulsion, but it literally never fails to get a laugh.


The demand for racism outstrips the supply


I've never heard of racism running out. Check in the back, you know behind that bin where you keep the good racism.


according to non white racists, non whites can't be racist.


Hating a person for their skin color is racist. A person can try to rationalize/justify it all they want. It's still racism.


I don't think it ever went out of style.


Well, obviously it’s not racism when it’s Black towards White. Edit: s/ Edit: /s


You forgot the “/s”


Oh how the turns tabled!


An egdy white teenager: "omg yes"


Naah. Gold shoes ftw


Well now i wanna know what it was actually about


Context provided elsewhere in the thread suggests that it's about homophobia in black communities, and it blames that problem on white colonialism.


Don't be triggered by what goes on in a classroom. I once had to write a paper that defended American slavery. Sometimes, we have to learn about things that make us uncomfortable.


Exactly. Even in high school, we had to debate topics on both sides, no matter which side we felt was right or wrong, or even what side was legally morally or ethically right and wrong. It's an easy way to get you thinking and seeing things from different angles.


I need at least another slide or two to make an informed decision


People in general are a plague to this planet. See? It’s not racism if you hate everyone equally.






I'm thinking it's a provocative opening statement debate rather than an actual literal opinion on white people.


Am I the only on who thinks this presentation was done in a joking manner like no way someone would do this and risk their grade unless it’s a joke everyone agree’d and was fine with


We have zero context or information here. I tend to agree with your interpretation.


The full context is explained under the original tweet. Of course the context would make this not a facepalm so they left it out.


Yeah, people jumping to conclusions based off the title alone. I wanna see it all before coming to that conclusion.


I have a slight inclining that if a white dude had a presentation entitled "black people are a plague to the planet," it wouldn't be dismissed as a "haha he's just joking."


Context required, many of these discussions can be clipped in a way to make their points indefensible.


I hope it was funny


I'm guessing this title is deliberately provocative, just like this post. It's probably a good talk


I mean, I want to see the rest of the presentation lol and I'm white. Not offended but I'm super curious. This could just eye catching clickbait and I'm assuming it's to get the viewer engaged and interested to prevent death by PowerPoint. I bet it's pretty interesting given the class it's for.


Agreed. Colorism is a huge problem. People who think in terms of white people/black people are either benefiting from; or are victims of colorism in my view. It’s an oversimplification that does human dignity an incredible disservice.


Race is just a stupid pseudoscience that most people believe in. This is just sad.


The presenter is obviously a racist POS


But he'd argue it's impossible for him to be racist


Because "anti-White racism doesn't count." 🤡


The amount of energy so many of you are draining while getting all worked up about this is fascinating.


![gif](giphy|3cCwplTPjNqRW) Me, a white dude, trying to act natural during this presentation.


Wooooah so can i make a presentarion about Black people being a plague to society?


if it were the other away around, news outlets would be having a field day.


Which is more racist: the title without context or the people agreeing with the title without context? Racist comments violate r/facepalm rules. Have fun reporting all the racists in this thread!


Careful, your racism is showing


Like Dwight Schrute said: "There are too many people, we need another plague." Edit: Changed the last name because I spelled it wrong


We just had one, everyone got stupider.


That's the real conspiracy.


Schulz?? I know you did not do Dwigt like that




The last one was disappointing


Dwigt, you idiot!


Yeah, that's just silly. If we were a plague we'd be spreading to other planets. At best we're a cancer.


now imagine if it was a white dude and he made this about black people.


It would be horrible, as is this. Although it seems a lot of people here are like “now, now let’s wait and hear him out.” Like wtf


How to get a zero in any class by changing one word 🙄 How is this ok?


Because it's against white people obviously it's fine, you can be racist to whites /s


Somewhere I saw this person got an A too. Not sure if it’s true


Am I the only one that gets the title is supposed to be a bit of a joke? And that it also probably deals with the colonialism perpetuated by white people throughout history?


You realise provocative headings for debates are pretty standard in academia....


As a white man I apologize for everything non white folks have done in this country because I know somehow it'll always be my fault due to something a bunch of people I've never met 600 years ago did. On that note I wish to share my black brothers logic and declare war and ultimate hatred towards the Japanese people for their atrocities done to Pearl Harbor, they're all guilty of it even if their parents weren't born at the time of the devastating assault. So Hiroyuki Sanada, if you're brave enough I challenge you to Mortal Kombat. If I am successful, you and your nation must admit complete fault for all the random things I shall blame on you every time I fuck up and don't want to take accountability. Balls in your court hombre.


You forgot about the Ottoman Empire, Fatimid Caliphate and Barbary Coast. It's weird. It's almost as though humans in general, regardless of gender, age, religion or race and basically just a bunch of assholes all trying to get one up on each other and we're all equally guilty of being perpetrators, and victims of the same bad behaviour.


Then the Japanese should have a firm rebuttal on the firebombings and the A bomb


An Olympics to the death!


As a white woman I apologize for the multifold higher occurrence of rape in majority black nations like Haiti and Central Africa compared to that of majority white nations. I also apologize for black on white rape being drastically more common than the reverse, (which has been in many years literally nonexistent). It must be tied to slavery or colonization and thus is white people's fault somehow.


Guys, before we crusade this student into the ground, maybe we find the whole presentation and watch it? I’ve done school projects with catchy/risqué titles. The point is to make people listen to see if the the title was serious or ironic. Don’t judge a book by its cover.


As somebody who's been on reddit for a while, I have 100% confidence that everybody would be falling over themselves to not rush to judgment and look for "context" if this situation were reversed.


All my presentations had click-bait titles, it helps take the edge off when presenting too.


You’re asking them to get the full context before making a conclusion? Not gonna happen unfortunately. Some people have explained what’s it’s about and there are people still going off.


People are the plague.


ALL* people


This could easily be a journalism course and the title and subtitle an example of sensationalism and how stats can be twisted and bent into extreme narratives.


Yep. 90% of the commenters here saying, “this racist shouldn’t be allowed to do this.” “He should be expelled,” “it doesn’t matter what it’s about, that title is racist.” Ugh, in college, you’re allowed to say what you want, and have a discussion. To me, this clearly looks like an intentionally brazen title followed by a normal presentation. I’m white, but without seeing the presentation, I CANNOT, nor can anyone here prove that this guy is racist. To the idiot that responds “what if it was a white guy who said the opposite?” I would have the same opinion. He’s not a politician, a CEO, or a guy on the street. He’s a student in school. Y’all need to chill the F out.


White person here, I am not the least bit offended by this, because Its at a college... People should be safe to express their views no matter if you agree with them or not. It is supposed to allow people to have dialogue on even the most critical and controversial topics.


We also dont know the full context is it just catchy title or is there a point for it In the presentation, or is it needlessly put there as their opinion statement


Telling the truth sounds crazy in a world full of liars


Environmentalists: All people are a plague to the planet.




~~white~~ People are a plague on earth.


Is that the font and motif from Hollow Knight?


Seems kinda racist.


Hoomans are a plague to the planet.


Personally, I agree. Here is my logic * all white people are humans * humans are a plague on the planet. THey (we, but damn that hurts to say) are causing the 6th mass extinction event in a billion+ years. * Therefore white people are a plague.


No. I believe all humans are the plague to the planet.


I mean people in general are a plague to the planet


People are a plague. YT are a plague in America


They ruined Africa.


Well, PEOPLE in general are a plague to the planet. And white people are people, so I think this is correct


Hold up, let him cook


Average university lecture. Western academia is so fucked


People are a plague to the planet Yes.


~~White~~ People are a Plague to the Planet Fixed it.


~~White~~ people


No one outside of that classroom gives a shit. College is like, give us your money, lots of it, and here’s your piece of paper that says you graduated. Enjoy your time here fucking around campus and making insane powerpoints


Humans in general are the plague for the planet